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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Expression combinée des services écosystémiques en systèmes de production agricole conventionnels et innovants : étude des déterminants agroécologiques de gestion du sol, des intrants et du paysage / Combined expression of ecosystem services under conventional, organic and conservation agricultures : study of agro-ecological determinants

Chabert, Ariane 11 January 2017 (has links)
L’agriculture doit aujourd'hui évoluer vers des systèmes à la fois performants, écologiques et durables. Ce travail a permis d’évaluer pour 53 parcelles agricoles, représentatives de systèmes en agriculture conventionnelle, biologique et de conservation, les déterminants agroécologiques sous-tendant l’expression d’un panel de services intrants (de régulation et de support) d’une part, et produits (environnementaux ou participant au revenu agricole) d’autre part, ainsi que les compromis éventuels entre ces derniers. Ce travail met ainsi en avant la prédominance des caractéristiques locales et des pratiques agricoles sur le contexte paysager pour l’expression des services intrants. Par ailleurs, ce travail illustre la possibilité de s’affranchir de l’antagonisme entre productivité et performance environnementale par le biais d’agricultures misant sur des intrants écologiques plutôt qu’industriels, notamment via l’agriculture de conservation. / To attain economic and ecological sustainability, agroecological intensification of agriculture is required. This work propose a case study of 53 crop fields managed through conventional, organic or conservation agriculture, to assess the agroecological determinants of a panel of ecosystem services. We first assessed the expression of input services, combining various regulation and supports services. We then study some production services whether contributing to agricultural income or not. The last part of this work was to assess the existence of potential bundles or tradeoffs within these services under each type of agriculture. One of the main finding was the prevalence of local parameters and practices over landscape context on some regulation services. Overall, this work offers a detailed illustration of the ability for agricultures relying on ecological inputs as substitute to industrial ones, to overcome the apparent antagonism between productivity and environmental performances.

Como a intensidade de pastejo determina a heterogeneidade espacial da vegetação e suas implicações em um sistema integrado de produção agropecuária / How does grazing intensity determine vegetation spatial heterogeneity and its implications for an integrated crop-livestock system

Nunes, Pedro Arthur de Albuquerque January 2016 (has links)
A heterogeneidade espacial induzida pelo pastejo tem sido reconhecida como um componente crucial para o manejo sustentável dos ecossistemas. Ainda assim, a maioria das intervenções realizadas pelo homem tende à homogeneização dos ambientes, inclusive no manejo dos animais. Neste estudo, foi investigado o efeito da intensidade de pastejo sobre a heterogeneidade espacial da vegetação e a criação de uma estrutura ótima para a maximização da taxa de ingestão dos animais, e suas implicações em um Sistema Integrado de Produção Agropecuária (SIPA). O experimento foi conduzido durante o inverno de 2015, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em um protocolo experimental de longo prazo iniciado em 2001. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em um delineamento de blocos completamente casualizados com três repetições e consistiram em diferentes intensidades de pastejo por bovinos em pasto misto de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) e aveita-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb.): pastejo intenso (P10), pastejo moderado (P20), pastejo moderado-leve (P30), pastejo leve (P40) e ausência de pastejo (SP). A heterogeneidade espacial da vegetação aumentou com a diminuição da intensidade de pastejo. Maior heterogeneidade e estruturação espacial foram identificadas no mês de julho, durante o período vegetativo de ambas as espécies forrageiras. O início do florescimento ocasionou uma diminuição na dependência espacial e um incremento na heterogeneidade abaixo da escala de observação. P10 apresentou dossel homogêneo espacialmente ao longo de todo o ciclo de pastejo, composto em sua maior parte por uma vegetação excessivamente pastejada (<10 cm). P20 apresentou maior participação de alturas ótimas para a maximização da taxa de ingestão (15 a 29,99 cm) ao longo do ciclo de pastejo. Com o aumento da intensidade de pastejo, aumentaram também a carga animal (CA, P<0,05) e o ganho de peso vivo por área (GPV, P<0,05). A intensidade de pastejo moderada (P20) apresentou maior ganho médio diário (GMD, P<0,05) quando comparada ao pastejo intenso (P10), não diferindo, no entanto, de P30 e P40. Sendo assim, a utilização de intensidades de pastejo moderadas constitui na melhor alternativa para conciliar produtividade e conservação ambiental em SIPA. / Spatial heterogeneity induced by grazing has been recognized as a crucial component to the ecosystems sustainable management. Even so, most of the interventions made by humans tend to homogenize the environments, including animal management. In this study, we investigated the effect of grazing intensity on vegetation spatial heterogeneity and creation of an optimal structure for maximizing animals intake rate, and the implications for an Integrated Crop-Livestock System (ICLS). The experiment was carried out during winter 2015, in the Rio Grande do Sul state, Southern Brazil, in a long-term experimental protocol implemented in 2001. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates and consisted of different grazing intensities by steers on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) mixed pastures: intensive grazing (P10), moderate grazing (P20), moderate-light grazing (P30), light grazing (P40) and absence of grazing (NG). Vegetation spatial heterogeneity increased with decreasing grazing intensities. Greater heterogeneity and spatial dependence were identified in July, during both forage species growing season. The flowering initiation caused a decrease in spatial dependence and an increase in small scale spatial heterogeneity (nugget effect). P10 showed a spatially homogeneous canopy throughout the grazing cycle, composed mostly by an excessively grazed vegetation (<10 cm). P20 showed higher participation of optimal heights for maximizing the intake rate (15 to 29,99 cm) throughout the grazing cycle. Increasing grazing intensity also increased stocking rate (SR, P<0,05) and liveweight gain per area (LWG, P<0,05). Moderate grazing intensity (P20) showed higher average daily gain (ADG, P<0,05) compared to intensive grazing (P10), without difference, however, from P30 and P40. Therefore, the utilization of moderate grazing intensities is the best alternative to reconcile productivity and environmental conservation in ICLS.

