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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cooperação jurídica internacional entre autoridades de defesa da concorrência : convergência dos instrumentos de direitos interno e internacional no sistema jurídico brasileiro

Barcellos, Nicole Rinaldi de January 2016 (has links)
O direito internacional da concorrência sofre profunda influência do processo de globalização econômica em um cenário no qual a convergência da aplicação das legislações de diversos países é possibilitada pela cooperação jurídica internacional entre as autoridades concorrenciais. O Brasil adequa-se à cooperação internacional para a defesa da concorrência através dos acordos bilaterais, da participação nos foros regional e internacional e das normas do ordenamento jurídico interno, sendo que ao Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) é atribuída a competência para realizar os procedimentos cooperativos. Nesse contexto, a finalidade da presente dissertação é analisar a institucionalização da cooperação jurídica internacional pelas autoridades concorrenciais como mecanismo disponível à defesa da concorrência, especialmente no que tange aos instrumentos de direitos internacional e interno disponíveis ao Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência (SBDC) e ao papel do CADE. Para desenvolver os objetivos propostos, o estudo divide-se em dois capítulos. No primeiro capítulo é abordada a cooperação jurídica internacional entre as autoridades concorrenciais na função de mecanismo de convergência ao direito internacional da concorrência. Para tal, discorre-se sobre a cooperação bilateral e a estrutura institucional das autoridades concorrenciais em seu papel de protagonismo, além da influência das iniciativas multilaterais e regionais de cooperação em matéria concorrencial. O segundo capítulo dedica-se à análise dos instrumentos existentes no ordenamento jurídico nacional. Do ponto de vista internacional, estudam-se os acordos bilaterais firmados pelo Brasil ou no âmbito do SBDC, a participação do Brasil nos foros regionais e internacionais e a internalização e a utilização destes instrumentos pelo SBDC. Do ponto de vista interno, estuda-se o aparato jurídico nacional que fundamenta a cooperação internacional para a defesa da concorrência, o papel do CADE e as decisões do Tribunal Administrativo de Defesa Econômica, apresentando-se as dificuldades e perspectivas da disciplina. Por fim, ressalta-se que a cooperação jurídica internacional conforme realizada entre as autoridades de defesa da concorrência é instrumento indispensável para o bom funcionamento do sistema internacional. No âmbito do SBDC houve uma clara evolução na institucionalização dos instrumentos de direitos internacional e interno disponíveis, sendo que o CADE representa a autoridade adequada para o endereçamento das questões relativas à cooperação em matéria concorrencial. / International competition law is deeply influenced by economic globalization in a scenario where the convergence of application of laws from different countries is made possible by international cooperation between competition authorities. Brazil adapts to international cooperation through celebration of bilateral agreements, participation in regional and international forums and also through rules of domestic law. The Brazilian Council of Competition Defense (CADE) is responsible for the cooperative procedures in competition matters. In this context, the aim of this study is to analyze the institutionalization of international cooperation as conducted by competition authorities as a mechanism to ensure the defense of competition, especially in the case of instruments of domestic and international law available in the Brazilian Competition Policy System (SBDC) and the role of CADE. In order to develop the proposed objectives, the study is divided into two chapters. The first chapter examines the international cooperation between competition authorities as a useful tool for competition law. In order to perform such examination, discussions on bilateral cooperation between competition authorities, the institutional structure of competition authorities and the influence of multilateral or regional initiatives for cooperation are presented. The second chapter is dedicated to the analysis of domestic and international law tools that exist in the Brazilian legal system. From an international point of view, bilateral agreements celebrated by either Brazil or the SBDC, Brazilian participation in regional and international forums, and the practical use of these instruments by SBDC. Domestically, both the role of CADE and the practical application of these instruments in the administrative case law are studied, revealing the perspectives and difficulties of the discipline. Finally, it is highlighted that international legal cooperation, as held between competition authorities, is essential to the proper functioning of the international system. In the framework of SBDC, there was a clear evolution in the institutionalization of instruments of international and domestic law, with CADE being the appropriate authority for addressing issues relating to cooperation on competition matters.

