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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Developing a framework and model as aids for the construction of a social business contract

Kruger-Heckroodt, Noelene 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT This study project has as its main aim the development of a framework and model for the purpose of constructing a new best practice management tool, the Social Business Contract, to align, regulate and control interactive behaviour in the workplace. The tool is presented in its concept phase only and has been developed to address a perceived gap between paperless and actual, enforceable accountability for interactive behaviour on all organisational levels. The aim of the Social Business Contract is to promote corporate social responsibility, which is influenced and shaped by interactive organisational behaviour. In order to establish corporate social responsibility in line. with Good Corporate Governance principles to which the concept of accountability inherently attaches, the core of the Social Business Contract has, as its name implies, a legal character. The overriding consequence of establishing corporate social responsibility through a legal agreement is that top-down and bottom-up accountability is created and endorsed which permeates the organisation on every level. The Social Business Contract is to be an agreement between employer and employee capable of conclusion on either an individual- or a collective basis. To this end the Law of Contract and Labour Law as benchmarked against the Constitution of South Africa are relevant to this study. In developing the framework, called the Social Business Contract Framework or S.B.C.F., a five-element approach was applied. The reason for this approach is that behaviour in the workplace is regarded as the product of interactive forces comprising of psychological, emotional, ethical, social and legal elements. The purpose of the S.B.C.F. is to give structure to the Social Business Contract and to establish the parameters in which it is to function. The S.B.C.F. consists of three tiers relating to the material, functional and procedural aspects around which the Social Business Contract revolves and which also supports the characteristics inherent in and required by law. The purpose of the model that was developed, called the P.L.E.S.E.-Model, is to assess or measure how the elements referred to in the previous paragraph, fit in relation to each other so that an overall profile of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats relating to organisational interactive behaviour can be constructed. This profile would facilitate the planning of the material content that the Social Business Contract would need to address in order to bring the interactive elements into balance with one another. The Social Business Contract's validity is dependent on obtaining and managing consensus. Due to the relationship of authority that characterises the employment relationship, the Social Business Contract seeks to promote the concepts of bona fides, justice, fairness and equality in order to alleviate the potential conflicts and pressures that may result from the power differential between the parties. It also seeks to place the Psychological Contract on a legal basis, enhance the contract of employment, encourage effective organisational design and promote Good Corporate Governance on a social level. Validation for the S.B.C.F., the P.L.E.S.E.-Model and the concept of the Social Business Contract was sought through fieldwork research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie projek, is om In raamwerk en model te ontwikkel vir doeleindes van die konstruksie van In beste-praktyk bestuursinstrument, die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak, ten einde interaktiewe gedrag in die werkplek in ewewig te bring, te reguleer en te beheer. Die instrument word slegs aangebied in konsepfase en was ontwikkel om In bemerkbare gaping tussen papierlose en wesenlike, afdwingbare verantwoordbaarheid, ten opsigte van interaktiewe gedrag op alle organisatoriese vlakke, aan te spreek. Die doel van die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak is om korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid te bevorder wat beïnvloed en gevorm word deur interaktiewe organisatoriese gedrag. Ten einde korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid daar te stel, waaraan die verantwoordbaarheidskonsep inherent gekoppel is, het die kern van die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak, soos die naam impliseer, In regskarakter. Die oorheersende gevolg wat voortvloei uit die daarstelling van korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid deur middel van In regsooreenkoms, is dat In bo-na-onder en onder-na-bo verantwoordbaarheid geskep en onderskryf word wat die organisasie op elke vlak deurdring. Die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak word vooropgestel as In ooreenkoms tussen werkgewer en werknemer wat beide op In individuele en kollektiewe vlak gesluit kan word. As gevolg hiervan is Kontraktereg en Arbeidsreg soos gemeet aan die Konstitusie van Suid-Afrika, relevant to hierdie studie. In Vyf-element benadering is toegepas in die ontwikkeling van die Sosiale Besigheidsraamwerk of S.B.C.F. Die rede vir hierdie benadering is dat gedrag in die werkplek beskou word as die produk van interaktiewe kragte wat bestaan uit sielkundige, emosionele, etiese, sosiale en regselemente. Die doel van die S.B.C.F. is om struktuur aan die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak te verleen en om die parameters waarin dit moet funksioneer, vas te stel. Die S.B.C.F. bestaan uit drie vlakke verwysend na die materiële, funksionele en prosedurele aspekte waarom die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak draai en wat ook die karaktertrekke inherent aan en vereis deur die reg, ondersteun. Die doel van die model wat ontwerp is, genaamd die P.L.E.S.E.-model, is om vas te stelof te meet hoe die elemente waarna verwys is in die vorige paragraaf met mekaar ineenskakel, sodat 'n oorhoofse profiel van die sterktepunte, swakhede, geleenthede en bedreigings met verwysing na organisatoriese interaktiewe gedrag, opgestel kan word. Hierdie profiel sal die beplanning van die materiële inhoud, wat die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak sal moet aanspreek ten einde die interaktiewe gedragselemente te balanseer, vergemaklik. Die geldigheid van die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak hang af van die verkryging en bestuur van konsensus. As gevolg van die outoriteitsverhouding wat kenmerkend is van die indiensnemingsverhouding, poog die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak om die konsepte van bona fides, geregtigheid en gelykheid te bevorder, ten einde die potensiële konflik en druk te verlig wat voortvloei uit die magsdifferensiaal wat tussen die partye bestaan. Dit poog ook om die Sielkundige Kontrak op "n regsbasis te plaas, die indiensnemingskontrak te versterk, organisatoriese ontwerp aan te moedig en Goeie Korporatiewe Bestuur op "n sosiale vlak, te bevorder. Veldnavorsing ter stawing van die S.B.C.F., die P.L.E.S.E.-Model en die konsep van die Sosiale Besigheidskontrak, was onderneem.

