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A framework for the analysis of Xhosa texts for teaching readingTyala, Abegail Nomapha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the reading process as addressed by Davies and Wallace in
their research. The key concept of the models of the reading process as explored by
Davies with reference to different researchers are examined. These researchers
include Gough, whose model of the reading process represents a bottom-up view of
the reading process, Goodman's model which reflects a top-down view of the reading
process and Rumelhart's interactive model which is an alternative to bottom-up and
top-down models. Davies advances a schema-theory which is the development of
Rumelhart's interactive model. The study also considers the model of Rayner and
Pollatsek as proposed by Davies, namely, the bottom-up interactive model of the
reading process. This model intends to be bottom-up, without excluding the
interactive features. A further model explored by Davies is that of Mathewson,
which incorporates affective factors in reading. Hedge, according to Davies,
developed the models of reading into a taxonomy of modes, anchors and drivers.
Modes represent the reading behaviours, anchors express knowledge sources, and
drivers typify the reading purposes. The study also considers Wallace's approach to
the reading process, which represents reading as a psycholinguistic as well as a
sociolinguistic process.
In addition, this study conducts an investigation of a practical framework for
describing and analysing texts; ways of describing differences amongst texts as
proposed by Wallace and the integration of different descriptions of texts. Levels of
text analysis and the theoretical foundation of the analytic procedure are considered.
The last part of this discussion provides some perspectives on reaching reading in the
outcomes-based curriculum for language, literacy and communication (see Appendix
In the next part of the study an analysis of the Xhosa Bona magazine articles is
offered which commences with the recapitulation of the framework for the analysis of
texts. This framework includes elements such as the discourse type and genre; textual units and their functions; rhetorical functions and rhetorical patterns; text
cohesion; text coherence and language choice as a reflection of the writer's
communicative purpose or goal. Each article is analysed according to the framework
assumed. The study invokes Davies' analytic framework for the analysis of the Bona
magazine articles. The last part of this research explores the significance between
Davies' model and the requirements of outcomes-based language teaching. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek 'n praktiese raamwerk vir die beskrywing en analise van tekste,
maniere vir die beskrywing van verskille tussen tekste soos voorgestel deur Wallace,
en die integrasie van die verskillende beskrywings van tekste. Die vlakke van
teksanalise en die teoretiese basis van die analitiese prosedure word bespreek. Die
laaste deel van hierdie bespreking skenk aandag aan perspektiewe oor die onderrig
van leesvaardigheid in die Uitkoms-gebaseerde kurrikulum vir die leerveld tale,
geletterdheid en kommunikasie (sien Bylae B).
In die volgende deel van die studie word 'n analise gedoen van Xhosa BONA
tydskrifartikels, wat begin met 'n rekapitulasie van die raamwerk vir die analise van
tekste. Hierdie raamwerk sluit elemente in soos diskoerstipe en genre, retoriese
funksies en taalkeuse as 'n refleksie van die skrywer se kommunikatiewe
doelstellings. Elke artikel word ontleed volgens die analitiese raamwerk van Davies.
Die laaste deel van die studie ondersoek die verband en betekenis van Davies se
leesmodel vir die onderrig van lees volgens die vereistes van die Uitkoms-gebaseerde
kurrikulum. / ISICATSHULWA:
Esi sifundo sijongene nophando ngendlela yokufunda njengoko indululwe
ngokaDavies noWallace kwiincwadi zabo. Le ngqikelelo yemifuziselo yofundo
njengoko iphononongwa ngulo kaDavies ngokubhekisele le ke kwizimvo zabacebi,
nayo iyahlolwa kwesi sifundo. Aba bacebi bale mifuziselo yale ngqikelelo yofundo
ngaba balandelayo; okaGough, omfuziselo wakhe wofundo ubonisa ukuba ufundo
luqala phantsi luye phezulu oko kukuthi, phantsi-phezulu, kanti yena uGoodman
uqikelela ufundo njengento eqala phezulu iye phantsi, oko kukuthi, phezulu-phantsi.
Kukho ke noluvo lokaRumelhart malunga nolu qikelelo-fundo. Vena uceba ufundo
okanye umfuziselo wofundo osebenzisanayo, futhi oluyenye indlela endaweni yezi
zimbini zit hi phantsi-phezulu okanye phezulu-phantsi. Ngaphaya koko, uDavies
uvelisa enye indlela ekwacetywa nguRumelhart, athi ukuyibiza yinkcazo-ngcingane
(theory) yeskima. Yona ikhulisa ikwaqhubela phambili le yomfuziselo
osebenzisanayo (interactive model). Isifundo esi sikwaluthathela ingqalelo uluvo
lukaRayner noPollatsek ngokuphakanyiswa nguDavies, olu ke lokuba bacebe
inkqubo yofundo oluqala phantsi luye phezulu luze luhlangane nolu lukaRumelhart
lokusebenzisana. Injongo yale nkqubo yofundo lwabo kukuba baqiniseke ngofundo
oluqala phantsi luye phezulu phofu bengakhange nakancinane balahle ezo mpawu
zolo fundo losebenziswano. Omnye umfuziselo wofundo owaziswa nguDavies
ngokaMathewson. Wona ke ubandakanya iimeko ezichukumisayo xeshikweni ubani
afundayo (affective factors). UDavies ukwasichazela nangoluvo lukaHedge othe
yena le mifuziselo (models) yokufunda wayihlela ngokwezintlu azibiza ngokuba
ziindlela zokuziphatha xa ufundayo (modes) okanye (reading behaviours), neeankile
(anchors) ezithetha indawo apho ubani afumana khona ulwazi (knowledge sources)
kunye nezo athi ngabaqhubi (drivers). Zona ke zibonisa iinjongo zokuba ubani
afunde oko asukuba ekufunda. OkaWallace ufundo olu ulubonisa ngeyakhe indlela
eyahlukileyo kwabanye aba. Ulubona njengenkqubo ehlanganisa inzululwazi
ngezengqondo edibaniselene nenzululwazi ngezolwimi, edibeneyo (unitary)
nekhethayo (and selective), kunye naleyo inenzululwazi ngoluntu neelwimi
(sociolinguistic). Ukongeza apho isifundo esi siphonononga indlela ephathekayo yokuchaza
nokucazulula okubhaliweyo (text analysis); iindlela ezahlukeneyo zokuchaza
umahluko phakathi kwezinto ezibhaliweyo. Oku ke kudibene nezimvo ezivela
kokaWallace. Ukuhlanganiswa kwezi ndlela zahlukeneyo zokuchaza okubhaliweyo;
imigangatho yokubhaliweyo (levels of text); eyiyeyona isetyenziswayo nefundwa
ngokubanzi jikelele; isiseko (basic) senkcazo eyingcingane senkqubo yocazululo
kwakunye ke nokuveliswa kweendlela ezimisiweyo ezahlukeneyo zolu calulo
lokubhaliweyo, zonke zikhankanyiwe kwesi sifundo. Indawo yokugqibela yolu
phando inika iinkcazelo ngamagama athile (terms) afumaneka kufundo ngeelwimi
olubhekiselele kwiziqhamo zokufundwayo (outcomes-based language study).