Cooperação jurídica internacional entre autoridades de defesa da concorrência : convergência dos instrumentos de direitos interno e internacional no sistema jurídico brasileiro

Barcellos, Nicole Rinaldi de January 2016 (has links)
O direito internacional da concorrência sofre profunda influência do processo de globalização econômica em um cenário no qual a convergência da aplicação das legislações de diversos países é possibilitada pela cooperação jurídica internacional entre as autoridades concorrenciais. O Brasil adequa-se à cooperação internacional para a defesa da concorrência através dos acordos bilaterais, da participação nos foros regional e internacional e das normas do ordenamento jurídico interno, sendo que ao Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica (CADE) é atribuída a competência para realizar os procedimentos cooperativos. Nesse contexto, a finalidade da presente dissertação é analisar a institucionalização da cooperação jurídica internacional pelas autoridades concorrenciais como mecanismo disponível à defesa da concorrência, especialmente no que tange aos instrumentos de direitos internacional e interno disponíveis ao Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência (SBDC) e ao papel do CADE. Para desenvolver os objetivos propostos, o estudo divide-se em dois capítulos. No primeiro capítulo é abordada a cooperação jurídica internacional entre as autoridades concorrenciais na função de mecanismo de convergência ao direito internacional da concorrência. Para tal, discorre-se sobre a cooperação bilateral e a estrutura institucional das autoridades concorrenciais em seu papel de protagonismo, além da influência das iniciativas multilaterais e regionais de cooperação em matéria concorrencial. O segundo capítulo dedica-se à análise dos instrumentos existentes no ordenamento jurídico nacional. Do ponto de vista internacional, estudam-se os acordos bilaterais firmados pelo Brasil ou no âmbito do SBDC, a participação do Brasil nos foros regionais e internacionais e a internalização e a utilização destes instrumentos pelo SBDC. Do ponto de vista interno, estuda-se o aparato jurídico nacional que fundamenta a cooperação internacional para a defesa da concorrência, o papel do CADE e as decisões do Tribunal Administrativo de Defesa Econômica, apresentando-se as dificuldades e perspectivas da disciplina. Por fim, ressalta-se que a cooperação jurídica internacional conforme realizada entre as autoridades de defesa da concorrência é instrumento indispensável para o bom funcionamento do sistema internacional. No âmbito do SBDC houve uma clara evolução na institucionalização dos instrumentos de direitos internacional e interno disponíveis, sendo que o CADE representa a autoridade adequada para o endereçamento das questões relativas à cooperação em matéria concorrencial. / International competition law is deeply influenced by economic globalization in a scenario where the convergence of application of laws from different countries is made possible by international cooperation between competition authorities. Brazil adapts to international cooperation through celebration of bilateral agreements, participation in regional and international forums and also through rules of domestic law. The Brazilian Council of Competition Defense (CADE) is responsible for the cooperative procedures in competition matters. In this context, the aim of this study is to analyze the institutionalization of international cooperation as conducted by competition authorities as a mechanism to ensure the defense of competition, especially in the case of instruments of domestic and international law available in the Brazilian Competition Policy System (SBDC) and the role of CADE. In order to develop the proposed objectives, the study is divided into two chapters. The first chapter examines the international cooperation between competition authorities as a useful tool for competition law. In order to perform such examination, discussions on bilateral cooperation between competition authorities, the institutional structure of competition authorities and the influence of multilateral or regional initiatives for cooperation are presented. The second chapter is dedicated to the analysis of domestic and international law tools that exist in the Brazilian legal system. From an international point of view, bilateral agreements celebrated by either Brazil or the SBDC, Brazilian participation in regional and international forums, and the practical use of these instruments by SBDC. Domestically, both the role of CADE and the practical application of these instruments in the administrative case law are studied, revealing the perspectives and difficulties of the discipline. Finally, it is highlighted that international legal cooperation, as held between competition authorities, is essential to the proper functioning of the international system. In the framework of SBDC, there was a clear evolution in the institutionalization of instruments of international and domestic law, with CADE being the appropriate authority for addressing issues relating to cooperation on competition matters.

Competition and utility regulation / Competencia y regulación

Tassano Velaochaga, Hebert Eduardo 10 April 2018 (has links)
With the entry into force of the Constitution of Peru of 1993, the economic model of social market economy, which was accompanied by an institutional reform, creating four (4) regulators of utilities and one (1) competition agency, was established. The economic model of social market economy, guarantees free competition in the market as a general rule, establishing a regulatory framework for public services that before the reform, were managed directly by the State. Thus, in this paper we will learn how to set up the Peruvian institutional framework and what are the main similarities and differences between competition and regulation, for which we will detail the functions of the competition agency and regulatory bodies as well as interaction between the two. / Con la entrada en vigencia de la Constitución Política del Perú de 1993, se estableció el modelo económico de economía social de mercado. Como parte del mismo, se realizaron una serie de reformas institucionales del Estado, creándose cuatro organismos reguladores de los servicios públicos y una agencia de competencia. El modelo económico de economía social de mercado garantiza la libre competencia en el mercado como regla general, estableciendo un marco regulatorio para los servicios públicos que, antes de la reforma, eran gestionados directamente por el Estado. Así, en el presente trabajo podremos conocer cómo se ha establecido el marco institucional peruano y cuáles son las principales similitudes y diferencias de la competencia y la regulación, para lo que detallaremos las funciones de la agencia de competencia y la de los organismos reguladores, así como la interacción que existe entre ambos.

