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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”De är externa revisorer med sitt uppdrag och vi är interna revisorer med vårt uppdrag” : – En studie om samverkan mellan statlig internrevision och Riksrevisionen

Anheller, Henrik, Karlsson, Caroline January 2008 (has links)
<p>Som ett led i att förstärka den effektiva kontrollen inom staten föreskrivs det att myndigheter skall ha en internrevision. Idag innehar ett femtiotal myndigheter en internrevisionsfunktion med uppdrag att granska myndigheternas interna styrning och kontroll. Vidare skall Riksrevisionen, en externrevision under Riksdagen, granska den statliga verksamheten och årsredovisningar som är upprättade av statliga myndigheter. Tidigare forskning visar på att intern- och externrevisionens arbetsområden kan anses sammanfalla i viss utsträckning. Enligt Riktlinjer för yrkesmässig internrevision (2006) anges att intern- och externrevisionen skall utbyta information och ha samordnade aktiviteter. Detta menar tidigare studier, skulle leda till effektivare revisioner. En stor del av forskningen inom detta område har dock genomförts ur externrevisionens perspektiv. Mot denna bakgrund är författarnas syfte med uppsatsen att undersöka hur samverkan mellan internrevisionen och Riksrevisionen ser ut från internrevisionens perspektiv samt utreda vilka faktorer som kan anses påverka denna samverkan.</p><p>Undersökningen består av kvalitativa intervjuer, fyra med internrevisionschefer vid olika myndigheter samt en processägare från Riksrevisionen. Författarna har vidare använt fyra förklaringsansatser utifrån Deutsch´s theory of cooperation and competition för att analysera intervjusvaren. Ansatserna har författarna benämnt som övergripande verksamhetsmål, koordinering av arbetsuppgifter, kommunikation och lyhördhet samt attityd och inställning.</p><p>Resultaten visar att det finns en skillnad i internrevisionens och Riksrevisionens verksamhetsmål. Gällande koordinering av arbetsuppgifter sker ingen direkt uppdelning. Beroende på vilket arbetsområde som beaktas varierar graden av samverkan. Kommunikationen sinsemellan kan delas in i en formell och en informell del. Samverkan föreligger företrädesvis gällande den formella kontakten medan den informella kontakten är svårare att definiera. Slutligen visar denna studie att internrevisionen innehar en huvudsaklig positiv inställning till Riksrevisionens arbete. Faktorer som kan anses påverkar samverkan är bland annat; olika uppdrag och uppdragsgivare, Riksrevisionens förtroende för internrevisionen samt personkemi.</p>

Trade Restrictiveness or Trade Openness? The Effects on Corruption : A panel data study of the relation between trade restrictiveness and corruption in Europe

Senderovic, Alisa January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis analyzes the relationship between trade restrictiveness and corruption levels in Europe and tests the robustness of the results using two different measures of corruption; Corruption Perceptions Index constructed by Transparency International and World Governance Indicators; Control of Corruption constructed by the World Bank. The results show that the outcome differs among the two indices and that previous results found in studies may be subject to data choice and measurement errors. A majority of previous studies have used trade openness in the form of imports share in GDP, or trade openness indices as variables that explain corruption levels. This thesis focuses on trade restrictiveness. It also investigates the differences between restrictiveness and openness in their impacts on corruption. The author of this thesis finds a weak relation between trade restrictiveness and corruption on one hand and an even weaker relation between trade openness and corruption on the other hand when controlling for other variables that may have an impact on corruption. The limited time-frame could be an explanation for this result, i.e. trade policy effects. A longer time-frame would have probably resulted in a bigger difference between variables for trade openness and trade restrictiveness. It is found that the variables showing to have the largest impact on corruption levels in Europe are those associated with historical dimensions such as whether the country has had a tradition of the church being separated from the state or whether being a previously planned economy. Most importantly, the thesis presents suggestive evidence on the fact that not all government involvement increases corruption. Rather, it is regulations that limit internal competition have a large impact on corruption levels in Europe. It has also been found that not all government involvement in the economy implies higher corruption levels. The findings outlined are in line with the common perception that corruption is highly dependent on previous values of corruption and that radical policy interventions are needed to curb corruption.</p>

Unemployment dynamics : duration dependence, unemployment flows, equilibrium and disequilibrium

Turon, Helene January 2001 (has links)
No description available.


