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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Andrevski, Goce 01 January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation explores the interplay between competitive strategy and alliance network structure in explaining firm performance in highly volatile environments (e.g., personal computers or consumer electronics). In particular, I examine the following three questions: (1) Which competitive strategies enable firms to gain superior performance? (2) How do these strategies affect the firm‘s networking behavior and lead to the formation of particular network positions? (3) What optimal combinations of competitive strategies and network structures maximize firm performance? Firms can outperform rivals by pursuing two types of competitive strategies: advantage-creating and advantage-enhancing. Each of these strategies creates different needs, motivations, and opportunities for collaborative activity. Therefore, certain regularities in the firms‘ strategic behavior in the previous period can lead to distinctive and recognizable patterns of networking behavior in the future period, which in turn leads to predictable types of network structure. This study shows that firms with superior advantage-creating strategies become embedded in sparse network structures and are more likely to form non-equity alliances in the future period, whereas firms with strong advantage-enhancing tendencies become embedded in dense network structures with many equity-based alliances in the future period. However, if different strategies lead to formation of different types of network structure, are these tendencies beneficial for firm performance? If not, what is the optimal combination of competitive strategy and network structure that maximizes firm performance? I argue that network structure provides advantageous access to external resources that can both complement (enhance) the internal capabilities of the firm and substitute for the capabilities that a firm is lacking. I find that network structure plays both complementary and substitutive roles. However, my findings suggest dense network structure is more beneficial for firms that have superior either advantage-creating or advantage-enhancing capabilities, whereas firms with inferior internal capabilities can benefit more from a sparse network structure. I tested the proposed dynamic model on a sample of the largest 125 firms from computers and electronics industries that initiated 11,075 competitive actions and were embedded in a larger network of 36,766 alliances over 7 years.

Tendência empreendedora do gerente de projeto : importância para o sucesso dos projetos / Project manager enterprising tendency : importance to projects success

Russo, Rosaria de Fatima Segger Macri 14 September 2007 (has links)
Novos negócios, novos serviços, novos processos e a evolução constante dos que já existem, além do atendimento das estratégias estabelecidas, são desafios diários da organização. Isso indica a necessidade de se ter funcionários, independentemente do nível hierárquico, que possuam senso de oportunidade e sensibilidade para os desafios e os problemas enfrentados pela empresa, além da obstinação em resolvê-los, características ligadas ao conceito de empreendedorismo corporativo. De um outro ponto de vista, o atendimento das estratégias, em sua maioria, é realizado por meio de projetos, sendo o maior responsável pela sua liderança: o gerente de projetos. Assim, nesse processo, esse profissional torna-se um elemento chave para o sucesso do projeto e das estratégias; adicionalmente, pode se tornar importante para o futuro da organização, ao usar sua capacidade empreendedora para vislumbrar novas necessidades e oportunidades. No entanto, o gerente de projetos tem responsabilidades operacionais, de monitoramento, contabilização e controle perante o projeto, para que os objetivos iniciais sejam atendidos, quando talvez as características de um empreendedor não sejam necessárias. Torna-se então relevante avaliar se as características de um empreendedor corporativo agregam valor ou não ao gerente de projetos, na medida em que elas se reflitam em projetos mais bem sucedidos. Para essa avaliação, realizou-se uma pesquisa por meio de 164 gerentes de projetos, em sua maioria homens bastante experientes, com pós-graduação. A análise não-paramétrica indicou uma tendência de se ter projetos mais bem sucedidos quanto maior for a tendência empreendedora do gerente de projetos. Houve um destaque para a tendência criativa, para a qual pôde-se observar um impacto positivo em inúmeros critérios de sucesso, inclusive sugerindo que quanto maior a tendência criativa do gerente de projetos, maior será a possibilidade do projeto ser bem sucedido. Como não se encontrou menção dessas características nos autores pesquisados nesse estudo, recomenda-se a revisão do estudo do perfil do gerente de projetos, a fim de se avaliar mais profundamente a inclusão da tendência criativa em seu perfil. Um gerente de projetos não pode mais ser visto como um mero executor; deve sim ser visto como um parceiro importante no reconhecimento e busca de novas oportunidades, além da contribuição aos bons resultados, pela persistência em solucionar problemas e desafios encontrados no desenvolvimento de suas atividades. / New businesses, new services, new processes, the already constant evolution of them, also the settle strategy are the organization daily challenges. So,it indicates they require to have employees, independently from hierarchical level, who have a sense of opportunity and sensibility to the problems and dare faced by the company, and a strong will to solve them. These characteristics are part of the conception of corporate entrepreneurship. A another point of view: these strategies solutions are in its majority made by projects, and the responsible person for its leadership is the project manager. Therefore, in this process he becomes the key element to the project and strategy success; additionally he can become very important to the future of the organization when he applies his entrepreneur skills to glimpse new necessities and opportunities. However, the project manager has operational responsibilities, like monitoring, accounting and control, in order to attend the initial targets, even whenever entrepreneur skill might not be necessary. Therefore, it is relevant to evaluate whether a corporate entrepreneur skills add values to the project manager or not, from the moment they are used in successful projects. A research with 164 project managers with post-graduation courses and great work experience was carried on, in order to have this evaluation. Nonparametric analysis indicated a tendency of more successful projects as far as the manager entrepreneur skills tendency increase. There was an emphasis for the creative tendency, which a positive impact in several successful criteria could be observed, also suggesting that the more creative tendency of the project manager, the more it will be the responsibility of a successful project. As there are not mention about this characteristics in the literature, we recommend a profile project manager review to fill this gap. A project manager cannot be like a simple person who carry orders; he should be a partner in a enterprise to seek opportunities, beside his or her contribuition to fix the problems and challenges.

