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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cold hearts versus bleeding hearts: Disciplinary differences in university students' sociopolitical orientations

B.Hastie@murdoch.edu.au, Brianne Hastie January 2005 (has links)
The supposed liberalising effects of higher education have been documented since Newcomb’s landmark Bennington study in the 1930s. However, other research has suggested that the effect of education on beliefs and values may differ between academic disciplines. The main mechanisms by which differing beliefs are believed to develop include the self-selection hypothesis (where students chose disciplines which match their pre-existing belief systems) and the socialisation hypothesis (where students are socialised into the worldview of the discipline through continued exposure). Three correlational design questionnaire studies were conducted. Study 1 and 2 featured 223 and 531 students, respectively, and Study 3 included 143 recent graduates of Murdoch University, from different academic disciplines (primarily commerce, psychology and the social sciences). Study 4 involved interviews with nine students who had switched between the three main fields of study. The quantitative results generally supported the self-selection hypothesis, although some participant accounts suggested possible accentuation effects (where pre-existing values were strengthened by university study). Future research should consider a longitudinal study, tracking students in different academic disciplines over the full-length of their degree. A cross-sectional community study would also be valuable, in determining whether large scale difference exist between the those with tertiary, compared to those with lower levels of education, and whether discipline differences persist following graduation (and whether this is linked to occupation). These findings have important implications for the way universities view themselves, in terms of shaping the minds of the next generation of leaders, and for disciplines, in terms of the types of students they attract and how they can best retain them. In conclusion, there are significant differences in the belief systems of students in different academic disciplines, although not as large as may be expected, and that this seems primarily due to self-selection, rather than socialisation or accentuation.

National Security Act : Authoritarian legacies in South Korea

Fast, Ellinor January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to examine the correlation between regime socialisation and censorship support in South Korea. The National Security Act is a policy that has been active in the country mentioned, since the 1950’s and restricts the freedom of speech. In a country like South Korea, which is a democracy, it is hard to understand the dual values that are being portrayed in the society. With the help of a theory about political socialisation by individual experience and by using a linear regression, this paper hypothesises that there will be people who are more supportive or completely against the backing for censorship if they have lived through an authoritarian regime. In the bivariate linear regression, the results indicate that there is a relation between the independent, regime socialisation and the dependent variable, support for censorship. However opposed to the theory of this paper, that inhabitants of countries with former authoritarian rule should be more supportive of censorship, the results from the multivariate linear regression show that with the control variables, gender, education, income and Asian values, the correlation between regime socialisation and the support for censorship is not statistically significant. Instead it shows that gender, education and income confound the relationship between regime socialisation and support for censorship.

L'intérêt politique chez les adolescents selon les sexes

Beauregard, Katrine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

L'intérêt politique chez les adolescents selon les sexes

Beauregard, Katrine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Att göra en demokrat? : Demokratisk socialisation i den svenska gymnasieskolan / Creating a democratic citizen? : Democratic socialization in Swedish upper secondary schools

Broman, Anders January 2009 (has links)
This study focuses upon the extent that teaching about democracy affects pupil comprehension and opinions about democracy. Its point of departure is the question, “to what extent is school an agent of democratic socialization?” The overall aim of this study is to contribute to understanding the democratic socialization process and especially to understand the role that school can play in that process.   The study is comprised of a survey about democratic values, democratic institutions and democratic authorities completed by 318 upper secondary pupils upon two occasions. The first was just prior to the start of the course, “Samhällskunskap A” and the second was at the end of that course. The survey also included a number of background questions related to each individual participant; 28 pupils in one of the schools who had not yet studied “Samhällskunskap A” were used as a control group. Twelve teachers involved in actual teaching at that time were interviewed regarding their attitudes toward the official documents about democratic socialization and whether or not they saw the goals as articulated in those documents as possible to achieve.   Based upon theories about democratic socialization and socialization agents, a number of conditions and problems were formulated and operationalized in order to analyse the outcome of the study. Three main concepts were used as analytical tools: democratic orientations, democratic socialization and socialization agent.   The results do not support the assumption that school can be seen as a general democratic socialization agent through teaching about politics and democracy. But certain situations and aspects of democratic orientations demonstrate that the school has a tendency to affect socialization; therefore school is seen as a specific democratic socialization agent. The main conclusion of this study is that teaching about politics and democracy is expected to have limited influence on pupils in upper secondary school. Also important is the finding that the pupil’s average change on the aggregate level is low, but on individual level, many pupils made significant changes regarding their democratic orientations during the course. The results support a view that the process of democratic socialization is a complex process and is difficult to predict.