Emveni koku ke ngoku kulandela ucazululo-ncakasana lwamanqaku omhleli
kalindixesha wesiXhosa ekuthiwa yiBona, cazululo 010 oluqala ngokuwenza
amavandlakanya ngendlela lo kaDavies aceba ngayo ucazululo lokubhaliweyo. Le
ndlela ke yile ilandelayo; idiskhosi nejenra; iziqwengana zentetho ebhaliweyo
(textual units) nemisebenzi yazo; imisebenzi yeentetho zobuciko (rhetorical
functions), neendlela zobuciko (rhetorical patterns); ukunxibelelana nokuyondelelana
kokubhaliweyo (text coherence and text cohesion); nokhetho magamallwimi
ngendlela yokubonisa iinjongo nomyalezo wombhali (language choices as a
reflection of the writer's communicative goal and purpose). Inqakwana (article)
ngalinye kula sesithethe ngawo ngentla apha, licazululwa ngokwale ndlela ixeliweyo
endululwe ngulo kaDavies. Ngaphandle koko isifundo esi sihlola unxibelelwano
phakathi kwendlela yocazululo lokubhaliweyo ecetywa nguDavies kunye nendlela
athe la manqaku eBona acazululwa ngayo.
Ekugqibeleni kwako konke uphando olu luthabatha ingqalelo kumcimbi
wonxibelelwano phakathi kwendlela le kaDavies yocazululo nocalulo
lokubhaliweyo kunye nofundiso lolwimi olujongene neziqhamo
zokufundwayo (outcomes-based language teaching).
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The consumer advice article in Xhosa as genre-textDlepu, Seziwe Everrette 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigates text properties of the consumer-advice magazine article in Xhosa
within the framework of the genre-based approach to literacy and writing. The view of
writing as component of the communication competence component in Grabe and Kaplan's
(1996) theory of writing is assumed. It is argued that the analysis of (non-fictional) genres
is a core ability in terms of the specifications of Curriculum 2005 for outcomes-based
language teaching for writing skills. The term genre as it is used within genre theory refers
to a (non-fictional) text which has an identifiable social (or cultural) purpose, an
identifiable form (including beginning, middle and end) and specific constrains on the
possible deviations allowed in its form. This study will examine seven BONA magazine
articles to establish what identifiable generic properties can be attributed to these genretexts.
The cognitive move structure of these magazine articles on consumer advice will be
analysed to determine whether a typical move structure occurs for this genre.
The text-linguistic properties of the various magazine articles will be investigated invoking
Grabe and Kaplan's model of text-structure. In particular, properties like pronominal
reference conjunctive devices, which contribute to text coherence and cohesion will be
considered as well as lexical choices as a reflection of communicative purpose.
Finally, the study will briefly address the issue of the significance of the genre-text
knowledge underlying writing skills as the relevant kind of knowledge to be developed in
terms of the specifications of outcomes-based language teaching in Curriculum 2005. The
kind of analytic skills exemplified in the examination of the Xhosa magazine articles are
therefore necessitated for accomplishing the outcomes for writing. The nationale for
developing such analytic abilities with respect to writing skills is to empower learners to be
competent writers in their future career lives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die teks-struktuur eienskappe van die verbruikers-advies
tydskrifartikel in Xhosa binne die raamwerk van die genre-gebaseerde benadering tot
geletterdheid en skryfvaardigheid. Die beskouing van skryfvaardigheid as 'n komponent
van die kommunikasievaardigheid komponent in Grabe en Kaplan (1996) se teorie van
skryfvaardigheid word aanvaar. Daar word geargumenteer dat die analise van nie-fiksie (of
nie-literêre) genres 'n kemvermoë is in terme van die spesifikasies van Kurrikulum 2005 vir
uitkoms-gebaseerde taalonderrig van skryfvaardigheid. Die terme genre, soos dit gebruik
word in genre-teorie verwys na 'n (nie-fiksie) teks met 'n identifiseerbare sosiale,
kommunikatiewe of kulturele doelstelling, 'n identifiseerbare vorm (insluitende 'n begin,
middel en einde) en spesifieke beperkings rakende die toelaatbare afwykings in vorm. Die
studie sal sewe BONA tydskrifartikels ondersoek om te bepaal watter identifiseerbare
eienskappe toegeskryf kan word aan hierdié genre-tekste. Die kognitiewe skuif-struktuur
van hierdie tydskrifartikels oor verbruikersadvies salontleed word om te bepaal watter
tipiese skuif-struktuur voorkom vir hierdie genre.
Die teks-linguistiese eienskappe van die verskillende tydskrifartikels salondersoek word
deur die model van Grabe en Kaplan te gebruik. In die besonder, eienskappe soos
voornaamwoordelike verwysing, voegwoord-meganismes wat bydra tot tekskoherensie en
kohesie salondersoek word, asook leksikale (woord) keuses as 'n refleksie van die skrywer
se kommunikatiewe doelstelling.
Laastens, sal die studie kortliks vraagstukke ondersoek rakende die belang van die genreteks
kennis wat onderliggend is aan skryfvaardigheid as die relevante soort kennis wat
ontwikkel moet word in terme van die spesifikasies van uitkoms-gebaseerde taalonderrig in
Kurrikulum 2005. Die soort analitiese vaardighede wat na vore kom in die ondersoek van
die Xhosa tydskrifartikels word genoodsaak ten einde die uitkomste vir skryfvaardigheid te
bereik. Die motivering vir die ontwikkeling van sodanige analitiese vermoëns ten opsigte
van skryfvaardigheid is om leerders te bemagtig om 'n goeie skryfvaardigheid te hê in hulle
toekomstige beroepe. / ISICATSHULWA ISIXHOSA: Esi sifundo sinika sikwabonisa ngokupheleleyo ukuba nabani na obhalayo rnakacacelwe
ukuba ubhalela isizwe, ngoko ke rnakabe neenjonge. Makaqiqe akucingisise oko
akukhethele ukutyebisela uluntu ngako.
