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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo atomístico da desordem eletrônica em filmes amorfos de polímeros conjugados / Atomistic Study of Electronic Disorder on Amorphous Films of Conjugated Polymers

Silva, Rodrigo Ramos da 10 October 2014 (has links)
O emprego de polímeros conjugados e blendas como camada ativa de diodos emissores de luz ou células fotovoltaicas é foco de intenso desenvolvimento científico na atualidade. O desempenho eletro-ótico de tais dispositivos é fortemente dependente das características estruturais e eletrônicas dos componentes poliméricos ou moleculares, que são difíceis de serem quantificadas, demandando a integração de resultados experimentais e modelagem teórica. A desordem intrínseca desses materiais também dificulta a modelagem e a simulação, sendo necessário o emprego de diferentes e complementares métodos e técnicas de física computacional. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo, em nível atomístico, da correlação entre propriedades morfológicas e eletrônicas de filmes poliméricos com alta desordem de: I) poli-para-fenileno-vinileno (PPV); II) poli-3-hexil-tiofeno (P3HT) e sua blenda com fulereno (C60). Empregamos modelagem por Dinâmica Molecular Clássica dos sistemas desordenados em temperatura finita; implementamos para tal adaptações específicas no Campo de Forças Universal, baseadas em cálculos quânticos de primeiros princípios. Para obtermos a estrutura eletrônica de modelos selecionados utilizamos método de Hartree-Fock semiempírico. O sistema de PPV é estudado com respeito à variação das propriedades morfológicas ao longo do processo de deformação uniaxial. Estabelecemos correspondência entre os efeitos do estiramento e o surgimento de anisotropia no espectro de fotoluminescência observado experimentalmente. Para os sistemas de P3HT simulamos diferentes tipos de empacotamento, estudamos as propriedades morfológicas e calculamos os estados eletrônicos relevantes ao transporte de buracos pelo polímero. Vemos como majoritária a ocorrência de estados com comprimento conjugado de quatro e cinco meros; além disso, com a desordem estrutural os níveis eletrônicos localizados passam a exibir grande proximidade em energia, com pouca relação ao comprimento de conjugação. Isso resulta no surgimento de uma Densidade de Estados gaussiana com largura de aproximadamente 100meV que se mostra independente das diferenças morfológicas entre os modelos simulados. / The use of organic conjugated polymers and blends as active layers of light emitting diodes and photovoltaic cells has been the focus of intense scientific development in recent years. The electro-optical performance of such devices depends strongly on the structural and electronic properties of the polymeric or molecular components, and is of difficult characterization, demanding integration of experimental results and theoretical modeling. A complicating factor to the theoretical modeling is the intrinsic disorder in these materials, which demands the use of different and complementary techniques and methods of computational physics. The goal of the present work is to study at the atomistic level the correlation between morphological and electronic properties of highly disordered films of: I) poly-para-phenylene-vinylene (PPV); II) poly-3-hexyl-thiophene (P3HT) and blends with fullerenes (C60). We applied Classical Molecular Dynamics to model the disordered systems at finite temperature employing the well-known Universal Force Field, to which we implemented specific corrections based on first-principles quantum calculations. For selected models we calculated the electronic structure through semiempirical Hartree-Fock. The PPV system was studied focusing on the effect of uniaxial stretching on morphological properties. We have established a connection between morphology effects and the anisotropy of light emission detected experimentally. For P3HT systems we simulated different packing systems and studied morphological properties, and the electronic structure of the localized states relevant to hole transport in the polymer film. We found higher occurrence of 4- and 5-mer long conjugated electronic states. Moreover, the structural disorder affects the electronic levels, reducing the energy separation of conjugated segments of different lengths. This makes possible the occurrence of a gaussian Density of States of approximately 100meV width, regardless of the different morphological signatures of the different simulated models.

Structure and dynamics of poly(9,9-dioctylfluoren-2,7-co-benzothiadiazole) (F8BT) and correlations with its electrical properties / Estrutura e dinâmica molecular do poly (9,9-dioctylfluoren-2,7-diyl-co-benzothiadiazole) (F8BT) e correlações com suas propriedades elétricas.

