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A Study on Suppressions and Preventions for Cleaning Out Property Issues in Publicly Held CorporationsChen, Jen-Lung 06 September 2004 (has links)
The government, in assisting Taiwanese enterprises to compete in increasing globalization environment, imitated the European and American countries in establishing stock market, helped corporate bond issuance to finance capital projects, and in the 80¡¦s, allowed foreign investments to enter Taiwanese economy and gradually relaxing regulation to allow greater flexibilities. Because of this policy, Taiwanese Stock Market began to grow exponentially. The number of corporate IPOs mushroomed in great numbers.
After 1997 Asian financial and economic crash severely damaged the market and economy. The idea of ¡§Get Rich Quick¡¨ from the West began to invade Taiwan. Many corporate upper management, especially the second generation owners of family enterprises with higher education in international financial operations, broke away from their core business operations and traditional values and began to focus on high risk investment products and speculative investment vehicles. They even use cross-shareholding of stocks, stock speculations, illegal loans and profit sharing, misleading and fraudulent financial reporting to expand their businesses. As the result of their negligence of risk management and miscalculations of economic conditions, corporations experienced severe cash crunch from investment losses and were unable to cover the cash shortage through over-leveraged assets and illegal corporate financial schemes. Many corporations crumpled, causing wide spread lay-off and significant losses by investing public. It also affects many upper, middle, and lower stream merchants, vendors, and financial institutions. The resulting chain reactions from corporate bankruptcies, reorganizations, and stock de-listings caused major ramifications in Taiwan¡¦s social, political, economic, and financial systemsDuring the more than ten years of past criminal investigations of illegal activities in public companies, the media, financial, legal and accounting experts all provided their suggestions in how to prevent these cases. However, other than providing some tabloid news on newspapers, it regrettably has not helped in assisting the investigations or in preventing new cases.
This thesis summarizes the major financial and money laundering activities preventive measures, and criminal investigations in Taiwan. It will compare and analyze the various case backgrounds, methods of operations, ramifications, and legal consequences in order to find similar characteristics of these cases from past investigative experiences, evidence gatherings, money trail tracings, and legal procedures. From these analyses, the thesis will make conclusions and suggestions in hope of shortening the investigative process in future cases, so that the investigation can start on the right track immediately to prevent the domino effects on the stock market and economy and minimize damage on economic conditions, and to reach the goal of ¡§To Detect is to Prevent¡¨.
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Detection of Named Branch Origin for Git CommitsMichaud, Heather M. 15 September 2015 (has links)
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Multicast-Based Interactive-Group Object-Replication For Fault ToleranceSoria-Rodriguez, Pedro 25 October 1999 (has links)
"Distributed systems are clusters of computers working together on one task. The sharing of information across different architectures, and the timely and efficient use of the network resources for communication among computers are some of the problems involved in the implementation of a distributed system. In the case of a low latency system, the network utilization and the responsiveness of the communication mechanism are even more critical.
This thesis introduces a new approach for the distribution of messages to computers in the system, in which, the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is used in conjunction with IP multicast to implement a fault-tolerant, low latency distributed system. Fault tolerance is achieved by replication of the current state of the system across several hosts. An update of the current state is initiated by a client application that contacts one of the state object replicas. The new information needs to be distributed to all the members of the distributed system (the object replicas).
This state update is accomplished by using a two-phase commit protocol, which is implemented using a binary tree structure along with IP multicast to reduce the amount of network utilization, distribute the computation load associated with state propagation, and to achieve faster communication among the members of the distributed system. The use of IP multicast enhances the speed of message distribution, while the two-phase commit protocol encapsulates IP multicast to produce a reliable multicast service that is suitable for fault tolerant, distributed low latency applications. The binary tree structure, finally, is essential for the load sharing of the state commit response collection processing.
