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Dynamique spatio-temporelle de la contamination environnementale par Toxoplasma gondii / Spatio-temporal dynamics of the environmental contamination by Toxoplasma gondiiGotteland, Cécile 19 December 2013 (has links)
La toxoplasmose, dûe au parasite Toxoplasma gondii, est une zoonose dite à cycle complexe car le pathogène fait intervenir plusieurs espèces pour assurer sa transmission. Les félidés sont les hôtes définitifs de T. gondii et, lorsqu’ils sont infectés, peuvent excréter des millions d’oocystes dans l’environnement. L’ensemble des animaux à sang chaud, y compris l’homme, constituent les hôtes intermédiaires. L'infection des différents hôtes s'effectuent par transmission verticale ou via l'ingestion de tissus animaux contaminés ou d'oocystes présents dans l'environnement.Les objectifs de ma thèse étaient i) de mesurer la fréquence et la distribution spatiale des oocystes de T. gondii dans l’environnement en milieu rural, ii) d'estimer la prévalence et la distribution spatiale de l’infection dans la communauté locale de rongeurs, iii) de déterminer les principaux facteurs responsables de la structuration spatiale de la contamination environnementale et enfin, iv) d’évaluer l'importance de l'environnement en tant que source de contamination tant pour les animaux que pour l’homme.Nous avons mis en évidence une forte contamination des sols (29%) distribuée sur l'ensemble de la zone et, avons révélé un gradient spatial similaire de diminution de la contamination avec la distance aux bâtiments au niveau des sols et dans la communauté de rongeurs. Le modèle de simulation multi-agents a permis d'expliciter le rôle prépondérant de la configuration de l'habitat humain, qui de par son effet sur la structuration spatiale des populations de chats domestiques, détermine la fréquence et la distribution des points chauds de contamination. Par conséquent, en milieu rural, l'importante contamination des sols au niveau des fermes suggère que le risque d’infection pour l’homme est élevé, indirectement à travers la consommation de viande issue d’animaux d’élevage infectés, mais aussi directement via l’ingestion d’oocystes présents sur les substrats manipulés lors de diverses activités. / Toxoplasmosis, caused by the parasite T. gondii, is a zoonosis with a complex life cycle as the pathogen requires several different species to achieve it cycle. Felids, in particular domestic cats, are the definitive hosts of the parasite and when infected they can shed millions of oocysts in the environment. All warm blooded animals, including humans, are potential intermediate hosts. Host species can be infected through vertical transmission or by ingesting contaminated tissues or oocysts present on environmental substrates.My goals were: I) to precisely measure the frequency and spatial distribution of the environmental contamination to T. gondii in a rural area, ii) to estimate the prevalence and the spatial distribution of the parasite in the local community of rodents, iii) to identify the main factors driving the spatial structure of the environmental contamination and finally, iv) to assess the importance of the environment as a transmission source for animals and humans.First, we found a high frequency of contaminated soil samples (29%) that were largely distributed across the whole area, and, we found a similar spatial gradient of decreasing contamination with increasing distances from buildings for soils and rodents. Altogether, the results obtained allowed to identify and rank the determinants of the spatio-temporal dynamics of the environmental contamination to T. gondii. The agent-based model showed the primary role of the spatial configuration of human habitat, which, through its impact on the spatial structure of domestic cat populations, determines the frequency and distribution of the hot spots of soil contamination. Thus, in rural areas, the high level of contamination within and around agricultural buildings suggests that infection risks for humans are important, either indirectly through the consumption of contaminated meat or directly due to the ingestion of oocysts contaminating earth, water or vegetables.
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Atividade antimicrobiana de nisina e óleo essencial de orégano (Origanum vulgare L.) sobre Listeria monocytogenes isolada de alimentos / Antimicrobial activity of nisin and essential oil of oregano (Origanum vu/gare L.) on Listeria monocytogenes isolated foodBettini, Patricia Polleti 27 September 2005 (has links)
Não consta resumo na publicação. / Abstract not available.