CHILDREN OF THE SPRING : A cohort analysis on the lasting value effects of the Arab spring

Makovac, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Research on the Arab spring has indicated that the failure of democratic consolidation in post-Arab spring countries was, in part, due to economic insecurity. A conclusion that seems to be in line with the general literature on threat and its connection to authoritarian value-shifts. Yet, scholars in the fields of collective action and political socialisation have also demonstrated how events like the Arab spring can be incredibly influential in shaping political values, primarily among younger populations. Raising the question of whether formative experience with the Arab spring could have resulted in a more democratically inclined youth-cohort that would be more resilient to the authoritarian effects of economic insecurity. To answer this question, this master's thesis conducted a cohort analysis on five countries found in at least four waves of the Arab Barometer and tested four hypotheses generated by the previous question. The thesis did not see any evidence indicating that this Arab spring youth-cohort would be any more democratic than other cohorts. Furthermore, the cohort was also not more likely than other cohorts, to stave off the authoritarian effects of economic insecurity. Contrary to previous research, this thesis did not see a correlation between economic insecurity and authoritarianism in all countries studied. Potentially, indicating how contextual the connection actually is, and demonstrating the need for future studies on the topic to be conducted in already authoritarian contexts.

Political culture and socialisation responses to integrated water resources management (IWRM) : the case of Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality / Sysman Motloung

Motloung, Sysman January 2010 (has links)
This study looks at political culture and socialisation responses to Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). It identifies political culture and socialisation as part of a process, the development of a political culture with specific attitudes, cognitions, and feelings towards the political system. Political culture and socialisation impart the knowledge of how to act politically, i.e. how to apply values in formulating demands and making claims on the political system. They form a connecting link between micro- and macro-politics. The study maintains that political orientations are handed down from one generation to another, through the process of political socialisation. Top-down and bottom-up influences come into play to augment a discourse on the global nature of political socialisation and the political culture of international societies with regard to IWRM and governance ideologies. It is argued that these international ideas become relevant in the national political agenda, civil society organisations and trans-national networks. The IWRM aspects of water as an economic good and a basic human right have become a two-edged sword in the South African context. The study reveals that politics stand at the epicentre of water problems, and that IWRM is a political-ethical issue which challenges power bases in many communities. The IWRM global norms of equitable, efficient and sustainable use of water resources have become a major problem in a water-scarce country burdened with economic inequalities and abject poverty. This is a pressing issue because there is an increasing demand for water to sustain the development necessary to redress the draconian ills of the apartheid past. This becomes evident in the fundamental legislative overhaul that has taken place since 1994, embracing a transformation culture that glorifies the norm of water not only as a fundamental human right, but also as a commodity that is necessary to sustain human dignity. It is here that water is politicised. Violent protests have erupted in reaction to perceived neo-liberal attempts to deny the poor their access to this resource. The political culture and socialisation responses as far as IWRM is concerned appear within fragmented lines, i.e. mainly black and poor communities embrace a culture of non-payment for services and resort to violent protests as a viable method to raise their concerns. In contrast, the white and middle-class communities manifest a tendency to form parallel local government structures; they then withhold rate payments and provide services for themselves through ratepayer associations. Finally, the study considers the South African context with regard to the manifestations of political culture, and how this influences water resources. It is evident that there is too much emphasis on politics at the expense of discussions on IWRM. Civil society organisations make very little attempt to encourage public participation in water management structures. It also appears that political elites who are disillusioned with civil society organisations tend to derail their efforts to educate the public on water management structures. / MA, Political Studies, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011

Das politische Interesse weiblicher Jugendlicher / Political interest of the female youth

