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Investigation into Air Traffic Complexity as a Driver of a Controller‘s WorkloadDjokic, Jelena 24 August 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis describes an investigation into Air Traffic Control (ATC) complexity as a contributory factor in changes of controllers' workload. It is considered that ATC complexity, together with equipment interface and procedural demands comprise the task demands imposed on the en-route controller to perform certain activities, which mediated by performance shaping factors create workload.
The data used to study this relationship came from ATC real-time simulations completed at EUROCONTROL CRDS in Budapest: recorded flown trajectories, communication performed by the controller (whether with other controllers or with the pilots), data entries related to flight data management, and instantaneous self-assessment ratings of workload provided by the controllers were used. The ATC complexity factors that have been consistently found to be important in the previous studies (related to aircraft density, flight attributes of each individual aircraft, aircraft conflicts and traffic disorder) and for which detailed calculation formula have been reported were selected for further analysis. Since the established set of factors resulted from multiple researches conducted in this field, it was assumed that some of these factors are correlated with one another, overlapping and possibly measuring similar concepts. Therefore, a reduction of the initial set of factors was performed by combining information contained within these factors into a smaller number of new artificial variables and by deleting statistically redundant portions of these factors prior to conducting further analysis. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which is the statistical method applied to achieve required reduction, resulted in the overall set of 6 complexity components, whose interpretations are driven by the factors that showed the strongest correlation with that component. In order to establish a link between ATC complexity and a controller's subjective workload, multiple regression analysis was performed, using the complexity components identified in the PCA as predictors of the workload ratings.
In addition, some measures of controller’s activity (data entries made by the controllers related to flight data management, cumulative duration of radio calls, i.e. frequency occupancy time, and average duration of single calls) were added to the analysis to test whether information about the controller’s activity could be also useful for predicting workload, once the effect of complexity had been considered, and to verify whether the effect of complexity on workload could be mediated by the effect of complexity on the controller’s activity. The analysis revealed that both ATC complexity and the activities that the controller performs to deal with a demand imposed on him/her give a unique contribution to the prediction of workload ratings and therefore the workload of the controller is determined by both ATC complexity and controller’s activities.
In addition, it was assumed that the workload is differently impacted by individual components of complexity, and further statistical analyses were performed to test this assumption. Understanding these differences could in fact facilitate comparison of the complexity levels of a single sector under different conditions, but also comparison of complexity levels of different sectors under same conditions. Firstly the changes in the workload and activities of the controllers under different conditions were investigated using analysis of variance. Subsequently, in order to be able to map these changes on the complexity components, it was necessary also to investigate into the changes that the complexity components undergo when observed under different conditions. The results revealed different behaviour of single complexity components when mapped on the changes recorded in the activities of the controller and workload, demonstrating that changes in controller’s activities and perceived workload are driven by different complexity components in different sectors and under different operational conditions.
Shedding light on these contributors to the workload experienced by a controller can greatly facilitate the introduction of any change envisaged for the airspace under consideration. Namely, in the current structure, whenever new procedures or new working methods are subject to possible deployment, the identified complexity components could support the estimation of the impact that those changes would impose on the workload of the controller and further on decision making processes. Additionally, the complexity components are also applicable in the validation of the new concepts and new technologies to be introduced in the system when designing simulation scenarios against which new concepts would be assessed. As also demonstrated by the analysis, the comparison of different sectors, or even different sector designs within the same airspace, could be compared and contribute to the improvement of airspace design. / Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Komplexität der Flugverkehrskontrolle (Air Traffic Control, ATC) als einen wesentlichen Einflussfaktor auf die Arbeitsbelastung des Radarlotsen. Die zentrale Annahme ist dabei, dass die Komplexität der ATC zusammen mit den Anforderungen aus den betrieblichen Rahmenbedingungen (technische Systemschnittstellen und Prozeduren) den Lotsen zu bestimmten Abläufen zwingen, welche die Arbeitsbelastung signifikant beeinflussen.
