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Corporate heritage brand identity, customer experience and satisfaction : the case study of John Lewis PartnershipSammour, Ammar Abdellatif Taha January 2017 (has links)
Purpose: This research studies the relationship between corporate heritage brand identity and customer satisfaction of John Lewis Partnership (JLP) which is one of the most successful British retail heritage brands internationally. It conceptualizes and addresses the key factors of corporate heritage brand identity including brand price, quality, design, and symbol. It examines the corporate heritage brand experience of JLP customers through which corporate heritage brand identity influences customer satisfaction. It also establishes the moderating role of brand innovation, word of mouth and multiple time dimensions on these relationships. Design/methodology/approach: A conceptual framework of corporate heritage brand identity is developed from the literature review. To improve the validity of this study, semi-structured interviews were carried out with JLP managers, senior partners and their loyal customers recommended by JLP. These interviews have verified and advanced the hypotheses informed from the reviewed literature. This study mainly adopts the quantitative survey research method approach to test the conceptual framework. An online questionnaire was sent to JLP customers through social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Off-line paper-based survey questionnaires were collected from customers in JLP stores located in five cities in the UK (London, Manchester, Liverpool, Leicester and Southampton). In total, a sample of 596 clean questionnaire responses were collected and used for this study to test the developed hypotheses. Findings: Data analysis results have confirmed the dynamic and essential role of heritage brand identity on attaining and sustaining customers' satisfaction of a corporate heritage brand from the retailing industry in the UK. The results revealed that corporate heritage brand identity dimensions (price, quality, design and symbol) are effective in representing the strength of corporate heritage brand identity. The confirmed that the dimensions of the corporate heritage brand identities of this study are indicating positive impacts on corporate heritage brand experience according to the data analysis results. The findings also suggest that these brand experience dimensions (sensory, affective, behavioural and intellectual) have a positive influence on improving customer satisfaction. Additionally, brand innovation and the time stream in this study strengthens the relation between corporate heritage brand identity and corporate heritage brand experience. Furthermore, word of mouth and the prospect future of a corporate heritage brand are of significance to improve customers' satisfaction through positive heritage brand experience. Originality/value: This is one of the few attempts to develop a conceptual framework of corporate heritage brand identity. The conceptual framework has confirmed the multiple dimensions of corporate heritage brand identity (including brand price, quality, design and symbol) and their impact on customers' experience and satisfaction. This study also identified the moderating role of brand innovation, word of mouth and multiple time dimensions on the relationships between corporate heritage brand identity and customers' experience and satisfaction. This is one of the first attempts to study corporate heritage branding management in the retailing industry sector. Managerial implications: The corporate heritage brand identity dimensions identified from this study have the potential to help brand managers develop and augment their corporate heritage brand management strategy, especially for the retailing industry as revealed in this study. Marketers and brand managers need to be aware of their corporate heritage brand treats such as price, quality, design and symbol to satisfy and sustain their customers. The findings reflect the importance of sustaining the traits of corporate heritage brand and being responsive and innovative to the market on time. Additionally, the fundamental function of Word of Mouth (WOM) in extending the communication channels between a brand and customers. The findings confirmed that Time Streams have a central role in demonstrating the identity and sustainability of a corporate heritage brand.
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Východiska tvorby firemního stylu / The origin of Corporate style creationHorký, Jan January 2007 (has links)
V této práci se zabývám firemní komunikací. Pro její plánování a rozvoj je třeba udržovat aktuální komunikační a informační strategii. Pro zjednodušení jsem systém firemní komunikace rozdělil na 4 subsystémy: Kultura, informační systém, komerční komunikace a firemní styl, z nichž každým se podrobně zabývám. Společným působením těchto čtyř disciplín vzniká unikátní identita organizace a toto jsou její základní kameny. Jedním ze způsobů, jak docílit silné identity, je budování promyšleného a stabilního firemního stylu. Firemní styl je úžeji vymezen jako vizuální tvář podniku, tzv. Corporate Design. Jeho základními elementy jsou: logotyp, barevnost a typografie. Přestože firmy si mohou být v těchto základních elementech podobné, odlišují se jejich aplikacemi na komunikační aktivity. Každá vizuální identita se stává unikátním otiskem složitého firemního organismu. Účelem aplikací není pouze marketingový úspěch či vizuální dokonalost; ten spočívá v jejich funkčnosti. Proto je při jejich tvorbě nutné respektovat daleko více kritérií.
