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Female adolescent sexuality in a coloured communityLesch, Elmien 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / 218 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i-xvii and numbered pages 1-200. Includes bibliography and list of tables. / Digitized at 600 dpi grayscale to pdf format (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Konica Minolta Scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Little is known about women's sexuality and even less about female adolescent sexuality. Sex researchers have neglected women, young women and specifically young
women of colour and of lower socio-economic status. These gaps in sex research have
to be addressed for at least two important reasons. In the first place an understanding of
female adolescent sexuality will enhance our understanding of female development in
general. More specifically, the prevalence of reproductive health problems like sexually
transmitted diseases (STDs) and unplanned pregnancies among female adolescents
warrant urgent attention.
This study attempted to address the need for data on female sexuality by focusing on
coloured female adolescents in the Stellenbosch district. This target group has been
chosen because of the extent of adolescent reproductive health problems, specifically
the prevalence of teenage pregnancy, in the low-income coloured community. The
objective of the study was to gain an understanding of adolescent female sexuality in a
specific community. This goal was reached by collecting quantitative and qualitative data
about sexuality from a group of high school learners from a historically coloured
community in the Stellenbosch district. Structured questionnaires were used to elicit the
quantitative data. The quantitative data were analysed to determine the following (i) the
range of sexual behaviours, and (ii) the prevalence of high-risk behaviours that the
respondents engaged in. The quantitative results indicate that the research respondents
did not represent a sexually high-risk community. Sexual intercourse was limited to a
relatively small number of respondents. The sexual behaviour of these respondents, in
general, did not differ meaningfully from the sexual behaviour reported in other
adolescent communities. Open-ended interviews were used to generate the qualitative
data. Twenty-five sexually active girls were interviewed. The grounded theory method
was used to analyse the qualitative data and to explore the respondents' constructions of
sexuality. Lack of sexual agency and need for connection were identified as the core
categories in the interview data. The interview data indicated that the respondents had
limited sexual agency and the researcher argued that mothers and boyfriends, as agents
of the community, were prominent contributors to sexual disempowerment. The
use of the term "coloured" is controversial. It is viewed by some as derogatory, whilst others argue the
importance of a 'coloured' identity. Here and throughout the term "coloured" will be used descriptively. The researcher concluded that a new discourse of sexual agency for young women must be
developed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar bestaan min data oor vroulike seksualiteit en selfs nog minder oor vroulike
adolessente seksualiteit. In die verlede het seksnavorsers vroue, jong vroue en spesifiek
gekleurde en lae sosio-ekonomiese vroue verwaarloos. Hierdie tekortkominge in
seksnavorsing behoort om ten minste twee belangrike redes aangespreek te word.
Eerstens sal 'n begrip van vroulike adolessente seksualiteit ons begrip van vroulike
ontwikkeling in die algemeen bevorder. 'n Meer spesifieke rede is dat die die vookoms van
reproduktiewe gesondheidsprobleme soos seksueel-oordraagbare siektes en onbeplande
swangerskappe onder vroulike adolessente, dringende aandag vereis.
Hierdie studie het gepoog om die behoefte aan data oor seksuele gedrag in verskillende
Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskappe aan te spreek deur te fokus op "kleurling" vroulike
adolessente in die Stellenbosch-distrik. Hierdie groep is geselekteer vanwee die omvang
van adolessente reproduktiewe gesondheidsprobleme, veral die voorkoms van
tienerswangerskappe, in die "kleurling" gemeenskap. Die doel van die studie was om 'n
begrip te kry van adolessente vroulike seksualiteit in 'n spesifieke gemeenskap.
Kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data is versamel oor die seksualiteit van 'n groep
hoerskoolleerders wat woonagtig was in 'n histories "kleurling" gemeenskap in die
Stellenbosch-distrik. 'n Gestruktureerde vraelys is gebruik om die kwantitatiewe data in te
win. Die kwantitatiewe data is geanaliseer om (i) die reeks van seksuele gedrag wat by die
respondente voorkom en (ii) die voorkoms van hoe risiko seksuele gedrag onder die
respondente te bepaal. Die kwantitatiewe resultate het aangedui dat die
navorsingsrespondente nie 'n hoe risiko groep verteenwoordig nie. Seksuele gemeenskap
was beperk tot 'n relatiewe klein hoeveelheid respondente. In die algemeen, het die
seksuele gedrag van die respondente nie betekenisvol verskil van die seksuele gedrag
wat gerapporteer is vir ander adolessente populasies nie. Oop-einde onderhoude is
gebruik om die kwalitatiewe data te genereer. Onderhoude is gevoer met vyf en twintig
seksueel aktiewe meisies. Die "grounded theory" metode is gebruik om die kwalitatiewe
data te analiseer en die respondente se konstruksies van seksualiteit te eksploreer.
Gebrek aan seksuele agentskap en behoefte aan konneksie is geidentifiseer as die
kernkategoriee in die onderhoudsdata. Die onderhoudsdata het aangedui dat die
respondente oor beperkte seksuele agentskap beskik. Die navorser het aangevoer dat
moeders en mansvriende, as agente van die gemeenskap, 'n prominente bydrae tot
gebrek aan seksuele bemagtiging maak. Die navorser het tot die konklusie gekom dat 'n
nuwe diskoers van seksuele agentskap vir jong vroue ontwikkel behoort te word.
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Constructions of male adolescent sexuality : an exploratory study in a coloured, rural communityBremridge, Carey (Carey Glenda) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Statistics indicate that not only HIV-infection and AIDS but all sexual and reproductive health
problems are increasing globally. In order to address these issues the socio-cultural context in
which sexual behaviour is expressed must be understood. Given that sexual health risks are
compounded by socio-political and socio-economic issues, researchers must direct their focus
to high-risk, low socio-economic communities.
Adolescents have been identified as a prime target for sexual awareness and preventative
programmes and research has stressed the importance of gaining an understanding of
adolescent sexuality, in order to address the sexual health risks that threaten adolescents. In
addition, there is a paucity of research on especially the role of the male adolescent in the
study of sexual and reproductive health.
In the current study, constructions of male adolescent sexuality in traditionally coloured and
rural communities were explored. The nature of the research was exploratory and the aims
were to determine the range and frequency of sexual behaviour that male adolescents in a
specific community engage in and secondly, explore male adolescents' constructions of their
sexuality and sexual behaviour in intimate heterosexual sexual relationships.
Multiple methods of data collection were utilised. Self-report questionnaires were completed by
179 male adolescents between the age of 15 and 21, at two schools in the rural areas
surrounding Stellenbosch. The data from the questionnaire was quantitatively analysed. Seven
in-depth interviews were conducted with male adolescents between the age of 16 and 18. The
data from the interviews was analysed qualitatively.
An analysis of the data indicated that male adolescents' ability to take control over safe sex
practices are undermined by attempts to defend and conceal their sexual behaviour and
sexuality. Male adolescents from traditionally coloured and rural areas distance and
externalise their sexual behaviour and sexuality. Sexual behaviour is explained and
understood as being directed by external factors and by fear of negative evaluation by peers
and parents. Such a construction of sexuality continues to prevent male adolescents from
understanding and constructing their sexuality as self-owned and self-directed. In turn this
construction continues to result in behaviour that runs counter to safe sex guidelines. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Statistieke toon dat alle seksueel-oordraagbare siektes en reproduktiewe
gesondheidsprobleme, insluitend HIV-infeksie en VIGS, op globale vlak toeneem. Ten einde
hierdie probleme aan te spreek is dit noodsaaklik om die sosio-kulturele konteks van
seksualiteit en seksuele gedrag in ag te neem. Gegewe dat sosio-politiese en sosioekonomiese
omstandighede 'n impak het op seksuele gesondheidsrisikos, word navorsers
genoodsaak om hul fokus te rig op hoë-risiko, lae sosio-ekonomiese gemeenskappe.
