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Gels à révélateurs chimiques pour la détection de la contamination radioactive de surfaces solides / Chemical gels for the detection of radioactive contamination on solid surfacesAzar, Fadi 29 October 2013 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la formulation de nouveaux gels permettant de détecter visuellement par changement de couleur une contamination radioactive surfacique α ou γ. Un film mince de gel (< 1mm) est pulvérisé sur la paroi et est facilement récupéré après séchage. Des gels de gomme de xanthane transparents, viscoélastique et contenant des colorants radiosensibles ont été formulés. Des irradiations γ de colorants organiques et de complexe coloré Fer (II)- Xylénol orange dans des gels de silice et de xanthane ont été effectuées. Les mécanismes et les vitesses d'oxydation par radiolyse ont été précisés en fonction de la dose absorbée. Notamment, le xylénol orange et l'erioglaucine sont les deux colorants les plus radiosensibles. Le gel Fer (II)- Xylénol orange- Xanthane, noté FXX, a permis de révéler une tache contamination de 137Césium (émetteur γ d'activité0 = 20 KBq) au bout de 48 heures par oxydation du complexe coloré xylénol orange- Fe (II). Par ailleurs, ce même gel a permis de détecter une contamination surfacique de 239plutonium (émetteur α d'activité0 = 3720 Bq) au bout d'une journée.Pour la récupération après séchage, l'ajout de la silice dans le gel de xanthane a permis de mettre en évidence un résidu final qui délamine à faible concentration en silice ou qui fracture à une concentration élevée en silice. Enfin, l'ajout d'acide (> 2 M) a conduit à un séchage partiel du gel afin d'obtenir un film humide récupérable. / This work deals with the formulation of new gels to detect visually radioactive surface contamination α or γ by color changing. A thin gel film (<1mm) is sprayed onto the wall and is easily recovered after drying, Transparent, viscoelastic polymer xanthan gels and with radiosensitive dyes were selected.γ irradiation of organic dyes and colored complex Fe (II)- xylenol orange in silica and Xanthan gel were performed. Mechanisms and kinetics of oxidation by radiolysis were identified as a function of absorbed dose. The gel iron (II)-xylenol orange- Xanthane, noted FXX, revealed a spot of contamination by 137cesium (γ emitter of Activity0 = 20 KBq) after 48 hours by oxidation of the complex xylenol orange- ion (II). Moreover, the same gel detected a surface contamination by 239plutonium (transmitter Activity0 = 3720 Bq) after one day.For recovering after drying, the addition of silica to xanthan gel helped highlight a final dry residue delaminates at low concentration of silica or fracture at high silica concentration. However, the addition of acid (> 2 M) led to a partial drying of the gel giving a wet film recoverable.
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Previous issue date: 2011-08-30 / This study was conducted in the Araguaia and Tocantins basins in the State of Goiás,
during the drought period, and aimed to evaluate the content of polluting metals:
aluminum, cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, iron, manganese and zinc in different
trophic levels of fishes, and to compare the concentrations of these metals between
the different trophic levels, sampling sites and between the two basins. Tests for
determining the concentration of metals were performed by atomic absorption
spectrometry, flame mode (AAS-flame). The similarity of the median concentrations
of metal pollutants between trophic groups, between sampling sites and between
basins was investigated by nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test. The metals that most
contributed to the pollution of basins studied were aluminum and manganese,
possibly due to soil typical of the region (Oxisol) and the type of handling close to
watercourses. The highest concentrations of metals were found in the Araguaia basin.
There was significant difference in the levels of aluminum, iron and zinc between the
basins. The trophic level most affected by metal pollution was the insectivore.
Significant difference in the concentrations of pollutant metals (except lead) between
trophic levels was observed. The data analysis indicates that the source of metal
contamination of fish is the sediment of the aquatic environment. Results show a
possible contamination of fish Araguaia and Tocantins basins with metal pollutants.