The South African Police Service organisational culture : the impact on service delivery

Gqada, Dumisani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research study explores the impact of organisational culture with specific reference to the South African Police Service (SAPS) culture on service delivery. The two interrelated concepts "organisational culture and service delivery are discussed broadly in terms of their challenges for the contemporary policing function which put emphasis on the provision of police service and accounatbility to the broader community. The premise of the study is based on literature research evidence that organisational culture is an important factor to influence employee behaviour towards organisational effectiveness and also determine how they respond to its external environment. At the same time a strong organisational culture can be rigid and become a hindrance to change. Service delivery is a critical challenge to the government's ongoing efforts to ensure that its delivery process is efficient and responsive, particularly to the needs of the previously disadvantaged communities. In recent years, this challenge reinforced the government to embark on broad transformation mechanisms in order to position public institutions in an environment where service delivery meets the public needs and expectations. Some of these mechanisms include the promulgation of legislation, regulations and a series of policy frameworks notably, The White Paper on Reconstruction and Development (ROP), 1994, The White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service of 1995, Public Service Regulation of 1999 etc. However, the provision of efficient service delivery in public institutions is usually constrained by various factors such as lack of capacity and shortage of competency skills, financial and technological resources as opposed to the private sector which normally have these resources in abundance. Since lack of sufficient financial resources will always be a challenge for public service delivery enhancement, this study suggests that public institutions can incorporate some private sector strategies in order to be innovative and improve efficiency. Apart from a lack of the above mentioned resources as contributing factor to inefficient service delivery, available theory on organisational culture state that it is an all encompassing factor that influences employee behaviour in public institutions. Chapter 3 provides a theoretical framework on the concept of organisational culture, its formation, and its sources, how it is sustained in the organisation. Various models and examples of organisational culture as found in small and big organisations such as those associated with government agencies are analysed and distinguish in terms of why the size of the organisation can determine its prevailing culture. Small organisations with flat structures are considered to be flexible, autonomous, innovative and responsive to customer needs. On the other hand the traditional bureaucratic organisations such as government agencies like police organisations tend to be characterised by highly formal hierarchical structure with too many layers, operational rules and regulations which are intended to enforce control measures. However, type of structures are criticised for rigid systems, autocratic, and slow. Models for changing organisational culture in order to increase its effectiveness are suggested. After a theoretical discussion on both the concepts organisational culture and service delivery, the SAPS was used as a case study to establish the applicability and the extent to which organisational culture impact on service delivery. The first stage consist of analytical perspective of the SAPS historical military culture since its inception in 1913 and giving critical accounts of its operational phases that it had undergone until the new dispensation. Since the early 1990s until after April 1994 elections, marked a new era in the SAPS which embarked on broad transformation initiatives in order to change policing function from that of a narrow law and order maintenance to a fully integrated community policing which makes police officers to be accountable to the broader community by rendering police service and problem solving within a human rights culture. However, police culture has been widely criticised as a source of resistance to change and reform, and is often misunderstood. The prevailing police culture which was inherited from the previous paramilitary legacy such as the autocratic leadership style, traditional bureaucratic structure, corruption, secrecy, mistrust are some of the dominant indicators which are identifiable and commonalities among the different police agencies. These dominant features cause any resistance to any change initiative and are perceived with negative image. After contextualising the description of the SAPS, the study describes the methods and procedures used to conduct an empirical research project in the form of a pilot study conducted in two police stations in Cape Town. Data collection methods include the following: 1) literature review, 2) open-ended one-an-one interviews with the station commissioners from the selected stations, 3) distributing survey questionnaires which consist of close ended questionnaires to junior officers at police stations to determine their attitudes towards the organisations they work in, and 4) by means of observation. Theoretical evidence proves that police culture which is characterised by paramilitary, bureaucracy, rigid systems and procedures, inflexible structure still prevail in the SAPS and contributes significantly to lack of coordination, slow response and results inefficient service delivery. It is concluded that police stations are the primary centres where the public gets first hand experience when reporting their cases or need the help of police officers to solve problems in the community. In order to provide efficient police service, units which provide interrelated functions need to be fully integrated under one unit commander in order to improve coordination and prompt response. Policing crime is still the primary function of the police and police officers need to be fully equipped with competency skills and other capacity building programs that are consistent with the contemporary policing function. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingstudie stelondersoek in na die impak van organisasiekultuur met spesifieke verwysing na die Suid-Afrikaanse Polisiediens (SAPD) se kultuur op dienslewering. Die twee verwante konsepte "organisasiekultuur"en "dienslewering"word breedvoerig bespreek teen die agtergrond van die agtergrond van die uitdagings wat dit stel vir die hedendaagse polisieringsfunsie wat dit beklemtoon dat die polisie 'n diens moet lewer en aanspeeklik moet wees teenoor die breer gemeenskap. Die studie se aanname is gebasseer op literatuurnavorsing wat toon dat organisasiekultuur 'n faktor is wat werknemersgedrag beinvloed ten opsigte van organisasie-effektiwiteit asook hoe werknemers reageer teenoor die eksterne omgewing. 'n Sterk organisasiekultuur word beskou as 'n bindende faktor tussen werkers en die organisasie en dit skep kosekwentheid en rigting. 'n Sterk organisisasiekultuur kan terselfdetyd rigied wees en 'n struikelblok word in die weg van voorgestelde verandering aangesien verandering beskou kan word as inmenging in die normale gang van die organisasie. Hierteenoor het 'n meer buigsame kultuur die voordeel van aanpasbaarheid ten opsigte van verandering. Dienslewering is 'n volgehoue uitdaging vir die regering se se volgehoue pogings om te verseker dat sy leweringsproses effektief is en die behoeftes van spesifiek die voorheen benadeelde groepe aanspreek. Hierdie uitdaging het die regering genoop om transformasie-meganismes daar te stel ten einde openbare instellings in staat te stelom leweringsagente te word wat die behoeftes en uitkomste-verwagtinge van almal aanspreek. Van die meganismes sluit in die promulgering van wetgewing en beleid soos die Heropbou-en Ontwikkelingsprogram (HOP) Witskrif, 1994, die Transformasie van Openbare Dienste Witskrif, 1995, die Openbare Diens Reguleringswet van 1999 ensomeer. Die lewering van effektiewe dienste word gewoonlik beperk deur deur veskeie faktore soos 'n gebrek aan kapasiteit en vaardighede, asook finasiele en tegnologiese hulpbronne wat normaalweg tot die beskiking van die private sektor is. Gegewe dat 'n tekort aan finansiele hulpbronne altyd 'n uitdaging vir effektiewe openbare sektor dienslewering sal wees, stel hierdie studie voor dat openbare instellings sekere privaatsektor strategiee kan inkorporeer ten einde innovasie en effektiwiteit te verbeter. Behalwe bogenoemde beperkende faktore, stel beskikbare organisasiekultuur-teorie dit dat dit ook organisasiekultuur is wat openbare sektor amptenare se gedrag is wat die kwaliteit en vlak van dienslewering beinvloed. Hoofstuk drie bied 'n teoretiese raamwerk vir die konsep organisasiekultuur ten opsigte van hoe dit geskep en in stand gehou word binne organisasies. Verskeie modelle en voorbeelde van organisasiekultuur binne klein sowel as groor organissaies word ontleed en daar word gekyk na hoe die grootte van 'n organisasie organisasiekultuur beinvloed. Klein organisasies met 'n plat struktuur word beskou as buigsaam, outonoom, innoverend en daartoe in staat om die vebruiker se behoeftes aan te spreek. Daarteenoor word tradisionele burokratiese organisasies soos polisie-organisasies gekenmerk deur formele strukture met te veel vlakke, operasionele reels en regulasies ten einde volle beheer te he oor prosedures. Die rigiede stelsels, outokrasie, en stadiege leweringsproses van sulke strukture word dikwels gekritiseer. Modelle om organisasiekultuur te verander ten einde effektiwiteit te verbeter word voorgestel. Die teoretiese bespeking van die konsepte organisasiekultuur en dienslewering word gevolg deur 'n gevallestudie van die SAPD ten einde te bepaal die mate waartoe organisasiekultuur impakteer op dienslewering. Die eerste fase behels 'n analitiese perspektief van die SAPD se historiese militere kultuur sedert 1913 asook' n kritiese blik op operasionele fases waardeur die SAPD gegaan het tot en met die nuwe dispensasie. Die vroee 1990s tot net na die April 1994 verkiesing verteenwoordig' n nuwe era in die SAPD ten opsigte van transformasie inisiatiewe wat daarop gerig was om die polisieringsfunksie te verander van 'n agent wat eng gefokus was op die handhawing van wet en orde na 'n geintegreerde polisiediens wat aanspeeklik is teenoor die bree gemeenskap. Dit behels die lewering van 'n polisiediens sowel as probleem-oplossing binne die konteks van 'n menseregte-kultuur. Polisiekultuur word, as gevolg van misverstande, dikwels beskou as 'n bron weerstand teen verandering. Die heersende organisasiekultuur - wat 'n nalatenskap is van die vorige paramilitere styl byvoorbeeld outokratiese leierskapstyl, tradisionele burokratiese strukture, korrupsie, geheimhouding, wantroue - is van die dominante indikatore wat gemeenskaplike eienskappe is van die verskeie polisie-agentskappe. Hierdie dominante kenmerke veroorsaak weerstand teen enige veranderingsinisiatief en word as negatief beskou. Die beskrywing van die SAPD word gevolg deur' n uiteensetting van metodes en prosedures wat gebruik was tydens die empiriese navorsing wat gedoen was by twee polisiestasies in Kaapstad. Data insamelingsmetodes sluit in: 1) lieratuurnavorsing, 2) ope een-tot-een onderhoude met die stasiekomisarisse van die twee stasies, 3) die verspreiding van geslote vraelyste aan junior offisiere by polisiestasies ten einde hul houding te bepaal teenoor die organisaies waar hulle werk, en 4) observasies. Teoretiese bewyse toon dat die polisiekultuur wat normaalweg gekenmerk word deur paramilitere, buroktariese, rigiede stelsels en prosedures steeds bestaan binne die SAPD en dat dit bydra tot swak koordinasie, swak response en oneffektiewe dienslewering. Ten slotte word gemeld dat polisiedienssentra plekke is waar die publiek eerstehands kennis maak met dienslewering. Ten einde 'n effektiewe diens te lewer, behoort eenhede wat verwante diense lewer geintegreer te word onder die bevel van een bevelvoerder. Misdaadvoorkoming is steeds die primere funksie van die SAPD en beamptes moet toegerus word met die nodige bevoegdhede, vaardighede asook kapasiteitsbouprogramme wat in lyn is met die kontemporere polisieringsfunksie.