O impacto das práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos e da Orientação Empreendedora no desempenho das empresas Portuguesas.

Palminha, Marina Alexandra de Sousa 22 May 2009 (has links)
Economia e Gestão Internacional / Master in International Economics and Management / Este trabalho pretende analisar o impacto das práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) e da Orientação Empreendedora (OE) no desempenho das empresas portuguesas. Adicionalmente, esta investigação pretende colmatar a lacuna existente relativamente ao caso português. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um inquérito às empresas portuguesas, seleccionadas a partir da base de dados SABI (Sistema de Análise de Balanços Ibérico). Os resultados sugerem que as práticas de GRH estão positivamente relacionadas com a rentabilidade das vendas e com a rentabilidade do investimento; as práticas de GRH e a OE estão positivamente relacionadas. Relativamente à OE, os dados não permitiram aferir com rigor a sua relação com o desempenho económico-financeiro das empresas. / This research aims to analyze the impact of Human Resource Management practices (HRM) and Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE) in the performance of Portuguese firms. This work aims to fill the gap for the Portuguese case. Data was collected through a survey to Portuguese companies that were selected from the SABI (Sistema de Análise de Balanços Ibérico) database. The results suggest: the HRM practices are positively related to return on sales and with return on investment; the HRM practices and CE are positively related. In what concerns to CE, data did not accurately assess its relationship with financial performance.

Corporate entrepreneurship and government business enterprises: the pre-paradigmatic dance of the chameleon