Für die durchgeführten Untersuchungen standen Daten von ATC-Echtzeitsimulationen von EUROCONTROL CRDS Budapest zur Verfügung, die folgende Informationen umfassen: abgeflogene Flugtrajektorien, Kommunikationsprotokolle der Lotsen (untereinander oder zwischen Lotse und Pilot), Daten aus dem flight-data Management und Daten aus der regelmäßigen Selbstbewertung der Lotsen bezüglich ihrer aktuell gefühlten Arbeitsbelastung. Die bereits in früheren Studien identifizierten Komplexitätsvariablen (insbesondere die lokale Flugzeugdichte, spezifische Flugzeugeigenschaften, Konfliktsituationen zwischen Flugzeugen und die Verkehrslage betreffend) sowie hierzu erarbeitete mathematische Vorschriften bilden die Grundlage für die weiterführenden, detaillierten Untersuchungen. Aufgrund der Vielzahl an Komplexitätsvariablen aus diversen wissenschaftlichen Quellen war davon auszugehen, dass Korrelationen unter den Variablen vorliegen. Aus diesem Grund wurden zunächst statistisch redundante Informationen der ursprünglich vorliegenden Variablen reduziert, sodass als Ergebnis neue voneinander unabhängige Faktoren klassifiziert werden konnten.
Die hierfür verwendete Hauptkomponentenanalyse (Principal Component Analysis - PCA) führte zu sechs statistisch signifikanten Komplexitätsfaktoren, die anhand der höchsten Korrelation zur zugeordneten Komponente interpretiert wurden. Um die Verbindung zwischen der ATC Komplexität und der subjektiv empfundenen Arbeitsbelastung herzustellen, wurde eine multiple Regressionsanalyse zwischen den Komplexitätsfaktoren und den abgeleiteten Arbeitsbelastungszuständen durchgeführt. Zusätzlich lagen für die Analyse der Arbeitsbelastung auch Daten über die Arbeitsaufgaben des Lotsen vor (bspw. Dateneinträge des Lotsen, Gesamtlänge der Funkanweisungen, durchschnittliche Länge der Funkanweisungen), um zu untersuchen, inwieweit sich aus den aktuell durchgeführten Arbeitsaufgaben bei gegebener Verkehrsnachfrage eine verlässliche Vorhersage über die Arbeitsbelastung ableiten lässt. Die Analyse zur Vorhersage der Arbeitsbelastung konnte zeigen, dass sowohl die ATC Komplexität als auch die aktuellen Arbeitsaufgaben einen individuellen und signifikanten Einfluss haben.
Weiterhin wurde unterstellt, dass die spezifischen Komplexitätsfaktoren einen unterschiedlichen Effekt auf die Arbeitsbelastung ausüben. Die Überprüfung dieser Annahme war ebenfalls Bestandteil der umfangreichen statistischen Untersuchungen. Tatsächlich könnte ein fundamentales Verständnis der Komplexitätsgrade den Vergleich einzelner Luftraumsektoren unter verschiedenen operativen Randbedingungen, als auch den Vergleich unterschiedlicher Luftraumsektoren mit vergleichbaren operativen Randbedingungen wesentlich erleichtern. Zuerst wurden die Veränderungen der Arbeitsbelastung und -die Tätigkeiten der Lotsen unter Verwendung einer Varianzanalyse untersucht. Um eine valide Zuordnung zu den Komplexitätsfaktoren sicherzustellen, war es ebenfalls notwendig, die Veränderungen dieser Faktoren und Tätigkeiten unter wechselnden Randbedingungen zu analysieren. Die Analysen zeigen hierbei unterschiedliche Resultate bezüglich der jeweiligen Komplexitätsfaktoren. So beeinflussen die verschiedenen Komplexitätsfaktoren die Handlungsabläufe der Lotsen und die wahrgenommene Arbeitsbelastung, jedoch in Abhängigkeit von den ausgewählten Sektoren und den betrieblichen Randbedingungen.
