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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

IL REIMPIEGO DEI MATERIALI DA COSTRUZIONE NEL CANTIERE MEDIEVALE. DINAMICHE DI TRASFORMAZIONE, LINEE EVOLUTIVE E INDICATORI CRONOTIPOLOGICI NELLE ARCHITETTURE MILANESI TRA TARDOANTICO E XII SECOLO / The reuse of building materials in the medieval constructions. Transformation dynamics, evolutionary lines and age-typology indicators in the architecture of Milan between the late antiquity and the 12th century.

GREPPI, PAOLA 12 April 2014 (has links)
La tesi è rivolta allo studio comparativo delle tecniche costruttive datate tra tardo antico e romanico (fine IV-XII secolo), con particolare attinenza agli edifici di culto milanesi. L'obiettivo principale è stato quello di delineare le linee evolutive delle tecniche costruttive e identificare la presenza di caratteri tecnici particolari che avessero valore di indicatore cronotipologico. Il quadro complesso e articolato degli studi pregressi sulle più note basiliche medievali milanesi ha reso necessaria l'indagine, per la presenza di ipotesi interpretative contraddittorie e la frequente carenza di indagini aggiornate sotto il profilo metodologico. Per questa ragione, la prima parte del lavoro è stata rivolta alla definizione della storia degli studi editi riguardanti temi di carattere archeologico e architettonico, che hanno costituito la base di riferimento per l'individuazione delle campionature murarie da analizzare. Nell'ambito di questa stessa sezione si è resa poi indispensabile la stesura di una parte destinata alla trattazione del metodo utilizzato che, per quanto riguarda l'analisi del materiale da costruzione in laterizio, ha previsto l'applicazione, in via sperimentale su un raggio di indagine così esteso, del metodo mensiocronologico al materiale di recupero. La seconda parte della tesi ha riguardato l'analisi dei principali contesti architettonici esaminati (S. Giovanni alle Fonti, S. Tecla, S. Simpliciano, S. Nazaro Maggiore, S. Ambrogio, S. Eustorgio), affrontata con schede apposite destinate all'inquadramento dei dati storico-archeologici pregressi, delle campionature murarie esaminate, in pietra e laterizio, e dei risultati delle analisi metriche. Ogni fase costruttiva individuata è stata poi approfondita in sezioni specifiche nelle quali sono confluiti i risultati raggiunti. La terza ed ultima parte del lavoro, è stata infine rivolta alla trattazione delle cronotipologie dei tipi costruttivi elaborate (in opus latericium, opus latericium spicatum e opera di spolia), a quella dei principali indicatori cronotipologici individuati e alle loro modalità di trasformazione nel tempo. Il lavoro di ricerca ha aperto molteplici prospettive di approfondimento, relative ai singoli monumenti trattati ma anche a problematiche di più ampio respiro nel settore dell'edilizia medievale, che sono state trattate nel capitolo conclusivo. / The thesis is dedicated to the comparative study of construction techniques dating from late antiquity and Romanesque (end of 4th-12th century), with particular attention to the religious buildings in Milan. The main objective was to represent the evolutionary lines of the construction techniques and to identify the presence of technical characteristics that have a specific age-typology meaning. The contradictory interpretative hypotheses and the lack of up-to date - in terms of methodology - investigations within the complex and extensive literature on the most known medieval basilicas in Milan has inspired this investigation. For this reason, the first part of the work treats the definition of the history of the published studies on the archaeological and architectural subjects, which have represented the reference for the identification of the masonry samples to be analyzed. As part of this section it was necessary the drafting of a description of the method used. With regard to the analysis of structural clay material, such process provided for the application - on an experimental basis on a so extensive investigation - of the metric-age analysis method to the recovered material. The second part of the thesis concerned the analysis of the main architectural complexes examined (S. Giovanni alle Fonti, S. Tecla, S. Simpliciano, S. Nazario Maggiore, St. Ambrose, St. Eustorgio), performed through dedicated files for the classification of former historic-archaeological data, of the masonry and the stone and brick samples tested, and of the results of the metric analysis. Each identified construction phase was then further investigated in specific sections where the results are gathered. The third and final part of the work concerns the discussion of the developed age-typologies of the construction materials (opus latericium, opus spicatum latericium and works in spolia), the main age-typology indicators identified and the different ways they changed over time. The research has opened up many scenarios for further studies, in relation to the individual monuments treated but also to broader issues in the sector of the Middle Ages building activity, as discussed in the final section.

