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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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The development of a high achievement culture at Continental Tyre SA (Pty) Ltd

Zamisa, Sakhiwo Glen 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As Continental Tyre SA strives to carve a path towards high performance, it is critical that the nine (9) factors of workplace practices, suggested by David Maister, are embraced fully and become integral part of its strategic direction. To be able to achieve as a world-class low cost producer of quality tyres, Continental Tyre SA will not only upgrade its technology and improve processes, but also the development of its employees to their best ability is imperative. As the study findings have shown, there is an unwavering commitment and enthusiasm from employees at Continental Tyre. Senior management must capitalize on these positive results in building and instilling more pride, by ensuring that employees are empowered and capacitated to fulfill their personal ambitions and the goals of the organisation at large. For Continental to deliver high quality and maintain supreme standards of service as expected by its customers, they have to ensure that all employees, as people who are in the front line of customer service, are equipped with appropriate knowledge to understand all their products and the unique needs of customers. Quality Systems have to be strengthened and updated regularly through audits, so as to align with global best performers. Another critical consideration of people management are coaching and mentorship programs, that serve as a guide and support to employees development processes. Employees must be encouraged to discuss the issues that affect their performance within this relationship. This management practice helps to exploit the full potential of individual employees as they strive to contribute by the achievement of high performance within the organisation. The culture of high performance is enhanced by well managed and effective protege - mentor relationships that are practiced throughout the organisation. With coaching, complex and highly intimidating change interventions are handled with great confidence by employees. Fair compensation and incentive schemes have become a critical part of reward systems, and Continental Tyre SA is no exception. However, for this business practice to achieve its intended objective, reward and motivation, it has to be implemented in an equitable and fair manner, consistent with the efforts and contributions of employees, When fair, compensation will tend to have a postive influence on the other factors. High levels of satisfaction will not be guaranteed by fair compensation only, but employees will enjoy their work more when allowed to be creative and when given the freedom to make decisions that determine how they will do their job best. Continental Tyre can derive satisfaction and encouragement from the outcome of the survey. Real satisfaction will come from financial and market performances that confinm the positive results of the high achievement research study. Lastly, the culture survey must be developed as an organisation practice that will ensure regular, reliable feedback of employee opinions. Not only will Continental Tyre SA be able to maintain and gain loyalty from its present employees with progressive high achievement practices, they will gradually attain the status of employer of choice, thereby attracting ta lented high potential employees. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In Continental Tyre SA se strewe na hoë werkverrigting is dit essensieel dat die nege faktore aangaande werkplek-praktyke soos deur David Maisler voorgestel, ten volle aanvaar word om 'n integrale deel van die organisasie se strategie te vorm. Om hul beeld as verskaffers van wereldklas, lae-koste, gehalte bande uit te leef, poog Continental SA nie alleen om tegnologie te verbeter en sodoende prosesse te verhoog nie, maar is die ontwikkeling van die organisasie se werknemers se vermoens van kardinale belang. Bevindinge uit die studie toon 'n intense toewyding en belangstelling onder werknemers by Continental Tyre SA. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat senior bestuur voortbou op die bevinding deur geleenthede te skep vir die bemagtinging van werknemers om hul persoonlike ambisies en doelwitte uit te leef, wat op die lange duur tot voordeel van die maatskappy kan strek. Om te verseker dat Continental Tyre SA diens van hoë gehalte en net die hoogste standaarde lewer, soos deur hul klienle verwag word, moet daar toegesien word dat alle werknemers, wat gewoonlik in die voorste linies is as dit kom by klientediens, toegerus word met die nodige kennis oor produkte asook oor die unieke behoeftes van kliente. Die voortdurende versterking en opgradering van kwaliteitstelsels deur middel van ouditte sal verseker dat in pas gebly word met globale presteerders. In mensebestuur moet daar ook krities gekyk word na afrigting- en mentorskapprogramme, wat kan dien as gids en wat ondersteuning kan verleen aan die ontwikkelingsproses van werknemers. Werknemers behoort aangemoedig te word om kwessies rakende hul prestasies binne hierdie verband te bespreek. Sodanige bestuurspraktyk moedig werknemers aan om individueel tot volle potensiaal te ontwikkel in hul strewe om deur die lewering van kwaliteit werk ook 'n bydrae tot die organisasie te maak. Effektiewe en goedbestuurde protege/mentor verhoudinge wat toegepas word in die hele organisasie verhoog die kultuur van hoë werkverrigting en prestasie. Gekompliseerde en hoogs intimiderende veranderingsintervensies kan met die hulp van afrigting, met groot selfvertroue deur werknemers hanteer word. Billike kompensasie en aansporingskemas het al 'n kritieke deel van besoldiging geword in organisasies en Continental Tyre SA is geen uitsondering nie. As besigheidspraktyk met motivering en vergoeding as doelwit, moet hierdie doelwit in pas met die bydraes en pogings van werknemers, op 'n billike wyse ge'implimenteer word. Indien vergoeding billik is, sal dit neig om ander faktore positief te be'invloed. Billike vergoeding lei nie noodwendig tot hoë tevredenheidsvlakke by werknemers nie, maar werknemers sal hul werk meer genotvol vind indien hulle toegelaat word om meer kreatief te wees en die vryheid gegun word om besluite te neem oor hoe om optimaal te funksioneer in hul werk. Die uitslag van die opname kan dien as aanmoediging vir Continental Tyre SA, wat met reg tevrede daarmee kan wees. Werklike bevrediging sal uitvloei uit die finansiele- en markaanwysings wat die positiewe resultate van die hoogstaande studie-navorsing weerspieel. Ten slotte moet die kultuuropname ontwikkel word tot 'n gereelde, betroubare terugvoering van die opinies van werknemers. In die lig hiervan sal Continental SA nie slegs die lojaliteit en hoë werkverrigtingspeil van sy huidige werknemers handhaaf en behou nie, maar sal die status van werkgewer volgens keuse behaal gaandeweg bereik word en sodoende talentvolle, hoë profiel werknemers gelok word.

