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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploring and Evaluating Veterinary Team Effectiveness in Companion Animal Practice

Moore, Irene C 15 May 2013 (has links)
The veterinary healthcare team concept was explored using an inductive approach involving four veterinarian (N=23) and four Registered Veterinary Technician focus groups (N=26). Themes revealed included Communication, Toxic Attitude and Environment, Leadership, Coordination, and Work Engagement. Each was subsequently explored in a study of team effectiveness and its associations with job satisfaction and burnout. A random sample of 274 participants from 48 companion-animal veterinary teams was recruited. Mixed linear regression found job satisfaction increased with increased individual engagement and tenure at the practice, and decreased with increased years in veterinary medicine, full-time employment status, or within a toxic clinic environment. Higher scores for exhaustion and cynicism were associated with the presence of a toxic environment, reduced individual engagement, and full-time employment status. A coordinated team environment contributed to decreased cynicism and increased professional efficacy scores. These results suggest team effectiveness significantly influences job satisfaction and burnout among veterinary healthcare teams. / Royal Canin Veterinary Diets

An Exploration of Language, Policies, and Collaborative Actions by Planning and Public Health Professionals to Guide Active Community Design

BERGERON, KIMBERLY ANN 06 June 2012 (has links)
The objective of this research project was to gain a better understanding of the language, policies and collaborative actions undertaken by planning and public health professionals that are relevant to the design of active communities. The overarching aim of this research was to develop resources to facilitate the collaborative efforts of planners and public health professionals working together to create active communities. To this end, three studies were undertaken. In the first study, publicly available documents, websites, and published reports from five Government of Ontario ministries were reviewed. The review produced 136 terms for inclusion in a joint glossary of terms for planners and public health professionals. In the second study legislation/strategies from the same five government ministries were reviewed and interviews were conducted with 10 government policy-makers to identify priorities, challenges and inter-sectoral collaboration to enhance the design of active communities. This process produced a policy inventory of 39 Ontario laws/strategies that govern planners and public heath professionals working to enhance the design of active communities and identified challenges related to achieving inter-ministry collaboration and coordination towards a provincial active communities’ agenda. The third study recruited planners and public health professionals working in the province of Ontario to participate in a concept mapping process to identify ways they currently work together to enhance the design of active communities. This process generated 72 actions that represent collaborative efforts planners and public health professionals engage in when designing active communities. These actions were then organized by importance and feasibility, resulting in the development of a coordinated action framework that features four planning actions for planners, nineteen proximal and six distal coordinated actions for planners and public health professionals and six public health actions for public health professionals. Collectively, results from these three studies contribute to our understanding of the language, policies, and collaborative actions employed by planning and public health professionals that are relevant to the design of active communities. The resources developed from this project are intended to support and facilitate the collaborative efforts of planners and public health professionals working to create active communities. / Thesis (Ph.D, Kinesiology & Health Studies) -- Queen's University, 2012-06-04 14:33:13.672

Performance evaluation of low-complexity multi-cell multi-user MIMO systems

Zhu, Jun 29 April 2011 (has links)
The idea of utilizing multiple antennas (MIMO) has emerged as one of the significant breakthroughs in modern wireless communications. MIMO techniques can improve the spectral efficiency of wireless systems and provide significant throughput gains. As such, MIMO will be increasingly deployed in future wireless systems. On the other hand, in order to meet the increasing demand for high data rate multimedia wireless services, future wireless systems are evolving towards universal frequency reuse, where neighboring cells may utilize the same radio spectrum. As such, the performance of future wireless systems will be mainly limited by inter-cell interference (ICI). It has been shown that the throughput gains promised by conventional MIMO techniques degrade severely in multi-cell systems. This definitely attributes to the existence of the ICI. A lot of related work has been performed on the ICI mitigation or cancellation strategies, in multi-cell MIMO systems. Most of them assume that the channel and even data information is available at the collaborating base stations (BSs). Different from the previous work, we are looking into certain low-complexity codebook-based multi-cell multi-user MIMO strategies. For most of our work, we derive the statistics of the selected user's signal-to-interference-and-noise-ratio (SINR), which enable us to calculate the achieved sum-rate accurately and e ciently. With the derived sum-rate expressions, we evaluate and compare the sum-rate performance for several proposed low-complexity ICI-mitigation systems with various system parameters for single-user per-cell scheduling case. Furthermore, in order to fully exploit spatial multiplexing gain, we are considering multi-user per-cell scheduling case. Based on the assumption that all CSI including intra-cell and inter-cell channels are available at each BS, we rstly look into the centralized optimization approach. Typically, since the sum-rate maximization problem is mostly non-convex, it is generally di cult to obtain the globally optimum solution. Through certain approximation and relaxations, we successfully investigate an iterative optimization algorithm which exploits the second-order cone programming (SOCP) approach. From the simulation results, we will observe that the iterative option can provide near-optimum sum capacity, although only locally optimized. Afterwards, inspired by the successful application of Per-User Unitary Rate Control (PU2RC) scheme, we manage to extend it into dual-cell environment, with limited coordination between two cells. / Graduate