Intensidade de emissão de gases de efeito estufa e potencial de aquecimento global em um sistema integrado de produção agropecuária no subtrópico brasileiro / Emission intensity of greenhouse gases and global warming potential in an integrated crop livestock system in the brazilian subtropic

Souza Filho, William de January 2017 (has links)
Os desafios da agricultura e da pecuária mundial no início do século XXI são complexos: garantir a produção de alimentos suficiente para alimentar uma população mundial crescente e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir a pressão sobre o ecossistema diminuindo a degradação do solo, a perda de biodiversidade, e as emissões de gases responsáveis pelo efeito estufa. No Brasil, observa-se um forte crescimento na adoção dos sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária (SIPA) com enfoques distintos e particulares em cada região do país. O subtrópico brasileiro caracteriza-se por ser grande produtor de grãos, carne e leite, com utilização intensiva do solo. Diversos estudos apontam que os SIPA’s além de intensificar o uso da terra e diversificar a produção, têm potencial para contribuir para a redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), por unidade de alimento produzido. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo: (i) verificar como o manejo da altura do pasto determina diferentes estruturas e influenciam as emissões de GEE em SIPA; (ii) avaliar as emissões de GEE nos diferentes compartimentos do SIPA manejados sob diferentes alturas; (iii) avaliar o balanço global de carbono em SIPA. Para isso, um experimento foi conduzido durante os anos de 2013 e 2014, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em um protocolo experimental de longo prazo iniciado em 2001. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em um delineamento de blocos completamente casualizados, com três repetições, e consistiram de diferentes alturas de pastejo por bovinos em pasto misto de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) e aveita-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb.): (P10) 10 cm, (P20) 20 cm, (P30) 30 cm, (P40) 40 cm e ausência de pastejo (SP). Os animais do tratamento (P10) apresentaram menor emissão diária em valores absolutos comparado aos outros tratamentos. O tratamento P20 apresentou menor valor de intensidade de emissão não diferindo de P30 e P40 (P>0,05), com uma diferença cerca de 25% menor em relação ao tratamento P10. Em SIPA’s, os resultados obtidos demonstram que as emissões provenientes dos animais, participam em até 15% do total emitido pelo sistema de produção, desmistificando o papel do animal como grande responsável pelo aquecimento global no setor agropecuário. / The challenges of global agriculture and livestock at the beginning of the 21st century are complex: ensuring sufficient food production to feed a growing world population while reducing pressure on the ecosystem by reducing soil degradation, biodiversity loss and emissions responsible for greenhouse effect. In Brazil, there has been a strong growth in the adoption of integrated crop livestock system (ICLS) with distinct and particular approaches in each region of the country. The Brazilian subtropical is characterized by being a large producer of grains, meat and milk, with intensive use of the soil. Several studies point out that ICLS in addition to intensifying land use and diversifying production have the potential to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of feed produced. In this context, this work aims to: To verify how the management of pasture height determines different structures and influences GHG emissions in ICLS; (ii) to evaluate GHG emissions in the different ICLS compartments operated under different heights; (iii) assess the overall carbon balance in SIPA. For this, an experiment was conducted during the years of 2013 and 2014, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a long-term experimental protocol initiated in 2001. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized block design with three repetitions and consisted of different pasture heights grazing by steers on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) mixed pastures: (P10) 10 cm, (P20) 20 cm, (P30) 30 cm and (P40) 40 cm and no grazing (NG). The treatment (P20) presented lower emission intensity daily emission in absolute values compared to the other treatments. The P20 treatment had a lower emission intensity value not differing from P30 and P40 (P> 0.05), with a difference about 25% lower than P10 treatment. In ICLS's, the results show that the emissions from the animals participate in up to 15% of the total emitted by the production system, demystifying the animal's role as the main responsible for global warming in the agricultural sector.

