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A Numerical Forced Convection Heat Transfer Analysis Of Nanofluids Considering Performance CriteriaKirez, Oguz 01 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
A nanofluid is a new heat transfer fluid produced by mixing a base fluid and solid nano sized particles. This fluid has great potential in heat transfer applications, because of its increased thermal conductivity and even increased Nusselt number due to higher thermal conductivity, Brownian motion of nanoparticles, and other various effects on heat transfer phenomenon.
In this work, the first aim is to predict convective heat transfer of nanofluids. A numerical code is created and run to obtain results in a pipe with two different boundary conditions, constant wall temperature and constant wall heat flux. The results for laminar flow for thermally developing region in a pipe are obtained for Al2O3/water nanofluid with different volumetric fraction and particle sizes with local temperature dependent conductivity approach. Various effects that influence nanofluid heat transfer enhancement are investigated. As a result, a better heat transfer performance is obtained for all cases, compared to pure water. The important parameters that have impact on nanofluid heat transfer are particle diameter of the nanoparticles, nanoparticle volumetric fraction, Peclet number, and viscous dissipation.
Next, a heat transfer performance evaluation methodology is proposed considering increased pumping power of nanofluids. Two different criteria are selected for two boundary conditions at constant pumping power. These are heat transfer rate ratio of the nanofluid and the base fluid for constant wall temperature boundary condition and difference between wall temperature of the pipe at the exit and inlet mean temperature of the fluid ratio for constant wall heat flux case. Three important parameters that influence the heat transfer performance of nanofluids are extracted from a parametric study. Lastly, optimum particle size and volumetric fraction values are obtained depending on Graetz number, Nusselt number, heat transfer fluid temperature, and nanofluid type.
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Development of Convective Solder Reflow and Projection Moire System and FEA Model for PWBA Warpage PredictionPowell, Reinhard Edison 11 April 2006 (has links)
Over the past 50 years, electronics manufacturing industry has undergone revolutionary changes, which have provided consumers with a plethora of electronic products. The increase in functionality of electronic products and decrease in cost due to continuous miniaturization and lower manufacturing costs have evolved over time. As electronics manufacturing technology becomes more advanced, reliability of electronic products and devices have become more of a concern. Thermomechanical reliability in electronics is studied in this research. Thermomechanical failures are failures due to temperature loading conditions electronic products and devices experience during manufacturing and service. The thermomechanical issue studied in this research is the effect of convective solder reflow on the warpage of packaged electronic devices, bare boards and chip packages.
A convective reflow-projection moir warpage measurement system is designed and implemented in this research. The system is the first available system capable of measuring warpage of printed wiring boards (PWBs) with and without electronic components during simulated convective reflow process. A finite element prediction tool is also developed to predict the warpage of PWBs populated with plastic ball grid array (PBGA) packages. The developed warpage measurement system as well as the developed finite element model is used to study various PWB assembly (PWBA) configurations during simulated convective reflow processes.
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Advancing Assessments on Aerosol Radiative Effect by Measurement-based Direct Effect Estimation and through Developing an Explicit Climatological Convective Boundary Layer ModelZhou, Mi 09 November 2006 (has links)
The first part of the thesis assesses the aerosol direct radiative effect (ADRE) with a focus on ground-based AERONET and satellite MODIS measurements. The AERONET aerosol climatology is used, in conjunction with surface albedo and cloud products from MODIS, to calculate the ADRE and its normalized form (NADRE) for distinct aerosol regimes. The NADRE is defined as the ADRE normalized by optical depth at 550 nm and is mainly determined by internal aerosol optical properties and geographical parameters. These terms are evaluated for cloud-free and cloudy conditions and for all-mode and fine-mode aerosols. We find that the NADRE of fine-mode aerosol is larger at the TOA but smaller at the surface in comparison to that of all-mode aerosol. Cloudy-sky TOA ADRE with clouds is sensitive to the relative location of aerosols and cloud layer. The high-resolution MODIS land surface albedo is also applied to study the clear-sky ADRE over North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula for summer 2001. TOA ADRE shows the high spatial variability with close similarity to that of surface albedo.