Coordinated Transmission for Wireless Interference Networks

Farhadi, Hamed January 2014 (has links)
Wireless interference networks refer to communication systems in which multiple source–destination pairs share the same transmission medium, and each source’s transmission interferes with the reception at non-intended destinations. Optimizing the transmission of each source–destination pair is interrelated with that of the other pairs, and characterizing the performance limits of these networks is a challenging task. Solving the problem of managing the interference and data communications for these networks would potentially make it possible to apply solutions to several existing and emerging communication systems. Wireless devices can carefully coordinate the use of scarce radio resources in order to deal effectively with interference and establish successful communications. In order to enable coordinated transmission, terminals must usually have a certain level of knowledge about the propagation environment; that is, channel state information (CSI). In practice, however, no CSI is a priori available at terminals (transmitters and receivers), and proper channel training mechanisms (such as pilot-based channel training and channel state feedback) should be employed to acquire CSI. This requires each terminal to share available radio resources between channel training and data transmissions. Allocating more resources for channel training leads to an accurate CSI estimation, and consequently, a precise coordination. However, it leaves fewer resources for data transmissions. This creates the need to investigate optimum resource allocation. This thesis investigates an information-theoretic approach towards the performance analysis of interference networks, and employs signal processing techniques to design transmission schemes for achieving these limits in the following scenarios. First, the smallest interference network with two single-input single-output (SISO) source–destination pairs is considered. A fixed-rate transmission is desired between each source–destination pair. Transmission schemes based on point-to-point codes are developed. The transmissions may not always attain successful communication, which means that outage events may be declared. The outage probability is quantified and the ε-outage achievable rate region is characterized. Next, a multi-user SISO interference network is studied. A pilot-assisted ergodic interference alignment (PAEIA) scheme is proposed to conduct channel training, channel state feedback, and data communications. The performance limits are evaluated, and optimum radio resource allocation problems are investigated. The analysis is extended to multi-cell wireless interference networks. A low-complexity pilot-assisted opportunistic user scheduling (PAOUS) scheme is proposed. The proposed scheme includes channel training, one-bit feedback transmission, user scheduling and data transmissions. The achievable rate region is computed, and the optimum number of cells that should be active simultaneously is determined. A multi-user MIMO interference network is also studied. Here, each source sends multiple data streams; specifically, the same number as the degrees of freedom of the network. Distributed transceiver design and power control algorithms are proposed that only require local CSI at terminals. / <p>QC 20141201</p>

Coordenação dinâmica de visualizações de dados multidimensionais / Dynamic coordination of multidimensional data visualizations