Human activities observed in these basins appear to contribute to these results. / Esse estudo foi realizado nas bacias dos rios Araguaia e Tocantins, no Estado de
Goiás, durante o período de estiagem, e teve como objetivo avaliar o teor de metais
poluentes: alumínio, cádmio, chumbo, cobre, cromo, ferro, manganês e zinco em
diferentes níveis tróficos de peixes, bem como comparar as concentrações destes
metais entre os diferentes níveis tróficos, locais de coleta e entre as duas bacias
hidrográficas. As análises para a determinação da concentração dos metais foram
realizadas por espectrometria de absorção atômica, modalidade chama (EAA
chama). A similaridade das concentrações medianas de metais poluentes entre os
grupos tróficos, entre os locais de coleta e entre as bacias foi investigada pelo teste
não-paramétrico de Kruskal-Wallis. Os metais que mais contribuíram para a poluição
das bacias estudadas foram o alumínio e o manganês, possivelmente em
decorrência do solo típico da região (Latossolo) e do tipo de manejo próximo aos
cursos d água. As maiores concentrações de metais foram encontradas na bacia do
rio Araguaia. Observou-se diferença significativa nos teores de alumínio, ferro e
zinco entre as bacias. O nível trófico mais afetado pela poluição por metais foi o
insetívoro. Diferença significativa nas concentrações de metais poluentes (exceto
para o chumbo) entre os níveis tróficos foi verificada. Análises dos dados indicam
que a fonte de contaminação dos peixes por metais é o sedimento do ambiente
aquático. Resultados mostram uma possível contaminação de peixes das bacias dos
rios Araguaia e Tocantins com metais poluentes. As atividades antrópicas
observadas nestas bacias parecem contribuir para esses resultados.
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Estudo da ocorrência de compostos arseniais, mercuriais e selênio em cações comercializados na cidade de São Paulo / Ocurrence study for arsenic, mercuric and selenium compounds in shark sample commercialized on São Paulo cityDenobile, Michela 03 August 2007 (has links)
Os metais de relevância toxicológica provenientes de fontes naturais e antropogênicas continuamente entram no ecossistema aquático causando sérios problemas à saúde humana e ambientais devido a sua toxicidade, longa persistência, bioacumulação e biomagnificação na cadeia alimentar. A contaminação de peixe e produtos da pesca por metais é de interesse da saúde pública. No Brasil, o Ministério da Saúde estabelece o limite máximo de tolerância (LMT) de 1,0 mg/kg para o arsênio em peixe e produtos da pesca e 0,5 mg/kg para o mercúrio, e 1,0 mg/kg em peixe predadores. O LMT não foi estabelecido para arsênio inorgânico, metilmercúrio e selênio. Este trabalho tem por objetivo avaliar a presença de arsênio total, arsênio inorgânico, mercúrio total, metilmercúrio e selênio em amostras de peixe cação comercializadas na cidade de São Paulo e analisar os resultados em relação à avaliação do risco. O arsênio total e o selênio foram determinados através de mineralização por via seca das amostras e quantificação utilizando absorção atômica com gerador de hidretos (FI-HG-AAS). O arsênio inorgânico foi determinado através de digestão ácida das amostras e posterior mineralização por via seca e quantificação utilizando FI-HG-AAS. O mercúrio total foi determinado através de digestão assistida por microondas em meio ácido e posterior quantificação do mercúrio total por espectrometria de fluorescência atômica com geração de vapor frio em fluxo contínuo (CV-AFS). O metilmercúrio foi determinado através de extração ácida das amostras e quantificação utilizando HPLC-termo-oxidação-CV-AFS. Os valores de As total nas amostras de cação analisadas variaram de 8,4 a 134,1 mg/kg (peso seco) e 2,1 a 33,5 mg/kg (peso úmido) e os valores de As inorgânico variaram de 0,013 a 0, 738 mg/kg (peso seco) e 0,0033 a 0,1845 mg/kg (peso úmido). Os valores de Hg total variaram de 0,7 a 14,6 mg/kg (peso seco) e 0,18 a 3,65 mg/kg (peso úmido). Os valores de metilmercúrio variaram de 0,46 a 8,67 mg/kg (peso seco) e 0,12 a 2,17 m/kg (peso úmido). Os valores de selênio variaram de 0,5 a 2,6 mg/kg (peso seco) e 0,13 a 0,65 mg/kg (peso úmido). Os valores de razão molar entre Hg e Se variaram de 0,28 a 5,39 (Hg:Se), e a média foi igual a 1,69. O PTWI para o arsênio inorgânico é 15 µg/kg de peso corpóreo (WHO, 1989), e assumindo uma média de peso corpóreo de 65kg, a ingestão de arsênio inorgânico proveniente do consumo de cação representa apenas 0,0007% do valor de referência TDI (Ingestão diária tolerável) para média brasileira. O PTWI para o Hg total é 5 µg/kg de peso corpóreo (WHO, 2003) e, a ingestão de Hg total por pessoa por dia proveniente apenas do consumo de cação para a média brasileira representa 0,17% do valor de referência TDI. / Metals of toxicological relevance from natural and anthropogenic sources continuously enter the aquatic ecosystem and cause serious environmental problems to human health and environment due to their toxicity, persistance, bioaccumulation and biomagnification in the food chain. Seafood metal contamination of is a public health interest. In Brasil, the Minister of Health establishes the maximum residue level (MRL) 1.0 mg/kg for arsenic in seafood and 0.5 for mercury and 1.0 for mercury in predator fish. The MRL was not stablished for inorganic arsenic, methylmercury and selenium. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the presence of total arsenic, inorganic arsenic, total mercury, methylmercury and selenium in shark samples commercialized in São Paulo city, and to evaluate their risk. The total arsenic and selenium were determined through sample dry ash and quantification by flow Injection -hydride generation-atomic absorption spectrometer (FI-HG-AAS). The inorganic arsenic was determined through sample acid digestion, ulterior dry ash and quantification by FI-HG-AAS. The total mercury was determined through sample acid digestion in microwave and quantification by atomic f1uorescence spectrophotometer with a cold vapor generator (CV-AFS). Methylmercury was determined by sample acid extraction and quantification by HPLC-termo-oxidation-CV-AFS. The levels of total arsenic vary between 8.4 and 134.1 mg/kg (dry weight) and 2.1 and 33.5 mg/kg (fresh weight) and levels of total inorganic arsenic vary between 0.013 and 0.738 mg/kg (dry weight) and 0.0033 and 0.1845 mg/kg (fresh weight). The levels of total mercury vary between 0.7 and 14.6 mg/kg (dry weight) and 0.18 and 3.65 mg/kg (fresh weight). The levels of methylmercury vary between 0.46 and 8.67 mg/kg (dry weight) and 0.12 and 2.17 m/kg (fresh weight). The levels of selenium vary between 0.5 and 2.6 mg/kg (dry weight) and 0.13 and 0.65 mg/kg (fresh weight). The values of molar reason between Hg and Se vary 0.28 and 5.39 (Hg:Se), and the media was 1.69. The PTWI for inorganic arsenic is 15 µg/kg body weight (WHO, 1989), and assuming an average body weight of 65 Kg, the ingestion of inorganic arsenic from shark ingestion represents only 0,0007% of the reference value TDI (Tolerable daily ingestion) for Brazilian media. The PTWI for total mercury is 5 µg/kg body weight (WHO, 2003) and the ingestion of total mercury per person per day from shark ingestion for Brazilian media represents 0.17% of the reference value TDI.
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Characteristics and mechanisms of atrazine sorption to biochar for land remediationMcMillan, Oliver January 2018 (has links)
Contaminated land is a widespread, global issue affecting millions of people. Atrazine is a commonly used herbicide which often contaminates groundwater and drinking water supplies and is associated with adverse health outcomes. Biochar is the solid product of pyrolysis and is associated with several environmental benefits. It may be an effective remediation tool when used as a soil amendment. This thesis investigates the mechanisms through which biochar can immobilise atrazine, and the implications of the mechanisms for remediating contaminated land. Nine biochar samples were obtained from the United Kingdom Biochar Research Centre , which were produced from softwood pellets (SWP), wheat straw pellets (WSP), miscanthus straw pellets (MSP), rice husk (RH) and oil seed rape (OSR) each at pyrolysis temperatures of 550°C and 700°C (excluding OSR at 700°C). The sorption mechanisms controlling atrazine sorption to these biochars were determined through various characterisation methods and batch sorption experiments. The sorption tests showed that sorption to each of the standard biochars occurs via multiple simultaneously occurring mechanisms, which are each promoted under certain conditions. Studies investigating sorption kinetics, isotherms and interactions with humic acids showed that for all biochars in this study, pore filling was a significant process through which atrazine is transported to adsorption sites, although poor intraparticle diffusion for softwood and oil seed rape biochars can prevent efficient transport. Wheat straw and rice husk biochars showed effective pore diffusion, resulting in high sorption capacities. Partitioning was associated with poor remediation outcomes and was significant to softwood biochars, although adsorption dominated overall sorption for all other biochars. pH was shown to significantly influence the occurrence of various sorption mechanisms. At low pH values, most biochars showed evidence of electrostatic repulsion between positive atrazine species and the positively charged biochar surface. At intermediate pH values, all biochars showed strong hydrogen bonding between H+ groups on the surface of the biochar and atrazine. A meta-analysis of previous relevant studies provided further evidence for hydrogen bonding of atrazine to biochar and showed that hydrophobic effects likely play little role in adsorption after accounting for the effects of surface area. Varying contributions of π-π EDA interactions, hydrogen bonding involving biochar O- groups, and interactions with ash minerals resulted in different sorption profiles for each biochar at high pH values. In order to further determine the mechanisms controlling sorption at high pH, surface compositions of SWP550, RH700 and OSR550 biochars were modified using hydrofluoric acid. Modification with hydrofluoric acid successfully removed the ash contents of rice husk and oil seed rape biochars and reduced atrazine removal at high pH values. This suggested that the ash fraction increases atrazine removal at high pH through complexation or catalytic hydrolysis. The roles of the various mechanisms are related to remediation outcomes in a novel manner allowing for the improved design of biochar for environmental remediation.
