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Influência da Transferência de Momento-Energia na Interação entre Matéria e Energia escura / Influence of Energy-Momentum Transfer in the Interaction between Matter and Dark Energy.Lucas Collis Olivari 14 May 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos modelos cosmológicos em que a energia escura foi tratada como um campo de matéria que interage com a matéria escura. Três modelos distintos foram considerados. O primeiro trata tanto a matéria escura fria quanto a energia escura como fluidos perfeitos. O termo de interação entre eles é dado por uma expressão com origem fenomenológica que postulamos existir na equação de balanço entre esses dois fluidos. Dadas as equações no universo plano de Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW), pudemos escrever uma versão covariante para as equações de balanço. Com isso, as equações de balanço em um universo de FRW perturbado linearmente foram obtidas. Isso, por sua vez, permitiu que a estabilidade das equações diferenciais obtidas fosse estudada. O segundo modelo tem origem em modelos de f(R). Esses modelos propõem uma generalização da Relatividade Geral ao considerar a ação da gravidade como um funcional do escalar de Ricci, R. Através de uma transformação conforme, foi possível reinterpretar os modelos de f(R) como modelos em que um campo escalar canônico, que representa a energia escura, interage com os campos da matéria. Através do princípio da ação, obtivemos as equações de movimento e o tensor de energia-momento para nosso sistema. Com o campo escalar sendo interpretado como um fluido perfeito, pudemos, por fim, obter equações de balanço entre fluidos perfeitos tanto no nível de fundo quanto no universo perturbado linearmente. O terceiro modelo começa com a lagrangiana, em um espaço-tempo de FRW, de um campo escalar canônico, que representa a energia escura, e um campo fermiônico de spin-1/2, que representa a matéria escura. Um termo de interação de Yukawa entre esses campos foi postulado existir na lagrangiana. Novamente através do princípio da ação, obtivemos as equações de movimento e o tensor de energia-momento para esses campos. Essas equações de movimento puderam, por fim, ser reescritas como equações de balanço entre fluidos perfeitos tanto no nível de fundo quanto no universo perturbado linearmente. / In this work we studied cosmological models in which the dark energy was treated as a field of matter that interacts with dark matter. Three different models were considered. The first one treats both the cold dark matter and the dark energy as perfect fluids. The interaction term between them is given by a expression with phenomenological origin that we postulated to exist in the balance equations between these two fluids. Given the equations in the flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe, we wrote a covariant version of the balance equations. Thus, the balance equations in a linearly perturbed FRW universe were obtained. This, in turn, allowed the stability of the obtained differential equations to be studied. The second model comes from f(R) models. These models propose a generalization of General Relativity by considering the action for gravity as a functional of the Ricci scalar, R. Through a conformal transformation, it was possible to reinterpret the f(R) models as models in which a canonical scalar field, which represents the dark energy, interacts with matter fields. Through the principle of least action, we obtained the equations of motion and the energy-momentum tensor for our system. With the scalar field being interpreted as a perfect fluid, we obtained equations of balance for perfect fluids at both the background level and in the linearly perturbed universe. The third model starts with the Lagrangian, in a FRW space-time, of a canonical scalar field, which represents the dark energy, and of a fermionic field of spin-1/2, which represents the dark matter. A Yukawa interaction term between these fields was postulated to exist in the Lagrangian. Again, through the principle of least action, we obtained the equations of motion and the energy-momentum tensor for these fields. These equations of motion could then be rewritten as balance equations for perfect fluids at both the background level and in the linearly perturbed universe.
