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Non-Linear FE-Analysis of a Composite Action Girder with Coiled Spring Pins as Shear ConnectorsStahlin, Simon January 2019 (has links)
For bridges to cope with increased requirements such as increased loads, strengthening work can be carried out. In cases where older steel-concrete bridges do not have a composite action, an alternative is to create composite-action to achieve a higher flexural strength. It is introduced by post-installing shear connectors. There are many different alternatives of shear connectors that can be used, hence a number that can be installed from below the bridge to minimize the impact on the traffic. Coiled Spring Pins are of the interference fit type connector and are put in place from below the bridge by first drilling a hole upward through the upper steel flange and then into the concrete slab. Then, the spiral bolt is pushed up into the drilled hole by means of a hydraulic hammer. Using data from push-out tests and non-linear material models for steel and concrete, a non-linear finite element analysis was created using the commercial finite element software Abaqus. The analysis is based on dimensions and load cases that will mimic a planned full-scale beam test that will be carried out later in 2019. To verify that the material and the model behave in a realistic manner, an analysis was initially performed on a beam without composite-action, and a full-composite action beam with infinitely rigid connectors. These were then compared with hand calculations according to Eurocode. When the material models were verified, it is seen that the materials steel and concrete work for themselves in the analysis without composite-action and together in the analysis with full composite-action. The data for the spiral bolts is than defined instead of infinitely rigid connectors and new analyzes were performed to see the effect of the coiled spring pins properties. The results show that a significant increase in the point load in the middle of the beam can take place before failure occurs after installation of this type of shear connector. Already at a low number of connectors and a low shear connection-ratio, a significant increase in the flexural strength is seen in the beam. By using partial-composite action, with a lower number of spiral bolts, a significant higher flexural strength can be achieved in an economical way. / När kraven på att broar ska klara av ökade laster, kan förstärkningsarbeten utföras. I de fall där äldre stål-betongbroar saknar samverkanseffekt, är det ett alternativ att inför samverkan för att uppnå en högre böj-hållfastighet. Det införs genom att man installerar skjuvförbindare i efterhand. Det finns många olika alternativ av skjuvförbindare som kan användas, därav ett antal som går att installera underifrån bron för att minimera påverkan på trafiken. Spiralbultar (Coiled Spring Pins) är av typen presspassnings-förbindare och sätts på plats underifrån bron genom att det först borras ett hål uppåt genom övre stålflänsen och sedan upp i betongplattan. Därefter pressas spiralbulten upp i det borrade hålet med hjälp av en hydraulisk hammare. Med hjälp av data ifrån push-out-tester samt icke-linjära material modeller för stål och betong, skapades en icke-linjär analys i det finita element metods programmet Abaqus. Analysen är uppbyggd med dimensioner och lastfall som ska efterlikna ett planerat full-skaligt balktest som kommer utföras under 2019. För att verifiera att materialet och modellen beter sig realistiskt, utförs en analys på en balk utan samverkan, samt en full-samverkans balk med oändligt styva förbindare. Dessa jämförs sedan med handberäkningar enligt Eurokod. När materialmodellerna var verifierade sågs det att materialen stål och betong arbetar för sig själva i analysen utan samverkan och tillsammans i analysen med full-samverkan. Data för spiralbultarna lades sedan in istället för oändligt styva förbindare och nya analyser utförs för att se påverkan av spiralbultarnas egenskaper. Resultaten visade att en betydande ökning av punklasten i mitten av balken kan ske innan brott uppstår vid installation i efterhand av denna typen skjuvförbindare. Redan vid ett lågt antal förbindare och ett lågt skjuv-förhållande ses en betydande ökning av böj-hållfastigheten i balken. Genom att använda delvis-samverkan med ett lägre antal spiralbultar kan man på ett ekonomiskt sätt uppnå en betydligt högre böj-hållfasthet.