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Distribution et mobilité de l'arsenic dans les sols : effets de cycles redox successifs / Distribution and mobility of arsenic in soils and sediments : the effects of redox cyclingParsons, Christopher 19 October 2011 (has links)
L'arsenic est un metalloïde toxique et cancérigène. Ubiquiste dans la pedosphere, il est très sensibleaux fluctuations des conditions redox du sol, ce qui influe significativement sa toxicité et mobilité. Nousétudions le cycle biogéochimique global de l'arsenic, en tenant compte de l'usage croissant des ressources, etpassons en revue l'importance respective de l’arsenic geogénique et anthropogénique dans l’environnement.La contamination à l’arsenic est souvent diffuse dans les bassins sédimentaires de l'Europe. Cependant, desconcentrations dans l'eau interstitielle du sol peuvent être élevées lors de périodes de saturation du solcausées par la monté des eaux souterraines ou les inondations, prévues d'augmenter dû aux changementsclimatiques. La spectrométrie de fluorescence X quantitative et sans standard a été utilisée pour analyserl'arsenic dans des sols relativement contaminés de la plaine alluviale de la Saône au moyen de protocoles depréparation d'échantillons conçus pour optimiser la précision d'analyse et l'exactitude in situ aux bassesconcentrations d'arsenic. L'arsenic dans ces sols est associe aux (hydr)oxydes du fer et de manganèse de lataille d'argile colloïdale. Ceux-ci subissent une dissolution réductrice par les microorganismes lors desinondations, libérant une importante concentration d'arsenic dans la phase aqueuse. Si, par la suite, l'arsenicdégagé n'est pas éliminé avec l'eau de crue évacuée, il est ré-immobilisé pendant l'oxydation du sol et lareprécipitation des oxydes métalliques. Grâce à une combinaison novatrice d'analyses chimiques par voiehumide, d’écologie microbienne, de spectroscopie ainsi que de modélisation thermodynamique et cinétique,nous démontrons que les cycles d'oxydo-réduction séquentiels entraînent une atténuation d'arsenic aqueuxdans des conditions réductrices dû à la coprécipitation croissante, et a une diminution de l'activitémicrobienne causée par l’appauvrissement en matière organique labile. Des processus d'atténuationsimilaires sont observés en l'absence d'activité microbienne pour Cr et As dans des argiles pyriteuses lorsquecelles-ci sont exposés aux oscillations redox provoquées par l'ajout de substances humiques réduites. Ainsi,nous montrons que les effets cumulatifs de cycles redox successifs sont extrêmement importants pour lamobilité de divers contaminants dans l'environnement. / Arsenic is a toxic and carcinogenic metalloid, ubiquitous in the pedosphere and highly sensitive tofluctuations in soil redox conditions which dramatically influence both its toxicity and mobility. We reviewthe global biogeochemical cycle of arsenic in light of increasing resource usage and re-evaluate theimportance of anthropogenic and geogenic arsenic inputs to the exogenic cycle. Arsenic contamination isoften diffuse in European sedimentary basins. Despite this, concentrations in soil pore-water may be highduring periods of soil saturation caused by rising groundwater or surface flooding which is predicted toincrease due to climatic change. Standardless quantitative X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is used toanalyse for arsenic in moderately contaminated soils on the alluvial plain of the Saône River with samplepreparation protocols designed to optimize analytical precision and accuracy in-situ at trace arsenicconcentrations. Arsenic in these soils is shown to be associated with colloidal and clay sized iron andmanganese (hydr)oxides which undergo microbially mediated reductive dissolution during flooding, releasingsubstantial arsenic to the aqueous phase. If released arsenic is not subsequently removed with recedingflood water it is re-immobilized during soil oxidation and re-precipitation of metal oxides. We demonstratethrough a novel combination of wet chemistry, microbial ecology, spectroscopy and thermodynamic andkinetic modelling that sequential reduction-oxidation cycles result in aqueous arsenic attenuation duringreducing conditions due to increased co-precipitation and decreases in microbial activity due to depletion oflabile organic matter. Similar attenuation processes are observed in the absence of microbial activity for Crand As in pyrite-bearing clays when subjected to redox oscillations induced by addition of reduced humicsubstances. We demonstrate that the cumulative effects of successive redox cycling are therefore of greatimportance to contaminant mobility in a variety of environments. / El arsénico es un metaloide tóxico y cancerígeno, ubicuo en la pedosfera y altamente sensible a lasfluctuaciones de las condiciones redox del suelo, las cuales controlan tanto su toxicidad como su movilidad.La presente tesis doctoral tiene como objeto de estudio el ciclo biogeoquímico global del arsénico y examinala importancia de los aportes del arsénico antropogénicos y geogénicos al ciclo exógeno tomando en cuentael uso creciente de recursos.La contaminación con arsénico es generalmente difusa en las cuencas sedimentarias europeas. No obstante,las concentraciones en las aguas intersticiales del suelo pueden ser elevadas durante los periodos desaturación causados por el aumento de aguas subterráneas o inundaciones, cuyo incremento se prevédebido a los cambios climáticos. La espectrometría de fluorescencia de Rayos-X cuantitativa y sin estándar esutilizada para analizar el arsénico en suelos relativamente contaminados en la llanura aluvial del río Saône,mediante protocolos de preparación de muestras diseñados para mejorar la precisión analítica y la exactitudin-situ a bajas concentraciones de arsénico. La presencia de arsénico en estos suelos demuestra estarasociada a los (hidr)óxidos de hierro y de manganeso de tamaño de arcilla coloidal, los cuales experimentanuna disolución reductora por acción microbiana durante las inundaciones, liberando así una importanteconcentración de arsénico en la fase acuosa. Si, posteriormente, el arsénico despedido no se elimina con elagua saliente, éste se vuelve a inmovilizar durante la oxidación del suelo y la re-precipitación de óxidosmetálicos. Gracias a una combinación innovadora de análisis químicos por vía húmeda, ecología microbiana,espectroscopia, así como modelado termodinámico y cinético, demostramos que los ciclos de oxidoreducciónsecuenciales provocan una atenuación de arsénico acuoso durante condiciones de reduccióndebido al aumento de coprecipitacion y disminución de la actividad microbiana causada por el agotamientode materia orgánica lábil. Se observan procesos de atenuación similares en caso de ausencia de actividadmicrobiana para Cr y As en arcillas piritas cuando son sometidos a oscilaciones de redox inducidas mediantela adición de sustancias húmicas reducidas. Es así como demostramos que los efectos acumulativos de ciclossucesivos de redox son muy importantes para la movilidad contaminante en una variedad de ambientes.