The second part of the thesis is to develop a 2-D conceptual model for a climatological convective boundary layer over land as a persistent and distinct component in climate models, where the convective-scale motion is explicitly described by fluid dynamics and thermodynamics while the smaller scale effect is parameterized for a neutral stratification. Our conceptual model reasonably reproduces essential statistics of a convective boundary layer in comparison to large eddy simulations. The major difference is that our model produces a better organized and more constrained spatial distribution with coherent convective cells. The simulations for a climatological convective boundary layer are conducted for a prescribed constant and homogenous surface heat flux and a specified cooling term representing the background large scale thermal balance. The results show the 2-D coherent structures of convective cells with characteristic scales comparable with PBL height; downward maximum velocities being 70-80% of the accompanying upward maxima; vertical profiles of a constant potential temperature and linear decreasing heat fluxes; a square-root increase in the velocity magnitude with increasing surface heat flux.
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The fundamental physics governing wildland fire spread are still largely misunderstood. This thesis was motivated by the need to better understand the role of radiative and convective heat transfer in the ignition and spread of wildland fires. The focus of this work incorporated the use of infrared thermographic imaging techniques to investigate fuel particle response from three different heating sources: convective dominated heating from an air torch, radiative dominated heating from a crib fire, and an advancing flame front in a laboratory wind tunnel test. The series of experiments demonstrated the uniqueness and valuable characteristics of infrared thermography to reveal the hidden nature of heat transfer and combustion aspects which are taking place in the condensed phase of wildland fuelbeds. In addition, infrared thermal image-based temperature history and ignition behavior of engineered cardboard fuel elements subjected to convective and radiative heating supported experimental findings that millimeter diameter pine needles cannot be ignited by radiation alone even under long duration fire generated radiant heating. Finally, fuel characterization using infrared thermography provided a better understanding of the condensed phase fuel pyrolysis and heat transfer mechanisms governing the response of wildland fuel particles to an advancing flame front.
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Méthodes de prévision d'ensemble pour l'étude de la prévisibilité à l'échelle convective des épisodes de pluies intenses en MéditerranéeVié, Benoît, Vié, Benoît 29 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
L'évaluation de l'incertitude associée à la prévision numérique du temps à haute résolution, et en particulier l'estimation de la prévisibilité des événements de fortes précipitations en région méditerranéenne, sont les objectifs de ce travail de thèse. Nous avons procédé à l'étude de quatre sources d'incertitude contrôlant la prévisibilité de ces événements : la description des conditions d'échelle synoptique, la représentation des conditions atmosphériques à méso-échelle (notamment le flux de basses couches alimentant le système convectif), le rôle de processus physiques complexes tels que l'établissement d'une plage froide sous orage, et enfin la définition des conditions de surface. Pour quantifier l'impact de ces différentes sources d'incertitude, nous avons opté pour la méthode des prévisions d'ensemble avec le modèle AROME. Chaque source d'incertitude est étudiée individuellement à travers la génération de perturbations pertinentes, et les ensembles ainsi obtenus sont évalués dans un premier temps pour des cas de fortes précipitations. Nous avons aussi procédé à une évaluation statistique du comportement des prévisions d'ensemble réalisées sur des périodes de prévision longues de deux à quatre semaines. Cette évaluation, ainsi que celle de systèmes de prévision d'ensemble échantillonnant plusieurs sources d'incertitude simultanément, permettent d'établir une hiérarchisation de ces sources d'incertitude et enfin quelques recommandations en vue de la mise en place d'un système de prévision d'ensemble à échelle convective opérationnel à Météo-France
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Vergleich präklinischer Behandlungsoptionen der akzidentellen Hypothermie nach Einklemmungstrauma - Eine Probandensimulation / A Comparison of the Preclinical Treatment Options for Accidental Hypothermia after Entrapment Trauma - A Simulation with Test SubjectsJebens, Christopher 06 March 2014 (has links)
Jährlich erleiden allein in Deutschland über 62 000 Personen eine schwere Verletzung nach einem Verkehrsunfall. Neben den persönlichen Verletzungsfolgen für die Patienten sind auch die volkswirtschaftlichen Kosten dabei nicht unerheblich. Die Summe der entstehenden Behandlungskosten wird durch das Statistische Bundesamt mit über 13,5 Milliarden Euro jährlich angegeben. Hinzu kommen weitere Aufwendungen, die sich durch Erwerbsminderung als Folge der Verletzungen ergeben. Durch Tod und Invalidität ergibt sich schließlich ein volkswirtschaftlicher Gesamtschaden von 41 Milliarden Euro jährlich (Statistisches Bundesamt 2012).