Identifying the root causes of tensions arising from business adoption of sustainability

Ambrosio, Natasja 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: When business adopts sustainability, leaders, sustainability practitioners and employees experience tensions. Unless the root causes of such tensions are identified, understood and discussed, barriers that developed over time will significantly affect the rate of business transformation in building a sustainable future for both business and society at large. This thesis then aims to identify the root causes of tensions that arise in the process of sustainability adoption in business. The outcomes of the research highlight the process of organisational and systemic change required in business, and the need for organisational culture and values to align to the values of sustainability. The lack of adaptive leadership skills in business causes tension as a fundamental requirement of sustainability is transformation. Sustainability challenges the ethics of decisions made in business and thereby creates significant tension. Leaders and employees alike are faced with decisions that require careful consideration in order to ensure that the consequences of those decisions do not result in unintended consequences that impact negatively on society and the environment. Systemic complexity, where capitalism defines the rules within which businesses operate and are being measured, creates tension, as these rules often contradict the values of sustainability. Employees and leaders in business experience tension, as they have to face the dichotomy between values and profit imperatives. This results in an ethical dilemma for business. The current consumer culture, upon which retailers rely significantly for income, requires the extraction of raw materials and the use of energy, water, oil and chemicals for production purposes. This dependency is concerning, as price volatility as a result of the demand and supply fluctuations, affect the retailer price structures. If these resources were to be priced, based on the true cost to the environment, prices will increase, leaving retailers with no option but to increase sales prices. The scale and depth of change, as well as When business adopts sustainability, leaders, sustainability practitioners and employees experience tensions. Unless the root causes of such tensions are identified, understood and discussed, barriers that developed over time will significantly affect the rate of business transformation in building a sustainable future for both business and society at large. This thesis then aims to identify the root causes of tensions that arise in the process of sustainability adoption in business. The outcomes of the research highlight the process of organisational and systemic change required in business, and the need for organisational culture and values to align to the values of sustainability. The lack of adaptive leadership skills in business causes tension as a fundamental requirement of sustainability is transformation. Sustainability challenges the ethics of decisions made in business and thereby creates significant tension. Leaders and employees alike are faced with decisions that require careful consideration in order to ensure that the consequences of those decisions do not result in unintended consequences that impact negatively on society and the environment. Systemic complexity, where capitalism defines the rules within which businesses operate and are being measured, creates tension, as these rules often contradict the values of sustainability. Employees and leaders in business experience tension, as they have to face the dichotomy between values and profit imperatives. This results in an ethical dilemma for business. The current consumer culture, upon which retailers rely significantly for income, requires the extraction of raw materials and the use of energy, water, oil and chemicals for production purposes. This dependency is concerning, as price volatility as a result of the demand and supply fluctuations, affect the retailer price structures. If these resources were to be priced, based on the true cost to the environment, prices will increase, leaving retailers with no option but to increase sales prices. The scale and depth of change, as well asWhen business adopts sustainability, leaders, sustainability practitioners and employees experience tensions. Unless the root causes of such tensions are identified, understood and discussed, barriers that developed over time will significantly affect the rate of business transformation in building a sustainable future for both business and society at large. This thesis then aims to identify the root causes of tensions that arise in the process of sustainability adoption in business. The outcomes of the research highlight the process of organisational and systemic change required in business, and the need for organisational culture and values to align to the values of sustainability. The lack of adaptive leadership skills in business causes tension as a fundamental requirement of sustainability is transformation. Sustainability challenges the ethics of decisions made in business and thereby creates significant tension. Leaders and employees alike are faced with decisions that require careful consideration in order to ensure that the consequences of those decisions do not result in unintended consequences that impact negatively on society and the environment. Systemic complexity, where capitalism defines the rules within which businesses operate and are being measured, creates tension, as these rules often contradict the values of sustainability. Employees and leaders in business experience tension, as they have to face the dichotomy between values and profit imperatives. This results in an ethical dilemma for business. The current consumer culture, upon which retailers rely significantly for income, requires the extraction of raw materials and the use of energy, water, oil and chemicals for production purposes. This dependency is concerning, as price volatility as a result of the demand and supply fluctuations, affect the retailer price structures. If these resources were to be priced, based on the true cost to the environment, prices will increase, leaving retailers with no option but to increase sales prices. The scale and depth of change, as well as the uncertainties that exist within decisions that needs to be made, causes tensions for retailers. Other tensions that arise are the need for meaningful stakeholder engagement, transparency, and a common understanding of what sustainability aims to achieve. Meaningful conversations in business will help define new rules that can be applied to create long-term value for all in society. Employees are more committed to sustainability through intrinsic values as oppose to extrinsic values. Therefore, a values based approach to sustainability adoption will resonate with employees, thereby improving the effect of sustainability integration. Adaptive leaders who are prepared to interrogate current business models are required. This way, different models are developed, that delivers shared value and intergenerational equity to society and the environment.

