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Náhrada škody při porušení smluvní a mimosmluvní povinnosti v občanském právu / Damages for Breach of Contractual and Non Contractual Duty in Civil LawJanoušková, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
Damages for Breach of Contractual and Non-Contractual Duty in Civil Law - Abstract The thesis at hand deals with liability for non-performance of a contract and liability in tort. The new Civil Code abandoned the general rule of Sec. 420 of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., which did not distinguish between contractual and non-contractual liability. The new Civil Code thus provides for two different liability regimes depending on whether the wrongdoer and the victim entered into a contract (or similar obligation) or not. While liability in tort is governed by Sec. 2909 and 2910 CC, contractual liability is stipulated in Sec. 2913 CC. The thesis strives to examine this important change in its complexity when emphasis in being put onto the theoretical, comparative and historical context. Firstly, the thesis provides for the basic theoretical background of liability in civil law and looks at the foundations of its division into contract and tort. The author further dives into the topic from a comparative perspective. Given the inspirational sources of the Czech Civil Code, the thesis focuses mainly on German and Austrian approach. The thesis also gives a brief summary of the historical development in the Czech civil law. The main part of the thesis focuses on the relevant provisions, their relationship and conditions for...
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Náhrada škody při porušení smluvní a mimosmluvní povinnosti v občanském právu / Damages for Breach of Contractual and Non Contractual Duty in Civil LawJanoušková, Anežka January 2020 (has links)
Damages for Breach of Contractual and Non-Contractual Duty in Civil Law - Abstract The thesis at hand deals with liability for non-performance of a contract and liability in tort. The new Civil Code abandoned the general rule of Sec. 420 of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., which did not distinguish between contractual and non-contractual liability. The new Civil Code thus provides for two different liability regimes depending on whether the wrongdoer and the victim entered into a contract (or similar obligation) or not. While liability in tort is governed by Sec. 2909 and 2910 CC, contractual liability is stipulated in Sec. 2913 CC. The thesis strives to examine this important change in its complexity when emphasis in being put onto the theoretical, comparative and historical context. Firstly, the thesis provides for the basic theoretical background of liability in civil law and looks at the foundations of its division into contract and tort. The author further dives into the topic from a comparative perspective. Given the inspirational sources of the Czech Civil Code, the thesis focuses mainly on German and Austrian approach. The thesis also gives a brief summary of the historical development in the Czech civil law. The main part of the thesis focuses on the relevant provisions, their relationship and conditions for...
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徵收取得區分地上權補償問題之研究莊仲甫 Unknown Date (has links)
本文共分五章,第一章緒論,說明本文研究動機、研究目的與研究方法、研究範圍與內容。第二章財產權保障與損失補償,分析徵收取得區分地上權對財產權所造成之損失,並闡述財產權保障與損失補償之真諦,以奠立本文後續探討充分彌補被徵收人損失之方法。第三章我國徵收取得區分地上權補償制度之探討,對我國徵收取得區分地上權制度、補償法源及補償內容加以探討。第四章徵收取得區分地上權補償問題之探討,分別就補償性質問題、補償範圍問題、補償標準問題、補償費發放問題四方面加以探討問題之所在,並研擬適當解決方法。第五章結論與建議,對徵收取得區分地上權補償法制提出建議。 / After originating the legal case of the expropriation of space superficies in Mass Rapid Transit Law in 1988, the government soon legislated the clauses for expropriating the space superficies in Statute For Encouraging Private Sector Participation In Transportation Construction, Promoting Private Participation In Public Works Law, and Statute For Expropriating Land. It’s helpful to obtain the lands which public works pass through over or under, but some questions about the compensation for the expropriation of space superficies result from the legal system is not complete enough. This not only affects to smoothly obtain the lands which infrastructure need, and will be more harmful for the meaning of the people's property rights which safeguarded by constitution. Therefore this research takes complete compensation as a core and discusses these questions of compensation from the viewpoint of safeguarding the property rights. Finally, it hopes to make propositions for constructing a faultless system of compensation for the expropriation of space superficies and can be as the reference for government when she revises the correlation law.
