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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude exploratoire de la détérioration du lien parent-enfant : contexte d’apparition, caractéristiques et comportements des couples parentaux séparés impliqués dans ces dynamiques

Cyr-Villeneuve, Catherine 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse de doctorat est de déterminer, à l’aide d’une grille d’observation des comportements parentaux après la séparation , si des catégories de la grille permettent de distinguer entre eux les couples parentaux où le risque de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant en contexte de séparation conflictuelle (DLPE) est très élevé des couples parentaux où le risque de DLPE est très faible. De plus, trois objectifs secondaires s’ajoutent à notre objectif principal. Premièrement, nous avons tenté de voir s’il était possible de prédire les cas où les risques de DLPE sont très élevés. Deuxièmement, nous avons exploré comment la DLPE s’inscrit dans les conséquences pouvant découler de la séparation parentale. Et enfin, troisièmement, nous avons brièvement exploré la question des allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant dans les contextes de DLPE. Cette thèse est composée de deux articles et d’une note de recherche brève. Le premier article s’intitule En quoi et pourquoi les hommes et les femmes sont-ils affectés différemment par la séparation conjugale? Cet article est une recension critique de la littérature traitant des conséquences du divorce chez les adultes ainsi que des conséquences différentielles du divorce pour les hommes et les femmes. Dans cet article, des hypothèses explicatives quant à l’origine de ces diverses conséquences sont discutées et nous proposons de les conceptualiser sous la forme d’un éventail rendant compte des impacts tant positifs que négatifs, notamment à une extrémité du continuum où se retrouvent les dynamiques DLPE. Ce continuum sur lequel s’inscrit la DLPE permet de conceptualiser et de discuter de l’adaptation ou de la mésadaptation des individus face à la séparation. Dans cet article, notre regard sur la DLPE fait ressortir les lacunes de la recherche actuelle sur ce phénomène. Il ressort un manque flagrant de connaissances du contexte d’apparition du phénomène, de connaissances empiriques sur la question des allégations d’abus sexuel se produisant dans le cadre de telles dynamiques ainsi que de connaissances des caractéristiques et des comportements des individus qui y sont impliqués. Conséquemment, notre article met l’emphase sur la nécessité qu’une tradition de recherche se développe dans le domaine de la DLPE afin de clarifier tous ces aspects. Enfin, cet article met en lumière différents facteurs de risque et différents facteurs de protection susceptibles d’expliquer que le divorce ait des conséquences différentes chez les hommes et les femmes. Le deuxième article s’intitule Étude exploratoire des caractéristiques et des comportements de couples parentaux séparés engagés dans une dynamique de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant. Cet article cherchait à déterminer si les couples parentaux séparés hautement à risque d’être engagés dans une dynamique de DLPE se distinguent des couples parentaux séparés dont le risque de DLPE est faible sur certaines variables. Nous avons étudié cette question auprès de notre échantillon de 82 couples parentaux séparés pour lesquels le risque de DLPE est évalué comme étant soit très faible (groupe de comparaison) ou soit très élevé (en tenant compte du fait que la mère ou le père soit le parent dénigrant). À cette fin, nous avons utilisé un instrument de mesure, la Grille d’observation de la Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant après la séparation (GODLPE), adapté de celui développé par Johnston, Walters, & Olesen, (2005). Les résultats obtenus à l’aide de tests d’analyse de variance et de khi-deux démontrent que les ex-couples du groupe de comparaison se distinguent des ex-couples du groupe où le risque de DLPE est très élevé par un mariage significativement plus long et un niveau de conflit plus élevé. Également, les résultats démontrent que les parents du groupe de comparaison, les parents dénigrés et les parents dénigrants se distinguent entre eux quant à leurs comportements coparentaux aliénants, à leur relation coparentale supportante, à leur relation coparentale méfiante et à leurs comportements de renversement de rôle. Finalement, notre étude révèle que la durée du mariage et l’intensité des conflits permettent de prédire le risque de DLPE. La note de recherche brève s’intitule Étude exploratoire des allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant dans un contexte de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant. Cet note de