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Evaluation de la contamination atmosphérique des écosystèmes en utilisant la composition isotopique du plomb et du mercure dans les lichens / Assessment of the atmospheric contamination of the ecosystems using the isotopic composition of lead and mercury in lichensBarre, Julien 16 December 2013 (has links)
La signature isotopique du plomb (Pb) et du mercure (Hg) a été étudiée dans les lichens épiphytes des Pyrénées-Atlantiques. Un échantillonnage intégré et spatialisé à l’aide d’un système d’information géographique (SIG) a été mis en place afin de prendre en compte la diversité du territoire (occupation des sols, forêts, agriculture, industries et zones urbaines). A méso-échelle (département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques), la composition isotopique permet de différencier les zones impactées par les activités anthropiques mais aussi de discriminer l’origine de la contamination qu’elle soit de type industrielle ou urbaine. A l’échelle locale, la signature isotopique du Hg et Pb dans des lichens et des mousses prélevés dans la forêt d’Iraty (zone frontalière Franco-espagnole) a permis d’évaluer le type de dépôts accumulés dans ces différents bioaccumulateurs atmosphériques et le potentiel de ce nouvel outil pour le suivi des dépôts atmosphériques dans les écosystèmes éloignés. Enfin, sur la zone mercurifère d’Almadén (Castella la Mancha, Espagne) la signature isotopique du Hg dans les lichens et les sédiments apparait comme un outil pertinent pour étudier le transfert du Hg provenant de l’extraction minière vers les hydrosystèmes et l’atmosphère. / The isotopic signature of lead (Pb) and mercury (Hg) was measured in epiphytic lichens from Pyrénées-Atlantiques. An integrated and spatialized sampling was developed using geographical information system (GIS) to take into account the diversity of the territory (land-use, forest, agriculture, industries and urban areas). At meso-scale (county, Pyrenees-Atlantiques) the isotopic composition allows to differenciate areas impacted by anthropegenic activities and discriminate the origin of the contamination that it of industrial or urban type. At local scale, the isotopic signature of Hg and Pb in lichens and mosses sampled in Iraty forest (Franco-Spanish border) allowed to evaluate the kind of atmospheric deposits in these atmospheric bio-monitors and the potential of this new tool for the monitoring of atmospheric depositsin remote ecosystems. Finally, on the mercurifere area of Almadén (Castella la Mancha, Spain) the isotopic fingerprint of Hg in lichens and sediments appears to be a relevant tool to study the transfer of Hg from mining activities to hydrosystems and atmosphere.