Les défenses de la Grèce du Nord : architecture, géographie, histoire et phénomènes régionaux aux périodes archaïque, classique et hellénistique

Ouellet, Keven 09 1900 (has links)
Du VIIIe au VIe siècles av. n.è., les Grecs ont colonisé la côte nord de la mer Égée, de la rive orientale du golfe Thermaïque jusqu’à l’embouchure du fleuve Évros. Situées souvent en territoire hostile, dans une région aux richesses multiples qui suscitaient les convoitises, ces cités naissantes se sont rapidement dotées de systèmes défensifs pour assurer leur sécurité. À travers les périodes, plusieurs puissances se sont intéressées aux territoires du nord de l’Égée marquant elles aussi le paysage défensif de la région en fortifiant leurs établissements. Ce projet de recherche concerne l’étude systématique de ces systèmes de défense. Si quelques chercheurs, essentiellement Yves Grandjean, Dimitrios Lazaridis et Alexander Cambitoglou, se sont intéressés aux fortifications de certains établissements précis (Thasos, Amphipolis et Torone), aucune synthèse portant sur l’ensemble du territoire, pourtant très riche en architecture militaire, n’a été entreprise, d’où l’intérêt d’un tel projet. Plus précisément, nous poursuivons les objectifs suivants : 1) étudier la géographie et la démographie de la région afin de mieux comprendre la distribution du territoire ainsi que la manière dont il était défendu ; 2) situer les ouvrages défensifs dans le contexte de l’histoire politico-militaire de la région. Mise à part l’œuvre monumentale de N.G.L. Hammond (mais qui concerne principalement la Macédoine), celle de Benjamin Isaac (dont la portée chronologique est relativement restreinte) ou celle de Angelos Zannis (qui se concentre uniquement sur le pays entre le Strymon et le Nestos) il n’existe pas réellement d’analyse de l’histoire militaire du nord de la Grèce. Il s’agira ici d’analyser les effets des mouvements politiques et militaires (présence perse, avancée macédonienne, ingérence athénienne, expansion thasienne, conflits thraces, etc.) sur le développement des systèmes de défense. 3) Il s’agira également de localiser, répertorier, décrire, dater et illustrer (photographiquement et topographiquement) la totalité des ouvrages défensifs du nord de la Grèce. 4) Finalement, nous tenterons d’analyser les méthodes de défense, les techniques de construction, les particularités stylistiques et les formes des différentes structures défensives. L’objectif visé ici est de mieux apprécier l’héritage culturel et les influences régionales dans la mise en place et la construction des systèmes de défense. L’analyse des techniques et des styles permettra de mieux comprendre les liens entre colonies et cités-mères, d’aborder la question de la mobilité artisanale et des effets de la migration sur l’architecture militaire. / From the 8th century BC onwards, Greek colonists established many colonies between the Thermaic Gulf and the Evros river. Often located on hostile territory where the land is a very important source of wealth, these new cities have ensured their safety and stability by quickly establishing defense systems around their settlements. Throughout the periods, several powers have also taken interest in the northern Aegean territories and marked the military landscape of the region by fortifying their own urban centers. This research project concerns the systematic study of these fortifications. If some researchers, mainly Yves Grandjean, Dimitrios Lazaridis and Alexander Cambitoglou, have shown interest in the fortifications of specific cities (Thasos, Amphipolis and Torone), no synthesis covering our region, yet very rich in military architecture, has been undertaken, hence the interest of this project. More specifically, we pursue the following objectives: 1) to study the geography and demography of the region in order to better understand the distribution of the territory and the way it was defended by the settlers; 2) to contextualize the defensive structures within the politico-military history of the region. Apart from the monumental work of N.G.L. Hammond (but focusing mainly on Macedonia), the one of Benjamin Isaac (whose chronological scope is relatively limited) or that of Angelos Zannis (which focuses only in the country between Strymon and Nestos) there is no real analysis of the military history of northern Greece. Therefore, our objective is to analyze the effects of political and military movements (Persian presence, Macedonian advance, Athenian interference, Thasian expansion, Thracian conflicts, etc.) on the development of the military architecture. 