Faria, Gregório Couto 16 September 2011 (has links)
The PHD project has two main goals. The first one is specifically related to investigations on molecular dynamics, structural conformations and packing of polyfluorene-based polymers. For this purpose, Wide Angle X-Ray Diffraction (WAXD), Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and Dynamical-Mechanical Thermal Analysis (DMTA) are being used as the main techniques. The second goal is to correlate molecular phenomena, as characterized in the first part, with opto-electronic properties of polyfluorene when used as active layer in an electronic device, such as a Polymer Light-Emitting Diode (PLED). In the second part, fabrication of devices and their electrical characterization as a function of temperature are the main objectives. Impedance Spectroscopy, Current-Voltage characterization of the devices and Time-Of-Flight (TOF) techniques are among the main techniques to be used in the second part of the project. Therefore, the project combines fundamental studies on molecular dynamics with technological performance of organic electronic. / O projeto de doutorado entitulado \"Correlação das Propriedades Óticas e Elétricas com a Estrutura Física e Dinâmica Molecular de Filmes e Dispositivos de Polifluorenos e Derivados\". O primeiro é especificamente ligado a investigação da dinâmica molecular, conformação estrutural e empacotamento de polímeros derivados do polifluoreno. Para isso, Difração de Raio-X de Alto Ângulo (WAXD)1, Ressonânica Magnética no Estado Sólido (RMN) e Análise Térmica Dinâmico Mecânica (DMTA) serão utilizadas como técnicas principais. O segundo objetivo é o de correlacionar, os fenômenos observados na primeira parte do projeto, com as propriedades opto-eletrônicas dos filmes poliméricos sendo utilizados como camada ativa em dispositivos eletrônicos do tipo Diodo Polimérico Emissor de Luz (PLED). Na segunda parte, a fabricação dos dispositivos e sua caracterização como função da temperatura serão os principais objetivos. Espectroscopia de Impedância, Corrente-Voltagem, Tempo de Vôo (TOF) e Photo-CELIV serão as principais técnicas de caracterização utilizadas. Dessa forma, o projeto combina estudos fundamentais de aspectos moleculares com o desempenho tecnológico de dispositivos optoeletrônicos.

Caracterização por espectroscopia Raman intensificada (SERS e Raman ressonante) da 2-etinilpiridina e do seu polímero poli-(2-hidrocloreto de piridinium-2-piridilacetileno) / Intensified Raman spectroscopy (SERS and Resonant Raman) characterization of 2-ethynylpyridine and its polymer poly (2-pyridinium-2-pyridylacetylene hydrochloride)

Millen, Ricardo Prado 04 February 2000 (has links)
Neste trabalho sintetizamos o poli(2-hidrocloreto de 2-piridinium-2-piridilacetileno ), P2EPH, e o estudamos do ponto de vista vibracional. O produto obtido na síntese deste polímero possuía quantidade diferente de anéis piridínicos protonados e não protonados em relação àquela proposta na literatura, indicando a necessidade de uma revisão do mecanismo sugerido para esta polimerização. Para a obtenção dos espectros Raman do P2EPH, a interferência da fluorescência apresentada por este polímero na região visível foi eliminada pela utilização de superfícies de prata metálica ( eletrodo, pastilha e colóide) ou de radiação excitante no UV (244,0 nm). A obtenção dos espectros Raman deste polímero permitiu uma atribuição mais precisa de suas bandas através da comparação com os espectros Raman de outros polímeros similares. Esta, por sua vez, possibilitou a correção da atribuição corrente na literatura das bandas do estiramento C=C da cadeia polimérica e do anel piridínico. Variando a energia da radiação excitante percebemos que a frequência de algumas bandas Raman (em aproximadamente 1160, 1230, 1300 e 1500 cm-1) apresentavam deslocamento. Esta característica, denominada dispersão Raman ou fotosseletividade, também é notada para o poliacetileno e é atribuída à heterogeneidade da amostra polimérica. Outra variação observada nos espectros Raman com diferentes excitações foi a da intensidade relativa das bandas. Para radiações excitantes de menor energia as bandas mais proeminentes do espectro foram aquelas atribuídas, principalmente, a vibrações da cadeia poliacetilênica, enquanto que, para excitações de maior energia as bandas relativas aos anéis de piridina e piridinium se sobressaíram. Esta diferença é atribuída à ressonância das radiações excitantes com os diferentes cromóforos do polímero. Mesmo quando a excitação foi feita com radiação em 244 nm alguns modos da cadeia poliacetilênica puderam ser observados e quando utilizamos radiação excitante em 632,8 nm apareceram bandas dos anéis piridínicos, mostrando que existe acoplamento mecânico entre os cromóforos. Também estudamos o comportamento do monômero do P2EPH, a 2-etinilpiridina, em eletrodo de prata variando o potencial aplicado e o pH da solução, através do efeito SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering). As variações observadas na intensidade das bandas foram interpretadas considerando uma mudança de orientação da molécula em relação à superfície. Foi também observada a formação do íon 2-piridilacetileto (formado pela abstração do hidrogênio acetilênico da 2-etinilpiridina) em potenciais inferiores ou igual a −0,7 V na solução não acidulada. / In this work we synthesized and studied the vibrational spectra of poly(2-pyridinium hydrochloride-2-pyridylacetylene ), P2EPH. This polymer presents different amounts of pyridine and pyridinium rings when compared with previously reported data in literature. This difference points out the need of a review in the proposed mechanism. The fluorescence interference presented by this polymer was precluded using silver surfaces (electrode, pellet or colloid) or excitation in 244.0 nm. Raman spectra obtained through these techniques were useful to improve the assignment of P2EPH peaks. Toe assignment proposed in this work corrects the current one, showing that the peaks due to polyacetylenic backbone, pyridine and pyridinium ring C=C stretching appear, respectively, at 1532, 1588 and 1620 cm-1. When the energy of the excitation was changed we observed a shift in some Raman bands (close to 1160, 1230, 1300 and 1500 cm-1). This feature, called Raman dispersion or photoselectivity, has been observed in polyacetylene and was related to the polymeric sample inhomogeneity. Besides the frequency variation, the relative intensities have changed with different exciting radiation. When lower energy radiation was used, the Raman spectra obtained were similar to the polyacetylene spectrum, while, for higher energy the most intense peaks observed were pyridine and pyridinium ring vibrations. These changes in relative intensities are due to the resonance of the incident light with different chromophoric groups in the polymer. In spite of this, some peaks from backbone were observed in UV-Raman spectrum and a group of pyridine and pyridinium bands were still observed with excitation in 632.8 nm, showing the presence of mechanical coupling between the backbone and side groups vibrations. We also studied the SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering) behaviour of the P2EPH monomer, 2-ethynylpyridine, in silver electrode sweeping the potential and changing the solution pH. The changes in the band intensities were assigned to different molecule orientation on the surface. The ion 2-pyridylacetylide (2-ethynylpyridine without the acetylenic proton) was formed when the potential was − 0,7 V or more negative than that.