Une analyse pragmatiste des processus d'apprentissage en agroécologie : le cas de l'agriculture de conservation / A pragmatist analysis of learning process in agroecology : the case of conservation agriculture

Cristofari, Hélène 29 March 2018 (has links)
Face aux nombreuses difficultés environnementales et sociales auxquelles l'agriculture doit faire face, des pratiques basées sur la gestion de processus écologiques ont été proposées comme des solutions possibles. Or de telles pratiques, dites agroécologiques, ne peuvent résulter d'une simple application de recettes techniques, et doivent être développées en lien étroit avec les caractéristiques écologiques et autres du système géré par chaque agriculteur. En conséquence, il est nécessaire d'envisager une évolution du système de production et de diffusion de savoirs, avec en particulier une place importante à donner aux agriculteurs eux-mêmes dans le développement de leurs propres pratiques. L'objectif de cette thèse est donc de mieux comprendre comment les agriculteurs apprennent à développer des pratiques agroécologiques, afin de contribuer à l'accompagnement d'autres agriculteurs dans leur propre transition vers ce type de pratiques. Nous nous concentrons sur l'agriculture de conservation, qui se fonde sur trois grands principes : la réduction du travail du sol, la diversification des cultures et la couverture permanente du sol. A l'aide d'éléments théoriques issus de la philosophie pragmatiste, nous analysons qualitativement des entretiens réalisés chez des agriculteurs expérimentés en agriculture de conservation dans plusieurs régions de France. Cela nous amène dans un premier temps à proposer un cadre pour décrire les processus d'apprentissage et les jugements pragmatiques qui se développent au cours de ceux-ci. Nous précisons ensuite les évolutions possibles des jugements pragmatiques, et les particularités des processus d'apprentissage qui permettent ces différentes évolutions. Enfin, nous nous intéressons à la diversité entre agriculteurs dans les façons d'apprendre, notamment en mettant en regard les différentes trajectoires de changements vers l'agriculture de conservation. Nos résultats nous amènent à proposer des pistes pour l'accompagnement de l'apprentissage des agriculteurs : nous suggérons entre autres qu'il est important de valoriser la diversité des façons d'apprendre, mais sans chercher à la réduire à des styles d'apprentissage fixes, et nous proposons une application possible de la théorie de la communication engageante pour participer à l'accompagnement vers des pratiques d'agriculture de conservation. Enfin, nos résultats nous amènent à réfléchir à l'agroécologie non pas seulement comme un objectif du développement agricole, mais aussi comme un moyen de développement pour les individus. / Agriculture is facing multiple environmental and social challenges; in order to address them, practices based on the management of ecological processes have been pointed out as possible solutions. Such practices, known as agroecological, cannot be the result of a simple application of technical recipes: they must be developed locally, in close interaction with the ecological characteristics of the system managed by each farmer. Consequently, it is necessary to consider the evolution of the knowledge production and diffusion system, with the farmers as developers of their own practices having an especially important role. Therefore, the goal of this work is to better understand how farmers learn to develop agroecological practices in order to contribute to the support of other farmers in their own transition towards similar practices. We focus on conservation agriculture, which is based on three main principles: reduction of soil disturbance, crop diversification, and permanent soil cover. With the help of theoretical elements grounded in pragmatist philosophy, we qualitatively analyze interviews conducted with farmers experienced in conservation agriculture in different regions of France. This leads us to the proposal of a framework to describe the learning processes and the pragmatic judgements that develop along these processes. We then specify the possible developments of pragmatic judgements, and the specificities of the learning processes that allow such changes. Finally, we focus on individual characteristics of the learning processes, studying them partly through contrasting farmers' trajectories of changes toward conservation agriculture practices. Our results enable us to make different suggestions for the support of farmers' learning: we argue that it is important to take into account the diversity of learning processes without reducing it into a typology of learning styles, and we discuss a possible application of the binding communication theory to facilitate the transition toward conservation agriculture practices. Ultimately, our results suggest that we should think about agroecology not only as a goal for agricultural development, but also as a means for the development of individuals.