Sadler, Robert John Unknown Date (has links)
The existing research into corporate entrepreneurship is based upon experiences in the private sector. Reforms of public sectors throughout the western world are focussing on entrepreneurial practices as part of a program to align public sector management practices with those of the private sector.This research concentrates on corporate entrepreneurship in the public sector and specifically addresses opportunities for the emergence of corporate entrepreneurship in Government Business Enterprises (“GBEs”).The literature assumes that entrepreneurial practices in the private sector may be foisted upon the public sector. The paper proposes that corporate entrepreneurship in the public sector is the result of different influencing factors and involves different processes from its private sector counterpart.Building on private sector research this research examines those factors that stimulate and constrain corporate entrepreneurship in the public sector. It addresses the extent to which the influences of factors that stimulate corporate entrepreneurship in the private sector are replicated in GBEs. This analysis generates a model that is founded on:1. Three research propositions that concern the correlation between those factors that foster corporate entrepreneurship in the private sector and those applicable to GBEs. They also address the preponderance of those facilitating factors in corporatised and non-corporatised GBEs; and2. An investigation into the manner in which the facilitating factors influence opportunities for the emergence of corporate entrepreneurship and the extent of that potential emergence. The presence or absence of factors that stimulate or constrain corporate entrepreneurship, however, does not explain its occurrence or absence. Public sector organisations which ensure that the influence of those factors that facilitate corporate entrepreneurship outweigh the influence of the inhibiting factors are more likely to be ready and able to react to opportunities to create value by adopting entrepreneurial processes. This is the basis of a Model that is developed and refined during the course of the paper.The Research Propositions were tested by a survey of 322 publicly urban water businesses located throughout Australia. The Model was illuminated and enhanced by considering case studies from twelve urban water businesses. The literature demonstrates that reforms to the public sector since the late 1970’s have created opportunities for corporate entrepreneurship. The literature also reveals that entrepreneurship is a strategic phenomenon. This paper demonstrates that the environment within which corporate entrepreneurship may occur is influenced by the organisation’s existence within either the public or the private sector and, within the public sector, the environmental and operating features of the entity as either a corporatised GBE, a non-corporatised GBE or other structure.

Aproximación al Corporate Entrepreneurship en España. Tipologías y relación con los resultados empresariales.