Espectroscopia ultrarrápida do polímero semicondutor luminescente MEH-PPV com excitação no ultravioleta / Ultrafast spectroscopy of the luminescent semiconducting polymer MEH-PPV with ultraviolet excitation

Faleiros, Marcelo Meira 17 August 2012 (has links)
A indústria optoeletrônica passa por um período de transformação em que os materiais inorgânicos estão sendo substituídos pelos orgânicos, oligômeros e polímeros, na fabricação de alguns tipos de dispositivos. No entanto, fatores como baixa eficiência e tempo de vida impedem que os aparelhos com base nos polímeros entrem definitivamente no mercado. Para resolver estas questões, é necessário um conhecimento profundo da estrutura eletrônica desses materiais. Apesar do avanço científico, ainda existem pontos a esclarecer. Por exemplo, não existe um consenso sobre a natureza das excitações óticas primárias e dos processos não radiativos nos polímeros conjugados, principalmente com excitação no ultravioleta. Tais processos limitam a eficiência e podem influenciar nos processos fotoquímicos, determinando o tempo de vida de um dispositivo. Esses fenômenos ocorrem em alguns picossegundos e, portanto, a espectroscopia ultrarrápida é a técnica mais adequada para o seu estudo. Neste trabalho, foi implementado o aparato para espectroscopia de bombeio e prova em filmes finos de polímeros conjugados, no qual podem ser usados dois métodos de aquisição de dados, sensível à fase e pulso-a-pulso. O primeiro é o método padrão citado na literatura, no qual o feixe de excitação é modulado por um chopper e os sinais são medidos por amplificadores lock-in. No segundo, o condicionamento de sinais é feito por circuitos amplificadores e o processamento dos sinais é feito pulso-a-pulso. É um método que a princípio fornece melhor estatística, pois as flutuações do laser são normalizadas pulso-a-pulso, e não na média. Além disso, apresenta menor custo e torna o experimento de bombeio e prova mais simples, pois os únicos procedimentos críticos passam a ser a sobreposição dos feixes na amostra e a determinação do atraso zero entre bombeio e prova. Foi projetado e construído o circuito eletrônico de condicionamento de sinais e o software de aquisição foi desenvolvido em linguagem LabVIEW. Entretanto, o método pulso-a-pulso forneceu uma sensibilidade inadequada para o estudo de filmes poliméricos, (ΔT⁄T ~ 0,7%, limitada pelo ruído elétrico na amplificação dos pulsos detectados), em contraste com ΔT/T ~ 0,1% que foi alcançada pelo método sensível à fase. Desta maneira, foi usado o último método para o estudo da evolução do espectro e da dinâmica de emissão estimulada de um filme de MEH-PPV, com excitação no visível e no ultravioleta, permitindo o estudo da dinâmica de relaxação dos estados de mais alta energia. Os resultados no visível são compatíveis com os da literatura, o que demonstra a confiabilidade do aparato quanto à sensibilidade e resolução temporal e espectral. Os resultados com excitação no UV indicam que a transferência de energia de bandas mais energéticas para a banda π - π∗ (conversão interna) ocorre em aproximadamente 300 fs, confirmando as suposições da literatura quanto à relaxação energética ultrarrápida (regra de Kasha), além de sugerir a existência de bandas ainda mais energéticas do que as já conhecidas. Pretende-se futuramente determinar a eficiência de tal transferência energética, pois ela pode ser um fator limitante na eficiência de fotoluminescência em polímeros conjugados com excitação no ultravioleta. / The optoelectronics industry is currently undergoing a transition period in which inorganic materials are being replaced by organic materials, oligomers and polymers, in the fabrication of some types of devices. However, factors such as low efficiency and low lifetime prevent polymer based devices on entering the market definitely. The solution of these issues requires a thorough knowledge of the electronic structure of these materials, but despite of scientific advances, there are still points to be clarified. For example, there is no consensus on the nature of the primary optical excitations and non-radiative processes in conjugated polymers, specially with ultraviolet excitation. Such processes limit the efficiency and can influence the photochemical processes, determining the device lifetime. These phenomena occur on a femtosecond timescale and therefore, ultrafast spectroscopy is the most appropriate technique for their study. In this work, we implemented the apparatus for pump-probe ultrafast spectroscopy on thin films of conjugated polymers, which can be used with two methods of data acquisition, phase-sensitive and shot-by-shot. The first is the standard method reported in the literature in which the excitation beam is modulated by a chopper and the signals measured by lock-in amplifiers. In the second, the detector signal conditioning is done by conventional amplifier circuits, followed shot-to-shot signal processing. This method provides the best statistics, in principle, because the laser fluctuations are normalized for each pulse, instead of using the average. In addition, the apparatus has a lower cost and the experiment is simpler, having as critical procedures the alignment of the beams on the sample and the determination of zero delay, with all other procedures done via software. The electronic circuitry for signal conditioning was designed and built and data acquisition software that enables measurements with both methods was developed in the LabVIEW programming language. However, the shot-by-shot method provided an inadequate sensitivity for the study of polymeric films (ΔT⁄T ~0.7%, limited by electronic noise in the amplification of detector signals), compared with ΔT⁄T ~ 0.1%, which was achieved by the phase sensitive method, and was the goal at the beginning of the project. Thus, the latter method was used to study the evolution of the spectrum and dynamics of stimulated emission of a film of MEH-PPV, with excitation in the visible and UV, allowing the study of the dynamics of higher lying electronic states. The results in the visible are consistent with those reported in the literature, which demonstrates the performance of the apparatus with respect to sensitivity and time/spectral resolution. The results with UV excitation indicate that the energy transfer among the more energetic bands to the π - π* band (internal conversion) occurs in about 300 fs, confirming the assumptions of the literature on the ultrafast energy relaxation processes (Kashas rule), besides suggesting the existence of even more energetic bands than those currently known. As future work, we plan to measure the efficiency of this energy transfer process, since it may be the limiting step in determining the overall photoluminescence efficiency of conjugated polymers with ultraviolet excitation.