Introducing new technologies for sustainable agricultural development in Mongolia : towards a collaborative and effective extension system

Chuluunbaatar, Delgermaa 17 August 2011
A major goal for Mongolia is to eliminate rural poverty through sustainable rural development. To accomplish this, the agricultural sector must become more profitable and sustainable. Declining crop yields can be addressed by the adoption of new technology. Barriers to introduction of new agricultural technologies were evaluated using an inter-disciplinary perspective.<p> Field research was carried out to understand the factors affecting Mongolian farmers decisions to adopt conservation farming practices. A semi-structured survey questionnaire was completed by 42 farmers and 30 extension agents and in-depth interviews were conducted with ten adopter-farmers in Mongolia. The introduction of conservation tillage was used to illustrate a technology transfer system and the challenges it poses.<p> To most of the farmers, the main advantages of this technology were reduced soil erosion, increased cost efficiency, and higher crop yields. The main disadvantages found were high investment costs, unreliable input supply, and a lack of knowledge of the technology. Factors that encourage adoption of new technologies include government financial incentives, reduced labor requirements, and increased production due to better soil and water conservation. A lack of investment capital, required inputs, and relevant knowledge were all identified as barriers for the utilization of such new technologies. In general, early adopters and non-adopters of conservation tillage differed in that the early adopters tended to have more farmland, livestock, and equipment. The field studies in Mongolia were complemented by field research trials in Canada that evaluated new technologies for weed control in conservation tillage systems.<p> One key to the successful adoption of new agriculture technologies is an effective and responsive research and extension system. Currently, for Mongolian farmers and extension agents, international projects are the main source of information with respect to new agricultural technologies. The capacity of local research and extension institutions is fairly limited. It will be important to establish better linkages among 3 researchers, extension agents, farmers, and policy makers through reorganization and strengthening of Mongolias top-down research and extension system. Meaningful farmer participation must take place at all stages of any technology transfer process.<p> Based on these principles, an interdisciplinary, inclusive, and responsive national agricultural research and extension model is proposed.

