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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

互動敘事中自動產生符合情境的攝影機規劃 / Context-aware camera planning for interactive storytelling

陳嘉豪, Chan, Ka-Hou Unknown Date (has links)
在互動敘事(Interactive Storytelling)的應用中,適當的攝影機規劃能幫助我們呈現虛擬世界中所發生的故事。在本研究中,我們設計了一個可以讓使用者設計互動敘事的應用平台-IMStory。針對故事創作,我們提供了一個故事腳本的描述語言及其剖析器,當使用者撰寫好互動故事之後,系統便能夠根據故事情境內容及與使用者互動的結果產生出符合情境的自動攝影機規劃系統。在此系統中,我們建立了一個能夠讓攝影機理解故事腳本的關係模型,建立虛擬攝影機組態與「故事情境」間的對應關係,即時找出更能表達當時情境的拍攝方式與架設位置。最後,我們設計了一個場景劇本進行實驗,在實驗中,我們的系統能夠即時因應場景中角色物件的位置作出即時的攝影機規劃,並且能夠配合互動環境中改變的情境參數而使用適合的攝影模組,產生出符合攝影學法則且賦有敘事能力的鏡頭。透過我們的方法,希望能提供一個更加有敘事能力的互動敘事平台。 / In an 3D interactive storytelling system, virtual camera is the key for us to understand what happens in the virtual world. In this thesis, we have designed an intelligent camera planning system for interactive storytelling, in which story plots are influenced by the user’s actions. Since the story flow cannot be determined in advance, it is essential to utilize real-time camera control to express the story for given spatial relationships between characters and objects. A script language and its parser were designed for our storytelling system (IMStory) to describe events in the story as well as the contexts associated with the events to model the properties of a story for camera control. We have developed a camera planning system by mapping contexts parameters into appropriate camera control parameters. We have implemented the 3D interactive storytelling system and demonstrated its capabilities with several examples. The camera planning system is shown to perform in real time, and the generated shots are more expressive in establishing the relation between camera configurations and story context.

Using Availability Indicators to Enhance Context-Aware Family Communication Applications

Nagel, Kristine Susanne 05 July 2006 (has links)
Family conversation between homes is difficult to initiate at mutually agreeable times as neither participant has exact knowledge of the other's activities or intentions. Whether calling to plan an important family gathering or simply to connect with family members, the question is: Is now a good time to call? People expect friends and family to learn their activity patterns and to minimize interruptions when calling. Can technology provide awareness cues to the caller, even prior to the initiation of the call? This research focuses on sampling the everyday activities of home life to determine environmental factors, which may serve as an indicator for availability. These external factors may be effective for identifying household routines of availability and useful in determining when to initiate conversation across homes. Several workplace studies have shown a person's interruptibility can be reliably assessed and modeled from specific environmental cues; this work looks for similar predictive power in the home. Copresence, location, and activity in the home were investigated as correlates to availability and for their effectiveness within the social protocol of family conversation. These studies indicate there are activities that can be sensed, either in real-time or over some time span, that correlate to self-reported availability. However, the type and amount of information shared is dependent upon individual preferences, social accessibility, and patterns of activities. This research shows friends and family can improve their predictions of when to call if provided additional context, and suggests that abstract representations of either routines or explicit availability status is sufficient and may be preferred by providers. Availability prediction is feasible in the home and useful to those outside the home, but the level of detail to provide in particular situations needs further study. This work has implications for the development of groupware systems, the automatic sensing of activity to deal with interruption, and activity recognition in the home.

Using Event-Based and Rule-Based Paradigms to Develop Context-Aware Reactive Applications.

Le, Truong Giang 30 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Context-aware pervasive computing has attracted a significant research interest from both academy and industry worldwide. It covers a broad range of applications that support many manufacturing and daily life activities. For instance, industrial robots detect the changes of the working environment in the factory to adapt their operations to the requirements. Automotive control systems may observe other vehicles, detect obstacles, and monitor the essence level or the air quality in order to warn the drivers in case of emergency. Another example is power-aware embedded systems that need to work based on current power/energy availability since power consumption is an important issue. Those kinds of systems can also be considered as smart applications. In practice, successful implementation and deployment of context-aware systems depend on the mechanism to recognize and react to variabilities happening in the environment. In other words, we need a well-defined and efficient adaptation approach so that the systems' behavior can be dynamically customized at runtime. Moreover, concurrency should be exploited to improve the performance and responsiveness of the systems. All those requirements, along with the need for safety, dependability, and reliability pose a big challenge for developers.In this thesis, we propose a novel programming language called INI, which supports both event-based and rule-based programming paradigms and is suitable for building concurrent and context-aware reactive applications. In our language, both events and rules can be defined explicitly, in a stand-alone way or in combination. Events in INI run in parallel (synchronously or asynchronously) in order to handle multiple tasks concurrently and may trigger the actions defined in rules. Besides, events can interact with the execution environment to adjust their behavior if necessary and respond to unpredictable changes. We apply INI in both academic and industrial case studies, namely an object tracking program running on the humanoid robot Nao and a M2M gateway. This demonstrates the soundness of our approach as well as INI's capabilities for constructing context-aware systems. Additionally, since context-aware programs are wide applicable and more complex than regular ones, this poses a higher demand for quality assurance with those kinds of applications. Therefore, we formalize several aspects of INI, including its type system and operational semantics. Furthermore, we develop a tool called INICheck, which can convert a significant subset of INI to Promela, the input modeling language of the model checker SPIN. Hence, SPIN can be applied to verify properties or constraints that need to be satisfied by INI programs. Our tool allows the programmers to have insurance on their code and its behavior.

