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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Comparative Analysis of Conventional MLC Based IMRT and Solid Compensator Based IMRT Treatment Techniques

Khadija, Murshed January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Διερεύνηση της λειτουργίας και σχεδίαση του συστήματος ελέγχου στατικού σειριακού αντισταθμιστή κατάλληλου για εξάλειψη ασύμμετρων βυθίσεων τάσης

Κουκιάς, Γεώργιος 30 December 2014 (has links)
Η παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία πραγματοποιήθηκε από 8/2013-9/2014 στο τμήμα ηλεκτρολόγων μηχανικών & τεχνολογίας υπολογιστών του πανεπιστημίου Πατρών, υπό την επίβλεψη του καθηγητή Γαβριήλ Γιαννακόπουλου. Σκοπός της παρούσας διπλωματικής είναι η σχεδίαση και ο έλεγχος στατικού σειριακού αντισταθμιστή με στόχο την αντιστάθμιση συμμετρικών και ασύμμετρων βυθίσεων τάσης σε ευαίσθητα φορτία. Αρχικά γίνεται μια γενική αναφορά στην δομή των συστημάτων ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας στην έννοια της ποιότητας ισχύος και στις διαταραχές που μπορούν να εμφανιστούν σε ένα σύστημα ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας. Έπειτα παρουσιάζονται μέθοδοι βελτίωσης της ποιότητας ισχύος και συγκεκριμένα των διαταραχών που οφείλονται σε βυθίσεις τάσεις. Κατόπιν περιγράφεται η δομή και ο τρόπος λειτουργίας της διάταξης που θα χρησιμοποιηθεί για την αντιστάθμιση της τάσης (Στατικός Σειριακός Αντισταθμιστής). Αναλύεται το σύστημα ελέγχου (Διπλός Διανυσματικός Ελεγκτής, Double Vector Controller) και παρουσιάζονται τα αποτελέσματα της προσομοίωσης διαφόρων τύπων βραχυκυκλωμάτων με την χρήση του Στατικού Σειριακού Αντισταθμιστή (Static Series Compensator). / The present work was carried out by 8 / 2013-9 / 2014 in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,in the University of Patras, under the supervision of Professor Gabriel Giannakopoulos. The purpose of this project is the design and control of serial static compensator designed to compensate symmetrical and asymmetrical voltage drops to sensitive loads. Originally made ​​a general reference to the structure of power systems in the sense of power quality and disturbances that can occur in a power system. Then, the study methods for improving power quality and specific disorders caused dips trends. After describing the structure and function of the device to be used to compensate for the voltage (Serial Static Compensator). Analyzed control system, Double Vector Controller and presented the results of the simulation of various types of short circuits using the Serial Static Compensator


ANTONIO GUILHERME GARCIA LIMA 30 September 2009 (has links)
[pt] Os compensadores estáticos são equipamentos modernos que estão sendo cada vez mais utilizados nos sistemas de potência. Existem basicamente três tipos de compensadores estáticos: reatores saturáveis, reator controlado e tiristores (RCT) e capacitor chaveado a tiristores (CCT). Os dois últimos são compostos basicamente por reatores, capacitores, válvulas de tiristores e um sistema de controle. As válvulas de tiristores e o sistema de controle são os itens tecnologicamente mais importantes e representam cerca de 30% do custo. Por isso este trabalho aborda um dos aspectos mais importante do projeto da válvula; as sobretensões de comutação. Estas sobretensões ocorrem repetitivamente nas condições normais de operação e são inerentes às características do equipamento e às características dos tiristores. Este trabalho analisa a influência destas características e apresenta um modelo digital de tiristor que permite representar detalhadamente estas sobre tensões. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos com este modelo e com o programa SPICE são comparados com a análise teórica e com resultados medidos em laboratório. / [en] The Static Var Compensators are modern equipments which are been more and more used in power systems. There is three types of static var compensators; saturable reactors, thyristor controlled reactors and thyristor switched capacitors. The thyristor valves and control system are, from the technological point view, the most important items of the last two types and represent about 30% of its cost. Therefore, this work treats with one of the most important aspects of the design of thyristor’s valves; the commutation overvoltages. These overvoltages occur repeatedly under normal conditions and are caused by intrinsic characteristics of the equipment and by the intrinsic characteristics of the thyristors. This works analyses the influence of these characteristics and presents a thyristor digital model which permits the detailed representation of these overvoltages. Finally, the results obtained with this model and with the digital program SPICE are compared with the theoretical analysis and with measured results.