Introducing new technologies for sustainable agricultural development in Mongolia : towards a collaborative and effective extension system

Chuluunbaatar, Delgermaa 17 August 2011 (has links)
A major goal for Mongolia is to eliminate rural poverty through sustainable rural development. To accomplish this, the agricultural sector must become more profitable and sustainable. Declining crop yields can be addressed by the adoption of new technology. Barriers to introduction of new agricultural technologies were evaluated using an inter-disciplinary perspective.<p> Field research was carried out to understand the factors affecting Mongolian farmers decisions to adopt conservation farming practices. A semi-structured survey questionnaire was completed by 42 farmers and 30 extension agents and in-depth interviews were conducted with ten adopter-farmers in Mongolia. The introduction of conservation tillage was used to illustrate a technology transfer system and the challenges it poses.<p> To most of the farmers, the main advantages of this technology were reduced soil erosion, increased cost efficiency, and higher crop yields. The main disadvantages found were high investment costs, unreliable input supply, and a lack of knowledge of the technology. Factors that encourage adoption of new technologies include government financial incentives, reduced labor requirements, and increased production due to better soil and water conservation. A lack of investment capital, required inputs, and relevant knowledge were all identified as barriers for the utilization of such new technologies. In general, early adopters and non-adopters of conservation tillage differed in that the early adopters tended to have more farmland, livestock, and equipment. The field studies in Mongolia were complemented by field research trials in Canada that evaluated new technologies for weed control in conservation tillage systems.<p> One key to the successful adoption of new agriculture technologies is an effective and responsive research and extension system. Currently, for Mongolian farmers and extension agents, international projects are the main source of information with respect to new agricultural technologies. The capacity of local research and extension institutions is fairly limited. It will be important to establish better linkages among 3 researchers, extension agents, farmers, and policy makers through reorganization and strengthening of Mongolias top-down research and extension system. Meaningful farmer participation must take place at all stages of any technology transfer process.<p> Based on these principles, an interdisciplinary, inclusive, and responsive national agricultural research and extension model is proposed.

Como a intensidade de pastejo determina a heterogeneidade espacial da vegetação e suas implicações em um sistema integrado de produção agropecuária / How does grazing intensity determine vegetation spatial heterogeneity and its implications for an integrated crop-livestock system

Nunes, Pedro Arthur de Albuquerque January 2016 (has links)
A heterogeneidade espacial induzida pelo pastejo tem sido reconhecida como um componente crucial para o manejo sustentável dos ecossistemas. Ainda assim, a maioria das intervenções realizadas pelo homem tende à homogeneização dos ambientes, inclusive no manejo dos animais. Neste estudo, foi investigado o efeito da intensidade de pastejo sobre a heterogeneidade espacial da vegetação e a criação de uma estrutura ótima para a maximização da taxa de ingestão dos animais, e suas implicações em um Sistema Integrado de Produção Agropecuária (SIPA). O experimento foi conduzido durante o inverno de 2015, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em um protocolo experimental de longo prazo iniciado em 2001. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em um delineamento de blocos completamente casualizados com três repetições e consistiram em diferentes intensidades de pastejo por bovinos em pasto misto de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) e aveita-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb.): pastejo intenso (P10), pastejo moderado (P20), pastejo moderado-leve (P30), pastejo leve (P40) e ausência de pastejo (SP). A heterogeneidade espacial da vegetação aumentou com a diminuição da intensidade de pastejo. Maior heterogeneidade e estruturação espacial foram identificadas no mês de julho, durante o período vegetativo de ambas as espécies forrageiras. O início do florescimento ocasionou uma diminuição na dependência espacial e um incremento na heterogeneidade abaixo da escala de observação. P10 apresentou dossel homogêneo espacialmente ao longo de todo o ciclo de pastejo, composto em sua maior parte por uma vegetação excessivamente pastejada (<10 cm). P20 apresentou maior participação de alturas ótimas para a maximização da taxa de ingestão (15 a 29,99 cm) ao longo do ciclo de pastejo. Com o aumento da intensidade de pastejo, aumentaram também a carga animal (CA, P<0,05) e o ganho de peso vivo por área (GPV, P<0,05). A intensidade de pastejo moderada (P20) apresentou maior ganho médio diário (GMD, P<0,05) quando comparada ao pastejo intenso (P10), não diferindo, no entanto, de P30 e P40. Sendo assim, a utilização de intensidades de pastejo moderadas constitui na melhor alternativa para conciliar produtividade e conservação ambiental em SIPA. / Spatial heterogeneity induced by grazing has been recognized as a crucial component to the ecosystems sustainable management. Even so, most of the interventions made by humans tend to homogenize the environments, including animal management. In this study, we investigated the effect of grazing intensity on vegetation spatial heterogeneity and creation of an optimal structure for maximizing animals intake rate, and the implications for an Integrated Crop-Livestock System (ICLS). The experiment was carried out during winter 2015, in the Rio Grande do Sul state, Southern Brazil, in a long-term experimental protocol implemented in 2001. Treatments were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates and consisted of different grazing intensities by steers on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) mixed pastures: intensive grazing (P10), moderate grazing (P20), moderate-light grazing (P30), light grazing (P40) and absence of grazing (NG). Vegetation spatial heterogeneity increased with decreasing grazing intensities. Greater heterogeneity and spatial dependence were identified in July, during both forage species growing season. The flowering initiation caused a decrease in spatial dependence and an increase in small scale spatial heterogeneity (nugget effect). P10 showed a spatially homogeneous canopy throughout the grazing cycle, composed mostly by an excessively grazed vegetation (<10 cm). P20 showed higher participation of optimal heights for maximizing the intake rate (15 to 29,99 cm) throughout the grazing cycle. Increasing grazing intensity also increased stocking rate (SR, P<0,05) and liveweight gain per area (LWG, P<0,05). Moderate grazing intensity (P20) showed higher average daily gain (ADG, P<0,05) compared to intensive grazing (P10), without difference, however, from P30 and P40. Therefore, the utilization of moderate grazing intensities is the best alternative to reconcile productivity and environmental conservation in ICLS.

