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Getting the HOTS with what's in the box: Developing higher order thinking skills within a technology-rich learning environmentMcMahon, Graham January 2007 (has links)
Educators are divided with regards to the value of computer technology as a learning tool. Some maintain that computers have had little impact on students’ learning; others suggest that computers have the potential to enhance learning. Within this second group there are those who believe that computers are having a significant impact, while others believe that their potential is yet to be realised. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between students working in a technology rich environment and their development of higher order, critical and creative, thinking skills. Staff and students from one school participated in this case study. Data were collected by teachers as part of the normal teaching-learning program, supplemented by classroom observations and teacher interviews. In addition, data pertaining to the technology infrastructure was collated from school databases. The data were used to determine the degree of correlation between factors of the learning environment and the extent to which higher order thinking skills (HOTS) were demonstrated by the students. Collations of the statistically significant, and statistically insignificant, correlations allowed relationships between environmental factors and HOTS to be established. / The results indicate that studying within a technology-rich learning environment improves students’ higher order thinking skills, determined by measuring their critical and creative thinking. Factors such as length of time spent in the environment have a positive, non-linear effect on the development of critical thinking skills. These factors have no significant correlation with the development of creative thinking skills. The interaction of students’ computer skills and the classroom environmental factors was shown to be complex. Three-dimensional correlations were performed to derive equations that explain these interactions. Students with better developed computing skills scored higher on critical and creative thinking activities. This was most significant for students with better computer programming skills and the ability to competently manipulate Boolean logic. The most significant factors in developing higher order thinking skills were the students’ levels of computer skills, tempered with their attitudes towards computers and computer classes, and the teacher-student relationships within the technology-rich learning environment. The research suggests that in order to develop students' higher order thinking skills schools should endeavour to integrate technology across all of the learning areas. This will allow students to apply technology to the attainment of higher levels of cognition within specific contexts. This will need to be paralleled by providing students the opportunity to develop appropriate computer skills.
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The anthropology of a workplace: the Victorian Land Titles OfficeKatz, Evie, e.katz@latrobe.edu.au January 1996 (has links)
This thesis uses a cultural perspective to explore the working life of employees in a government office during the 1980s. During that period three significant changes took place - in the promotion system, in management recruitment and policies, and in the introduction of computer technology. In comparing and contrasting these changes with past practices, we gain an understanding of the relationship between organisational culture and organisational change.
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Kompetensutveckling för gymnasielärare : med inriktning mot El-programmet, elektronik/datorteknik / Competence Development for Sixth-form Teachers : With a Focus on the Electricity Programme, Electronics/Computer technology.Farajzadeh Abkenari, Hussein January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka uppfattningarna hos karaktärsämneslärarna på gymnasiet med inriktning mot El-programmet, elektronik/datorteknik vad gäller de arbetsuppgifter som de utför inom karaktärsämnet, hur förberedda de menar sig vara för dessa uppgifter, samt i vad mån de anser sig behöva utveckla sin kompetens. Vidare var syftet att ta reda på vilken kompetensutveckling som erbjuds för dessa arbetsuppgifter. Studien bygger, utifrån frågeställningen i syftet, på en kvalitativ undersökning med hjälp av intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med sex karaktärsämneslärare inom avsedda program fördelat på fyra gymnasieskolor i fyra olika orter.</p><p>Resultatet visar att samtliga intervjuade känner sig kompetenta i sitt verksamma karaktärsområde i och med att de har både relevant utbildning och arbetslivserfarenhet. Men de flesta utför helst inte frivilligt det administrativa arbetet utan de vill ägna sin tid åt den tekniska delen som intresserar dem mest. Samtliga påstår att de även mer eller mindre saknar kompetens för administrativa arbetsuppgifter.</p><p>Alla respondenter anser att den snabba utvecklingen inom elektronik/datorteknik är huvudorsaken till att det krävs kompetensutveckling. Däremot anser de inte att de fått tillräckligt med erbjudande för en relevant kompetensutveckling. Detta på grund av olika saker, bland annat brist på pengar, tid, vikarier, etc.</p><p>Detta resultat indikerar även, enligt min uppfattning, vissa brister i skolväsendet i och med att samtliga respondenter har likadana åsikter om utförandet av vissa arbetsuppgifter.</p>
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Spelutvecklingen och grafikernas arbetssituation : med fokus på dataspelsföretaget DiceAxén, Albin, Adamsson, Niklas January 2004 (has links)