Pillat, Raquel Mainardi January 2006 (has links)
Técnicas de visualização de informações representam graficamente dados de um determinado domínio de aplicação e disponibilizam mecanismos para a interação com a representação gerada, a fim de que o usuário consiga interpretar e compreender as informações apresentadas. As técnicas de visualização multidimensionais, em particular, referem-se à visualização de informações onde cada elemento no conjunto de dados é descrito, ou caracterizado, por múltiplas variáveis (atributos), as quais devem ser codificadas em uma única estrutura visual. Embora existam diversas técnicas de visualização para representar dados multidimensionais, nenhuma delas apresenta o melhor desempenho para todos os tipos de tarefas. Uma estratégia interessante é analisar várias representações simultaneamente mantendo uma ligação semântica entre elas, de forma que ações realizadas sobre uma técnica se reflitam automaticamente nas demais. Não existe, atualmente, um sistema de múltiplas visualizações coordenadas específico para a representação de dados multidimensionais, que disponha de um amplo e variado conjunto de coordenações. Os sistemas que suportam a representação coordenada deste tipo de dados são de propósito geral e, devido a isto, oferecem poucas possibilidades de coordenação. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de técnicas de coordenação para sistemas de múltiplas visualizações, focando coordenação de representações visuais de dados multidimensionais. A partir do estudo dos diversos sistemas de visualização existentes, foi identificado um conjunto de coordenações que podem ser aplicadas entre visualizações multidimensionais. Esse trabalho apresenta estas coordenações e uma nova aplicação de múltiplas visualizações coordenadas (construída a partir do toolkit InfoVis), específica para a representação de dados multidimensionais, que implementa o conjunto de coordenações. A aplicação desenvolvida conta com um variado conjunto de coordenações e é altamente flexível, permitindo tanto a escolha das visualizações que representarão o conjunto de dados, bem como das coordenações ativas entre elas. Foram realizados alguns estudos de avaliação como ensaios de interação com usuários. Primeiramente, as implementações das técnicas de visualização suportadas pela aplicação desenvolvida foram avaliadas, com o objetivo de encontrar possíveis problemas de usabilidade. Grande parte dos problemas identificados nesta avaliação, principalmente os mais graves, foram solucionados logo após sua realização. Na seqüência, outro experimento, conduzido de maneira mais informal, avaliou algumas questões a respeito do uso das coordenações implementadas. Por fim, com um estudo de caso, verificou-se a aplicabilidade das visualizações multidimensionais suportadas pela aplicação para a exploração de dados de um domínio específico. / Information visualization techniques represent data of a specific domain graphically and provide mechanisms for interacting with this representation, allowing users to explore and understand their data. Multidimensional visualization techniques are employed to represent information where each data element is described by multiple variables (attributes) that must be mapped to a single visual structure. Although there are several techniques to display multidimensional data, none of them performs best for all kinds of tasks. An interesting strategy is to analyze multiple visualization techniques simultaneously with a semantic connection between them, so that actions performed on a representation are broadcasted to the others. This work investigates coordination techniques for multiple views systems, focusing the coordination of multidimensional data visualization. At the moment, there is not a specific coordinated-view system for multidimensional data representation that provides various forms of coordination. Systems allowing coordinated views are usually for general purpose. Due to this reason, they provide few coordination possibilities. Starting from the study of several visualization systems, we identified coordination forms that can be used between multidimensional visualizations. This work presents these coordinations and a new specific coordinated-view application (built with the InfoVis toolkit) for multidimensional data representation that implements the identified coordinations. Our application provides various coordination forms and is very flexible: it allows the user to choose the views that will display the dataset as well as the active coordinations. This work also presents some evaluation studies conducted as interaction tests with users. Firstly, the visualization techniques implemented in our application were evaluated in order to identify possible usability problems. Most of the problems identified in that study, mainly the more serious ones, were solved. Soon after, other experiment, conducted in a more informal way, evaluated some questions regarding the use of the implemented coordinations. Finally, we verified the suitability of the multidimensional visualizations supported by our application for a specific domain through a case study.

Koordinovaná rehabilitace a její realizace v organizacích pomáhajících osobám po poškození mozku v Českých Budějovicích / Coordinated rehabilitation and its implementation in organizations helping people after brain injury in České Budějovice