Ibonisiwe imigaqo elandelwa ziingcali zaphesheya nezimvo zazo ngobhalo lwesicatshulwa
kwaneengxaki abathe bahlangana nazo. Esi sicatshulwa sigxininise kwirnigaqo ernayi
landelwe yikharikyularn equlunqwe yalungiselelwa izikolo. Kwikharikyulam kuboniswa
ukuba xa kufundiswa ukubhala urnfundi obhalayo, utitshala obhalayo, isikolo, izixhobo
zokufundisa kwaneendlela zokufundisa zibaluleke ngokufanayo nangokulinganayo.
Kaloku olu hlobo lwesilabhasi lujolise kwiziqhamo.
Indlela zokubhala zinikiwe kubekwa umnwe kwindlela apho urnbhali abhalela ukuxela into
ethile phofu ezarna ukuqweqwedisela iingqondo zabantu kurnba othile. Iintlobo
zokubhaliweyo nazo ziphononongiwe kwaze kwaqononondiswa kuleyo urnntu abhalela
ukugqithisa ulwazi ngento ethile. Okubalulekileyo kokokuba lowo ubhalayornakakhethe
okunorndla yaye kube serngangathweni.
Izicatshulwa ezichongiweyo apha kwesi sifundo zihlonyulwe kwirnagazini yesiXhosa
iBona. Zonke zichazwe gabalala phaya kwisahluko sesine, izizicatshulwa ezingeso
labathengi. Kweli liso labathengi kucetyiswa kufundiswa abathengi ngeendlela
zokuqoqosha ngernpurnelelo njengoko arnaxabiso enyuka umhla nezolo.
Incwadi ebhalwe nguGrabe noKaplan isibonisa indlela erna ilandelwe xa ufundisa
umntwana ukubhala. Bagxininise kwiiphararnitha: ngubani obhala ntoni, ebhalela bani,
enayiphi injongo, ngoba, nini, phi, njani. Ezi phararnitha zisetyenzisiwe ukuphengulula
nokuhlalutya ezi ziqwengana zikhethwe kwirnagazini iBona. Esi sifundo sigxininisa
kwicala losetyenziso - lwirni kulo rnzekelo. Esi sifundo siphinde saxoxa nzulu ngonxulumano olukhoyo phakathi kwezi ziqwengana
zichongwe kwiBona ezingeso labathengi kunye neziqhamo ezisixhenxe ezidweliswe
zacaciswa kuxwebhu lwe-OBE (Outcome-based Education) olulungiselelwe izikolo. Olu
xwebhu lwe-OBE luzama lusikhanyisela ukuba umntwana xa ebhala isicatshulwa
makazicwangcise ngokukuko izimvo zakhe. Ingaba uyakuqonda ekuva na oko kuqulathwe
koko akubhalileyo.
Umzekelo esiwunikwe ngokaBathia we 'moves' ezisixhenxe athi zinokuchongwa
kokubhaliwe yo, nawo usetyenzisiwe ukuxovula isicatshulwa ngasinye. Kolo xovulo
kufumaniseke ukuba zintandathu kuphela i'moves' ezichongeka nezifumaneka kwezi
zicatshulwa zeBona.
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The personal experience essay in isiZulu as reflection of the writing competence of grade 12 learnersMakhanya, Winfred Nonhle Zabathembu 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the application of various approaches to teaching communicative
writing skills in senior phases of learning. The main aim is to investigate how these
approaches are adopted to instil competence in the communicative writing skills of grade
12learners ofisiZulu first language. Various approaches to writing skills are discussed
and explored in order to make suggestions to educators' effective ways of teaching and
learning communicative writing skills. Assessment criteria for written work are also
presented to guide educators on how the written work is assessed. In order to ensure that
the communicative writing skills are taught and learned effectively up to norms required
by the Department of Education; the approaches to teaching communicative writing
skills are discussed in relation to both the critical outcomes and the specific outcomes for
the learning field Languages, Literacy and Communication as specified in the
Curriculum 2005 (1997).
The idealized writing curriculum proposed by Grade and Kaplan (1996) is also presented
in relation to the specific outcomes that need to be achieved in the Languages, Literacy
and Communication learning field. The aim of presenting this writing curriculum is to
enable the educators to teach communicative writing skills effectively and to be able
to compete in the urban, technological, international world that requires competent
In order to investigate the needs and problems that appear to constitute obstacles in
teaching and learning communicative writing skills effectively, survey interviews were
conducted with the respective educators; and written reports were requested from the
educators who were participating in facilitating the process of writing the IsiZulu essays
of Grade 12 learners for analysis. In this study, these essays are analysed and assessed.
The findings based on this research are presented explicitly to identify the obstacles that
educators and learners experience during the writing practices. Recommendations are
made as regards positive and constructive changes in the teaching and learning of the
communication writing skills in the senior phases of learning in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die toepassing van verskeie benaderings tot die onderrig van
kommunikatiewe skryfvaardighede in die senior fase van leer. Die hoofdoelstelling van die
studie is om In ondersoek te doen na hoe benaderings wat aanvaar word aanleiding kan gee
tot die verwerwmg van taalvaardigheid, m die besonder, kommunikatiewe
skryfvaardighede deur graad 12 eerstetaalleerders van isiZulu. Verskillende benaderings
tot skryfvaardighede salondersoek word ten einde aanbevelings te maak oor doeltreffende
wyses waarop onderwysers kommunikatiewe onderrig en leer kan bewerkstellig.
Assesseringskriteria VIr skriftelike werk sal aangebied word ten einde
taalonderrigpraktisyns riglyne te gee aangaande die assossering van kommunikatiewe
skryfvaardighede. Ten einde te verseker dat kommunikatiewe skryfvaardighede
doeltreffend onderrig en aangeleer word tot op die peil vereis deur die Departement van
Onderwys, sal die benaderings tot die onderrig van kommunikatiewe skryfvaardighede
bespreek word met betrekking tot sowel die kritieke uitkomste as die spesifieke uitkomste
van die leerveld Tale, Geletterdheid en Kommunikasie, soos gespesifiseer in Kurrikulum
2005 (1997).
Die voorgestelde skryfkurrikulum van Grabe en Kaplan (1976) salook bespreek word met
betrekking tot die spesifieke uitkomste wat bereik moet word in die leerveld Tale,
Geletterdheid en Kommunikasie. Die doelstelling van die bespreking van hierdie
skrytkurrikulum is om onderwysers in staat te stelom kommunikatiewe skryfvaardighede
doeltreffend te onderrig ten einde leerders in staat te stelom mededingend te wees in die
huidige stedelike, tegnologiese, internasionale wêreld wat vaardige skrywers vereis.