The KUMBA way : establishing a winning mindset for superior performance

Marupen, Fergus Conan Salvador 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: KUMBA Resources (KUMBA) is a listed mining company on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE), with an annual turnover of about seven billion Rand. Their main operations consist of iron ore, coal, heavy minerals, base metals and industrial minerals. In this study project the writer will attempt to define the process followed by KUMBA to establish a winning mindset to ensure superior performance. The basic objectives defined for this study are to: • Define the process that KUMBA followed to develop a set of values for the organisation. • Explain the process followed to develop a validated questionnaire to measure the values. • Discuss the process that was followed to develop a system to support the process. • Lastly, to discuss the results of the actual ratings in June 2003 and the recommendations made after the completion of the process. The KUMBA Way was defined as a vehicle to drive this process. Core to this process is the KUMBA Values. Strategically, KUMBA decided that their values would be a distinctive lever in the company that will ensure superior performance. KUMBA then embarked on a process to develop one set of values for all the KUMBA mines. The end result was the foundation (minimum behaviour required by KUMBA) and motivational (behaviour that can be developed to achieve overall business success) values. Foundation Values: • Integrity • Respect • Accountability • Fairness • Caring Motivational Values: • We do it together • People make it happen • Let's do it • We do it better every time KUMBA also used the framework of transformational leadership and the competency model of Jay Hall as basis to entrench their values in the organisation. These processes are driven at business unit level and the line managers took the ownership of this process. A further decision KUMBA took was to measure their values. A validated questionnaire was needed to be able to deal with the process. Two pilot studies were conducted to validate the questionnaire and the questionnaire passed the criteria of reliability and validity. The questionnaire scored an overall Cronbach Alpha of 0,88. This result was higher than the minimum requirement of 0,6 for a self constructed questionnaire. A process was also followed to develop an in house system to support the overall measurement process. This system was based on the 360-degree approach. The actual measurement of the values took place in June 2003 and the results were outstanding. The results of the actual ratings compared very favourably to the results of the pilot studies. The results of the actual assessment must still be forwarded to Deloittes and Touche Human Capital Corporation to do a final Cronbach Alpha analysis. This will allow KUMBA to determine if the increase in the number of participants influenced the overall reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Furthermore, KUMBA also needs to revisit the process after one year to examine whether the measurement of these values contributed to the overall improvement of the organisational culture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: KUMBA Resources (KUMBA) is 'n mynbou maatskappy wat op die Johannesburgse effektebeurs gelys is en het 'n jaarlikse omset van sewe miljard rand. Die basiese bedryf bestaan uit ystererts, steenkool, swaar minerale, basiese metale en industriële minerale. Die skrywer gaan, met hierdie studie, probeer om 'n wen gesindheid te skep ten einde superieure prestasie te lewer. Die basiese doelwitte vir hierdie studie word as volg gedefinieer, naamlik: • Definieer die proses wat KUMBA gevolg het ten einde een stel waardes vir die organisasie te ontwikkel. • Verduidelik die proses wat gevolg was om 'n vraelys te valideer wat die waardes sou meet. • Bespreek die proses wat gevolg was om 'n stelsel te ontwikkel wat hierdie proses sou ondersteun. • Laastens, om die resultate van die werklike meting in Junie 2003 en aanbevelings na afloop van die proses te bespreek. Die KUMBA manier was as voertuig gedefinieer om hierdie proses te dryf. Kern tot hierdie proses is die KUMBA waardes. Strategies het KUMBA besluit dat hulle waardes 'n hefboom gaan wees wat hulle graag na 'n onderskeidende vlak dryf ten einde superieure prestasie te verseker. KUMBA het met 'n proses begin om een stel waardes vir al sy besigheidseenhede te ontwikkel. Die eindresultaat was die KUMBA "Foundation" waardes (minimum gedrag wat deur KUMBA vereis word) en die "Motivational" waardes (gedrag wat ontwikkel kan word ten einde besigheid-sukses te kan bereik). "Foundation" waardes: • Integriteit • Respek • Toerekenbaarheid • Regverdigheid • Sorgvuldigheid "Motivational" waardes: • Ons doen dit saam • Mense laat dit gebeur • Kom ons doen dit • Ons doen dit beter elke keer KUMBA het ook die raamwerk van transformele leierskap en die bevoegdheidsproses van Jay Hall gebruik om waardes in die maatskappy te vestig. Hierdie prosesse was gedryf deur die besigheidseenhede en die lynbestuurders het eienaarskap van die proses geneem. 'n Verdere besluit wat KUMBA gneem het, was om hulle waardes te meet. 'n Gevalideerde vraelys was benodig vir hierdie proses. Twee loods-studies was afgeneem om die vraelys te valideer en die vraelys het aan die kriteria van geldigheid en betroubaarheid voldoen. Die vraelys het 'n algehele Cronbach Alpha van 0,88 behaal. Hierdie resultaat was hoër as die minimum vereiste van 0,6 vir 'n selfgekonstrueerde vraelys. 'n Proses was ook gevolg om 'n in-huis stelsel te ontwikkel wat die algehele metingsaksie sou ondersteun. Hierdie stelsel was gebaseer op 'n 360°-benadering. Die werklike meting het in Junie 2003 plaasgevind en die resultate was uitstekend. Die resultate van die werklike meting het baie goed vergelyk met die resultate van die tweede loods-studie. Die resultate van die werklike meting moet nog steeds aan Deloitles en Touche gestuur word ten einde 'n finale Cronbach Alpha te doen. Dit sal KUMBA in staat stel om te bepaal of die toename in die aantal deelnemers enigsins die algehele geldigheid en betroubaarheid van die vraelys beïnvloed het. KUMBA moet ook hierdie proses na 'n jaar hersien om te bepaal of die meting enigsins 'n bydrae tot die algemene organisasie-kultuur lewer.

