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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pratiques commémoratives et structures des familles à Rome : étude des carmina Latina epigraphica consacrés à des enfants défunts à la fin de la République et sous l'Empire / Commemorative practices and structures of the families in Rome : a study of carmina Latina epigraphica dedicated to dead children at the end of the Republic and under the Empire

Lamotte, Hélène 01 July 2011 (has links)
Ces recherches participent d’une large réflexion menée actuellement sur les comportements démographiques de la population de l’Urbs. De récents travaux ont défini un régime démographique spécifique de la mégapole antique, où une natalité insuffisante et un fort taux de mortalité auraient empêché le renouvellement des générations. La population de Rome, « ville-tombeau », ne se serait maintenue que grâce à une immigration venue d’Italie et des provinces. Les tentatives de dénombrement ayant leurs limites, au vu des sources disponibles, ce doctorat s’inscrit dans le domaine de l’histoire sociale de la population de Rome. Centré sur les milieux populaires, il analyse les comportements familiaux et la place de l’enfant dans la famille. Il se fonde sur une étude d’épitaphes versifiées païennes (carmina Latina epigraphica), datant de la fin de la République et de l’Empire. Il présente ainsi un corpus d’épitaphes consacrées à des enfants dont l’âge au décès est mentionné, revues et traduites, ainsi qu’une étude de ce catalogue. Cette dernière analyse la nature et le rôle du carmen dans la commémoration funéraire. Elle précise l’identité des défunts et l’origine sociale des familles commanditaires des carmina, puis évoque la structure de ces familles en recensant l’ensemble des personnes mentionnées dans les épitaphes. Elle révèle des structures de famille complexes, où les enfants illégitimes sont nombreux, en raison du statut servile actuel ou passé de certains parents. Elle aborde enfin la question de la place de l’enfant dans la famille, en examinant les modes d’expression du chagrin selon les différents motifs littéraires et locuteurs choisis. Ces travaux permettent ainsi de mieux connaître le statut de l’enfant au sein des familles modestes et l’attitude de ces dernières face à la naissance et à la mort. / These researches participate in a wide reflection led at present on the demographic behavior of the population of Rome. Recent works defined a specific demographic model of the antique megalopolis, where an insufficient birthrate and a strong mortality rate would have prevented the renewal of the generations. The population of Rome would have held steady thanks to an immigration coming from Italy and from the provinces. This doctorate joins in the field of the social history of the population of Rome. It analyzes the family behavior in the lower classes, and the place of the child in the family. It bases itself on a study of funerary verse inscriptions (carmina Latina epigraphica), dating back to the end of the Republic and the Empire. It so presents a corpus of epitaphs dedicated to children (with an age mentioned), as well as a study of this catalog. This study analyzes the nature and the role of the carmen in commemoratives practices. It specifies the identity of the deceased and the social origin of families ; then it evokes the structure of these families by listing all the persons mentioned in the epitaphs. It reveals complex structures of family, where there are many illegitimate children, because of the current or past slavish status of certain relatives. It approaches finally the question of the place of the child in the family, by examining the modes of expression of sorrow, according to the various literary motives and chosen speakers. This research allows to know better the status of the child within the modest families and the attitude of these families in front of birth and of death.

Plukovní kroniky v kontextu české prvorepublikové legionářské literatury / Regimental Chronicles in the Context of the Legionnaire Literature in the First Czechoslovak Republic

Lukeš, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Thesis maps out the position of the legionnaire regimental chronicles within context of the legionnaire literature as a whole. It attempts to define legionnaire literature as a distinct literary area, to identify unique position of regimental chronicles and to advert its commemorative, propagational and cultural significance. In connection with legionnaire regimental chronicles is also decribed the original background of Austro-Hungarian regimental histories.