Ten einde die behoeftes en probleme te ondersoek wat hindernisse is in die doeltreffende
onderrig en leer van kommunikatiewe taalvaardigheid, is onderhoude gereël met
verskillende onderwysers, en skriftelike rapporte is aangevra van onderwysers wat
deelgeneem het in die fasiliteringsproses van die skryf van isiZulu opstelle deur graad 12
leerders vir die doeleindes van die analises gedoen in hierdie studie. Die bevindinge
gebaseer op die navorsing gedoen in hierdie studie word eksplisiet aangebied ten einde die
hindernisse te identifiseer wat onderwys ervaar tydens die praktyk van skryfonderrig.
Aanbevelings word gemaak rakende positiewe en konstruktiewe vernaderinge in die
onderrig en leer van kommunikatiewe skryfvaardighede in die senior fase van leer in Suid-
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A genre-based approach to the analysis of sports celebrity texts in XhosaGanca, Zanodumo Victor 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the nature of writing instruction which can improve the writing skills of
learners as it also takes into account the learners needs. The main aim is to apply the genrebased
approach to written texts in Xhosa. This framework for instruction will help learners to
be ready for the work place after they have left school. They will acquire the necessary
writing skills, which are needed in the work place today. The genre-based use oflanguage will
enable them to use written language in different situations and they should be able to write
meaningful texts, which will take the reader into consideration, as required by Curriculum
The approaches to teaching communicative writing skills are discussed in relation to both the
critical outcomes and the specific outcomes for the learning field Language, Literacy and
Communication as specified in the Curriculum 2005 (1997). The framework presented by
Grabe and Kaplan (1996) is also presented in relation to the specific outcomes that need to be
achieved in the Languages, Literacy and communication-learning field.
Six BONA Magazine articles on sport celebrities have been analysed according to the model
of text-construction within the framework proposed by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). It is
concluded that these types of analytic skills are required in an effective approach to the
teaching of writing to accomplish the outcomes of Curriculum 2005. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die aard van skryfonderrig wat die skryfvaardigheid van leerders
kan verbeter en ook die leerders se behoeftes in ag neem. Die hoofdoelstelling van die studie
is om die genre-gebaseerde benadering toe te pas in die analise van geskrewe tekste in Xhosa.
Hierdie raamwerk vir onderrig sal leerders help om gereed te wees vir die kommunikatiewe
eise van die werkplek nadat hulle die skool verlaat het. Hulle kan, deur die genre-benadering
tot skryfonderrig, die vereiste skryfvaardighede ontwikkel wat in die werkplek benodig word.
Die genre-gebaseerde gebruik van skriftelike taal kan leerders in staat stelom taal aan te wend
in In verskeidenheid situasies, en hulle behoort in staat te wees om betekenisvolle tekste te
skryf wat die leser in berekening neem, soos vereis deur Kurrikulum 2005.
Die benaderings tot die onderrig van kommunikatiewe skryfvaardigheid word bespreek met
betrekking tot sowel kritieke uitkomste as spesifieke uitkomste vir die leerveld Taal,
Geletterdheid en Kommunikasie, soos gespesifiseer in Kurrikulum 2005 (1997 weergawe).
Die raamwerk van Grabe en Kaplan (1996) word ook behandel met betrekking tot die
spesifieke uitkomste in wat bereik moet word in die leerveld Tale, Geletterdheid en
Ses BONA tydskrifartikels wat handeloor sportpersoonlikhede word ontleed volgens die
genre-gebaseerde benadering binne die raamwerk van Grabe en Kaplan se model vir
tekskonstruksie en etnografie vir skriftelike tekste. Daar word bevind dat die onderrig van
hierdie soort analitiese vaardighede nodig is vir In doeltreffende benadering tot skryfonderrig
vir die bereik van die uitkomste van Kurrikulum 2005.
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The personal perspective essay in Xhosa as reflection of the writing competence of grade 12 learnersFongoqa, Nobatwa Virginia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores a theoretical framework of language competence with reference to the
teaching and learning of writing in Xhosa grade 12. The teaching of writing attempts to
develop writing skills and to assist learners to see writing as a process involving various
stages such as thinking, researching, planning, writing and re-writing. Furthermore, this
study aims at demonstrating how to develop the learners to express themselves in a
formally ordered way, as required in a given context for a specific purpose and audience.
The study is strongly influenced by two approaches, one associated with the processes of
writing, and the other called the genre approach, but the study also draws on a number of
writing models. Examples of written essays by the learners of Xhosa in grade 12 are
presented and analysed. This study examines four essays, each for which properties
relating to the language competence component is analysed according to the questions
posed by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). Writing is one of the most important communicative
skills in life of the individual and it is an integral part of the school curriculum. This study
concludes with some recommendations, which might help to solve certain problems
relating to essay writing in the teaching of languages in Curriculum 2005 .. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek 'n teoretiese raamwerk van taalvermoë met verwysing na die
onderrig en aanleer van skryfvaardigheid in Xhosa vir graad 12 leerders. Die onderrig van
skryfvaardigheid het as doelstelling die ontwikkeling van leerders se skryfvermoëns en die
leiding van leerders om skryf te sien as 'n proses wat talle fases behels, soos nadenke,
beplanning, navorsing, skryf en herskryf. Die studie poog voorts om aan te toon hoe
leerders ontwikkel kan word om hulleself uit te druk in 'n formeelgevorderde wyse, soos
vereis in 'n bepaalde konteks en vir 'n bepaalde gehoor. Die studie is sterk beïnvloed deur
twee benaderings, een gekoppel aan die prosesse van skryf, en die ander, bekend as die
genre-benadering, maar die studie betrek ook 'n aantal modelle van skryfvaardigheid.
Voorbeelde van skriftelike stukke deur leerders van Xhosa eerste taal in graad 12 word
ontleed. Die studie ondersoek vier opstelle, elke waarvoor eienskappe rakende die
taalvaardigheidskomponent, ontleed word volgens vrae gestel deur Grabe en Kaplan
(1996). Skryfvaardigheid is een van die belangrikste kommunikasievaardighede in die
lewe van 'n individu, en dit vorm 'n integrale deel van die skoolkurrikulum. Die studie sluit
af met 'n aantal aanbevelings wat 'n bydrae kan maak tot die oplos van bepaalde
probleme rakende skryfwerk in taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005.
26 |
A genre-based pedagogical approach to teaching writing with reference to isiZulu textsZondi, Wilson Thembinkosi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This assignment examines isiZulu texts within the framework of text-linguistic theories by
various scholars and researchers, which illustrate linguistic elements that can be incorporated
into the teaching methodology of writing. Appropriately applied, these elements can develop
learners' analytical skills as advanced in Curriculum 2005 in the languages learning area.