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Application of two dimensional compound specific carbon-chlorine isotope analyses for degradation monitoring and assessment of organic pollutants in contaminated soil and groundwaterWiegert, Charline January 2013 (has links)
Nearly 250,000 sites with past and present potentially polluting activities need urgent remediation within Europe. Major pollutants include organochlorines (OCls), e.g. chlorinated ethenes (CEs) and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), mainly used as industrial solvents and pesticides, respectively. Due to improper handling and disposal, OCls contaminants are present in the soil or groundwater surrounding sites, where they have been produced or used. CEs and HCHs can undergo degradation by microorganisms indigenous to the soil or groundwater. Therefore natural attenuation (NA), relying on the in situ biodegradation of pollutants, is considered as a cost effective remediation strategy, yet it requires accurate monitoring methods. Compound specific isotope analysis (CSIA) is a powerful tool to provide information on the extent of degradation and, when combining two isotope systems (2D-CSIA), such as carbon (δ13C) and chlorine (δ37Cl), on reaction mechanisms. The diagnostic reaction-specific isotope enrichment factors (εC and εCl) were determined in laboratory experiments for the anaerobic degradation of PCE, TCE (Paper II) and α-HCH (Paper III) by mixed bacterial cultures enriched from CEs and HCHs contaminated sites, respectively. The related mechanism-specific εCl/εC ratios were calculated as 0.35 ± 0.11 (PCE), 0.37 ± 0.11 (TCE) and 0.52 ± 0.23 (α-HCH). These values are smaller than previously reported values for pure cultures. This is explained by the microbial community composition changes observed during degradation of PCE and α-HCH, which also reflect the variability of the microbial community at the field level. Furthermore, εCl/εC ratio might be bacteria specific. These values allowed the estimation of the extent of contaminant degradation at the respective study sites (Paper III and IV). Application of both isotope systems (δ13C and δ37Cl) led to comparable estimates. However the choice of representative ε values is crucial for an accurate assessment. These studies show that CSIA is useful to quantify in situ degradation of OCls contaminants and identify reaction pathways, by combining δ13C and δ37Cl. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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Facteurs de risque d´introduction et diagnostic de Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosisRangel Valderrama, Saray Julieth 04 1900 (has links)
Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) est l'agent causal de la paratuberculose, maladie entérique, chronique et incurable des ruminants, avec un impact économique important. Une meilleure compréhension des facteurs de risque associés à l'introduction de la maladie dans un troupeau est essentielle pour sa prévention. L’amélioration des tests diagnostiques est aussi importante pour son contrôle.
L’introduction des nouveaux animaux dans le troupeau et la présence et contact des différentes espèces sauvages et domestiques avec les vaches, semblent être des facteurs de risques d’introduction de la maladie. Nous avons réalisé une revue systématique dont l`objective était de recueillir l’information pertinente pour répondre à la question sur l’importance de ces facteurs et leur impact sur l’introduction de la maladie dans un troupeau.
D`un autre côté, la détection de MAP dans les fèces par culture bactérienne demeure la méthode diagnostique de choix malgré les facteurs qui l`affectent. Une série de 3 étapes est requise afin de confirmer la présence du MAP : (1) culture (2) coloration, et (3) confirmation du MAP par PCR (si détecté à l´étape 2). Certains échantillons fécaux présentent une particularité en raison de leur forte charge de micro-organismes. Ces contaminants peuvent interférer avec la croissance et la détection de MAP. Une étude visant à : a) estimer l'impact des certain covariables sur les résultats de la culture de MAP parmi l`analyse rétrospective d`un banque des données et b) évaluer la possibilité d'optimiser le processus de diagnostic du MAP en effectuant l'analyse PCR sur les cultures déclarées comme contaminées a été réalisée. / Mycobacterium avium ssp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is the causative agent of paratuberculosis an enteric, chronic and incurable disease of ruminants, with a major economic impact. A better understanding of the risk factors associated with the introduction of the disease in a herd, is essential for its prevention. Improving diagnostic tests are also important for the control.
The introduction of new animals into the herd and the presence and contact of wild and domestic species with cattle, appear to be a risk factor for disease introduction. We conducted a systematic review to obtain relevant information to answer the question about the importance and impact of these factors on the introduction of the disease into a herd.
On the other hand, the detection of MAP in feces by bacterial culture remains the diagnostic method of choice despite of the factors that can affect it. A series of 3 steps are required to confirm the presence of MAP: (1) culture (2) acid fast stain (3) MAP confirmation by PCR (if detected in step 2). Some fecal samples exhibit a particularity due to their normal heavy load of micro-organisms. These contaminants can interfere with the growth and detection of MAP. A study to: a) assess the impact of some covariables on the culture results by a retrospective analysis of a databank and b) to evaluate the possibility to optimize MAP diagnostic process by performing a PCR analysis on cultures declared as contaminated was realized.
