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Design and Research of An Asymmetrical Half-Bridge Converter With Single-Stage Power Factor CorrectionChu, Hao-Ju 20 October 2006 (has links)
This thesis presents the design and implementation of a single-stage with high power factor asymmetrical half-bridge converter. The main structure combines a boost converter with an asymmetrical half-bridge. An Asymmetrical half-bridge converter has many advantages such as soft-switching properties and fewer components.
Therefore it is suitable for DC/DC cell. The boost converter is used in a PFC cell that operating in discontinuous condition mode have innate ability of power factor correction without additional controller. In this thesis, the complete analysis of operation principle and design of controller for the equivalent circuits of a single-stage AC/DC converter in every operating stage have been described in detail. Finally, we construct the single-stage circuit and experimental result show that it can reach the expected goal for power-factor correction.
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Develop DSP-Based Active Power Factor Correction Controller CircuitsSu, Hung-Hsien 20 October 2006 (has links)
The thesis aims to the research of active power factor correction (PFC) circuit and develop a DSP-based digital controller. In the thesis, PI controller is the control core for the voltage loop¡Band current loop, and then achieve the function of the power factor correction of boost converter. Finally, we develop a boost converter and connect it to a DSP-based controller to measure the waveforms and verify the power factor correction. Furthermore, the research can be extended to a simulating platform which we can verify the power factor correction by just changing the control law on DSP .
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The Study of G7 Business Cycle CorrelationChen, Yi-Shin 22 June 2007 (has links)
With the processing of globalization and the large increases in international trade and openness, it is important to capture the business cycle correlation with the intimate countries for government to make better policies and keep the economy steady.
This study investigated the changes in relationships between the G7 business cycle after the European integration. Choosing 1993 the Europe Union (EU) commencement as the segment, we separated the sample period into 1965:1-1992:4 and 1993:1-2006:4.We adopted kinds of unit root tests to exam if these variables were stationary and the Johansen co-integration analysis to test whether the stationary long-run equilibrium exist or not. With the consideration of long run information, the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) was applied to study the relationship between the business cycles of United State, EU and the other G7 countries.
By Johansen co-integration analysis, we found that the stationary long-run relationship did exist between their industrial productions¡]IP¡^. In addition, the VECM evidence supported the emergence of two cyclically coherent groups -- the Euro-zone and the English-speaking countries -- after the EU commencement in 1993. In conclusion, with the greater correlation of business cycles, the party in office should take account of the business cycle movement of the closed countries more deliberately in this regionalization era.
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An Examination of the Relationship between Oil Price and Income in Taiwan by Threshold Vector Error Correction Model.Wang, Yu-wun 27 June 2007 (has links)
Since petroleum is a kind of exhaustive resource, it can not be
regenerated after being consumed. And petroleum is distributed
extremely uneven in the world, more than half of petroleum is
distributed in the Middle East area. In the recent years, the oil
price was so fluctuating and broke the record again and again.
However, the productivity of petroleum in Taiwan is very low and
we are a price taker. So it turns to be important that how the
oil price affects the economy. According to Economics, high oil
price often causes the staginflation. In the purpose of this study
we examine the long run relationship between oil price and
personal income in Taiwan by cointegration theory. And we find
that there indeed exists a negative longrun relationship. In
addition, we consider a nonlinear model, Threshold Vector Error
Correction Model, to test a threhold effect in the long run
relationship between variables. Finally we have a result that
there is a threshold cointegrating relationship between the oil
price and personal income in Taiwan.
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Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma and Recurrent Nasal Papilloma Detection with Pharmacokinetic Dynamic Gadolinium-Enhanced MR Imaging and Functional MR Imaging of the Brain Using Robust Motion CorrectionHsu, Cheng-Chung 18 May 2001 (has links)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is one of medical images used by doctors for diagnosing diseases. MRI shows higher quality in displaying soft tissues and tumors. Pharmacokinetic dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging and functional MR imaging (fMRI) were used in this dissertation. Dynamic MR images are obtained using fast spin-echo sequences at consecutive time after the injection of gadolinium-diethylene-triamine penta-acetic (Gd-DTPA) acid. A pharmacokinetic model analyzes time-signal intensity curves of suspected lesions. Functional MR imaging produces images of activated brain regions by detecting the indirect effects of neuronal activity on local blood volume, flow, and oxygen saturation. Thus it is a promising tool for further understanding the relationships between brain structure, function, and pathology. Because of patients' movement during imaging, serially acquired MR images do not correspond in the same pixel position. Therefore, matching corresponding points from MR images is one of fundamental tasks in this dissertation. Least-squares estimation is a standard method for parameter estimation. However, outliers (due to non-Gaussian noise, lesion evolution, motion-related artifacts, etc.) may exist and thus may cause the motion parameter estimation result to deteriorate. In this dissertation, we describe two robust estimation algorithms for the registration of serially acquired MR images. The first estimation algorithm is based on the Newton method and uses the Tukey's biweight objective function. The second estimation algorithm is based on the Levenberg-Marquardt technique and uses a skipped mean objective function. The robust M-estimators can suppress the effects of the outliers by scaling down their error magnitudes or completely rejecting outliers using a weighting function. Experimental results show the accuracy of the proposed robust estimation algorithms is within subpixel.