<p>The goal of this bachelor thesis is to explain how computer game graphic artists at the game company Digital Illusions(Dice) has changed during the last six years. To give this question a background the essay describes how the computer game process works and it also describes the working roles for the peoples in the process. Further the thesis describes the changes for the computer game graphic artist and the reasons for this change. When it comes to Digital Illusions the thesis focus on the game Battlefield 1942. The work began with telephone interviews with game artists at the largest game company’s in Sweden, witch gave us indications of the fact that the status and the influence of the production of the game for the game artists had been ascending during the last six years. We therefore wanted to find out the reasons for this change, as well as finding one single game to study. We therefore interviewed three of the responsible computer game artists for the game Battlefield 1942. We also went to the computer game education Playground Squad in Falun for two days of interviews and observations. We concluded that the computer game graphic artists had increased during the last six years primarily caused by the fact that computer game graphics more and more had been used as means of marketing and the fact that the knowledge and the making use of editors among the artists has increased. </p>
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Worker Shortage, Outsourcing, and Immigration as Features of Computer Technology Competition between the United States and IndiaTobias, Melvin L 01 August 2011 (has links)
In this study, we examine questions relating to the state of competition between the United States and India in the field of computer technology. We consider whether there is continual increase in the outsourcing by American firms of computer service work abroad, claims of computer worker shortage, and claims of the need for increased immigration of foreign computer workers to deal with a supposed deterioration in American technology. We conclude, first, that both U.S. and Indian computer service companies and their potential clients prefer close collaboration rather than “arms length” relationships. As a result, service companies in both nations have made large efforts to set up business in each other’s country. Second, we find that the actual level of effort to hire workers in computer technology does not correspond to the intensity of need claimed by computer industry leaders. Finally, we conclude that the United States occupies a position of vigorous leadership in science and technology, evidenced by the largest number of graduates in those fields of any country, a number enhanced by a strong inflow of highly qualified students from other countries seeking advanced training and future careers here
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Spelutvecklingen och grafikernas arbetssituation : med fokus på dataspelsföretaget DiceAxén, Albin, Adamsson, Niklas January 2004 (has links)
The goal of this bachelor thesis is to explain how computer game graphic artists at the game company Digital Illusions(Dice) has changed during the last six years. To give this question a background the essay describes how the computer game process works and it also describes the working roles for the peoples in the process. Further the thesis describes the changes for the computer game graphic artist and the reasons for this change. When it comes to Digital Illusions the thesis focus on the game Battlefield 1942. The work began with telephone interviews with game artists at the largest game company’s in Sweden, witch gave us indications of the fact that the status and the influence of the production of the game for the game artists had been ascending during the last six years. We therefore wanted to find out the reasons for this change, as well as finding one single game to study. We therefore interviewed three of the responsible computer game artists for the game Battlefield 1942. We also went to the computer game education Playground Squad in Falun for two days of interviews and observations. We concluded that the computer game graphic artists had increased during the last six years primarily caused by the fact that computer game graphics more and more had been used as means of marketing and the fact that the knowledge and the making use of editors among the artists has increased.
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Kompetensutveckling för gymnasielärare : med inriktning mot El-programmet, elektronik/datorteknik / Competence Development for Sixth-form Teachers : With a Focus on the Electricity Programme, Electronics/Computer technology.Farajzadeh Abkenari, Hussein January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka uppfattningarna hos karaktärsämneslärarna på gymnasiet med inriktning mot El-programmet, elektronik/datorteknik vad gäller de arbetsuppgifter som de utför inom karaktärsämnet, hur förberedda de menar sig vara för dessa uppgifter, samt i vad mån de anser sig behöva utveckla sin kompetens. Vidare var syftet att ta reda på vilken kompetensutveckling som erbjuds för dessa arbetsuppgifter. Studien bygger, utifrån frågeställningen i syftet, på en kvalitativ undersökning med hjälp av intervjuer. Intervjuerna genomfördes med sex karaktärsämneslärare inom avsedda program fördelat på fyra gymnasieskolor i fyra olika orter. Resultatet visar att samtliga intervjuade känner sig kompetenta i sitt verksamma karaktärsområde i och med att de har både relevant utbildning och arbetslivserfarenhet. Men de flesta utför helst inte frivilligt det administrativa arbetet utan de vill ägna sin tid åt den tekniska delen som intresserar dem mest. Samtliga påstår att de även mer eller mindre saknar kompetens för administrativa arbetsuppgifter. Alla respondenter anser att den snabba utvecklingen inom elektronik/datorteknik är huvudorsaken till att det krävs kompetensutveckling. Däremot anser de inte att de fått tillräckligt med erbjudande för en relevant kompetensutveckling. Detta på grund av olika saker, bland annat brist på pengar, tid, vikarier, etc. Detta resultat indikerar även, enligt min uppfattning, vissa brister i skolväsendet i och med att samtliga respondenter har likadana åsikter om utförandet av vissa arbetsuppgifter.