PRÁŠKOVÁ, Anna January 2018 (has links)
This thesis concerns with the functioning of coordinated team co-operation in organizations which provide social services to persons after acquired brain injury. Due to the frequency of occurrence and its deadful impact, these injuries become one of the most serious diseases not only in the Czech Republic but in the world. A person who has suffered brain injury is struggling with a number of socio-economic changes. A precondition for achieving full social integration of this individual is to ensure timely care and cooperation of individual experts on the given case. Such cooperation among experts is often missing in interconnected organizations. This can cause slowdown of the process of integration of an individual back to their everyday life. Equally important is the cooperation with family members who have an irreplaceable influence on the rehabilitation. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and research. The theoretical part focuses on the consequences of acquired brain injury as well as on the the possibilities of social security provided by the state. Also, much of the text concerns with the coordinated rehabilitation and multidisciplinary collaboration which has a significant impact on improving the quality of life of people after brain injury. The data collection was carried out with the help of the method of qualitative research strategy, the technique of semi-structured interview with social workers in organizations of the city of Ceske Budejovice who provide social services according to Act 108/2006 Coll., on social services, as amended. The research is aimed at finding out how the coordinated rehabilitation is implemented in social services working with persons after acquired brain injury and then to create a proposal to streamline the implementation of coordinated rehabilitation in these organizations. Following the objectives, two research questions were examined: Which experts are involved in coordinated rehabilitation in social services providing services to people after brain injury? How is the cooperation of the team working with people after brain injury implemented? The data was processed in Atlas.ti 7. The research was carried out within the successfully accepted project at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, called Coordinated rehabilitation of patients with brain injury (reg. No. GAJU 138/2016/S), funded by the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia. The research results show insufficient cooperation of experts in social services providing care to persons with acquired brain injury. In spite of an acute need of coordinated and multidisciplinary support to such persons, the organizations miss specific professionals or employ workers who carry out works of other professions without the necessary qualification. The time, organizational and financial demands of teamwork make it impossible to provide high-quality multidisciplinary care, which is an important precondition for reintegration of people with brain injury back into work and social life. Team multidisciplinary cooperation brings a lot of positives, on the other hand, it also encounters barriers, which need to be further discussed in order to come to suitable solutions that are not only in the interest of the client and his family, but also great for the whole multidisciplinary team.

Možnosti realizace konceptu koordinované rehabilitace u osob s Alzheimerovou chorobou / Possibilities of Implementing the Concept of Coordinated Rehabilitation of People with Alzheimer'S Disease

PANSKÁ, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on concept of coordinated rehabilitation within individuals in care of Alzheimer's disease. Objective of the thesis is to find out the possibilities of coordinated rehabilitation in the current concept of care for people with Alzheimer's disease. The thesis divided to two parts. The first part is focused on Alzheimer's disease, which describes what Alzheimer's disease is, its history, course, epidemiology, its risk factors, symptoms of how Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed and how it is treated. Another part of the theoretical part is dementia, where it is briefly described, what is the disease and other forms and division of dementia. The third and final part of the theoretical part is coordinated rehabilitation. This part describes what is a coordinated rehabilitation, its individual components and the conclusion of a specific activity that is used in a coordinated rehabilitation for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease. The research part of this work is focused on its objective and research questions, the methodology, results, discussion and conclusion are described. The qualitative research method was used in the research part. The technique for obtaining data for this research was a semi-standardized interview that was carried out with residential and outpatient staff providing services to people suffering Alzheimer's disease. The informants were selected by the method of deliberate selection. The data was then processed in Atlas.ti 7. In order to achieve the objective of this work, which is already mentioned above, two research questions have been determined. The first research question was focused on the differences in perception and the possibilities of using components of coordinated rehabilitation in residential and outpatient care for people with Alzheimer's disease. The second research question was focused on how the system of coordinated rehabilitation for people suffering Alzheimer's disease is most limited. The results of my work show that care for people suffering from Alzheimer's disease is insufficiently applied within the coordinated rehabilitation because the vast majority of practitioners who deal with such ill persons every day have no knowledge of this concept.

Intellectual capital and innovation in startups

Björnberg, Andreas, Lindström, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to outline how startups shape their intellectual capital to create incremental innovation. This has manifested itself as a black-box for practitioners and it has previously been unknown if startups and established firms differentiate themselves during such a process. A comparison was also made between startups in liberal market economies and the European coordinated market economies. A pilot study was conducted initially using an in-depth interview followed by a literature review, an examination of the intellectual capital construct as used in modern research and an online survey, which was sent to 2000 startups. We contributed through our findings with implications that startups construct their intellectual capital differently than established firms to generate innovation. The startups show a significant relationship between the human capital and incremental innovation as opposed to established firms that often put an emphasis on all the three dimensions of intellectual capital. We also found that there is no significant difference between liberal market economies and European coordinated market economies output of incremental innovation. However, they do differ in terms of the importance of relational capital in the creation of incremental innovation. The relational capital is more important in liberal market economies but does not affect the output of incremental innovation. We expect it has subsequent effects on the outcome of the incremental innovation since higher levels of relational capital could be manifested as a competitive advantage.