A text-linguistic analysis of isiZulu newspaper texts on current affairs from different editions
of Ilanga newspaper has been performed. This analysis reveals that text construction reflects
generic factors such as the economic and social status of the community, its culture, which
influence the communicative purpose. An attempt is made to investigate in detail the
parameters of the ethnography of writing as advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). These
parameters are: who, rites, what, to whom, for what purpose, why, when and how. It is argued
that once the learner has mastered the parameters for text construction and analysis, he/she
will be better equipped to achieve the learning outcomes specified for writing of Curriculum
2005. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek tekste in isiZulu binne die raamwerk van die tekslinguistiese teorieë
van verskillende navorsers wat illustreer hoe tekslinguistiese elemente en eienskappe ingesluit
kan word in die onderrigmetodologie van skryfvaardigheid. Indien hierdie onderrigmetodologie
doeltreffend toegepas word, kan die bemeestering van hierdie elemente leerders
se analitiese vaardighede ontwikkel, soos wat bepaal word in die leerarea vir tale van
Kurrikulum 2005.
'n Tekslinguistiese analise van koerantartikels oor huidige gebeurtenisse vanuit verskillende
uitgawes van die Ilanga koerant is uitgevoer in hierdie studie. Hierdie analises het aangetoon
dat tekskonstruksie van isiZulu bepaalde generiese faktore reflekteer, soos die ekonomiese en
sosiale status van 'n gemeenskap, wat weer die skrywer se kommunikatiewe doelstelling
beïnvloed. Die studie poog om 'n in-diepte analise te maak van die parameters van die
etnografie van skryf soos voorgestaan deur Grabe en Kaplan ten opsigte van die isiZulu
tekste. Hierdie parameters word soos volg gestel: Wie skryf wat, aan wie, vir watter doel,
hoekom, wanneer en hoe. Dit word geargumenteer dat as leerders van isiZulu eers die
parameters vir tekskonstruksie bemeester het, sal hy/sy beter in staat wees om die
leeruitkomste vir skryfvaardigheid te bereik, soos gespesifiseer in Kurrikulum 2005. / OKUCASHUNIWE
Le-thesisi iqukethe izinhlobonhlobo zama-thiyori aqhamuka nongqondongqondo
bezifundiswa, nabacwaningi abehlukene abasebenzisa izinhla zenkulumo ezingafakwa
emaswini okufundisa ukubhala. Uma engase asetshenziswe ngokuyikho lama-thiyori
mhlawumbe lingakhuphuka izinga labafundi lokuhlahlela imibhalo
njengokulangazelelwa ngumnyango wezilimi kuKharikhulamu 2005.
Kuyole-thesisi kunohlahlelo lwemibhalo yesi Zulu olwenziweyo. Lemibhalo ibika
ngezigameko zemihla namalanga eziqhamuka ezinhleni ezahlukene zephephandaba
il.anga. Loluhlahlelo luveza ukuthi isakhiwo sombhalo noma itekisi (text) elithize,
siqukethe inhlalompilo yabantu, ezomnotho, amasiko, kanye nenjongo yalowombhalo.
Ngokusho kuka-Grabe and Kaplan (1996), umbhalo kufanele uchaze phela ukuthi :
Ngubani obhalela bani, ini, ngasizathu sini, kwenzenjani, nini, kanjani?
Uma umfundi engase akwazi ukuphendula okusambuzo ngenxa ngenkathi ebumba noma
ehlaziya umbhalo, kuyobe izimfuno zika-Kharikhulamu 2005 sezembulekile kuye.
27 |
A genre-theoretic analysis of sports articles in TshivendaMunyai, Ndwamato Robert 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis employs the theoretical framework of text construction advanced by Grabe and
Kaplan (1996) for the analysis of sports articles in BONA magazine. The theory employed
in this study includes linguistic elements, which can be included in teaching methodology
for developing the learner's analytical skills in analyzing the discourse structure of written
texts. These kinds of analytical skills are strongly reflected in Curriculum 2005 for
Language Literacy and Communication (LLC).
The thesis employs a range of textlinguistic strategies for analyzing written texts on sports
issues. It is argued that the incorporation of these strategies by teachers in the process of
language teaching in Curriculum 2005 will enable the learners to analyse texts
successfully and to gain an awareness about how language is used in texts. For the
purpose of analysis in this thesis, text from BONA magazine with contents ranging from
sports issues were collected. The thesis demonstrates that text analysis involves a large
extent, an investigation of generic factors such as the communicative purpose, the culture
and community in which the text is produced.
Following the discussion of the generic features of texts, a broad definition of the term text
is explored, and the text linguistic construction and certain levels of analysis are identified.
In addition to this, the study demonstrates that analysis of the linguistic structure of texts
needs to incorporate the discussion of the parameters of the ethnography of writing
advanced by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). The ethnography of writing entails that a detailed
analysis of texts should address the following questions: "Who writes what to whom, for
what purpose, why, when, and how?".
The study explores the implications and rationale for incorporating text analysis in
language teaching and learning. Lastly, the relationship between the theoretical
underpinnings assumed in this study, and the learning Outcomes of Curriculum 2005 are
The study demonstrates that the theoretical framework of Grabe and Kaplan (1996) which
underlies in the construction of written texts, will not only introduce the learner to an
inclusive language pedagogy, but can be employed for effective text analysis of Tshivenda
Genre texts on Sports articles in popular magazines like BONA. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis maak gebruik van teoretiese model van Grabe en Kaplan (1996) vir die
analise van sport tydskrif artikels in Tshivenda. die teorie wat aangewind word in die
studie sluit linguistiese elemente in wat ingesluit kan word in taalonderrigmetodologie vir
die ontwikkeling van leerders se analitiese vaardighede in die analise van diskoers
strukture van skriftelike tekste. Hierdie soort analitiese vaardighede word sterk
gereflekteer in Kurrikulum 2005 vir die leer area van tale.
Die tesis wend 'n verskeidenheid teklinguistiese strategiee aan vir die analise van
geskrewe genre tekste oor menseregte en burgerlike regte vraagstukke. Daar word beoog
in die studied at die insluiting van hierdie strategiee deur onderwysers in die proses van
taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005 leerders in staat sal stelom tekse suksesvol te ontleed en
'n bewussyn te kry van hoe taal in tekste gebruik word. Vir die doeleindes van analise is
hierdie tesis in tekste gebruik uit BONA tydskrif met 'n inhoud oor menseregte en
gemmenskps en burgerlike regte. Die tesis demonstreer dat teksanalise tot 'n groot mate
'n ondersoek behels van generiese faktore soos kommunikatiewe doelstelling, die kultuur
en die gemeenskap waarin die teks geproduseer word.