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The Customer Relationship Management Process in Steel and Iron Industry : Its Measurement and Impact on Performance.Chien, Chin-Wei 26 July 2006 (has links)
Based on previous study, Reinartz, Krafft & Hoyer (2004) argued two outcomes. One is that CRM process measure outlines three key stages: initiation, maintenance, and termination; the other one is that the implementation of CRM process has a moderately positive association with both perceptual and objective company performance. This research uses statistical way to exam the three stages of Customer Relationship Management along with human resources management, coordination between various departments in enterprise, the computer technology three factors, carries out the customer relationship management compared with various steel and iron enterprises to tell the degree that management level value and invest, whether affects the enterprise economic performance.
During this research induces the customer relationship management flow and the steel and iron industry relations is: (I) The customer relationship initiation, the customer relationship maintenance stage and the computer technology has the frontage influence to the enterprise achievements. (II) The customer relationship termination stage and the human resources management have partial influence to the enterprise achievements. (III)The coordination between departments in enterprise and enterprise achievements, the influence is not certainly obvious.
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StudentsInce, Muge 01 May 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of using interactive
whiteboard and computer technology on graduate language and mathematics
student&rsquo / performance in quadratic equation functions graphics. Two groups of
language and mathematics graduate students were selected for the study / one for
experimental group and the other for control group. The experimental group
consists of 32 students, and control group consists of 33 students. The control
group is thought by traditional learning whereas the experimental group is
thought the same topic by interactive whiteboard and computer technology.
Graphic Achievement Test (GAT), Attitudes toward Technology Scale (ATTS)
and Attitude toward Mathematics Scale (ATMS) and interviews were used as a
data collection instruments. GAT applied as a pre-test, post-test and delayed
post-test on both of the groups. However the attitudes scales applied only
experimental group before and after the treatment.
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Elektroninės prekybos tendencijos kompiuterinės technikos srityje / E-commerce trends in computer technologyČaikauskas, Gintaras 04 August 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbe išskirti elektroninio verslo ir e. komercijos teoriniai aspektai, tendencijos, nagrinėjama elektroninių parduotuvių vartotojų elgsena, internetinės svetainės tobulinimo būdai. Taip pat išskiriamos pagrindinės grupės veiksnių, strategijų galimybės ir prioritetai bei numatytos priemonės jų įgyvendinimui, skatinančių vartotojų aktyvumą virtualioje aplinkoje. Išskirti internetinės svetainės efektyvumo veiksniai, analizuojamas e. prekybos efektyvumo vertinimas. Atliktas elektroninių parduotuvių vartotojų elgsenos tyrimas pasitelkiant internetinės apklausos rezultatais. Išanalizuotos literatūros ir kitų tyrimų rezultatų palyginimai leido suformuluoti elektroninių parduotuvių trūkumus ir privalumus, nustatyti, kaip e. parduotuvės atitinka vartotojų poreikius. Įvertinant teorinėje dalyje išskirtas elektronines rėmimo priemones bei tiriamojoje ir projektinėje dalyje nustatytus e. parduotuvių privalumus ir trūkumus, pateikiamos darbo išvados ir siūlymai, kaip tobulinti elektronines parduotuves. / Master work isolated e-business and e-commerce theoretical aspects, trends, analyzes consumer behavior in e-shops, web site development techniques. Are also shown in the main group elements, strategies, opportunities and priorities and the measures provided for their implementation, to promote consumer participation in virtual environments. Exclude web site performance factors, analysis of e-commerce efficiency. Complete with electronic stores consumer behavior study through an online survey. The paper discusses the literature and comparisons of the results allowed the formulation of electronic stores weaknesses and strengths, to set up an electronic shop in line with consumer needs. The assessment identified in the theoretical part of electronic support measures and the exploratory and design part of the e Stores advantages and disadvantages, conclusions and recommendations on how to improve online stores.
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