Etude de Polyanilines et de nanocomposites Polyaniline/Graphène en milieu liquide ionique protique pour la réalisation de supercondensateurs / Study of polyanilinen and nanocomposites polyaniline / graphene in protic ionic liquid for energy storage

Al Zohbi, Fatima 16 December 2016 (has links)
Les travaux réalisés dans le cadre de cette thèse ont porté sur la réalisation de polymères conducteurs de type polyaniline et de leurs composites associés à du graphène en vue d’une utilisation en tant que matériaux d’électrodes dans des dispositifs de stockage d’énergie de type supercondensateurs. Les travaux se sont tout d’abord orientés sur la synthèse de nouveaux liquides ioniques protiques (LIP) associant des cations pyrrolidinium (Pyrr+) et imidazolium (Imi+) avec des anions p-toluène sulfonate (PTS-), hydrogénosulfate (HSO4-) ou (+)-camphre-10-sulfonate (Cs-), et de l’étude de leur propriétés physico-chimiques (conductivité, viscosité) dans des mélanges binaires LIP/eau. Après avoir déterminé les formulations permettant d’atteindre les propriétés de transport optimales, les capacitances spécifiques de la Pani/HCl dans ces milieux LIP ont été déterminées et nous avons montré que les performances de dispositifs symétriques sont améliorées en capacitance, énergie et en puissance (400 F/g, 7 Wh.kg-1 et 4 kW.kg-1 pour les valeurs les plus élevées) par rapport à un milieu H2SO4 1M. Ces milieux LIP ont également été utilisés comme milieu de synthèse de la Pani. Nous avons ainsi montré que la nature des LIP, qui sont des milieux nanostructurants, pouvait modifier les propriétés électroniques, morphologiques et thermiques des Pani. Un optimum de conductivité électronique de la Pani (22 S/cm) a été atteint avec une synthèse réalisée dans le mélange binaire [Imi][HSO4]/eau 70/30 (pourcentage massique) générant une morphologie fibrillaire et une bonne cyclabilité (93% de rétention de capacitance sur 1000 cycles dans H2SO4 1M. Des valeurs de près de 400 F/g ont été obtenues dans le mélange [Pyrr][HSO4]/eau 41/59 optimisé. Dans le cas de la synthèse de la Pani réalisée dans [Pyrr][PTS]/eau, un gain en stabilité thermique (360°C) est obtenu grâce au dopage par l’anion PTS-. Finalement, une étude exploratoire sur la préparation de composites Pani/graphène et Pani/oxyde de graphène a été réalisée. Les synthèses des nanocomposites ont été effectuées dans les mélanges LIP/eau. L’optimisation de la composition du composite a été étudiée et indique que des rapports massiques de graphène ou oxyde de graphène d’environ 15% permettent d’atteindre des performances de stockage prometteuses et exaltées par rapport à celles obtenues pour des Pani sans graphène. / The work carried out during this PhD thesis is based on the preparation of conducting polymers such as polyaniline (Pani) and their composites associated with graphene for use as electrode materials for supercapacitors application. This work was first dedicated to the synthesis of new protic ionic liquids (PILs) combining pyrrolidinium (Pyrr+) or imidazolium (Imi+) cations with p-toluene sulfonate (PTS-), hydrogen sulfate (HSO4-) or (+)-camphor-10-sulfonate (Cs-) anion, and the study of their physico-chemicals properties (conductivity, viscosity) in binary mixtures PILs/water. After determining the formulations needed to achieve the optimum of transport properties, the specific capacitance of Pani/HCl in these PILs medium was determined, and we have shown that the performance of symmetrical devices are improved in capacitance, specific energy and specific power (400F/g, 7Wh/kg and 4kW/kg for the higher values) in comparison to those obtained in a H2SO4 1M medium. These PILs mediums were also used as a synthesis medium of Pani. We have shown that the nature of PILs, acting as soft template, could change the electronic, morphological and thermal properties of Pani. An optimum of electronic conductivity of Pani (22 S/cm) was obtained with a synthesis realized in the binary mixture [Imi][HSO4]/water 70/30 generating a fibrillar morphology and a good cyclability (93% capacitance retention over 1000 cycles in H2SO4 1M at 2 A/g). For Pani synthesis in [Pyrr][PTS]/water, a thermal stability gain (360 °C) is obtained thanks to a PTS- doped Pani. Finally, a preliminary study on the preparation of composite Pani/graphene and Pani/graphene oxide was performed. The syntheses of nanocomposites were realized in PILs/water mixtures. The optimization of the composition of the Pani nanocomposites was studied and it was found that a mass ratio of about 15% in weight of graphene or graphene oxide enables to obtain promising nanomaterials with higher electrochemical performances compared with pristine Pani.

Estudo atomístico da formação de interfaces orgânico-inorgânico: Tiofenos sobre óxido de titânio / Atomistic study of the formation of organic-inogarnic interfaces: thiophenes over titanium oxide