Comparison of Two Methods of External Scatter Dose Contributions to the Contralateral Breast

Cutlip, James 22 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.


PATRICK JOSQUIN 25 January 2007 (has links)
[pt] Uma das fases importantes no planejamento dos Sistemas Elétricos de Potência é a verificação do seu comportamento dinâmico. Sob este aspecto é conveniente que se tenha uma modelagem mais real possível de todos os componentes do sistema, havendo particular interesse numa boa representação principalmente das máquinas (geradores e síncronos). Ultimamente, os Compensadores Estáticos (SVS) tem sido um elemento valioso no controle da potência reativa dos sistemas Elétricos de EAT. Desta forma, os programas digitais até então utilizados tiveram que ser convenientemente modificados a fim de considerar este novo equipamento. A finalidade deste trabalho é apresentar a representação dos SVS nos programas de estabilidade. O enfoque principal será dados aos SVS controlados a tiristores (TCR, TCT, TSC ou mistos) nos quais há intervenção de sistemas específicos de controle. Com base na modelagem proposta, é feita uma análise da operação dos SVS a tiristores em regime permanente e, em transitório. Conjuntamente com a apresentação dos vários tipos de SVS a tiristores, é introduzida uma metodologia para a determinação de seus valores nominais, suas principais características operativas, fazendo-se, sempre que possível, uma comparação com outros tipos de Compensadores Estáticos e, com os Compensadores Síncronos atualmente em operação. / [en] One of the most important phases of power systems planning, is the examination of its dynamic behavior. It is convenient under this aspect, to have the models of all components pertaining the system, as close as possible to the real conditions of operation being of particular interest a good representation, mainly of the machines (generators and synchronous compensators). Lately, the static compensators (SVS), have been an important component in the control of reactive power for the UHV electrical systems. Due to this fact, the digital programs used until then, had to be conveniently modified so as to consider this new equipment. The purpose of the present work, is to introduce the representation of the SVS in the stability programs. Special care will be give to the SVS controlled by thyristors (TCR, TCT, TSC or mixed), in which the intervention of specific control systems takes place. Based upon the proposed models, an analysis of the operation of the thyristors SVS in permanent and transient regimes is performed. Together with the presentation of various types of thyristors SVS, it is introduced methods to determine nominal values, main operational characteristics, always comparing, when possible, to other types of static compensators, as well as, with the synchronous compensators in operation.

Reduction of System Inherent Pressure Losses at Pressure Compensators of Hydraulic Load Sensing Systems

Siebert, Jan, Geimer, Marcus 27 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In spite of their high technical maturity, load sensing systems (LS) have system-inherent energy losses that are largely due to the operation of parallel actuators with different loads at the same pressure level. Hereby, the pressure compensators of the system are crucial. So far, excessive hydraulic energy has been throttled at these compensators and been discharged as heat via the oil. The research project “Reduction of System Inherent Pressure Losses at Pressure Compensators of Hydraulic Load Sensing Systems” aims to investigate a novel solution of reducing such energy losses. The pressure of particular sections can be increased by means of a novel hydraulic circuit. Therefore, a recovery unit is connected in series with a hydraulic accumulator via a special valve in the reflux of the actuators. The artificially increased pressure level of the section reduces the amount of hydraulic power to be throttled at the pressure compensators. As long as a section fulfills the switching condition of the valve, pressure losses at the respectiv pressure compensator can be reduced. Thus, via a suitable recovery unit excessive energy can be regenerated and can be directed to other process steps eventually.