Development of an energy efficient, robust and modular multicore wireless sensor network

Shi, Hong-Ling 23 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The wireless sensor network is a key technology in the 21st century because it has multitude applications and it becomes the new way of interaction between physical environment and computer system. Moreover, the wireless sensor network is a high resource constraint system. Consequently, the techniques used for the development of traditional embedded systems cannot be directly applied. Today wireless sensor nodes were implemented by using only one single processor architecture. This approach does not achieve a robust and efficient energy wireless sensor network for applications such as precision agriculture (outdoor) and telemedicine. The aim of this thesis is to develop a new approach for the realization of a wireless sensor network node using multicore architecture to enable to increase both its robustness and lifetime (reduce energy consumption).

互動敘事中客製化之虛擬拍攝實驗平台 / An Experimental Platform for Customized Virtual Cinematography in Interactive Storytelling

賴珮君, Lai, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來由於電腦軟硬體及人機介面介面技術的發展,互動數位敘事(Interactive Digital Storytelling, IDS)的應用也逐漸被重視,特別是在新型態電腦遊戲的設計,而這個趨勢也為即時虛擬攝影機的規劃帶來新的機會與挑戰。本研究旨在透過互動數位敘事腳本內容的分析,建置客製化攝影機運鏡實驗平台,即時自動產生符合情境情節、人物情緒的拍攝方式,並參考電影拍攝手法,結合攝影學的專業知識加入不同拍攝風格,讓同一段影片可以有不同的風格效果。我們希望能夠讓現有的互動敘事系統The Theater [1]中的運鏡技術有跡可循,不再只是以人工的方式憑藉直覺來設定攝影機的位置,而能使得虛擬攝影機的操控變得簡易,修正拍攝效果時將更加簡便,成功快速掌握運鏡的每一個細節。我們在The Theater的實驗平台之上,讓敘事者可以根據故事情境客製化虛擬攝影機的拍攝手法,並由電腦自動產生合宜的攝影機拍攝位置,快速完成攝影機規劃。我們以實例透過實驗的方式驗證此系統的有效性。 / The recent advances in computing technologies and human-computer interactions have attracted much attention in the development of interactive digital storytelling (IDS), especially in the application of novel computer game design. This trend does not only bring new opportunities but also new technological challenges to virtual camera planning. Our research in this work aims at building an experimental platform for customized virtual camera planning through the analysis of screen play in an in-teractive story. By adopting the domain knowledge of camera controls in existing films, we hope to design a computer-assisted system that allows an author to easily experiment with different styles of virtual cameras in a same story. We proposed to design an experimental platform based on “The Theater” IDS, which currently uses a pre-authored way to specify the camera position. In the proposed system, we allow an author to quickly customize virtual camera taking according to the context of a story fragment and let the computer generate appropriate camera configurations automati-cally. We use an example story to verify the effectiveness of the system through ex-periments.

Learning and Recognizing The Hierarchical and Sequential Structure of Human Activities