Adolessente word geïdentifiseer as primêre teikengroep vir bewustheids- en
voorkomingsprogramme aangaande seksualiteit. Navorsing toon die belangrikheid aan van
insig in adolessente seksualiteit, ten einde seksuele gesondheidsrisiko's in dié teikengroep
aan te spreek. Verder is daar ook 'n leemte in navorsing betreffende die rol van die manlike
adolessent in seksuele en reproduktiewe gesondheid.
Hierdie studie het die konstruksies van manlike adolessente seksualiteit in tradisioneel
"kleurling", landelike gemeenskappe ondersoek. Die navorsing is eksploratief van aard, met
primêre doelwit 'n bepaling van die omvang en frekwensie van seksuele gedrag waarin
manlike adolessente in 'n spesifieke gemeenskap deelneem. 'n Sekondêre doelwit is om
manlike adolessente se konstruksies van hul seksualiteit en seksuele gedrag in intieme
heteroseksuele verhoudings te ondersoek.
Data-insameling het 'n kombinasie van metodes behels. Vraelyste is deur 179 manlike
adolessente tussen die ouderdom van 15 en 21, komende uit twee skole in die Stellenboschdistrik,
ingevul. Die data is kwantitatief geanaliseer. Verder is sewe in-diepte onderhoude met
manlike adolessente tussen die ouderdom van 16 en 18 gevoer. Data uit hierdie onderhoude
is kwalitatief geanaliseer.
Die analise van die data het aangedui dat manlike adolessente se vermoë om beheer te neem
oor veilige seksuele praktyk, ondermyn word deur pogings om hul seksualiteit en seksuele
gedrag te verskans. Manlike adolessente vanuit tradisioneel "kleurling", landelike
gemeenskappe distansiëer hulself van en eksternaliseer hul seksuele gedrag en seksualiteit.
Seksuele gedrag word betekenis gegee en verstaan as gedrag wat deur eksterne faktore en
die vrees vir negatiewe evaluering deur ouers en die portuurgroep, beheer word. Hierdie
konstruksie van seksualiteit verhoed dat manlike adolessente hul seksualiteit in 'n konteks van selfbeheer en selfbesit kan betekenis gee. Sulke konstruksies dra daartoe by om veilige
seksuele gedragsriglyne te ondermyn.
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n Ontleding van direkte Kleurlingverteenwoordiging op die munisipale vlak in Suid-Afrika tot 1971 / An analysis of the direct representation of the coloured population group at the municipal level in South Africa until 1971Cloete, Gideon Stephanus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1976. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the representation of the Coloured population group in
the local evaluation process in South Africa until 1971, is analysecd
to determine the effectiveness of this system of representation.
In theory representatives selected in an open democratic election
are supposed to act in the interest of the voters they represent,
in a manner responsive to them. In this way the voters or citizens
have access to and control over the decision-making centres of
government, and are represented in the legislative structures of
government. Representation can be analysed in two ways. / INLEIDING: Gedurende die periode 1960 - 1972 was die Kaapprovinsie die enigste
provinsie binne die Republiek van Suid-Afrika waar Kleurlinge (en
Indiërs) saam met Blankes deelgeneem het aan die plaaslike bestuursprosesse,
sonder dat daar formeel ‘n rasse- of kleuronderskeid gemaak
is tussen munisipale kiesers. Hierdie gesamentlike deelname het
egter nie sonder "wrywing" plaasgevind nie, en dit was dan ook een
van die redes vir die verwydering van die Kleurlingkiesers op 14
Januarie 1972 vanaf die gemeenskaplike munisipale kieserslys en die
ontneming daardeur van hul direkte stemreg op die plaaslike bestuursvlak
ten gunste van verteenwoordiging in sekere adviserende bestuurs- of
raadplegende komitees vir Kleurlinge wat in ‘n ondergeskikte
posisie teenoor die munisipale- of afdelingsraad in die betrokke
plasslike owerheidsgebied verkeer.