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Tragverhalten von Sandwichkonstruktionen aus textilbewehrtem BetonHorstmann, Michael, Shams, Ali, Hegger, Josef 05 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Sandwichkonstruktionen mit Deckschichten aus dünnen Metallblechen und Stahlbeton stellen seit Jahrzehnten bewährte und wirtschaftliche Verbundkonstruktionen für Gebäudehüllen dar. Der Einsatz von dünnen Deckschichten aus textilbewehrtem Beton verbindet deren Vorteile und ermöglicht auch bei steigenden Anforderungen an den Wärmeschutz geringe Konstruktionsdicken. Der Beitrag berichtet über die Entwicklung von Ingenieurmodellen zur wirklichkeitsnahen Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens von Sandwichquerschnitten aus textilbewehrtem Beton, Hartschaumdämmkern und geeigneten Verbundmitteln. / Sandwich constructions made of thin metal sheets and structural concrete have been reliable and economic composite structures in the past decades. The application of thin-walled facings made of Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC) combines the advantages of this construction and allows for slender construction thicknesses despite the progressing demands on thermal insulation. This contribution reports on the development of models, which enable the realistic mechanical description of the load-bearing behavior of the sandwich panels made of two TRC-facings and a core of polymeric rigid foam together with suitable connecting devices.
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Tragverhalten von Sandwichkonstruktionen aus textilbewehrtem BetonHorstmann, Michael, Shams, Ali, Hegger, Josef January 2011 (has links)
Sandwichkonstruktionen mit Deckschichten aus dünnen Metallblechen und Stahlbeton stellen seit Jahrzehnten bewährte und wirtschaftliche Verbundkonstruktionen für Gebäudehüllen dar. Der Einsatz von dünnen Deckschichten aus textilbewehrtem Beton verbindet deren Vorteile und ermöglicht auch bei steigenden Anforderungen an den Wärmeschutz geringe Konstruktionsdicken. Der Beitrag berichtet über die Entwicklung von Ingenieurmodellen zur wirklichkeitsnahen Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens von Sandwichquerschnitten aus textilbewehrtem Beton, Hartschaumdämmkern und geeigneten Verbundmitteln. / Sandwich constructions made of thin metal sheets and structural concrete have been reliable and economic composite structures in the past decades. The application of thin-walled facings made of Textile Reinforced Concrete (TRC) combines the advantages of this construction and allows for slender construction thicknesses despite the progressing demands on thermal insulation. This contribution reports on the development of models, which enable the realistic mechanical description of the load-bearing behavior of the sandwich panels made of two TRC-facings and a core of polymeric rigid foam together with suitable connecting devices.
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No description available.
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Behaviour of Light-frame Wood Stud Walls Subjected to Blast LoadingLacroix, Daniel 24 July 2013 (has links)
Deliberate and accidental explosions along with the heightened risk of loss of life and property damage during such events have highlighted the need for research in the behaviour of materials under high strain rates. Where an extensive body of research is available on steel and concrete structures, little to no details on how to address the design or retrofitting of wood structures subjected to a blast threat are available. Studies reported in the literature that focused on full scale light-frame wood structures did not quantify the increase in capacity due to the dynamic loading while the studies that did quantify the increase mostly stems from small clear specimens that are not representative of the behaviour of structural size members with defects. Tests on larger-scale specimens have mostly focused on the material properties and not the structural behaviour of subsystems. Advancements in design and construction techniques have greatly contributed to the emergence of taller and safer wood structures which increase potential for blast threat. This thesis presents results on the flexural behaviour of light-frame wood stud walls subjected to shock wave loading using the University of Ottawa shock tube. The emphasis is on the overall behaviour of the wall subsystem, especially the interaction between the sheathing and the studs through the nailed connection.
The approach employed in this experimental program was holistic, where the specimens were investigated at the component and the subsystem levels. Twenty walls consisting of 38 mm x 140 mm machine stress-rated (MSR) studs spaced 406 mm on center and sheathed with two different types and sheathing thicknesses were tested to failure under static and dynamic loads. The experimental results were used to determine dynamic increase factors (DIFs) and a material predictive model was validated using experimental data. The implications of the code are also discussed and compared to the experimental data.