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Émission électronique sous impact d'électrons : applications spatiales / Electron emission under electron irradiation : space applicationsGineste, Thomas 19 November 2015 (has links)
L‘objectif de la thèse consiste à caractériser expérimentalement sous vide les propriétés d’émission électronique de matériaux utilisés dans des applications spatiales tels que l’argent et l’aluminium dans leur état de contamination naturel, afin de fournir des données précises à la communauté du spatial tout en contribuant à comprendre et quantifier le rôle joué par la contamination naturelle sur leurs propriétés d’émission électronique. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, un moyen expérimental nommé CELESTE permettant de caractériser les différentes propriétés d’émission électronique de ces matériaux sous ultravide a été développé. Il permet d’effectuer des mesures de rendement d’émission électronique ainsi que des mesures de rendement de rétrodiffusion. Afin d’établir un lien entre la physique d’émission bien connue des matériaux purs et la physique d’émission des matériaux d’utilité pratique, un protocole expérimental spécifique a été mis en place. Il permet de caractériser l’évolution du rendement d’émission et de la distribution énergétique des électrons émis à partir d’un matériau exposé à l’air jusqu’à l’élimination par décapage ionique successifs de tous les contaminants déposés à la surface. Une corrélation a été établie entre évolution du rendement d’émission et évolution de la composition de la surface de l’argent et de l’aluminium. Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence l’influence prépondérante des contaminants naturels sur leurs propriétés d’émission électronique. En effet, les propriétés d’émission de ces deux matériaux exposés à l’air dépendent d’avantage de la nature de la couche de contamination déposée à la surface que du matériau pur sous-jacent. / The aim of this study is to provide accurate data on electronic emission properties of technical materials used in spacecraft applications such as silver and aluminium and to understand and to quantify the effect of natural contamination on their electron emission properties.In order to reach this goal, an experimental facility named CELESTE allowing electronic emission properties characterization under ultra-high vacuum had been developed. The facility can be used to perform electron emission yield measurements and also backscattering yield measurements thanks to special experimental setup developed during this phD. To establish a link between the well-known emission physic of pure materials and those of “technical” materials, a specific protocol has been implemented. It allows the study of emission proprieties starting from a sample exposed to ambient atmosphere and reaching a cleaned sample, using Ar ion etching step by step technic.A link has been established between electron emission yield and surface composition evolution of silver and aluminium sample. This work highlights the leading influence of natural contamination on the electron emission proprieties of metals.
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Avalia??o da qualidade da ?gua no Territ?rio de Identidade do Sisal: um estudo de caso nos principais a?udes p?blicos do munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BASilva, Janderson Oliveira 31 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2018-04-10T23:17:52Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-31 / Water is essential for the maintenance of life, however, environmental pollution has been causing the loss of the quality of water resources, affecting not only the life of living beings. The reservoirs represent the main source of water to supply the demands of the Brazilian Northeast. However, the quality of stored water has suffered from the effects of anthropic activities makes it compromised for human consumption, animal and for irrigation. In this context, the present work aimed to elaborate a case study on water quality in semi-arid regions, not for human consumption, specifically in the Sisal Identity Territory, having as main study area the main public dams in the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA. In order to meet the proposed objective, a mapping of the main water bodies of the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA was carried out, using images from Landsat 8 satellite, OLI sensor of 2014, orbit 216/68 by supervised classification. Subsequently, fieldwork was carried out consisting of three (3) campaigns for the collection of surface water, occurring in the period of May (pre-rain), June (post-rain) and November (dry). The physico-chemical parameters and metals analyzed were: Temperature, Salinity, Chloride, pH, OD, BOD, COD, Turbidity, Temotolerant Coliforms, Cadmium, Lead, Copper, Chromium, Manganese, Nickel and were compared with the standards established by Resolution N? 357 / 2005 of the National Environmental Council - CONAMA. In the evaluation of the results of the Land Use Use map, it was verified that the agricultural culture class predominates in the region with about 44,46%, permanent agriculture (agave) covers 10,72%. The area used with the vegetation (caatinga) is representative, totaling 17,15%. The exposed soil class represents 6,64% and 8,82% of the shade classes. The identifiable water bodies in the satellite image represent 0,16% and 12,05% of urban area. The accuracy of the mapping for the water bodies, provided by the Tau index, was 0,70. Regarding the results of the water quality evaluation of the three public dams located near the urban perimeter in the municipality of Teofil?ndia-BA during the three campaigns, it was possible to observe that the concentrations of Chloride, Electrical Conductivity, OD, BOD, COD and Thermotolerant Coliforms presented Variations that exceeded the limits established by current legislation. As for the evaluated metals, only Cd was not detected at any point and sampled period. There were no, in their greatest majority, correlation between the variable studies. In the pre-rain period the trend of contamination in the water followed the decreasing order: Ni> Pb> Mn> Cr, in the post-rain: Ni> Pb> Mn> Zn and not dry: Ni> Pb> Cu> Zn. From the data presented, it can be inferred that the main source of pollution of the waters of the dams is derived from anthropogenic origin, mainly by agricultural activities and insufficient sewage network. / A ?gua ? essencial para a manuten??o da vida, entretanto, a polui??o ambiental vem causando a perda da qualidade dos recursos h?dricos, afetando n?o apenas a vida dos seres vivos. Os a?udes representam a principal fonte de ?gua para suprir as demandas no semi?rido do nordeste brasileiro. No entanto, a qualidade da ?gua armazenada tem sofrido os efeitos provenientes das atividades antr?picas tornando-a comprometida para o consumo humano, animal e para irriga??o. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho elaborou um estudo de caso sobre a qualidade da ?gua, n?o para suprimento humano, em regi?es semi?ridas, especificamente no Territ?rio de Identidade do Sisal, tendo como ?rea de estudo os principais a?udes p?blicos no munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA. Para atender o objetivo proposto foi realizado um mapeamento dos principais corpos de ?gua do munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA, utilizando imagens do sat?lite Landsat 8, sensor OLI do ano de 2014, ?rbita 216/68 por meio da classifica??o supervisionada. Posteriormente foram realizados trabalhos de campo constando de 3 (tr?s) campanhas de coleta de ?guas superficiais, ocorridas no per?odo de maio (pr?-chuva), junho (p?s-chuva) e novembro (seco). Os par?metros f?sico-qu?micos e metais analisados foram: Temperatura, Salinidade, Cloreto, pH, OD, DBO, DQO, Turbidez, Coliformes Termotolerantes, cadmio, chumbo, cromo, cobre, mangan?s, n?quel e zinco foram comparados com os padr?es estabelecidos pela Resolu??o N? 357/2005 do Conselho Nacional de Meio Ambiente ? CONAMA. Na avalia??o dos resultados do mapa de Uso Ocupa??o do Solo verificou-se que a classe da cultura agropecu?ria predomina na regi?o com cerca de 44,46%, a agricultura permanente (agave) abrange, 10,72%. A ?rea utilizada com a vegeta??o (caatinga) ? representativa totalizando 17,15%. A classe solo exposto representa, 6,64% e 8,82% das classes sombras. Os corpos d??gua identific?veis na imagem de sat?lite representam 0,16% e 12,05% de ?rea urbana. A acur?cia do mapeamento para os corpos d??gua, fornecida pelo ?ndice Tau, foi de 0,70. Com rela??o ao resultado da avalia??o da qualidade da ?gua dos tr?s a?udes p?blicos localizados pr?ximo ao per?metro urbano no munic?pio de Teofil?ndia-BA durante as tr?s campanhas, foi poss?vel observar que as concentra??es de Cloreto, Condutividade El?trica, OD, DBO, DQO e Coliformes Termotolerantes apresentaram varia??es de valores que excederam os limites estabelecidos pela legisla??o vigente. Quanto aos metais avaliados somente o Cd n?o foi detectado em nenhum dos pontos e per?odos amostrados. N?o houve, em sua grande maioria, correla??o entre as vari?veis estudadas. No per?odo pr?-chuva a tend?ncia de contamina??o na ?gua seguiu a ordem decrescente: Ni>Pb>Mn>Cr, no p?s-chuva: Ni>Pb>Mn>Zn e no seco: Ni>Pb>Cu>Zn. A partir dos dados apresentados, pode-se inferir que a principal fonte poluidora das ?guas dos a?udes ? proveniente de origem antropog?nica, principalmente por atividades agropecu?rias e insufici?ncia de uma rede de esgotamento sanit?rio.