recherche s’intéresse à ce qui a longtemps été considéré comme l’une des caractéristiques déterminantes des dynamiques de DLPE, soit les allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant professées par un parent à l’endroit de l’autre parent ou d’un membre de son entourage proche. Nous avons étudié cette question chez 82 couples parentaux séparés pour lesquels le risque de DLPE était évalué comme étant très faible ou très élevé. Les résultats indiquent qu’il n’existe aucune différence significative entre les groupes relativement à cette caractéristique. Cependant, les mères auraient davantage tendance à alléguer de tels abus que les pères. Enfin, aucune des allégations professées n’a été jugée suffisamment crédible pour que la Directeur de la protection de la Jeunesse (DPJ) juge nécessaire d’intervenir. Plusieurs hypothèses sont soulevées pour expliquer ces résultats. / The main goal of the present doctoral thesis was to determine whether certain items of an observation grid assessing parental behaviors following separation allow to distinguish parents whose risk of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship (DPCR) is very high from those whose risk of DPCR is very low. This goal led to secondary objectives regarding the prediction of such dynamics, the issue of sexual abuse allegation toward the child in such situations, and the context in which this phenomenon appears in the context of parental separation. This thesis includes two articles and a brief note of research. The first article is entitled: How and Why Are Men and Women Affected Differently by Marital Separation? This article is a critical literature review regarding the consequences of divorce for adults as well as its differential impact on men and women. Explanatory hypotheses regarding the origin of these diverse impacts are discussed. Furthermore, this article offers a conceptualization of such impacts as a continuum, which takes into account the positive and as well as the negative consequences of divorce, such as the dynamics of DPCR following separation. Different risk factors and protective factors are also suggested. The second article is entitled: Exploratory Study of the Characteristics and Behaviors of Separated Couples Engaged in a Dynamic of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship. This article discusses whether it is possible to distinguish, on certain variables, separated couples who are at high risk of being engaged in a dynamic of DPCR from those who are at low risk. This issue was studied among 82 separated couples for which the risk of DPCR was assessed as being very low or very high (in the latter case was distinguished the group where the mother was the denigrating parent from the group where the father was the denigrating parent). An instrument called the Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship Observation Grid (DPCROG), adapted from an instrument developed by Johnson, Walters, & Olesen, 2005, was used in the present study. Analyses of variance and chi-squared analyses were carried out and revealed that ex-couples in the group at high risk for DPCR distinguished themselves from ex-couples in the comparison group by a significantly longer marriage and a higher level of conflict. In addition, results of 2 X 2 repeated measures analyses of variance, as well as results of Tukey’s post-hoc tests, revealed that parents in the comparison group, denigrated parents, and denigrating parents differed from one another in terms of their alienating coparenting behaviors, their supportive coparenting relationship, their mistrustful coparenting relationship and their role reversal behaviors. Finally, results of Tukey’s post-hoc analyses and chi-squared analyses indicated that the length of marriage and the intensity of conflict allow to predict the risk of DPCR. The brief note of research is entitled: Exploratory Study of Child Sexual Abuse Allegations in the context of a Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship. This note of research is concerned with what has long been considered as one of the characteristics of the dynamics of DPCR: the allegation of child sexual abuse declared by a parent against the other parent or against people close to the other parent. This issue was studied among 82 separated couples for which the risk of DPCR was assessed as being very high or very low. The results indicated that there were no significant differences between groups in regards to these allegations. Furthermore, mothers seemed to have a greater tendency to allege such abuse in comparison to fathers. Finally, whereas none of these allegations were judged as sufficiently credible in order for the Direction de la Protection de la Jeunesse (DPJ) to intervene, several hypotheses were raised to explain this finding.