Bieto Caubet, Eugènia 30 April 2008 (has links)
El corporate entrepreneurship és un àmbit de coneixement que apareix durant la segona meitat del segle XX com a extensió de la iniciativa emprenedora aplicada a les organitzacions empresarials. Es defineix com el conjunt d'estratègies i de pràctiques que apliquen les empreses per fomentar, cultivar i gestionar les capacitats emprenedores de l'organització que faciliten el desenvolupament de nous projectes.L'objectiu d'aquest projecte és identificar com han adaptat les empreses espanyoles el corporate entrepreneurship a les seves estratègies, com també conèixer si existeix una relació positiva entre l'adopció d'aquestes pràctiques i els resultats empresarials.Aquesta tesi ha utilitzat dos constructes diferents per mesurar el corporate entrepreneurship: l'Orientació Emprenedora, que inclou dimensions identificades en altres estudis empírics, i les Pràctiques Emprenedores, que fan referència a un seguit d'activitats que les empreses duen a terme per millorar la capacitat emprenedora. A partir d'una mostra de 254 empreses industrials espanyoles que van respondre un qüestionari que incloïa preguntes relatives a l'Orientació Emprenedora, les Pràctiques Emprenedores i les variables d'entorn, d'estratègia i de resultats, s'han obtingut quatre tipologies d'empreses, segons el nivell de corporate entrepreneurship: emprenedores internes i externes, intraemprenedores, emprenedores externes i seguidores. Les tres primeres són innovadores i proactives, i es diferencien entre elles pel tipus de pràctiques que segueixen a l'hora de buscar noves oportunitats. La darrera tipologia està formada per empreses amb nivells baixos de corporate entrepreneurship.Les anàlisis de regressió múltiple han confirmat que hi ha una relació positiva entre el corporate entrepreneurship i els resultats empresarials, mesurats a partir d'indicadors econòmics i d'indicadors no econòmics. A més, aquesta recerca ha analitzat la influència contingencial dels dos constructes del corporate entrepreneurship, i ha demostrat que adoptar Pràctiques Emprenedores fa augmentar l'Orientació Emprenedora de l'empresa, cosa que finalment desemboca en una millora dels resultats. / El corporate entrepreneurship es un campo de conocimiento que surge en la segunda mitad del siglo XX como una extensión de la iniciativa emprendedora aplicada a las organizaciones empresariales. Se define como el conjunto de estrategias y prácticas que llevan a cabo las empresas para fomentar, cultivar y gestionar las capacidades emprendedoras de la organización que facilitan el desarrollo de nuevos proyectos.El objetivo de este proyecto es conocer la forma en la que las empresas españolas han adaptado el corporate entrepreneurship a sus estrategias, así como si existe una relación positiva entre la adopción de estas prácticas y los resultados empresariales.Esta tesis ha utilizado dos constructos diferentes para medir el corporate entrepreneurship: la Orientación Emprendedora, que incluye dimensiones identificadas en otros estudios empíricos, y las Prácticas Emprendedoras, que hacen referencia a una serie de actividades que acometen las empresas para mejorar su capacidad emprendedora.A partir de una muestra de 254 empresas industriales españolas que contestaron un cuestionario en el que se incluían preguntas relativas a la Orientación Emprendedora, las Prácticas Emprendedoras y variables de entorno, de estrategia y de resultados, se han obtenido cuatro tipologías de empresas, atendiendo a su nivel de corporate entrepreneurship: emprendedoras internas y externas, intraemprendedoras, emprendedoras externas y seguidoras. Las tres primeras son innovadoras y proactivas, y se diferencian entre sí por el tipo de prácticas que siguen para la búsqueda de nuevas oportunidades. La última tipología está formada por empresas con bajos niveles de corporate entrepreneurship.Los análisis de regresión múltiple han confirmado la existencia de una relación positiva entre el corporate entrepreneurship y los resultados empresariales, medidos a partir de indicadores económicos y no económicos. Además, esta investigación ha analizado la influencia contingencial de los dos constructos de corporate entrepreneurship y ha demostrado que la adopción de Prácticas Emprendedoras hace aumentar la Orientación Emprendedora de la empresa, lo que finalmente redunda en una mejora de los resultados. / Corporate Entrepreneurship is a field of knowledge that emerged in the second half of the twentieth century as an extension of entrepreneurial initiative applied to business organisations. It is defined as the series of strategies and practices carried out by companies to promote, cultivate and manage the organisation's entrepreneurial skills in relation to facilitating the development of new projects. The aim of this project is to understand how Spanish companies have adapted Corporate Entrepreneurship to their business strategies, and to ascertain whether there is a positive relationship between the adoption of these practices and business results. This thesis has used two different constructs to measure Corporate Entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurial Orientation, which includes the same dimensions identified in other empirical studies, and Entrepreneurial Practices, referring to a series of activities undertaken by companies to improve their entrepreneurial capacity. Based on a sample of 254 Spanish industrial firms that answered a questionnaire which included questions on Entrepreneurial Orientation, Entrepreneurial Practices, as well as strategy, context and performance variables, four types of firms have been obtained, depending on their level of Corporate Entrepreneurship: internal and external entrepreneurial companies, intrapreneurial companies, external entrepreneurial companies and followers. The first three types are innovative and proactive, and differentiated by the kind of practices followed in the pursuit of new opportunities. The last type is composed of companies with low levels of Corporate Entrepreneurship. Multiple regression analysis confirmed the existence of a positive relationship between Corporate Entrepreneurship and business results, measured based on economic and non-economic indicators. Moreover, this research has examined the contingencial influence of both Corporate Entrepreneurship constructs and has demonstrated that the adoption of Entrepreneurial Practices increases companies' Entrepreneurial Orientation, which ultimately leads to improved performance.