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Estudos do tratamento químico da superfície de placas combustíveis nucleares / Chemical treatment studies on nuclear fuel plates surfaceSantos, Olair dos 11 July 2014 (has links)
O Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN-CNEN/SP produz rotineiramente o combustível nuclear necessário para a operação de seu reator de pesquisas IEA-R1. Esse combustível é formado por placas combustíveis contendo núcleos de dispersões U3Si2-Al, obtidas por laminação. As placas combustíveis sofrem um tratamento químico para limpeza de sua superfície, com o objetivo de garantir a remoção de qualquer impureza presente em suas superfícies, incluindo resíduos de urânio. Nos últimos 10 anos foram constatados de forma esporádica aumentos significativos na atividade radioativa da água da piscina do reator IEA-R1. O aumento da atividade no ambiente do reator foi relacionado à entrada na piscina de elementos combustíveis recém-fabricados, entrando em operação. Apesar do processo de tratamento superficial atual estar perfeitamente estável e reprodutível, uma possível causa para o aumento da atividade da água da piscina do reator IEA-R1 é a presença de contaminação residual de urânio na superfície não retirada pelo tratamento químico superficial. Durante anos, esse problema não foi observado devido à baixa potência de operação do reator, no nível de 2 MW. Contudo, com o aumento da potência, acima de 3,5 MW, esse problema começou a ser observado. Esse trabalho verifica a hipótese da contaminação residual de urânio na superfície das placas combustíveis de forma estatística e caracteriza a adequação do processo de tratamento superficial de placas combustíveis. Utilizou-se uma metodologia estatística de avaliação do processo em três níveis: produção presente, contaminação intencional, produção histórica. A contagem de emissões alfa por contador de NaI permitiu a quantificação de urânio residual. Como resultado global, verificou-se que pode ocorrer contaminação abaixo de 1 g de 235U por elemento combustível. Essa contaminação não é significante para causar eventuais acidentes de aumento de atividade no reator IEA-R1. Provou-se no presente trabalho que a metodologia de contagens de emissões alfa é segura, precisa e rápida para se analisarem contaminações superficiais de urânio nas placas combustíveis. / Nuclear and Energy Research Institute - IPEN-CNEN/ SP routinely produces its own nuclear fuel elements, necessary for the operation of its research reactor IEA-R1. This fuel consists of fuel plates containing cores U3Si2-Al dispersions obtained by rolling. Fuel plates undergo a chemical treatment for surface cleaning, aiming to ensure the removal of any impurity present on the surface, including uranium residual dust. Over the past 10 years, it was found sporadically a significant increase of radioactivity emission in water pool of IEA-R1 reactor. The increased activity in the reactor environment was related to the use of newly fabricated fuel elements fed into the core. Although the actual surface treatment process to be perfectly stable and reproducible, a possible cause for the activity increase would be the presence of residual uranium contamination over the surface, which was not removed by chemical surface treatment. For years, this problem was not observed due to the low power of reactor operation, at the level of 2 MW. However, with the increase in power above 3.5 MW, this problem started to be observed. This work verifies the hypothesis of residual uranium contamination on the surface of the fuel plates in a statistical methodology and features the adequacy of the fuel plate surface treatment process. We evaluated, statistically, the process into three levels: present production, intentional contamination, historical production. The NaI alpha emission counter allowed quantification the amount of uranium residual. As an overall result, it was found that contamination may occur below 1 g of 235U per fuel element. The contamination was judged as not significant to cause any activity accidents in the IEA-R1. It has been proven in this paper that the methodology to count alpha emissions is secure, accurate and fast to analyze surface uranium contamination in nuclear fuel plates.
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Organization failure in denial?: a comparative case study of infant milk powder product safety crises in commission situation in mainland China. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2012 (has links)
2008年三鹿三聚氰胺毒奶粉事件震驚國內外,該事件導致六名嬰兒腎結石死亡,逾三萬嬰幼兒從此生活在各種腎疾病的陰霾之下。此後奶產品安全問題尋出不窮,對國內奶產業造成嚴重的負面影響,令消費者對整個國內奶產業信心下降。事實上,在很多奶產品安全的危機中,遭受質疑的企業組織最後均被政府的檢測結果證實是無辜的。在危機中,組織的形象受到威脅,組織需通過不同的方法進行自我辯護。現存的文獻提出,危機溝通策略和組織對責任承擔的態度是兩個影響公眾對組織信心和媒體報導語調的重要因素。組織類型(國有或外資)也會影響公眾對組織的信心和媒體報導語調。過往研究也發現,公眾對組織的信心與媒體報導語調之間存在正相關的聯繫。此研究通過對兩個犯行危機情景的案例研究(2009多美滋危機事件和2010聖元危機事件),目的在於評估危機溝通策略的效用,同時也探討在不同的階段中危機溝通策略、組織責任承擔、組織類型、公眾對組織的信心和媒體報導語調之間的關係。研究成果發現文獻建議之在不同階段的最佳策略和組織責任承擔對公眾對組織的信心和媒體報導語調均無重要影響。然而,使用越少藉口和越多提供信息策略的組織贏得更多公眾信心,從而提升正面媒體報導。研究也發現,外企在第一和第二階段報導更正面,但最後國企反而取得正面的媒體報導。另外,組織類型與階段對組織選取策略與組織責任承擔均有影響。本研究結果顯示西方危機處理理論在低信任度社會如中國等未必適用。研究一方面透過更複雜的情境角度,進一步加深對現有危機傳播文獻的理解,例如引入不同階段的概念來評估危機管理的成效,另一方面也為在低信任社會中的奶產業企業提供有效的危機管理建議。 / Sanlu Melamine-contaminated Milk Scandal, the frequent outbreak of dairy product safety crises had a severe impact on the domestic dairy industry, resulting in a general loss of the consumers' confidence in the entire domestic dairy industry. In fact, in many crises the crisis-ridden organizations were eventually proven innocent by governmental departments. During a crisis, an organization's image is threatened, so that various communicative entities are used to defend this image. Based on the existing literature, this study aims at evaluating the effectiveness of crisis communicative strategies (CCSs) as well as investigating the relationships among CCSs, organization responsibility acceptance, organization ownership type (domestically owned or foreign-invested), confidence in organization and media coverage in different stages during the crisis by comparing the Dumex case in 2009 and the Synutra case in 