La politique racontée aux enfants : des apprentissages pris dans des dispositifs entre consensus et conflit : une étude des sentiers de la (dé) politisation des enfants. / Politics explained for Children : learnings taken in Apparatuses between consensus and conflict : a Study of the Paths to (De)Politicisation of Children

Boone, Damien 02 December 2013 (has links)
Que recouvre la politisation des enfants ? Entendue comme synonyme de la socialisation politique, elle désigne traditionnellement l'ensemble des mécanismes et des processus de formation et de transformation des systèmes individuels de représentations, d'opinions et d'attitudes politiques. Elle est aussi l'attribution aux enfants d'un degré d'intégration au sein du monde politique. Cette thèse étudie les différentes dimensions de la socialisation politique des enfants, en analysant à quelles conception du politique les enfants sont amenés à être exposés. Réfléchir en termes d'expositions suppose de se détacher d'une vision développementaliste qui associerait la socialisation politique à l'acquisition linéaire d'un contenu cumulatif. Dans cette optique, la socialisation politique se présente comme une juxtaposition de moments au cours desquels se présentent diverses conceptions du politique, de la recherche du consensus à la capacité à proposer des situations conflictuelles, en passant par des apprentissages centrés sur les procédures électorales et les institutions. Ainsi, les instances étudiées, deux conseils municipaux d'enfants, des écoles primaires et une association de lecture d'albums pour enfants offrent des épisodes de socialisation politique. Il s'avère que les contenus de chaque type de socialisation dépendent étroitement des représentations que l'on se fait des enfants quant à leur capacité à être des acteurs politiques, et des contraintes sociales de contextes d'étude qui associent à des degrés de facilité divers enfance et politique.Que recouvre la politisation des enfants ? Entendue comme synonyme de la socialisationpolitique, elle désigne traditionnellement l'ensemble des mécanismes et des processus de formation et de transformation des systèmes individuels de représentations, d'opinions et d'attitudes politiques. Elle est aussi l'attribution aux enfants d'un degré d'intégration au sein du monde politique. Cette thèse étudie les différentes dimensions de la socialisation politique des enfants, en analysant à quelles conception du politique les enfants sont amenés à être exposés. Réfléchir en termes d'expositions suppose de se détacher d'une vision développementaliste qui associerait la socialisation politique à l'acquisition linéaire d'un contenu cumulatif. Dans cette optique, la socialisation politique se présente comme une juxtaposition de moments au cours desquels se présentent diverses conceptions du politique, de la recherche du consensus à la capacité à proposer des situations conflictuelles, en passant par des apprentissages centrés sur les procédures électorales et les institutions. Ainsi, les instances étudiées, deux conseils municipaux d'enfants, des écoles primaires et une association de lecture d'albums pour enfants offrent des épisodes de socialisation politique. Il s'avère que les contenus de chaque type de socialisation dépendent étroitement des représentations que l'on se fait des enfants quant à leur capacité à être des acteurs politiques, et des contraintes sociales de contextes d'étude qui associent à des degrés de facilité divers enfance et politique. / What covers children politization? Understood as the synonym of political socialisation, it traditionally points to all the mechanisms and processes of construction and transformation of individual systems of representation, opinions and political behaviour. It is also understood as a certain level of entry of children into the political sphere.This work studied the different dimensions of children's political socialisation, determining which political concept children can be exposed to. Thinking in terms of exposition implies to detach oneself from the vision of associating political socialisation to the accumulation of norms and values that add to each other, implying that once an individual acquires a norm, he will never act against it. With this in mind, political socialisation is also an addition of moments during which various political concepts come by: from the search for an unanimous approval to the capacity of proposing conflictual situations, via trainings focusing on electoral procedures and institutions. Therefore, observed instances, 2 children municipal councils, primary schools and a reading club for children provide political socialisation moments. It turns out that concepts of each type of socialisationdepend strongly on how we consider the children capacity to be political actors, and on social restrictions in a studying environment related to the more or less easy association of childhood and politics.

Interventionen des Therapeuten und Behandlungsergebnisse von Patienten in analytisch orientierter Gruppenpsychotherapie. Eine Untersuchung zur Frequenz und Zielgenauigkeit von Deutungen mit Hilfe der ZBKT- Methode. / Intervention of the therapist and results of treating patients by analytically orientated group psychotherapy. A research into the frequency and exactness of reaching one s aim concerning interpretations using the method of ZBKT.