Corporate entrepreneurship and government business enterprises: the pre-paradigmatic dance of the chameleon

Sadler, Robert John Unknown Date (has links)
The existing research into corporate entrepreneurship is based upon experiences in the private sector. Reforms of public sectors throughout the western world are focussing on entrepreneurial practices as part of a program to align public sector management practices with those of the private sector.This research concentrates on corporate entrepreneurship in the public sector and specifically addresses opportunities for the emergence of corporate entrepreneurship in Government Business Enterprises (“GBEs”).The literature assumes that entrepreneurial practices in the private sector may be foisted upon the public sector. The paper proposes that corporate entrepreneurship in the public sector is the result of different influencing factors and involves different processes from its private sector counterpart.Building on private sector research this research examines those factors that stimulate and constrain corporate entrepreneurship in the public sector. It addresses the extent to which the influences of factors that stimulate corporate entrepreneurship in the private sector are replicated in GBEs. This analysis generates a model that is founded on:1. Three research propositions that concern the correlation between those factors that foster corporate entrepreneurship in the private sector and those applicable to GBEs. They also address the preponderance of those facilitating factors in corporatised and non-corporatised GBEs; and2. An investigation into the manner in which the facilitating factors influence opportunities for the emergence of corporate entrepreneurship and the extent of that potential emergence. The presence or absence of factors that stimulate or constrain corporate entrepreneurship, however, does not explain its occurrence or absence. Public sector organisations which ensure that the influence of those factors that facilitate corporate entrepreneurship outweigh the influence of the inhibiting factors are more likely to be ready and able to react to opportunities to create value by adopting entrepreneurial processes. This is the basis of a Model that is developed and refined during the course of the paper.The Research Propositions were tested by a survey of 322 publicly urban water businesses located throughout Australia. The Model was illuminated and enhanced by considering case studies from twelve urban water businesses. The literature demonstrates that reforms to the public sector since the late 1970’s have created opportunities for corporate entrepreneurship. The literature also reveals that entrepreneurship is a strategic phenomenon. This paper demonstrates that the environment within which corporate entrepreneurship may occur is influenced by the organisation’s existence within either the public or the private sector and, within the public sector, the environmental and operating features of the entity as either a corporatised GBE, a non-corporatised GBE or other structure.

Corporate entrepreneurship and government business enterprises: the pre-paradigmatic dance of the chameleon

Sadler, Robert John Unknown Date (has links)
The existing research into corporate entrepreneurship is based upon experiences in the private sector. Reforms of public sectors throughout the western world are focussing on entrepreneurial practices as part of a program to align public sector management practices with those of the private sector.This research concentrates on corporate entrepreneurship in the public sector and specifically addresses opportunities for the emergence of corporate entrepreneurship in Government Business Enterprises (“GBEs”).The literature assumes that entrepreneurial practices in the private sector may be foisted upon the public sector. The paper proposes that corporate entrepreneurship in the public sector is the result of different influencing factors and involves different processes from its private sector counterpart.Building on private sector research this research examines those factors that stimulate and constrain corporate entrepreneurship in the public sector. It addresses the extent to which the influences of factors that stimulate corporate entrepreneurship in the private sector are replicated in GBEs. This analysis generates a model that is founded on:1. Three research propositions that concern the correlation between those factors that foster corporate entrepreneurship in the private sector and those applicable to GBEs. They also address the preponderance of those facilitating factors in corporatised and non-corporatised GBEs; and2. An investigation into the manner in which the facilitating factors influence opportunities for the emergence of corporate entrepreneurship and the extent of that potential emergence. The presence or absence of factors that stimulate or constrain corporate entrepreneurship, however, does not explain its occurrence or absence. Public sector organisations which ensure that the influence of those factors that facilitate corporate entrepreneurship outweigh the influence of the inhibiting factors are more likely to be ready and able to react to opportunities to create value by adopting entrepreneurial processes. This is the basis of a Model that is developed and refined during the course of the paper.The Research Propositions were tested by a survey of 322 publicly urban water businesses located throughout Australia. The Model was illuminated and enhanced by considering case studies from twelve urban water businesses. The literature demonstrates that reforms to the public sector since the late 1970’s have created opportunities for corporate entrepreneurship. The literature also reveals that entrepreneurship is a strategic phenomenon. This paper demonstrates that the environment within which corporate entrepreneurship may occur is influenced by the organisation’s existence within either the public or the private sector and, within the public sector, the environmental and operating features of the entity as either a corporatised GBE, a non-corporatised GBE or other structure.