2010. The results found that the posited optimal CCS in a particular stage and organization responsibility acceptance generally did not have significant effects on confidence in organization or media image coverage. However, the findings revealed that the less excuses and the more information providing strategies were employed, the higher the stakeholders' confidence in organization would be, which in turn significantly increased the positive image coverage. Certain CCSs, i.e., diversion, no response, also showed significant direct effects on media coverage. Moreover, foreign-invested organization appeared to enjoy favorable image coverage in Stage 1 and Stage 2, but domestically owned organization surpassed it in the last stage. Organization ownership type and stages also had significant impacts on the choices of CCSs and degree of organization responsibility acceptance. Stage was also a significant negative predictor of confidence in organization but not for media coverage. This study on one hand revealed that the western crisis management theory might not be accommodative to the low-trust context in mainland China and thus theoretically further the understanding of existing crisis communication literature in a more complex contextual perspective through integrating stages as a significant time factor into the evaluation of crisis management. On the other hand it also pragmatically provides useful suggestions on effective crisis strategic management to dairy corporate in low-trust societies. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Huang, Peiyi. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 159-177). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in Chinese; appendixes in Chinese. / ABSTRACT (English version) --- p.i / ABSTRACT (Chinese version) --- p.iii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --- p.v / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.ix / Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- CONCEPTUALIZATION --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1 --- Crisis Management --- p.9 / Crisis --- p.9 / Crisis Management --- p.11 / Chapter 2.2 --- Outcome: Media Image Coverage --- p.14 / Chapter 2.3 --- Time Factor: Stages --- p.16 / Chapter 2.4 --- Strategic Factors --- p.20 / Crisis Communicative Strategies (CCSs) --- p.20 / Organization Responsibility Acceptance --- p.46 / Chapter 2.5 --- Organizational Factor: Organization Ownership Type --- p.50 / Chapter 2.6 --- Mediator: Confidence in Organization --- p.52 / Chapter 2.7 --- Research Framework, Hypotheses and Research Questions --- p.55 / Chapter 3. --- METHODOLOGY --- p.58 / Chapter 3.1 --- Case Selection --- p.58 / Case --- p.58 / Design --- p.61 / Chapter 3.2 --- Content Analysis --- p.65 / Data Collection --- p.65 / Data Coding --- p.67 / Inter-coder Reliability --- p.70 / Chapter 4. --- RESULTS --- p.71 / Chapter 4.1 --- Basic Sample Information --- p.71 / Chapter 4.2 --- Hypothesis Tests of Two Individual Cases --- p.71 / Case 1 (Dumex) --- p.73 / Chapter tCase 2 (Synutra) --- p.86 / Chapter 4.3 --- The Overall Results of Cases and Research Questions --- p.91 / Media Valance --- p.92 / Research Question 1 --- p.95 / Research Question 2 --- p.99 / Research Question 3 --- p.107 / Chapter 4.4 --- Summary of the Findings --- p.116 / Chapter 5. --- DISCUSSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS --- p.126 / Chapter 5.1 --- Stage as A Complex Concept --- p.126 / Controlling Other Dangers in a Dynamics Crisis --- p.127 / The Role of Governmental Intervention in a Low-trust Society --- p.129 / Chapter 5.2 --- Effects of CCSs on Media Image Coverage inLow-trust Society --- p.132 / Chapter 5.3 --- Mediating Effects of Confidence in Organization --- p.139 / Chapter 5.4 --- Suggestions of Applications of CCSs in Low-trust Society --- p.141 / Chapter 5.5 --- Limit Predictive Power of Organization Responsibility Acceptance --- p.148 / Chapter 5.6 --- Effects of Organization Ownership Type --- p.150 / Chapter 6. --- LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS --- p.154 / Chapter 7. --- REFERENCES --- p.159 / Chapter 8. --- APPENDIXES --- p.178
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Cultures antifongiques applicables comme ferments de bioprotection dans les produits laitiers : sélection, évaluation à l'échelle pilote et identification de composés supports de l'activité / Antifungal microorganisms applicable as bioprotectivecultures in diary products : selection, pilot-scale evaluation and identification of the compounds supporting the activityLeyva Salas, Marcia 06 November 2018 (has links)
La contamination fongique des produits laitiers est à l’origine de pertes économiques conséquentes et de gaspillage alimentaire. Dans un contexte de demande pour plus de « naturalité », les cultures de bioprotection et leurs métabolites représentent une alternative d’intérêt aux conservateurs chimiques pour lutter contre ces contaminants.Les objectifs de cette thèse étaient i) de sélectionner des micro-organismes présentant une activité antifongique, pour élaborer des cultures de bioprotection applicables dans des produits laitiers, et ii) d’étudier les composés potentiellement supports de l’activité antifongique observée. Dans un premier temps, l’activité antifongique de 32 souches de bactéries lactiques et propioniques a été étudiée en modèles « fromage » et « yaourt ». L’étude de combinaisons de souches et de leur innocuité a conduit à sélectionner 2 combinaisons binaires de lactobacilles (A1 et A3). Leur efficacité et applicabilité a été évaluée à l’échelle pilote en fabrication de crème fraîche et de fromage.Les challenges tests et tests d’usages ont montré que selon le produit laitier, A1 et A3 ont une activité antifongique similaire ou supérieure que les cultures bioprotectrices commerciales. Selon l’inoculum ajouté, ces cultures n’impactent pas les caractéristiques technologiques et organoleptiques des produits laitiers. Des méthodes chromatographiques des composés antifongiques suivies d’analyses statistiques ont permis de mettre en évidence des « cocktails » de 2 à 17 composés, selon la matrice et la culture