Spirituality in the workplace

Lakey, Eugene Pierre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study project addresses the role spirituality in the workplace can play. The conclusion is that although people are different, in the working environment in an organisation, much time is spent together and creating an environment that is a joy to work in, will induce the employees to work with energy and be highly productive. A number of interviews were conducted and factual information was acquired to analyse the effects of spirituality in the workplace. A conclusion is reached that underlines the fact to counter low morale, low productivity and negative attitudes in the workplace it is imperative that we should address the spirituality in the workplace thus ensuring that a positive organisation culture is maintained within the organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie projek behandel die rol wat geestelikheid in die werkplek kan speel. Die gevolgtrekking wat gemaak kan word is dat alhoewel mense van mekaar verskil in die werksomgewing binne die organisasie, hulle ‘n groot gedeelte van die dag met mekaar spandeer en vir dié rede is dit van kardinale belang dat ‘n goeie werksklimaat geskep word wat sal bydra dat die werknemer energiek werk en hoë produktiwiteit handhaaf. ‘n Aantal onderhoude was gevoer en feitlike inligting was verkry om die effek van geestelikheid in die werksplek te ondersoek. ‘n Slotsom is bereik dat die feite van lae moraal, lae produktiwiteit en negatiewe ingesteldheid in die werksplek belangrik is om geadresseer te word ten einde te verseker dat geestelikheid in die werksplek toegepas word en dat ‘n positiewe klimaat in die organisasie handhaaf word.

An evaluation of the organisational culture of Matla Powerstation to support effective project management

Engelke, Renske Magdalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2011. / The function of organisations is to deliver a product or a service, and thus the survival of an organisation is dependent on ensuring successful delivery in a financially viable manner. Project management was introduced to aid in this required successful delivery, placing emphasis on the cost, time and quality of the execution process of delivering the service or product. Project management does however not always deliver on successful service or product delivery, as can be deduced from the many projects that overrun budgets and timelines or under deliver on quality. The study of the impact of organisational culture stemmed from the movement in research to include the effect of the environment of a project on the effectiveness of the project management. Organisational culture has been noted to impact on many organisational elements, one of which is project management. In light of the current production and economic pressure experienced by Eskom’s power generating facilities, the effective and efficient management of projects plays a critical role in ensuring uninterrupted production and financial management. The success of the projects undertaken at Matla power station has a direct impact on the facility’s power generation capability and operational costs. This study found that the organisational culture of Matla supports effective project management at a level closer to the lower limits for the 12 cultural dimensions of a sample group of 29 national companies. Only two of the cultural dimensions rate below the national lowest rating. Considering the importance of projects for continued operational functioning, there is space for improvement in the level of support. A large plethora of factors impact on effective project management and the challenge for organisations lies in balancing the energy spent in addressing all the various factors. The difference between functional department needs and project needs must be balanced to ensure long-term goals are not given up for short-term production gains. Performance measurement should take cognisance of strategic long-term goals and must not be focused on purely short-term outcomes. The balance between production and projects is a continuous challenge. Project management plays an integral role in achieving the intense expansion required by Eskom over the next 15 to 20 years, the effective and efficient implementation of projects through effective project management must therefore be supported by the organisational culture.

Is the organisational culture of Cape of Good Hope Bank Limited's Treasury and Investments Division ready for project management methodology?