Česká portrétní medaile minulosti a současnosti / Czech portrait medal of the past and present

Seidlová, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with Czech portrait medals in the past and present. The aim was to map Czech medal portrait work from its origins in the Renaissance to the present. At the beginning, the work is focused on the precious metals from which the medals are made, gold and silver. The history of gold and silver is included in the theory. The concepts of numismatics or commemorative medals made of gold and silver as investment preservation of real value are clarified. We were interested in the overall artistic process of producing portrait medal into the final product. The historical development of medals in the Czech lands followed. In each period, important artists, medalists, and their work are mentioned. All chapters contain pictorial materials. The practical part is devoted to all existing mintages of Karel Gott, which is a unique medal investment. Along with him, contemporary medal artists are characterized in more detail. In the end, the first findings about the portrait medal are summarized. The work brings an overall view of portrait medal work. Medal making represents a specific area of fine and sculptural art. It is an artistic artifact that reflects our history. KEYWORDS medal, gold, silver, portrait medal, commemorative medal, numismatics, art mintage, collecting

Pamětní kniha slanečkářů na Novém Městě pražském / Commemorative book of herring sellers in the Prague New Town

Barabášová, Magda January 2021 (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the Commemorative Book of Prague Nydrlak, whose origins date back to the 17th century in the Prague New Town. The records in the book were written mainly by the merchants who travelled to Prague to trade. Most of those merchants were most likely involved in the international trade with marine fish that were imported from the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. Due to the representative role of commemorative books, the majority of the merchants received their illuminations from professional artists. The introductory chapters of the thesis describe contemporary practice of business of the given period, specifics of Nydrlak in the context of the practice, the commemorative book culture of the 16th and 17th century, but also the fortunes of Nydrlak before its depositing into the Prague City Archives. A pivotal part of the paper is dedicated to the merchants themselves who would left some information about their lives in the book. Based on this source and several other archival documents, the thesis assesses the confessional, societal, regional, and proprietary stratification of the community that was assembled around Prague Nydrlak.

Objekt pro prostor s funerální funkcí / The Object for a Space with funeral Function

ŠILHAVÁ, Marie January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into theoretical and practical section. The introductory theoretical part is a basic overview of current phenomenons and tendencies in the usage and the forms of the funeral objects and spaces with funeral function, in the field of funeral industry, mainly focused on the area of the Czech republic. It also reflects historical cultural and social circumstances as the sources of the current disposition. The thesis maps the relationship that living society has or had with their deceased in the rituals and the way of treating the dead bodies. It also reflects the variety of ways of honouring the deceased by the manners of treating the human remains. The analysis is then applied in the proces of seeking for an author's own form of expression of honouring one's memory through a design of a funeral object.

Komparativní analýza místního kronikářství v České republice a na Slovensku v letech 1989 - 2019 / Comparative Analysis of Writing Local Chronicles in Czech Republic and Slovakia in the Years 1989 - 2019

Lukáč, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova - Filozofická fakulta - Ústav světových dějin ABSTRACT This paper discusses the development and state-of-the-art of writing local chronicles in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the three decades after the fall of the socialist regime (1989 - 2019), placing Czech and Slovak chronicles writing practice on a comparative level. They are based on the Czechoslovak social context. This paper does not ignore also the historical context (19th century) and discusses in more detail writing local chronicles in various periods of the 20th century, as from this period draws current chronicles writing to this day. Besides the theoretical passages, the paper consists of an empirical part (not only as a section describing the field research in the form of a case study), suggests the use of chronicles in practice, and in conclusion seeks to explain and present a comparative synthesis. Following the textual core, a broader base of appendices has been prepared, consisting of both a chronicles bibliography and a direct transcript of contemporary legislative measures concerning chronicles writing in the Czech-Slovak geographical area from the establishment of the first Czechoslovak Republic to the present. Keywords : writing local chronicles; chronicle; chroniclers; commemorative books; comparative analysis;...

Komparativní analýza místního kronikářství v České republice a na Slovensku v letech 1989 - 2019 / Comparative Analysis of Writing Local Chronicles in Czech Republic and Slovakia in the Years 1989 - 2019

Lukáč, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Univerzita Karlova - Filozofická fakulta - Ústav světových dějin ABSTRACT This paper discusses the development and state-of-the-art of writing local chronicles in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the three decades after the fall of the socialist regime (1989 - 2019), placing Czech and Slovak chronicles writing practice on a comparative level. They are based on the Czechoslovak social context. This paper does not ignore also the historical context (19th century) and discusses in more detail writing local chronicles in various periods of the 20th century, as from this period draws current chronicles writing to this day. Besides the theoretical passages, the paper consists of an empirical part (not only as a section describing the field research in the form of a case study), suggests the use of chronicles in practice, and in conclusion seeks to explain and present a comparative synthesis. Following the textual core, a broader base of appendices has been prepared, consisting of both a chronicles bibliography and a direct transcript of contemporary legislative measures concerning chronicles writing in the Czech-Slovak geographical area from the establishment of the first Czechoslovak Republic to the present. Keywords : writing local chronicles; chronicle; chroniclers; commemorative books; comparative analysis;...