Avaliação da eficiência de compensadores de atrito implementados em um sistema digital de controle distribuído. / Evaluation of friction compensators efficiency implemented in a digital distributed control system.

Aguirre Carvajal, Roy Daniel 08 October 2015 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho de Mestrado é avaliar compensadores que tentam diminuir o efeito do atrito estático existente em válvulas de controle. Os compensadores de atrito utilizados neste trabalho foram: CR1, CR2 Knocker, Two-move, controle por modos deslizantes e controle por modos deslizantes integrador. Estes compensadores são implementados em um ambiente industrial (SDCD). Devido ao atrito, o sistema tem um comportamento não-linear, o qual pode afetar o bom rendimento de um controlador PID, sendo que o sistema em malha fechada pode ter oscilações. Então, para obter uma diminuição do efeito do atrito, empregam-se compensadores de atrito. Para implementá-los, é necessário conhecer os parâmetros do atrito existente. Portanto, a primeira parte deste trabalho consiste em uma explicação dos diferentes modelos e métodos que se vai usar neste trabalho. Também foram realizadas simulações das estratégias de controle utilizadas. Após estes tópicos, vai se identificar o modelo do sistema que conta com uma malha de controle de vazão, com o objetivo de auxiliar na sintonia do controlador PID. Depois, introduzem-se os compensadores de atrito, os quais tentam minimizar os índices ITAE (Integrated Time Absolute Error) e IAE (Integrated Absolute Error), bem como o desgaste que se produz nos equipamentos, devido ao uso (excessiva movimentação da haste das válvulas). O objetivo assumido é implementar as estratégias de controle em um software industrial. Os resultados mostraram que os compensadores CR1 e CR2 obtiveram os melhores índices de desempenho e conseguiram compensar o atrito na haste da válvula de controle. / The main objective of this work is to evaluate compensators that try to decrease the static friction effect existent in control valves. The friction compensaters used in this work were: CR1, CR2, Knocker, Two-move, sliding mode control and sliding mode control with integrator. These compensators are implemented in an industrial environment (DCS). Due to friction, the system has a nonlinear behavior, which may affect the good performance of a PID controller, wherein the closed loop system can have oscillations. So to get a decrease in the effect of friction, friction compensators are employed. To implement them, it is necessary to know the parameters of the friction existent. So the first part of this work consists of an explanation of the different models and methods that will be use in this work. Also, simulations were made of the control strategies used. After these topics, it will be identify the system model which has a own control loop, in order to help the PID controller tuning. Then it will be introduced friction compensators, which attempt to minimize the ITAE (Integral Time Absolute Error) and IAE (Integrated Absolute Error), and wear that occurs on the equipment due to the use (excessive movement of the valve stem). The assumed objective is to implement control strategies in industrial software. The results show that the compensators CR1 and CR2 have the best performance indexes and they compensate for the friction in the control valve stem.

Διερεύνηση της λειτουργίας και σχεδίαση των συστημάτων ελέγχου του εξελιγμένου ελεγχόμενου αντισταθμιστή σειράς με σκοπό την απόσβεση των ταλαντώσεων ισχύος

Κουμανιώτης, Νικόλαος 06 September 2010 (has links)
Η εργασία πραγματεύεται την απόσβεση των ταλαντώσεων ισχύος με χρήση του εξελιγμένου ελεγχόμενου αντισταθμιστή σειράς. / SSSC is used in order to improve power system oscillation stability and some useful analytical conclusions are presented.

Avaliação da eficiência de compensadores de atrito implementados em um sistema digital de controle distribuído. / Evaluation of friction compensators efficiency implemented in a digital distributed control system.