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A Trilateral Model for the Management of Corporate Image: an examination of the inter-relationship between an organisation's Self Image, its Projected Image and its Perceived ImageChristie, David John, dave.christie@hipsys.com January 2002 (has links)
The Research Topic and the Need for It: This thesis starts with a review of what the literature says about the importance of corporate image and how it needs to be managed as a strategic asset. However, the problem is there is no model that shows what corporate image comprises and explains how its various components interact with one another so that it can be managed. The result is a number of confusing and contradictory definitions and unproductive discussions about things like whether corporate reputation and corporate image are different or synonymous. In response to this need, it is suggested that corporate image comprises three different image perspectives; namely, Self Image, Projected Image and Perceived Image and that it is only when these are defined separately and regarded holistically that corporate image can be properly defined, understood and managed. Objective: The objective of this research was to develop and test this model using triangulated approaches in which data could be acquired and understood from different sources. To this end questionnaires were developed by document analysis, consultation and discussion. This research was conducted in two very different organisations - a new university campus and a sugar co-operative. In the interests of confidentiality they have been renamed Barton University's Kingsley Campus and Sunstate Sugar Co-operative Association Limited. Data was input into both SPSS and HIPSYS computer programs for the Kingsley Campus research and into HIPSYS for the Sunstate Sugar research. For both research sites the results were discussed with members of all response groups so that accurate interpretations of the data could be made and additional meaningful data acquired. For Kingsley Campus, response groups included all Academic and General Staff of Kingsley Campus for the Self Image and the Projected Image, and for the Perceived Image all Current and Past Students, a representative sample of Grade 12 high school students, advanced diploma students of Kingsley TAFE, and Community Leaders. In all 3,693 questionnaires were distributed and 934 completed questionnaires were processed. For Sunstate Sugar, response groups included all employees for the Self Image separated by Management, Supervisors and Workforce, all Board members and all Employees who interface with the growers (members of the co-operative) for the Projected Image, and all members of the co-operative for the Perceived Image. In all 1830 questionnaires were distributed and 916 completed questionnaires were processed. Findings: The results from the Kingsley Campus research showed that the Projected Image needed to be more effectively targeted at the Grade 12 target group. The results from the Sunstate Sugar research showed that its Perceived Image was affected by its Self Image as well as by its Projected Image and that its Self Image in particular needed to be made more positive. The results from both organisations suggest that a positive corporate Self Image influences the Projected Image and can have as much impact on the Perceived Image as does the Projected Image. In exploring and discussing the results of this research, each organization derived recommendations which led to their developing action plans for the more effective management of their corporate image. These results indicate that the model created has eliminated a gap in the literature, diffused the confusion regarding what corporate image is, and provided a structure and a methodology by which corporate image can be identified and managed. It has been shown to have considerable utility.
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Företagsidentitet : En fråga om du är eller vill vara?Östervall, Sandra, Carnerud, Christine January 2008 (has links)
<p>Utbudet på produkter och tjänster ökar ständigt och det blir då svårare för konsumenten att särskilja dem utifrån dess egenskaper. Nu är det företaget bakom som spelar en allt större roll och det är företagsnamnet som garanterar att produkten eller tjänsten innehar vissa egenskaper och kvaliteter. För att bli det företag som kunden väljer framför ett annat krävs en god image och ett gott anseende. Detta är något som inte kommer av sig själv utan grunden till att lyckas nå ut till kunden är en stark och tydlig identitet.</p><p>Corporate identity eller företagsidentitet, som vi valt att översätta begreppet till, är ett komplext område med många olika definitioner och synsätt. Syftet med vår uppsats var att reda ut begreppet och skaffa oss en bredare bild av vad företagsidentitet innebär. Detta ville vi göra genom att svara på fyra frågor; vilka karaktäristiska delar innefattar en företagsidentitet?, i vilka situationer kan en förändring av identiteten i ett företag vara nödvändig?, hur motiveras och förklaras arbetet när en designbyrå ändrar ett företags identitet? och stämmer denna arbetsgång överens med det som beskrivs i litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar?</p><p>För att kunna besvara syftet och frågeställningarna har vi tagit del av både teoretisk och empirisk data. Teorin hämtade vi från litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar som belyser ämnet och utifrån det har vi bildat oss en uppfattning av vad vi anser begreppet innebär. Empirin, som togs fram ur två intervjuer, hjälpte oss att se företagsidentitet ur ett annat perspektiv. Vi fick en chans att skaffa oss en uppfattning om hur det kan se ut i verkligheten då en identitet förändras.</p><p>Vi fann att företagsidentitet, för oss, innefattar tre delar; den visuella identiteten, företags beteende och företagskommunikation. Ur identiteten mynnar image och anseende, vilket är den uppfattning betraktaren har av företaget och därför inget som går att kontrollera. När vi jämförde de identitetsskapande processerna så upptäckte vi att det finns många likheter mellan teori och verklighet. Vi fann dock en stor skillnad, den teoretiska processen är uppbyggd på en omfattande analys som saknas i den praktiska processen.</p>