This research is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is introduction, which shows the motive, goal, method, scope, and content of this research. The second chapter is the indemnification for property right and the compensation for loss, which analyses the losses of property rights caused by the expropriation of space superficies, and elaborates the true meaning of the indemnification for property right and the compensation for loss in order to establish the method for fully making up the losses of the rightful recipients in the following discussion of this research. The third chapter is the discussion for compensative system of the expropriation of space superficies, which discusses the system of the compensation for the expropriation of space superficies, the legal origin of compensation, and the content of compensation. The fourth chapter is the discussion for the questions of compensation for the expropriation of space superficies, which discusses four aspects of questions including the characters, scopes, criterions, and payment of compensation and draws up suitable solutions. The fifth chapter is conclusion and suggestion, which proposes suggestions for the compensative system of the expropriation of space superficies.
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Důsledky spojené se ztrátou živitele v rodině / Consequences associated with the loss of a breadwinner in the familyFaberová, Veronika January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is focused on consequences which are associated with the loss of a breadwinner in the family. The aim is to identify and describe the impacts on families and compare these consequences in the cases of divorce and death. At first this paperwork brings information about family and its peculiarities. Other chapters are devoted to single-parent families as a result of a divorce, and death. In these chapters, we focused on the impacts of these two events. There are described primarily impacts on economic, social, educational and psychological aspects of the family. Information in this chapter are supported by excerpts from interviews that were conducted with several women, who have lost husbands, and thus became the breadwinners. The next chapter is devoted to the role of the state in this issue. It describes how family policy is designed and how the state directly compensates for the loss of a breadwinner in these two cases. The end of this chapter provides a brief description of family policy, focusing on the loss of a breadwinner in several other European Union states. The last chapter provides an analysis of the interviews, and there we can see what are the impacts on the family, which single mothers perceive. And what is the difference in impacts at these two events.
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Cestovní smlouvy podle nového Občanského zákoníku / Travel contracts according to the new Civil CodeKARBULKOVÁ, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is: Travel contracts according to the new Civil Code. The thesis consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the basic terms related to the tourism and it describes the consumer protection legislation in both the Czech Republic and the European Union. In the practical part, there is an analysis of some travel contracts (including the terms of a contract) of tour operators and travel agencies located in České Budějovice. This part also analyses the results which were obtained from the questionnaires intended for the customers of tour operators or travel agencies and for the tour operators and travel agencies.
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A critical analysis of the removal of directors by the board of directors and the judiciary under the Companies Act 71 of 2008Cassim, Rehana 04 1900 (has links)
Section 71(3) of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 has introduced into South African company
law a provision which for the first time permits the board of directors to remove another director
from office in certain specific instances. A further significant innovation in the Companies Act
71 of 2008 is contained in section 162, which empowers a court to make an order declaring a
director delinquent or placing him under probation in specific instances. The effect of section
162 is that a court is empowered to remove a director from the board of directors. The focus of
this thesis is the removal of directors from office by the board of directors and by the judiciary.
The thesis explores the underpinning philosophy of the statutory provisions relating to the
removal of directors from office. It also examines the impact of the power given to the board
of directors and to the courts to remove a director from office. The grounds and the procedures
for the removal of directors by the board of directors and the judiciary are examined. The
fiduciary duties applicable to directors in removing a director from the board of directors are
also explored. In addition, this thesis examines the removal of directors holding multiple
positions or capacities in relation to a company, such as an employee or a shareholder with
loaded voting rights. The remedies which may be relied on by a director who has been removed
from office by the board of directors are examined. Recommendations are made to strengthen
and improve the provisions in the Companies Act 71 of 2008 relating to the removal of directors
from office by the board of directors and the judiciary. Amendments to the Companies Act 71
of 2008 are suggested to remove ambiguities; to guard against the abuse of sections 71(3) and
162; to improve the grounds and procedures for the removal of directors by the board of
directors and the judiciary, and to enhance the remedies that may be relied on by a director who
has been removed from office by the board of directors. / Artikel 71(3) van die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 het ’n bepaling tot Suid-Afrikaanse
maatskappyreg toegevoeg wat die direksie vir die eerste keer in staat stel om ’n ander direkteur
in sekere spesifieke gevalle uit sy of haar amp te verwyder. ’n Verdere belangrike vernuwing
in die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 word in artikel 162 vervat, wat ’n hof magtig om ’n bevel
uit te vaardig wat ’n direkteur misdadig verklaar of hom of haar in spesifieke gevalle aan ’n
proeftydperk onderwerp. Die effek van artikel 162 is dat ’n hof by magte is om ’n direkteur
uit die direksie te verwyder. Die fokus van hierdie tesis is die verwydering van direkteure uit
hul ampte deur die direksie en die regbank. Die tesis verken die onderliggende filosofie van
die statutêre bepalings wat met die verwydering van direkteure uit hul ampte verband hou. Dit
ondersoek ook die impak van die bevoegdheid wat aan die direksie en die howe verleen word
om ’n direkteur uit sy of haar amp te verwyder. Die gronde en prosedures vir die verwydering
van direkteure deur die direksie en die regbank word ondersoek. Die fidusiêre pligte van
toepassing op direkteure by die verwydering van ’n direkteur uit die direksie word ook verken.