MR imaging has been used to evaluate nasal papilloma. However, postoperative MR imaging of nasal papilloma becomes more complicated because repair with granulation and fibrosis occurs after surgery. Therefore, it is possible to misclassify recurrences as postoperative changes or to misclassify postoperative changes as recurrences. Recently, dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging with pharmacokinetic analysis has been successfully used to identify the post-treatment recurrence or postoperative changes in rectal and cervical carcinoma. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) comprising malignant tumors is a disease more common in Asia than in other parts of the world. Hence, in this dissertation, we evaluate the feasibility of dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging with pharmacokinetic analysis in detecting NPC and distinguishing recurrent nasal papilloma from postoperative changes (fibrosis or granulation tissue).
In this dissertation, a new approach to differentiate recurrent nasal papilloma from postoperative changes using pharmacokinetic dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging and robust motion correction is presented. First, a robust estimation technique is incorporated into nonlinear minimization method to robustly register dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR images. Next, user roughly selects the region of interest (ROI) and an active contour technique is used to extract a more precise ROI. Then, the relative signal increase (RSI) is calculated. We use a three-parameter mathematical model for pharmacokinetic analysis. The pharmacokinetic parameters A (enhancement amplitude) and Tc (tissue distribution time) are calculated by a nonlinear least-squares fitting technique. The calculated A and Tc are used to characterize tissue. Pharmacokinetic analysis shows that recurrent nasal papilloma has faster tissue distribution time (Tc, 41 versus 88 seconds) and higher enhancement amplitude (A, 2.4 versus 1.2 arbitrary units) than do postoperative changes. A cut-off of 65 seconds for tissue distribution time and 1.6 units for enhancement amplitude yields an accuracy of 100% for differentiating recurrent nasal papilloma from postoperative changes.
Though the above methods obtained good results, finding the region of interest (ROI) was done in a semi-automatic manner. For diagnosing NPC and improve the drawback, a system that automatically detects and labels NPC with dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging is presented. This system is a multistage process, involving motion correction, gadolinium-enhanced MR data quantitative evaluation, rough segmentation, and rough segmentation refinement. Three approaches, a relative signal increase method, a slope method and a relative signal change method, are proposed for the quantitative evaluation of gadolinium-enhanced MR data. After the quantitative evaluation, a rough NPC outline is determined. Morphological operations are applied to refine the rough segmentation into a final mask. The NPC detection results obtained using the proposed methods had a rating of 85% in match percent compared with these lesions identified by an experienced radiologist. However, the proposed methods can identify the NPC regions quickly and effectively.
In this dissertation, the proposed methods provide significant improvement in correcting the motion-related artifacts and can enhance the detection of real brain activation and provide a fast, valuable diagnostic tool for detecting NPC and differentiating recurrent nasal papilloma from postoperative changes.
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Single-stage High-Power-Factor Electronic Ballast for Multiple Fluorescent LampsChen, Hsien-Wen 11 June 2002 (has links)
Fluorescent lamps are nowadays the most important light sources in industrial, commercial, and domestic applications. To drive fluorescent lamps, electronic ballasts with high-frequency resonant inverter, instead of the electromagnetic ones, are increasingly used due to the benefits of lightweight, small size, high luminous efficiency, and long lamp life.
Recently, efforts are concentrated on how to reduce the product cost as well as to improve the circuit performances. To further curtail the product cost, the power-factor-correction circuit is integrated into the ballast circuit as single-stage high-power-factor electronic ballast. On the other hand, the unit cost per lamp can be substantially reduced by developing a ballast circuit which is capable of driving multiple lamps. For convenient use, the user may turn on the desired number of the lamps in accordance with the expected luminosity. A starting-aid circuit is added to eliminate the glow current during preheating. In addition, a protection circuit will be included in the multi-lamp electronic ballast. In case of operating partial lamps, a high power factor at the line input will be always retained.
