Spelling suggestions: "subject:"xhosa language -- study anda teaching"" "subject:"xhosa language -- study ando teaching""
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Complexity accuracy and fluency in task-based instruction for Xhosa second language at tertiary levelMazwi, Ntombomzi Rose-May 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / Full text to be digitised and attached to bibliographic record. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores a framework for the implementation of task-based instruction for
Xhosa second language at tertiary level. Central to the task-based approach to second
language learning are the goals of complexity, accuracy and fluency as outcomes. The
principles of task-based instruction to syllabus design are examined as this approach to
syllabus design is believed to provide an effective base for successful second language
Theoretical assumptions as propounded by vanous researchers are discussed paymg
particular reference to the nature of second language learning and teaching pedagogy. Most
linguists agree on the view that Universal Grammar is a constant background against
which any language learning process takes place. Universal Grammar is also viewed as the
faculty which influences second language acquisition. The study will explore the
relationship between second language theory and pedagogy. The Communicative
Language Teaching is advanced in this study as an appropriate method for teaching
The task-based syllabus is discussed with reference to different syllabus types which
exhibit tasks as a unit of analysis. The relationship between grammar pedagogy and taskbased
methodology is illustrated. A range of communication tasks for Xhosa is presented
as an example of a task-based course design and analysed according to a task typology to
investigate the communicative value of each task type. Salient functions, notions and
language structures are identified based on Xhosa communicative task dialogues.
It is hoped that Xhosa second language teachers and researchers will pursue the approach
that are advanced here and that they will be able to make a contribution to Xhosa second language course design. It is also hoped that this study has succeeded in dealing with
aspects of Xhosa second language learning and that Xhosa teaching will benefit in a
variety of respects. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek 'n raamwerk vir die implementering van taakgebaseerde onderrig vir
Xhosa tweedetaal op tersiêre vlak. Die doelstellings van kompleksiteit, akkuraatheid en
vlotheid is sentraal aan die taakgebaseerde benadering tot tweedetaalleer. Die studie sal die
beginsels van taakgebaseerde onderrig tot sillabusontwerp ondersoek aangesien hierdie
benadering algemeen beskou word as 'n doeltreffende basis vir suksesvolle tweedetaalleer.
Die studie sal voorts die teoretiese aannames bespreek wat deur verskillende navorsers
gemaak is met betrekking tot die aard van tweedetaalleer en onderrigmetodologie. Die
meeste taalkundiges is dit eens dat Universele Grammatika 'n konstante basis is waarop
tweedetaalleer plaasvind. Universele Grammatika word beskou as die mentale fakulteit wat
tweedetaalleer beïnvloed. Die studie salook die verwantskap tweedetaalteorie en onderrig
bespreek. Die kommunikatiewe taalonderrigbenadering word aangevoer in die studie as die
mees gepaste metode vir taalonderrig.
Die taakgebaseerde sillabus sal bespreek word met verwysing na verskillende sillabustipes
wat die taak as eenheid vir analise vertoon. Die verwantskap tussen grammatika-onderrig
en taakgebaseerde metodologie sal geïllustreer word. 'n Verskeidenheid kommunikatiewe
take in Xhosa sal bespreek word as 'n voorbeeld van eenhede in kommunikatiewe
kursusontwerp, en die take sal geanaliseer word om die kommunikatiewe aard van elke
taak te ondersoek.
Prominente taalfunksies, -begrippe en taalstrukture sal geïdentifiseer word vanuit die
Xhosa kommunikatiewe taak-dialoë. Die hoop word uitgespreek dat onderwysers en
navorsers van Xhosa tweedetaal die benadering wat in hierdie studie ondersoek is verder
salontgin, en dat hulle in staat sal wees om 'n bydrae te maak tot kommunikatiewe Die studie ondersoek 'n raamwerk vir die implementering van taakgebaseerde onderrig vir
Xhosa tweedetaal op tersiêre vlak. Die doelstellings van kompleksiteit, akkuraatheid en
vlotheid is sentraal aan die taakgebaseerde benadering tot tweedetaalleer. Die studie sal die
beginsels van taakgebaseerde onderrig tot sillabusontwerp ondersoek aangesien hierdie
benadering algemeen beskou word as 'n doeltreffende basis vir suksesvolle tweedetaalleer.
Die studie sal voorts die teoretiese aannames bespreek wat deur verskillende navorsers
gemaak is met betrekking tot die aard van tweedetaalleer en onderrigmetodologie. Die
meeste taalkundiges is dit eens dat Universele Grammatika 'n konstante basis is waarop
tweedetaalleer plaasvind. Universele Grammatika word beskou as die mentale fakulteit wat
tweedetaalleer beïnvloed. Die studie salook die verwantskap tweedetaalteorie en onderrig
bespreek. Die kommunikatiewe taalonderrigbenadering word aangevoer in die studie as die
mees gepaste metode vir taalonderrig.
Die taakgebaseerde sillabus sal bespreek word met verwysing na verskillende sillabustipes
wat die taak as eenheid vir analise vertoon. Die verwantskap tussen grammatika-onderrig
en taakgebaseerde metodologie sal geïllustreer word. 'n Verskeidenheid kommunikatiewe
take in Xhosa sal bespreek word as 'n voorbeeld van eenhede in kommunikatiewe
kursusontwerp, en die take sal geanaliseer word om die kommunikatiewe aard van elke
taak te ondersoek.