Cheng, Heng-Tze 01 December 2013 (has links)
The mission of the research presented in this thesis is to give computers the power to sense and react to human activities. Without the ability to sense the surroundings and understand what humans are doing, computers will not be able to provide active, timely, appropriate, and considerate services to the humans. To accomplish this mission, the work stands on the shoulders of two giants: Machine learning and ubiquitous computing. Because of the ubiquity of sensor-enabled mobile and wearable devices, there has been an emerging opportunity to sense, learn, and infer human activities from the sensor data by leveraging state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms. While having shown promising results in human activity recognition, most existing approaches using supervised or semi-supervised learning have two fundamental problems. Firstly, most existing approaches require a large set of labeled sensor data for every target class, which requires a costly effort from human annotators. Secondly, an unseen new activity cannot be recognized if no training samples of that activity are available in the dataset. In light of these problems, a new approach in this area is proposed in our research. This thesis presents our novel approach to address the problem of human activity recognition when few or no training samples of the target activities are available. The main hypothesis is that the problem can be solved by the proposed NuActiv activity recognition framework, which consists of modeling the hierarchical and sequential structure of human activities, as well as bringing humans in the loop of model training. By injecting human knowledge about the hierarchical nature of human activities, a semantic attribute representation and a two-layer attribute-based learning approach are designed. To model the sequential structure, a probabilistic graphical model is further proposed to take into account the temporal dependency of activities and attributes. Finally, an active learning algorithm is developed to reinforce the recognition accuracy using minimal user feedback. The hypothesis and approaches presented in this thesis are validated by two case studies and real-world experiments on exercise activities and daily life activities. Experimental results show that the NuActiv framework can effectively recognize unseen new activities even without any training data, with up to 70-80% precision and recall rate. It also outperforms supervised learning with limited labeled data for the new classes. The results significantly advance the state of the art in human activity recognition, and represent a promising step towards bridging the gap between computers and humans.

Context-aware information systems and their application to health care

Kawasme, Luay 14 October 2008 (has links)
This thesis explores the field of context-aware information systems (CAIS). We present an approach called Compose, Learn, and Discover (CLD) to incorporate CAIS into the user daily workflow. The CLD approach is self-adjusting. It enables users to personalise the information views for different situations. The CAIS learns about the usage of the information views and recalls the right view in the right situation. We illustrate the CLD approach through an application in the health care field using the Clinical Document Architecture (CDA). In order to realise the CLD approach, we introduce Semantic Composition as a new paradigm to personalise information views. Semantic Composition leverages the type information in the domain model to simplify the user-interface composition process. We also introduce a pattern discovery mechanism that leverages data-mining algorithms to discover correlations between user information needs and different situations.

Bayesian 3D multiple people tracking using multiple indoor cameras and microphones

Lee, Yeongseon 13 May 2009 (has links)
This thesis represents Bayesian joint audio-visual tracking for the 3D locations of multiple people and a current speaker in a real conference environment. To achieve this objective, it focuses on several different research interests, such as acoustic-feature detection, visual-feature detection, a non-linear Bayesian framework, data association, and sensor fusion. As acoustic-feature detection, time-delay-of-arrival~(TDOA) estimation is used for multiple source detection. Localization performance using TDOAs is also analyzed according to different configurations of microphones. As a visual-feature detection, Viola-Jones face detection is used to initialize the locations of unknown multiple objects. Then, a corner feature, based on the results from the Viola-Jones face detection, is used for motion detection for robust objects. Simple point-to-line correspondences between multiple cameras using fundamental matrices are used to determine which features are more robust. As a method for data association and sensor fusion, Monte-Carlo JPDAF and a data association with IPPF~(DA-IPPF) are implemented in the framework of particle filtering. Three different tracking scenarios of acoustic source tracking, visual source tracking, and joint acoustic-visual source tracking are represented using the proposed algorithms. Finally the real-time implementation of this joint acoustic-visual tracking system using a PC, four cameras, and six microphones is addressed with two parts of system implementation and real-time processing.

Associação do contexto de interesse do usuário às atividades clínicas na arquitetura ClinicSpace / Association of the context of user's interesting to clinical activity in architecture ClinicSpace