3) The aim is also to catalog, locate, describe, date and illustrate (photographically and topographically) all the defensive works of northern Greece. 4) Finally, we will analyze and argue on the different defense methods, the construction techniques and the stylistic features and forms of the fortifications. The objective here is to have a better appreciation of the cultural heritage and the regional influences in the establishment and construction of defense systems. The analysis of techniques and styles will provide a better understanding of the links between new settlements and mother-cities, it will also allow to address the question of artisanal mobility and the effects of migration on military architecture.

Nuevos materiales y tecnologías edilicias en el Caribe Hispano y sus pioneros (1895-1930)

Cueto de Pantel, Beatriz del 29 May 2023 (has links)
[ES] Las ciudades portuarias se benefician de diseños innovadores a un ritmo más rápido que los asentamientos del interior, sirviendo como campos de prueba y laboratorios técnico-edilicios. Este fue el caso de las tecnologías edilicias y los pioneros que se arriesgaron a utilizarlas en la región rodeada del Mar Caribe y el Océano Atlántico. Estas obras fueron importantes exponentes de una evolución y revolución tecnológica, desde 1895-1930, enmarcados por la Revolución Industrial y las guerras que definieron el período. Las tecnologías de construcción de principios del siglo XX que utilizaron el cemento pórtland, han sido poco estudiadas en los trópicos. Lograr un entendimiento del importante papel que jugaron los elementos arquitectónicos fabricados con materiales de vanguardia en esta época como las armaduras de acero, forman la base de este estudio, ya que promovieron la evolución de la arquitectura tropical, particularmente en Cuba. El diseño de componentes estructurales, fachadas e interiores fueron profundamente impactados por elementos arquitectónicos posibilitados por un molde con mezcla de cemento que permitió todo tipo de siluetas y formas y que facilitó la instalación, y proporcionó competitividad en costo. Durante la última década del siglo XIX, tanto empresarios como artesanos de España y Estados Unidos emigraron al Caribe Hispano. Productos de cemento pórtland fueron inicialmente importados del Viejo Mundo hasta que se establecieron las primeras fábricas de cemento locales. Luego de la Guerra Hispano-cubano-americana de 1898, durante un período de crecimiento económico debido a la productividad y ventas del azúcar, hubo un aumento en los proyectos de construcción de cemento y aquellos con estructuras de acero estructural como nuevos materiales edilicios. La instauración de un gobierno temporero por los E.E. U.U. en Cuba, proveyó un activo amanecer a la industrialización en la región y la inmigración de profesionales de la industria de la construcción. En las islas progresistas del Caribe Hispano, el furor por la "modernización" aumentó debido a los logros estructurales exitosos en los E.E. U.U. para esta época, donde edificios en ciudades como Chicago y Nueva York habían alcanzado nuevas alturas y estructuras mucho más ligeras construidas con esqueletos fabricados de acero. Durante este período de experimentación y riesgo descontrolado, el uso de elementos importados para edificar una estructura de acero sirvió como sustituto viable a la construcción tradicional. Esto ayudó a que se convirtiese en la tecnología preferida para la construcción de estructuras altas, ligeras, con menos divisiones interiores, grandes ventanales y a prueba de fuego y de huracanes. Como resultado de estas iniciativas, entre los años 1899-1900, se estableció en La Habana la primera sucursal ultramar de los ingenieros estadounidenses Purdy & Henderson. Los esfuerzos y visión de esta empresa exitosa de diseño, compuesta por ingenieros y arquitectos talentosos y experimentados, los trajeron a Cuba, donde podrían establecerse con sus conocimientos vanguardistas y experiencia innovadora. Poco se ha escrito sobre la importante obra habanera de P&H, y esta tesis