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Die Afrikaanse volkslied onder die bruinmenseBurden, Matilda January 1991 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 1991. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A song has to be accepted by the community, must form part of the oral tradition and be handed
over from one generation to the next, before it can be called a folk song. In the process of oral
tradition, variants usually develop. A folk song is therefore never complete the moment it is
created, but is formed gradually through a process of changes.
The Afrikaans folk song sung by the coloured people has the same characteristics as the folk
song in general. The fact that oral tradition is the major way of spreading songs, is evident from
the many variants that occur and from the examples of transformation of words and melody
("Umsingen"and "Zersingen"). Simplicity, the use of the major key and the avoidance of
modulation are prominent characteristics. Suggestiveness and coarse language are fairly
common. Melismata are very rare and usually occur in songs which probably have their origin in
old Afrikaans records.
Most of the songs collected amongst coloured children are used to accompany games. The children
seldom sing without playing or play without singing. Most variants are found amongst children's
Dancing songs are without a doubt the most popular amongst the songs of adults. The form of
the stanzas is very simple and usually the songs consist of many stanzas. A small percentage of
the songs collected, more or less 5%, presumably originate from old Afrikaans grammophone
records. Most of these songs have been transformed by popular usage and even amongst them
variants have been found. The main themes of this group of songs are love, parting, grief and
Picnic songs, work songs, war songs and drinking songs have been found. Humoristic and
mocking songs contribute to the entertainment value of the folk song and are also found
amongst the coloured people.
Because there is so much interaction between sacred songs and secular songs, especially
where the melodies are concerned, the two groups cannot always be separated from each other.
The sacred songs of the coloured people are mostly of the "refrain"-type. When a group of
coloured people perform the sacred songs, they usually harmonise spontaneously and most
The fact that so much has been said and written on the subject of the folk song, and that even in
recent years substantial research projects have been carried out, is proof enough that the folk
song has not yet died out. The Afrikaans folk song features strongly amongst coloured people,
though noticeably influenced by the English language, modern technology and urbanisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Volkslied is 'n lied wat deur die gemeenskap aanvaar is, mondelings versprei word en op dieselfde
wyse van geslag tot geslag oorgelewer word en waarvan daar in die prosesse variante
ontstaan. 'n Volkslied is dus nie voltooi die oomblik dat die eerste vorm geskep is nie, maar word
deur 'n langsame proses geleidelik gevorm en omvorm.
Die Afrikaanse volkslied wat deur die bruinmense gesing word, toon dieselfde kenmerke as die
volkslied in die algemeen. Daar is tekens van mondelinge oorlewering wat veral weerspieel word
deur die baie variante wat aangetref word, sowel as talle voorbeelde van verbrokkeling en ver~
vorming ("Umsingen" en "Zerzingen"). Eenvoud in woord en melodie is opvallend. Die majeurtoonaard,
met vermyding van modulasie, kom feitlik deurgaans voor. Suggestiwiteit en growwe
taal is redelik algemeen. Melismes kom selde voor en dan meestal by liedere wat waarskynlik
van ou Afrikaanse plate kom.
By die opnames onder bruin kinders is gevind dat die oorgrote meerderheid liedere wat hulle
sing, een of ander vorm van spel begelei. Hulle sing selde sonder om te speel, en hulle speel
selde sonder om te sing. Die meeste variante van liedere word ook by die kinders aangetref.
By die liedere van volwassenes is die danslied ongetwyfeld die gewildste. Die meeste daarvan
bestaan uit kort, eenvoudige strofes met baie strofes in een lied. 'n Klein persentasie van die liedere
wat versamel is, ongeveer 5%, is vermoedelik van ou Afrikaanse grammofoonplate afkomstig.
Die meeste daarvan het baie vervorm in die volksmond en selfs daarvan is variante aangetref.
Die temas van hierdie groep liedere handel hoofsaaklik oor die liefde, afskeid, hartseer en
die dood.
Voorbeelde van piekniek-, arbeids- en oorlogsliedere, sowel as enkele drinkliedere en doprympies
is aangetref. Die humoristiese lied en spotlied dra by tot die vermaaklikhiedsfunksie van die
volkslied en kom ook by die bruinmense voor.
