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Avaliação nasal pós-cirurgia de alongamento de columela por meio de medidas antropométricas do nariz e análise facial em pacientes com fissura transforame incisivo bilateral (FTIB) / Post nasal evaluation of columella lengthening surgery using anthropometric measures of the nose and facial analysis in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palateDaiana Conceição Broll 23 July 2014 (has links)
Os resultados das cirurgias corretivas estéticas para o alongamento da columela nem sempre obtém sucesso, persistindo algumas deformidades como o achatamento e alargamento nasal, columela curta e as grandes cicatrizes. Desta forma, a avaliação dos resultados cirúrgicos se faz necessária para alcançar a excelência na reconstrução nasal dos pacientes com FTIB. Assim, o estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a qualidade da estética nasal após a cirurgia de alongamento de columela por meio da análise objetiva e subjetiva da face dos pacientes operados no HRAC. Para isto, avaliamos 70 pacientes com FTIB após a cirurgia de alongamento de columela, apresentando idade atual a realização deste trabalho (6-12 anos) e 60 pacientes sem fissura na mesma faixa etária (grupo controle). A análise objetiva foi realizada por meio de 4 medidas antropométricas do nariz nos pacientes com FTIB operados e no grupo controle. Observou-se que a medida AL-AL (largura nasal) em pacientes com FTIB apresentou-se maior quando comparada ao grupo controle (p<0,05); diferentemente, SN-PRN (projeção da ponta nasal) e SN-C (comprimento da columela) demonstrou ser menor (p<0,05). Somente a medida Sn`-Sn`(largura da columela) foram semelhantes em ambos os grupos (p>0,05). Assim, demonstrando que mesmo após a cirurgia de alongamento de columela, não foram corrigidas a largura nasal, projeção da ponta nasal e comprimento da columela. Para analise qualitativa utilizou-se escores de 1 a 5 para avaliar a forma nasal (largura nasal), a projeção da ponta nasal e o comprimento da columela nos pacientes com FTIB antes e após a cirurgia. Observou-se que a aparência nasal melhorou após a cirurgia restabelecendo a harmonia e estética do nariz em grande parte dos pacientes. No entanto muitos pacientes continuaram com a aparência nasal pobre mesmo após a reparação cirúrgica. Da mesma forma, resultados semelhantes foram evidenciados na avaliação qualitativa da forma das narinas utilizando a classificação de Topinard. Desta forma, conclui-se que a cirurgia de alongamento de columela melhora a estética nasal, porém em muitos pacientes esta não conseguiu restabelecer por completo a forma nasal. / The results of aesthetic corrective surgeries for lengthening the columella are not always well succeed, remaining some deformities as nasal flattening and widening, short columella and large scars. In this way, the evaluation of surgical outcomes is needed to reach the excellence in nasal reconstruction in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate the quality of nasal aesthetics after surgical lengthening of columella by means of objective and subjective analysis of the face of the patients at HRAC For this, we evaluated 70 patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate after surgery columella elongation, current age presenting this work (6-12 years) and 60 patients without cleft at same age (control group). The objective analysis was performed using 4 anthropometric measurements of the nose in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate operated and control group. It was observed that the measured AL-AL (nasal width) in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate was higher compared to the control group (p<0.05); differently, SN-PRN (projection of the nasal tip) and SN-C (length of the columella) demonstrated to be lower (p<0.05). Just Sn-Sn (width of the columella) was similar in both groups (p>0.05). Thus, demonstrating that even after surgical lengthening the columella were not corrected nasal width, nasal tip projection and columella length. For qualitative analysis, we used scores 1-5 to evaluate the nasal form (nasal width), the projection of the nasal tip and columella length in patients with bilateral cleft lip and palate before and after surgery. It was observed an improvement in nasal appearance after surgery and aesthetic harmony restoring the nose in most patients. However many patients continued with poor nasal appearance after surgical repair. Similar results were found in the qualitative evaluation of the nostrils shape using Topinard classification. In this way, we conclude that lengthening surgery of nasal columella improves aesthetics, but in many patients it failed to restore completely the nasal form.
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Molecular and physiological characterisation of selected DOF transcription factors in the model plant Arabidopsis thalianaKrebs, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
About 2,000 of the more than 27,000 genes of the genetic model plant Arabidopsis thaliana encode for transcription factors (TFs), proteins that bind DNA in the promoter region of their target genes and thus act as transcriptional activators and repressors. Since TFs play essential roles in nearly all biological processes, they are of great scientific and biotechnological interest.
This thesis concentrated on the functional characterisation of four selected members of the Arabidopsis DOF-family, namely DOF1.2, DOF3.1, DOF3.5 and DOF5.2, which were selected because of their specific expression pattern in the root tip, a region that comprises the stem cell niche and cells for the perception of environmental stimuli. DOF1.2, DOF3.1 and DOF3.5 are previously uncharacterized members of the Arabidopsis DOF-family, while DOF5.2 has been shown to be involved in the phototrophic flowering response. However, its role in root development has not been described so far.