Intensidade de emissão de gases de efeito estufa e potencial de aquecimento global em um sistema integrado de produção agropecuária no subtrópico brasileiro / Emission intensity of greenhouse gases and global warming potential in an integrated crop livestock system in the brazilian subtropic

Souza Filho, William de January 2017 (has links)
Os desafios da agricultura e da pecuária mundial no início do século XXI são complexos: garantir a produção de alimentos suficiente para alimentar uma população mundial crescente e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir a pressão sobre o ecossistema diminuindo a degradação do solo, a perda de biodiversidade, e as emissões de gases responsáveis pelo efeito estufa. No Brasil, observa-se um forte crescimento na adoção dos sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária (SIPA) com enfoques distintos e particulares em cada região do país. O subtrópico brasileiro caracteriza-se por ser grande produtor de grãos, carne e leite, com utilização intensiva do solo. Diversos estudos apontam que os SIPA’s além de intensificar o uso da terra e diversificar a produção, têm potencial para contribuir para a redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), por unidade de alimento produzido. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo: (i) verificar como o manejo da altura do pasto determina diferentes estruturas e influenciam as emissões de GEE em SIPA; (ii) avaliar as emissões de GEE nos diferentes compartimentos do SIPA manejados sob diferentes alturas; (iii) avaliar o balanço global de carbono em SIPA. Para isso, um experimento foi conduzido durante os anos de 2013 e 2014, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em um protocolo experimental de longo prazo iniciado em 2001. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em um delineamento de blocos completamente casualizados, com três repetições, e consistiram de diferentes alturas de pastejo por bovinos em pasto misto de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) e aveita-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb.): (P10) 10 cm, (P20) 20 cm, (P30) 30 cm, (P40) 40 cm e ausência de pastejo (SP). Os animais do tratamento (P10) apresentaram menor emissão diária em valores absolutos comparado aos outros tratamentos. O tratamento P20 apresentou menor valor de intensidade de emissão não diferindo de P30 e P40 (P>0,05), com uma diferença cerca de 25% menor em relação ao tratamento P10. Em SIPA’s, os resultados obtidos demonstram que as emissões provenientes dos animais, participam em até 15% do total emitido pelo sistema de produção, desmistificando o papel do animal como grande responsável pelo aquecimento global no setor agropecuário. / The challenges of global agriculture and livestock at the beginning of the 21st century are complex: ensuring sufficient food production to feed a growing world population while reducing pressure on the ecosystem by reducing soil degradation, biodiversity loss and emissions responsible for greenhouse effect. In Brazil, there has been a strong growth in the adoption of integrated crop livestock system (ICLS) with distinct and particular approaches in each region of the country. The Brazilian subtropical is characterized by being a large producer of grains, meat and milk, with intensive use of the soil. Several studies point out that ICLS in addition to intensifying land use and diversifying production have the potential to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of feed produced. In this context, this work aims to: To verify how the management of pasture height determines different structures and influences GHG emissions in ICLS; (ii) to evaluate GHG emissions in the different ICLS compartments operated under different heights; (iii) assess the overall carbon balance in SIPA. For this, an experiment was conducted during the years of 2013 and 2014, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a long-term experimental protocol initiated in 2001. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized block design with three repetitions and consisted of different pasture heights grazing by steers on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) mixed pastures: (P10) 10 cm, (P20) 20 cm, (P30) 30 cm and (P40) 40 cm and no grazing (NG). The treatment (P20) presented lower emission intensity daily emission in absolute values compared to the other treatments. The P20 treatment had a lower emission intensity value not differing from P30 and P40 (P> 0.05), with a difference about 25% lower than P10 treatment. In ICLS's, the results show that the emissions from the animals participate in up to 15% of the total emitted by the production system, demystifying the animal's role as the main responsible for global warming in the agricultural sector.