In this thesis, the feasible circuit configuration is developed and design equations are derived. Accordingly, design guidelines for determining circuit parameters are provided. The laboratory circuits are built and tested to verify the computer simulations and analytical predictions.
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An approach for improving performance of aggregate voice-over-IP trafficAl-Najjar, Camelia 30 October 2006 (has links)
The emerging popularity and interest in Voice-over-IP (VoIP) has been accompanied
by customer concerns about voice quality over these networks. The lack of an
appropriate real-time capable infrastructure in packet networks along with the threats of
denial-of service (DoS) attacks can deteriorate the service that these voice calls receive.
And these conditions contribute to the decline in call quality in VoIP applications;
therefore, error-correcting/concealing techniques remain the only alternative to provide a
reasonable protection for VoIP calls against packet losses. Traditionally, each voice call
employs its own end-to-end forward-error-correction (FEC) mechanisms. In this paper,
we show that when VoIP calls are aggregated over a provider's link, with a suitable
linear-time encoding for the aggregated voice traffic, considerable quality improvement
can be achieved with little redundancy. We show that it is possible to achieve rates
closer to channel capacity as more calls are combined with very small output loss rates
even in the presence of significant packet loss rates in the network. The advantages of
the proposed scheme far exceed similar or other coding techniques applied to individual
voice calls.
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Evaluation of SWAT model - subdaily runoff prediction in Texas watershedsPalanisamy, Bakkiyalakshmi 17 September 2007 (has links)
Spatial variability of rainfall is a significant factor in hydrologic and water
quality modeling. In recent years, characterizing and analyzing the effect of spatial
variability of rainfall in hydrologic applications has become vital with the advent of
remotely sensed precipitation estimates that have high spatial resolution. In this study,
the effect of spatial variability of rainfall in hourly runoff generation was analyzed using
the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) for Big Sandy Creek and Walnut Creek
Watersheds in North Central Texas. The area of the study catchments was 808 km2 and
196 km2 for Big Sandy Creek and Walnut Creek Watersheds respectively. Hourly
rainfall measurements obtained from raingauges and weather radars were used to
estimate runoff for the years 1999 to 2003. Results from the study indicated that
generated runoff from SWAT showed enormous volume bias when compared against
observed runoff. The magnitude of bias increased as the area of the watershed increased
and the spatial variability of rainfall diminished. Regardless of high spatial variability,
rainfall estimates from weather radars resulted in increased volume of simulated runoff.
Therefore, weather radar estimates were corrected for various systematic, range-dependent
biases using three different interpolation methods: Inverse Distance
Weighting (IDW), Spline, and Thiessen polygon. Runoff simulated using these bias adjusted radar rainfall estimates showed less volume bias compared to simulations using
uncorrected radar rainfall. In addition to spatial variability of rainfall, SWAT model
structures, such as overland flow, groundwater flow routing, and hourly
evapotranspiration distribution, played vital roles in the accuracy of simulated runoff.
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noneLin, Yu-cheng 30 June 2009 (has links)
Divident discount model found further expected dividend discounting to some fix period. The dividends are determined from the the core of company and relates retain earning. In Taiwan stock market, divedneds are not paid per season. So, I adept earning per share to proxy variable and employ market value weight to conduct dividends for Taiwan stock idnex. The next step,
investgate the relationship between price index and diviednds using the econometric model was created by Kapetanios et al. (2006). Consequencely, the relationship are fitted discribtion by ESTR cointegration rather than linear cointegration.
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Development of Multiplier Power Factor Correction Control for Switched-Reluctance Motor DriveJian, Zhi-Cheng 10 July 2009 (has links)
In this thesis, the design of a Switching Power Supply for switched-reluctance motor drive system power factor correction is presented. Switching power technology for the power supply is now
widely used, which has the main advantages of high efficiency and small size. However, the traditional type of Switching Power Supply will reduce the impact on electricity usage and quality, and produce
electricity pollution and waste, for example low power factor, and high harmonic distortion. In order to improve the power factor, this paper used the traditional method of multiplier power factor
correction circuit, and the use of state-space averaging method to analysis Buck Derived Converters to implement the Switching ¡@
Reluctance Motor Drive circuit design; In addition, this thesis used the Average Current Control method to cause the inductor current to follow a sinusoidal signal, achieving the purpose of¡@power factor
correction.The design of Buck Converters is based on switching theory. With this method, the electricity pollution problems introduced by switching reluctance motor drives is solved by the Averagingmethod derived form the converters. The mathematical Buck
Converter model is brought into a block diagram, based on the design of Buck¡@Converters, and then simulated with PsPICE software. Finally the design of the output voltage control, compensation and current control loop is performed.
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