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L'influence du principe de dignité humaine sur l'évolution du droit public de la vie en détention / The influence of the principle of human dignity on the development of public law of prison lifeDiani, Florian 10 June 2016 (has links)
Depuis le début des années 2000, la Cour européenne des droits de l’homme a donné un senset une portée juridique inédits au principe de dignité humaine appliquée à la détention, en se fondant notamment sur l’article 3 de la convention européenne des droits de l’homme qui proscrit la torture et les peines ou traitements inhumains ou dégradants. Cette évolution majeure, lui permettant de faire entrer largement sa jurisprudence dans les établissements pénitentiaires, a contraint le juge administratif français à revoir, de manière très profonde, sa jurisprudence consacrée aux mesures d’ordre intérieur et, sur le fond, à imposer la dignité humaine comme un principe matriciel à l’aune duquel l’ensemble desdroits fondamentaux des personnes détenues doit désormais être appréhendé. Elle a également influencé le législateur sur le vote de lois sur la privation de liberté, telles que la loi pénitentiaire de 2009. Sous inspiration européenne, mais également dans le cadre d’une dynamique interne de promotion générale des droits des administrés, la saisine de la vie en détention par le droit public a, dès lors, contribué au renforcement des droits accordés aux détenus (encadrement des sanctions et des mesures préventives de sécurité – mise à l’isolement et fouilles au corps notamment –, droit à la vie, droit au respect de sa vie privée et familiale, ou encore liberté de conscience et de religion...) et à uneréparation plus aisée des préjudices qui leur sont causés par l’activité pénitentiaire.Toutefois, de nombreux obstacles demeurent à la progression de l’état de droit en prison. En effet, la persistance de conditions de détention indignes et les limites à la mise en oeuvre de ces droits, à leur protection par le juge ou à leur application par l’administration posent la question de leur effectivité et de leur conformité aux standards européens établis par le juge de Strasbourg / As from the early 2000s, the European Court of Human Rights started to give unprecedentedlegal effect and meaning to the principle of human dignity applied to conditions of detention, drawing, when doing so, in particular on Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights prohibiting torture and inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment. This major development, which has enabled the Court to have its case law implemented to a significant extent in prisons, has forced French administrative courts to fully review their case law concerning internal measures and, in substance, to impose human dignity as a framework principle in the light of which all fundamental rights of detainees must henceforth be considered. This major development has also influenced the lawmaker when voting on laws concerning the deprivation of liberty, such as the Prisons Act of 2009.Under this European influence, but also as part of an internal movement concerning the general promotion of citizens rights, the referral, to courts of public law, of matters pertaining to prison life, has, since its inception, led to a reinforcement of the rights granted to detainees (framework for sanctions and preventive security measures - solitary confinement and body searches in particular - the right to life, the right to respect for privacy and family life, freedom of conscience and of religion, etc.) and facilitated compensation for damages caused to detainees by a penitentiary authorities.However, many obstacles remain to establishing constitutionality for detainees. Indeed, thepersistence of inhuman conditions of detention, and the limits applied on exercising detainees’ rights, and to ensuring that these rights are protected by a court of law or are implemented by Administration, raise the question of their effectiveness and of their compliance with European standards as set down by the Strasbourg Court
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Traktografie axonálních svazků založená na multi-tensorových modelech / Multi-tensor model based tractography of axonal bundlesPiskořová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Cílem semestrální práce je návrh trasovacího algoritmu, který zohledňuje mikrostrukturní vlastnosti nervové tkáně. K této problematice je sepsána rešerše obsahující úvod do problematiky. Je zde popsán jev difuze, princip difuzně váženého MRI a odhad profilu anizotropní difuze. K podrobnější analýze byl vybrán algoritmus COMMIT, u kterého byla navržena alternativní optimalizační metoda.
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The analysis of the different characteristics of commits between developers with different experience level: An archival studyRuan, Shaopeng, Qi, Pengyang January 2019 (has links)
Background: With the development of software, its quality is increasingly valued by people. The developing technical ability was absolutely taken to underpin the performance of the developer, and code quality was raised as being related to developer performance, thus code quality could be a measure of developer performance. Developer performance is often influenced by multiple factors. Also, different factors have different impacts on developer performance in different project types. It is important for us to understand the positive and negative factors for developer performance in a certain project. If these factors are valued, developers will have better performance and project will have higher quality. Objectives: The objective of our study is to identify how factors (developer experience, task size, and team size) impact the developer performance in each case. Though understanding how factors impact the developer performance, developers can have a better performance, which is a big benefit to the quality of project. Methods: We decided to use the characteristics of commits during the Gerrit code review to measure the committed code quality in our research, and from committed code quality we can measure the developer performance. We selected two different projects which use Gerrit code review as our cases to conduct our archive study. One is the legacy project, another is the open-source project. Then we selected five common characteristics (the rate of abandoned application code, the rate of abandoned test code, abandoned lines of application code, abandoned lines of test code and build success rate) to measure the code quality The box plot is drawn to visualize the relationship between the factor experience and each characteristic of the commits. And Spearman rank correlation is used to test the correlation between each factor and characteristic of commits from the statistical perspective. Finally, we used the multiple linear regression to test how a specific characteristic of commits impacted by the multiple factors. Results: The results show that developers with high experience tend to abandon less proportion of their code and abandon less lines of code in the legacy project. Developers with high experience tend to abandon less proportion of their code in the open-source project. There is a similar pattern of the factor task size and the factor amount of code produced in these two cases. Bigger task or more amount of code produced will cause a great amount of code abandoned. Big team size will lead to a great amount of code abandoned in the legacy project. Conclusions: After we know about how factors (experience, task size, and team size) influence the developers' performance, we have listed two contributions that our research provided: 1. Big task size and big team size will bring negative impact to the developer performance. 2. Experienced developers usually have better performance than onboarded developers. According to these two contributions, we will give some suggestions to these two kinds of projects about how to improve developer performance, and how to assign the task reasonable.