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Gravitational Waves in Decaying Vacuum Cosmologies / Ondas Gravitacionais em Cosmologias com Decaimento do VácuoDavid Alejandro Tamayo Ramirez 16 November 2015 (has links)
In the present monograph we study in detail the primordial gravitational waves in cosmologies with a decaying vacuum. The decaying vacuum models are an alternative to solve the cosmological constant problem attributing a dynamic to the vacuum energy. The problem of primordial gravitational waves is discussed in the framework of an expanding, flat, spatially homogeneous and isotropic FLRW Universe described by General Relativity theory with decaying vacuum energy density of the type $\\Lambda \\equiv \\Lambda(H)$. Two particular interesting limits of a class of decaying vacuum models were investigated. A first-order tensor perturbation term was introduced to the FLRW metric, the evolution equation of the perturbations was derived and then expressed in terms of a Fourier expansion, the time-dependent part decouples from the spatial part. The resulting equation has the form of a damped harmonic oscillator which depends on the scale factor, which carries all the cosmological and decaying vacuum characteristics. In the first model studied, the decaying vacuum has the form $\\Lambda \\propto H^2$. The gravitational wave equation is established and its time-dependent part has analytically been solved for different epochs in the case of a flat geometry. The main result is unlike the standard $\\Lambda$CDM cosmology (no interacting vacuum): in this model there is gravitational wave amplification during the radiation era, which in quantum field theory means graviton production. This difference is a clear signature of the decaying vacuum models which a eventual observation could give empirical clues about it. However, high frequency modes are damped out even faster than in the standard cosmology, both in the radiation and matter-vacuum dominated epoch. The physical gravitational wave quantities like the modulus of the mode function, power and gravitational wave energy density spectra generated at different cosmological eras are also explicitly evaluated. The second model studied is a decaying vacuum of the form $\\Lambda \\propto H^3$. This model drives a nonsingular flat cosmology which is termed complete in the sense that the cosmic evolution occurs between two extreme de Sitter stages. The particularity which makes interesting this model is that the transition from the early de Sitter era to the radiation phase is smooth avoiding the graceful exit problem. The gravitational wave equation is derived and its time-dependent part numerically integrated in a relevant period previously delimited. The gravitational wave solutions for the other eras were calculates analytically. Today\'s gravitational wave spectra were calculated and compared with the standard result where an abrupt transition is assumed. It is found that the stochastic background of gravitational waves is very similar to the one predicted by the cosmic concordance model plus inflation except for the higher frequencies. / Na presente monografia foi estudado em detalhe as ondas gravitacionais primordiais em cosmologias com decaimento do vácuo. Os modelos de decaimento do vácuo são uma alternativa para resolver o problema da constante cosmológica atribuindo uma dinâmica à energia do vácuo. O problema de ondas gravitacionais primordiais é discutida no âmbito de um Universo FLRW em expansão, plano, espacialmente homogêneo e isotrópico descrito pela teoria da Relatividade Geral com decaimento da densidade de energia do vácuo do tipo $\\Lambda \\equiv \\Lambda(H)$. Dois limites particularmente interessantes de uma classe de modelos de decaimento do vácuo foram trabalhados. Um termo tensorial perturbativo a primeira ordem foi introduzido na métrica de FLRW, a equação de evolução das perturbações foi derivada e depois expressada em termos de uma expansão de Fourier, a parte dependente do tempo desacopla-se da parte espacial. A equação resultante tem a forma de um oscilador harmônico amortecido que depende do fator de escala que carrega todas as características cosmológicos e do decaimento do vácuo. No primeiro modelo estudado, o decaimento do vácuo tem a forma $\\Lambda \\propto H^2$. A equação da onda gravitacional é estabelecida e a sua parte dependente do tempo foi resolvida analiticamente para diferentes épocas no caso de uma geometria plana. O resultado principal é que a diferença da cosmologia $\\Lambda$CDM padrão (sem decaimento do vácuo), neste modelo ocorre amplificação de ondas gravitacionais durante a era de radiação, que em mecânica quântica significa produção gráviton. Esta diferença é uma assinatura clara dos modelos de decaimento do vácuo que uma eventual observação poderia dar pistas empíricas sobre o assunto. No entanto, os modos de alta frequência são amortecidos ainda mais rápido do que na cosmologia padrão, tanto na era da radiação e da matéria-vácuo. As quantidades físicas das ondas gravitacionais, como o módulo da função de modos, espectros de potência e de densidade de energia de onda gravitacional geradas em diferentes eras cosmológicas também foram avaliadas explicitamente. O segundo modelo estudado é um decaimento do vácuo da forma $\\Lambda \\propto H^3$. Este modelo leva uma cosmologia plana não singular que é denominado completo no sentido de que a evolução cósmica ocorre entre duas eras de Sitter extremas. A particularidade que torna interessante este modelo é que a transição do início da era de Sitter era para a fase da radiação é suave evitando o graceful exit problem. A equação gravitacional é derivada e sua parte dependente do tempo foi integrada numericamente num período relevante previamente delimitado, as soluções das ondas gravitacionais para as outras eras foram calculadas analiticamente. Os espectros de hoje das ondas gravitacionais foram calculados e comparados com os cálculos padrão onde é assumida uma transição abrupta. Verificou-se que o fundo estocástico de ondas gravitacionais é muito semelhante ao previsto pelo modelo de concordância cósmica mais a inflação, exceto para as frequências mais altas.