Na 'n bespreking van die generiese faktore van tekste word in bree definisie van die term
"teks" ondersoek, en die tekslinguistiese konstruksie en bepaalde vlakke van analise word
geidentifiseer. Hierbenewens, demonsteer die studie dat die linguistiese analise van die
tekste die bespreking moet insult van die parameters van die etnografie van geskrewe
tekste soos voorgestaan deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996). Die etnografie van geskrewe
tekste behels dat die analise van tekste die volgende vrae ondersoek: "Wie skryf wat vir
watter doel, waarom, wanneer, en hoe?". Die studie ondersoek die implikasies en
motivering vir die insluiting van teknalise en taalonderrig. Laastens, word die verhouding
tussen die teoretiese grondslae, wat aanvaar word in hierdie studie, en die leeruitkomste
van Kurrikulum 2005 ondersoek.
Die studie toon aan dat teoretiese raam werk van Grabe en Kaplan (1996) wat
onderliggend is aan die konstruksie van geskrewe tekste kan aanvaar word om leerders in
te lei in 'n meer inklusiewe taalonderrig en kan aangewend word vir effektiewe teks analise
van Tshivenda genre tekste gebaseer op die Sport tydskrifte soos BONA.
28 |
Housing education and training in the general education and training band of the national qualifications frameworkSerfontein, Michele 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The provision of housing in South Africa is a national priority. As many of the aspirant
homeowners are first-time homeowners, they are not necessarily informed about the
pitfalls of home ownership. From April 1994 till March 2000 the Department of Housing
approved more than 1,1 million housing subsidies. The recipients of these subsidies were
first-time homeowners that did not possess the necessary knowledge and skills to make
informed and responsible housing-related decisions, thus making them vulnerable to
exploitation and creating complex problems that hamper the housing delivery process.
The release of the National Housing Code during March 2000 announced that the South
African Government had harnessed seven strategies that were aimed at providing housing
to a growing low-income market that already exceeded two-and-a-half million
households. Although the Government has attempted short-term solutions aimed at
equipping these housing consumers with the necessary knowledge and skills to make
informed and responsible housing-related decisions, initial research pointed to the need
for a sustainable long-term solution in the form of education and training of the housing
The aim of this research was three-fold: Firstly, to determine the knowledge and skills
required by the housing consumer to be able to make informed and responsible housingrelated
decisions. Secondly, to determine the status of housing education and training in
the present primary and secondary school curriculums. Thirdly, to develop an outcomesbased
model that would facilitate the inclusion of the identified and refined housing
education and training content into the General Education and Training (GET) Band of
the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).
A culturally diverse group of educators and practitioners participated in four national
structured group meetings that were facilitated using the Nominal Group Technique
(NGT). The aim of these meetings was to identify the knowledge and skills required by
consumers to be able to make informed and responsible housing-related decisions.
Sixteen housing education and training core concepts could be isolated using the responses generated during the meetings, namely: "Basic Housing Technology" (BHT),
"Community" (COMM), "Cultural Aspects of Housing" (CAH), "Environment" (ENV),
"Financial Aspects of Housing" (FAR), "Housing Consumerism" (HC), "Housing Design
and Decoration" (HDD), "Housing Market" (HM), "Housing Needs" (HN), "Housing
Policy" (HP), "Legal Aspects of Housing" (LAH), "Resource Management" (RM), "Role-
Players in Housing" (RP), "Sources of Housing Information" (SRI), "Tenure Options"
(TO) and "Types of Housing" (TH).
The document analysis performed in the second phase of the research, revealed the
paucity of housing education and training core concepts in the current curriculum of the
GET and Further Education and Training (FET) Bands of the NQF. Housing education
and training core concepts occurred in only 50% of the 318 core subject curriculums. Of
the housing education and training core concepts that were present in these documents,
less than 40% were rated as "relevant" and could therefore be used for housing education
and training of the learners.
An outcomes-based model was developed that can be used to facilitate the inclusion of
the housing education and training content into the Foundation, Intermediate and Senior
Phases of the GET Band using the Critical Cross-Field Outcomes, Learning Areas,
Specific Outcomes, Assessment Criteria, Performance Indicators, Phase and Programme
Organisers, currently included in the new curriculum. Outcomes were then developed
that reflected the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values embedded in the sixteen housing
education and training core concepts. The mastering of these 57 outcomes will reduce
the ignorance of first time homeowners during the housing process and provide a
sustainable, long-term solution to these problems . / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Behuisingsvoorsiening is 'n nasionale prioriteit in Suid-Afrika. Aangesien baie van die
aspirant huiseienaars, eerstemaal-huiseienaars is, is hulle nie altyd bewus van die slaggate
van huiseienaarskap nie. Vanaf April 1994 tot Maart 2000 het die Departement van
Behuising meer as 1,1 miljoen behuisingsubsidies goedgekeur. Die ontvangers van
hierdie behuisingsubsidies was eerstemaal-huiseienaars, en het nie die kennis en
vaardigdhede besit wat benodig word om ingeligte en verantwoordelike
behuisingsbesluite te neem nie. Daarom kan hulle blootgestel word aan uitbuiting, en is
komplekse probleme veroorsaak wat die behuisingsvoorsieningsproses negatief
beinvloed. Die vrystelling van die Nasionale Behuisingskode gedurende Maart 2000 het
aangetoon dat die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering sewe strategiee sou gebruik om behuising
aan die groeiende lae-inkomste behuisingsmark te voorsien, wat alreeds twee-en-'n-half
miljoen huishoudings behels het. Die Regering het al korttermyn oplossings op die proef
gestel wat daarop gemik is om behuisingsverbruikers met die nodige kennis en
vaardigdhede toe te rus om ingeligte en verantwoordelike behuisingsbesluite te neem.
Verkennende navorsing het getoon dat daar steeds 'n behoefte bestaan aan 'n langtermyn,
volhoubare oplossing in die vorm van opvoeding en opleiding van die
Die doel van hierdie navorsing was drie-voudig: Eerstens, om te bepaal watter kennis en
vaardighede die behuisingsverbruiker benodig om ingeligte en verantwoordelike
behuisingsbesluite te kan maak. Tweedens, om die stand van behuisingsinhoud in die
huidige primere- en sekondere skoolsillabus te ondersoek. Derdens, om 'n
uitkomsgerigte model te ontwikkel wat die insluiting van die geidentifiseerde en verfynde
behuisingsinhoud in die Algemene Onderwysvlak (AOV) van die Nasionale Kurrikulum
Raamwerk (NKR) sal bewerkstellig.