A high performance work system : making human capital the differentiating factor

Burger, Petrus Frederik 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Workplaces around the world have recently experienced a wide variety of formal and informal changes in the organisation of work. The pace of change appears to have accelerated since the early 1990's with increased organisational restructuring efforts. New forms of work organisation, popularly labeled "high performance work systems' are reported in the academic and business literature. These workplace systems are characterised by more flexible job designs and work arrangements, team/group work, performance related compensation, greater information sharing and employee involvement in decision-making and cooperative labour-management relations to foster a participative enterprise culture. The general objective of the study is to define the work, organisational culture and human resources management processes and practices that will enable an organisation to make it's human capital the differentiating factor compared to it's competitors or similar organisations in the same industry. The research design consists of a literature study and the formulation of a strategy and implementation plan to transform the leadership behaviour and organisational culture of the organisation, based on experience with the implementation of leadership and culture interventions described in the literature. A clinical-descriptive approach was followed with data being collected to enable the researcher to propose a process to implement a high performance culture in the organisation. Recommendations for further research are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werksomgewing het verskeie veranderinge ondergaan in die afgelope jare. Dit wil voorkom asof die tempo van verandering versnel sedert die begin van die 1990's met 'n toenemende aantal organisasie-herstrukturering wat plaasvind. Nuwe vorme van werksplekherstrukturering, onder 'n populere beskrywing van "hoogs presterende werksplekstelsels", word rapporteer in die bestuurs- en akademiese literatuur. Hierdie werksplekstelsels word gekenmerk deur meer buigsame posbeskrywings en samestelling van posinhoud, groter klem op die deel van inligting oor alle vlakke in die organisasie, groter werknemer betrokkenheid in die neem van besigheidsbesluite, asook samewerkende verhoudings tussen georganiseerde arbeid en die bestuur van die organissasie wat lei tot 'n meer deelnemende organisasie kultuur. Die doelstelling met hierdie studie is om die werkspraktyke, organisasie kultuur en mensbestuurpraktyke te definieer wat 'n organisasie in staat kan stel om sy menskapitaal te kan omskep in 'n onderskeidende element, in term van organisasie prestasie, in vergelyking met kompeterende maatskappye in dieselfde industrie. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik om verskeie klimaatstudies wat reeds binne die organisasie gedoen is, te ontleed en aan die hand van die literatuurstudie, is 'n voorstel gemaak van 'n implimenteringsprogram om die leierskap-gedrag en organisasie kultuur in die organisasie te verander. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word aan die hand gedoen.

Assessment of organisational culture of a business unit

Khabeng, Kagiso Ivan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research assesses the current organisational culture as well as the future preferred organisational culture of a business unit in a large information and communications technology company. In this study the researcher also assesses the management skills and competencies in comparison with the preferred future culture of the organisation. The research is based on the competing values framework of assessing organisational culture. The data was collected using the two instruments, namely the organisational culture assessment instrument and the management skills assessment instrument. These tools are questionnaires, which enabled the researcher to undertake a survey in a business unit. A sample of eight leaders and 72 associates was used to complete the questionnaires. The organisational culture assessment instrument was used to assess and profile the current culture of the organisation as well as the future preferred culture of the organisation. The management skills assessment instrument was used to evaluate the skills and competencies of the leaders in the business unit and the data was statistically analysed to compare the current skills of the leaders to that of the preferred future culture. The research revealed that the skills and competencies of the business unit strongly match the current culture of the organisation, and not the preferred culture. Through these findings, the research established which skills and competencies need to be developed in order to achieve the preferred culture. The research is significant in that it also proved the validity of the theory of competing values and this will contribute to the scholars in the culture and change management studies.

Revisiting project management supporting organization culture from post 1997 literature

Strangfeld, V. 02 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An organizational culture guides members of the organization to think and behave as the organization requires. Project management has its own culture, which could be defined as a set of work related values and beliefs shared by project management members. The research analyzed the Brown (2000) model and dimensions that were used to describe a project management supportive organizational culture. These dimensions were used as the basis of the research. A literature study was performed on articles published after 1997 to determine if the dimensions are still applicable to a project management supportive organizational culture, as described in the earlier literature. Only three of the articles used for the evaluation included a statistical analysis of the dimensions as published by the authors. Most of the authors suggested dimensions that are supportive of project management, from practical experience gained in the industry. A short summary is given of the dimensions of the different articles. The dimensions were then compared to that of Brown (2000) to determine any deviation s. From the comparison it was found that the dimensions correspond to that what was published by Brown, but that there was a movement away from the individual to that of the team dimensions. Virtual team characteristics were analyzed and found that communication and trust are some of the dimensions that contribute to a project management supportive culture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasie kultuur gee leiding aan hul lede van die professie om te dink en hul te gedra soos wat die organisasie benodig. Projekbestuur het 'n eie kultuur wat gekenmerk word deur werk verwante waardes en opvattings wat gedeel word deur die praktisyns daarvan. Die navorsing analiseer Brown (2000) se model en die gepaardgaande dimensies van organisasie kuItuur wat projekbestuur ondersteun. Hierdie dimensies was gebruik as die basis van die navorsing. Die literatuur studie het gefokus op artikels gepubliseer na 1997 om vas te stel of hulle dimensies verskil van vroeere literatuur. Drie van die artikels wat geevalueer is bevat statistiese analises van die dimensies voorgesit deur die skrywers. Die skrywers het meestal dimensies voorgesit van projekbestuur vanuit hul praktiese ondervinding in die industrie. 'n Kort opsomming is weergegee van die dimensies uit die onderskeie artikels. Hierdie dimensies is dan vergelyk met die van Brown (2000) en verskille was uitgewys. Uit die vergelyking van die dimenisies voorgesit van Brown (2000) en die ander skrywers was daar 'n beweging weg van die individuele na 'n spandimensie gevind. VirtueIe spanne se dimensies het meer gefokus op kommunikasie en vertroue tussen spanlede om 'n projekbestuur organisasiekultuur te ondersteun.