llena este vacío. Los primeros proyectos cubanos de esta compañía, que coincidieron con los años fundacionales de la República de Cuba, incluyeron múltiples edificios con estructura de acero revestidos con distintos materiales arquitectónicos. Entre estas estructuras emblemáticas se encuentran el Centro Gallego, el Capitolio, y el Hotel Nacional. Sus labores incluyeron una estrecha colaboración con arquitectos e ingenieros cubanos, sirviendoles como sus consultores. A la vez, P&H incorporó servicios de construcción y supervisión de obras a esta sucursal de su empresa, e incluyó también la importación de materiales y equipos para proyectos. Sus contribuciones en Cuba (y específicamente en La Habana), como poder importante en la región, merecen el enfoque de esta tesis doctoral. / [CA] Les ciutats portuàries es beneficien de dissenys innovadors a un ritme més ràpid que els assentaments de l'interior, servint com a camps de prova i laboratoris tècnic-edilicis. Aquest va ser el cas de les tecnologies edilícies i els pioners que es van arriscar a utilitzar-les a la regió envoltada de la Mar Carib i l'Oceà Atlàntic. Aquestes obres van ser importants exponents d'una evolució i revolució tecnològica, des de 1895-1930, emmarcats per la Revolució Industrial i les guerres que van definir el període. Les tecnologies de construcció de principis del segle XX que van utilitzar el ciment pòrtland, han estat poc estudiades en els tròpics. Aconseguir un enteniment de l'important paper que van jugar els elements arquitectònics fabricats amb materials d'avantguarda en aquesta època com les armadures d'acer, formen la base d'aquest estudi, ja que van promoure l'evolució de l'arquitectura tropical, particularment a Cuba. El disseny de components estructurals, façanes i interiors van ser profundament impactats per elements arquitectònics possibilitats per un motlle amb mescla de ciment que va permetre tot tipus de siluetes i formes i que va facilitar la instal·lació, i va proporcionar competitivitat en cost. Durant l'última dècada del segle XIX, tant empresaris com artesans d'Espanya i els Estats Units van emigrar al Carib Hispà. Productes de ciment pòrtland van ser inicialment importats del Vell Món fins que es van establir les primeres fàbriques de ciment locals. Després de la Guerra Hispà-cubà-americana de 1898, durant un període de creixement econòmic a causa de la productivitat i vendes del sucre, va haver-hi un augment en els projectes de construcció de ciment i aquells amb estructures d'acer estructural com a nous materials edilicis. La instauració d'un govern temporer pels E.E. U.U. a Cuba, va proveir un actiu començar el dia a la industrialització a la regió i la immigració de professionals de la indústria de la construcció. A les illes progressistes del Carib Hispà, el furor per la "modernització" va augmentar a causa dels assoliments estructurals reeixits en els E.E. U.U. per a aquesta època, on edificis en ciutats com Chicago i Nova York havien aconseguit noves altures i estructures molt més lleugeres construïdes amb esquelets fabricats d'acer. Durant aquest període d'experimentació i risc descontrolat, l'ús d'elements importats per a edificar una estructura d'acer va servir com a substitut viable a la construcció tradicional. Això va ajudar al fet que es convertís en la tecnologia preferida per a la construcció d'estructures altes, lleugeres, amb menys divisions interiors, grans finestrals i a prova de foc i d'huracans. Com a resultat d'aquestes iniciatives, entre els anys 1899-1900, es va establir a l'Havana la primera sucursal ultramar dels enginyers estatunidencs Purdy & Henderson. Els esforços i visió d'aquesta empresa reeixida de disseny, composta per enginyers i arquitectes talentosos i experimentats, els van portar a Cuba, on podrien establir-se amb els seus coneixements avantguardistes i experiència innovadora. Poc s'ha escrit sobre la important obra havanera de P&H, i aquesta tesi plena aquest buit. Els primers projectes cubans d'aquesta companyia, que van coincidir amb els anys fundacionals de la República de Cuba, van incloure múltiples edificis amb estructura d'acer revestits amb diferents materials arquitectònics. Entre aquestes estructures emblemàtiques es troben el Centre Gallec, el Capitoli, i l'Hotel Nacional. La feina de casa van incloure una estreta col·laboració