'n Kultureel diverse groep, wat bestaan het uit opvoeders en behuisingspraktisyns, het
deelgeneem aan vier nasionale gestruktureerde fokusgroeponderhoude wat deur middel
van die Nominale Groeptegniek (NGT) gefasiliteer is. Die doel van hierdie onderhoude was om vaardigdhede wat deur die verbruiker benodig word om ingeligte en
verantwoordelike behuisingsbesluite te neem, te identifiseer. Die inligting wat tydens
hierdie fokusgroeponderhoude ingewin is, is gebruik om sestien kembehuisingskonsepte
te identifiseer, naamlik "Basic Housing Technology" (BHT), "Community" (COMM),
"Cultural Aspects of Housing" (CAH), "Environment" (ENV), "Financial Aspects of
Housing" (FAH), "Housing Consumerism" (HC), "Housing Design and Decoration"
(HDD), "Housing Market" (HM), "Housing needs" (HN), "Housing Policy" (HP), "Legal
Aspects of Housing" (LAH), "Resource Management" (RM), "Role-players in Housing"
(RP), "Sources of Housing Information" (SID), "Tenure Options" (TO) en "Types of
Housing" (TH).
Die dokumentanalise in die tweede fase van die navorsing, het die huidige, gebrekkige
behuisingsopvoedingskomponent van die 'kemvakkurrikulums van laer- en hoerskole
uitgewys. Slegs 50% van die 318 kemvakkurrikulums het behuisingskonsepte bevat.
Minder as 40% van die behuisingskonsepte wat wel in hierdie kurrikulums verskyn het, is
as "relevant" geevalueer, en kon dus gebruik word vir die behuisingsopvoeding van die
'n Model wat voldoen aan die vereistes van uitkomsgebaseerde onderwysmodelle is
ontwikkel om die insluiting van hierdie behuingsinhoud in die Grondslag-, Intermediere >-
en Senior Fases van die AOV te bewerkstellig. Daar is gebruik gemaak van bestaande
kurrikulumkonstrulcte van Kurrikulum 2005. Uitkomste is ontwikkel wat die kennis,
vaardigdhede, houdings en waardes, ingesluit in die kernkonsepte, weerspieel. Die
'. bemeestering van hierdie 57 uitkomste, sal die onkunde van eerstemaal-huiseienaars
gedurende die behuisingsproses verminder, asook 'n volhoubare, langtermyn oplossing
vir hierdie probleme daarstel.
29 |
Die voorbereiding van onderwysers vir uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys binne die leerarea sosiale wetenskappeRogers, Lambert 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since 1994 South Africa has been characterized by transformation inter alia
in the field of education. A process characterized by preparation and
development of a new, extended curriculum evolved between 1994 and
1997. On 24 March 1997 Curriculum 2005 with an outcomes-based
approach was introduced. Curriculum 2005 strives to bridge the imbalances
of the past. Owing to the complexity of this curriculum and the problems
encountered in practice, Curriculum 2005 was revised between January and
July 2001 in order to address the problem areas.
A change in curriculum necessitates a change in teaching-instruction
strategies, learning programmes, assessment strategies and the method of
recording and reporting. As educators are directly affected by the process of
change in curricula, it is essential that educators are curriculum-competent to
understand and implement the changes. In this regard, Evans (1996:55)
states: "One of the necessary ingredients of such a restructuring is
empowering the players, the teachers." An essential condition for successful
implementation of change is the empowerment of educators to manage the
The essential questions addressed in this study are:
• To what degree are educators trained to manage these changes?
• What does the successful implementation of change, entail specifically
within the Social Sciences Learning Area?
• What are the educators' needs and experience regarding change?
The main focus of this study is to make a qualitative and quantitative
evaluation of the current changes with a view to developing a theoretical framework for the training of educators for Outcomes-based Education
(OBE) within the Social Sciences Learning Area.
To achieve the main focus of this study, the following specific aims have
been formulated:
• executing of a literature study, with regard to appropriate curriculum
theory, curriculum practice and development of educators;
• making a qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the training process
of educators within the Social Sciences Learning Area; and
• developing a theoretical framework to address the problems that have
been identified, regarding educator development.
The contribution of this study is located not only in the appropriate literature
study, but also in the fact that the outcome of this research can contribute to
the development of a relevant, effective and contextualised dissemination
process. It is clear that ineffective dissemination is the root cause of
ineffective curriculum development, as educator development cannot be
optimalised in such conditions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika word sedert 1994 deur transformasie gekenmerk, onder meer op
onderwysgebied. Tussen 1994 en 1997 is 'n proses aan die gang gesit om 'n
nuwe, breë kurrikulum voor te berei en te ontwikkel. Op 24 Maart 1997 is
Kurrikulum 2005 bekend gestel. Met Kurrikulum 2005 se uitkomsgebaseerde
benadering word daarna gestreef om die ongelykhede van die verlede te
oorbrug. As gevolg van die kompleksiteit van die kurrikulum en probleme wat
in die praktyk ervaar is, is Kurrikulum 2005 tussen Januarie en Julie 2001
hersien ten einde probleemareas aan te spreek.
Kurrikulumverandering beteken uiteraard dat daar ook In verandering in
onderrigstrategieë, leerprogramme, assesseringstrategieë en wyses van
optekening en rapportering sal wees. Aangesien opvoeders direk deur die
veranderingsproses van kurrikula geraak word, is dit noodsaaklik dat
opvoeders kurrikulumbekwaam is om die verandering te verstaan en te
implementeer. In die lig hiervan verklaar Evans (1996: 5): "One of the
neccesary ingredients of such a restructuring is empowering the players - the
teachers." 'n Kernvoorwaarde vir suksesvolle implementering van
verandering is die bemagtiging van opvoeders om hierdie verandering te
hanteer. Die kernvrae wat in hierdie studie aangespreek word, is:
• In watter mate word opvoeders voorberei om sodanige veranderinge te
kan hanteer?
• Wat behels effektiewe opvoedervoorbereiding met die oog op die
suksesvolle implementering van verandering, spesifiek binne die
leerarea Sosiale Wetenskappe?
• Wat is opvoeders se behoeftes en ervaring van verandering?