Abuse of Dominant Position in China and the EU : A Comparative Legal Study

Aretakis, Nicolas January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents the Chinese and European competition laws on abuse of dominant position. The thesis starts with an introduction, and goes on to present the purpose of the study, which is to determine the similarities and differences between the Chinese and European prohibitions on ADP.       After the introductory part, consisting of background, method, material and previos research, the respective prohibitions are described in different aspects. The aspects are namely system, purpose, scope of application, what constitutes dominance and what constitutes abuse. Thereafter, the two prohibitions are compared. In the comparison, similarities are presented such as similar purposes, similar scope of application, very similar in what constitutes a dominant position and abuse. The systematics however differ more, and so do the rules on extraterritorial application.      In the concluding remarks, the results of the thesis are highlighted and the author shortly analyses the results..

Les tendances pianistiques des années 1985-2010 à travers trois concours internationaux : Chopin de Varsovie, Long-Thibaud de Paris et Tchaïkovski de Moscou / The piano trends over the years 1985-2010 through three international competitions : Chopin in Warsaw, Long-Thibaud in Paris and Tchaikovsky in Moscow

Zelvyte Giusiano, Indre Eugenija 23 January 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse permet de mettre en lumière divers aspects de l’interprétation pianistique contemporaine. Pour cela, trois concours internationaux ont été choisis – Chopin de Varsovie, Long-Thibaud de Paris et Tchaïkovski de Moscou – de façon à exposer au mieux, à travers des épreuves de ce genre, la situation de l’art pianistique à une échelle mondiale sous des rapports divers : social et historique en relation avec chacune de ces compétitions, technique dans la chaîne compositeur-interprète-auditeur, et artistique sur la base de l’étude des interprétations des finalistes durant la période 1985-2010, sans oublier les enjeux de l’évaluation dans ce cadre.L’analyse générale de la situation actuelle a mis en évidence l’utilité de ces concours dans la vie musicale contemporaine. Si les valeurs esthétiques du monde actuel ne stimulent pas réellement la formation de personnalités d’une grande force et d’une réelle profondeur, un certain nombre de signes positifs semblent toutefois se dégager de ces manifestations. / The scientific work reveals various aspects of contemporary piano performance. Three international piano competitions were chosen – Chopin in Warsaw, Long-Thibaud in Paris and Tchaikovsky in Moscow – because it is through events like these ones that is exposed to its best the situation of pianistic art on a global scale. Given the complexity of our questions, we have shared our research in several areas: social and historical related to each analyzed musical competition, technical according to the chain composer-performer-listener, and artistic based on the study of interpretations of the finalists during the period 1985-2010, preceded by issues evaluation in this context.The general analysis of the current situation has highlighted the need of these competitions in contemporary musical life. If the aesthetic values of the modern world do not actually stimulate the formation of deep and strong personalities, a number of positive signs, however, seem to emerge from these events.

Vybrané právní nástroje používané při prokazování kartelových dohod / Selected legal instruments used in the enforcement process of cartel agreements

Šemora, Vítězslav January 2008 (has links)
The focal point of the dissertation is the term of cartel, which could be described as agreements distorting competition concluded by competitors on the horizontal level of the market, and, above all, legal instruments which are used in the process of detecting and punishing cartels. In particular, the dissertation thesis deals with three of possible instruments used in the enforcement process of cartels, i.e. with dawn rides (unannounced on-the-spot inspections/investigations carried out in business and non-business premises), sanctions and sanction policies and with the leniency programs. These instruments are generally thought to be the most important and most effective tools in the enforcement process of cartels and necessary precondition of efficiency of competition law itself. In accordance with the topic, the dissertation thesis is divided into three parts. The first part is concerned with theoretical and normative definitions of agreements distorting competition and cartels. The main purpose of this part is to provide basic characteristics of these terms and to describe them in a way which will create a basement for explanation of the three legal instruments, which form the focal point of the thesis. Second, fundamental part of the dissertation, deals with commentary to selected legal instruments, mentions already above. In particular it consists of three chapters, each one dealing with one of the instruments in question. In the final part of the dissertation are introduced conclusions and evaluations of the three legal instruments and also some proposals pro futuro.