Prominente taalfunksies, -begrippe en taalstrukture sal geïdentifiseer word vanuit die
Xhosa kommunikatiewe taak-dialoë. Die hoop word uitgespreek dat onderwysers en
navorsers van Xhosa tweedetaal die benadering wat in hierdie studie ondersoek is verder
salontgin, en dat hulle in staat sal wees om 'n bydrae te maak tot kommunikatiewe kursusontwerp. Die studie poog om ook aspekte van Xhosa tweedetaalleer te identifiseer
wat die onderrig van Xhosa tot voordeel kan strek in verskillende opsigte.
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Framework for a task-based approach to the teaching of Xhosa as a second language for local government purposesVenter, Edith Christina 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to apply contemporary theories about language and
language learning in a South African and Western Cape context in order to
address the specific needs of isiXhosa second language learners in local
This study explores the use of communication tasks for vocational language
teaching. It aims at providing a sound theoretical foundation of second language
learning principles that support a task-based approach to language teaching for
specific purposes. The perspectives of a broad range of theories that view the
learner as autonomous and a social individual are regarded. Second language
learning is assumed to rely on some degree of access to Universal Grammar and
an innate ability to acquire language. It is argued that controlled and purposeful
learner-learner interaction provides the learner with the most opportunities to
negotiate meaning and to develop effective communication.
The role of instruction in second language acquisition is explored. A greater
interface between second language acquisition theory and pedagogy is
motivated and classroom research is regarded to form a platform for more open
dialogue between the two fields. The study addresses practical issues regarding
learner participation, error treatment, learning strategies and culture studies. A
discussion of task types, examples of tasks and criteria for task development has
the potential to inform and guide second language teachers and programme
In order to motivate the use of tasks in second language teaching for specific
purposes, theoretical perspectives of the instructional task are reviewed and the
properties of communication tasks and referential communication tasks are
described. Learning tasks which focus on form and provide learning strategies
and cross-cultural awareness are assumed to playa supportive role in the taskbased
syllabus. Finally, a task-design that addresses the needs of the municipal worker is
presented and provides a framework for developing task-based second language
teaching programmes for local government workers. A range of target tasks are
described and analyzed according to the principles and properties of
communication tasks and possible move-structures and language structures are
listed for consideration for learning tasks. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is om huidige teorieë omtrent taal en taalleer in "n
Suid-Afrikaanse en Wes-Kaapse konteks toe te pas ten einde die spesifieke
behoeftes van leerders van isiXhosa tweede taal in plaaslike regeringsinstansies
aan te spreek.
Die studie ondersoek die gebruik van kommunikasie-take in beroepsgerigte
taalonderrig. Dit stel ten doel die daarstelling van "n deeglike fondasie van
beginsels van tweedetaalverwerwing wat "n taakgebasseerde benadering tot
taalonderrig vir spesifieke doelstellings steun. Die perspektiewe van "n wye
verskeidenheid van teorieë wat die leerder as outonoom en as "n sosiale individu
beskou word in ag geneem. Tweedetaalverwerwing word beskou as afhanklik
van "n mate van toegang tot Universele Grammatika en "n aangebore vermoeë
om taal aan te leer. Daar word geredeneer dat beheerde en doelgerigte leerderleerder
interaksie die meeste geleenthede bied vir onderhandeling van betekenis
en die ontwikkeling van effektiewe kommunikasie-vaardighede.
Die rol van onderrig in tweedetaalverwerwing word ondersoek. "n Hegter
interaksie tussen tweedetaalverwerwingsteorie en onderrig word gemotiveer en
klaskamer-navorsing word beskou as "n platform vir meer vrye-dialoog tussen die
twee velde. Die studie spreek praktiese kwessies aan, soos leerder-deelname,
hantering van foute, leerstrategieë en kultuurstudies. "n Bespreking van
taaktipes, voorbeelde van take en kriteria vir taakontwikkeling kan moontlik van
praktiese waarde wees vir tweedetaalonderwysers en programontwikkelaars.
Ten einde die gebruik van take in tweedetaalonderrig vir spesifieke doeleindes te
motiveer, word die teoretiese perspektiewe ten opsigte van die instruksionele
taak hersien en die eienskappe van kommunikasie-take en
verwysingskommunikasie-take beskryf. Leertake wat op vorm fokus en wat leerstrategieë en kruiskulturele bewustheid voorsien, word beskou as
ondersteunend in 'n taakgebaseerde sillabus.
Ten laaste word 'n taakontwerp voorgestel wat die behoeftes van die munisipale
werker aanspreek en wat 'n raamwerk voorsien vir die ontwikkeling van
taakgebaseerde onderrigprogramme vir plaaslike regeringswerkers. 'n Reeks
teikentake word beskryf en geanaliseer volgens die beginsels en eienskappe van
kommunikasie-take en moontlike struktuur-skuiwe en taalstrukture word gelys
om vir leertake oorweeg te word.