Machado, Alencar 10 December 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Currently, we seek to make the systems more oriented to end-user, reducing the distance between how the user carries out its activities and modeling these in Information Systems in Health, the doctor providing adaptive and personalized forms of use, configuration and control system, based on historical usage, or a profile. To meet these requirements, the project ClinicSpace, prototyped a software architecture that is developed from the point of view of the user (doctor), led to clinical activities, context-aware, based on mobile technologies and pervasive, and uses the techniques of programming end-user. Identify the context that affects an activity within a hospital clinic, and identify ways to express your doctor interest in a particular context, linking context to their daily activities, are the goals of this dissertation. From the identification of some basic elements of context, including the patient, device and environmental resources, was created to describe this ontological domain to be associated with clinical tasks modeled by the doctor. For introduce context associated with the tasks in the architecture ClinicSpace, changed the editing interface tasks of architecture. Moreover, various departments of the subsystems involved have been re-implemented in architecture, highlighting the Access Service Task, which was re-implemented to support the loading of the ontology that describes the tasks and context, and thus provide structures computational (objects Java) to use the Interface Editing Tasks and Context used by the doctor. Load tests were conducted to identify the impact that the solution used in the architecture introduces ClinicSpace allowing refine it and refine it for use by the system. / Atualmente, busca-se deixar os sistemas mais orientados ao usuário-final, diminuindo a distância entre a forma como o usuário realiza suas atividades e a modelagem destas nos Sistemas de Informação em Saúde, disponibilizando ao médico formas adaptativas e personalizadas de utilização, configuração e controle do sistema, baseadas em um histórico de uso ou em um perfil. Para atender tais requisitos, o projeto ClinicSpace prototipa uma arquitetura de software que é desenvolvida sob o ponto de vista do usuário (médico), orientada às atividades clínicas, consciente do contexto, baseada em tecnologias móveis e pervasivas, e utiliza técnicas da programação do usuário-final. Identificar o contexto que afeta uma atividade clinica dentro de um hospital, bem como identificar formas de o médico expressar seu interesse em um determinado contexto, associando contexto às suas atividades diárias, são os objetivos desta dissertação. A partir da identificação de alguns elementos básicos de contexto, entre eles paciente, dispositivo e recursos ambientais, foi criado a descrição ontológica deste domínio para ser associado às tarefas clínicas modeladas pelo médico. Para introduzir contexto associado às tarefas na arquitetura ClinicSpace, foi alterada a interface de edição de tarefas da arquitetura. Além disso, diversos serviços dos subsistemas envolvidos foram re-implementados na arquitetura, destacando-se o Serviço de Acesso a Tarefas, o qual foi re-implementado para suportar o carregamento da ontologia que descreve as tarefas e contexto, e, assim, disponibilizar estruturas computacionais (objetos Java) para utilização pela Interface de Edição de Tarefas e Contexto utilizada pelo médico. Testes de carga foram realizados para identificar o impacto que a solução utilizada introduz na arquitetura ClinicSpace, permitindo refiná-la e melhorá-la para uso pelo sistema.

Uma abordagem baseada em aspectos e composi??o din?mica para a constru??o de aplica??es adaptativas cientes ao contexto

Santos, Isanio Lopes Ara?jo 10 November 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:47:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IsanioLAS.pdf: 1324306 bytes, checksum: 06b1bb191919f02b1e6524146d71c0d3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-11-10 / Ubiquitous computing systems operate in environments where the available resources significantly change during the system operation, thus requiring adaptive and context aware mechanisms to sense changes in the environment and adapt to new execution contexts. Motivated by this requirement, a framework for developing and executing adaptive context aware applications is proposed. The PACCA framework employs aspect-oriented techniques to modularize the adaptive behavior and to keep apart the application logic from this behavior. PACCA uses abstract aspect concept to provide flexibility by addition of new adaptive concerns that extend the abstract aspect. Furthermore, PACCA has a default aspect model that considers habitual adaptive concerns in ubiquitous applications. It exploits the synergy between aspect-orientation and dynamic composition to achieve context-aware adaptation, guided by predefined policies and aim to allow software modules on demand load making possible better use of mobile devices and yours limited resources. A Development Process for the ubiquitous applications conception is also proposed and presents a set of activities that guide adaptive context-aware developer. Finally, a quantitative study evaluates the approach based on aspects and dynamic composition for the construction of ubiquitous applications based in metrics / Aplica??es para a computa??o ub?qua operam em ambientes onde a disponibilidade de recursos muda significativamente durante a sua opera??o. Tal caracter?stica demanda que aplica??es sejam adaptativas e cientes do seu contexto de execu??o. Visando atender esses requisitos, ? proposto o PACCA (Projeto de Aplica??es Ciente ao Contexto e Adaptativas), um arcabou?o para desenvolvimento e execu??o de aplica??es adaptativas cientes de contexto. O paradigma de orienta??o a aspectos ? usado no PACCA para modularizar o comportamento adaptativo e dissoci?-lo da l?gica da aplica??o. Para prover maior flexibilidade o PACCA utiliza o conceito de aspecto abstrato para permitir a extens?o e adi??o de novos interesses adaptativos, al?m de um modelo de aspectos default que contempla interesses adaptativos comuns a grande parte das aplica??es ub?quas. A orienta??o a aspectos aliada ? composi??o din?mica de software oferece suporte para adapta??o ciente ao contexto, guiada por pol?ticas previamente definidas e tem por objetivo permitir a carga de m?dulos de software sob demanda possibilitando melhor utiliza??o dos recursos limitados de um dispositivo m?vel. Um Processo de Desenvolvimento para a constru??o de aplica??es ub?quas tamb?m ? proposto e visa demonstrar um conjunto de atividades a serem executadas para a concep??o de aplica??es ub?quas. Por fim, ? realizado um estudo quantitativo com o intuito de avaliar com base em m?tricas a abordagem baseada em aspectos e composi??o din?mica para a constru??o de aplica??es ub?quas

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