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Observational Constraints on Models with an Interaction between Dark Energy and Dark Matter / Vínculos Observacionais em Modelos com Interação entre Energia Escura e Matéria EscuraAndré Alencar da Costa 30 October 2014 (has links)
In this thesis we go beyond the standard cosmological LCDM model and study the effect of an interaction between dark matter and dark energy. Although the LCDM model provides good agreement with observations, it faces severe challenges from a theoretical point of view. In order to solve such problems, we first consider an alternative model where both dark matter and dark energy are described by fluids with a phenomenological interaction given by a combination of their energy densities. In addition to this model, we propose a more realistic one based on a Lagrangian density with a Yukawa-type interaction. To constrain the cosmological parameters we use recent cosmological data, the CMB measurements made by the Planck satellite, as well as BAO, SNIa, H0 and Lookback time measurements. / Nesta tese vamos além do modelo cosmológico padrão, o LCDM, e estudamos o efeito de uma interação entre a matéria e a energia escuras. Embora o modelo LCDM esteja de acordo com as observações, ele sofre sérios problemas teóricos. Com o objetivo de resolver tais problemas, nós primeiro consideramos um modelo alternativo, onde ambas, a matéria e a energia escuras, são descritas por fluidos com uma interação fenomenológica dada como uma combinação das densidades de energia. Além desse modelo, propomos um modelo mais realista baseado em uma densidade Lagrangiana com uma interação tipo Yukawa. Para vincular os parâmetros cosmológicos usamos dados cosmológicos recentes como as medidas da CMB feitas pelo satélite Planck, bem como medidas de BAO, SNIa, H0 e Lookback time.
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Atalhos Gravitacionais em Cosmologia de Branas / Gravitational Shortcuts in Cosmology of BranasBertha María Cuadros Melgar 12 June 2003 (has links)
Consideramos quatro modelos de branas, a saber, o modelo de Binétruy, Deffayet e Langlois com uma brana estática em um bulk dinâmico, o modelo de Chamblin e Reall para paredes de domínio dinâmicas, o modelo de brana estática em um espaço-tempo AdS contendo uma singularidade, e a generalização do último caso, isto é, o modelo de brana dinâmica em um bulk AdS ou dS contendo uma singularidade nua ou protegida. Das equações de Einstein e das condições de Darmois-Israel, estudamos a dinâmica da 4-brana nos casos pertinentes. Usando o formalismo de Euler-Lagrange, derivamos uma equação para o caminho mais curto em 5 e 6 dimensões. Aplicando esta equação, investigamos a possibilidade de se ter atalhos, verificando sua existência nos três últimos modelos. Calculamos os atrasos relevantes entre os sinais de gráviton e do fóton e a razão dos horizontes subentendidos correspondentes. As consequências são discutidas. / We consider four brane world models, namely, the modelo f Binétruy, Deffayet and Langlois with a static brane in a dynamical bulk, the modelo f Chamblin and Reall for dynamic domain dilatonic domain walls, the static brane model in na AdS spacetime containing a shielded singularity, and the generalization of the latter case, i.e., the dynamic brane model in na AdS or dS bulk containing a naked or shielded singularity. From the Einstein equations and the Darmois-Israel conditions we study the 4-brane dynamics in the pertinent cases. Using the Euler-Lagrange formalism we derive na equation for the shortest path in 5 and 6 dimensions. Applying this equation we investigate the possibility of having shortcuts verifying its existence in the three last models. We calculate the relevant delay between gráviton and photon sinals and the ratio of the corresponding subtended horizons. Consequences are discussed.