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Semantiese velde en die onderrig en aanleer van Xhosa-woordeskatVenter, Johannes Andreas January 1980 (has links)
Uit Inleiding: Hoe belangrik is die aanleer van woordeskat by die verwerwing van 'n vreemde taal? Indien dit van besondere belang is, kan met reg gevra word: watter beginsels moet in ag geneem word by die opstel van metodes en tegnieke om die aanleer van die woordeskat met optimum effektiwiteit te laat plaasvind? Wat is die teoretiese basis vir sulke metodes en tegnieke? Hierdie is enkele vrae wat in hierdie ondersoek aan die orde sal kom. Die begrip "semantiese velde" of "betekenisvelde" is 'n idee wat in die jongste tyd heelwat aandag geniet by linguiste. Die konsep "betekenisveld" veronderstel twee kenmerke van die leksikon: 1. Dat die betekenisaspek van elke individuele leksikale item, kragtens kontras bestaan en dat hierdie kontras tussen betekeniskomponente van leksikale items in die leksikon teregkom, veral binne 'n betekenisveldsiening. 2. Dat die leksikon kragtens die relasies tussen die leksikale items 'n georganiseerde en gestruktureerde versameling is. In ons ondersoek sal dit dus hoofsaaklik gaan oor: 1. Bestaande metodes en tegnieke om woordeskat te onderrig. 2. Bestaande toerieë oor die gestruktureerdheid van woordeskat. 3. Die moontlikhede wat hierdie teorieë inhou, om die onderrig van woordeskat meer effektief te laat plaasvind.
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The status of Xhosa and communicative competence in Cape Education Department schoolsDugmore, Cuan Patrick January 1991 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 196-201. / The empirical survey of Xhosa amongst Standard 10 pupils in Cape Education Department Schools (CED) sought to verify or negate two central concerns which surf aced in a pilot study of five Western Cape schools. This thesis contends that little has changed throughout South Africa's colonial and apartheid history with regard to the status of African languages within South Africa and particularly in CED schools. The second contention is that various factors, including the lack of second language expertise and contact with mother tongue speakers, continue to undermine the potential development of pupils' communicative competence in Xhosa. Separate questionnaires which included categorical and open ended questions were posted to Xhosa-teachers, Standard 10 non-mother tongue Xhosa pupils and their parents. The Xhosa teachers administered the questionnaires. There was an 80% response from the total population of CED schools offering Xhosa. The number of subjects included 169 Xhosa pupils, 154 parents and 26 Xhosa teachers. STATGRAPHICS and BMDP were the statistical packages used in the analysis. Chi-Squared tests with the Yates correction for continuity were used to compare frequencies between categorical variables. ANOVA and t-tests were used with continuous variables. Findings indicated the deteriorating status of Xhosa in schools. The low number of CED schools ( 13. 0%) offering Xhosa and a 0. 5% growth rate in Standard 10 pupils doing Xhosa between 1988 and 1991 are an indication of this. The lack of encouragement and support for Xhosa from schools and the CED, coupled with problematic subject choice options, the Xhosa syllabus and the examination system, has affected the status of Xhosa and the motivation of pupils adversely. In the survey, pupils had low communicative competence in Xhosa levels of perceived due to the lack of informal, natural acquisition environments and the over- emphasis of grammatical aspects in the classroom and in examinations. Furthermore, the lack of quality primary and secondary education based on negatively affected pupils' second language theory has attitudes, motivation and communicative competence levels in Xhosa. The recognition of the importance of African languages in a future non-racial South Africa in the current language debate has highlighted the contradiction that exists today. This contradiction necessitates the urgent re-assessment of language and education policies, strategies and teaching methodologies in order to uplift the status of African languages and improve the levels of competence in the target language amongst school pupils.
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Ukufundisa nokufunda ulwimi ngendlela yejenraFinini, Nomondo Sinah Soslinah 03 1900 (has links)
Examines genre approach with reference to its use to teach Xhosa to learners. / Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the genre approach with reference to its use to teach Xhosa to
learners. Genres or text types are produced by learners through writing texts. Different
genres are distinguished, such as social, cultural and also political texts.
This study firstly considers definitions of genre by different researchers. Swales (1990)
views genre as a set of communicative events whereas Medway (1994) views genre by its
common communicative purposes. Kaplan (1996) defines genre as discourse type that
has identifiable properties and purposes. Kalantzis (1996) argues that the genre-approach
to literacy represents fundamentally new educational approach.
The study reviews register, which results from the situation of the speaker and the writer
respect to three aspects, namely field, mode and tenor. Littlefair defines the notion of
systems of genre as the interrelated genres that interact with each other. These authors
consider rhetorical devices in genre, like explanation, narration, persuasion and exposition.
This study demonstrates that in constructing the Xhosa text, the level and status of the
reader is considered by the writer. The writer chooses different lexical items when
constructing the text for readers to understand. If the writer and the reader share the
same background knowledge reader it is easy for the reader to interpret the phrases used.
The study will demonstrate how the writer constructs the text in terms of the sentential and
textual structures.
The five community-related Bona articles are examined, illustrate the theoretical
assumptions. The ethnography of writing addresses the question who writes what to
whom for what purpose why and how.
Finally, this study explores the curriculum 2005 outcomes for learning language. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die genre-benadering met betrekking tot die gebruik daarvan om
Xhosa aan leerders te onderrig. Genres of tekstipes word geproduseer deur die skryf van
tekste deur leerders. Verskillende genres kan onderskei word, bv. genres wat vir sosiale of
politieke doeleindes geskryf word.
Die studie beskou eerstens definisies van die term genre deur verskillende navorsers.
Swales (1990) beskou genre as 'n stel kommunikatiewe gebeurtenisse terwyl Medway
(1994) genre definieer in terme van die algemene kommunikatiewe doelstellings daarvan.
Kaplan (1996) definieer genre as 'n diskoerstipe wat identifiseerbare eienskappe en
doelstellings het. Kalantzis (1996) argumenteer dat die genre benadering tot geletterdheid
'n fundamenteel-verskillende opvoedkundige benadering tot geletterdheid verteenwoordig.