Auch die häufig mit den Verletzungen einhergehende akzidentelle Hypothermie hat auf den innerklinischen Behandlungsverlauf einen entscheidenden Einfluss und stellt einen unabhängigen Mortalitätsfaktor dar (Lier et al. 2007; Tryba und Leban 1996). Dabei ist die Hypothermie Teil der „Lethal Triad“, die das gleichzeitige Auftreten einer Koagulopathie, einer Azidose und einer Hypothermie beschreibt und zu einer gesteigerten Letalität führt (Kashuk et al. 1982).
Nach einer Studie von Helm et al. (Helm et al. 1995b) ist mit 49,6% jeder zweite Traumapatient hypotherm bei Einlieferung in den Schockraum des aufnehmenden Krankenhauses. Dabei ist der Schweregrad der Hypothermie unabhängig von Außentemperatur- und Witterungseinflüssen.
Ziel muss daher sein, die akzidentelle Hypothermie zu verhindern oder zumindest eine frühzeitige Wiedererwärmung einzuleiten.
Zur Durchführung einer Patientenerwärmung in der präklinischen Phase gibt es bisher jedoch neben der passiven Erwärmung mit Decken o.ä. nur wenige Ansätze. Eine in der Literatur beschriebene Möglichkeit der aktiven Wärmetherapie ist der Einsatz eines Halogenstrahlers, wie er von den Feuerwehren und Hilfsorganisationen als Lichtquelle mitgeführt wird. Dabei soll die Strahlungswärme (Radiation) die Körpertemperatur des Patienten stabilisieren.
Eine weitere Möglichkeit stellt der in vielen innerklinischen Studien beschriebene Einsatz von konvektiven Luftwärmern dar, die erfolgreich im innerklinischen Intensiv- und Operationsalltag Anwendung finden. Dieses stellt jedoch an Einsatzstellen bisher eine Rarität dar.
Zu beiden Methoden fehlen bisher Studien über die Wirksamkeit unter präklinischen Bedingungen.
Dieses sollte mit dieser Arbeit untersucht werden. Dazu führten wir eine Studie an 30 gesunden Probanden bei einer standardisierten Umgebungstemperatur von 3°C durch. Die Probanden mussten jeweils zwei Versuchsteile durchlaufen, wobei sich die ersten 21 Minuten jeweils identisch gliederten. In dieser Zeit saßen die Studienteilnehmer bekleidet mit T-Shirt, Shorts, Strümpfen, Schuhen und Unterwäsche auf einem Fahrzeugsitz und waren schutzlos der Umgebungs-temperatur ausgesetzt. Diese Zeit sollte dem Zeitverzug im präklinischen Rettungswesen zwischen Unfallzeitpunkt und Beginn der Hilfsmaßnahmen entsprechen. Danach erfolgte dann für weitere 39 Minuten die Erwärmung mittels Halogenstrahler bzw. konvektivem Luftwärmer. Bei der Erwärmung mit dem konvektiven Luftwärmer diente eine Kunststofffolie, mit der der Proband eingehüllt wurde, als Wärmedecke, Als konvektiver Luftwärmer wurde das Gerät „Polarn 4000“ der Firma Eberspächer ausgewählt, da dieses für den präklinischen Einsatz vorgesehen ist.
Während des Versuchszeitraumes wurde neben der Überwachung von Herz-frequenz, Blutdruck und Sauerstoffsättigung die Körpertemperatur an verschiedenen festgelegten Messpunkten in drei-minütlichem Abstand gemessen.Als Ergebnis konnte festgestellt werden, dass die Erwärmung mittels konvektivem Luftwärmer hoch effektiv und signifikant besser ist, als die mit einem Halogenstrahler. Bei der Erwärmung mittels Halogenstrahler konnte keine Stabilisierung und kein Anstieg der Körpertemperatur beobachtet werden.
Prinzipiell ist der Einsatz eines konvektiven Luftwärmern unter präklinischen Bedingungen auch mit einfachsten Mitteln möglich.
Ein Kritikpunkt muss jedoch die hohe Temperatur der erzeugten Warmluft sein. Hier sollte durch den Hersteller eine Temperaturregelung nachgebessert werden, um Verbrennungen der Patienten zu vermeiden. Bis dahin kann diese Methode in der jetzigen Form nicht allgemein empfohlen werden.