Die gewyde of geestelike lied kan nie altyd streng van die wereldlike lied geskei word nie. Daar is
te veel wisselwerking tussen die twee groepe, veral wat wysies betref. Die gewyde liedere wat by
die bruinmense,aangetref is, is meestal van die sogenaamde "koortjie"-tipe. 'n Kenmerk van hulle
gewyde sang is dat wanneer dit deur 'n groep gesing word, dit altyd meerstemmig is met
pragtige harmoniee wat op natuurlike wyse gedoen word.
Die feit dat daar al so baie oor die volkslied geskryf is en selfs onlangs nog omvatteride studies
daaroor die lig gesien het, is bewys dat die volklied nog nie uitgesterf het nie. Daar is bewys dat
die Afrikaanse volkslied onder die bruinmense baie sterk staan, hoewel Engelse invloed duidelik
merkbaar is en tekens van moderne ontwikkeling en verstedeliking onmiskenbaar waargeneem
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Aspects of South African Indian and coloured identity as reflected in four selected post-apartheid plays.Naicker, Lee-Anne. January 2014 (has links)
M. Tech. Drama / The purpose of this study was to develop a broader understanding of aspects of identity relating to Coloured and Indian people in South Africa and the portrayal of these aspects on the post-Apartheid stage. The meaning of the term 'identity' and its relation to drama and theatre was investigated. Identity markers (individual and social) were identified to serve as a framework for the play analyses. Research was also conducted on both Coloured and Indian identities, seen against a historical background, as well as the theatrical and dramatic history of the two groups.
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A comparative analysis of inequality and poverty among urban African, coloured, and Indian families and their labor market experiences during the Apartheid years 1975-1985 /Choonoo, John Gerald. January 1995 (has links)
Thesis (Ed.D.)--Teachers College, Columbia University, 1995. / Includes tables. Typescript; issued also on microfilm. Sponsor: Thomas Bailey. Dissertation Committee: Francisco Rivera-Batiz. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 201-212).
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Confrontation, cooptation and collaborationDu Pre, Roy H January 1995 (has links)
The Labour Party was a prominent political party amongst coloured people for more than twenty-five years. Formed in 1965 to contest elections for the Coloured Persons' Representative Council (CRC), the Labour Party at the outset adopted an anti-apartheid, anti-separate representation and anti-eRe stance. During the first five years of its existence, the party tried to muster coloured support for its policies. Its promise to cripple the CRC by refusing to occupy seats in the council became the rallying call. The Labour Party won a majority of the elected seats in the first CRC election in 1969 but the government nominated progovernment candidates to all the nominated seats, depriving the Labour Party of an overall majority. Thwarted in their bid to "wreck" the CRC, Labour Party members instead took their seats in the council, vowing to destroy it from within. For the next five years the Labour Party pursued a policy of "confrontation. " By using a "boycott" strategy, it not only hamstrung the effective working of the CRC but thwarted the government in other areas of its "coloured" policy. In the 1975 election the Labour Party won an outright victory, giving it the power to cripple the CRC. However, it did not seize this opportunity. Its decision to "govern" in the CRC constituted a decisive step in the change from confrontation to cooptation. The Labour Party's continued support of the CRC drew widespread criticism from supporters and opponents alike. Its leaders tried to hold together a disaffected party and eventually agreed to the dissolution of the CRC in 1980 in an effort to paper over the cracks in party unity, and to forestall growing coloured opposition to the CRC at the next election. In 1983, the Labour Party displayed a decisive shift in its anti-separate representation stance by lending support to the tricameral system. By doing so, it laid itself open to the same charge of collaboration it had levelled at the other CRC parties. This thesis will examine the history of the Labour Party from its formation in 1965 as an anti-government party, to one of cooperation with its erstwhile opponent by 1984.