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Copious Amounts of Dust and Gas in a z = 7.5 Quasar Host GalaxyVenemans, Bram P., Walter, Fabian, Decarli, Roberto, Bañados, Eduardo, Carilli, Chris, Winters, Jan Martin, Schuster, Karl, da Cunha, Elisabete, Fan, Xiaohui, Farina, Emanuele Paolo, Mazzucchelli, Chiara, Rix, Hans-Walter, Weiss, Axel 06 December 2017 (has links)
We present IRAM/NOEMA and JVLA observations of the quasar J1342+0928 at z = 7.54 and report detections of copious amounts of dust and [C Pi] emission in the interstellar medium (ISM) of its host galaxy. At this redshift, the age of the universe is 690 Myr, about 10% younger than the redshift of the previous quasar record holder. Yet, the ISM of this new quasar host galaxy is significantly enriched by metals, as evidenced by the detection of the [C 158 mu m cooling line and the underlying far-infrared (FIR) dust continuum emission. To the first order, the FIR properties of this quasar host are similar to those found at a slightly lower redshift (z similar to 6), making this source by far the FIR-brightest galaxy known at z greater than or similar to 7.5. The [C Pi]emission is spatially unresolved, with an upper limit on the diameter of 7 kpc. Together with the measured FWHM of the [C Pi]line, this yields a dynamical mass of the host of <1.5 x 10(11) M-circle dot Using standard assumptions about the dust temperature and emissivity, the NOEMA measurements give a dust mass of (0.6-4.3) x 10(8) M-circle dot The brightness of the [C Pi] luminosity, together with the high dust mass, imply active ongoing star formation in the quasar host. Using [C Pi]-SFR scaling relations, we derive star formation rates of 85-545 M-circle dot yr(-1) in the host, consistent with the values derived from the dust continuum. Indeed, an episode of such past high star formation is needed to explain the presence of similar to 10(8) M-circle dot of dust implied by the observations.
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Galaxy cluster luminosities and colours, and their dependence on cluster mass and merger stateMulroy, Sarah L., McGee, Sean L., Gillman, Steven, Smith, Graham P., Haines, Chris P., Démoclès, Jessica, Okabe, Nobuhiro, Egami, Eiichi 12 1900 (has links)
We study a sample of 19 galaxy clusters in the redshift range 0.15 < z < 0.30 with highly complete spectroscopic membership catalogues (to K < K*(z) + 1.5) from the Arizona Cluster Redshift Survey, individual weak-lensing masses and near-infrared data from the Local Cluster Substructure Survey, and optical photometry from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We fit the scaling relations between total cluster luminosity in each of six bandpasses (grizJK) and cluster mass, finding cluster luminosity to be a promising mass proxy with low intrinsic scatter sigma ln (L|M) of only similar to 10-20 per cent for all relations. At fixed overdensity radius, the intercept increases with wavelength, consistent with an old stellar population. The scatter and slope are consistent across all wavelengths, suggesting that cluster colour is not a function of mass. Comparing colour with indicators of the level of disturbance in the cluster, we find a narrower variety in the cluster colours of 'disturbed' clusters than of 'undisturbed' clusters. This trend is more pronounced with indicators sensitive to the initial stages of a cluster merger, e.g. the Dressler Schectman statistic. We interpret this as possible evidence that the total cluster star formation rate is 'standardized' in mergers, perhaps through a process such as a system-wide shock in the intracluster medium.