Daarbenewens ondersoek hierdie tesis die verwydering van direkteure wat veelvuldige posisies
of hoedanighede met betrekking tot ’n maatskappy beklee, soos ʼn werknemer of aandeelhouer
met gelaaide stemregte. Die regsmiddele waarop ’n direkteur, wat deur die direksie uit sy of
haar amp verwyder is, kan steun, word ondersoek. Aanbevelings word gemaak om die
bepalings in die Maatskappywet 71 van 2008, wat met die verwydering van direkteure uit hul
ampte deur die direksie en regbank verband hou, te versterk en te verbeter. Wysigings aan die
Maatskappywet 71 van 2008 word voorgestel om dubbelsinnighede uit te skakel; om teen die
misbruik van artikels 71(3) en 162 te waak; om die gronde en prosedures vir die verwydering
van direkteure deur die direksie en die regbank te verbeter, en om die regsmiddele waarop ’n
direkteur wat deur die direksie uit sy of haar amp verwyder is kan steun, te versterk. / ISigaba 71(3) Somthetho weZinkampani 71 ka 2008 sewuze wangenisa emithethweni
yezinkampani zaseNingizimu Afrika, umthetho ongowokuqala ovumela ibhodi labaqondisi
ukuthi libe namandla wokugudluza omunye umqondisi esikhundleni sakhe ngaphansi kwezimo
ezithile. Olunye ushintsho olusha kuMthetho wama-71 weZinkampani ka 2008 uqukethwe
yiSigaba 162, wona ugunyaza inkantolo ukuthi ikhiphe umyalelo owazisa umqondisi ngokuthi
unecala noma obeka umqondisi ngaphansi kophenyo, phecelezi “probation” ngesinye
isikhathi. Inhloso yeSigaba 162 wukunikeza inkantolo igunya lokugudluza umqondisi
kwibhodi labaqondisi. Impokophelo yale thisisi wukugudluzwa kwabaqondisi, bagudluzwe
yibhodi labaqondisi kanye nomthetho/nobulungisa. Ithisisi ihlola ifilosofi yemithetho
ekhishiwe emayelana nokugudluzwa kwabaqondisi ezikhundleni zabo, Kanti futhi ihlola
umthelela wamandla anikezwe ibhodi labaqondisi kanye nezinkantolo ukuthi zigudluze
umqondisi esikhundleni. Izizathu kanye nengqubo elandelwayo mayelana nokugudluzwa
kwabaqondisi yibhodi labaqondisi kanye nomthetho nazo ziyahlolwa. Imisebenzi emayelana
nokuthembeka eyenziwa ngabaqondisi ukugudluza umqondisi kwibhodi labaqondisi nayo
iyacwaningwa Ngaphezu kwalokhu, le thisisi .iphenya ukugudluzwa kwabaqondisi abaqokwe
ezikhundleni eziningi noma abanegunya elithize ngokwengqubo yenkampani,
enjengesisebenzi, phecelezi “employee” noma umabelwa-mashezi onamalungelo amaningi
okuvota, phecelezi, “loaded with voting rights”. Izeluleko ezingasetshenziswa wumqondisi
ogudluzwe esikhundleni sakhe yibhodi labaqondisi nazo ziyahlolwa. Izincomo nazo ziyenziwa
ngenhloso yokuqinisa kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwamandla oMthetho we-71 weZinkampani ka
2008, mayelana nokugudluzwa kwabaqondisi ezikhundleni yibhodi labaqondisi kanye
nomthetho. Izinguquko zoMthetho wama-71 weZinkampani ka 2008 ziqonde ukususa
izixakaxaka, ukulwa nokudlelezelwa kweSigaba 71(3) kanye no 162, ukuthuthukisa izizathu
kanye nezingqubo zokugudluzwa kwabaqondisi yibhodi labaqondisi kanye nomthetho,
ukuqinisa izindlela zokulungisa ezingasetshenziswa wumqondisi osegudluziwe esikhundleni
yibhodi labaqondisi. / Mercantile Law / LL. D.
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