Pfingsten, Wibke Mara 13 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Étude exploratoire de la détérioration du lien parent-enfant : contexte d’apparition, caractéristiques et comportements des couples parentaux séparés impliqués dans ces dynamiques

Cyr-Villeneuve, Catherine 10 1900 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse de doctorat est de déterminer, à l’aide d’une grille d’observation des comportements parentaux après la séparation , si des catégories de la grille permettent de distinguer entre eux les couples parentaux où le risque de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant en contexte de séparation conflictuelle (DLPE) est très élevé des couples parentaux où le risque de DLPE est très faible. De plus, trois objectifs secondaires s’ajoutent à notre objectif principal. Premièrement, nous avons tenté de voir s’il était possible de prédire les cas où les risques de DLPE sont très élevés. Deuxièmement, nous avons exploré comment la DLPE s’inscrit dans les conséquences pouvant découler de la séparation parentale. Et enfin, troisièmement, nous avons brièvement exploré la question des allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant dans les contextes de DLPE. Cette thèse est composée de deux articles et d’une note de recherche brève. Le premier article s’intitule En quoi et pourquoi les hommes et les femmes sont-ils affectés différemment par la séparation conjugale? Cet article est une recension critique de la littérature traitant des conséquences du divorce chez les adultes ainsi que des conséquences différentielles du divorce pour les hommes et les femmes. Dans cet article, des hypothèses explicatives quant à l’origine de ces diverses conséquences sont discutées et nous proposons de les conceptualiser sous la forme d’un éventail rendant compte des impacts tant positifs que négatifs, notamment à une extrémité du continuum où se retrouvent les dynamiques DLPE. Ce continuum sur lequel s’inscrit la DLPE permet de conceptualiser et de discuter de l’adaptation ou de la mésadaptation des individus face à la séparation. Dans cet article, notre regard sur la DLPE fait ressortir les lacunes de la recherche actuelle sur ce phénomène. Il ressort un manque flagrant de connaissances du contexte d’apparition du phénomène, de connaissances empiriques sur la question des allégations d’abus sexuel se produisant dans le cadre de telles dynamiques ainsi que de connaissances des caractéristiques et des comportements des individus qui y sont impliqués. Conséquemment, notre article met l’emphase sur la nécessité qu’une tradition de recherche se développe dans le domaine de la DLPE afin de clarifier tous ces aspects. Enfin, cet article met en lumière différents facteurs de risque et différents facteurs de protection susceptibles d’expliquer que le divorce ait des conséquences différentes chez les hommes et les femmes. Le deuxième article s’intitule Étude exploratoire des caractéristiques et des comportements de couples parentaux séparés engagés dans une dynamique de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant. Cet article cherchait à déterminer si les couples parentaux séparés hautement à risque d’être engagés dans une dynamique de DLPE se distinguent des couples parentaux séparés dont le risque de DLPE est faible sur certaines variables. Nous avons étudié cette question auprès de notre échantillon de 82 couples parentaux séparés pour lesquels le risque de DLPE est évalué comme étant soit très faible (groupe de comparaison) ou soit très élevé (en tenant compte du fait que la mère ou le père soit le parent dénigrant). À cette fin, nous avons utilisé un instrument de mesure, la Grille d’observation de la Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant après la séparation (GODLPE), adapté de celui développé par Johnston, Walters, & Olesen, (2005). Les résultats obtenus à l’aide de tests d’analyse de variance et de khi-deux démontrent que les ex-couples du groupe de comparaison se distinguent des ex-couples du groupe où le risque de DLPE est très élevé par un mariage significativement plus long et un niveau de conflit plus élevé. Également, les résultats démontrent que les parents du groupe de comparaison, les parents dénigrés et les parents dénigrants se distinguent entre eux quant à leurs comportements coparentaux aliénants, à leur relation coparentale supportante, à leur relation coparentale méfiante et à leurs comportements de renversement de rôle. Finalement, notre étude révèle que la durée du mariage et l’intensité des conflits permettent de prédire le risque de DLPE. La note de recherche brève s’intitule Étude exploratoire des allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant dans un contexte de Détérioration du Lien Parent-Enfant. Cet note de recherche s’intéresse à ce qui a longtemps été considéré comme l’une des caractéristiques déterminantes des dynamiques de DLPE, soit les allégations d’agression sexuelle envers l’enfant professées par un parent à l’endroit de l’autre parent ou d’un membre de son entourage