Osborne, Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cape of Good Hope Bank limited is a subsidiary company of Nedcor Limited. The Bank was established in 1831, making it the oldest Financial Institution in South Africa. As a competitor within the financial services sector, the Bank has increasingly been faced with issues that include changing client needs, increased competition, and an ever increasing operating cost structure. The Treasury and Investments Division of the Bank, which is responsible for the funding side of the business, is primarily focussed on the receiving of deposits from the corporate and retail markets. The emphasis within this mini thesis, is within the retail sector, that of the investments received from 27000 individual clients serviced from 12 "Investment centers" geographically found within the Cape Peninsula. The activities within the Division are dynamic and require continuous change in order to remain competitive. The need to integrate activities and decision making across functional areas in order to gain synergy, has resulted in the use of matrix type teams that operate across functional units, using knowledge and expertise found therein. This approach has necessitated the introduction of the principles of project management as a methodology to implement the desired changes. The projects to date have had mediocre implementation, indifferent emphasis, no real ownership or vested interest, and a lack of follow through. The effect is compounded into a lack of delivery on expectations, and allows for wasted effort, time and at greater cost. In order to understand why the above issues are occurring, this mini thesis attempts to offer that there is an ideal "culture" within which project management operates successfully, and that the current culture of the division is different to the "ideal". The role of the leader, in shifting the culture closer to the ideal, is of paramount importance. It has been suggested that the style of the leaders need to be modified in order to become more effective as divisional change agents within the sphere of successful project management methodology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kaap die Goeie Hoop Bank is 'n filiaalmaatskappy van Nedkor Beperk. Die Bank is gestig in 1831 en is die langste-bestaande Bank in die land omdat dit in die kompiterende finansiële dienstesektor moet oorleef, is dit blootgestel aan veranderende kliëntbehoeftes, koste druk en 'n groeiende mededinging. Tesourie en Beleggings divisie van die Bank, wat veranwoorderlik is vir die befondsings funksie, fokus primêr op die aantrekking van deposito's uit die korporatiewe en persoonlike markte. Hierdie werkstuk lê klem op laasgenoemde waar beleggings van 27000 individuele kliente bedien word vanaf 12 beleggingsentra versprei oor die Kaapse Skiereiland. Die aktiviteite van die divisie is dinamies en vereis voortdurende verandering om tred te hou met markveranderinge. Die behoefte om besluitneming en aktiwiteite oor 'n aantal funksionele areas sinergisties te integreer, het daartoe gelei dat matriks struktuur oor funksionele grense opereer en gebruik maak van kennis en kundigheid. Hierdie benadering noodsaak die aanwending van gesonde projekbestuurbeginsels om die nodige veranderinge metodies aan te bring. Tot dusver het implementering middelmatige sukses gehad as gevolg van geen werklike eienaarskap of gevestige belange, onvoldoende en wisselende prioriteite. Die gevolg was onvoldoende lewering teenoor verwagtinge en vermorsing aan tyd en koste. Om 'n beter begrip te kry van hierdie "onvoldoende lewering teenoor verwagtinge", poog hierdie minitesis om te soek na die ideale "kultuur" waar binne projekbestuur suksesvol kan plaasvind deur die huidige kultuur van die divisie te konstrasteer met die "ideale". Die rol van die leier is van hoogste belang om die kultuurverskuiwing te laat plaasvind. Dit word voorgestel dat die bestuurstyl van die leierskap aangepas word om meer effektiefte word as divisie "veranderings agente" sodat projekbestuur metodologie in die proses sukses kan behaal.