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Die Kaapse slawe in kultuurhistoriese perspektief - 1652-1838 (Afrikaans)Bauermeester, Eunice Marietha 08 November 2007 (has links)
Please read the abstract (Summary) in the section, 20summary of this document Copyright 2002, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Bauermeester, EM 2002, Die Kaapse slawe in kultuurhistoriese perspektief - 1652-1838 (Afrikaans), MA dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-11082007-092819 / > / Dissertation (MA (Cultural History))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Historical and Heritage Studies / Unrestricted
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The social and political identities of coloured women in the northern areas of Port ElizabethBarker, Celeste Heloise January 2012 (has links)
This treatise explores the social and political identity of coloured women in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metro (NMBM) with the intention of understanding why some stereotypes of coloured women‟s identity have endured since colonialism in South Africa. Topic selection was stimulated by heated public response to a newspaper article (“Jou Ma se Kinders” (Your Mother‟s Children), (Roberts 2011: http://www.lifeissavage.com/) which negatively labeled and pigeon-holed coloured women‟s identity. With the notable exception of the Saartje Baartman story, most text selection in the Literature Review (Chapter 2) was informed by research in the Western Cape because studies have a patriarchal bias and there are scant records of coloured women‟s lives and identity in the East Cape, Port Elizabeth and the NMBM. The study includes select readings of literary theory and South African fiction from which examples were chosen to illustrate the longevity of stereotypes attached to coloured women‟s identity. Commemorative narrative highlights the role coloured women played and continue to play as their alternative histories or counter narratives embed alternative histories in group identity. A comparative historical analysis of racist and gendered policies and practices contextualises the social construction of coloured women‟s identity from the colonial period to the present time and a focus group discussion among ten female evictees from South End and Richmond ] Hill in Port Elizabeth (PE) generated rich details of coloured women‟s lives and experience in Port Elizabeth and the NMBM. Findings are captured in four themes: Living, Loving and Laughing; Religion and Resistance; Hardship and Trauma and Identity and Ambivalence. These themes highlight nostalgia, courage and humour; the special role played by religious affiliation and coloured people‟s successful resistance to the demolition and deconsecration of places of worship in PE together with pride and a sense of achievement which continues to influence coloured women‟s political identity in the NMBM. Police brutality, everyday racism and sexism, the impact of apartheid on matriculants and the influence of petty apartheid on coloured women‟s lives and identity, as well as participants‟ contradictory perceptions of their post-apartheid social and political identity which continue to be defined by a deficit discourse, are discussed and described in Chapter 4. Focus Group findings locate coloured women‟s identity in a milieu of racist and gendered laws, policies and practices. It is suggested that sexualised stereotypes of coloured women‟s commodification and second class status persist regardless of the South African transition to a constitutional democracy. Evidence is presented of coloured women as bounded storytellers who create a counter narrative to apartheid justification of forced removals.It is suggested that the counter narrative is a vehicle for group support, affirmation and the recovery of roots, identity and post apartheid heritage including records and memorabilia displayed in the South End Museum. As the field is under-researched it is recommended that further research should be conducted to include studies of the social and political identity of an expanded sample of coloured women representative of diverse ages and backgrounds in the rural and urban areas of South Africa.
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Housing an illegitimate aristocracy : an urban profile of a coloured community in Greenwood Park from the 1950's to the 1970'sFrancis, Lynette Crysta-Lee 01 1900 (has links)
There is no historiography on Durban coloureds . This work is an attempt to change that . This dissertation is an urban study of a small coloured community in Greenwood Park (GWP) during the apartheid era - a study in which housing is used as a vehicle to examine this community's response to their changing economic and socio-political status from the 1950's to the 1970's. Because of the absence of historical data , this study relies heavily on the contributions of other social sciences . It also uses oral data to fill the many gaps in the story of this marginal group . Chapter 4 and 5 explores housing as a complex physical and social phenomenon. Chapter 6 explores the GWP community's response to their housing environment . In this chapter, the association between housing and
socio-economic status is explored . From 1950 to the l 970's, housing became the single most defining entity which kept coloureds trapped in the vortex of privilege and oppression . / History / M. A. (History)
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