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What's your story? : Stories' effect on corporate imageBergstedt, Anna, Nilsson, Johanna January 2010 (has links)
To stand out in today’s fierce competition companies need to evolve their competitive skills. Many organizations have come to realize that it is not enough to only include individual products in the offering but one has to sell the whole company. It is then required to work with the corporate identity and express ones story when promoting oneself. For the corporate identity to be successful it is critical that it is based on knowledge about the target group’s identity and an understanding of what the target group values. This thesis focuses on the part of communication of the story that is done via visual expressions and employee behavior. To connect our different areas of research we have developed a model which is presented at the end of the theoretical chapter. The model points out the importance of that corporate identity is based on both customer identity and internal elements such as the employees. It also shows that corporate image is influenced by external influences such as customer involvement and customer-to-customer interaction. To develop the understanding of how companies in the experience industry can use storytelling and how the customer perceives it, we have made two case studies, one at Såstaholm Hotell & Konferens and the other one at Stenungsbadens Yacht Club. Interviews were made with the employees to learn about the intended corporate identity and customer questionnaires were collected to learn about the image. The results have lead us to the following conclusions; storytelling is a useful way to express corporate identity, required that there is emotional engagement and that it permeates all parts of the organization. Visual expressions are mainly a way to communicate a theme, while employees are needed to communicate a full story. Finally we have came to the conclusion that a more suitable term for this kind of communication is story enacting. Key words: Storytelling, corporate identity, image and experience industry.
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Företagsidentitet : En fråga om du är eller vill vara?Östervall, Sandra, Carnerud, Christine January 2008 (has links)
Utbudet på produkter och tjänster ökar ständigt och det blir då svårare för konsumenten att särskilja dem utifrån dess egenskaper. Nu är det företaget bakom som spelar en allt större roll och det är företagsnamnet som garanterar att produkten eller tjänsten innehar vissa egenskaper och kvaliteter. För att bli det företag som kunden väljer framför ett annat krävs en god image och ett gott anseende. Detta är något som inte kommer av sig själv utan grunden till att lyckas nå ut till kunden är en stark och tydlig identitet. Corporate identity eller företagsidentitet, som vi valt att översätta begreppet till, är ett komplext område med många olika definitioner och synsätt. Syftet med vår uppsats var att reda ut begreppet och skaffa oss en bredare bild av vad företagsidentitet innebär. Detta ville vi göra genom att svara på fyra frågor; vilka karaktäristiska delar innefattar en företagsidentitet?, i vilka situationer kan en förändring av identiteten i ett företag vara nödvändig?, hur motiveras och förklaras arbetet när en designbyrå ändrar ett företags identitet? och stämmer denna arbetsgång överens med det som beskrivs i litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar? För att kunna besvara syftet och frågeställningarna har vi tagit del av både teoretisk och empirisk data. Teorin hämtade vi från litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar som belyser ämnet och utifrån det har vi bildat oss en uppfattning av vad vi anser begreppet innebär. Empirin, som togs fram ur två intervjuer, hjälpte oss att se företagsidentitet ur ett annat perspektiv. Vi fick en chans att skaffa oss en uppfattning om hur det kan se ut i verkligheten då en identitet förändras. Vi fann att företagsidentitet, för oss, innefattar tre delar; den visuella identiteten, företags beteende och företagskommunikation. Ur identiteten mynnar image och anseende, vilket är den uppfattning betraktaren har av företaget och därför inget som går att kontrollera. När vi jämförde de identitetsskapande processerna så upptäckte vi att det finns många likheter mellan teori och verklighet. Vi fann dock en stor skillnad, den teoretiska processen är uppbyggd på en omfattande analys som saknas i den praktiska processen.
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App-to-date : – A study about how mobile applications can help companies to get an image that fit their corporate identityAndersson, Marie, Jörgensen, Sanna, Olsson, Johanna January 2011 (has links)
Background: The number of smartphones has increased rapidly in the last years. With the expansion of smartphones came the increased development and use of mobile applications. Companies market their company through applications because they want to reach, inform and remind their customers. Depending on the companies, its size and the industry, companies have different purposes with their apps. Purpose: We intend to study how mobile applications can help companies to get an image that fit their corporate identity Method: Our thesis is based on multiple case studies of three Swedish companies. We have chosen to use a qualitative research method. We have gathered our empirical data by doing telephone interviews and focus groups. Conclusions: Consumer form their image trough reputation, communication and experience. Building a strong corporate identity is the main factor that helps to improve a company’s image. The use of mobile applications can both improve and worsen a company’s image. It is therefore necessary that the application is well made and has a clear connection to the identity to be able to improve an image. Suggestions for further research: A more extensive industry study could be done, by adding more companies. Other age segments could be studied. The influence of mobile applications that cost could be studied. It could also be interesting to study consumers that had downloaded the mobile applications on their own will.