Santos, Marcelo Alves dos 21 February 2008 (has links)
No estudo de sistemas híbridos orgânico-inorgânico, o uso de materiais como polímeros conjugados e óxidos de metal de transição tem despertado grande interes- se. Em particular, destacam-se sistemas compostos de tiofenos e óxido de titânio, que encontram uma importante aplicação em células solares. Para um melhor entendimento da interação entre os dois sistemas, torna-se necessário conhecer a organização do polímero sobre o substrato inorgânico. Desse modo, investigamos neste trabalho a formação da interface entre oligômeros de tiofeno e a superfície (101) de TiO2-anatase utilizando um enfoque de multiformalismo, que inclui simulações de dinâmica molecular clássica, e uma combinação de cálculos de primeiros princípios segundo Hartree-Fock e Teoria do Funcional da Densidade (DFT) para a determinação de propriedades estruturais e eletrônicas. A deposição de oligômeros de tiofeno sobre TiO2, constituindo sistemas de milhares de átomos, foi simulada por meio de dinâmica molecular clássica. Como requisito do cálculo clássico para estes sistemas, realizamos a reparametrização do campo de forças Universal tanto para os oligômeros, cujas estruturas não são bem descritas pelos campos de força padrões, como para o cristal e a superfície de TiO2. Foi observada a formação de filmes desordenados e densos de quatertiofeno, com a presença de uma maioria de moléculas de orientação quase perpendicular em relação ao plano superficial. Na camada de interface também se encontram moléculas dispostas paralelamente ao substrato, aumentando o contato entre os sistemas orgânico e inorgânico. A deposição de oligômeros isolados de quatertiofeno e de hexatiofeno mostra ainda que as moléculas se dispõem paralelas na superfície, alinhadas segundo direções de periodicidade dos átomos da superfície. Estudamos desta forma as propriedades eletrônicas de um sistema composto de politiofeno sobre TiO2, com o polímero paralelo na superfície e disposto na direção preferencial, através de um formalismo ab initio DFT. Apesar do tratamento DFT apresentar problemas conhecidos quanto na definição do gap, o que é mais relevante ainda no nosso caso de sistemas híbridos, os resultados revelam um deslocamento do topo da banda de valência do material orgânico em relação ao inorgânico. Isto possibilita o aprisionamento de um buraco no polímero, condição necessária para o uso deste tipo de sistema em células fotovoltaicas. Verifica-se ainda o acoplamento entre átomos de enxofre do politiofeno e de oxigênio do TiO2 através da presença de um estado associado a uma densidade eletrônica que se estende do polímero na superfície. Nossos resultados indicam assim um bom acoplamento eletrônico da superfície (101) de TiO2-anatase com politiofenos. / In the study of organic-inorganic hybrid systems, the use of materials such as conjugated polymers and transition metal oxides has attracted great interest. In particular, it is worth mentioning systems composed by thiophenes and titanium oxide, which have an important application in solar cells. For a better understand- ing of the interaction between these systems, it is necessary to know the polymer organization over the inorganic substrate. Therefore, we investigated in this work the formation of the interface between thiophene oligomers and the (101) surface of TiO2-anatase by means of a multi-formalism approach, which includes classical molecular dynamics simulations, and a combination of ¯rst principles calculations based on Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory (DFT) for structural and electronic properties. The simulation of deposition of thiophene oligomers on TiO2, which demands systems with thousands of atoms, was performed by classical molecular dynamics. As a prerequisite for the classical calculation for these systems, we performed a re-parameterization of the Universal force ¯eld for the oligomers, whose structures are not well described by standard force ¯elds, and for the TiO2 bulk and surface. We observed the formation of disordered and dense quaterthiophene ¯lms, with presence of a majority of molecules oriented almost perpendicularly to the surface plane. In the ¯rst interfacial layer we ¯nd also molecules oriented parallel to the sub- strate, which increases the contact between the organic and the inorganic systems. The deposition of isolated quaterthiophene and sexithiophene oligomers resulted in molecules disposed parallel to the surface and aligned along directions of periodicity of the surface atoms. We therefore studied the electronic properties of a system composed of poly- thiophene on TiO2, with the polymer parallel to the surface and oriented along a preferential direction, by means of DFT formalism. Although DFT treatments present known problems in the de¯nition of the energy gap, even of more relevance in our case of hybrid systems, the results for the occupied states revealed a sizeable displacement of the top of the valence band of one system with respect to the other. The misalignment will prevent the passage of a hole from the polymer to the oxide, providing in this way the necessary condition for the use of this type of system in solar cells. It was also seen electronic coupling between sulfur atoms from polythio- phene, and oxygen atoms from TiO2 through the presence of a state associated with an electronic density extended from the polymer to the surface. Our results thus indicate there is good electronic coupling between the (101) surface of TiO2-anatase and polythiophenes.