Die studie verwys na die konsep van register, wat voortspruit uit die situasie van die
spreker en skrywer met betrekking tot drie aspekte, naamlik veld, tenor en modus. Littlefair
(1991) definieer die begrip van sisteme van genre as die verbandhoudende genres wat
met mekaar in interaksie is. Hierdie outeurs beskou retoriese meganismes in genre,
byvoorbeeld verduideliking, narratief, oorreding en eksposisie.
Hierdie studie demonstreer dat in die konstruksie van Xhosa tekste, die vlak en status van
die leser in ag geneem word deur die skrywer. Die skrywer kies bepaalde leksikale items
in die konstruksie van die teks wat lesers kan verstaan. Indien die skrywer en die leser
dieselfde agtergrondkennis deel, is dit makliker vir die leser om die teks te interpreteer. Die
studie salook demonstreer hoe die skrywer die teks saamstel in terme van tekstuele en
Die vyf gemeenskaps-verwante BONA artikels wat in die studie ontleed word, illustreer die
teoretiese aannames van die genre-benadering. Die etnografie van skryf spreek die vraag
aan van: wie skryf wat aan wie, vir watter doel, hoekom en hoe.
Laastens ondersoek die studie die beginsels en riglyne van skryfvaardigheid soos
uiteengesit in Kurrikulum 2005. / ISICAPHULO: Esi sifundo sophando sijongana nendlela yejenra esetyenziswayo ukufundisa ulwimi
kubafundi. Ijenra iveliswa ngokuthetha okanye ukubhala. Injenra ezohlukeneyo ziya
setyenziswa ezinjengezentlalo, ezenkcubeko kwakunje nezopholitiko.
Esi sifundo sicingela inkcazo ngejenra yababhali abaninzi. uSwales 91990) ubona injera
njengeseti yezehlo zoqhagamshelwano xa vena u Medway (1994) ebona ijenra
ngeenjongo zoqhagamshelwano. Kaplan (1996) uthetha ngejenra njengohlobo Iwentetho
Iwezinto ezikhethekayo. Kalantzis (1996) uxoxa athi uhlobo Iwejenra kufundo lumele
uhlobo olusiseko Iwemfundo entsha.
uLittlefair (1991) chaza umnabo wolwimi njengento engekhoyo ezinokuthi iititshala ziyive
kuphondo lolwimi. Umnabo wolwimi uvela kwimeko yesithethi nonobhala enezinto
ezintathu ezi zezi ifilidi, imowudi ne thena. uLittlefair (1991) uchaza uluvo Iwesisistim
Iwejenra njengeejenra ezithungeleneyo nezithi zisebenzisane enye kwenye. Ababhali
bacinga ngezinto zobuciko ezinjengochazo, ukubalisa, ukucenga nokubhenca. uLittlefair
(1991) ujolisa kwiintlobo zejenra zeencwadi ezinjengezenkqubo, iincwadi zolwazi.
Xa umbumba isicatshulwa inqanaba nezinga lomlesi uyalicingela umbhali. Umbhali uthi
akhethe isigama esohlukileyo xa ebumba isicatshulwa sabalesi ukuze basiqonde. Ukuba
umbhali nomlesi bakwizinga elinye lovimba wolwazi kuiuia ukuba umlesi akwazi ukutolika
amabinzana amagama asetyenzisiweyo. Igrama Vivo enika intsingiselo kwisicatshulwa.
Umbhali ubumba isicatshulwa esekele kwisakhivo sesivakalisi nesakhiwo sesicatshulwa.
Imiba ezalaniswa noluntu iyaxoxwa, ixukushwa kusetyenziswa inqqikelelo yengcingane.
Ubhalo ngenkcazo yenzululwazi ngcentlanga liphendula umbuzo othi, ngubani obhala,
ntoni isiya kubani? Nganjongo zini, kutheni njani?
Ukuphetha esi sifundo sijongana neziphumo zokufunda kwikharityhulam 2005.
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A framework for teaching : reading in Xhosa at secondary school levelPiet, Fezeka Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores and potrays various ways in which reading in Xhosa can be analyzed.
Learners are encouraged to see the importance of reading so that they can produce an
effective communication.
A range of approaches will be employed to describe and analyze what the author or writer
wants to deliver through his/her message. Various types of descriptions and analyses of
texts are explored in order to demonstrate the importance of reading. Important proposals
advanced by Davies (1995) in her framework of hierarchical levels of text analysis are
employed in showing that Xhosa reading can be analyzed in terms of this framework. This
study aims at demonstrating the success of adopting the Davies framework for the
learning and teaching of reading in Xhosa.
Different examples of articles are examined from the Xhosa Bona Magazines. Six articles
about Tourism promotion are demonstrated in an analysis using Davies' (1995)
hierarchical levels of describing and analyzing texts.
The seven specific outcomes for the language, literacy and communication learning
area as specified in the Outcomes-based education (OBE) curriculum are discussed in
relation to the teaching and learning of reading. The tourism promotion articles used in
demonstrating the learner - centered approach underlying outcomes-based teaching.
One of the aims of the Outcomes-based curriculum is to enhance learner participation in
learning language including reading. The teaching of this kind of reading skills necessitate
an understanding of how learners respond and understand texts when reading.
The analyses undertaken for the Xhosa texts are important, because they demonstrate the
foundation for successful teaching and learning of reading in Xhosa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek en gee In voorstelling van verskillende wyses waarop leestekste
in Xhosa ontleed kan word.