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A Magellan M2FS Spectroscopic Survey of Galaxies at 5.5 < z < 6.8: Program Overview and a Sample of the Brightest Lyα EmittersJiang, Linhua, Shen, Yue, Bian, Fuyan, Zheng, Zhen-Ya, Wu, Jin, Oyarzún, Grecco A., Blanc, Guillermo A., Fan, Xiaohui, Ho, Luis C., Infante, Leopoldo, Wang, Ran, Wu, Xue-Bing, Mateo, Mario, Bailey, John I., Crane, Jeffrey D., Olszewski, Edward W., Shectman, Stephen, Thompson, Ian, Walker, Matthew G. 11 September 2017 (has links)
We present a spectroscopic survey of high-redshift, luminous galaxies over four square degrees on the sky, aiming to build a large and homogeneous sample of Ly alpha emitters (LAEs) at z approximate to 5.7 and 6.5, and Lyman-break galaxies (LBGs) at 5.5 < z < 6.8. The fields that we choose to observe are well studied, such as by the Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey and COSMOS. They have deep optical imaging data in a series of broad and narrow bands, allowing for the efficient selection of galaxy candidates. Spectroscopic observations are being carried out using the multi-object spectrograph M2FS on the Magellan Clay telescope. M2FS is efficient enough to identify high-redshift galaxies, owing to its 256 optical fibers deployed over a circular field of view 30' in diameter. We have observed similar to 2.5 square degrees. When the program is completed, we expect to identify more than 400 bright LAEs at z approximate to 5.7 and 6.5, and a substantial number of LBGs at z >= 6. This unique sample will be used to study a variety of galaxy properties and to search for large protoclusters. Furthermore, the statistical properties of these galaxies will be used to probe cosmic reionization. We describe the motivation, program design, target selection, and M2FS observations. We also outline our science goals, and present a sample of the brightest LAEs at z approximate to 5.7 and 6.5. This sample contains 32 LAEs with Ly alpha luminosities higher than 10(43) erg s(-1). A few of them reach >= 3 x 10(43) erg s(-1), comparable to the two most luminous LAEs known at z >= 6, "CR7" and "COLA1." These LAEs provide ideal targets to study extreme galaxies in the distant universe.
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Calibrating the Planck cluster mass scale with CLASHPenna-Lima, M., Bartlett, J. G., Rozo, E., Melin, J.-B., Merten, J., Evrard, A. E., Postman, M., Rykoff, E. 14 August 2017 (has links)
We determine the mass scale of Planck galaxy clusters using gravitational lensing mass measurements from the Cluster Lensing And Supernova survey with Hubble (CLASH). We have compared the lensing masses to the Planck Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) mass proxy for 21 clusters in common, employing a Bayesian analysis to simultaneously fit an idealized CLASH selection function and the distribution between the measured observables and true cluster mass. We used a tiered analysis strategy to explicitly demonstrate the importance of priors on weak lensing mass accuracy. In the case of an assumed constant bias, b(SZ), between true cluster mass, M-500, and the Planck mass proxy, M-PL, our analysis constrains 1 - b(SZ) = 0.73 +/- 0.10 when moderate priors on weak lensing accuracy are used, including a zero-mean Gaussian with standard deviation of 8% to account for possible bias in lensing mass estimations. Our analysis explicitly accounts for possible selection bias effects in this calibration sourced by the CLASH selection function. Our constraint on the cluster mass scale is consistent with recent results from the Weighing the Giants program and the Canadian Cluster Comparison Project. It is also consistent, at 1.34 sigma, with the value needed to reconcile the Planck SZ cluster counts with Planck's base Lambda CDM model fit to the primary cosmic microwave background anisotropies.