Common values and competitiveness within a corporate culture and performance model

Meyer, Abel Hermanus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The utilisation of human capital and its impact on organisational performance must rank as one of the key managerial concerns III South Africa. The message from international competitive studies is clear: corporations become competitive when people and practices change. The global market has exposed the lack of competitive strength and effectiveness of South African corporations. Against this background, managing complex organisations in the private and public sector remains a daunting, pervasive and urgent task. By focusing on issues of organisational behaviour and global competitiveness, the study aims to contribute to the development of competitive (effective) corporations in South Africa. It is important to keep in mind that the present investigation was an exploratory study attempting to add to the body of knowledge about competitiveness. It aimed to enhance existing studies on global competitiveness and organisational effectiveness and open up possibilities for new management strategies and interventions as well as further research. In particular, it builds on previous work on the impact of organisational behaviour on performance. An extremely important development in the study of corporate culture has been proof that that the normative structure (corporate culture) has a significant impact on the performance of an organisation. Because of this impact, corporate culture has to be regarded as one of the key success factors in any corporation. Corporate culture is however no end in itself, but must be regarded as a hermeneutical key (interpretative) to corporate performance. The success of the corporation takes precedence over all other aspects of the organisation, even over its culture. The framework of corporate culture and competitiveness links patterns of behaviour and management practices with underlying assumptions, beliefs and values. It provides a clear description of the integrative mechanisms and dimensions of corporate culture and the way in which they impact on competitiveness. These behavioural factors are key determinants of organisational performance because of the close link between patterns of behaviour and underlying core values and beliefs. The model also defines the elements (people, change, projects, control) that need to be managed, as well as the traits (adaptability and innovation, mission, involvement, consistency) of the culture which determines the performance of the corporation. In terms of the corporate culture and competitiveness framework, the management activity of developing a set of common or core values is therefore a good starting point for any culture intervention strategy aimed at enhancing competitiveness (performance). A shared system of beliefs, values and symbols widely understood by an organisation's members has a positive impact on their ability to reach consensus and carry out coordinated actions. This impact, as well as the nature of the culture of the corporation has to be understood by everybody in the organisation. It also has to assist them in making sense of corporate life in such a manner that it creates opportunities for everyone to impact on the performance of the corporation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestuur van menslike hulpbronne en die impak daarvan op organisatoriese prestasie is een van die kern bestuursvraagstukke in Suid-Afrika. Die internasionale boodskap oor mededingendheid is duidelik. Organisasies se mededingendheid verander wanneer mense en praktyke verander. Oor die algemeen vaar Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies redelik swak in die internasional mark weens 'n gebrek aan kompeterendheid en effektiwiteit. Dit is duidelik dat in hierdie lig, die bestuur van komplekse organisasies 'n uitdagende ontwykende maar dringende uitdaging aan bestuur is. Deur op organisatoriese gedrag en internasionale kompeterendheid te fokus, poog die studie om 'n bydrae te maak tot die ontwikkeling van kompeterende (effektiewe) organisasies in Suid-Afrika. Dit is belangrik om in gedagte te hou dat die studie van ondersoekende aard was en om daardeur verdere insig in kompeterendheid te verkry. Dit poog om by bestaande studies oor internasionale kompeterendheid en organisatoriese doeltreffendheid aan te sluit ten einde nuwe bestuursintervensies en strategië te ontwikkel en terselfdertyd rigting vir verdere navorsing aan te dui. Dit bou in besonder op vorige studies oor die impak van organisatoriese gedrag op doeltreffendheid. 'n Belangrike ontiwkkeling in die studie van korporatiewe kultuur was die bevinding dat die normatiewe struktuur (korporatiewe kultuur) 'n insiggewende impak op die prestasie van organisasies het. As gevolg van hierdie verhouding, moet korporatiewe kultuur as een van die sleutel sukses faktore in enige organisasie beskou word. Korporatiewe kultuur bly egter altyd slegs 'n middel tot die bereiking van doelwitte en nooit as die doel self nie. Dit moet daarom beskou word as 'n hermeneutiese (verklarende) sleutel tot organisatoriese doeltreffendheid. Die prestasie van enige organisasie moet voorkeur geniet bo all ander aspekte van die organisasie, selfs die korporatiewe kultuur. Die raamwerk van korporatiewe kultuur en doeltreffendheid verklaar die interaksie tussen die onderafdelings van kultuur en die organisasie se doeltreffendheid. Die aannames, oortuigings en waardesisteme van 'n organisasie vorm die basis van 'n stel bestuurspraktyke en gedragspatrone. Hierdie gedragspatrone is sleutelfaktore tot organisasie doeltreffendheid as gevolg van die noue verband tussen die gedrag en die onderliggende waardesisteem. Die raamwerk identifiseer die elemente (mense, verandering, projekte en kontrole) as die elemente wat bestuur moet word, sowel as vier meganismes (betrokkenheid, aanpasbaarheid en vernuwing/innovasie, konsekwentheid en doelgerigtheid/rigtingaanwysing) van kultuur wat die doeltreffendheid van die organisasie bepaal. Korporatiewe kultuurintervensie strategië, gemik op prestasieverbetering, behoort in terme van die korporatiewe kultuur en doeltreffendheidsraamwerk by die ontwikkeling van 'n stel gedeelde of kernwaardes te begin. 'n Gedeelde sisteem van oortuiginge, waardes en simbole wat deur alle lede van die organisasie verstaan en aanvaar word, sal 'n sterk en positiewe uitwerking op die vermoë om konsensus en gekoordineerde optrede te bereik, hê. Hierdie uitwerking asook die aard van die kultuur van die organisasie moet deur almal in die organisasie verstaan word. Dit moet hulle ook in staat stel om die organisasie se keuse van prioriteite te verstaan en daardeur geleenthede vir almal te skep om 'n impak op die doeltreffendheid van die organisasie te hê.