Die hooffokus van die studie is die maak van 'n kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe
evaluering van huidige verandering met die oog op die ontwikkeling van 'n
teoretiesee raamwerk vir die voorbereiding van opvoeders vir
Uitkomsgebaseerde Onderwys (UGO) binne die Leerarea Sosiale Wetenskappe. Om die hooffokus van hierdie studie te realiseer, is die volgende besondere
doelstellings geformuleer:
• die uitvoer van 'n literatuurstudie ten opsigte van toepaslike kurrikulumteorie,
kurrikulumpraktyke en opvoederontwikkeling.
• die maak van 'n kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe evaluering van die voorbereidingsproses
van opvoeders binne die Leerarea Sosiale Wetenskap;
• die ontwikkeling van 'n teoretiese kurrikulumraamwerk vir die aanspreek
van die geïdentifiseerde probleme met betrekking tot opvoederontwikkeling.
Die bydrae van hierdie studie is nie net in die toepaslike literatuurstudie geleë
nie, maar ook daarin dat die uitkoms van hierdie navorsing kan bydra tot die
ontwikkeling van relevante, doelmatige en gekontekstualiseerde disseminasieprosesse.
Dit blyk duidelik dat oneffektiewe disseminasie 'n
grondoorsaak van oneffektiewe opvoederontwikkeling is, juis omdat
opvoederontwikkeling nie tot sy reg kom nie.
30 |
Value and belief systems in outcomes based education in a diverse school environmentRhodes, B. D. (Bernard David) 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The introduction of Outcomes Based Education in the South African school system brought about a
new approach to education. The existing system of a multitude of subjects was replaced by a
curriculum with eight learning areas. In this curriculum the focus is on attitudes, skills and values
which replaced a content based approach with a process-based approach. Educators thereby became
facilitators in the educational process.
With the barriers of segregation removed in the South African society the diversity of the
population created multi-cultural classrooms. Schools became the meeting place of many cultures
and belief systems. Educators who facilitated learning in schools were not always prepared for the
task of managing a multi-cultural and multi-religious school environment. This change within the
school system required that educators make a paradigm shift regarding their role as educators.
The introduction of Curriculum 2005 (1997); The Revised National Curriculum (2001) and the
National Curriculum Statement (2002) was not without problems in South Africa. Many educators
resisted change and had negative perceptions about the implementation of Outcomes Based
Education in schools. These perceptions stemmed from inadequate training of educators for the
implementation phase of the curriculum. The lack of skills to facilitate the content of the curriculum
was also visible in the educators' inability to identify values in the curriculum.
The multi-cultural and multi-religious classroom confronted educators with values from the
different value and belief systems of learners. It is, therefore, important that educators should be
able to identify values in order to attain the outcomes of the curriculum. Previous research indicated
that educators did not play an active role in the teaching of values in schools. Neither were the
educators participating in this research able to either identify or promote the values identified in the
The aim of this research was to develop an instrument to assist educators in identifying values from
different belief systems in C2005 (1997); The Revised National Curriculum (2001) and the National
Curriculum Statement (2002). Guidelines were developed for the facilitation of the identified values
within the OBE curriculum. An empirical research was undertaken regarding the management of values in schools in the
Western Cape during June 1999. Possible methods and approaches to values in education in general
were identified and the suggested instrument and guidelines to assist educators with the
identification of values was developed.
The relevance of this study is to assist in-service and pre-service educators In identifying and
facilitating different belief and value systems in an OBE education system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementering van Uitkomsgebaseerde Onderwys (UGO) in die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolstelsel
het 'n nuwe benadering tot onderwys gebring. Die veelvoudige vakkeuses van die vorige
kurrikulum is vervang deur een met agt leerareas. 'n Nuwe kurrikulum wat gefokus is op
gesindhede, vaardighede en waardes het op sy beurt die inhoudgebaseerde kurrikulum met 'n
prosesbenadering vervang. Opvoeders het nou fasiliteerders van die leerproses geword.
Die verwydering van skeidslyne in die Suid Afrikaanse samelewing het tot gevolg gehad dat die
diversiteit van die S.A. bevolking tot multikulturele klaskamers gelei het. Skole het die
ontmoetingsplek van vele kulture en waardestelsels geword. Die opvoeders wat die leerproses in
skole moet fasiliteer, is nie altyd voorbereid op die multikulturele en multireligieuse
skoolomgewing nie. Die verandering in die skoolwese vereis dat opvoeders 'n paradigmaskuif
betreffende hulle rol as opvoeders moet maak.
Die implementering van Kurrikulum 2005(Curriculum 2005,1997; Hersiene Nasionale Kurrikulum
(Revised National Curriculum, 2001); Nasionale Kurrikulum Stelling (National Curriculum
Statement, 2002) was geensins sonder probleme nie. Heelwat opvoeders het weerstand gebied en
baie negatiewe persepsies is behou in verband met die implementering van Uitkomsgebaseerde
Onderwys in skole. Die persepsies van opvoeders ten opsigte van die implementeringsfase van die
kurrikulum word gemotiveer as gevolg van die onvoldoende opleiding in die voorbereidingsproses ..
Die gebrek aan vaardighede om die inhoud van die kurrikulum te fasiliteer, is sigbaar in die
opvoeders se onvermoë om waardes in die kurrikulum te identifiseer.
Die multikulturele en multireligieuse klaskamer het opvoeders konfronteer met die leerders se
waardes vanuit hul verskillende waarde- en oriënteringsomgewings. (belief systems). Dit word
belangrik geag dat opvoeders hierdie waardes kan identifiseer sodat die uitkomste van die
kurrikulum behaal kan word. Vorige navorsing het aangedui dat opvoeders nie 'n aktiewe rol in die
fasilitering van waardes in die skool speel nie. Die opvoeders wat deel was van hierdie navorsing,
kon ook nie waardes in die kurrikulum identifiseer of bevorder nie. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om 'n instrument te ontwerp om opvoeders te help met die
identifisering van waardes van die verskillende oriënteringsomgewings (belief systems) in C200S
(1997); RNC (2001); NCS(2002) Riglyne is ontwerp vir fasilitering van die geïdentifiseerde
waardes in die UGO kurrikulum. Empiriese ondersoek is onderneem met die doelom die hantering
van waardes in Wes-Kaapse skole na te vors. Moontlike metodes en benaderings tot waardes in
onderwys in die algemeen is geïdentifiseer en 'n instrument om opvoeders te help met die
identifisering van waardes, is ontwikkel. Riglyne word voorgestelom opvoeders te help in hulle
benadering tot waardes in die kurrikulum.
Die waarde van die studie lê daarin om sowel voor- as indiensopvoeders te help met die
identifisering en fasilitering van waardes vanuit die verskillende waarde en oriënteringsomgewings
in 'n Uitkomsgebaseerde Onderwysstelsel.
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