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Dissipative effects in the Early UniverseMetcalf, Thomas Patrick January 2015 (has links)
Inflationary cosmology is the leading candidate for explaining the homogeneity, isotropy and spatial flatness of the universe whilst also providing the mechanism for the seeding of large scale structure. The central theme of inflationary dynamics involves the evolution of a scalar field, called the inflaton, such that its potential drives an accelerated expansion. Warm inflation is the dynamical realization in which interactions between the inflaton and other fields can lead to dissipation of inflaton energy to other dynamical degrees of freedom. Heavy fields coupled to the inflaton mediate the transfer of inflaton energy to light degrees of freedom which thermalize and heat the universe. This damps the inflaton’s motion and allows for the potential formation of a thermal bath during the inflationary period. Hybrid inflation models are a natural way in which warm inflation can be realized, with dissipation of inflaton energy mediated by the waterfall fields to fields in the light sector. In this thesis I outline the dynamics and observational predictions of supersymmetric hybrid inflation driven by radiative corrections in the warm regime. As in the standard cold inflationary scenario inflation ends when the effective mass squared of the waterfall field becomes negative, with the tachyonic instability driving the system to a global minimum in a process called the waterfall transition. I present the effect of including thermal mass corrections to the waterfall fields, and SUSY mass splittings on the quantum effective potential and the resulting dissipation coefficient. I show that including dissipative effects can significantly prolong the inflationary period to produce 50-60 e-folds of inflation with an observationally consistent primordial spectrum. Inflation still requires a microphysical description within a fundamental theory of quantum gravity. This has prompted the search for inflaton candidates within the superabundance of scalar fields present in string theory compactifications, with brane-antibrane inflation in particular emerging as a concrete implementation of SUSY hybrid inflation in a UV complete particle physics model. Inflation proceeds in a brane-antibrane system through the movement of a stack of branes towards a stack of antibranes, with the inflaton field being the interbrane distance. Warm inflation can be implemented in a brane-antibrane system with dissipation of inflaton energy mediated by fields corresponding to strings stretched between the brane and antibrane stacks. It has been shown that this dissipation of inflaton energy in warm inflation can greatly alleviate the η-problem in brane-antibrane scenarios. Whilst these strings mediating dissipation have end points fixed on to both the D3 and D3 stacks, the compact nature of the geometry within which the system is constructed allows these strings to have different winding modes. We investigated how strings with increasing winding number can provide an enhancement to the dissipation coefficient, allowing a significant reduction in the number of branes and antibranes in the warm inflation system, whilst also modifying the inflationary dynamics by reducing the speed at which the system evolves. This may go some way to alleviating the η-problem associated with some constructions of brane-antibrane inflation whilst also potentially providing the best way to motivate the large field multiplicities associated with warm inflation models.
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Stripped-envelope supernovae discovered by the Palomar Transient FactoryFremling, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
This thesis is based on research made by the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory [(i)PTF]. The focus is on stripped-envelope (SE) supernovae (SNe) discovered by (i)PTF, and it is closely tied to the research on the SE SN iPTF13bvn, that occurred in the nearby galaxy NGC 5806. This SN was initially thought to have been the explosion of a very massive Wolf-Rayet star, but we have shown that this is very likely not the case. We suggest instead that iPTF13bvn originated from a binary system where the envelope was stripped off from the SN progenitor by tidal forces from a companion (Paper I). PTF12os exploded in the same galaxy as iPTF13bvn, and our analysis shows that PTF12os and iPTF13bvn were very similar, and that both were also remarkably similar to the Type IIb SN 2011dh, in terms of their light-curves and spectra. In Paper II, hydrodynamical models were used to constrain the explosion parameters of iPTF13bvn, PTF12os and SN 2011dh; finding 56Ni masses in the range 0.063-0.075 solar masses (Ms), ejecta masses in the range 1.85-1.91 Ms, and kinetic energies in the range 0.54-0.94 x 1051 erg. Furthermore, using nebular models and late-time spectroscopy we were able to constrain the Zero-Age Main Sequence (ZAMS) mass to ~ 12 Ms, for iPTF13bvn and ≤ 15 Ms for PTF12os. In current stellar evolution models, stars with these masses on the ZAMS cannot lose their envelopes and become SE SNe without binary interactions. In Paper III we investigate a peculiar SE SN, iPTF15dtg; this SN lacks both hydrogen and helium and shows a double-peaked LC with a broad main LC peak. Using hydrodynamical modeling we show that iPTF15dtg had a very large ejecta mass (~ 10 Ms), resulting from an explosion of a very massive star (~ 35 Ms). The initial peak in the LC can be explained by the presence of extended material around the star, likely due to an episode of strong mass-loss experienced by the progenitor prior to the explosion. In Paper IV we perform a statistical study of the spectra of all 176 SE SNe (Type IIb, Ib and Ic) discovered by (i)PTF. The spectra of Type Ic SNe show O absorption features that are both stronger and broader (indicating faster expansion velocities) compared to Type IIb and Type Ib SNe. These findings along with very weak He absorption support the traditional picture with Type Ic SNe being heavily stripped of their He envelopes prior to the explosions, and argue against alternative explanations, such as differences in explosive mixing of 56Ni among the SE SN subtypes. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>
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