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Assessment of microbial loads of the Plankenburg and Berg Rivers and the survival of escherichia coli on raw vegetables under laboratory conditionsBarr, Alison, Ackermann, Alison 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc (Food Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the last decade, studies on the quality of the water in many of South Africa.s rivers revealed an increase in pollution levels (DWAF, 1996; DWAF, 2000). In agricultural areas of the Western Cape many farmers draw water for irrigation from nearby rivers without knowing what the microbial pollution level is. In order to investigate the current quality of river water in some of the Western Cape.s major rivers and to explore the possibility of pathogen carryover from water onto produce, this research project was initiated.
In an exploratory study over a five month period, the microbiological and water chemistry of three selected sites from the upper Berg and two from the Plankenbrug Rivers were assessed. Studied organisms included Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Listeria, endosporeformers, coliforms, Escherichia coli and intestinal Enterococci, while the chemical analysis consisted of pH, alkalinity, conductivity and chemical oxygen demand (COD). Faecal coliform counts ranging from 540 to 1 700 000 cfu.100ml-1 and 490 to 160 000 cfu.100ml-1 were found for the Berg and Plankenbrug Rivers, respectively. The water temperature ranged from 12º to 21ºC with COD values always below 100 mg.L-1. Potential human pathogens such as Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Listeria, endosporeformers, E. coli and intestinal Enterococci were frequently isolated from all five sites that were sampled. These results are of great concern to farmers, fresh produce retailers and consumers alike as the river water is regularly drawn for irrigation of produce that is later consumed raw or after a minimal processing step. From the exploratory study it was concluded that the water from all the sites were not suitable for use in irrigation practices as they regularly exceeded the guidelines for faecal coliforms and E.coli as set out by South African authorities.
Irrigation with faecally polluted river water is one way that fruit and vegetables can become contaminated with foodborne pathogens. The risk of disease transmission from potential pathogens present in the irrigation water is influenced by the microbial load present and the numbers carried over to the produce. In this study the carry-over and survival of Escherichia coli on green beans, sugar-snap peas and cocktail tomatoes was assessed under controlled laboratory conditions. The produce was exposed to E.coli under different combinations of exposure times (5, 15 or 30 min), drying times (30 or 120 min) and different inoculum concentration ranges (107, 105, 104, 10³ and 10ª). In all cases a reduction of at least one log value in original inoculum number was found with the 10ª inoculums showing no survivors. Follow-up studies with an exposure time of 60 min and increased drying times of 6 or 12 h. Neither of these parameter changes affected the variation in numbers for the same inoculum or the E.coli survivors. Similar E.coli loads to those detected on the green beans were detected on the sugar-snap peas. The number of survivors on the cocktail tomatoes was much lower than found for the beans and peas. The number of survivors on the cocktail tomatoes was much lower than found for the beans and peas. This was attributed the 'smooth'surface of the tomato skin probably making attachment of the E.coli bacteria difficult. With the exception of the 10ª inoculum range, all E.coli survivors detected on the three types of produce studied exceeded the guideline numbers set for fresh produce. If similar survival patterns are to be found in the environment then results from this study should serve as a warning that the Plankenburg river water is unsafe for use in the irrigation of fresh produce. Some farmers are already treating river water with chlorine prior to irrigation to eliminate the chance of pathogen transfer onto produce. However, this is not a feasible solution for most farmers due to the high cost of implementing a system such as this. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oor die afgelope tien jaar het studies oor die gehalte van die water in baie van Suid-Afrika se riviere 'n toename in besoedelingsvlakke getoon. Baie boere in landbou gebiede van die Wes-Kaap wat watertrek vir besproeiing uit die nabygelee riviere is onbewus van die mikrobiese besoedelingsvlak van die rivier. Hierdie navorsingsprojek is geinisieer ten einde die huidige gehalte van die water in sommige van die Wes-Kaap se riviere te monitor, asook die moontlikheid van patogeen oordrag van die water na vars produkte te ondersoek.