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Corporate Identity Change : A qualitative research of BPModd, Peter January 2011 (has links)
Background – Corporate identity has emerged as an interesting subject. Companies’ care about how people perceive them and it is important for companies that people have a good impression about them. Catastrophes and other happenings can seriously harm a company. Corporate identity is concerned with the personality of the organization. It is designed to help the organization to achieve its goals. The term is rather complex and contains many different aspects. One of BP’s oilrigs in the Gulf of Mexico sank due to an explosion. It became an environmental catastrophe with oil spread over gigantic areas. BP was accused of acting slowly and preventing media to reach the polluted beaches. Further, they have also influenced the search results on Google. BP has created a bad reputation in the market due to the way they have been handling the oil spill. The public has started to question the actions by BP and they have started to express opinions about the company. This study will cover the different expression the public opinion has been taken against BP. Further, it will cover how those impressions have been affected the corporate identity of BP. Purpose – The aim of this study is to measure if and to which extent BP’s Corporate Identity has been affected by public opinion, due to the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in spring 2010. Method – The study employs a qualitative method. The data is based on primary data collection from online newspapers journals and scientific books. The theoretical section is based on information gathered mostly from journals and scientific books while the information about the oil spill comes mostly from online newspapers. Findings/Conclusions– My research found that the public opinion has been affecting BP’s corporate identity negatively. Further, BP’s actions after the disaster have contributed to the negative opinion about the company. The Greenpeace and Facebook action has helped to spread the public opinion.
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Corporate Identity : Communication as a key componentVargas, Gabriel, Silva, Sergio, Keliche, Ugwu, Maina, Charles January 2008 (has links)
<p>Problem: In the world of today’s business, there is a trend for investors not only to base their decisions whether to invest in a company on the basis of its financial results. These days more features are taken into consideration. Corporate identity is a crucial aspect to bear in mind for investors, as it demonstrates what the company is, how it works and where it is going. Corporate Communication is a process that allows companies to share their information with the stakeholders. Not every company is aware of the significance of communicating its corporate identity to investors. These represent a basis for the company, since their support is needed to achieve the organization’s objectives. Furthermore, communication of corporate identity to investors represents an opportunity for a company to achieve its goals. The importance and relation of corporate identity and communication to investors is becoming a relevant issue not only for them but also for stakeholders.</p><p>Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate corporate identity and its communication, as a key component, to investors.</p><p>Method: The authors have conducted a case study of the Chemical and Mining Company of Chile Inc. (SQM). A qualitative method approach has been used to achieve the purpose. Self-administered questionnaires have been used to gather empirical data.</p><p>Conclusion: The case study has led to conclusions on how important it is for SQM to communicate its corporate identity to investors. SQM’s corporate identity is seen as an instrument to differentiate, compete and communicate with investors. SQM’s visual identity is an instrument to communicate the evolution of the company. The company is using behavior, symbolism and communication as the main channels to transmit its corporate identity to investors. SQM’s investor relations show a clear awareness of the need for communication with its investors and financial stakeholders. This is supported by the development of their website and the information collected through the questionnaire. Finally, the authors conclude that corporate identity and its communication, as a key component, is essential for SQM. Its investor relations department and website show that it is very important for the company to communicate to investors its identity.</p>
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Corporate Identity:Communication as a key ComponentKelechi, Ugwu, Maina, Charles, Silva, Sergio, Vargas, Gabriel January 2008 (has links)
<p>Problem: In the world of today’s business, there is a trend for investors not only to base their decisions whether to invest in a company on the basis of its financial results.</p><p>These days more features are taken into consideration. Corporate identity is a crucial aspect to bear in mind for investors, as it demonstrates what the company is, how it works and where it is going. Corporate Communication is a process that allows companies to share their information with the stakeholders. Not every company is aware</p><p>of the significance of communicating its corporate identity to investors. These represent a basis for the company, since their support is needed to achieve the organization’s objectives. Furthermore, communication of corporate identity to investors represents an opportunity for a company to achieve its goals. The importance and relation of corporate identity and communication to investors is becoming a relevant issue not only for them but also for stakeholders.</p>
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