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A Scalable Leader Based Consensus AlgorithmGulati, Ishaan 10 August 2023 (has links)
Present-day commonly used systems like Cassandra, Spanner, and CockroachDB require high availability and strict consistency guarantees. High availability is attained through redundancy. In the field of computing, redundancy is attained through state machine repli- cation. Protocols like Raft, Multi-Paxos, ZAB, or other variants of Paxos are commonly used to achieve state machine replication. These protocols choose one of the processes from multiple processes running on various machines in a distributed setting as the leader. The leader is responsible for client interactions, replicating client operations on all the followers, and maintaining a consistent view across the system. In these protocols, the leader is more loaded than other nodes or followers in the system, making the leader a significant scalabil- ity bottleneck for multi-datacenter and edge deployments. The overall commit throughput and latency are further exacerbated in majority agreement with the hardware and network heterogeneity.
This work aims to reduce the load on the leader by using reduced dynamic latency-aware flexible quorums while maintaining strict correctness guarantees like linearizability. In this thesis, we implement dynamic reduced-size commit quorums to reduce the leader’s load and improve throughput and latency, called FDRaft. The commit quorums are computed based on an exponentially moving weighted average of the followers’ time to respond to the leader, accounting for the heterogeneity in hardware and network. The reduced commit quorum requires a bigger election quorum, but elections rarely happen, and a single leader can serve for significant durations. We evaluate this protocol using a key-value store built on FDRaft and Raft and compare multi-datacenter and edge deployments. The evaluation shows 2x improved throughput and around 55% improved latency over Raft during normal operations and 45% improvement over Raft with vanilla flexible-quorums under failure conditions. / M.S. / In our day-to-day life, we rely heavily on different internet applications, be it Instagram for sharing pictures, Amazon for our shopping, Doordaash for our food orders, Spotify for listening to music, or Uber for traveling. These applications share many commonalities, like the scale at which they operate, maintaining strict latency guarantees, high availability to serve the users, and using databases to maintain shared states. The data is replicated across multiple servers to provide fault tolerance against failures. The replication across multiple servers is achieved through state-machine replication. In state-machine replication, multiple servers start with the same initial state and perform operations in the same order to reach the same final state.
This process of replication in computing is achieved through a consensus algorithm. Con- sensus means agreement, and consensus algorithms are used to reach an agreement for a particular value. Raft, Multi-Paxos, or any other variant of Paxos are the commonly used consensus algorithms to achieve agreement on a particular value in a distributed setting. In these algorithms, one of the servers is chosen as the leader responsible for client interactions, replicating and maintaining the same state across all the servers, even when faced with server and network failures. Every time the leader receives a client operation, it starts the consensus process by forwarding the client request to all the servers and committing the client request after receiving an agreement from the majority. As the leader does most of the work, it is more loaded than other servers and becomes a significant scalability bottleneck. The leader bottleneck becomes more evident in multi-datacenters and edge deployments. The hardware and network heterogeneity also severely affects the overall commit throughput and latency in majority agreement.
In this thesis, we reduce the load on the leader by building a smaller-sized dynamic commit quorum with latency-aware server selection based on an exponentially weighted moving av- erage of the followers’ response time to the leader’s requests without compromising safety and liveness properties. Our design also provides a higher efficiency for throughput and commit latency. We evaluate this protocol against multiple workloads and failure conditions and find that it outperforms Raft by 2x in terms of throughput and around 55% in latency over Raft during normal operations. It also shows improvement in throughput and latency by 45% over Raft with vanilla flexible-quorums under failure conditions.
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Sentiment Analysis On Java Source Code In Large Software RepositoriesSinha, Vinayak 02 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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