Roy Daniel Aguirre Carvajal 08 October 2015 (has links)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho de Mestrado é avaliar compensadores que tentam diminuir o efeito do atrito estático existente em válvulas de controle. Os compensadores de atrito utilizados neste trabalho foram: CR1, CR2 Knocker, Two-move, controle por modos deslizantes e controle por modos deslizantes integrador. Estes compensadores são implementados em um ambiente industrial (SDCD). Devido ao atrito, o sistema tem um comportamento não-linear, o qual pode afetar o bom rendimento de um controlador PID, sendo que o sistema em malha fechada pode ter oscilações. Então, para obter uma diminuição do efeito do atrito, empregam-se compensadores de atrito. Para implementá-los, é necessário conhecer os parâmetros do atrito existente. Portanto, a primeira parte deste trabalho consiste em uma explicação dos diferentes modelos e métodos que se vai usar neste trabalho. Também foram realizadas simulações das estratégias de controle utilizadas. Após estes tópicos, vai se identificar o modelo do sistema que conta com uma malha de controle de vazão, com o objetivo de auxiliar na sintonia do controlador PID. Depois, introduzem-se os compensadores de atrito, os quais tentam minimizar os índices ITAE (Integrated Time Absolute Error) e IAE (Integrated Absolute Error), bem como o desgaste que se produz nos equipamentos, devido ao uso (excessiva movimentação da haste das válvulas). O objetivo assumido é implementar as estratégias de controle em um software industrial. Os resultados mostraram que os compensadores CR1 e CR2 obtiveram os melhores índices de desempenho e conseguiram compensar o atrito na haste da válvula de controle. / The main objective of this work is to evaluate compensators that try to decrease the static friction effect existent in control valves. The friction compensaters used in this work were: CR1, CR2, Knocker, Two-move, sliding mode control and sliding mode control with integrator. These compensators are implemented in an industrial environment (DCS). Due to friction, the system has a nonlinear behavior, which may affect the good performance of a PID controller, wherein the closed loop system can have oscillations. So to get a decrease in the effect of friction, friction compensators are employed. To implement them, it is necessary to know the parameters of the friction existent. So the first part of this work consists of an explanation of the different models and methods that will be use in this work. Also, simulations were made of the control strategies used. After these topics, it will be identify the system model which has a own control loop, in order to help the PID controller tuning. Then it will be introduced friction compensators, which attempt to minimize the ITAE (Integral Time Absolute Error) and IAE (Integrated Absolute Error), and wear that occurs on the equipment due to the use (excessive movement of the valve stem). The assumed objective is to implement control strategies in industrial software. The results show that the compensators CR1 and CR2 have the best performance indexes and they compensate for the friction in the control valve stem.


JOSE EDUARDO ONODA PESSANHA 16 January 2007 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho envolve o desenvolvimento de um modelo de compensador estático do tipo reator saturado e sua implementação no programa de estabilidade transitória TRANSTAB, implantado no computador CYBER 170-835 da PUC/RJ. O modelo é composto por bancos de capacitores fixos, responsáveis pela geração de reativos, em paralelo com o reator saturado, responsável pela absorção de reativos. São obtidos em primeiro lugar as equações do modelo e, a partir destas, elabora-se o diagrama de blocos a ser implementado no programa. Vários testes (simulações digitais) são realizados utilizando sistemas de potência, sob condição de distúrbio. Os resultados obtidos são então comparados com outros da literatura e a partir daí se comprova a validade do modelo desenvolvido. Com a conclusão deste trabalho, o programa TRANSTAB passa a dispor de dois tipos de compensadores estáticos: Reator Saturado e Reator Controlado por Tiristores. / [en] The model comprises fixed capacitor banks, for the generation of reactive power, in parallel with the saturated reactor, for the absortion of reactive power. The model equations are obtained in first place and from them the block diagram is developed for implementation in the program. Tests are carried out (digital simulations) using power systems under disturbance conditions. The results are then compared with others from the literature to access the validity of the model. With the conclusion of this work the TRANSTAB program stay with two types of static compensators: Saturated Reactor Type and Thyristor Controled Reactor.

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