proche. Nous avons étudié cette question chez 82 couples parentaux séparés pour lesquels le risque de DLPE était évalué comme étant très faible ou très élevé. Les résultats indiquent qu’il n’existe aucune différence significative entre les groupes relativement à cette caractéristique. Cependant, les mères auraient davantage tendance à alléguer de tels abus que les pères. Enfin, aucune des allégations professées n’a été jugée suffisamment crédible pour que la Directeur de la protection de la Jeunesse (DPJ) juge nécessaire d’intervenir. Plusieurs hypothèses sont soulevées pour expliquer ces résultats. / The main goal of the present doctoral thesis was to determine whether certain items of an observation grid assessing parental behaviors following separation allow to distinguish parents whose risk of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship (DPCR) is very high from those whose risk of DPCR is very low. This goal led to secondary objectives regarding the prediction of such dynamics, the issue of sexual abuse allegation toward the child in such situations, and the context in which this phenomenon appears in the context of parental separation. This thesis includes two articles and a brief note of research. The first article is entitled: How and Why Are Men and Women Affected Differently by Marital Separation? This article is a critical literature review regarding the consequences of divorce for adults as well as its differential impact on men and women. Explanatory hypotheses regarding the origin of these diverse impacts are discussed. Furthermore, this article offers a conceptualization of such impacts as a continuum, which takes into account the positive and as well as the negative consequences of divorce, such as the dynamics of DPCR following separation. Different risk factors and protective factors are also suggested. The second article is entitled: Exploratory Study of the Characteristics and Behaviors of Separated Couples Engaged in a Dynamic of Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship. This article discusses whether it is possible to distinguish, on certain variables, separated couples who are at high risk of being engaged in a dynamic of DPCR from those who are at low risk. This issue was studied among 82 separated couples for which the risk of DPCR was assessed as being very low or very high (in the latter case was distinguished the group where the mother was the denigrating parent from the group where the father was the denigrating parent). An instrument called the Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship Observation Grid (DPCROG), adapted from an instrument developed by Johnson, Walters, & Olesen, 2005, was used in the present study. Analyses of variance and chi-squared analyses were carried out and revealed that ex-couples in the group at high risk for DPCR distinguished themselves from ex-couples in the comparison group by a significantly longer marriage and a higher level of conflict. In addition, results of 2 X 2 repeated measures analyses of variance, as well as results of Tukey’s post-hoc tests, revealed that parents in the comparison group, denigrated parents, and denigrating parents differed from one another in terms of their alienating coparenting behaviors, their supportive coparenting relationship, their mistrustful coparenting relationship and their role reversal behaviors. Finally, results of Tukey’s post-hoc analyses and chi-squared analyses indicated that the length of marriage and the intensity of conflict allow to predict the risk of DPCR. The brief note of research is entitled: Exploratory Study of Child Sexual Abuse Allegations in the context of a Deterioration of the Parent-Child Relationship. This note of research is concerned with what has long been considered as one of the characteristics of the dynamics of DPCR: the allegation of child sexual abuse declared by a parent against the other parent or against people close to the other parent. This issue was studied among 82 separated couples for which the risk of DPCR was assessed as being very high or very low. The results indicated that there were no significant differences between groups in regards to these allegations. Furthermore, mothers seemed to have a greater tendency to allege such abuse in comparison to fathers. Finally, whereas none of these allegations were judged as sufficiently credible in order for the Direction de la Protection de la Jeunesse (DPJ) to intervene, several hypotheses were raised to explain this finding.

Regards croisés sur la conceptualisation des situations conflictuelles d'adolescentes et d'éducatrices en contexte de centre de réadaptation

Parent, Valérie 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Selvagens, barbárie e colonos : coletivos indígenas kaingang e o choque com a civilização no Sul do Brasil Meridional contemporâneo

Saldanha, José Rodrigo Pereira January 2015 (has links)