amb arquitectes i enginyers cubans, sirviéndoles com els seus consultors. Alhora, P&H va incorporar serveis de construcció i supervisió d'obres a aquesta sucursal de la seva empresa, i va incloure també la importació de materials i equips per a projectes. Les seves contribucions a Cuba (i específicament a l'Havana), com a poder important a la regió, mereixen l'enfocament d'aquesta tesi doctoral. / [EN] Port cities benefit from innovative designs at a faster rate than inland settlements, serving as testing grounds and structural-technical laboratories. This was the case of the building technologies and pioneers who risked using them in the region surrounded by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. These projects were important exponents of a technological evolution and revolution, from 1895-1930, framed by the Industrial Revolution and the wars that defined the period. Early 20th century construction technologies using Portland cement have been under studied in the tropics. Achieving an understanding of the important role these architectural elements played as avant-garde materials of the time, such as the steel frame, form the basis of this study, since they promoted the evolution of tropical architecture, particularly in Cuba. The design of structural components, facades and interiors were deeply impacted by architectural elements made possible by a cement mix and a mold that allowed for all kinds of forms and shapes and facilitated installation while providing cost competitiveness. During the last decade of the 19th century, both businessmen and artisans from Spain and the United States immigrated to the Hispanic Caribbean. Portland cement products were initially imported from the Old World until the first local cement factories were established. After the Spanish-Cuban-American War of 1898, during a period of economic growth due to the productivity and sales of sugar, there was an increase in construction projects with cement as well as those with structural steel structures as new building materials. The establishment of a temporary government by the USA in Cuba, provided the dawn for industrialization in the region and the immigration of professionals from the construction industry. In the progressive islands of the Spanish Caribbean, the rage for "modernization" increased due to successful structural achievements in the USA by this time, where buildings in cities like Chicago and New York had reached new heights and much lighter structures built with frames made of steel. During this period of experimentation and uncontrolled risk, the use of imported elements to build a steel structure served as a viable substitute for traditional construction. This helped make it the preferred technology for building tall, lightweight structures with fewer interior divisions, large windows, and that were fire and hurricane proof. As a result of these initiatives, between the years 1899-1900, the first overseas branch of American engineers Purdy & Henderson was established in Havana. The efforts and vision of this successful design firm, comprised of talented and experienced engineers and architects, brought them to Cuba, where they could establish themselves with their cutting-edge knowledge and innovative expertise. Little has been written about the important Havana work of P&H, and this thesis fills this gap. The first Cuban projects of this company, which coincided with the founding years of the Republic of Cuba, included multiple buildings with steel structures covered with different architectural materials. Amongst their emblematic structures are the Centro Gallego, the Capitolio, and the Hotel Nacional. Their work included a close collaboration with Cuban architects and engineers, serving as their consultants. Concurrently, P&H added construction and supervision services to this branch of its company, and also included the importation of plumbing materials and project equipment. Their contributions in Cuba (and specifically in Havana), as an important power in the region, deserve the focus of this doctoral thesis. / Cueto De Pantel, BD. (2023). Nuevos materiales y tecnologías edilicias en el Caribe Hispano y sus pioneros (1895-1930) [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/193685

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