Spelling suggestions: "subject:"contact are""
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An experimental study of the unrestrained shrinkage of isotropic paper sheetsMayeli, Nader January 2016 (has links)
The influence of several hardwoods and softwoods pulp fibre on the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets was investigated. The effect of properties such as density, grammage, Fractional Contact Area (FCA), Water Retention Value (WRV), fines content and fibre morphology were also investigated on the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets. Further, the influence of Lyocell fibre and glycerol on the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets is reported. Experimental results showed that in general the free shrinkage of hardwood pulps is a few percent higher than that of softwood pulps at the same density. It was found that although free shrinkage increases with fines content, a high fines content does not imply high shrinkage, and some pulp samples with higher amount of fines, exhibited lower free shrinkage. For all pulps at low densities there is little influence of grammage on free shrinkage, though as density increases a significant dependence is observed. The results showed that the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets formed from hardwood pulps is more sensitive to grammage compared to that of softwood pulps. Interestingly, it was shown that some pulp samples with the same intrinsic density, WRV and FCA exhibited different free shrinkage over the range of grammages. In addition, some pulp samples with stiffer fibres but higher amount of fines exhibited higher free shrinkage. Experimental results showed that longitudinal shrinkage of a fibre is an important parameter and pulp samples with higher microfibril angle (MFA) exhibited higher longitudinal shrinkage. Finally, the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets was reduced by applying Lyocell fibre and glycerol. Interestingly, by adding a small amount of Lyocell fibre, 2%, an increase in tensile index, tensile energy absorption (TEA) and modulus is observed, while the free shrinkage reduced up to 2%. In addition, adding glycerol to the pulp samples not only reduced the free shrinkage of isotropic paper sheets up to 1.5%, but also mechanical properties, such as tensile index and stretch slightly improved.
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Determination of the air gap thickness and the contact area under wearing conditions / Détermination de l'épaisseur du film d'air et de l'aire de contact au porterFrackiewicz-Kaczmarek, Joanna 03 October 2013 (has links)
Le transfert de masse et de chaleur dans les vêtements est un phénomène faisant appel àdifférents mécanismes physiques : les échanges de chaleurs sèches et les transferts de vapeur etde liquide. Ces mécanismes sont fortement influencés par les facteurs liés à la construction, laforme du vêtement par rapport à celle du corps et l’utilisation du vêtement. Ces facteurs peuventêtre optimisés en changeant la taille et la forme des différentes couches d’air emprisonnées entrela peau et les vêtements. La plupart des modèles mathématiques de vêtements font l’hypothèse que l’épaisseur d’air entrela peau et l’étoffe est uniforme, ou alors ils l’ignorent. La non-uniformité et de la non-linéaritédes transferts de chaleur et d’eau ne sont alors pas prises en compte. En effet, le processus detranspiration dépend non seulement de l’aire de contact et de l’épaisseur d’air emprisonnée entrela peau et le vêtement mais également de la région du corps. Nous proposons une méthode permettant de déterminer, avec une plus grande précision que lestechniques existantes, l’épaisseur d’air et l’aire de contact entre le corps et un vêtement à l’aided’une analyse avancée de scans 3D d’un mannequin homme nu et habillé. L’effet du tauxd’humidité sur l’aire de contact et l’épaisseur du film d’air a été étudié en fonction de la zone ducorps et ceci pour différentes tailles, structures de l’étoffe et fibres. Cette méthode contribue àévaluer de façon plus réaliste les échanges de masse et de chaleur au travers de plusieurs couchesde vêtements et ainsi de fournir des données d’entrée précises aux modèles pour la conception devêtements avec prise en compte du confort et de l’ergonomie. / The heat and mass transfer within the clothing system is a composition of a number of physicalprocesses, such as: dry heat and vapour and liquid water transfer. Factors associated with theconstruction and use of the garment, such as body posture and movement, and clothing fitinfluence these processes significantly. This is achieved mainly by changing the size and theshape of the different layers of air trapped between the skin and clothing. Most existing mathematical clothing models assume uniform air gap between the body and fabric layers or ignore it. However, this approach disregards the non-uniform and non-linear heat,vapour and liquid water transfer, which depend on presence of contact between surfaces and onthe shape of the air layers trapped within clothing and the body regions which are not equivalentin terms of sweating process. In this study, we propose a method to accurately determine the air gap thickness and the contactarea between clothing and the human body through an advanced analysis of 3D body scans of thenude and dressed body of a male manikin. This method allowed more accurate measurement ofthe air gap thickness and the contact area than other existing methods. Additionally, in two casestudies the effect of garment design and moisture gain in fabric combined with effects of bodypart, garment type and its overall and regional fit, fabric structure and fibre type were determined.Consequently, this method will contribute to a more realistic evaluation of heat and massexchange rates through clothing systems and provide more accurate input for ergonomic andcomfort design of clothing.