Met behulp van 'n verkennende studie oor . vyf maande tydperk, is die mikrobiologiese en water chemie kenmerke van drie geselekteerde moniteringspunte uit die boonste Bergrivier, en twee uit die Plankenburgrivier bemonster. Die bestudeerde organismes het ingesluit: Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Listeria, endosporeformers, fekale kolivorme, Escherichia coli en intestinale Enterococci. Die chemiese parameters het bestaan uit pH, alkaliniteit, geleiding, temperatuur en chemiese suurstof behoeftes (CSB). Fekale kolivorme tellings het gewissel van 540 - 1 700 000 cfu.100ml-1 en 490 tot 160 000 cfu.100ml-1 is gevind vir die Berg- en Plankenburgriviere, onderskeidelik. Die water temperatuur het gewissel van 12 º tot 21ºC met die CSB-waarde altyd onder 100 mg.L-1. Potensiele menslike patogene soos Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Listeria, endosporeformers, E. coli en intestinale Enterococci is dikwels geisoleer uit al vyf die moniteringspunte. Hierdie resultate is van groot belang vir boere, kleinhandelaars en varsprodukte verbruikers omdat die riviere se water gereeld onttrek word vir besproeiing van produkte wat later gebruik word in rou of in minimale geprosesseerde vorm. Vanuit die verkennende en uit die langer termyn studie (12 maande) is die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat die water vanuit die riviere nie geskik is vir gebruik in besproeiingspraktyke waar die riglyne vir fekale kolivorme en E. coli, soos uiteengesit deur die Suid-Afrikaanse owerhede, gereeld oorskry word nie.
Besproeiing met fekale besoedelde rivierwater is een manier waarop groente en vrugte besmet kan word met voedsel patogene. Die risiko vir die oordrag van moontlike patogene teenwoordig in die besproeiingswater word beinvloed deur die mikrobiese lading teenwoordig en die getalle wat oorgedra word na die produkte. In hierdie studie is die oordrag en oorlewing van E. coli op groenboontjies, ertjies en tamaties onder beheerde laboratoriumtoestande beoordeel. Die produkte is blootgestel aan E. coli onder verskillende kombinasies van blootstellingstydperke (5, 15 of 30 min), drogingstye (30 of 120 min) en verskillende inokulum konsentrasies (107, 105, 104, 10³ en 10ª). In elke geval is . afname van ten minste een log waarde van die oorspronklike inokulum konsentrasie gevind. Die 10ª inokulum reeks het geen oorlewende selle getoon nie. Opvolg studies is gedoen met 'n blootstellingstyd van 60 min en verlengde drogingstye van 6 of 12 uur. Daar is gevind dat hierdie parameter veranderings die variasie in getalle vir dieselfde inokulum of die oorlewende E. coli nie beinvloed het nie. Soortgelyke E. coli ladings wat op die groenbone aangetref is, is ook op die ertjies aangetref. Die aantal oorlewendes op die tamaties was heelwat laer as die resultate vir die boontjies en ertjies. Dit word toegeskryf aan die "gladde" oppervlak van die tamatie-vel wat waarskynlik die aanhegting van die E. coli selle bemoeilik. Met die uitsondering van die 10ª inokulum reeks, het al die E. coli oorlewende selle gevind op die drie tipes produkte, die riglyn getalle oorskry wat vir vars produkte gestel is. As soortgelyke oorlewingspatrone gevind word in die omgewing, behoort die resultate van hierdie studie as waarskuwing te dien dat die water van die Plankenburgrivier ongeskik is vir die besproeiing van vars produkte. Sommige boere is reeds besig met chloor behandeling van die rivierwater voor besproeiing, om die kans van patogeenoordrag na die produkte uit te skakel. Dit is egter nie 'n haalbare oplossing vir die meeste boere nie as gevolg van die hoe kostes verbonde aan die implementering van' n stelsel soos hierdie.
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Impact de l’environnement sur l’endommagement laser des optiques de silice du Laser MégaJoule / Impact of environmental contamination on laser induced damage of silica optics in Laser MegaJouleBien-Aimé, Karell Brigitte 23 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à connaître et expliquer l’impact de la contamination moléculaire sur l’endommagement laser des optiques en silice d'un laser de puissance tel que le Laser Méga Joule (LMJ). L'une des causes de l'endommagement prématuré de ces optiques est l'adsorption de polluants moléculaires ou particulaires à leur surface. Dans le contexte particulier du LMJ, nos conditions d'études laser sont des fluences supérieures à 10 J/cm², une longueur d’onde de 351 nm et une durée d’impulsion de 3 ns pour une irradiation en monocoup. Des prélèvements moléculaires, l’analyse du dégazage des matériaux, et l’identification de la contamination condensée sur les surfaces des optiques présentes dans des environnements jugés critiques, ont permis de déterminer certains polluants critiques. Des expériences de contamination contrôlée impliquant ces polluants ont alors été menées afin de comprendre et modéliser leur effet sur l'endommagement laser des optiques. Ceci nous a conduits à proposer plusieurs mécanismes supposés. / Laser induced damage impact of molecular contamination on fused polished silica samples in a context of high power laser fusion facility, such as Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) has been studied. One of the possible causes of laser induced degradation of optical component is the adsorption of molecular or particular contamination on optical surfaces. In the peculiar case of LMJ, laser irradiation conditions are a fluence of 10 J/cm², a wavelength of 351 nm, a pulse duration of 3 ns for a single shot/days frequency. Critical compounds have been identified thanks to environmental measurements, analysis of material outgassing, and identification of surface contamination in the critical environments. Experiments of controlled contamination involving these compounds have been conducted in order to understand and model mechanisms of laser damage. Various hypotheses are proposed to explain the damage mechanism.