In Verskeidenheid benaderings saloorweeg word in die beskrywing en analise van die
inhoud wat die skrywer wil oordra in sy/haar skryfwerk. Verskillende tipes beskrywings en
analises van tekste word ondersoek ten einde die belangrikheid van leesvaardigheid te
demonstreer. Belangrike voorstelle soos aangetoon deur Davies (1995) in haar raamwerk
van hiërargiese vlakke vir teksanalise word aangewend ten einde aan te toon dat Xhosa
leestekste ontleed kan word in terme van dieselfde raamwerk. Hierdie studie het dus as
doelstelling om die sukses te demonstreer van die aanvaarding van Davies se raamwerk
in die onderrig en leer van leesvaardigheid in Xhosa.
Verskillende voorbeelde van artikels word ontleed van die BONA tydskrif. Ses artikels oor
toerisme promosie word gedemonstreer en ontleed in terme van davies se hiërargiese
vlakke vir die beskrywing en analise van tekste.
Die sewe spesifieke uitkomste van die taal, geletterdheid en kommunikasie leerarea
soos gespesifiseer in die Uitkoms-gebaseerde onderwys kurrikulum word bespreek met
betrekking tot onderrig en leer van leesvaardigheid. Een van die doelstellings van die
uitkoms-gebaseerde kurrikulum is om leerders se deelname in die leerproses te vergroot,
insluitende die leesproses. Die onderrig van hierdie tipe leesvaardighede noodsaak In
begrip van hoe leerders tekste verstaan wanneer hulle lees.
Die analises wat gedoen is en die studie is belangrik aangesien dit die basis demonstreer
van suksesvolle onderrig en leer van leesvaardighede en Xhosa.
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A framework for the analysis of Xhosa texts for teaching readingTyala, Abegail Nomapha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the reading process as addressed by Davies and Wallace in
their research. The key concept of the models of the reading process as explored by
Davies with reference to different researchers are examined. These researchers
include Gough, whose model of the reading process represents a bottom-up view of
the reading process, Goodman's model which reflects a top-down view of the reading
process and Rumelhart's interactive model which is an alternative to bottom-up and
top-down models. Davies advances a schema-theory which is the development of
Rumelhart's interactive model. The study also considers the model of Rayner and
Pollatsek as proposed by Davies, namely, the bottom-up interactive model of the
reading process. This model intends to be bottom-up, without excluding the
interactive features. A further model explored by Davies is that of Mathewson,
which incorporates affective factors in reading. Hedge, according to Davies,
developed the models of reading into a taxonomy of modes, anchors and drivers.
Modes represent the reading behaviours, anchors express knowledge sources, and
drivers typify the reading purposes. The study also considers Wallace's approach to
the reading process, which represents reading as a psycholinguistic as well as a
sociolinguistic process.
In addition, this study conducts an investigation of a practical framework for
describing and analysing texts; ways of describing differences amongst texts as
proposed by Wallace and the integration of different descriptions of texts. Levels of
text analysis and the theoretical foundation of the analytic procedure are considered.
The last part of this discussion provides some perspectives on reaching reading in the
outcomes-based curriculum for language, literacy and communication (see Appendix
In the next part of the study an analysis of the Xhosa Bona magazine articles is
offered which commences with the recapitulation of the framework for the analysis of
texts. This framework includes elements such as the discourse type and genre; textual units and their functions; rhetorical functions and rhetorical patterns; text
cohesion; text coherence and language choice as a reflection of the writer's
communicative purpose or goal. Each article is analysed according to the framework
assumed. The study invokes Davies' analytic framework for the analysis of the Bona
magazine articles. The last part of this research explores the significance between
Davies' model and the requirements of outcomes-based language teaching. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek 'n praktiese raamwerk vir die beskrywing en analise van tekste,
maniere vir die beskrywing van verskille tussen tekste soos voorgestel deur Wallace,
en die integrasie van die verskillende beskrywings van tekste. Die vlakke van
teksanalise en die teoretiese basis van die analitiese prosedure word bespreek. Die
laaste deel van hierdie bespreking skenk aandag aan perspektiewe oor die onderrig
van leesvaardigheid in die Uitkoms-gebaseerde kurrikulum vir die leerveld tale,
geletterdheid en kommunikasie (sien Bylae B).
In die volgende deel van die studie word 'n analise gedoen van Xhosa BONA
tydskrifartikels, wat begin met 'n rekapitulasie van die raamwerk vir die analise van
tekste. Hierdie raamwerk sluit elemente in soos diskoerstipe en genre, retoriese
funksies en taalkeuse as 'n refleksie van die skrywer se kommunikatiewe
doelstellings. Elke artikel word ontleed volgens die analitiese raamwerk van Davies.
Die laaste deel van die studie ondersoek die verband en betekenis van Davies se
leesmodel vir die onderrig van lees volgens die vereistes van die Uitkoms-gebaseerde
kurrikulum. / ISICATSHULWA:
Esi sifundo sijongene nophando ngendlela yokufunda njengoko indululwe
ngokaDavies noWallace kwiincwadi zabo. Le ngqikelelo yemifuziselo yofundo
njengoko iphononongwa ngulo kaDavies ngokubhekisele le ke kwizimvo zabacebi,
nayo iyahlolwa kwesi sifundo. Aba bacebi bale mifuziselo yale ngqikelelo yofundo
ngaba balandelayo; okaGough, omfuziselo wakhe wofundo ubonisa ukuba ufundo
luqala phantsi luye phezulu oko kukuthi, phantsi-phezulu, kanti yena uGoodman
uqikelela ufundo njengento eqala phezulu iye phantsi, oko kukuthi, phezulu-phantsi.