Essays on sustainable agricultural intensification practices: the case of two west African states

Yahaya, Iddrisu January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Agricultural Economics / Dalton, Timothy J. / Essay one evaluates two farmer field schools aimed at promoting conservation agricultural practices. The field schools were conducted and offered to approximately 1/3 of all individuals surveyed in a baseline in 2010. These same farmers were resurveyed in 2012 in order to determine whether their knowledge of conservation agriculture practices had changed using a double-difference approach. The approach was also used to determine whether innate perceptions and biases against conservation agriculture have changed over time due to training in the field schools. These findings are supported with enterprise budgets of conservation practices to determine whether knowledge or on-farm economics limit adoption of conservation practices. The data showed that farmer-to-farmer communications are effective tools for raising knowledge. Essay two examines the interdependence of sustainable agricultural intensification practices (SAIPs) in order to better understand the constraints and incentives for the adoption of components and “packages” of components. The impact of accumulated knowledge score on the adoption of SAIPs was assessed using data from 168 participant and non-participant farm households that completed a survey in 2014 and 2012 from the Upper West region of Ghana. From a three-step regression, our findings show knowledge of participant household improved with evidence of knowledge spillover to non-participant. Participation, age and gender of the head of household and experience were factors impacting farm household knowledge score change on SAIPs. The study found that, knowledge score through the treatment effect impacts adoption of SAIPs which are complementary. Younger household heads and experience in farming are also found to likely impact adoption. Essay three estimates technical efficiency (TE) scores for millet and sorghum and evaluates the impact of soil and water conservation methods on TE scores. The paper also examines the sensitivity of TE scores on the distributional assumptions of the one-sided error using data from 518 and 754 farm households producing millet and sorghum respectively from a random national household survey in Niger. A Cobb-Douglas stochastic frontier model was used. The mean TE scores range from 52% to 66% and 35% to 60% respectively for adopters and non-adopters of soil and water conservation methods in millet production based on the distributional assumptions of the one-sided error. For sorghum production, the mean TE scores range from 47% to 63% and 39% to 63% respectively for adopters and non-adopters of soil and water conservation methods based on the distributional assumptions of the one-sided error. This suggests inefficiencies in the production of millet and sorghum and hence, the potential to improve output using existing technology. Adopters are relatively more efficient than non-adopters of soil and water conservation methods. The TE score differences in millet production are explained by location of household (rural), educational level and adoption of soil and water conservation. The efficiency score differences in sorghum can be explained by household size, educational level and soil and water conservation adoption. We also found TE scores are sensitive to the distributional assumptions of the one-sided error using the farm household level data.