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Etude du dégazage des résines pour les lithographies électronique et extrême ultraviolet / Resists outgassing study for the e-beam and euv lithographiesMebiene-Engohang, Armel-Petit 09 January 2015 (has links)
La lithographie électronique multifaisceaux (ou multi e-beam) en cours de développement est pressentie comme une alternative à la photolithographie 193 nm à immersion (193i nm) pour la production des circuits intégrés des noeuds technologiques avancés (14 nm et au-delà). Elle se présente également comme un concurrent potentiel à la photolithographie sous rayonnement EUV (13,5 nm) qui, elle aussi, est en cours de développement. Cependant, le développement de cette technologie doit faire face à plusieurs obstacles. Parmi eux, on a la contamination des optiques électroniques induite par le redépôt des molécules dégazées de la résine au cours de l‟exposition. Ces dépôts conduisent à la croissance d‟une couche carbonée en surface et à l‟intérieur des trous de ces optiques. Cette couche de contamination a tendance à diminuer la transmission des optiques et, par conséquent, diminuer les performances lithographiques de l‟outil (débit, uniformité des CD, rugosité, etc.). Il est donc indispensable de comprendre les mécanismes qui gouvernent le dégazage et la croissance de la couche de contamination afin d‟être en mesure de prédire son rôle sur les dérives des procédés et de l‟équipement. Tel a été l‟axe conducteur de ces travaux de thèse. Dans un premier temps, nous avons réalisé l‟état de l‟art des travaux déjà effectués dans le cas de la technique de lithographie EUV. Ensuite, nous avons conçu et fabriqué un banc de tests et développé, en parallèle, les méthodologies permettant de réaliser les études de dégazage des résines et de contamination induite sur des dispositifs simulateurs d‟optiques électroniques, appelés « mimics ». Puis, dans les conditions opératoires similaires à la plateforme Matrix développée par MAPPER Lithography, nous avons évalué le dégazage des résines de différentes formulations et mesuré la contamination induite par chacune de ces formulations sur les mimics à l‟aide du banc de tests développé. Enfin, nous avons proposé un modèle analytique permettant de prédire la croissance du film de contamination à l‟intérieur des trous du mimic en fonction des paramètres d‟exposition. / The development of multiple e-beam lithography equipment is foreseen as an alternative to the 193i nm immersion photolithography for the advanced technological node (less than 14 nm). This next generation lithography is a potential challenger to the EUV (13.5 nm) lithography which is also under development. However, this technology faces important challenges in controlling the contamination of the electron optics due to the adsorption of molecules outgassed from resist under exposure and the subsequent formation of a carbonaceous film on optics surface. This contamination layer can lead to the transmission loss of the optics and, consequently, degrade the tool lithographic performances (throughput, CD uniformity, Line Width Roughness, etc.). It is thus important to understand the resist outgassing and induced contamination mechanisms in order to predict their effect on the process drifts. That was the driver axis of these thesis works. Firstly, we performed the state of the art related to the works already published in the EUV lithography case. Secondly, we designed and built-up an experimental setup and developed, in parallel, the methods allowing to study the mechanisms of resist outgassing and induced contamination on electron optics simulators, called “mimic”. Thirdly, we assessed the outgassing of several resist formulations in the same operating conditions as in the Matrix platform developed by MAPPER Lithography. We also measured the induced contamination layer on the mimics for each resist formulation using the developed experimental setup. And finally, we proposed an analytical model that allows to predict the contamination film growth inside mimic holes during exposure.
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