Brauer, Janette January 2006 (has links)
Bei der hier vorzustellenden Arbeit handelt es sich um eine qualitative Langzeitstudie, die sich mit dem politischem Interesse von acht jungen Frauen in Brandenburg im Alter von 16 bis 20/21 Jahren, dem Alter, in dem sich die bisher ausgebildete individuelle politische Identität stabilisiert, beschäftigt. Die politische Identitätsbildung jugendlicher Schüler und Schülerinnen zu unterstützen, sie auf die Übernahme der Rolle eines mündigen Bürgers bzw. einer mündigen Bürgerin vorzubereiten und demokratisches Bewusstsein zu fördern, gilt als wichtiges Ziel politischer Bildung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. In diesem Konzept verbinden sich die aus psychologischer Sicht zu bewältigenden Entwicklungsaufgaben, die mit der Suche nach einem Platz in der Gemeinschaft (Erikson 1950, 1959, 1968) verbunden sind, mit einer Sicht des politischen Systems, nach der dessen Stabilität maßgeblich von der Legitimation seiner Mitglieder und deren Bereitschaft zur politischen Beteiligung abhängt (Easton 1965, 1975).<br><br> Die Herausbildung politischer Identität und die damit verbundenen Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen Jugendlicher werden durch die Jugendforschung auf vielfältige Art und Weise untersucht. Nach dem politischen Identitätskonzept von Fend (1991) können politische Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen nach affektiv-motivationalen, kognitiven und Verhaltensaspekten differenziert betrachtet werden. „Politisches Interesse“ kann als ein Konstrukt gesehen werden, welches im Schnittpunkt dieser drei Dimensionen liegt, da es sowohl motivationale, kognitive als auch handlungsbezogene Aspekte beinhaltet. Ihm kommt als motivationale Basis eine wichtige Bedeutung für die politische Exploration und politische Partizipation, und damit für die politische Identitätsentwicklung zu.<br><br> In empirischen Untersuchungen wird immer wieder festgestellt, dass das für die politische Identitätsentwicklung so bedeutsame politische Interesse bei jungen Frauen im Vergleich zu jungen Männern niedriger ausfällt. Junge Frauen zeigen eine geringere Bereitschaft, sich mit Politik zu beschäftigen, sie fühlen sich politisch inkompetenter und glauben in stärkerem Maße als ihre männlichen Altersgenossen, keinen Einfluss auf die Politik nehmen zu können (vgl. z.B. Fend 1991; Hoffmann-Lange 1995; Verba et al. 1995; Gille et al. 2000; Torney-Purta et al. 2001; Jugendwerk der Deutschen Shell 2000; 2002; Brandenburger Jugendlängsschnitt). Diese vorgefundenen Geschlechtsunterschiede werden auf unterschiedliche Art und Weise erklärt.<br><br> In der empirischen Jugendforschung wird im Allgemeinen eine Single-Item-Frage zur Erfassung von politischem Interesse genutzt. Diese kann nicht als ausreichend angesehen werden, wenn es darum geht, der These nachzugehen, dass weibliche Jugendliche nicht unbedingt politisch weniger, sondern politisch anders interessiert sind als männliche Jugendliche. Arbeiten, die das politische Interesse differenzierter erfassen, belegen dies bereits (vgl. z.B. Kuhn et al. 1998; Oesterreich 2002; Albert et al. 2003; Kuhn/Schmid 2004) <br><br> Diese Arbeit soll dazu beitragen, dass politische Interesse von weiblichen Jugendlichen mittels qualitativer Daten weiterführend zu erklären. Anhand verschiedener Fragen wird dem politischen Interesse weiblicher Gymnasiastinnen aus Brandenburg in seinem Zusammenhang mit dem Informationsverhalten und dem Stellenwert, den Vertrauen in Politik und gegenüber Politikern für die Jugendlichen hat, nachgegangen. / The essay (qualitative long term study) presents perspectives on the political interest of eight young women in the federal state of Brandenburg/Germany between the age of 16-21, an age by which they have achieved an individual political identity.<br><br> German politics aim at supporting, inspiring and preparing adolescents in order to create responsible citizens and to promote a democratic awareness. From a psychological perspective, this concept includes developmental tasks to be coped with as for example the search for a place in society (Erikson 1950, 1959, 1968) and an understanding of the political system as the warrant of stability depending on the legitimate members of the system and their readiness to participate in it (Easton 1965, 1975).<br><br> There are many different critical approaches towards understanding the development of political identity as well as the attitudes and behaviour of adolescents. According to the concept of identity developed by Fend (1991), political identity and behaviour are differentiated into affective-motivational and cognitive aspects. Political interest is attributed to both motivational and cognitive aspects and thus can serve as a central indicative concept for the process of the forming of a political identity. On the one hand, political interest constitutes an important motivational precondition to a maintained interest in political processes and participation. On the other hand, the motivation to stay informed about ongoing political issues promotes the perpetual increase of knowledge as well as the growth of the competence to analyse and act. <br><br> In empirical research, the political interest of young women, which is essential for the development of a political identity, has been repeatedly characterized as lower than that of young men. In comparison to their male contemporaries females show less motivation to deal with politics, they feel less politically competent and are more ready to believe in having no influence on politics (cp. Fend 1991; Hoffmann-Lange 1995; Verba et al. 1995; Gille et al. 2000; Torney-Purta et al. 2001; Jugendwerk der deutschen Shell 2000; 2002; Brandenburger Jugendlängsschnitt). These differences between the genders have received multiple explanations.<br><br> In empirical youth research, one particular question is generally used to assess political interest. Yet, this procedure is inadequate when it comes to finding evidence for the idea that female adolescents are not necessarily less interested in politics, but that they have a different kind of interest than their male counterparts. Essays that approach political interest in a more differentiated way have already provided evidence for this(cp. Kuhn et al. 1998; Oesterreich 2002, Albert et al. 2003, Kuhn/Schmid 2004).<br><br> This essay shall provide further insight into the political interest of female adolescents on the basis of qualitative data. Using different types of questions, the political interest of high school students in the federal state of Brandenburg, studying towards A-level is evaluated with regard to the behaviour concerning the level of concern, trust and appreciation invested in politics and politicians by female adolescents.