Explorando a orientação empreendedora em empresas de alta performance financeira

Moura Filho, Silvio Liberato de January 2006 (has links)
p. 1-143 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-03-06T17:38:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 3333.pdf: 1306063 bytes, checksum: ad5584da610c801776fb5a8e776ac414 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima(tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2013-03-13T20:18:48Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 3333.pdf: 1306063 bytes, checksum: ad5584da610c801776fb5a8e776ac414 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-03-13T20:18:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3333.pdf: 1306063 bytes, checksum: ad5584da610c801776fb5a8e776ac414 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Esta dissertação tem como objetivo avaliar o nível de Orientação Empreendedora das médias e grandes empresas com alta performance financeira, atuando no Estado da Bahia, no período de 1997 a 2001. A metodologia utilizada para avaliar a orientação empreendedora envolveu análises teóricas e empíricas, chegando-se a conclusão que os modelos analisados apresentavam muitas limitações. Foi construído, então, um novo modelo de análise que abordasse a natureza multifacetada desse fenômeno e atendesse às especificidades da pesquisa. O modelo utilizado define a Orientação Empreendedora sob à luz de três dimensões sínteses: inovação, proatividade e propensão a riscos. Essas dimensões foram desdobradas em indicadores compostos, que compõem as funções inovação f(INO), proatividade f(PRO) e propensão a riscos f(PRS), que, com seus pesos específicos, definem a função geral da Orientação Empreendedora e seus diversos níveis. A partir deste modelo, tendo como elementos de referência dados quantitativos de pesquisas nacionais sobre o tema, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa do tipo survey, com base em técnicas de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa, envolvendo uma amostra probabilística de 16 empresas, selecionadas das 94 que obtiveram performance financeira diferenciadas no período. Este estudo concluiu que das empresas pesquisadas, ocorre uma tendência para inovação média-baixa, proatividade média-alta e propensão a riscos média-baixa. Do ponto de vista da Orientação Empreendedora, nenhuma empresa foi considerada com OE alta, 25,0% delas foram consideradas com OE média- alta, 68,7% obtiveram OE média- baixa e apenas 6,3% atingiu uma OE baixa. Nenhuma empresa foi considerada sem OE. Foi constatado, portanto, que empresas de alta performance financeira apresentam diferentes níveis de OE, na medida em que cada uma das dimensões apresente importância variada, esses níveis de OE devem-se às variações de combinações entre essas dimensões e que estas últimas oscilam por influência de muitas outras variáveis. Além do resultado apresentado, foram sinalizadas proposições de ações e uma agenda de pesquisa futura para o tema de Empreendedorismo Corporativo e Orientação Empreendedora no Estado da Bahia. / Salvador

Tendência empreendedora do gerente de projeto : importância para o sucesso dos projetos / Project manager enterprising tendency : importance to projects success