Transport de charges dans des couches minces hybrides à base de polymère conjugué et de nanocristaux de semi-conducteurs / Charge transport in hybrid thin films based on conjugated polymers and semiconductor nanocrystals

Couderc, Elsa 01 December 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d'étudier le transport de charges pho- togénérées dans des matériaux hybrides composés de polymères π-conjugués et de nanocristaux de semi- conducteurs, conçus pour des applications en opto-électronique. La synthèse chimique permet d'obtenir des nanocristaux de CdSe à l'échelle du gramme ayant une faible polydispersité et des formes contrôlées (sphériques, branchées). Les ligands de surface des nanocristaux de CdSe sont échangés par de petites molécules (pyridine, éthanedithiol, phénylènediamine, butylamine, benzènedithiol) afin d'augmenter leur conductivité. L'échange de ligands modifie les niveaux énergétiques des nanocristaux, comme le montrent des études optiques et électrochimiques. Le poly(3-hexylthiophène) déposé sous forme de couches minces présente différents degrés de couplage intermoléculaire et de désordre énergétique selon la méthode de dépôt et le solvant utilisé. Dans les films hybrides, des mesures de diffraction de rayons X en incidence rasante montrent que la structuration cristalline de la matrice organique est modifiée par la présence des nanocristaux. Les mesures de Temps-de-Vol dans les couches hybrides montrent que les mobilités des trous et des électrons varient avec le contenu en nanocristaux, ainsi qu'avec leur forme et leurs ligands. De faibles fractions de nanocristaux provoquent une amélioration de la mobilité des trous, tandis que de plus grandes fractions la détériorent. Les mobilités électroniques sont soumises à une fraction-seuil, as- similable à un seuil de percolation. La fraction optimale de nanocristaux, du point de vue des mobilités des trous et des électrons, est de 36% en volume pour les nanocristaux sphériques avec les ligands de synthèse. Enfin, les simulations Monte-Carlo des courants transitoires photo-générés, dans un échantillon de poly(3-hexylthiophène) et dans un hybride, montrent d'une part que la distribution énergétique du poly(3-hexylthiophène) domine l'allure des courants simulés et d'autre part que les nanocristaux peuvent être assimilés à des sites difficilement accessibles du réseau cubique. / The aim of this work is the study of photogenerated charge transport in hybrid films composed of π-conjugated polymers and of semiconductor nanocrystals, designed for applications in optoelectronics. Chemical synthesis provides gram-scale samples of CdSe nanocrystals, of low polydispersity and con- trolled shapes (spherical, branched). In order to enhance their conductivity, the surface ligands of CdSe nanocrystals (stearic acid, oleylamine) are exchanged by smaller molecules, namely pyridine, ethanedithiol, phenylenediamine, butylamine and benzenedithiol. Optical and electrochemical studies show that the lig- and exchange modifies the nanocrystals' energy levels. Poly(3-hexylthiophene) thin films exhibit varying degrees of energetical disorder and of intermolecular coupling, depending on the processing method and on the solvent used. In hybrid films, the crystallinity of P3HT, probed by grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, is modified by the presence of nanocrystals. Time-of-Flight measurements of hybrid films show that elec- tron and hole mobilities vary with the content of nanocrystals, with their shape, and with their ligands. Small volume fractions of nanocrystals enhance the hole mobility, and large fractions degrade it. Electron mobilities are percolation-limited: they reach a stable value for a threshold fraction of nanocrystals. The optimal fraction of nanocrystals for electron and hole mobilities is 36 vol% in hybrids made of spherical nanocrystals with their synthesis synthesis ligands. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations of photogenerated current transients in pristine poly(3-hexylthiophene) and in a hybrid sample show on one hand that the energy distribution of poly(3-hexylthiophene) rules the shape of the simulated transients, and on the other hand that nanocrystals can be described as little accessible sites of the hopping lattice.