GUREVITCH, JESSICA. January 1982 (has links)
In a warm, dry grassland in southeastern Arizona dominated by C₄ grasses the only C₃ grass found was restricted to dry, exposed ridge crests within the hottest and driest part of the region. This was precisely the opposite of what one would predict from physiological and biogeographic considerations, which would lead one to expect a C₃ grass in this environment to be growing on cooler or moister areas that would mitigate the effects of the inhospitable climate. Cover of C₄ grasses was very low on these ridge crests, and increased downslope with the greater volume of water available to high values on the lower slopes and in washes. It was suggested that this C₃ grass, Stipa neomexicana, had a very high tolerance of water stress, but a very poor tolerance of competition, and was limited to unfavorably dry sites by its competitively superior C₄ neighbors. Most species, regardless of photosynthetic type, could not survive in the harsh ridge crest environment, which therefore offered a refuge from competition. The hypothesis of competitive exclusion was tested by removal experiments conducted at ridge crest, midslope and lower slope positions along the topographic gradient of decreasing Stipa neomexicana and increasing C₄ grass cover. The predictions made under this hypothesis were confirmed. The presence of competitors limited the growth of mature plants, flower production, seedling establishment and seedling survival. The beneficial effects of the removal of competitors increased downslope. Competition depressed estimated finite rates of population increase for Stipa neomexicana. This depression was most severe on the lower slope. It was concluded that increasing competition from C₄ grasses along the topographic gradient was responsible for restricting Stipa neomexicana to the unfavorable ridge-crest sites.

Šiaulių miesto saugos tarnybų paslaugų konkurencingumo tyrimas / Siauliai security services in the competitiveness study

Paulauskienė, Jolita 28 August 2009 (has links)
Sparčiai besikeičiančios rinkos sąlygos, konkuruojančioms įmonėms tampa svarbiu iššūkiu, reikalaujančiu didelių išlaidų bei ypatingų žinių ir gebėjimų. Įmonės turi dėti daugiau pastangų, norėdamos išlikti konkurencingomis. Saugos tarnybos konkuruoja siekdamos pelno, o jo galima tikėtis, pasiūlius vartotojams naujų ir kokybiškesnių nei konkurentų paslaugų, atradus tobulesnes paslaugos teikimo formas, įdiegus naujas technologijas ir sumažinus išlaidas. Manoma, kad vienas svarbiausių veiksnių, skatinančių įmones konkuruoti, padedančių išsilaikyti arba užkariauti rinkas, yra parduodamų paslaugų kokybė, platus paslaugų spektras, protinga paslaugos kaina ir kiti ilgalaikiai įsipareigojimai vartotojams. Teikiamų paslaugų kokybė formuoja įmonių įvaizdį, daro tiesioginę įtaką veiklos produktyvumui, pelno augimui, vartotojo pasitenkinimui. Darbas aktualus tuo, kad jis turi taikomąją reikšmę. Nors idealus sėkmės receptas versle neegzistuoja, tačiau kiekvienas bandymas kažką išanalizuoti ir suplanuoti yra naudingas tiek asmeniui tai atlikusiam, tiek įmonėms. Šio tiriamojo darbo išvados ir rekomendacijos padės planuoti įmonės veiklą ir išlikti rinkoje. / Rapidly changing market conditions, competing companies are becoming an important challenge, requiring high costs and the special knowledge and skills. Companies should make greater efforts in order to remain competitive. Security services in competition to profit, but it can be expected, the proposal of new users and better than competitors' services, discovery services, improved forms, the introduction of new technologies and reduce costs. It is believed that one of the key factors that encourage firms to compete, survive, or help to conquer markets, are sold to service quality, a broad spectrum of services, reasonable price for services and other long-term liabilities to consumers. Quality of service form the corporate image, has a direct impact on operational efficiency, profit growth, customer satisfaction. Actual Work that he has applied value. Although the ideal recipe for success in business does not exist, but each test is something to analyze and plan a benefit for the person atlikusiam both companies. The research findings and recommendations will help to plan the business and stay on the market.

Competition Between National Company and Global Company in the Swedish Fast Food Industry: A Case Study of MAX

Du, Shuai, Lu, Elodie January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

UAB „GEMEOS“ konkurencingumo stiprinimas / JSC „GEMEOS“ competitiveness promotion