Unter Berücksichtigung dieser erarbeiteten Abhängigkeiten der Arbeitsbelastung des Lotsen können nun die Auswirkungen von Veränderungen im Luftraum zuverlässig bestimmt werden. Gerade in Bezug auf Veränderungen der gegenwärtigen Luftraumstruktur oder die Einführung neuer Prozeduren oder Arbeitsabläufe können die entwickelten Komplexitätsfaktoren bereits frühzeitig Aufschluss darüber geben, welche Konsequenzen solche Veränderungen auf die Arbeitsbelastung der Lotsen nach sich ziehen können und Entscheidungsprozesse unterstützen. Weiterhin sind die entwickelten Komplexitätsfaktoren als Grundlage für die Validierung neuer Konzepte und Technologien, gegebenenfalls unter Verwendung von entwickelten Simulationsszenarien, nutzbar. Darüber hinaus können die Komplexitätsfaktoren für die Gegenüberstellung von verschiedenen Luftraumsektoren genutzt werden und zur Abwägung bzw. Optimierung von Entwürfen eines Luftraumdesigns dienen.
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Priority automation engineering : Evaluating a tool for automatic code generation and configuration of PLC-ApplicationsNguyen, Christofer January 2018 (has links)
This research explores the Automation Interface created by Beckhoff through introducinga compiler solution. Today machine builders have to be able to build machinesor plants in different sizes and provide many variations of the machine orplant types. Automatic code generation can be used in the aspect to reuse code thathas been tested and is configurable to match the desired functionality. Additionally,the use of a pre-existing API could potentially result in less engineering resourceswasted in developing automatic code generation. This thesis aims to evaluate theAutomation Interface (AI) tool created by Beckhoff. This is accomplished throughmeans of incorporating the API functions into a compiler solution. The solution isdesigned to export the information required through an XML-file to generate PLCapplications.The generated PLC-code will be in Structured Text. In order to createa functional PLC-application, the construction of software requirements and testcases are established. The solution is then validated by means of generating a dataloggerto illustrate the usage. The exploratory research revealed both the benefitsand cons of using AI to a compiler solution. The evaluation indicated that the AutomationInterface can reduce engineering effort to produce a compiler solution, butthe learning curve of understanding the underlying components that work with theAPI required a great deal of effort.
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Lógica fuzzy aplicados ao registro de alarmes e eventos em subestações no padrão IEC 61850. / Fuzzy logic applied to registration of alarms and events in substations in standard IEC 61850.Ribeiro, Luiz Gustavo 23 November 2015 (has links)
A aplicação de técnicas de Inteligência artificial em sistemas elétricos de potência permite a resolução de problemas onde soluções tradicionais não mostram bons resultados. Por exemplo, após a ocorrência de uma falta, um sistema automatizado toma todas as medidas necessárias para proteger o sistema e assumir um estado seguro de operação. Nessa ocasião, cabe aos operadores verificar todas as mensagens e dados disponíveis, selecionando aquelas relevantes, para então chegar a uma conclusão sobre o evento ocorrido. Apenas após esse diagnóstico, com base em seu conhecimento, o operador pode ordenar o restabelecimento do sistema ou sua manobra para outro estado. Esse processo é lento e passível de falhas, pois as informações são usualmente conflitantes e confusas, devido à avalanche de eventos, alarmes e alertas decorrentes. Diante desta dificuldade, é interessante dispor de uma ferramenta automática de diagnóstico e apoio na tomada de decisão que torne essa tarefa mais ágil e com menores riscos. Este trabalho aborda a integração e a interoperabilidade de equipamentos de uma subestação elétrica em conformidade com a norma IEC 61850, e a utilização de sistemas inteligentes com lógica Fuzzy executados em um controlador programável moderno. O sistema proposto faz uso de recursos de comunicação da IEC 61850, com mensagens prioritárias padrão GOOSE incluindo valores analógicos de corrente de falta, além de mensagens no padrão TCP/IP MMS. Essas informações, alarmes e eventos, são processadas de forma automática por um motor Fuzzy que permite aproximar a decisão computacional à decisão humana, incluindo zonas de incerteza e lógica ponderada, permitindo respostas mais abstratas do que algo puramente binário. O sistema proposto foi submetido a um grande número de eventos com um simulador em tempo real, com equipamentos reais, tais como IEDs e um controlador programável de alto desempenho. Além disso o sistema usou um esquema de comunicação inovador para o módulo do processador de dados em tempo real (RTDP), inteiramente baseado nos protocolos da IEC 61850. / The application of artificial intelligence techniques in electric power systems allows solving problems where traditional solutions do not show good results. For example, in electric power systems, after the occurence of a fault, an automated system takes all necessary measures to protect the system and assume a safe state of operation. On this occasion, it is for operators to review all messages and data available, selecting those relevant to then come to a conclusion about the event that occurred. Only after this diagnosis, based on his knowledge the operator may order the restoration of the system or their operation to another state. This process is therefore slow and subject to failure, because the information is usually conflicting and confusing because of the avalanche of events, alarms and warnings arising. Faced with this difficulty, it is interesting to have an automatic diagnostic tool and support in decision making that makes this task quicker and with less risk. This paper addresses the integration and interoperability of an electrical substation equipment in accordance with IEC 61850, and the use of intelligent systems Fuzzy logic running on a modern programmable controller. The proposed system makes use of the IEC 61850 communication resources with priority GOOSE messages including standard analog values of fault current, as well as messages on standard TCP / IP MMS. This information, alarms and events, are processed automatically by a fuzzy engine that allows the computational approach to human decision making, including areas of uncertainty and weighted logic, allowing more abstract answers than purely binary. The proposed system has undergone a large number of events with a simulator in real time with actual equipment such as a programmable controller IEDs and high performance. In addition the system used an innovative communication scheme for the module\'s real-time data processor ( RTDP ), based entirely on the IEC 61850 standard protocols such as MMS and GOOSE messages.