The transformation of the South African gold-mining corporate culture

Wessels, Deon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Corporate cu~ure is the foundation of businesses today and in every way underties the way business is done. The discovery and subsequent mining of gold during the last century have shaped the gold-mining corporate cu~re; it gave birth to racial segregation and laid the foundation of the system in which the industry finds itse~ today. The purpose of this study is to uncover the deeper patterns of corporate cu~ure that drive visible behaviour and attitudes. Once the root metaphor or main undertying assumptions of the gold-mining corporate cutture have been determined, a process of multilevel, frame-breaking, radical transformation can be initiated. A 'paradigm interplay' approach, which describes cu~re as an explicit variable and an implicit root metaphor, was adopted. Within this frameworK the study aims to explore concepts and meanings of corporate cu~re in a hermeneutic fashion by uncovering the human, expressive, symbolic texture of life in a gold mine. The frameworK provided a way of thinking about organisations, not to present 1001s' or 'methods' for managing or transforming culture, but to think culturally and holistically about the process of transformation. An in-depth investigation into Schein's 'three levels of cu~re' model was necessary in order to derive at the core transformational aspect of the gold-mining corporate culture. An analysis of Schein's model indicated that behavioural characteristics are shaped and determined by undertying values, beliefs and attitudes, which are shared among members of the organisation. If not espoused, these in turn rest upon sets of undertying assumptions that are the innermost core of corporate cu~re. One such a se~ the nature of human relationships, had been identified as the main undertying theme behind the vested interests as well as ingrained paradigms that exist on both sides of a racially divided workforce. The historical background of the industry and cultural perceptions created a shared assumption set that shaped these deep-rooted, embedded mindsets, affecting human relationships significantly. The study made it clear that any transformation attempt could be possible only when one goes deeper than the stated values and norms to understand the undertying assumptions and the true nature of human relationships that drive the visible behaviour and attttudes. The central dimension of this study, the nature of human relationships, referred to the opposing concepts of individualism versus communalism. These opposing paradigms are manifested in the two main management approaches or corporate cultures that exist in South Africa. Many suggested that the acknowledgement and utilisation of the Afrocentric value system, Ubuntu, alongside a Westem individualistic corporate culture are imperative to improve relationships in general and promote humanism. This study proposed that the humane spirit of Ubuntu, a spirit of trus~ caring and respect for human dignity, should be 'married' with the Westem approach to management instead of Ubuntu being adopted as a single framework that may be perceived negatively by the current business community. Thinking culturally', the purpose phrase of this study, succeeded therefore in abandoning the eitheror kind of thinking in favour of a more holistic 'both-and' way of doing. A desired culture of trust, honesty, openness, integrity and non-<liscrimination are sought after - a morally and ethically acceptable corporate culture where empowered employees are inspired rather than driven. Transformation is about the intellectual, social, spiritual and, most important, the emotional resources of the organisation. The 'senses of awareness' that are fundamental to the spirit of Ubuntu, originate from an understanding of our own emotions and secondly the emotions of others. Emotional intelligence is emerging as a major contributor to self-regu lation and is a crucial ingredient of the transformation process of the gold-mining corporate cu~ure . The study recommends the process of transformation can be initiated by creating a focal even~ a moment of concem about the current predicament in which the organisation or, more importa~ the individual finds itse~lhimse~. An act of confrontation may provide a moment of insight that will lead to a reinterpretation of historical and current events. In the process of insight or reflection an increase in seW-knowledge is gained that leads to a new beginning. This study calls for a willingness to change, a motivation to "switch cognitive gears' from an automatic haM of mind to active, conscious reflection of what is right and what is wrong. ~ also calls upon the individual to make the gold mines and South Africa a better place in which to work and live. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die organisasiekultuur van 'n maatskappy is nie alleen die "gom" wat die besigheidsinstelling en sy onderafdelings bind nie, maar in 'n hoe mate ook die onderliggende rede waarom die besigheidsinstelling bestaan. Die punt sal aan die hand van die goudmynbedryf geillustreer word. Die ontdekking en gepaardgaande ekstraksie van goud gedurende die laaste eeu het die organisasiekultuur van die mynwese gevorm. Dit het help beslag gee aan rasse segregasie en het die grondslag gelê vir die sisteem waarin die industrie homself bevind. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die dieper aspekte van organisasiekultuur bloot te Iê - aspekte wat optrede en die sigbare gesindheid aandryf. Die grondliggende paradigma, kern metafore en aannames van die goudmyn industrie sal daarom eers bepaal moet word voordat 'n radikale transformasieproses geinisieer kan word. 'n Benadering van "paradigma wisselwerking" ("tussenspel") is gevolg waarvolgens kultuur beskryf word as 'n eksplisiete verandelike en 'n implisiete kern metafoor. Binne hierdie raamwerk word konsepte en betekenisse van organisasiekultuur binne 'n hermeneutiese metodiek ondersoek. Die doel daarvan is om die menslike, ekspressiewe en simboliese tekstuur van lewenswyse binne die goudmynbedryf te interpreteer. Die raamwerk verskaf 'n denkwyse oor organisasies wat nie daarop gerig is om spesifieke metodes of stappe daar te stel vir die bestuur of transformasie van organisasiekultuur nie. Die doelwit is om kultureel en holisties te dink oor die proses van transformasie. 'n Indiepte ondersoek van Schein se 'drie vlakke' van kultuur was noodsaaklik om die kern transformasie aspek van die Suid Afrikaanse goudmyn kultuur te ontrafel. Daar is bevind dat gedragseienskappe gevorm en bepaal word deur die gesamentlike onderliggende waardes, oortuigings en gesindhede van lede van 'n organisasie. Hierdie eienskappe skakel in by 'n reeks onderliggende aannames wat die binneste kern van organisasiekultuur uitmaak. Die aard van menslike verhoudings, 'n onderliggende aanname, is ge"identifiseer as die hoofonderliggende tema agter die bestaande belange sowel as die ingewortelde paradigmas wat bestaan aan beide kante van die rasverdeelde werksmag. Die historiese agtergrond van die industrie en die kulturele persepsies het 'n gedeelde reeks aannames daargestel wat diep-gewortelde denkpatrone en denkgietsels gevorm het en wat menslike verhoudings aansienlik beinvloed. Die studie maak duidelik dat enige transformasiepoging alleenlik moontliik is indien daar dieper as die bepaalde waardes en norme gedelf word om die onderliggende aannames en denkwyses asook die aard van menslike verhoudings te bepaal wat die sigbare optrede en gesindheid van mense dryf. Die sentraie dimensie van die studie, naamlik die aard van menslike verhoudings, berus op die opponerende konsepte van individualisme en kommunalisme. Hierdie twee konsepte, en die paradigmas wat hulle aandui, word gemanifesteer in die twee hoof bestuursraamwerke van organisasiekultuur wat in Suid Afrika bestaan. Baie navorsers suggereer dat die erkenning en gebruikmaking van die Afrosentriese waardesisteem, Ubuntu, naas 'n westerse individualistiese organisasiekultuur, noodsaaklik is om 'n outentieke humanisme, en verhoudinge in die algemeen te bevorder. Die studie stel voor dat die humane (mens-georianteerde) gees van Ubuntu, 'n gees van vertroue, omgee en respek vir menswaardigheid, saamgesnoer word met die westerse benadering tot bestuur, in plaas daarvan om Ubuntu as 'n enkele raamwerk aan te neern wat dalk negatief waargeneem kan word deur die moderne sakesektor. Die kulturele denkwyse wat gegenereer is in hierdie studie het dus geslaag daarin om die 'of-die-eenof- die-ander' denkwyse te vervang met 'n meer holistiese 'en-en' manier van dink en doen. 'n Kultuur van vertroue, opregtheid, integriteit en geen diskriminasie is noodsaaklik, ofte wel 'n morele en eties aanvaarbare organisasiekultuur waar bemagtigde werkers geinspireer word eerder as gedryf word. Transformasie is gemoeid met die intellektuele, sosiale, spirituele en van groot belang, die emosionele hulpbronne van 'n organisasie. Die aksent op selfbewussyn, wat fundamenteel is vir die gees van Ubuntu, word gegenereer deur 'n verstaan van ons eie emosies, en tweedens die verstaan van die emosies van ander. Emosionele intelligensie het onlangs te voerskyn gekom as 'n belangrike bydraer tot self-regulasie. Dit is 'n beslissende bestanddeel in die transformasieproses van die organisasiekultuur van die goudmynbedryf. Die studie stel voor dat die transformasieproses geinisieer kan word deur 'n spesifieke gebeurtenis wat die fokus word, 'n oomblik van besorgdheid rakende die huidige predikament waarin die industrie of meer belangrik, die individu homself/haarself bevind. Konfrontasie is selfs nodig vir 'n ontwikkeling van 'n oomblik van insig wat aanleiding kan gee tot 'n reinterpretasie van historiese en huidige gebeure. Tydens die proses van insig of nabetragting word 'n toename in selfkennis opgedoen wat lei tot 'n nuwe begin. Die studie vestig die aandag op 'n noodsaaklikheid van 'n verandering van gesindheid en aanvaarding van die eis tot verandering. Dit sluit in 'n verbintenis om kognitiewe 'ratte' te verander vanaf 'n outomatiese sienswyse na 'n aktiewe, bewuste refleksie van wat is reg en wat is verkeerd. Dan kan die goudmyne en Suid Afrika in geheel 'n beter plek gemaak word om in te leef en te werk.