Žijící oslava smrti - Día de los Muertos v současné mexické společnosti / Living celebration of death: The Day of the Dead in contemporary Mexican society

Ponocná, Petra January 2020 (has links)
Living celebration of death: The Day of the Dead in contemporary Mexican society Mgr. Petra Ponocná Abstract This work deals with perceptions of The Day of the Dead feast in the urban society of Mexico City in the context of official ideology of Mexican cultural nationalism. Dissertation was founded on fieldwork in Mexico City in two different locations, namely delegación Cuauhtémoc and delegación Xochimilco. I focus on the perceptions of the feast by research partners and I try to point out the process of self-identification with the locality and its relation to attitude formation to The Day of the Dead and national identity. I investigate the role of the state and the city in organizing the holiday and research partners reactions to these interventions. The work is based on long-term ethnographic research with distinctive elements of auto ethnography

ars delectat semper: Essays zur Kunstgeschichte: für Henrik Karge zum 60. Geburtstag von seinen Schülern und Mitarbeitern: Festschrift

Müller-Bechtel, Susanne, Jahn, Peter Heinrich 05 September 2019 (has links)
„Ars delectat semper“ – Kunst erfreut immer! Ein insgeheimes Credo von Henrik Karge wurde zum Anlass genommen, ihm mitsamt dieser Devise zu seinem 2018 gefeierten 60. Geburtstag eine Publikation zu widmen mit Texten seiner Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter. Alle Autorinnen und Autoren des Bandes standen während ihrer Laufbahn in Verbindung mit dem Jubilar – als Studierende, als Promovierende oder Habilitierende oder als wissenschaftliche Angestellte –, ihre Texte nehmen Bezugspunkte auf und zeigen, wie das Saatgut sich in Erntegut verwandelt hat.:Vorwort 6 ARCHITEKTUR Silvia Lorenz - Knochengespräche 7 Ronny Horst - Das „Kreuz der Lumpen“ und ein offener Steinkasten auf dem Dach der Kathedrale von Santiago de Compostela 8 Juliane Pech - Das Bauhüttenbuch des Villard D’Honnecourt 13 Stefan Bürger - La Seu Vella Lleida – Kreuzgang oder Investruine? Beobachtungen an den westlichen Klausurteilen 16 Marı́a Aranda Alonso - Die Kathedrale von Jaen 21 Stefan Hertzig - Das Japanische Palais und der Escorial 24 Kristina Friedrichs - „Altes und Neues verknüpft, so dass das eine aus dem anderen organisch erwächst und alles als Naturnothwendigkeit erscheint“. Sempers Antikensäle im Japanischen Palais in Dresden‐Neustadt 28 Julia Walter - Das erste Dresdener Hoftheater von Gottfried Semper 32 Peter Heinrich Jahn - Semper meets Pöppelmann, oder: Herrschaftsinszenierung unter dem Deckmantel der Kunstpatronage. Der Mittelrisalit der Dresdner Gemäldegalerie am Zwinger 34 Bianca Hambusch - Die Casa Calise in Buenos Aires 39 Ralf Gottschlich - Turmbilder – Architektur‐Hoch‐Druck 42 KUNSTGEWERBE Silvia Lorenz - Echolot 45 Eileen Lemmle - Das Reliquiar in Dreiecksform aus Bergkristall: ein Stück inszenierte Quedlinburger Geschichte 46 Ljubow Schmidt - Eine russische Medaille der Petrinischen Epoche und ihr Geheimnis 49 Katrin Schlechte - „Olympische Farben“ – Ein Blatt Stoffproben zur italienischen Oper „L’Olimpiade“ (Dresden, 1756) 53 BILDKÜNSTE Silvia Lorenz - Ohne Titel (rot) 57 Katrin Zimmermann - Höfische Eleganz. Velázquez̕ Bildnis einer Dame 58 Silke Herz - Das Bildnis einer Hofmohrin mit gelber Haube, rotem Kleid und Perlenkette 63 Susanne Müller‐Bechtel - Stolz und gelehrt Luis Meléndez in seinem Selbstbildnis mit Aktstudie 68 Uta Kaiser - Ein Porträt des Athanasius Graf Raczyński von Wilhelm von Kaulbach 71 Christian Klose - Von Ägina nach Dresden – die Gipsabgüsse der Giebelfiguren des Aphaiatempels im „Königlich Sächsischen Mengs’ischen Museum der Gypsabgüsse“ 75 Arnika Groenewald‐Schmidt - Das etwas andere Italien Ein Scirocco‐Tag an der Küste nahe Rom von Nino Costa 78 Anne Schaich - Zu schön für Protestanten: Rudolf Yelin des Älteren „Gebet im Garten Gethsemane“ in der Stadtkirche Tuttlingen 81 Janina Majerczyk - Oskar Zwintschers Ansicht von Meißen 84 Claudia Schönjahn - „La Paresse“ – Thema mit Variationen 87 Katja Schumann - Geburtstagsblumen – in Farbe! Eine frühe Farbfotografie von Nicola Perscheid 89 Elisabeth Ansel - Ein irischer 3. Mai? Jack B. Yeats’ Funeral of Harry Boland (1922) im Kontext der Stilkonstruktion einer irischen Moderne 91 Kati Renner - Ein wiederentdecktes Schlüsselwerk von Otto Hettner: Das Porträt seiner Frau Jeanne mit Hut (um 1919) 94 Karin Müller‐Kelwing - Poesie der Formen und Farben – Vom genius loci des Künstlerateliers Zwei Werke von Joachim Heuer und Matthias Lüttig 97 Katharina Henkel - Kleiner, heimlicher Herrscher Stephan Balkenhol’s Babyking 100 Silvia Lorenz - Knochengespräche, Echolot, Ohne Titel (rot) 102