considérée, qui sont probablement supports de l’activité antifongique.Ces travaux contribuent à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes d’action de l’activité antifongique et devraient conduire au développement de cultures antifongique pour remplacer les conservateurs dans les produits laitiers. / Fungal contamination of dairy products is responsible for economic losses and food waste. In a context of “preservative-free” product demand, bioprotective cultures and their metabolites represe,t an alternative of interest of chemical preservatives to control these spoilers.The objective of this study was i) to select microorganisms exhibiting an antifungal activity, in order to elaborate bioprotectivecultures applicable in dairy products, and ii) to study the compounds potentially supporting the observed activity. Firstly, the antifungal activity of 32 strains of lactic acid and propionic bacteria screened in cheese model and yogurt. Strain combinaison study and safety assessment led to the selection of 2 binary lactobacilli combinations (A1 and A3). Their efficiency and applicability were then evaluated in pilot-scale productions of sour cream and cheese.Challenge and shelf life tests showed that depending on the dairy product, A1 and A3 have a similar or higher antifungal activity than the commercial bioprotective cultures. In addition, depending of inoculum, A1 and A3 did not impact the technological and organoleptic characteristics. Chromatographic methods and statistical analyses allowed identifying cocktails of 2 to 17 compounds, according to the considered dairy product and culture that probably support the antifungal activity.The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the antifungal activity action mechanisms and should lead to the development of antifungal cultures to replace preservatives in dairy products.
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Estudos do tratamento químico da superfície de placas combustíveis nucleares / Chemical treatment studies on nuclear fuel plates surfaceOlair dos Santos 11 July 2014 (has links)
O Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares IPEN-CNEN/SP produz rotineiramente o combustível nuclear necessário para a operação de seu reator de pesquisas IEA-R1. Esse combustível é formado por placas combustíveis contendo núcleos de dispersões U3Si2-Al, obtidas por laminação. As placas combustíveis sofrem um tratamento químico para limpeza de sua superfície, com o objetivo de garantir a remoção de qualquer impureza presente em suas superfícies, incluindo resíduos de urânio. Nos últimos 10 anos foram constatados de forma esporádica aumentos significativos na atividade radioativa da água da piscina do reator IEA-R1. O aumento da atividade no ambiente do reator foi relacionado à entrada na piscina de elementos combustíveis recém-fabricados, entrando em operação. Apesar do processo de tratamento superficial atual estar perfeitamente estável e reprodutível, uma possível causa para o aumento da atividade da água da piscina do reator IEA-R1 é a presença de contaminação residual de urânio na superfície não retirada pelo tratamento químico superficial. Durante anos, esse problema não foi observado devido à baixa potência de operação do reator, no nível de 2 MW. Contudo, com o aumento da potência, acima de 3,5 MW, esse problema começou a ser observado. Esse trabalho verifica a hipótese da contaminação residual de urânio na superfície das placas combustíveis de forma estatística e caracteriza a adequação do processo de tratamento superficial de placas combustíveis. Utilizou-se uma metodologia estatística de avaliação do processo em três níveis: produção presente, contaminação intencional, produção histórica. A contagem de emissões alfa por contador de NaI permitiu a quantificação de urânio residual. Como resultado global, verificou-se que pode ocorrer contaminação abaixo de 1 g de 235U por elemento combustível. Essa contaminação não é significante para causar eventuais acidentes de aumento de atividade no reator IEA-R1. Provou-se no presente trabalho que a metodologia de contagens de emissões alfa é segura, precisa e rápida para se analisarem contaminações superficiais de urânio nas placas combustíveis. / Nuclear and Energy Research Institute - IPEN-CNEN/ SP routinely produces its own nuclear fuel elements, necessary for the operation of its research reactor IEA-R1. This fuel consists of fuel plates containing cores U3Si2-Al dispersions obtained by rolling. Fuel plates undergo a chemical treatment for surface cleaning, aiming to ensure the removal of any impurity present on the surface, including uranium residual dust. Over the past 10 years, it was found sporadically a significant increase of radioactivity emission in water pool of IEA-R1 reactor. The increased activity in the reactor environment was related to the use of newly fabricated fuel elements fed into the core. Although the actual surface treatment process to be perfectly stable and reproducible, a possible cause for the activity increase would be the presence of residual uranium contamination over the surface, which was not removed by chemical surface treatment. For years, this problem was not observed due to the low power of reactor operation, at the level of 2 MW. However, with the increase in power above 3.5 MW, this problem started to be observed. This work verifies the hypothesis of residual uranium contamination on the surface of the fuel plates in a statistical methodology and features the adequacy of the fuel plate surface treatment process. We evaluated, statistically, the process into three levels: present production, intentional contamination, historical production. The NaI alpha emission counter allowed quantification the amount of uranium residual. As an overall result, it was found that contamination may occur below 1 g of 235U per fuel element. The contamination was judged as not significant to cause any activity accidents in the IEA-R1. It has been proven in this paper that the methodology to count alpha emissions is secure, accurate and fast to analyze surface uranium contamination in nuclear fuel plates.