Rosaria de Fatima Segger Macri Russo 14 September 2007 (has links)
Novos negócios, novos serviços, novos processos e a evolução constante dos que já existem, além do atendimento das estratégias estabelecidas, são desafios diários da organização. Isso indica a necessidade de se ter funcionários, independentemente do nível hierárquico, que possuam senso de oportunidade e sensibilidade para os desafios e os problemas enfrentados pela empresa, além da obstinação em resolvê-los, características ligadas ao conceito de empreendedorismo corporativo. De um outro ponto de vista, o atendimento das estratégias, em sua maioria, é realizado por meio de projetos, sendo o maior responsável pela sua liderança: o gerente de projetos. Assim, nesse processo, esse profissional torna-se um elemento chave para o sucesso do projeto e das estratégias; adicionalmente, pode se tornar importante para o futuro da organização, ao usar sua capacidade empreendedora para vislumbrar novas necessidades e oportunidades. No entanto, o gerente de projetos tem responsabilidades operacionais, de monitoramento, contabilização e controle perante o projeto, para que os objetivos iniciais sejam atendidos, quando talvez as características de um empreendedor não sejam necessárias. Torna-se então relevante avaliar se as características de um empreendedor corporativo agregam valor ou não ao gerente de projetos, na medida em que elas se reflitam em projetos mais bem sucedidos. Para essa avaliação, realizou-se uma pesquisa por meio de 164 gerentes de projetos, em sua maioria homens bastante experientes, com pós-graduação. A análise não-paramétrica indicou uma tendência de se ter projetos mais bem sucedidos quanto maior for a tendência empreendedora do gerente de projetos. Houve um destaque para a tendência criativa, para a qual pôde-se observar um impacto positivo em inúmeros critérios de sucesso, inclusive sugerindo que quanto maior a tendência criativa do gerente de projetos, maior será a possibilidade do projeto ser bem sucedido. Como não se encontrou menção dessas características nos autores pesquisados nesse estudo, recomenda-se a revisão do estudo do perfil do gerente de projetos, a fim de se avaliar mais profundamente a inclusão da tendência criativa em seu perfil. Um gerente de projetos não pode mais ser visto como um mero executor; deve sim ser visto como um parceiro importante no reconhecimento e busca de novas oportunidades, além da contribuição aos bons resultados, pela persistência em solucionar problemas e desafios encontrados no desenvolvimento de suas atividades. / New businesses, new services, new processes, the already constant evolution of them, also the settle strategy are the organization daily challenges. So,it indicates they require to have employees, independently from hierarchical level, who have a sense of opportunity and sensibility to the problems and dare faced by the company, and a strong will to solve them. These characteristics are part of the conception of corporate entrepreneurship. A another point of view: these strategies solutions are in its majority made by projects, and the responsible person for its leadership is the project manager. Therefore, in this process he becomes the key element to the project and strategy success; additionally he can become very important to the future of the organization when he applies his entrepreneur skills to glimpse new necessities and opportunities. However, the project manager has operational responsibilities, like monitoring, accounting and control, in order to attend the initial targets, even whenever entrepreneur skill might not be necessary. Therefore, it is relevant to evaluate whether a corporate entrepreneur skills add values to the project manager or not, from the moment they are used in successful projects. A research with 164 project managers with post-graduation courses and great work experience was carried on, in order to have this evaluation. Nonparametric analysis indicated a tendency of more successful projects as far as the manager entrepreneur skills tendency increase. There was an emphasis for the creative tendency, which a positive impact in several successful criteria could be observed, also suggesting that the more creative tendency of the project manager, the more it will be the responsibility of a successful project. As there are not mention about this characteristics in the literature, we recommend a profile project manager review to fill this gap. A project manager cannot be like a simple person who carry orders; he should be a partner in a enterprise to seek opportunities, beside his or her contribuition to fix the problems and challenges.

Leadership & The importance of Corporate Entrepreneurship

Johansson, Erik, Frisk, Aava January 2023 (has links)
Due to the importance of corporate entrepreneurship and leadership innovation when nurturing and building the company, along with keeping up with competition in an ever developing world these concepts have become more of an importance over the past few years. Corporate Entrepreneurship has an important role in building innovation and is needed to avoid disruption. However, the level of conscious attention given to CE within Swedish SMEs is still to some extent unknown. This study aims to investigate the CE initiatives produced and the active awareness put towards it along with the extent entrepreneurial leadership plays a role in the organizational innovation. The two research questions are: How are corporate leaders paying attention to corporate entrepreneurship? & How is entrepreneurial leadership enhancing leadership innovation in Swedish SMEs? This study focuses on Swedish small to medium-sized companies of various sizes and within different industries but also acting within the same ownership structure. For this reason, the relationship and entrepreneurial culture within the whole organization is also of interest. Therefore, a total of four interviews with six individuals from four different companies were conducted. The data was analyzed using a thematic analysis method. The results showed that there is an unconscious use of CE approaches and initiative along with the important role of entrepreneurial leadership to maintain and develop the organization.

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