Através da etnografia entre interlocutores da etnia kaingang, a tese trata das “lutas” destes em busca de seus “direitos civis”. Esta problemática kaingang vem sendo percebida a partir de suas relações conflitivas com um denominado “mundo dos brancos”. Este conflito é percebido desde o tempo de fugas ancestrais em êxodo, até a contemporaneidade do atual “tempo das retomadas”. Os “brancos”, “não-índios”, ou os não-kaingang, em “idioma” da etnia, os fog, vem consolidando sua “civilização” sobre território kaingang, através de suas “frentes pioneiras” de “colonização” e “expansão”. Se percebeu estruturalmente uma presente colonialidade do poder nas redes de relações entre os fog e os kaingang, que perspassaram tempo e espaço. Um processo inicial de acumulação primitiva de capital, o denominado “colonialismo”, sobre os povos indígenas e seus territórios, passou a um “capitalismo”, de caráter “ordenador”, “progressivo” e “desenvolvimentista”, a partir de uma metafísica fundada em uma economia da “posse”. Estes processos econômicos fog vem sendo aplicados num processo de conquista dos territórios ancestrais da etnia, o Planalto Meridional Brasileiro. O outrora “mundo indígena kaingang”, o mundo dos “tronco-velhos”, de uma totalidade de densas matas, campos e afluentes de água doce em abundância, de seres e coisas, é progressivamente ocupado pelo “mundo dos brancos”, infra-estrutural antrópico, da ordem cultural da “racionalidade”, refletida na “materializada” instrumentalidade técnica baseada na “funcionalidade” de “materiais” e recursos de uma dita “natureza”. Esta instrumentalidade gera um mundo de destruição ambiental, somado a regimes territoriais de “propriedades” dos fog, que restringem a livre circulação dos grupos comunitários kaingang por sobre suas terras até a busca por um total confino destes últimos em “reduções” territoriais. A etnografia acompanhou a “luta pela Terra” dos grupos cosmopolíticos da etnia, onde agentes kaingang mantém um modo de vida baseado em uma cosmologia de “pertença a Terra”, em choque e conflitos com o “mundo dos brancos” e seus agentes fog, que mantém um modo de vida baseado no individualismo, numa lógica dita “racional”, de “mercado” e de “ciência” e “posse” da Terra. Esta “luta pela Terra kaingang” hoje está colocada em reivindicações territoriais da etnia, através de “Territórios Indígenas” garantidos pela Constituição Federal (CF/88), em um território em sua quase totalidade hoje ocupado pelos “empreendimentos” dos fog, “fazendas”, “granjas”, “lavouras de cultivo”, “moradas dos brancos”, “rodovias”, “cidades”, “indústrias” e ou mesmo “parques” e demais “áreas públicas”. / Through Ethnography between interlocutors kaingang ethnicity, the thesis deals with the "struggles" of those in the quest of their "civil rights". Kaingang this problem has been perceived from their conflictual relations with a so-called "white world". This conflict is perceived since the time of ancient trails in exodus until nowadays the current "time of the land retakes". "Whites", "non-Indians", or non-kaingang in "language" of ethnicity, the fóg, has been consolidating its "civilization" on kaingang territory, through its "pioneer fronts" of "colonization" and "expansion". It's been realized structurally a present coloniality of power in networks of relations between fóg and kaingang that came throught time and space. An initial process of primitive accumulation of capital, the so-called "colonialism" over indigenous peoples and their territories became to a "capitalist" character "originator", "progressive" and "developmental", from a metaphysics founded at a cost of "ownership". These fog economic processes has been applied to a conquest process of the ancestral territories of ethnic, the Brazilian Southern Plateau. The once "kaingang indigenous world", the world of "old trunk", a totality of dense forests, fields, and freshwater tributaries in plenty, of beings and things, are gradually occupied by the "white world", infra-anthropic structural, cultural order of "rationality", reflected in the "embodied" technical instrumentality based on the "functionality" of "material" and features a so-called "nature." This creates a world of environmental destruction, coupled with territorial regimes "properties" of the fóg, which restrict the free movement of kaingang community groups over their lands to search for a total confine of the latter in territorial "reductions". Ethnography accompanied the "struggle for land" of cosmopolitic ethnic groups, where kaingang agents maintains a way of life based on a universe of "belonging to Land" in shock and conflicts with the "white world" and their fóg agents, that maintains a way of life based on individualism, in a logic that dictates it's self as "rational", "market" and "science" and "ownership" of the Earth. This "struggle for kaingang Land" today is placed on territorial claims of ethnicity, through "Indian Territory" guaranteed by the Federal Constitution (FC / 88), in a territory almost entirely occupied today by the "projects" of the fóg, "farms","plantations","growing crops","white homes","highway","cities","industries "and or" parks "and other" public areas".