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Obtenção de conjuntos estabilizantes de controladores PID para sistemas com atraso utilizando o teorema de Hermite-Biehler / Obtaining joint stabilizers of controllers PID to systems with delay using the Hermite-Biehler theoremSilva, Alexandre Marcelo Fernandes da 28 March 2008 (has links)
Os controladores PID são largamente utilizados em processos industriais. Recentemente, novos resultados de projeto de controladores PID foram obtidos para sistemas lineares invariantes no tempo sem atraso. Entretanto, o comportamento de diversas plantas industriais pode ser descrito matematicamente por sistemas lineares invariantes no tempo com atraso. O problema de estabilidade de sistemas lineares invariantes no tempo com atraso envolve encontrar a locação de raízes de funções transcedentais. Neste trabalho, o teorema de Hermite-Biehler é usado para estabelecer resultados para o projeto de controladores PID para uma classe de sistemas lineares com atraso. Usando a propriedade de entrelaçamento em altas freqüências da classe estudada e programação linear obtém-se o conjunto de todos os controladores PID. Até onde se sabe resultados anteriores de síntese de controladores PID envolvem a solução de equações transcendentais. / The PID controller is widely used in industrial processes. Recently, new results on the design of PID controllers for invariant time linear systems without time delays have appeared. However, the dynamic behavior of many industrial plants may be mathematically described by linear time invariant systems with time delays. The problem of stability of linear time invariant systems with time delays involves finding the location of roots of transcendental functions. In this work, the Hermite-Biehler theorem is used to establish results on the design of proportional plus integral plus derivative (PID) controllers for a class of time delay systems. Using the property of interlacing at high frequencies of the class of systems considered and linear programming we obtain the set of all stabilizing PID controllers. As far as we know, previous results on the synthesis of PID controllers rely on the solution of transcendental equations.
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Small signal control of multiterminal dc/ac power systemsChan, Sherman Man January 1981 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1981. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Sherman Man Chan. / Ph.D.
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Efeito de áudio em 3D na compreensibilidade de uma entre duas mensagens simultâneas em língua estrangeira: aplicação em grupos de controladores de tráfego aéreo experientes e novatosVerniano, Katia Esper Izar 21 May 2009 (has links)
Esse estudo teve o objetivo de verificar se a apresentação DICÓTICA (ou espacializada, sistema de áudio em 3D) de duas frases simultâneas facilitaria a compreensão da frase alvo em relação à apresentação diótica (não espacializada). Participaram dessa pesquisa controladores de tráfego aéreo (CsVoo), divididos em dois grupos de acordo com sua experiência profissional (novatos e experientes). Todos os participantes tinham o Português Brasileiro como língua-mãe, mas as duas frases apresentadas a eles pelo protocolo experimental (uma alvo, outra mascaradora) eram em inglês. A espacialização das mensagens beneficiou o reconhecimento da mensagem alvo pelos voluntários. Não houve diferenças significativas entre voluntários com diferentes níveis de conhecimento em inglês, experiência profissional ou sexo. / This study aimed to verify whether the dichotic or spatialized (3D audio system) presentation of two simultaneous sentences in English facilitate the identification of a target information comparing to dihotic (nonspatialized) presentation. The subjects in this study were air traffic controllers having as L1 (mother tongue) Brazilian Portuguese, and were divided into two groups (novice and experienced), according to their period of experience on the job. The spatialization of messages improved recognition of the target message by the volunteers. There were no significant differences between volunteers with different levels of knowledge in English, professional experience or gender.