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Development of convective reflow-projection moire warpage measurement system and prediction of solder bump reliability on board assemblies affected by warpageTan, Wei 05 March 2008 (has links)
Out-of-plane displacement (warpage) is one of the major thermomechanical reliability concerns for board-level electronic packaging. Printed wiring board (PWB) and component warpage results from CTE mismatch among the materials that make up the PWB assembly (PWBA). Warpage occurring during surface-mount assembly reflow processes and normal operations may cause serious reliability problems. In this research, a convective reflow and projection moire warpage measurement system was developed. The system is the first real-time, non-contact, and full-field measurement system capable of measuring PWB/PWBA/chip package warpage with the projection moire technique during different thermal reflow processes.
In order to accurately simulate the reflow process and to achieve the ideal heating rate, a convective heating system was designed and integrated with the projection moire system. An advanced feedback controller was implemented to obtain the optimum heating responses. The developed system has the advantages of simulating different types of reflow processes, and reducing the temperature gradients through the PWBA thickness to ensure that the projection moire system can provide more accurate measurements.
Automatic package detection and segmentation algorithms were developed for the projection moire system. The algorithms are used for automatic segmentation of the PWB and assembled packages so that the warpage of the PWB and chip packages can be determined individually.
The effect of initial PWB warpage on the fatigue reliability of solder bumps on board assemblies was investigated using finite element modeling (FEM) and the projection moire system. The 3-D models of PWBAs with varying board warpage were used to estimate the solder bump fatigue life for different chip packages mounted on PWBs. The simulation results were validated and correlated with the experimental results obtained using the projection moire system and accelerated thermal cycling tests. Design of experiments and an advanced prediction model were generated to predict solder bump fatigue life based on the initial PWB warpage, package dimensions and locations, and solder bump materials. This study led to a better understanding of the correlation between PWB warpage and solder bump thermomechanical reliability on board assemblies.
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Obtenção de chips de berinjela (Solanun melongena L.) mediante processo combinado de desidratação osmótica em solução ternária e secagem convectivaFernandes, Maristela Alves 15 June 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-06-15 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work aimed to utilize the combined osmotic dehydration and convective drying process to obtain eggplant chips by a non-conventional healthier and more low cost way. The combined process was studied through a factorial experimental design having as independent variables the temperature (30-50°C), sucrose (27,5 to 42,5% w/w) and sodium chloride (3,75 to 6,25% w/w) solution concentrations and immersion time (142,5 to 247,5 min.). The dependent ones were the water loss (PA), sucrose gain (GSac), sodium gain (GSódio), and the GSac/GSódio ratio. Samples from each osmotic condition were dried at 60°C for 4 hours in a convective dryer with a 1m/s air velocity. The objective was to obtain a maximum water loss with a minimum sucrose and sodium impregnation. Statistic models were well fitted according to the Response Surface Methodology. Once PA was above 90% and water activity was less than 0,4 for all samples, it was used the GSac/GSódio ratio as a parameter for choosing the best process condition which should be maximum. Thus, from this analysis, the best way to obtain eggplant chips was at 50°C, with a sucrose and sodium chloride concentrations of 45% and 7,5%, respectively, for 127,5 minutes. This independent variables combination led to a final product with its sodium content sensory attenuated due the sucrose presence and based on this point of view, it could be considered a healthier product compared with similar commercial, as well as by non-use of conventional frying process. / O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a utilização da tecnologia combinada de desidratação osmótica e secagem para obtenção de berinjela seca em forma de chips , de modo a aproveitar esta matéria-prima e obter um produto final, por vias não convencionais, mais saudável e de baixo custo. O processo de desidratação osmótica seguida de secagem convectiva foi realizado através de um delineamento experimental, tendo como variáveis independentes a temperatura (30 50°C), concentração de sacarose (27,5 42,5% p/p) e concentração de cloreto de sódio (3,75 6,25% p/p) da solução osmótica e o tempo de imersão (142,5 247,5 min.), e como variáveis dependentes PA, GSac, GSódio, GSac/GSódio e aw, secas numa temperatura e tempo de 60°C e 4 horas, respectivamente, a uma velocidade de 1m/s, onde o objetivo foi obter uma máxima perda de água com uma mínima incorporação de sacarose e sódio. Foram ajustados modelos de primeira ordem segundo a metodologia de superfície de resposta. Uma vez que PA foi acima de 90% e a aw foi menor que 0,4 para todos os ensaios, utilizou-se como parâmetro de escolha da melhor condição do processo, a análise do agente osmótico, mediante a razão GSac/GSódio, a qual deveria ser máxima, segundo a composição de amostras de batata chips comerciais. A condição ideal para obtenção de berinjela seca em forma de chips foi T=50ºC, CSac=45%, CSal=7,5%, t=127,5 minutos, onde tal fato implica em um produto final com um teor de sódio sensorialmente atenuado devido à presença da sacarose e sendo considerado, portanto, mais saudável em função dos menores teores de sódio e sacarose, quando comparado com os similares comerciais, assim como também, pela não utilização do processo de fritura convencional.