Kukho ke noluvo lokaRumelhart malunga nolu qikelelo-fundo. Vena uceba ufundo
okanye umfuziselo wofundo osebenzisanayo, futhi oluyenye indlela endaweni yezi
zimbini zit hi phantsi-phezulu okanye phezulu-phantsi. Ngaphaya koko, uDavies
uvelisa enye indlela ekwacetywa nguRumelhart, athi ukuyibiza yinkcazo-ngcingane
(theory) yeskima. Yona ikhulisa ikwaqhubela phambili le yomfuziselo
osebenzisanayo (interactive model). Isifundo esi sikwaluthathela ingqalelo uluvo
lukaRayner noPollatsek ngokuphakanyiswa nguDavies, olu ke lokuba bacebe
inkqubo yofundo oluqala phantsi luye phezulu luze luhlangane nolu lukaRumelhart
lokusebenzisana. Injongo yale nkqubo yofundo lwabo kukuba baqiniseke ngofundo
oluqala phantsi luye phezulu phofu bengakhange nakancinane balahle ezo mpawu
zolo fundo losebenziswano. Omnye umfuziselo wofundo owaziswa nguDavies
ngokaMathewson. Wona ke ubandakanya iimeko ezichukumisayo xeshikweni ubani
afundayo (affective factors). UDavies ukwasichazela nangoluvo lukaHedge othe
yena le mifuziselo (models) yokufunda wayihlela ngokwezintlu azibiza ngokuba
ziindlela zokuziphatha xa ufundayo (modes) okanye (reading behaviours), neeankile
(anchors) ezithetha indawo apho ubani afumana khona ulwazi (knowledge sources)
kunye nezo athi ngabaqhubi (drivers). Zona ke zibonisa iinjongo zokuba ubani
afunde oko asukuba ekufunda. OkaWallace ufundo olu ulubonisa ngeyakhe indlela
eyahlukileyo kwabanye aba. Ulubona njengenkqubo ehlanganisa inzululwazi
ngezengqondo edibaniselene nenzululwazi ngezolwimi, edibeneyo (unitary)
nekhethayo (and selective), kunye naleyo inenzululwazi ngoluntu neelwimi
(sociolinguistic). Ukongeza apho isifundo esi siphonononga indlela ephathekayo yokuchaza
nokucazulula okubhaliweyo (text analysis); iindlela ezahlukeneyo zokuchaza
umahluko phakathi kwezinto ezibhaliweyo. Oku ke kudibene nezimvo ezivela
kokaWallace. Ukuhlanganiswa kwezi ndlela zahlukeneyo zokuchaza okubhaliweyo;
imigangatho yokubhaliweyo (levels of text); eyiyeyona isetyenziswayo nefundwa
ngokubanzi jikelele; isiseko (basic) senkcazo eyingcingane senkqubo yocazululo
kwakunye ke nokuveliswa kweendlela ezimisiweyo ezahlukeneyo zolu calulo
lokubhaliweyo, zonke zikhankanyiwe kwesi sifundo. Indawo yokugqibela yolu
phando inika iinkcazelo ngamagama athile (terms) afumaneka kufundo ngeelwimi
olubhekiselele kwiziqhamo zokufundwayo (outcomes-based language study).
Emveni koku ke ngoku kulandela ucazululo-ncakasana lwamanqaku omhleli
kalindixesha wesiXhosa ekuthiwa yiBona, cazululo 010 oluqala ngokuwenza
amavandlakanya ngendlela lo kaDavies aceba ngayo ucazululo lokubhaliweyo. Le
ndlela ke yile ilandelayo; idiskhosi nejenra; iziqwengana zentetho ebhaliweyo
(textual units) nemisebenzi yazo; imisebenzi yeentetho zobuciko (rhetorical
functions), neendlela zobuciko (rhetorical patterns); ukunxibelelana nokuyondelelana
kokubhaliweyo (text coherence and text cohesion); nokhetho magamallwimi
ngendlela yokubonisa iinjongo nomyalezo wombhali (language choices as a
reflection of the writer's communicative goal and purpose). Inqakwana (article)
ngalinye kula sesithethe ngawo ngentla apha, licazululwa ngokwale ndlela ixeliweyo
endululwe ngulo kaDavies. Ngaphandle koko isifundo esi sihlola unxibelelwano
phakathi kwendlela yocazululo lokubhaliweyo ecetywa nguDavies kunye nendlela
athe la manqaku eBona acazululwa ngayo.
Ekugqibeleni kwako konke uphando olu luthabatha ingqalelo kumcimbi
wonxibelelwano phakathi kwendlela le kaDavies yocazululo nocalulo
lokubhaliweyo kunye nofundiso lolwimi olujongene neziqhamo
zokufundwayo (outcomes-based language teaching).
8 |
A genre-based approach to the analysis of sports celebrity texts in XhosaGanca, Zanodumo Victor 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores the nature of writing instruction which can improve the writing skills of
learners as it also takes into account the learners needs. The main aim is to apply the genrebased
approach to written texts in Xhosa. This framework for instruction will help learners to
be ready for the work place after they have left school. They will acquire the necessary
writing skills, which are needed in the work place today. The genre-based use oflanguage will
enable them to use written language in different situations and they should be able to write
meaningful texts, which will take the reader into consideration, as required by Curriculum
The approaches to teaching communicative writing skills are discussed in relation to both the
critical outcomes and the specific outcomes for the learning field Language, Literacy and
Communication as specified in the Curriculum 2005 (1997). The framework presented by
Grabe and Kaplan (1996) is also presented in relation to the specific outcomes that need to be
achieved in the Languages, Literacy and communication-learning field.