Selvagens, barbárie e colonos : coletivos indígenas kaingang e o choque com a civilização no Sul do Brasil Meridional contemporâneo

Saldanha, José Rodrigo Pereira January 2015 (has links)
Através da etnografia entre interlocutores da etnia kaingang, a tese trata das “lutas” destes em busca de seus “direitos civis”. Esta problemática kaingang vem sendo percebida a partir de suas relações conflitivas com um denominado “mundo dos brancos”. Este conflito é percebido desde o tempo de fugas ancestrais em êxodo, até a contemporaneidade do atual “tempo das retomadas”. Os “brancos”, “não-índios”, ou os não-kaingang, em “idioma” da etnia, os fog, vem consolidando sua “civilização” sobre território kaingang, através de suas “frentes pioneiras” de “colonização” e “expansão”. Se percebeu estruturalmente uma presente colonialidade do poder nas redes de relações entre os fog e os kaingang, que perspassaram tempo e espaço. Um processo inicial de acumulação primitiva de capital, o denominado “colonialismo”, sobre os povos indígenas e seus territórios, passou a um “capitalismo”, de caráter “ordenador”, “progressivo” e “desenvolvimentista”, a partir de uma metafísica fundada em uma economia da “posse”. Estes processos econômicos fog vem sendo aplicados num processo de conquista dos territórios ancestrais da etnia, o Planalto Meridional Brasileiro. O outrora “mundo indígena kaingang”, o mundo dos “tronco-velhos”, de uma totalidade de densas matas, campos e afluentes de água doce em abundância, de seres e coisas, é progressivamente ocupado pelo “mundo dos brancos”, infra-estrutural antrópico, da ordem cultural da “racionalidade”, refletida na “materializada” instrumentalidade técnica baseada na “funcionalidade” de “materiais” e recursos de uma dita “natureza”. Esta instrumentalidade gera um mundo de destruição ambiental, somado a regimes territoriais de “propriedades” dos fog, que restringem a livre circulação dos grupos comunitários kaingang por sobre suas terras até a busca por um total confino destes últimos em “reduções” territoriais. A etnografia acompanhou a “luta pela Terra” dos grupos cosmopolíticos da etnia, onde agentes kaingang mantém um modo de vida baseado em uma cosmologia de “pertença a Terra”, em choque e conflitos com o “mundo dos brancos” e seus agentes fog, que mantém um modo de vida baseado no individualismo, numa lógica dita “racional”, de “mercado” e de “ciência” e “posse” da Terra. Esta “luta pela Terra kaingang” hoje está colocada em reivindicações territoriais da etnia, através de “Territórios Indígenas” garantidos pela Constituição Federal (CF/88), em um território em sua quase totalidade hoje ocupado pelos “empreendimentos” dos fog, “fazendas”, “granjas”, “lavouras de cultivo”, “moradas dos brancos”, “rodovias”, “cidades”, “indústrias” e ou mesmo “parques” e demais “áreas públicas”. / Through Ethnography between interlocutors kaingang ethnicity, the thesis deals with the "struggles" of those in the quest of their "civil rights". Kaingang this problem has been perceived from their conflictual relations with a so-called "white world". This conflict is perceived since the time of ancient trails in exodus until nowadays the current "time of the land retakes". "Whites", "non-Indians", or non-kaingang in "language" of ethnicity, the fóg, has been consolidating its "civilization" on kaingang territory, through its "pioneer fronts" of "colonization" and "expansion". It's been realized structurally a present coloniality of power in networks of relations between fóg and kaingang that came throught time and space. An initial process of primitive accumulation of capital, the so-called "colonialism" over indigenous peoples and their territories became to a "capitalist" character "originator", "progressive" and "developmental", from a metaphysics founded at a cost of "ownership". These fog economic processes has been applied to a conquest process of the ancestral territories of ethnic, the Brazilian Southern Plateau. The once "kaingang indigenous world", the world of "old trunk", a totality of dense forests, fields, and freshwater tributaries in plenty, of beings and things, are gradually occupied by the "white world", infra-anthropic structural, cultural order of "rationality", reflected in the "embodied" technical instrumentality based on the "functionality" of "material" and features a so-called "nature." This creates a world of environmental destruction, coupled with territorial regimes "properties" of the fóg, which restrict the free movement of kaingang community groups over their lands to search for a total confine of the latter in territorial "reductions". Ethnography accompanied the "struggle for land" of cosmopolitic ethnic groups, where kaingang agents maintains a way of life based on a universe of "belonging to Land" in shock and conflicts with the "white world" and their fóg agents, that maintains a way of life based on individualism, in a logic that dictates it's self as "rational", "market" and "science" and "ownership" of the Earth. This "struggle for kaingang Land" today is placed on territorial claims of ethnicity, through "Indian Territory" guaranteed by the Federal Constitution (FC / 88), in a territory almost entirely occupied today by the "projects" of the fóg, "farms","plantations","growing crops","white homes","highway","cities","industries "and or" parks "and other" public areas".