Once validated, an equivalent single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model incorporating partial composite action was used to evaluate current analysis and design assumptions. The results showed that a shock tube can effectively be used to generate high strain-rate flexural response in wood members and that the material predictive model was found suitable to effectively predict the displacement resulting from shock wave loading. Furthermore, it was found that current analysis and design approaches overestimated the wall displacements.
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Behaviour of Light-frame Wood Stud Walls Subjected to Blast LoadingLacroix, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
Deliberate and accidental explosions along with the heightened risk of loss of life and property damage during such events have highlighted the need for research in the behaviour of materials under high strain rates. Where an extensive body of research is available on steel and concrete structures, little to no details on how to address the design or retrofitting of wood structures subjected to a blast threat are available. Studies reported in the literature that focused on full scale light-frame wood structures did not quantify the increase in capacity due to the dynamic loading while the studies that did quantify the increase mostly stems from small clear specimens that are not representative of the behaviour of structural size members with defects. Tests on larger-scale specimens have mostly focused on the material properties and not the structural behaviour of subsystems. Advancements in design and construction techniques have greatly contributed to the emergence of taller and safer wood structures which increase potential for blast threat. This thesis presents results on the flexural behaviour of light-frame wood stud walls subjected to shock wave loading using the University of Ottawa shock tube. The emphasis is on the overall behaviour of the wall subsystem, especially the interaction between the sheathing and the studs through the nailed connection.
The approach employed in this experimental program was holistic, where the specimens were investigated at the component and the subsystem levels. Twenty walls consisting of 38 mm x 140 mm machine stress-rated (MSR) studs spaced 406 mm on center and sheathed with two different types and sheathing thicknesses were tested to failure under static and dynamic loads. The experimental results were used to determine dynamic increase factors (DIFs) and a material predictive model was validated using experimental data. The implications of the code are also discussed and compared to the experimental data.
Once validated, an equivalent single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model incorporating partial composite action was used to evaluate current analysis and design assumptions. The results showed that a shock tube can effectively be used to generate high strain-rate flexural response in wood members and that the material predictive model was found suitable to effectively predict the displacement resulting from shock wave loading. Furthermore, it was found that current analysis and design approaches overestimated the wall displacements.
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Administrativní budova / Office BuildingPoláček, Petr January 2019 (has links)
Master's thesis is follow up with the disign of the load bearing structure of a office building. The building is designed for the area of Svitavy. The plan's dimension are 54,0 x 54,0 m. The objects has 10 floors. Load-bearing structure is disigned in two variants. In the variant A is centre to centre spacing 6m, in variant the B it si 9m. The coulomns and floor structure are composite steel-concrete. Thesis includes drawings.
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Administrativní centrum / Office CentreRobotka, David January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with design of steel structure with composite steel-concrete floor structure of a office building.The building is located in Moravský Krumlov. The Office buidling consist of multi-storey building and an entrance atrium. The total ground plan's dimensions are 52,8m x 48,0m. The multi-storey building has 8 floor. The maximum heigh of the building is 25,32m above ground. The project is designed in two options. For winning variant is including check and it is performed a drawings with design and check assembly details and anchorage.
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Hala pro kovovýrobu s administrativní budovou / Hall for Metal Production with Administrative BuildingKaňok, Vojtěch January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of a metalworking shed with its adjacent administrative center. Both objects are statically independent. The buildings are located in the town of Bučovice. The dimensions of the shed are 54,78x72,58 m. There is an overhead crane situated in the middle wing. The shed‘s height is +11,62 m. The administrative building has L-shaped plan. Its dimensions are 27,62x8,13 m (the wider part is 15,63 m). The design of the administrative object has two variants. Both variants have composite steel-concrete ceiling structure. The heights of the objects are +11,20 m (A variant) and +18,20 m (B variant). For the A variant, drawings were also drawn up with the design and assessment of structural details and anchoring.
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Obchodní a administrativní centrum / Business and office centreNovotný, Petr January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master´s thesis was design and analysis of a steel supporting structure of a building for business and administration purposes in Ostrava. It includes an assessment of the main load-bearing construction elements and the selected connections. The thesis also contains the design documentation of the building and compares two different variants of the steel construction design.
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