Competition policy in countries of Central and Eastern Europe : competition in Europe or competition for Europe

Batagelj, Leon January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

A dynamic competitive analysis model for global mining firms

Brummer, Hendrik Louw 06 1900 (has links)
Owing to the impact of globalisation, mining firms face significant uncertainty and turbulence emanating from their global competitive landscape. A new breed of ”dominant global firms” is emerging in a world of shrinking opportunity, where a few large firms will determine the future of the industry. Despite these realities, mining firms have in the past not been very astute in identifying and interpreting global competitive influences. Reliance on tangible assets alone will in future no longer ensure a sustainable competitive advantage. In such turbulent circumstances, competitive analysis, as part of a comprehensive competitive intelligence system, could result in competitive learning, which could enhance the ability of firms to attain a sustainable competitive advantage. Empirical research in this study confirms that competitive analysis as conducted by mining firms is deficient, and in many instances, caught up in an ”old world” approach. Such analyses tend to be too reactive for the dynamic and turbulent environment, as well as being too quantitatively oriented and are based primarily on the information that is most easily available. Accordingly, a rethink of competitive analysis is necessary, away from a narrow reactive approach focused on the quantifiable financial and operational realities of the competitive force being analysed, to include the conceptual DACSOMEF methodology, with its quantitative and qualitative dimensions. Determining the future intent of a competitive force should, furthermore, form the overall focus of competitive analysis, resulting in effective competitive learning. The study also established that analysis findings and recommendations should be applied in a competitive theatre, in order to overcome the possible discontinuity between competitive analysis and strategic decision making. In addition, the analytical process should be based upon a supportive learning culture and the intimate involvement of key decision makers. Without such an approach competitive analysis will remain a static ”old world” process. Alternatively, the implementation of the analytical model could prove an invaluable input into the strategic management process of global mining firms in their quest to achieve new levels of competitive advantage, in an increasingly dynamic and turbulent competitive environment. / Business Management / D.Comm.

A critical exposé of competition policy in selected African and Caribbean countries

Smith-Hillman, A. Vindelyn January 2008 (has links)
The disproportionate power base held by a few dominant firms within an industry provides the basis for market abuse through, price-fixing and/or market sharing arrangements or other discriminatory practices. Societal welfare benefits are believed to derive from a competitive market hence the justification for competition policy to regulate firm behaviour consistent with a competitive outcome. The imposition of fines and/or imprisonment is the prescribed means used in its enforcement. Whilst Western industrialised economies have a long-established tradition of competition policy, it is not unproblematic. Most developing economies have fairly recently embarked on this journey and are discovering the extent to which issues can arise. Global research has centred on long-standing national competition policies and relied on economics principles to explain performance. The research presented in this investigation pursues an inter-disciplinary approach in the examination of the African and Caribbean experience. Multiple case studies provide the socio-economic context and the rich detail enabling generalisations of the environmental impact on the efficacy of competition policy. The research incorporates non-economic factors — governance and ethics — in addition to structural issues. The findings assign a critical role to governance in enabling the success of competition policy. Notwithstanding the limited database to economies which have both a competition policy and sufficient data, the investigation remains of relevance to both practitioners and academics. The research facilitates global discussion beyond strictly economic principles to embrace greater consideration of institutional arrangements in policy design. In particular the findings provide policy-makers in developing countries with a clear indication of critical determining factors impacting on competition policy efficacy and provides the basis for improved policy design

Non oil exports finance and economic development in Saudi Arabia

Alsakran, Abdullah January 2014 (has links)
Oil is an important part of the Saudi economy. With the volatility of oil prices and the pressing needs of economic growth and development, the Saudi Arabian government has planned to diversify its sources of income. To this end, the majority of effort has focused on developing the non-oil export sectors, particularly in manufacturing. Despite government efforts to enhance the ratio of non-oil export to total exports, it remains weak, amounting to 15 per cent of total exports in 2010 (which compares unfavourably with the average for other Middle East and North Africa countries (MENA) which stood between 30-46 per cent in 2010). This research aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of non-oil exports and their financing in Saudi Arabia. This study uses unique, primary data, collected through a custom designed questionnaire and a unique sample of Saudi exports. There is currently no comparable database for Saudi firms, or for other MENA countries trying to engage in export diversification strategies. This dissertation comprises three main empirical parts which are; ownership structure and operations, finance, and business climate, respectively (chapters 3, 4 and 5). In the first, the econometric analysis shows multiple factors have a significant positive impact on export intensity, including: whether the firm is shareholding, the age of the firm, internationally and locally recognised quality certificate, length of export experience, supplies of domestic origin, independent retail stores, TV or radio advertising, a foreign language website and finally an export marketing plan. Regarding the impact of financial factors on exports at firm level, the econometric analysis showed that younger firms are more likely to be credit-constrained than older firms. Finally, this dissertation provides evidence of the relationship between the business environment, competition and firm’s exports. The main findings show that firm performance, measured as intensity of exports, is boosted by an increase in experience of export and hindered by a high level of labour, competition, custom and trade regulation, and the informal sector.

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