Political culture and socialisation responses to integrated water resources management (IWRM) : the case of Thabo Mofutsanyane District Municipality / Sysman Motloung

Motloung, Sysman January 2010 (has links)
This study looks at political culture and socialisation responses to Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM). It identifies political culture and socialisation as part of a process, the development of a political culture with specific attitudes, cognitions, and feelings towards the political system. Political culture and socialisation impart the knowledge of how to act politically, i.e. how to apply values in formulating demands and making claims on the political system. They form a connecting link between micro- and macro-politics. The study maintains that political orientations are handed down from one generation to another, through the process of political socialisation. Top-down and bottom-up influences come into play to augment a discourse on the global nature of political socialisation and the political culture of international societies with regard to IWRM and governance ideologies. It is argued that these international ideas become relevant in the national political agenda, civil society organisations and trans-national networks. The IWRM aspects of water as an economic good and a basic human right have become a two-edged sword in the South African context. The study reveals that politics stand at the epicentre of water problems, and that IWRM is a political-ethical issue which challenges power bases in many communities. The IWRM global norms of equitable, efficient and sustainable use of water resources have become a major problem in a water-scarce country burdened with economic inequalities and abject poverty. This is a pressing issue because there is an increasing demand for water to sustain the development necessary to redress the draconian ills of the apartheid past. This becomes evident in the fundamental legislative overhaul that has taken place since 1994, embracing a transformation culture that glorifies the norm of water not only as a fundamental human right, but also as a commodity that is necessary to sustain human dignity. It is here that water is politicised. Violent protests have erupted in reaction to perceived neo-liberal attempts to deny the poor their access to this resource. The political culture and socialisation responses as far as IWRM is concerned appear within fragmented lines, i.e. mainly black and poor communities embrace a culture of non-payment for services and resort to violent protests as a viable method to raise their concerns. In contrast, the white and middle-class communities manifest a tendency to form parallel local government structures; they then withhold rate payments and provide services for themselves through ratepayer associations. Finally, the study considers the South African context with regard to the manifestations of political culture, and how this influences water resources. It is evident that there is too much emphasis on politics at the expense of discussions on IWRM. Civil society organisations make very little attempt to encourage public participation in water management structures. It also appears that political elites who are disillusioned with civil society organisations tend to derail their efforts to educate the public on water management structures. / MA, Political Studies, North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2011

Time, space, city and resistance : situating Negri's multitude in the contemporary metropolis : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters in Public Policy at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

Qunby, Rohan G. H. January 2009 (has links)
Cities are not merely inanimate objects. They are complex living environments, built over time by cultures and civilisations. This thesis argues that cities have a central place in human history and civilisation because they are imbued with meaning and meaningful activity. Thus, cities are inherently political spaces, and it may be reasonably expected that they will be important sites of social transformation in the postmodern era. In order to understand the relationship between urban space and political consciousness, this thesis traces several different interpretive paths within the marxist tradition. First, we examine the work of Henri Lefebvre, who argues for an understanding of urban space as socially produced. Next, the thesis looks at the contributions of Guy Debord, particularly at his understanding of the relation between time and the city. Both writers struggle to understand the urban in the context of the shift to what we now call postmodernity. Despite their many strengths, Debord and Lefebvre ultimately fail to theorise a social subject capable of resisting capitalist domination of the city. As a result, the thesis turns to a consideration of the work of Antonio Negri. Negri’s analysis of the fate of contemporary subjectivity has reinvigorated marxist critique with a return to the question of political change. His figure of the multitude takes leave of traditional marxism in challenging and productive ways, and helps us better understand the nature of subjectivity and resistance in a world of immaterial labour and virtuality. Nevertheless, this thesis argues that there is still work to be done before Negri’s work can be mapped out onto the contemporary metropolis.

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