Self-deception and moral blindness in the modern corporation

Knapp, John Charles January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

The relationship between quality programmes and organisational culture at Parsons Brinckerhoff Africa

Mokoka, Kwena. January 2015 (has links)
M. Tech. Business Administration / The aim of this research focuses on the relationship between organisational culture and quality programmes at an engineering consultancy firm, Parsons Brinckerhoff Africa. The company started its South African operations in 1984. It is a Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) subsidiary of the international Parsons Brinckerhoff group of companies. It provides consulting, engineering, project management and advisory services in the power industry and other infrastructure sectors.

The role of values and corporate culture in people management

Mentor, Marcelle 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The business world has seemingly become hit by, or perhaps it has been more exposed of its unethical and morally bad decisions and procedures. One just has to follow the businessrelated issues and one becomes aware of events of corruption, greed, fraud, embezzlement, theft, nepotism and so forth. This is not just an occurrence in South Africa, but a global phenomenon. However, as South Africa approaches its tenth year of democracy, and the move towards the realization of our President's vision of an African Renaissance, there is an increasing awareness that a commitment to management by acceptable values is needed to remove negativity around management processes and practices in South Africa. We have to move to a culture of management where people are the central aspect around which good management revolves. As the forerunners of The African Renaissance, we need to engage with the concept of "Ubuntu", and truly realize that value-management is really that - being people through other people. We need to accept that we should be people driven, inclusive of every single person to be able to achieve the goals we set out for our companies. Emotional intelligence is vital if one bases a style of management on a people directed goals and orientations. When we look at each other through empathetic eyes this allows for consideration of others and ultimately allows for positive change and growth in an organization. To be able to move effectively towards such a management style is not as easy as discarding a predominantly Eurocentric style and embracing an African one. There is the element of human beings that plays a vital role. The values of an individual, the norms and beliefs that that individual holds dear, is pivotal to the structure of organizational culture. It is the stance of this thesis that each individual is responsible, in one way or another, for the structure and make up of the organizational culture of which it is a part. This thesis looks at research in this regard and how the findings could be applied in the South African corporate world to help facilitate effective transformation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die besigheidswêreld word oënskynlik gebombardeer - of moontlik word dit net meer blootgestel aan die onetiese en moreel verkeerde besluite en prosedures. Dit is slegs nodig om te let op besigheidsaangeleenthede om gevalle van korrupsie, bedrog, hebsug, diefstal, nepotisme, en so voorts te bespeur. Bogenoemde gevalle kom nie slegs voor in Suid Afrika nie, maar is 'n universele verskynsel. Soos Suid Afrika sy tiende jaar van Demokrasie nader en daar 'n beweging is in die rigting van ons President se visie vir 'n Afrika Renaissance, is daar 'n toenemende bewuswording van die feit dat toewyding aan bestuur deur (aanneemlike) waardes noodsaaklik is om negatiwiteit rondom bestuurprosesse en - praktyke in Suid Afrika te verwyder. Ons moet ons beywer om te beweeg na 'n kultuur van bestuur waar individue die fokuspunt is te midde van voortreflike bestuurstyle. As die voorlopers van die Afrika Rennaissance moet ons meer verbind wees tot die konsep van "Ubuntu" en werklik besef dat waarde-bestuur inderwaarheid mens-gesentreerd behoort te wees. Ons moet die uitdagings aanvaar om gedissiplineerd op te tree en sorg te dra dat alle mylpale, wat deur die maatskappy daargestel word bereik word deur die optimale benutting van elke individu binne die maatskappy. Emosienele intelligensie is van die uiterste belang as die besigstyl gefundeer is op die beginsel van mens-gerigte doelwitte en ingesteldhede. Daar moet 'n kultuur gekweek word van empatie en konsiderasie vir ons medemens, wat uiteindelik positiewe veranderinge en groei binne die maatskappy sal bevorder. Om effektief in die rigting van so 'n bestuurstyl te beweeg, is nie bloot 'n geval van wegdoen met 'n oorwegend Eurosentriese styl en die aagryp van 'n Afrika - styl nie. Die menslike faktor speel'n beslissende rol. Die waardes van 'n individu, die norme en oortuigings wat vir hom of haar belangrik is, is van deurslaggewende belang vir die struktuur van organisatoriese kultuur. Hierdie tesis ondersoek narvorsing in hierdie verband en kyk hoe die bevindinge toegepas kan word in die Suid Afrikaanse korporatiewe wêreld om effektiewe transformasie te help fasiliteer.