Selvagens, barbárie e colonos : coletivos indígenas kaingang e o choque com a civilização no Sul do Brasil Meridional contemporâneo

Saldanha, José Rodrigo Pereira January 2015 (has links)
Através da etnografia entre interlocutores da etnia kaingang, a tese trata das “lutas” destes em busca de seus “direitos civis”. Esta problemática kaingang vem sendo percebida a partir de suas relações conflitivas com um denominado “mundo dos brancos”. Este conflito é percebido desde o tempo de fugas ancestrais em êxodo, até a contemporaneidade do atual “tempo das retomadas”. Os “brancos”, “não-índios”, ou os não-kaingang, em “idioma” da etnia, os fog, vem consolidando sua “civilização” sobre território kaingang, através de suas “frentes pioneiras” de “colonização” e “expansão”. Se percebeu estruturalmente uma presente colonialidade do poder nas redes de relações entre os fog e os kaingang, que perspassaram tempo e espaço. Um processo inicial de acumulação primitiva de capital, o denominado “colonialismo”, sobre os povos indígenas e seus territórios, passou a um “capitalismo”, de caráter “ordenador”, “progressivo” e “desenvolvimentista”, a partir de uma metafísica fundada em uma economia da “posse”. Estes processos econômicos fog vem sendo aplicados num processo de conquista dos territórios ancestrais da etnia, o Planalto Meridional Brasileiro. O outrora “mundo indígena kaingang”, o mundo dos “tronco-velhos”, de uma totalidade de densas matas, campos e afluentes de água doce em abundância, de seres e coisas, é progressivamente ocupado pelo “mundo dos brancos”, infra-estrutural antrópico, da ordem cultural da “racionalidade”, refletida na “materializada” instrumentalidade técnica baseada na “funcionalidade” de “materiais” e recursos de uma dita “natureza”. Esta instrumentalidade gera um mundo de destruição ambiental, somado a regimes territoriais de “propriedades” dos fog, que restringem a livre circulação dos grupos comunitários kaingang por sobre suas terras até a busca por um total confino destes últimos em “reduções” territoriais. A etnografia acompanhou a “luta pela Terra” dos grupos cosmopolíticos da etnia, onde agentes kaingang mantém um modo de vida baseado em uma cosmologia de “pertença a Terra”, em choque e conflitos com o “mundo dos brancos” e seus agentes fog, que mantém um modo de vida baseado no individualismo, numa lógica dita “racional”, de “mercado” e de “ciência” e “posse” da Terra. Esta “luta pela Terra kaingang” hoje está colocada em reivindicações territoriais da etnia, através de “Territórios Indígenas” garantidos pela Constituição Federal (CF/88), em um território em sua quase totalidade hoje ocupado pelos “empreendimentos” dos fog, “fazendas”, “granjas”, “lavouras de cultivo”, “moradas dos brancos”, “rodovias”, “cidades”, “indústrias” e ou mesmo “parques” e demais “áreas públicas”. / Through Ethnography between interlocutors kaingang ethnicity, the thesis deals with the "struggles" of those in the quest of their "civil rights". Kaingang this problem has been perceived from their conflictual relations with a so-called "white world". This conflict is perceived since the time of ancient trails in exodus until nowadays the current "time of the land retakes". "Whites", "non-Indians", or non-kaingang in "language" of ethnicity, the fóg, has been consolidating its "civilization" on kaingang territory, through its "pioneer fronts" of "colonization" and "expansion". It's been realized structurally a present coloniality of power in networks of relations between fóg and kaingang that came throught time and space. An initial process of primitive accumulation of capital, the so-called "colonialism" over indigenous peoples and their territories became to a "capitalist" character "originator", "progressive" and "developmental", from a metaphysics founded at a cost of "ownership". These fog economic processes has been applied to a conquest process of the ancestral territories of ethnic, the Brazilian Southern Plateau. The once "kaingang indigenous world", the world of "old trunk", a totality of dense forests, fields, and freshwater tributaries in plenty, of beings and things, are gradually occupied by the "white world", infra-anthropic structural, cultural order of "rationality", reflected in the "embodied" technical instrumentality based on the "functionality" of "material" and features a so-called "nature." This creates a world of environmental destruction, coupled with territorial regimes "properties" of the fóg, which restrict the free movement of kaingang community groups over their lands to search for a total confine of the latter in territorial "reductions". Ethnography accompanied the "struggle for land" of cosmopolitic ethnic groups, where kaingang agents maintains a way of life based on a universe of "belonging to Land" in shock and conflicts with the "white world" and their fóg agents, that maintains a way of life based on individualism, in a logic that dictates it's self as "rational", "market" and "science" and "ownership" of the Earth. This "struggle for kaingang Land" today is placed on territorial claims of ethnicity, through "Indian Territory" guaranteed by the Federal Constitution (FC / 88), in a territory almost entirely occupied today by the "projects" of the fóg, "farms","plantations","growing crops","white homes","highway","cities","industries "and or" parks "and other" public areas".

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