Coordenação dinâmica de visualizações de dados multidimensionais / Dynamic coordination of multidimensional data visualizations

Pillat, Raquel Mainardi January 2006 (has links)
Técnicas de visualização de informações representam graficamente dados de um determinado domínio de aplicação e disponibilizam mecanismos para a interação com a representação gerada, a fim de que o usuário consiga interpretar e compreender as informações apresentadas. As técnicas de visualização multidimensionais, em particular, referem-se à visualização de informações onde cada elemento no conjunto de dados é descrito, ou caracterizado, por múltiplas variáveis (atributos), as quais devem ser codificadas em uma única estrutura visual. Embora existam diversas técnicas de visualização para representar dados multidimensionais, nenhuma delas apresenta o melhor desempenho para todos os tipos de tarefas. Uma estratégia interessante é analisar várias representações simultaneamente mantendo uma ligação semântica entre elas, de forma que ações realizadas sobre uma técnica se reflitam automaticamente nas demais. Não existe, atualmente, um sistema de múltiplas visualizações coordenadas específico para a representação de dados multidimensionais, que disponha de um amplo e variado conjunto de coordenações. Os sistemas que suportam a representação coordenada deste tipo de dados são de propósito geral e, devido a isto, oferecem poucas possibilidades de coordenação. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de técnicas de coordenação para sistemas de múltiplas visualizações, focando coordenação de representações visuais de dados multidimensionais. A partir do estudo dos diversos sistemas de visualização existentes, foi identificado um conjunto de coordenações que podem ser aplicadas entre visualizações multidimensionais. Esse trabalho apresenta estas coordenações e uma nova aplicação de múltiplas visualizações coordenadas (construída a partir do toolkit InfoVis), específica para a representação de dados multidimensionais, que implementa o conjunto de coordenações. A aplicação desenvolvida conta com um variado conjunto de coordenações e é altamente flexível, permitindo tanto a escolha das visualizações que representarão o conjunto de dados, bem como das coordenações ativas entre elas. Foram realizados alguns estudos de avaliação como ensaios de interação com usuários. Primeiramente, as implementações das técnicas de visualização suportadas pela aplicação desenvolvida foram avaliadas, com o objetivo de encontrar possíveis problemas de usabilidade. Grande parte dos problemas identificados nesta avaliação, principalmente os mais graves, foram solucionados logo após sua realização. Na seqüência, outro experimento, conduzido de maneira mais informal, avaliou algumas questões a respeito do uso das coordenações implementadas. Por fim, com um estudo de caso, verificou-se a aplicabilidade das visualizações multidimensionais suportadas pela aplicação para a exploração de dados de um domínio específico. / Information visualization techniques represent data of a specific domain graphically and provide mechanisms for interacting with this representation, allowing users to explore and understand their data. Multidimensional visualization techniques are employed to represent information where each data element is described by multiple variables (attributes) that must be mapped to a single visual structure. Although there are several techniques to display multidimensional data, none of them performs best for all kinds of tasks. An interesting strategy is to analyze multiple visualization techniques simultaneously with a semantic connection between them, so that actions performed on a representation are broadcasted to the others. This work investigates coordination techniques for multiple views systems, focusing the coordination of multidimensional data visualization. At the moment, there is not a specific coordinated-view system for multidimensional data representation that provides various forms of coordination. Systems allowing coordinated views are usually for general purpose. Due to this reason, they provide few coordination possibilities. Starting from the study of several visualization systems, we identified coordination forms that can be used between multidimensional visualizations. This work presents these coordinations and a new specific coordinated-view application (built with the InfoVis toolkit) for multidimensional data representation that implements the identified coordinations. Our application provides various coordination forms and is very flexible: it allows the user to choose the views that will display the dataset as well as the active coordinations. This work also presents some evaluation studies conducted as interaction tests with users. Firstly, the visualization techniques implemented in our application were evaluated in order to identify possible usability problems. Most of the problems identified in that study, mainly the more serious ones, were solved. Soon after, other experiment, conducted in a more informal way, evaluated some questions regarding the use of the implemented coordinations. Finally, we verified the suitability of the multidimensional visualizations supported by our application for a specific domain through a case study.