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Análise termodinâmica dos complexos convectivos de mesoescala atuantes na costa leste do nordeste brasileiro / Thermodynamical analysis of mesoescale convective complexes over the eastern coast of brazilian northwestSilveira, Marcio Henrique dos Santos 04 May 2012 (has links)
Thermodynamic characteristics analysis of 80 MCC events during 10 years (1999-2009) in the Brazilian Northeast was the principal goal of this study. CCM events were observed more frequently (66%) in the dry season (January March). Reanalysis data showed SST temperatures above 27°C in adjacent ocean, and a 180° wind variation in relation to lower and higher levels. MCC development (declining) stage was associated more frequently with upslope (downslope) trajectory. K ant TT indexes showed more instability of the upslope air parcels in the majority of the events. In development stage, Convective Inhibition (CIN) values showed a decrease in its values and in the declining stage an increase were seen. Radiosonde data presented average values in consistency with reference data. Potential Instability showed influence in most of the cases, especially in the upslope events in the development stage. The influence of dynamical aspects on the instability took place in a better way for the MCC than the convective forcing / A análise termodinâmica de 80 eventos de CCM ocorridos entre 1999 e 2009 é o objetivo deste estudo. Foi visto que 66% dos eventos de CCM ocorreram entre janeiro e março, estação seca na região leste do Nordeste Brasileiro. Foi verificado com dados de reanálises valores de TSM acima de 27°C no litoral adjacente e variação de 180° no vento entre baixos e altos níveis. A maioria dos casos apresentou trajetória ascendente à montanha na fase de desenvolvimento do sistema. Na fase de decaimento, a maioria das trajetórias foram descendentes. Os índices K e TT mostraram instabilização das parcelas ascendentes na maioria dos eventos. O potencial de inibição da convecção (CIN) apresentou diminuição de seus valores no desenvolvimento e aumento no decaimento. Dados de radiossondagem obtidos em Recife-PE, dentro da área de estudo, mostraram valores dos índices termodinâmicos condizentes com os valores de referência na literatura. A instabilidade potencial esteve presente na maioria dos casos, especialmente nos casos com trajetória ascendente no desenvolvimento. No período de decaimento, a influência da montanha se deu na estabilização das parcelas. A instabilidade convectiva não foi o principal fator contribuinte na instabilidade associada aos CCM, uma vez que a variação de temperatura durante o ciclo diurno foi pequena, tendo seus valores de temperatura máxima com pequena diferença com relação aos valores reais
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Ambiente atmosférico favorável ao desenvolvimento de complexos convectivos de mesoescala no sul do BrasilMoraes, Flávia Dias de Souza January 2016 (has links)
Complexos Convectivos de Mesoescala (CCM) são eventos meteorológicos de difícil previsão, que resultam em tempestades severas e desastres. O objetivo deste trabalho é indicar as características em grande escala do ambiente atmosférico favorável para a formação de CCM no Sul do Brasil, entre 1998 e 2007. Fez-se uso da base de dados de CCM de Durkee e Mote (2009), assim como das variáveis de Potencial de Energia Convectiva Disponível (CAPE), ponto de orvalho, temperatura, altura geopotencial, componentes de vento u e v e umidade relativa da reanálise do National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR), coletadas entre 2,5 e 5,5 horas antes do desenvolvimento dos CCM. Com o método de Análise das Componentes Principais (ACP), geraram-se as composições do ambiente atmosférico médio favorável ao desenvolvimento dos CCM, para comparar o grupo dos que ocorreram no Sul do Brasil ao dos que atuaram em outras regiões da AS. Usando como dado de entrada as variáveis de altura geopotencial e temperatura (em 850 hPa), foram encontradas quatro componentes principais para cada um dos grupos de CCM. Com base nas componentes principais, nas variáveis atmosféricas e nas cartas sinóticas, foram reconstruídos os ambientes atmosféricos médios para identificar o comportamento das características atmosféricas prévias