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Lógica fuzzy aplicados ao registro de alarmes e eventos em subestações no padrão IEC 61850. / Fuzzy logic applied to registration of alarms and events in substations in standard IEC 61850.Luiz Gustavo Ribeiro 23 November 2015 (has links)
A aplicação de técnicas de Inteligência artificial em sistemas elétricos de potência permite a resolução de problemas onde soluções tradicionais não mostram bons resultados. Por exemplo, após a ocorrência de uma falta, um sistema automatizado toma todas as medidas necessárias para proteger o sistema e assumir um estado seguro de operação. Nessa ocasião, cabe aos operadores verificar todas as mensagens e dados disponíveis, selecionando aquelas relevantes, para então chegar a uma conclusão sobre o evento ocorrido. Apenas após esse diagnóstico, com base em seu conhecimento, o operador pode ordenar o restabelecimento do sistema ou sua manobra para outro estado. Esse processo é lento e passível de falhas, pois as informações são usualmente conflitantes e confusas, devido à avalanche de eventos, alarmes e alertas decorrentes. Diante desta dificuldade, é interessante dispor de uma ferramenta automática de diagnóstico e apoio na tomada de decisão que torne essa tarefa mais ágil e com menores riscos. Este trabalho aborda a integração e a interoperabilidade de equipamentos de uma subestação elétrica em conformidade com a norma IEC 61850, e a utilização de sistemas inteligentes com lógica Fuzzy executados em um controlador programável moderno. O sistema proposto faz uso de recursos de comunicação da IEC 61850, com mensagens prioritárias padrão GOOSE incluindo valores analógicos de corrente de falta, além de mensagens no padrão TCP/IP MMS. Essas informações, alarmes e eventos, são processadas de forma automática por um motor Fuzzy que permite aproximar a decisão computacional à decisão humana, incluindo zonas de incerteza e lógica ponderada, permitindo respostas mais abstratas do que algo puramente binário. O sistema proposto foi submetido a um grande número de eventos com um simulador em tempo real, com equipamentos reais, tais como IEDs e um controlador programável de alto desempenho. Além disso o sistema usou um esquema de comunicação inovador para o módulo do processador de dados em tempo real (RTDP), inteiramente baseado nos protocolos da IEC 61850. / The application of artificial intelligence techniques in electric power systems allows solving problems where traditional solutions do not show good results. For example, in electric power systems, after the occurence of a fault, an automated system takes all necessary measures to protect the system and assume a safe state of operation. On this occasion, it is for operators to review all messages and data available, selecting those relevant to then come to a conclusion about the event that occurred. Only after this diagnosis, based on his knowledge the operator may order the restoration of the system or their operation to another state. This process is therefore slow and subject to failure, because the information is usually conflicting and confusing because of the avalanche of events, alarms and warnings arising. Faced with this difficulty, it is interesting to have an automatic diagnostic tool and support in decision making that makes this task quicker and with less risk. This paper addresses the integration and interoperability of an electrical substation equipment in accordance with IEC 61850, and the use of intelligent systems Fuzzy logic running on a modern programmable controller. The proposed system makes use of the IEC 61850 communication resources with priority GOOSE messages including standard analog values of fault current, as well as messages on standard TCP / IP MMS. This information, alarms and events, are processed automatically by a fuzzy engine that allows the computational approach to human decision making, including areas of uncertainty and weighted logic, allowing more abstract answers than purely binary. The proposed system has undergone a large number of events with a simulator in real time with actual equipment such as a programmable controller IEDs and high performance. In addition the system used an innovative communication scheme for the module\'s real-time data processor ( RTDP ), based entirely on the IEC 61850 standard protocols such as MMS and GOOSE messages.