Intensidade de emissão de gases de efeito estufa e potencial de aquecimento global em um sistema integrado de produção agropecuária no subtrópico brasileiro / Emission intensity of greenhouse gases and global warming potential in an integrated crop livestock system in the brazilian subtropic

Souza Filho, William de January 2017 (has links)
Os desafios da agricultura e da pecuária mundial no início do século XXI são complexos: garantir a produção de alimentos suficiente para alimentar uma população mundial crescente e, ao mesmo tempo, reduzir a pressão sobre o ecossistema diminuindo a degradação do solo, a perda de biodiversidade, e as emissões de gases responsáveis pelo efeito estufa. No Brasil, observa-se um forte crescimento na adoção dos sistemas integrados de produção agropecuária (SIPA) com enfoques distintos e particulares em cada região do país. O subtrópico brasileiro caracteriza-se por ser grande produtor de grãos, carne e leite, com utilização intensiva do solo. Diversos estudos apontam que os SIPA’s além de intensificar o uso da terra e diversificar a produção, têm potencial para contribuir para a redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), por unidade de alimento produzido. Neste contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo: (i) verificar como o manejo da altura do pasto determina diferentes estruturas e influenciam as emissões de GEE em SIPA; (ii) avaliar as emissões de GEE nos diferentes compartimentos do SIPA manejados sob diferentes alturas; (iii) avaliar o balanço global de carbono em SIPA. Para isso, um experimento foi conduzido durante os anos de 2013 e 2014, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, em um protocolo experimental de longo prazo iniciado em 2001. Os tratamentos foram arranjados em um delineamento de blocos completamente casualizados, com três repetições, e consistiram de diferentes alturas de pastejo por bovinos em pasto misto de azevém anual (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) e aveita-preta (Avena strigosa Schreb.): (P10) 10 cm, (P20) 20 cm, (P30) 30 cm, (P40) 40 cm e ausência de pastejo (SP). Os animais do tratamento (P10) apresentaram menor emissão diária em valores absolutos comparado aos outros tratamentos. O tratamento P20 apresentou menor valor de intensidade de emissão não diferindo de P30 e P40 (P>0,05), com uma diferença cerca de 25% menor em relação ao tratamento P10. Em SIPA’s, os resultados obtidos demonstram que as emissões provenientes dos animais, participam em até 15% do total emitido pelo sistema de produção, desmistificando o papel do animal como grande responsável pelo aquecimento global no setor agropecuário. / The challenges of global agriculture and livestock at the beginning of the 21st century are complex: ensuring sufficient food production to feed a growing world population while reducing pressure on the ecosystem by reducing soil degradation, biodiversity loss and emissions responsible for greenhouse effect. In Brazil, there has been a strong growth in the adoption of integrated crop livestock system (ICLS) with distinct and particular approaches in each region of the country. The Brazilian subtropical is characterized by being a large producer of grains, meat and milk, with intensive use of the soil. Several studies point out that ICLS in addition to intensifying land use and diversifying production have the potential to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per unit of feed produced. In this context, this work aims to: To verify how the management of pasture height determines different structures and influences GHG emissions in ICLS; (ii) to evaluate GHG emissions in the different ICLS compartments operated under different heights; (iii) assess the overall carbon balance in SIPA. For this, an experiment was conducted during the years of 2013 and 2014, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in a long-term experimental protocol initiated in 2001. The treatments were arranged in a completely randomized block design with three repetitions and consisted of different pasture heights grazing by steers on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) mixed pastures: (P10) 10 cm, (P20) 20 cm, (P30) 30 cm and (P40) 40 cm and no grazing (NG). The treatment (P20) presented lower emission intensity daily emission in absolute values compared to the other treatments. The P20 treatment had a lower emission intensity value not differing from P30 and P40 (P> 0.05), with a difference about 25% lower than P10 treatment. In ICLS's, the results show that the emissions from the animals participate in up to 15% of the total emitted by the production system, demystifying the animal's role as the main responsible for global warming in the agricultural sector.

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