Identity in organisations : a methodological study

Crafford, Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examined organisational identity from a substantive and methodological point of view. With the burgeoning interest in the organisational identity construct, there have been a multitude of perspectives and meanings associated with the term. These perspectives formed the basis of three juxtapositions used to evaluate the nature of knowledge generated by various research designs used to study organisational identity. These designs included survey design, content analysis, case study design, ethnography, narrative analysis and discourse analysis. I concluded that the choice for a particular research design does constrain or make possible the generation of different types of knowledge regarding OI. The effect of design type has long been suspected and argued for, and this study provides further substantiation for this view. The choice of research design is not a neutral one but plays an integral role in the nature of the knowledge generated, and should be taken seriously as part of the research process. Also from a methodological perspective, the aim was to explore whether an Internet-based, open-ended qualitative survey could provide a suitable description of organisational identity, and whether it would be possible to develop identity narratives from these responses. Data was gathered in a South African based multi-national engineering firm, the result of a recent merger of two engineering firms. Based on the responses to the survey, I was able to develop descriptive narratives of each of (what had been termed) the heritage organisations, each narrative comprising a series of inter-related identity statements capturing various facets of organisation identity. Three broad narratives for each heritage organisation dealt with the nature of the organisation and its position in the market, the importance of the profession and clients, and the value of people in the organisation. Given the pervasive nature of technology, and that work in many corporate and professional settings is conducted via the internet, an internet-based qualitative survey allows information regarding organisational identity to be gathered fairly easily. The research undertaken in this study thus adds to the body of knowledge surrounding the use of a web-based qualitative survey in accessing organisational identity, and suggests that this form of data gathering in the organisation can be successful, provided that participants are computer literate and have access to the Internet. The organisations in question were chosen as merger partners due to their similarity, and using the descriptive narratives developed from the survey, I was able to examine the question of distinctiveness in similar organisations, which has not yet been addressed. Despite the similarities, the identity of both organisations was arguably distinct, and this could be traced to two factors. The first was an element of social actor, in this case the size of the organisation, which coupled with other factors influenced organisation identity in very specific ways. Secondly, distinctiveness arose from the construction of meaning around specific elements of the social actor by members of the organisations. Thus, much like personal identity, organisational identity is associated with similarity and difference (Buckingham 2008). / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: g Hierdie studie het ten doel gehad om the konsep van organisasie-identiteit te ondersoek vanuit ‘n substantiewe en metodologiese