Six BONA Magazine articles on sport celebrities have been analysed according to the model
of text-construction within the framework proposed by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). It is
concluded that these types of analytic skills are required in an effective approach to the
teaching of writing to accomplish the outcomes of Curriculum 2005. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die aard van skryfonderrig wat die skryfvaardigheid van leerders
kan verbeter en ook die leerders se behoeftes in ag neem. Die hoofdoelstelling van die studie
is om die genre-gebaseerde benadering toe te pas in die analise van geskrewe tekste in Xhosa.
Hierdie raamwerk vir onderrig sal leerders help om gereed te wees vir die kommunikatiewe
eise van die werkplek nadat hulle die skool verlaat het. Hulle kan, deur die genre-benadering
tot skryfonderrig, die vereiste skryfvaardighede ontwikkel wat in die werkplek benodig word.
Die genre-gebaseerde gebruik van skriftelike taal kan leerders in staat stelom taal aan te wend
in In verskeidenheid situasies, en hulle behoort in staat te wees om betekenisvolle tekste te
skryf wat die leser in berekening neem, soos vereis deur Kurrikulum 2005.
Die benaderings tot die onderrig van kommunikatiewe skryfvaardigheid word bespreek met
betrekking tot sowel kritieke uitkomste as spesifieke uitkomste vir die leerveld Taal,
Geletterdheid en Kommunikasie, soos gespesifiseer in Kurrikulum 2005 (1997 weergawe).
Die raamwerk van Grabe en Kaplan (1996) word ook behandel met betrekking tot die
spesifieke uitkomste in wat bereik moet word in die leerveld Tale, Geletterdheid en
Ses BONA tydskrifartikels wat handeloor sportpersoonlikhede word ontleed volgens die
genre-gebaseerde benadering binne die raamwerk van Grabe en Kaplan se model vir
tekskonstruksie en etnografie vir skriftelike tekste. Daar word bevind dat die onderrig van
hierdie soort analitiese vaardighede nodig is vir In doeltreffende benadering tot skryfonderrig
vir die bereik van die uitkomste van Kurrikulum 2005.
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The personal perspective essay in Xhosa as reflection of the writing competence of grade 12 learnersFongoqa, Nobatwa Virginia 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores a theoretical framework of language competence with reference to the
teaching and learning of writing in Xhosa grade 12. The teaching of writing attempts to
develop writing skills and to assist learners to see writing as a process involving various
stages such as thinking, researching, planning, writing and re-writing. Furthermore, this
study aims at demonstrating how to develop the learners to express themselves in a
formally ordered way, as required in a given context for a specific purpose and audience.
The study is strongly influenced by two approaches, one associated with the processes of
writing, and the other called the genre approach, but the study also draws on a number of
writing models. Examples of written essays by the learners of Xhosa in grade 12 are
presented and analysed. This study examines four essays, each for which properties
relating to the language competence component is analysed according to the questions
posed by Grabe and Kaplan (1996). Writing is one of the most important communicative
skills in life of the individual and it is an integral part of the school curriculum. This study
concludes with some recommendations, which might help to solve certain problems
relating to essay writing in the teaching of languages in Curriculum 2005 .. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek 'n teoretiese raamwerk van taalvermoë met verwysing na die
onderrig en aanleer van skryfvaardigheid in Xhosa vir graad 12 leerders. Die onderrig van
skryfvaardigheid het as doelstelling die ontwikkeling van leerders se skryfvermoëns en die
leiding van leerders om skryf te sien as 'n proses wat talle fases behels, soos nadenke,
beplanning, navorsing, skryf en herskryf. Die studie poog voorts om aan te toon hoe
leerders ontwikkel kan word om hulleself uit te druk in 'n formeelgevorderde wyse, soos
vereis in 'n bepaalde konteks en vir 'n bepaalde gehoor. Die studie is sterk beïnvloed deur
twee benaderings, een gekoppel aan die prosesse van skryf, en die ander, bekend as die
genre-benadering, maar die studie betrek ook 'n aantal modelle van skryfvaardigheid.
Voorbeelde van skriftelike stukke deur leerders van Xhosa eerste taal in graad 12 word
ontleed. Die studie ondersoek vier opstelle, elke waarvoor eienskappe rakende die
taalvaardigheidskomponent, ontleed word volgens vrae gestel deur Grabe en Kaplan
(1996). Skryfvaardigheid is een van die belangrikste kommunikasievaardighede in die
lewe van 'n individu, en dit vorm 'n integrale deel van die skoolkurrikulum. Die studie sluit
af met 'n aantal aanbevelings wat 'n bydrae kan maak tot die oplos van bepaalde
probleme rakende skryfwerk in taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005.
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Uhlobo lwengcingane yohahlelo yenkcazelo yezentlalo kwimbalo zesixhosaDweba, Constance Xoliswa 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the genre-theoretic analystic properties of social commentary texts
in isiXhosa which are extracted from the Bona magazine. These five articles are genres
which all just deal with social commentary issues.
This study will first explore the broad genre-based theoretical approach to the investigation
of the isiXhosa texts as social commentary texts. The genre-theoretic approach will be
utilized as framework for discourse properties of the Xhosa texts and a review will be given
of the linguistic competence component of the more general theory of writing advanced by
Grabe and Kaplan (1996). It will be argued that the theory of Grabe and Kaplan (1996) is
suitable as a framework for teaching writing, because it incorporates the ethnography of
writing which entails that a detailed analysis of texts should address the following
questions: who writes what to whom for what purpose, why and how.