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Geometry, Mechanics and Transmissivity of Rock FracturesLanaro, Flavio January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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The effect of scale on the morphology, mechanics and transmissivity of single rock fracturesFardin, Nader January 2003 (has links)
This thesis investigates the effect of scale on themorphology, mechanics and transmissivity of single rockfractures using both laboratory and in-situ experiments, aswell as numerical simulations. Using a laboratory 3D laserscanner, the surface topography of a large silicon-rubberfracture replica of size 1m x 1m, as well as the topography ofboth surfaces of several high-strength concrete fracturereplicas varying in size from 50mmx50mm to 200mm x 200mm, werescanned. A geodetic Total Station and an in-situ 3D laser radarwere also utilized to scan the surface topography of a largenatural road-cut rock face of size 20m x 15m in the field. Thisdigital characterization of the fracture samples was then usedto investigate the scale dependency of the three dimensionalmorphology of the fractures using a fractal approach. Thefractal parameters of the surface roughness of all fracturesamples, including the geometrical aperture of the concretefracture samples, were obtained using the Roughness-Lengthmethod. The results obtained from the fractal characterization ofthe surface roughness of the fracture samples show that bothfractal dimension, D, and amplitude parameter, A, for aself-affine surface are scale-dependent, heterogeneous andanisotropic, and their values generally decrease withincreasing size of the sample. However, this scale-dependencyis limited to a certain sizedefined as the stationaritythreshold, where the surface roughness parameters of thefracture samples remain essentially constant beyond thisstationarity threshold. The surface roughness and thegeometrical aperture of the tested concrete fracture replicasin this study did not reach stationarity due to the structuralnon-stationarity of their surface at small scales. Although theaperture histogram of the fractures was almost independent ofthe sample size, below their stationarity threshold both theHurst exponent, Hb, and aperture proportionality constant, Gb,decrease on increasing the sample sizes. To investigate the scale effect on the mechanical propertiesof single rock fractures, several normal loading and directshear tests were performed on the concrete fracture replicassubjected to different normal stresses under Constant NormalLoad (CNL) conditions. The results showed that both normal andshear stiffnesses, as well as the shear strength parameters ofthe fracture samples, decrease on increasing the sample size.It was observed that the structural non-stationarity of surfaceroughness largely controls the contact areas and damage zoneson the fracture surfaces as related to the direction of theshearing. The aperture maps of the concrete fracture replicas ofvarying size and at different shear displacements, obtainedfrom numerical simulation of the aperture evolution duringshearing using their digitized surfaces, were used toinvestigate the effect of scale on the transmissivity of thesingle rock fractures. A FEM code was utilized to numericallysimulate the fluid flow though the single rock fractures ofvarying size. The results showed that flow rate not onlyincreases on increasing the sample size, but also significantlyincreases in the direction perpendicular to the shearing, dueto the anisotropic roughness of the fractures. <b>Key words:</b>Anisotropy, Aperture, Asperity degradation,Contact area, Finite Element Method (FEM), Flow analysis,Fractals, Fracture morphology, Heterogeneity,Stress-deformation, Surface roughness, Roughness-Length method,Scale dependency, Stationarity, Transmissivity, 3D laserscanner.