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Solução de problemas de fluxo de potencia mal condicionados através do método GMRES incluindo controladores FACTS / Troubleshooting Malfunctioned Power Flow Problems Through the GMRES Method Including FACTS ControllersMontelo, Marcos Silva 26 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-06-26T19:40:40Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-02-26 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / In this work is investigated the performance of the GMRES Method in studies of power flow extremely loaded, ill-conditioned and including FACTS Controllers, focusing on Jacobian matrix with high numbers of conditioning and real eigenvalue close to zero, in order to consolidate the virtues of GMRES in ill-conditioned problems. From this information you can set operating scenarios that may indicate points of robustness and GMRES efficiency. Consolidating test systems (hypothetical and actual) of difficult convergence associated with extremely high loaded, is also part of research to create s cenarios close to reality, or that may occur in practice. The primary purpose of the inclusion of FACTS is to assess the impact that these devices can cause the Jacobian matrix. These characteristics are informed through eigenvalues and conditioning number. In addition, we propose an iterative solver developed in MATLAB platform for power flow studies and a detailed investigation of the influence of the reordering and the e limination of non-null elements in the quality of the preconditioner of incomplete factors. The proposed methodology was applied to hypothetical and real systems with FACTS controllers, and the results of the experiments showed the greater efficiency of the iterative solver GMRES in most simulations. It was found that the larger the size of the electrical system and the worse their numeric characteristics, the better its performance. / Neste Trabalho é investigado o desempenho do Método GMRES em estudos de Fluxo de potência extremamente carregados, mal condicionados e incluindo Controladores FACTS, enfocando matrizes Jacobianas com elevados números de condicionamento e autovalores reais próximos de zero, a fim de consolidar virtudes do GMRES na solução de problemas mal-condicionados. A apartir destas informações será possível estabelecer cenários de operação que poderão indicar pontos de robustez e eficiência do GMRES. A consolidação de sistemas-teste (hipotéticos e reais) de difícil convergência associados a carregamentos extremamente elevados, também faz parte das investigações para criar cenários próximos da realidade, ou seja, que possam ocorrer na prática. O objetivo primário da inclusão de FACTS está em avaliar o impacto que estes equipamentos podem causar na matriz Jacobiana. Estas características são informadas através de autovalores e número de condicionamento. Além disso, propõe-se um solucionador iterativo desenvolvido na plataforma MATLAB para estudos de fluxo de potência e uma investigação detalhada da influência do reordenamento e da eliminação de elementos não-nulos na qualidade do pré-condicionador de fatores incompletos. A metodologia proposta foi aplicada em sistemas hipotéticos e reais com Controladores FACTS, e os resultados dos experimentos mostraram a maior eficiência do solucionador iterativo GMRES em grande parte das simulações realizadas. Verificou-se que, quanto maior a dimensão do sistema elétrico e quanto pior suas características numéricas, melhor seu desempenho.
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Sistema de automação e controle para tanques oceânicos com múltiplos atuadores / Automation and control system for oceanic wave tank with multiple actuators.Mello, Pedro Cardozo de 26 March 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de um sistema de automação e controle para tanques oceânicos com múltiplos atuadores para possibilitar a geração e absorção ativa de ondas. O desenvolvimento compreende: a implementação e a validação do sistema de automação e controle para o tanque de provas; o desenvolvimento de algoritmos para a geração de ondas com batedores do tipo flap, para atender aos casos tipicamente utilizados em ensaios de estruturas oceânicas, tais como ondas regulares e irregulares, com ou sem espalhamento direcional. O sistema desenvolvido fez uso de controladores do tipo CLP (controlador lógico programável) em rede de comunicação industrial usando troca de dados síncrona, como uma solução robusta de automação. Os controladores desenvolvidos foram estudados individualmente para a devida caracterização e identificação dos limites de desempenho. Sensores de ondas ultrassônicos foram desenvolvidos e caracterizados para medir ondas nos atuadores e viabilizar a malha de controle de absorção ativa do tanque de provas. Sensores de ondas capacitivos foram desenvolvidos e calibrados para a medição de ondas nos ensaios experimentais. A validação experimental do funcionamento do sistema de atuação, controle e sensoriamento foi realizada utilizando os equipamentos desenvolvidos. Os testes foram feitos validando o funcionamento dos atuadores, a geração