To identify biological processes regulated by the four DOF proteins in detail, molecular and physiological characterization of transgenic plants with modified levels of DOF1.2, DOF3.1, DOF3.5 and DOF5.2 expression (constitutive and inducible over-expression, artificial microRNA) was performed. Additionally expression patterns of the TFs and their target genes were analyzed using promoter-GUS lines and publicly available microarray data. Finally putative protein-protein interaction partners and upstream regulating TFs were identified using the yeast two-hybrid and one-hybrid system. This combinatorial approach revealed distinct biological functions of DOF1.2, DOF3.1, DOF3.5 and DOF5.2 in the context of root development. DOF1.2 and DOF3.5 are specifically and exclusively expressed in the root cap, including the central root cap (columella) and the lateral root cap, organs which are essential to direct oriented root growth. It could be demonstrated that both genes work in the plant hormone auxin signaling pathway and have an impact on distal cell differentiation. Altered levels of gene expression lead to changes in auxin distribution, abnormal cell division patterns and altered root growth orientation. DOF3.1 and DOF5.2 share a specific expression pattern in the organizing centre of the root stem cell niche, called the quiescent centre. Both genes redundantly control cell differentiation in the root´s proximal meristem and unravel a novel transcriptional regulation pathway for genes enriched in the QC cells.
Furthermore this work revealed a novel bipartite nuclear localisation signal being present in the protein sequence of the DOF TF family from all sequenced plant species.
Summing up, this work provides an important input into our knowledge about the role of DOF TFs during root development. Future work will concentrate on revealing the exact regulatory networks of DOF1.2, DOF3.1, DOF3.5 and DOF5.2 and their possible biotechnological applications. / Mehr noch als Tiere, die ihren Lebensraum unter widrigen Umständen verlassen können, sind Pflanzen mit einem festen Standort auf ihre Anpassungsfähigkeit angewiesen. Einen entscheidenden Beitrag dazu leistet die Genregulation, d.h. das gezielte An- und Ausschalten von Erbanlagen, den Genen. Vermittelt wird dieser Regulationsprozess unter anderem durch Transkriptionsfaktoren: Proteine, die die Fähigkeit besitzen, an bestimmte Regionen der Gene zu binden und damit deren Aktivität zu beeinflussen. In der Ackerschmalwand (Arabidopsis thaliana), die als Modellpflanze in der Genetik verwendet wird, existieren etwa 2000 solcher Transkriptionsfaktoren, eingeteilt in Familien, von denen einige auch in tierischen Organismen auftreten, andere pflanzenspezifisch sind. Auf Grund ihrer Funktion als wichtige Kontrollelemente sind sie von großem wissenschaftlichem und biotechnologischem Interesse.
Im Rahmen dieser Doktorarbeit sollte die Funktion von vier pflanzenspezifischen Transkriptionsfaktoren, genannt DOF1.2, DOF3.1, DOF3.5 und DOF5.2, untersucht werden, welche durch ihre spezifische Aktivität in der Wurzelspitze der Ackerschmalwand identifiziert wurden. Um die Funktion dieser vier Regulatoren aufzuklären, wurden an der Modellpflanze gentechnische Veränderungen durchgeführt und die so veränderten, auch als transgen bezeichneten Pflanzen mit molekularbiologischen und physiologischen Methoden untersucht. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass DOF1.2 und DOF3.5 eine wesentliche Funktion beim gerichteten Wurzelwachstum spielen und ein seitliches Wachsen der Wurzel aufgrund veränderter Umwelteinflüsse verhindern, bzw. hervorrufen können. Die beiden anderen Proteine DOF3.1 und DOF5.2 erfüllen ihre Funktion in der Stammzellnische der Wurzel. Vergleichbar mit tierischen Stammzellen sind auch pflanzliche Stammzellen nicht zu einem bestimmten Zelltyp herangereift, sondern verbleiben in einem sogenannten undifferenzierten Zustand. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass DOF3.1 und DOF5.2 zum Erhalt dieses Zustands benötigt werden, da nach Inaktivierung beider Proteine Zellspezialisierungen auftreten, die bei gentechnisch unveränderten Pflanzen nicht auftreten.
Desweiteren konnte in dieser Arbeit geklärt werden, welcher Proteinabschnitt der DOF-Proteine für ihren Transport in den Zellkern notwendig ist. Denn da die pflanzlichen Erbanlagen im Zellkern vorliegen, muss für eine Einflussnahme auf deren Aktivität zunächst ein Transport der Regulationsproteine in den Zellkern stattfinden.