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Geometry, Mechanics and Transmissivity of Rock FracturesLanaro, Flavio January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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The effect of scale on the morphology, mechanics and transmissivity of single rock fracturesFardin, Nader January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates the effect of scale on themorphology, mechanics and transmissivity of single rockfractures using both laboratory and in-situ experiments, aswell as numerical simulations. Using a laboratory 3D laserscanner, the surface topography of a large silicon-rubberfracture replica of size 1m x 1m, as well as the topography ofboth surfaces of several high-strength concrete fracturereplicas varying in size from 50mmx50mm to 200mm x 200mm, werescanned. A geodetic Total Station and an in-situ 3D laser radarwere also utilized to scan the surface topography of a largenatural road-cut rock face of size 20m x 15m in the field. Thisdigital characterization of the fracture samples was then usedto investigate the scale dependency of the three dimensionalmorphology of the fractures using a fractal approach. Thefractal parameters of the surface roughness of all fracturesamples, including the geometrical aperture of the concretefracture samples, were obtained using the Roughness-Lengthmethod.</p><p>The results obtained from the fractal characterization ofthe surface roughness of the fracture samples show that bothfractal dimension, D, and amplitude parameter, A, for aself-affine surface are scale-dependent, heterogeneous andanisotropic, and their values generally decrease withincreasing size of the sample. However, this scale-dependencyis limited to a certain sizedefined as the stationaritythreshold, where the surface roughness parameters of thefracture samples remain essentially constant beyond thisstationarity threshold. The surface roughness and thegeometrical aperture of the tested concrete fracture replicasin this study did not reach stationarity due to the structuralnon-stationarity of their surface at small scales. Although theaperture histogram of the fractures was almost independent ofthe sample size, below their stationarity threshold both theHurst exponent, Hb, and aperture proportionality constant, Gb,decrease on increasing the sample sizes.</p><p>To investigate the scale effect on the mechanical propertiesof single rock fractures, several normal loading and directshear tests were performed on the concrete fracture replicassubjected to different normal stresses under Constant NormalLoad (CNL) conditions. The results showed that both normal andshear stiffnesses, as well as the shear strength parameters ofthe fracture samples, decrease on increasing the sample size.It was observed that the structural non-stationarity of surfaceroughness largely controls the contact areas and damage zoneson the fracture surfaces as related to the direction of theshearing.</p><p>The aperture maps of the concrete fracture replicas ofvarying size and at different shear displacements, obtainedfrom numerical simulation of the aperture evolution duringshearing using their digitized surfaces, were used toinvestigate the effect of scale on the transmissivity of thesingle rock fractures. A FEM code was utilized to numericallysimulate the fluid flow though the single rock fractures ofvarying size. The results showed that flow rate not onlyincreases on increasing the sample size, but also significantlyincreases in the direction perpendicular to the shearing, dueto the anisotropic roughness of the fractures.</p><p><b>Key words:</b>Anisotropy, Aperture, Asperity degradation,Contact area, Finite Element Method (FEM), Flow analysis,Fractals, Fracture morphology, Heterogeneity,Stress-deformation, Surface roughness, Roughness-Length method,Scale dependency, Stationarity, Transmissivity, 3D laserscanner.</p>
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Influência do tipo de argamassamento e da utilização de peças de ajuste dimensional na resistência à compressão da alvenaria de blocos de concreto / Influence of mortar bedding type and use of adjustment dimensional parts in the compressive strength of masonry of concrete blocksOrieta Soto Izquierdo 16 March 2011 (has links)
A alvenaria estrutural destaca-se na indústria da construção civil atual pelas vantagens que apresenta em comparação com outros sistemas convencionais, devendo ainda ser estudada para um melhor aproveitamento do sistema. Este trabalho estuda a alteração de resistência de compressão em paredes de alvenaria estrutural devida ao lançamento da argamassa de assentamento apenas nas laterais dos blocos em comparação com o lançamento total e à inserção de peças de ajuste dimensional para o acerto de modulações de paredes de alvenaria. Foram realizados os ensaios experimentais correspondentes à caracterização dos materiais empregados e os ensaios de resistência à compressão das unidades, prismas e mini-paredes. Todos os materiais cumpriram com os requisitos normalizados para sua correta utilização nos testes experimentais. Os resultados dos ensaios à compressão dos elementos demonstraram que o efeito do tipo de argamassamento influenciou notavelmente na resistência à compressão da alvenaria, apresentando melhor desempenho o argamassamento total. O uso de peças de ajuste dimensional (rapaduras) não reduziu a resistência à compressão das mini-paredes. / Currently, the structural masonry still has some advantages in the construction industry as compared with conventional systems, however it should continue to be studied for a better utilization of the system. This research studies the change of compressive strength of masonry walls due to the placement of mortar only on the sides of the blocks compared to the total release; and the insertion of adjustment dimensional parts for the settlement of modulations masonry walls. The experimental tests corresponding of characterization of materials used and compressive strength tests of the units, prisms, and mini-walls were made. All materials complied with the standard requirements for its correct use in the experimental tests. The results of the compression tests of the elements demonstrated that the effect of mortar bedding type significantly influenced the compressive strength of masonry with full mortar bedding showing better performance. The use of adjustment dimensional parts did not reduce the compressive strength of mini-walls.