Optimizing OFETs properties for spintronics applications / Optimisation des propriétés OFETs pour les applications spintroniques

Verduci, Tindara 13 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour but d’étudier le transport de porteur de charge au sein de polymères conjugués, avec comme finalité d’identifier les propriétés des appareils d’électronique organique appropriées pour des applications dans la spintronique organique. Nous avons analysé des échantillons planaires, de géométries latérales, qui offrent la possibilité d’étudier les propriétés de transport sous l’application de différents stimulus et la détection le transport de longue distance du moment angulaire (spin), au sein de semi-conducteurs organiques (OSC). Dans cette configuration, des critères bien établis doivent être satisfait pour réaliser le transport diffusif d’un courant de spin polarisé au travers d’un matériel organique. Nous avons analysé ces diffèrent critères et trouvé des matériaux dont les propriétés physiques fournissent une solution satisfaisante. Le résultat de ce travail fut la création de transistors à effet de champ organiques dont les propriétés répondent au besoin des applications de spintronique. / In this thesis, charge carrier transport in conjugated polymers is studied with the aim to identify organic electronics devices properties suitable for applications in organic spintronics. We investigate planar samples, in a lateral geometry, which offer the possibility to study transport properties under the application of different stimuli and to detect long-range spin transport in OSCs. In this configuration, well-established criteria must be satisfied to realize diffusive-like transport of a spin-polarized current through an organic material. We analyse these criteria and find possible materials properties solutions. The outcome is the realization of organic field-effect transistors with properties ad hoc for spintronics applications.