de ondas regulares, a geração de ondas regulares oblíquas e a geração de ondas irregulares de cristas longas. Os testes apontaram que os atuadores dos cantos do tanque, que são fixos, provocam alterações no campo de ondas, tal como a difração de ondas. As flutuações foram avaliadas onde os valores extremos podem chegar a 58% e foi apresentada uma proposta de medidas paliativas. As ondas regulares e irregulares foram validadas para que o tanque seja capaz de realizar ensaios experimentais reproduzindo as condições ambientais da costa brasileira em ensaios com modelos reduzidos. Foram realizadas medições do coeficiente de reflexão das ondas regulares e irregulares geradas no tanque de provas que mostram valores em torno de 10%. Usando a absorção ativa de ondas em duas laterais opostas do tanque, constatou-se que a segunda reflexão (re-reflexão) afeta fracamente o campo de ondas. A fim de demonstrar o potencial do controlador do tanque, foi desenvolvida uma nova técnica para focalização de energia de ondas em tanque de provas, fundamentada na técnica de TR (time reversal), para concentrar ondas em pontos específicos do espaço. Esta técnica foi originalmente proposta para aplicações usando ultrassom na forma de ondas de pressão acústica, mas, devido à semelhança do fenômeno físico, a técnica foi aplicada às ondas de superfície livre da água. Foram realizados três tipos de testes usando TR, e em todos eles a concentração de ondas foi obtida no local e no instante esperados. Concluiu-se, então, que o método funciona mesmo que existam obstáculos à propagação da onda, como difração e reflexão no interior do tanque de provas. Um dos testes estudou as ondas concêntricas geradas por um objeto lançado contra a água; a aplicação de TR resultou em uma onda concentrada no ponto de lançamento. Os fenômenos observados podem servir de paradigma para comparações numéricas e estudos de ondas em meios dispersivos. / This work discusses the development of an automation and control system for ocean tanks with multiple actuators to enable the generation and active absorption of waves. The development includes: implementation and validation of system automation and control to the ocean wave tank, the development of algorithms for generating waves with flap type wave generator for dealing with cases typically used in tests of ocean structures, such as regular waves and irregular, with or without directional spreading. The developed system used PLC controllers (programmable logic controller) and an industrial communication network with synchronous data exchange, which is a robust automation system solution. The developed controllers were individually studied for proper performance characterization. Ultrasonic wave sensors have been developed and characterized to measure waves in the face of actuators and enable the control loop active absorption of the ocean wave tank. Capacitive wave sensors have been developed and calibrated to measure wave in experimental tests. The experimental validation of system actuation, control and sensing system was performed. Validation tests of the operation of the actuators under regular wave generation, irregular wave generation and oblique regular waves were done. The tests showed that the fixed actuators of the corners of the tank cause changes in the wave field such as diffraction waves. The spatial wave field fluctuations can reach 58% and correction procedures were proposed. Regular and irregular waves were validated for the tank to be able to perform experimental tests reproducing the environmental conditions of the Brazilian coast in reduced model tests of offshore structures. Measurements of the reflection coefficient of regular and irregular waves generated in the test tank indicated values around 10%. Using active absorption of waves in two opposite sides of the tank, it was realized that the re-reflection weakly affects the wave field. In order to demonstrating the innovative potential applications of tank, it was developed a new technique to focus wave energy, based on the technique of TR (time reversal) to concentrate waves at specific points in space. This was originally proposed for applications using ultrasound acoustic pressure waves, but due to the similarity of the physical phenomenon, the technique was applied to the waves in the free water surface. Three types of tests were carried out and in each TR concentration wave was obtained in the expected location and the expected time. It was noticed that the method also works even with obstacles to wave propagation, such as diffraction and reflection inside the ocean wave tank. An object thrown against the water, creating concentric waves was studied and after the application of TR resulted in a wave concentrated at the same splash point. The observed phenomena can be considered as a paradigm for numerical comparisons and studies of waves in dispersive media.
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Analyse du processus de régulation entre l’organisation policière et ses informateurs confidentielsLeclerc, Geneviève 01 1900 (has links)
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