Редакторская подготовка мемориального издания (на примере книги «Азбука имени. Роман Тягунов в воспоминаниях, интервью, мнениях и критике») : магистерская диссертация / Editorial preparation of the memorial edition (the example of the book «The name's alphabet. Roman Tyagunov as he appears in memories, interviews, options and critism»)

Волкова, М. М., Volkova, M. M. January 2019 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация «Редакторская подготовка мемориального издания (на примере книги «Азбука имени. Роман Тягунов в воспоминаниях, интервью, мнениях и критике»)» состоит из двух частей. Магистерская диссертация содержит 75 страниц. В списке литературы содержится 50 библиографических единиц. Цель исследования – подготовка и выпуск мемориальной книги «Азбука имени. Роман Тягунов в воспоминаниях, интервью, мнениях и критике» (изд-во «Кабинетный ученый», 2017). Объект: современные мемориальные издания. Предмет: редакторская подготовка современных мемориальных изданий. В первой главе проанализированы словарные статьи и научная литература, посвященная мемориальным изданиям, охарактеризованы содержательные и структурные особенности, а также выявлена роль издания в процессе мифологизации объектов действительности. Во второй главе сформулирована концепция мемориального издания «Азбука имени», включающая особенности отбора и структурирования материалов для основного текста, выбора состава аппарата издания и т. п. Также во второй главе выявлена специфика редактирования рукописи «Азбуки имени» на разных этапах, с учетом влияния на этот процесс принадлежности книги к мемориальным изданиям. / Master's thesis "Editorial preparation of the memorial edition (on the example of the book "Alphabet of a name. Novel Tyagunov in memoirs of, interview, opinion and criticized")" consists of two parts. Master's thesis contains 75 pages. The list of references contains 50 bibliographic units. The purpose of the study-the preparation and publication of the memorial book "Alphabet name. Roman Tyagunov in memoirs, interviews, opinions and criticism" (publishing house "Cabinet scientist", 2017). Object: modern memorial editions. Subject: editorial preparation of modern memorial publications. The first Chapter analyzes dictionary articles and scientific literature devoted to memorial editions, characterizes the content and structural features, and also reveals the role of the publication in the process of mythologization of the objects of reality. In the second Chapter, the concept of the memorial edition of the "Alphabet of the name", including the features of selection and structuring of materials for the main text, the selection of the staff of the publication, etc.Also in the second Chapter, the specifics of editing the manuscript of the "Alphabet of the name" at different stages, taking into account the impact on this process of belonging to the book memorial editions.

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