In terms of the parameter "write" which is examined extensively in this study the aspects of
text analysis examined include topic structuring, coherence, text cohesion, lexical choices
as a reflection of communicative purpose as well as cognitive move structure or structural
description which is discussed in Bhatia (1993). These text-linguistic properties of the
genre-theoretic approach will be investigated invoking Grabe and Kaplan's model of text
Finally, this study will also explore the relationship between the ethnography of writing,
learning outcomes 3, 4 and 5 of Grade 9 and their related assessment standards in
Curriculum 2005. The study explores questions of how Grabe and Kaplan's model can be
effectively employed in the analysis of texts in language teaching in Curriculum 2005. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die genre-analitiese kenmerke van sosiale kommentaar tekste in
isiXhosa wat verkry is uit die BONA tydskrif. Die vyf artikels is genres wat almal verband
hou met sosiale kommentaar vraagstukke.
Die studie sal eerstens die breë genre-gebaseerde benadering tot die analise van die
isiXhosa tekste ondersoek. Die genre-teoretiese benadering sal aangewend word as
raamwerk vir die ondersoek van diskoers eienskappe van die Xhosa tekste, en In oorsig
word gegee van die taalvermoë komponent van die meer algemene teroeivan skryf
gepostuleer deur Grabe en Kaplan (1996). Daar word aangevoer dat die teorie van Grabe
en Kaplan toepaslik is as In raamwerk vir die onderrig van skryfvaardigheid daar dit ook
die etnografie van skryf inkorporeer, wat meebring dat In gedetaileerde analise van tekste
ook die volgende vrae moet aanspreek: Wie skryf wat aan wie vir watter doel, waarom
en hoe.
Ten opsigte van die "skryf" parameter, wat uitgebreid ondersoek word in hierdie studie,
word aspekte beskou wat insluit inligting strukturering, onderwerp strukturering
koherensie, teks kohesie, leksikale keuses as In refleksie van kommunikatiewe doel, sowel
as kognitiewe skuif struktuur of strukturele beskrywing, wat bespreek word in Bhatia
(1993). Hierdie teks-linguistiese eienskappe binne die genre-teoretiese benadering sal
ondersoek word met betrekking tot Grabe en Kaplan se model van tekskonstruksie.
Laastens ondersoek hierdie studie ook die verband tussen die etnografie van skryf- en
leeruitkomste 3, 4 en 5 van Graag 9, tesame met die verbandhoudende
assesseringstandaarde, in Kurrikulum 2005. Die studie ondersoek vrae van hoe die genre
analise van tekste in taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005 doeltreffend aangewend kan word. / ISICATSHULWA : Olu fundo luyaphanda ngohlahlelo lohlobo Iwesakhiwo Iwencwadi enenkcazo yezentlalo
yeembalo zesiXhosa ezithi zithatyathwe kwimagazini yeBona. La manqaku mahlanu olu
hlobo athi ajongane nemicimbi yencwadi echaza ngezentlalo.
Olu fundo luyakutlu luvelise ngokubanzi iimbalo ezisekeke kwindlela yesakhiwo
sokuphanda ngembalo zesiXhosa njengezona mbalo eziluncwadi olunenkcazo. Indlela
yohlobo Iwesakhiwo luyakuthi lusetyenziswe njengophahla ekuhlahleleni iilwimi, ubuchule
kunye nemihlaba yokufundisayo kwimbalo zesiXhosa kunye nokunika umboniso welungu
lobuchule besakhiwo esiphangaleleyo ekubhaleni ngobunzulu nguGrabe noKaplan (1996).
Kuyakuthi kuxoxwe ukuba uGrabe noKaplan (1996) kwisakhiwo sabo uthi alungele
ubuchule bokufundisa ukubhala, kuba ithi ingeneiele kuninkcazo yobunzululwazi
yokubhala ethi ivelise ukuba uhlahlelo olunamanqanaba Iwembalo lubonisa le mibuzo
ilandelayo: ngubani obhalayo ntoni kubani enaziphi injongo, kutheni kunye
Phantsi kweparamitha "ukubhala" ekuthi kubeyiyona ende kakhulu kolu fundo ebonakalisa
imiba yohlahlelo Iwembalo efana nentloko yolwazi, (edibanisa imihlaba) yobumbo lolwazi
oluyintloko, unamathelwano, imbalo enamathelanayo, ukhetho Iwezichazimagama ezizona
zibonakalisa injongo zonxibelelwano nangokunjalo nobumbo oluhambayo lobunzululwazi
bengqondo okanye inkcazelo ebumbekileyo ethi icaciswe nguBhatia (1993). Le mihlaba
yembalo zeelwimi zendlela yohlobo Iwesakhiwo ziyakuthi ziphandwe zivelisa uGrabe
noKaplan kumzekelo wabo wobumbo Iwembalo.
Okokugqibela, olu fundo luyakuphinde luvelise ukuzalana phakathi kwenkcazo
yobunzululwazi bokubhala, ezifundo iziphumayo 3, 4 kunye nesesi 5 sesigaba 9 kunye
namanqanaba _okuhlola ahamba nazo. Olu fundo luvelisa imibuzo ukuba uGrabe
noKaplan kumzekelo wabo bangathi basebenze ngokuphumelelayo ekuhlahleleni iimbalo
kwakubo obu buchule boludwe Iwezifundo zika 2005 ekufundiseni ulwimi, ubuchule
bokufunda nokubhala kunye nonxibelelwano.
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