hoek. Die groeiende belangstelling in die konstruk van organisasieidentiteit, gee aanleiding daartoe dat meervuldige perspektiewe en betekenisse aan die term gegee word. Hierdie verskillende perspektiewe vorm die basis van drie naasmekaarstellings wat gebruik word om die aard van kennis, wat geskep word deur verskillende navorsingsontwerpe in die studie van organisasie-identiteit, behoorlik te bestudeer. Hierdie navorsingsontwerpe sluit in opnamestudies, inhoudsanalise, gevallestudies, etnografiese studies, teksontledings en diskoers analise. Ek het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die keuse van ‘n bepaalde navorsingsontwerp weliswaar beperkend of fasiliterend van aard kan wees in die skep van verskillende kennisbasisse rondom organisasie-identiteit. Die impak van die tipe navorsingsontwerp word lankal reeds vermoed, en hierdie studie lewer verdere ondersteuning vir hierdie standpunt. Die keuse van ‘n navorsingsontwerp is nie neutraal nie maar speel ‘n integrale rol in die aard van die kennis wat geskep word en behoort aandag te geniet in the navorsingsproses. Vanuit ‘n metodologiese perspektief was die doelwit ook om te bepaal of ‘n internet-gebaseerde, oopeinde kwalitatiewe opname, ‘n toepaslike beskrywing en begrip van organisasie-identiteit kan lewer en of dit moontlik sou wees om identiteits-ontledings vanuit hierdie response te genereer. Data opnames is gedoen in ‘n Suid-Afrika-gebaseerde internasionale ingenieurskonsultasiefirma, wat bestaan uit twee saamgesmelte firmas. Die response uit die opname het my toegelaat om beskrywende narratiewe van beide die oorspronklike organisasies te ontwikkel. Elk van hierdie bestaan uit ‘n reeks van interafhanklike stellings oor identiteit wat die verskeie fasette van organisasie-identiteit verwoord. Daar was drie narratiewe vir elkeen van die oorspronklike organisasies en hierdie het gefokus op die aard en markposisionering van die organisasie, die belangrikheid van die professie en kliente en die waarde van mense binne die organisasie. Gegewe die deurtastende aard van tegnologie in veral korporatiewe en professionele omstandighede, sal ‘n internet-gebaseerde kwalitatiewe opname die verkryging van inligting rondom organisasie identiteit vergemaklik. Die navorsing onderneem in hierdie studie dra dus by tot ons begrip van die toepassing van internet-gebaseerde kwalitatiewe opnames in die taksering van organisasie identiteit. Dit dui aan dat hierdie vorm van data-insameling in ‘n organisasie sukesvol kan wees indien die respondente rekenaarvaardig is en toegang tot die internet het. Die organisasies wat in die studie gebruik is, het tot ‘n groot mate saamgesmelt aan die hand van hulle soortgelyke aard en waardes. Deur die beskrywende narratiewe te gebruik wat uit die opname ontwikkel is, kon ek die vraagstuk van onderskeidenheid in soortgelyke organisasies ondersoek, wat tot op daardie stadium nie gedoen was nie. Ongeag die ooreenkomste, is bevind dat die identiteit van beide die organisasies wel merkbaar verskil en dat dit toegeskryf kan word aan twee faktore. Die eerste hiervan is geeien as ‘n sosiale agent, in hierdie geval die grootte van die organisasie, wat tesame met ander faktore die organisasie-identiteit op spesifieke manier beinvloed het. Die tweede faktor onstaan uit die konstruksie van betekenis rondom spesifieke elemente van die sosiale agent deur lede van die organisasies. Dit is dus duidelik dat organisasie-identiteit, soos persoonlike identiteit, geassosieer word met ooreenkomste en verskille (Buckingham 2008)

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