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Severe-to-mild wear transition during running-in of different steel-on-steel tribosystems in ball-on-disc dry sliding reciprocating tests. / Transição de desgaste severo-moderado de diferentes tribosistemas de ação contra ação durante ensaios reciprocantes a seco-disco-esfera.Pablo Alejandro Correa Saldarriaga 16 April 2018 (has links)
The main motivation of this doctoral thesis is to extend the current knowledge about the tribological behavior of a precipitation-hardenable (PH) austenitic stainless steel (SAE XEV-F or DIN 1.4882), used for manufacturing exhaust valves for internal combustion engines in passenger cars. For this purpose, dry sliding laboratory tests were carried out using this steel and other steels, mainly austenitic and martensitic, used as model materials for the comparative characterization of wear and friction. Experimental tests were conducted using an SRV®4 tribometer in a ball-on-disc configuration with reciprocating movement, in which the discs were the samples and the balls the counter-bodies. Four kinds of steels were tested: a) AISI 310, b) SAE XEV-F, c) AISI H13, and d) Nitrided SAE XEV-F. The ball was made of AISI 52100 bearing steel. The tests were conducted at room temperature and fixed conditions of time (sliding distance) (up to 73.2 m), load (100 N), frequency (10 Hz) and stroke (2mm). Wear was evaluated by means of mass loss in the disc and the ball, and post examination of the worn surfaces. Post examination was conducted using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), coherence correlation interferometry (CCI), and X-Ray diffraction (XRD). Wear debris resulting from tribological interaction were also investigated using SEM and XRD. Additionally, the friction coefficient was measured. High speed filming and interrupted tests were also performed at specific sliding distances. This work reports a severe-to-mild wear transition occurring during the first stage of tribological interaction (running-in) and its relation to the load distribution variation at the interface throughout the tribological tests. The wear transition was observed in different steel-on-steel tribosystems in ball-on-disc contact configuration and occurred due to the combined effects of two factors: a) the contact pressure reduction, due to the increase of nominal contact area caused by wear; and b) subsurface strain hardening (when relevant). The pressure/distance variation was determined experimentally and modeled empirically. Subsurface strain hardening was observable (and measurable) mainly the austenitic steels. Significant differences in wear (and friction) were observed between homogeneous (monophasic) steels and the heterogeneous (multiphasic) SAE XEV-F valve steel. Wear in the homogeneous steels presented an inverse correlation with hardness. Wear on the AISI 310 presented non-linear wear rates for a significant portion of the test. Wear on the SAE XEV-F valve steel was pronounced (even in the mild regime) due to a combined effect of two factors: a) formation of hard debris, which induced an abrasive component to wear by relative sliding, and b) subsurface NbC fracture, which markedly affected the material removal due to plastic deformation in the surrounding matrix. Wear of the nitrided SAE XEV-F steel was lower than that of the non-nitrided samples by nearly two orders of magnitude. The benefits of nitriding in the SAE XEV-F were two-fold: a) an increased surface hardness, and b) the prevention of NbC fracture and detachment, which results in even higher wear resistance. / A principal motivação desta tese é ampliar o conhecimento atual sobre o comportamento tribológico de um aço inoxidável austenítico endurecível por precipitação (PH), o SAE XEV-F (ou DIN 1.4882), utilizado para a fabricação de válvulas de exaustão de motores de combustão interna para carros de passageiros. Para este propósito, foram realizados ensaios laboratoriais de deslizamento a seco usando este aço e outros, principalmente aços austeníticos e martensíticos, usados como materiais modelo para a caracterização comparativa do desgaste e do atrito. Os ensaios experimentais foram conduzidos usando um tribômetro SRV®4 em uma configuração esfera-disco com movimento alternado, em que os discos foram as amostras e as esferas são os contracorpos. Foram ensaiados quatro tipos de aços: a) AISI 310, b) SAE XEV-F, c) AISI H13, e d) SAE XEV-F nitretado. A esfera era feita de aço para rolamento AISI 52100. Os ensaios foram realizados a temperatura ambiente e usando condições fixas de tempo (distância total percorrida até 73.2 m), carga normal (100 N), frequência (10 Hz) e amplitude da oscilação (2 mm). O desgaste foi avaliado por meio de perda de massa, tanto do disco quanto da esfera, e exame das superfícies desgastadas utilizando microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), interferometria de correlação de coerência (ICC) e difração de raios-X (DRX). Os debris de desgaste resultantes da interação tribológica também foram investigados usando MEV e DRX. Adicionalmente, a evolução do coeficiente de atrito foi analisada. Também foram realizadas filmagens de alta velocidade e ensaios interrompidos em tempos de deslizamento específicos. Este trabalho reporta uma transição de desgaste severo para moderado que ocorre durante as a primeira fase da interação tribológica (running-in) e sua relação com a variação da carga na