aos CCM para cada conjunto de eventos. Os resultados identificaram 303 CCM, 96 no Sul do Brasil, 168 em outras regiões da AS e 39 oceânicos. O ambiente atmosférico médio dos 168 CCM não apresentou características homogêneas, pois 75% das componentes não possuíam jatos de baixos níveis (JBN) dentro dos critérios adotados, mas a presença de um escoamento meridional. Esse fluxo, ao encontrar com a região de divergência dos jatos de altos níveis (JAN), foi um dos fatores favoráveis para a convecção, já que seus valores de CAPE (≥ 450 J kg-1) eram menores que a média esperada para formação de tempestades e só uma das componentes teve frentes frias associadas. Por outro lado, o grupo dos 96 CCM que atuaram no Sul do Brasil mostrou-se cerca de 50.000 km² maior em extensão que os das outras regiões da AS e dos EUA e com duração de pelo menos 3 h a mais. Além disso, as características atmosféricas do grupo de CCM do Sul do Brasil mostraram padrões homogêneos, podendo indicar a formação de CCM nessa região quando: o campo de ventos médios em 850 e 200 hPa, se encontrarem em posição ortogonal, indicando acoplamento entre os jatos de baixos e altos níveis; os valores de CAPE forem ≥ 600 J kg-1 e o cisalhamento vertical estiver entre 7 e 12 m s-1; houver atuação das frentes frias no sul da AS; a umidade relativa disponível estiver concentrada próxima à região Sul do Brasil, com valores maiores que 80%; a altura geopotencial (850 hPa) apresentar um cavado na região gênese dos CCM e a temperatura (850 hPa) estiver mais elevada próxima e ao norte da região de formação. / Mesoscale Convective Complexes (MCCs) are meteorological events difficult to forecast, which result in severe storms and other natural hazards. This study’s objective is to indicate the large-scale atmospheric environment favorable to develop MCCs in Southern Brazil during the 1998–2007 period. The MCCs database used was from Durkee and Mote (2009) and the variables selected include CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy), dewpoint temperature, temperature, geopotential height, and relative humidity from National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR), collected from 2,5 to 5,5 hours before the MCCs’ development. Principal component analysis (PCA) method was used to construct the average atmospheric environments of MCCs group that occurred in Southern Brazil to compare with MCCs that occurred in other regions of South America. Temperature and geopotential height were the variables used for the PCA, resulting in four principal components to each MCCs group. Based on these principal components, meteorological variables and synoptic charts, average atmospheric environments were built to understand the atmospheric parameters that indicate the development of MCCs in each group. Results show 303 MMCs, 96 were located in Southern Brazil, 168 in South America and 39 in the South Atlantic Ocean. The average atmospheric environment from the group of 168 MCCs did not indicate homogeneous characteristics, as 75% of its principal components cannot be characterized as having a low-level jet (LLJ) in the wind field, instead only a meridional flux of humid and warm air at 850 hPa. This air coupled with the upperlevel jet (ULJ) was found to be responsible for convection developing MCCs, as CAPE (≥ 450 J kg-1) was below the average to produce storms and only one component was associated with a cold front. On the other hand, the MCCs’ group of Southern Brazil is on the order of 50.000 km² larger and 3 hours longer than MCCs from other regions of South America and from the United States. Furthermore, the atmospheric characteristics of the Southern Brazil MCCs’ group revealed homogenous patterns, which suggest that the development of MCCs in this region starts when: the mean wind field indicate a coupled LLJ (jet streak between 10 and 12 m s-1) and ULJ (jet streak ≥ 32 m s-1), CAPE value is ≥ 600 J kg-1 and the vertical wind shear is from 7 to 12 m s-1, cold fronts are active in Southern South America, the relative humidity is concentrated in Southern Brazil and above 80%, the geopotential height (850 hPa) indicate a trough in the genesis region of MCCs and the temperature (850 hPa) is higher near and northern the genesis region.
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