Zhang, Bei 01 January 2018 (has links)
Donor-acceptor conjugated polymers opened a new era for conjugated polymer research due to the abundant selection and combination of different conjugated units. This class of polymers function as semiconductor materials with potential application in plastic consumer electronics. The frontier molecular orbital energies of the polymers are generally determined by the selection of donor and acceptor units in the backbone structure, and their substituents. The side chains attached to the backbone not only affect the solubility of the materials, but also their self-assembly and morphological characteristics, which indirectly govern optoelectronic properties. It is important therefore to consider backbone architectures and the side chains together, to control (opto)-electronic properties for specific applications, while also maintaining solution processability without disrupting solid-state packing. The research presented in this dissertation focuses largely on the side chains: how the bulk and position of side chains affect the (opto)-electronic properties of select donor-acceptor (D-A) conjugated polymers. More precisely the intent is to vary the size and position of branches in the alkyl side chains of donor-acceptor polymers, in the attempt to solubilize poorly soluble polymers, without disrupting self-assembly of the polymer backbones into close p-stacks. After an introductory chapter 1, chapter 2 mainly focuses on the synthesis and structure-property study of polymers with 2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzene (TFB) as the acceptor motif and benzo[1,2-b:4,5-b′]dithiophene (BDT) as donor units carrying solubilizing substituents. TFB units were chosen based on previous observations that this acceptor unit imparts particularly poor solubility to various donor-acceptor copolymers. The current study indicates that bulky branches placed close to the polymer backbone could solubilize the PBDTTFB copolymers without altering the absorption profile and oxidation potentials. Optical, wide-angle x-ray diffraction (WAXD) and solubility studies shows that solubility is closely related to branching size and position. As the branch size in increased, the solubility of these polymers undergoes a step-change. The third chapter mainly focuses on the structure-property study of D-A polymers with thienopyrroledione (TPD) as acceptor. Unlike TFB, this acceptor can carry additional side chains that can compete with the space-filling demands of the donor unit side chains. As donor, the rigid BDT unit was compared with 3,3’-dialkoxy-2,2’bithiophene (RO2T2) units which have a similar size, but contain a “swiveling” central σ-bond. Bulkiness of side chains attached to the T2 units should be expected to have a more severe impact, possibly causing the two thiophene units of the T2 units to twist out of plane. It was demonstrated that alkoxy side chains with bulky branches in close proximity to the polymer backbones does not disrupt conjugation in these polymers. The UV-Vis absorption spectra of RO2T2-TPD polymers were red-shifted (more than 120 nm) in comparison to PBDTTPD polymers due to the smaller Eg (energy gap), which might be attributed to the expected higher energy HOMO imparted by the donor unit. The π-π stacking of polymers with BDT units was little affected by the bulky side chains. However, the π-π stacking of polymers with RO2T2 units was much more sensitive to side-chain bulk, with high degree of order and close π-π stacking only if proper local free spacing exists for side-chain interdigitation. Chapter 4 reports efforts to study polymers from the same set of RO2T2 monomers studied in Chapter 3, but without acceptor units that might otherwise drive self-assembly. RO2T2 homopolymers were synthesized via the Grignard metathesis (GRIM) method. Further, copolymers were prepared with RO2T2 units alternating with thiophene, thieno[3,2-b]thiophene or bithiophene. The spectroscopic studies suggest these polymers with bulky side chains exhibit some varying level of backbone conjugation. Somewhat surprisingly, despite an expected decrease in the strength of intermolecular donor-acceptor interactions, the solubilities were in some cases low, but varied with volume fraction of side chains. Further, even for polymers that appear to easily dissolve, aggregation in solution is so extensive as to give ensembles “too large” for characterization by GPC and or solution NMR. Oxidation potentials seem essentially insensitive to any of the structural variables (governed mostly by the backbone RO2T2 units).

Conjugated Polymers for Neural Interfaces : Prospects, possibilities and future challenges

Asplund, Maria January 2009 (has links)
Within the field of neuroprosthetics the possibility to use implanted electrodes for communication with the nervous system is explored. Much effort is put into the material aspects of the electrode implant to increase charge injection capacity, suppress foreign body response and build micro sized electrode arrays allowing close contact with neurons. Conducting polymers, in particular poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene) (PEDOT), have been suggested as materials highly interesting for such neural communication electrodes. The possibility to tailor the material both mechanically and biochemically to suit specific applications, is a substantial benefit with polymers when compared to metals. PEDOT also have hybrid charge transfer properties, including both electronic and ionic conduction, which allow for highly efficient charge injection.   Part of this thesis describes a method of tailoring PEDOT through exchanging the counter ion used in electropolymerisation process. Commonly used surfactants can thereby be excluded and instead, different biomolecules can be incorporated into the polymer. The electrochemical characteristics of the polymer film depend on the ion. PEDOT electropolymerised with heparin was here determined to have the most advantageous properties. In vitro methods were applied to confirm non-cytotoxicity of the formed PEDOT:biomolecular composites. In addition, biocompatibility was affirmed for PEDOT:heparin by evaluation of inflammatory response and neuron density when implanted in rodent cortex.   One advantage with PEDOT often stated, is its high stability compared to other conducting polymers. A battery of tests simulating the biological environment was therefore applied to investigate this stability, and especially the influence of the incorporated heparin. These tests showed that there was a decline in the electroactivity of PEDOT over time. This also applied in phosphate buffered saline at body temperature and in the absence of other stressors. The time course of degradation also differed depending on whether the counter ion was the surfactant polystyrene sulphonate or heparin, with a slightly better stability for the former.   One possibility with PEDOT, often overlooked for biological applications, is the use of its semi conducting properties in order to include logic functions in the implant. This thesis presents the concept of using PEDOT electrochemical transistors to construct textile electrode arrays with in-built multiplexing. Using the electrolyte mediated interaction between adjacent PEDOT coated fibres to switch the polymer coat between conducting and non conducting states, then transistor function can be included in the conducting textile. Analogue circuit simulations based on experimentally found transistor characteristics proved the feasibility of these textile arrays. Developments of better polymer coatings, electrolytes and encapsulation techniques for this technology, were also identified to be essential steps in order to make these devices truly useful.   In summary, this work shows the potential of PEDOT to improve neural interfaces in several ways. Some weaknesses of the polymer and the polymer electronics are presented and this, together with the epidemiological data, should point in the direction for future studies within this field. / QC 20100623

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