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Studentų darbo su kompiuteriu ergonomika / Student's work with computer ergonomicZaveckytė, Lina 16 November 2005 (has links)
Aim of the study: To evaluate the ergonomical conditions of the students computer working.
Material and metods: The research was made in Kaunas university of Technology at the faculty of informatics. 435 students parcipated in the survey. Research data were analyzed using program SPSS 11.0 for windows.
Results: 63,2 % of guys and 36,8 % of girls participated in the survey. Students approximately spend 5,1 hours a day and approximately sleep 7,15 hours. 48,3 % of students live in the hostels. On the average 2-3 students live in one room and usually there 2 computers in the each room. 84,8 % of students are satisfied with the computer work place at the university. 87,6 % of students think that a computer has an influence of the health, but they don’t relate them with the present complains about their health. The main complains about the health are: eye tingling (40,7%), eye suffusion (37,7%), eyestrain (26,9%), eye tiredness (89,7%), reduced seeing after the computer work (63,2%). Among the lesion of musculoskeletal system the most usual are neck ache and shoulder ache (24,4%), backbone ache (12,6%), wrist ache (9,2%). They often repeat themselves several times a month and usually sitting in the uncomfortable position. The students mentioned very few skin problems, mostly they complained about the skin neurosis (8,0%). 68,0% of students have a headache while working with a computer and 11,3 % have sleep disorder. 64,6 % of students have stress while working with a... [to full text]
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電腦工作站策略聯盟之比較研究 / The comparstive study of strategic alliance of Computer Workstations劉欣光, Liu,Hsin Kuang Unknown Date (has links)
電腦產業在1990年代發生了極大的變化。最主要的原因來自於科技的突飛猛進,知識工作者的覺醒,組織結構的演變以及全球經濟的不景氣。這些驅使力使電腦產業在個人電腦之外,又出現了電腦工作站的新區隔。而且特別由於組織內工作小組的出現,使得兼有大型主機與個人電腦優點的工作站配合主從架構與開放系統,成為市場的新寵兒,而且後勢看好。在電腦市場中一些新興的廠商像Sun, Hp 或晶片領導供應商Intel與軟體的領導廠商Microsoft都想包舉宇內,囊括四海。而傳統電腦市場中的IBM 與個人電腦的領導廠商Apple 也不甘勢弱,紛紛打起策略聯盟的組織戰來。
於是以HP為軸心的PRO 聯合組織,由Sun領導以銷售為導向的Sparc聯盟,以Intel與Micr- osoft等為主的ACE多頭馬車聯合組織,以及結合IBM,Apple與晶片供應商Motorola 的三角互補性聯盟乃先後形成並且各擁重兵。「策略聯盟」既是現代高科技廠商自保與進占市場的神兵利器,加以研究「策略聯盟」理論的大師們所作各種專精的研究與立論也在管理界引起重大的研究與迴響,因此本論文旨在分析比較各種策略聯盟理論的同時,兼能探討根據不同的策略聯盟理論的立論,究竟聯盟是否易於成功。最後,並以面訪或電話採訪方式收集國內參加策略聯盟廠商經理人的經驗與資料,再配合所作的四大聯盟的分析提出對我國電腦廠商參與日後策略聯盟的建議。
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