Vanagas, Karolis 20 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – Baidarių nuomos UAB „Gemeos“ konkurencingumas. Probleminis klausimas – Kokias priemones UAB „Gemeos“ tikslinga taikyti norint pagerinti veiklos konkurencingumą? Tyrimo tikslas – remiantis konkurencingumo teorine analize atlikti UAB „Gemeos“ verslo konkurencingumo stiprinimo galimybių vertinimą bei pasiūlyti konkurencingumo stiprinimo galimybes. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išstudijavus mokslinės literatūros šaltinius, aprašyti įmonės konkruencingumo stiprinimo teorinius aspektus. 2. Atlikti UAB „Gemeos“ verslo konkurencingumo stiprinimo galimybių vertinimą. 3. Pateikti pasiūlymus UAB „Gemeos“ konkurencingumo stiprinimui. Tyrimo metodai: 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė. 2. Anketinė apklausa. 3. SSGG analizė. 3. Matematinė analizė. Išvados: 1. Konkurencingumas susijęs su įmonės gebėjimu greitai reaguoti į skubius rinkos pokyčius ir išlaikyti savo pozicijas joje. Konkurencinis pranašumas – tai įmonės sugebėjimas ilgam laikotarpiui išlaikyti geresnes pozicijas rinkoje, bei dirbti efektyviau už konkurentus. Siekiant ilgalaikio įsitvirtinimo rinkoje įmonei reikia susiplanuoti ir formuoti konkurencinius pranašumus, kurie būtų sisiję su ilgalaike nauda ir kurtų vertę vartotojui. 2. Empirinio įmonės personalo ir vartotojų nuomonės apie UAB „Gemeos“ teikiamas paslaugas tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad respondentai nėra visiškai patenkinti šios įmonės teikiamomis paslaugomis. 3. Formuojant UAB „Gemeos“ konkurencinio pranašumo strategiją siūloma įmonėje įdiegti darbe pateiktą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Research object: Kayak rental JSC “Gemeos” competitiveness. Problematic issue: What measures it is appropriate to apply in order to improve the competitiveness of JSC „Gemeos“? Research objective: Perform JSC „Gemeos“ analysis of competitiveness strenghtening and propose competitiveness strenghtening options based on theoretical analysis about competitiveness. Research task: 1. To analyse scientific literature and describe theoretical aspects of campany's competitiveness strenghening. 2. To evaluate business competitiveness strenghening potentiality of JSC „Gemeos“. 3. To make competitiveness strenghening suggestions for JSC „Gemeos“. Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of scientific literature. 2. Survey questioning. 3. SWAT analysis 4. Mathemaltical analysis. Conclusions: 1. Competitiveness is about companies ability to perform fast actions and maintain their positions depending on the urgency of the market changes. Competitiveness advantage – companies ablity to maintain long-term positions in market and manage to work more efficently than their competitors. While entrenching the market during long time period company has to plan and form competitive advantages, that would be connected with long term benefits and would create value for clients. 2. Information gathered from company's personnel and customers empyrical research shows, that respondents aren't completely satisfied with JSC „Gemeos“ services. 3. When planning their competitive advantage strategy JSC „Gemeos“... [to full text]

Diversity and competitive interactions in experimentally evolved bacterial populations

Zhang, Quan-Guo January 2008 (has links)
Laboratory bacterial populations provide ideal opportunities to experimentally test theories in ecology and evolutionary biology. I used a model laboratory microbial system, Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25, to address an array of questions on the origin, maintenance, and functional role of biodiversity, and the evolution of biotic interactions. My thesis reports experiments with the following conclusions. (1) The extent of diversification in P. fluorescens populations is not affected by the presence of an interspecific competitor P. putida, although the early stage of the diversification in one environment (spatially homogeneous environment) could be speeded up by the competitor. (2) Niche and neutral mechanisms simultaneously contribute to the maintenance of phenotypic diversity in P. fluorescens populations; but the operation of niche processes does not lead to a positive effect of biodiversity on ecosystem functioning. (3) The competitive interactions among bacterial phenotypes are generally transitive, and competitive hierarchies inferred from pair-wise competition are fairly consistent to those from multi-species competition. (4) The niche complementarity and selection effects evaluated by random assembly biodiversity experiments can be used to predict the functional consequences of particular non-random species extinction scenarios. (5) P. fluorescens does not show an evolutionary trade-off in using several carbon substrates (glucose, galactose and trehalose), and evolution in environments containing these resources results in imperfect generalists; migration among populations may speed up fitness evolution of some generalists. (6) Biofilm formation at the air-broth interface by wrinkly spreader phenotypes in P. fluorescens is a cooperative behaviour which is costly to individuals but benefits the group; this behaviour could be exploited by smooth morph phenotypes. The cooperators and cheats in this system show reciprocal antagonistic coevolution in resistance and cheating performance.

Sexual selection and the benefits of mating with attractive males in Drosophila simulans

Taylor, Michelle Louise January 2008 (has links)
Over the last century, sexual selection has grown from a controversial theory into a vast field of theoretical and empirical research. Although Darwin outlined two major mechanisms within his theory, male-male competition and female mate choice, the latter has promoted a wealth of research by virtue of its complexity. Despite decades of research into how female preferences and sexually selected traits have evolved, there is still little consensus as to why females prefer the males they do. Preferences are thought to evolve from either direct selection on the preference, as females themselves benefit directly from mating with a preferred male, or through indirect selection on the preference via offspring fitness. In all cases however, female preferences should compensate for the costs of discriminating between potential mates, if they are to remain overall beneficial. The fitness benefits of mating with preferred males were investigated here using the fruitfly Drosophila simulans, employing a range of behavioural, phenotypic and quantitative genetic approaches. The findings presented here indicate that female Drosophila simulans do not gain directly from mating with a preferred male. Multiple mating can increase fecundity, although costs from male harassment can reduce the net benefit. They also indicate that females may benefit indirectly from mating with attractive males as attractiveness is heritable and sons of preferred males are themselves preferred. There is also evidence that attractive males are successful in both the pre- and post-copulatory sense, as preferred males are better sperm competitors than less-preferred males. However, although there appear to be benefits from preferred males via their sons, there appear to be no benefits from males via their daughters’ fitness. These findings collectively indicate that female preferences in Drosophila simulans are driven by indirectly selected benefits (via Fisherian sons), and that females benefit directly from mating multiply.

Competition and dispersal delays in patchy environments

Azer, Nancy. 10 April 2008 (has links)
No description available.

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