Zusammengenommen konnte mit dieser Doktorarbeit das Wissen über Transkriptionsfaktoren und Entwicklungsprozesse der Wurzel erheblich erweitert werden. Zudem ist die Grundlage für interessante zukünftige Arbeiten gelegt worden. Dabei wird es von zentraler Bedeutung sein, komplexe Regulationsnetzwerke verstehen zu lernen und durch gezielte Manipulationen biotechnologisch nutzen zu können.
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Spread of the fascioliasis endemic area assessed by seasonal follow-up of rDNA ITS-2 sequenced lymnaeid populations in Cajamarca, PeruBardales-Valdivia, J. N., Bargues, M. D., Hoban-Vergara, C., Bardales-Bardales, C., Goicochea-Portal, C., Bazán-Zurita, H., Del Valle-Mendoza, J., Ortiz, P., Mas-Coma, S. 01 December 2021 (has links)
Fascioliasis is a worldwide emerging snail-borne zoonotic trematodiasis with a great spreading capacity linked to animal and human movements, climate change, and anthropogenic modifications of freshwater environments. South America is the continent with more human endemic areas caused by Fasciola hepatica, mainly in high altitude areas of Andean regions. The Peruvian Cajamarca area presents the highest human prevalences reported, only lower than those in the Bolivian Altiplano. Sequencing of the complete rDNA ITS-2 allowed for the specific and haplotype classification of lymnaeid snails collected in seasonal field surveys along a transect including 2007–3473 m altitudes. The species Galba truncatula (one haplotype preferentially in higher altitudes) and Pseudosuccinea columella (one haplotype in an isolated population), and the non-transmitting species Lymnaea schirazensis (two haplotypes mainly in lower altitudes) were found. Climatic seasonality proved to influence G. truncatula populations in temporarily dried habitats, whereas L. schirazensis appeared to be more climatologically independent due to its extreme amphibious ecology. Along the southeastern transect from Cajamarca city, G. truncatula and L. schirazensis shared the same site in 7 localities (46.7% of the water collections studied). The detection of G. truncatula in 11 new foci (73.3%), predominantly in northern localities closer to the city, demonstrate that the Cajamarca transmission risk area is markedly wider than previously considered. Lymnaea schirazensis progressively increases its presence when moving away from the city. Results highlight the usefulness of lymnaeid surveys to assess borders of the endemic area and inner distribution of transmission foci. Similar lymnaeid surveys are still in need to be performed in the wide northern and western zones of the Cajamarca city. The coexistence of more than one lymnaeid transmitting species, together with a morphologically indistinguishable non-transmitting species and livestock movements inside the area, conform a complex scenario which poses difficulties for the needed One Health control intervention. / Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad / Revisión por pares
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Cellular Mechanisms of Gravitropism in ARG1 (Altered Response to Gravity) Mutants of <i>Arabidopsis Thaliana</i>Kumar, Neela Shiva 12 August 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Cellular mechanisms of gravitropism in ARG1 (altered response to gravity) mutants of Arabidopsis thalianaKumar, Neela Shiva. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Miami University, Dept. of Botany, 2008. / Title from second page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references.
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Ancient weather signs : texts, science and traditionBeardmore, Michael Ian January 2013 (has links)
This thesis offers a new contextualisation of weather signs, naturally occurring terrestrial indicators of weather change (from, for example, animals, plants and atmospheric phenomena), in antiquity. It asks how the utility of this method of prediction was perceived and presented in ancient sources and studies the range of answers given across almost eight hundred years of Greek and Roman civilisation. The presentation of weather signs is compared throughout to that of another predictive method, astrometeorology, which uses the movement of the stars as markers of approaching weather. The first chapter deals with the presentation and discussion of weather signs in a range of Greek texts. It sees hesitant trust being placed in weather signs, lists of which were constructed so as to be underpinned by astronomical knowledge. The second chapter assesses how these Greek lists were received and assimilated into Roman intellectual discourse by looking to the strikingly similar practice of divining by portents. This lays the foundations for the final chapter, which describes and explains the Roman treatment of weather signs. Here, the perceived utility of weather signs can be seen to reduce rapidly as the cultural significance of astronomy reaches new heights. This thesis provides new readings and interpretations of a range of weather-based passages and texts, from the Pseudo-Theophrastan De Signis, to Lucan's Pharsalia, to Pliny's Natural History, many of which have previously been greatly understudied or oversimplified. It allows us to understand the social and scientific place of weather prediction in the ancient world and therefore how abstract and elaborate ideas and theories filtered in to the seemingly commonplace and everyday. I argue that between the 7th century BC and the end of the 1st century AD, the treatment of weather signs changes from being framed in fundamentally practical terms to one in which practical considerations were negligible or absent. As this occurred, astrometeorology comes to be seen as the only predictive method worthy of detailed attention. These two processes, I suggest, were linked.
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