Bridging the gap between an old economy culture and a new economy culture to create a high performance organisation : a critical analysis of the organisational performance of an indigenous company in a developing economy

Imologome, Folashayo Olateju 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTACT: The research seeks to investigate the progress of an indigenous group of companies in the advertising industry in Nigeria, in its bid to transform from unsustainable organisational practices to more sustainable and progressive practices that promote increased operational efficiency and organisational performance. The study made use of the Beehive Survey of High Performance Organisation TM and the Evolution to Excellence Framework (EEF), tools that were used by permission of the owners, The Village of Leaders Consulting, as well as interviews with staff of the company. The research objectives were firstly, to identify positive and negative influences on organisational culture change, secondly, to assist the subject company in identifying necessary steps to take in its bid to become world class and finally, to test the questionnaire model, the Beehive Survey, in an environment other than South Africa where it had been extensively used. The research further aimed to identify how far Nigerian companies had been able to achieve their bid to become truly world class with sustainable organisational practices, what type of leadership and cultural challenges they might face and what they needed to do to overcome these challenges. The major findings of the research were that indigenous companies need to reduce authoritative hierarchy and control, increase participation and interaction at all levels, increase transparency and information dissemination and clearly define the organisational vision and get the buy-in of all stakeholders.

Samhörighet - Är det en lyx endast fastanställda upplever?

Åbrink, Sara, Bruno, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Problem: Antalet bemanningsföretag har ökat genom åren. De passar in på dagens önskan om mer effektivisering och en snabbare anpassning till marknadens efterfrågan. Men hur påverkas egentligen företagskulturen och känner korttidsanställda gemenskap och samhörighet med de fastanställda? Syfte: Syftet med vår studie är att öka förståelsen kring korttidsanställdas arbetssituation, hur de ser på frågan om samhörighet på arbetsplatsen och om de är en del av företagskulturen. Metod: Studien utgår från en kvalitativ metod med telefonintervjuer med tio respondenter från ett bemanningsföretag. Slutsatser: Sammanfattningsvis hamnar många korttidsanställda utanför företagskulturen och känner ingen samhörigheten med de fastanställda inom företaget

Transforming a corporate culture in the service industry case study ofa hotel company

Lui, Wai-shan., 呂慧珊. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration

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