interface durante os ensaios tribológicos. A transição de desgaste foi observada em diferentes tribo-sistemas de aço-contra-aço na configuração esfera-plano e ocorreu principalmente por efeitos combinados de dois fatores: a) a redução da pressão de contato, devida ao aumento da área nominal causada pelo desgaste; e b) o encruamento subsuperficial (quando relevante). A variação pressão/distância foi determinada experimentalmente e modelada empiricamente. Encruamento por deformação subsuperficial foi observável (e medível) principalmente nos aços austeníticos. Foram observadas diferenças significativas no desgaste (e atrito) entre os aços homogêneos (monofásicos) e o aço de válvula SAE XEV-F, heterogêneo (multifásico). O desgaste nos aços homogêneos apresentou uma correlação inversa com a dureza. O desgaste no aço válvula SAE XEV-F foi pronunciado (mesmo no regime de desgaste moderado) devido a um efeito combinado de dois fatores: a) a formação de debris duros, o que induziu uma componente abrasiva ao desgaste por deslizamento relativo, e b) a fratura subsuperficial do NbC, o que afetou significativamente a remoção de material devida à deformação plástica da matriz. O desgaste do aço nitretado SAE XEV-F foi menor que o das amostras não tratadas em quase duas ordens de grandeza. Os benefícios da nitretação no aço válvula SAE XEV-F foram dois: a) o aumento da dureza da superfície, e b) a prevenção da fratura e desprendimento de NbC, o que resulta em uma resistência de desgaste ainda maior.
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The Impact of Films on the Long-Term Behavior of Stationary Electrical Connections and Contacts in Electric Power SystemsDreier, Sebastian 04 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Stationary electrical connections and contacts, such as power connections, are commonly applied in electric power systems used for generation, transmission and distribution of electric energy. Several different degradation mechanisms can increase the contact resistance and might therefore reduce the power connection’s lifetime. The degradation by film development as a result of chemical reactions is often considered as a reason for contact failure.
In this research work, the impact of film development produced by chemical reactions, such as oxidation, on the long-term behavior of stationary electrical connections and contacts was studied with crossed rods. Analytical, numerical and experimental methods were applied. Typical material systems for electric power systems were considered in this study: Cu-ETP (CW004A) bare, silver-, nickel- or tin-coated, Al99.5 (EN AW-1050A) and AlMgSi0.5 (EN AW-6060).
By applying numerical methods, the mechanical stress distribution was determined within a circular contact point. The initial contact resistance and the plastic deformed area of the considered material systems was measured in experimental tests. The film’s impact was further determined through comparative experimental studies in air (standard atmosphere) and N2 (inert gas).
During the experimental tests on perpendicularly crossed rods, other degradation mechanisms such as force reduction were suppressed. The film’s impact within the formation phase was studied on copper rods in an oven at 200 °C for 1000 h. Moreover, the dependency on different environments at 90 °C (laboratory, botanical garden and outdoor) was tested for 12000 h. Additional long-term tests over 12000 h were conducted at 200 °C. The contact resistance was determined dependent on time. Furthermore, the plastic deformed area was ascertained by microscopy. It was found that the time dependent film development caused by chemical reactions such as oxidation might possibly not result in a significant degradation of stationary electrical contacts with circular contact points and a constant force.
Supplementary studies were performed at 200 °C for 1000 h with perpendicularly crossed rods at low forces (3.5 N) as well as analytical assessment of radial and axial film growth on circular contact points. The measured long-term behavior of perpendicularly crossed rods was similar for low and high forces.
In order to study the long-term behavior of power connections operated in areas with harsh environmental conditions, experimental field tests on bolted busbar joints were conducted in desert and tropical rainforest environments. For over two and a half years, long-term field tests investigating bolted busbar joints made of Cu-ETP, Al99.5 (EN-AW-1350A) or AlMgSi0.5 (EN AW-6060) either with or without coating (silver, tin or nickel) were conducted in Belém (Brazil), Ismailia (Egypt) and Dresden (Germany).
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Studium přechodových jevů mezi zcela zaplaveným a hladovějícím elastohydrodynamicky mazaným kontaktem / The study of transition between fully flooded and starved regimes in EHL ContactPopelka, Michal January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with The study of transition between fully flooded and starved regimes in EHL Contact. The work is focused on problems of starved contact and surface texturing of rubbing surfaces. Surface texturing of rubbing surfaces is one of the adjustments that cause in a sense improved lubricity and reduce friction and wear. The aim of this study is to compare numerical models with real experimental results measured on the Experimental apparatus.
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