Coordenação dinâmica de visualizações de dados multidimensionais / Dynamic coordination of multidimensional data visualizations

Pillat, Raquel Mainardi January 2006 (has links)
Técnicas de visualização de informações representam graficamente dados de um determinado domínio de aplicação e disponibilizam mecanismos para a interação com a representação gerada, a fim de que o usuário consiga interpretar e compreender as informações apresentadas. As técnicas de visualização multidimensionais, em particular, referem-se à visualização de informações onde cada elemento no conjunto de dados é descrito, ou caracterizado, por múltiplas variáveis (atributos), as quais devem ser codificadas em uma única estrutura visual. Embora existam diversas técnicas de visualização para representar dados multidimensionais, nenhuma delas apresenta o melhor desempenho para todos os tipos de tarefas. Uma estratégia interessante é analisar várias representações simultaneamente mantendo uma ligação semântica entre elas, de forma que ações realizadas sobre uma técnica se reflitam automaticamente nas demais. Não existe, atualmente, um sistema de múltiplas visualizações coordenadas específico para a representação de dados multidimensionais, que disponha de um amplo e variado conjunto de coordenações. Os sistemas que suportam a representação coordenada deste tipo de dados são de propósito geral e, devido a isto, oferecem poucas possibilidades de coordenação. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo de técnicas de coordenação para sistemas de múltiplas visualizações, focando coordenação de representações visuais de dados multidimensionais. A partir do estudo dos diversos sistemas de visualização existentes, foi identificado um conjunto de coordenações que podem ser aplicadas entre visualizações multidimensionais. Esse trabalho apresenta estas coordenações e uma nova aplicação de múltiplas visualizações coordenadas (construída a partir do toolkit InfoVis), específica para a representação de dados multidimensionais, que implementa o conjunto de coordenações. A aplicação desenvolvida conta com um variado conjunto de coordenações e é altamente flexível, permitindo tanto a escolha das visualizações que representarão o conjunto de dados, bem como das coordenações ativas entre elas. Foram realizados alguns estudos de avaliação como ensaios de interação com usuários. Primeiramente, as implementações das técnicas de visualização suportadas pela aplicação desenvolvida foram avaliadas, com o objetivo de encontrar possíveis problemas de usabilidade. Grande parte dos problemas identificados nesta avaliação, principalmente os mais graves, foram solucionados logo após sua realização. Na seqüência, outro experimento, conduzido de maneira mais informal, avaliou algumas questões a respeito do uso das coordenações implementadas. Por fim, com um estudo de caso, verificou-se a aplicabilidade das visualizações multidimensionais suportadas pela aplicação para a exploração de dados de um domínio específico. / Information visualization techniques represent data of a specific domain graphically and provide mechanisms for interacting with this representation, allowing users to explore and understand their data. Multidimensional visualization techniques are employed to represent information where each data element is described by multiple variables (attributes) that must be mapped to a single visual structure. Although there are several techniques to display multidimensional data, none of them performs best for all kinds of tasks. An interesting strategy is to analyze multiple visualization techniques simultaneously with a semantic connection between them, so that actions performed on a representation are broadcasted to the others. This work investigates coordination techniques for multiple views systems, focusing the coordination of multidimensional data visualization. At the moment, there is not a specific coordinated-view system for multidimensional data representation that provides various forms of coordination. Systems allowing coordinated views are usually for general purpose. Due to this reason, they provide few coordination possibilities. Starting from the study of several visualization systems, we identified coordination forms that can be used between multidimensional visualizations. This work presents these coordinations and a new specific coordinated-view application (built with the InfoVis toolkit) for multidimensional data representation that implements the identified coordinations. Our application provides various coordination forms and is very flexible: it allows the user to choose the views that will display the dataset as well as the active coordinations. This work also presents some evaluation studies conducted as interaction tests with users. Firstly, the visualization techniques implemented in our application were evaluated in order to identify possible usability problems. Most of the problems identified in that study, mainly the more serious ones, were solved. Soon after, other experiment, conducted in a more informal way, evaluated some questions regarding the use of the implemented coordinations. Finally, we verified the suitability of the multidimensional visualizations supported by our application for a specific domain through a case study.

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