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Exposition de la peau aux produits chimiques : méthodologie et évaluation de la décontamination par la terre de foulon / Cutaneous exposure to chemicals : methods and evaluation of decontamination with fuller’s earthRoul, Annick 03 September 2018 (has links)
L’exposition cutanée aux produits chimiques par des rejets criminels ou accidentels impose une méthode de décontamination rapide et efficace pour sauver des vies et limiter le transfert de la contamination. L’exploration bibliographique recense des produits toxiques (armes chimiques, toxiques industriels) ainsi que les décontaminants naturels ou synthétiques et leurs méthodes d’application dans un contexte d’intervention sur le terrain. Le sujet vise à la qualification d’un outil de décontamination, la terre de foulon dans des formulations simples, faciles à mettre en œuvre en urgence par les services de Sécurité civile (sapeurs-pompiers). Le travail réalisé comporte :La caractérisation chimique et structurale de la poudre de terre de foulon NBC-Sys qui a permis d’identifier le composant principal : la palygorskite, La formulation et la caractérisation galénique et physico-chimique (granulométrie, zêta potentiel) en milieu concentré et milieu dilué des systèmes dispersés,La capacité d’adsorption de la terre de foulon et ses formulations vis-à-vis d’un modèle contaminant, le 4-cyanophenol, d’intérêt pour l’évaluation de la décontamination, in vitro en milieu aqueux, ex vivo sur explant cutané. L’adsorption du 4-CP en solution aqueuse (10, 100 et 500 mg/L-1) est rapide (5-15min) au contact de la terre de foulon, varie avec le ratio terre de foulon/4-CP, atteint un plateau (saturation) entre 45 et 60 min, l’équilibre entre 60 min et 120 min. Les suspensions de terre de foulon sont plus efficaces (90%) pour la décontamination que les poudres (70%) et l’eau (60%) dans des conditions expérimentales identiques. L’évaluation de la terre de foulon et ses formulations sur les paramètres physiologiques de la peau (perte insensible en eau et conductance) in vivo chez l’homme ne montre pas d’altération de la fonction barrière cutanée.L’ensemble est un premier pas vers une référence (qui n’existe pas actuellement), incluant une méthodologie de décontamination chimique / Cutaneous exposure to contaminants chemicals after criminal or accidental release enforces a rapid and efficient decontamination to save lives and avoid cross contamination. A bibilographic exploration of this work identifies toxic chemical (chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals), raw and synthetic decontaminants and their application methods applied in emergency. The aim of this study focuses on a decontamination tool qualification, the fuller’s earth (FE), simple formulated, easy to apply in emergency by civil Security services (fire fighter brigades). The work performed includes :The chemical and structural characterization of the powder of fuller’earth NBC-Sys , that lead to identify the palygorskite as main component, The formulation of dispersed systems and their physico chemical characterization (granulometry, zêta potentiel) in concentrated or diluted medium. The adsorption capacity of the FE and formulations for a contaminant model, the 4-cyanophenol, to assess decontamination in vitro, in aqueous medium, ex vivo on cutaneous explant.4-CP adsorption in aqueous solutions (10, 100 et 500 mg/L-1) is rapid (5-15min), when contact with FE, vary with the ratio FE/ 4-CP, to reach a plateau phase (saturation) between 45 and 60 minutes, and an steady state between 60 and 120 min. FE suspensions are more efficient (90%) than powder (70%) and water (60%) in the same experimental conditions. L’évaluation de la terre de foulon et ses formulations sur les paramètres physiologiques de la peau (perte insensible en eau et conductance) in vivo chez l’homme ne montre pas d’altération de la fonction barrière cutanée. FE and its suspensions were assessed on physiological skin parameters (Transepidermal water loss and conductance) in vivo in a human study and exhibit no alteration on the skin barrier function. Results obtained is a first step towards a reference (that actually don’t exist) including a chemical decontamination method
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