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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uppförandet av Kustartilleriet som vapengren 1902 : En fråga om professionalisering, modernisering eller både och? / The establishment of the coastal artillery as a military branch in 1902. : A question about professionalisation, modernisation or both?

Lindén, Mattias January 2013 (has links)
The Swedish coastal defence took on a whole new meaning after the introduction of the coastal artillery in 1902. The establishment of the coastal artillery meant that the Swedish military had access to a whole new military branch, in addition to the Army and the Navy. Under the direction of one general, two regiments were established. One in Vaxholm and the second in the naval city of Karlskrona. The aim of this essay is to investigate how the Costal Artillery were established, by analyzing the parliamentary of the year 1901. I also analyzed one of Karlskronas local newspapers of the time, and see what is written about the new military branch.

Sex Determination From Chest Plate Roentgenograms

McCormick, William F., Stewart, John Harlan, Langford, Lauren A. 01 January 1985 (has links)
Precise sexing–97% to 99% accuracy–of adult chest plates is possible when highly predictive costal cartilage ossification patterns are combined with four simple metric determinations. More than 1100 chest plate roentgenograms were evaluated for ossification pattern, fourth rib width, corpus width, sternal length and sternal area in an adult decedent population. An elementary, empirically obtained algorithm using the patternings and measurements, along with simple derivations (sternal length and area indices) was developed and then applied in chest plate sexing. This technique is not only easy, rapid and inexpensive, but it also results in a permanent and easily stored record.

Rinoplastia estrutural com cartilagem costal em pacientes de hanseníase

Naves, Marcell de Melo 11 April 2013 (has links)
Introduction: Social reintegration is one of the most challenge for those affected by saddle nose deformity due to leprosy. The nasal reconstruction becomes extremely important in the rehabilitation of disfigured victims. This study aimed to describe the technique of structural rhinoplasty with autologous costal cartilage for nasal reconstruction in patients with saddle nose deformity due to leprosy and evaluate the aesthetic results, functional and patient. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted evaluating 10 patients with lepromatous leprosy, who had saddle nose, followed at the National Reference Center for Sanitary Dermatology and Leprosy (CREDESH) / HC / UFU, who underwent structural rhinoplasty with costal cartilage graft, which had already been discharged from polychemotherapy and there were at least one year without leprosy reaction. Results: The preoperative symptoms were, more common, aesthetic complaints and nasal obstruction (100%), followed by nasal crusting (80%), epistaxis (70%) and nasal whistling (20%). After surgery, there was an improvement in nasal obstruction in 70% of patients, nasal crusts in 87.5%, and epistaxis in 85.7% of patients. Corrections of external nasal valve dysfunction were achieved in 100% of patients. Columellar retraction and asymmetry of the nasal tip were observed in 80% and 90% of patients. In total, 62.5% and 55.5% of patients showed improvement after surgery, respectively. The increase of the nasal dorsum was performed with en block graft of costal cartilage, and diced cartilage wrapped in fascia. The resorption and diversion of cartilage grafts were minimal and did not result in significant changes in patient satisfaction. Conclusion: structural rhinoplasty with costal cartilage grafts permits a good quantity of cartilage in the manufacture of allowing a safe nasal reconstruction of the saddle nose due to leprosy. The use of diced cartilage wrapped with temporal fascia increased the nasal dorsum in patients with saddle nose by leprosy and showed a lower risk of twisting and allowed a more natural appearance to the nasal dorsum with satisfactory result. The septal L-strut reconstruction was essential in structuring the nose leading to good functional outcome, improvement of nasal patency, as well as decreased postoperative scar retraction at the post-operative time. According to the degree of satisfaction, patients reported improvement in quality of life and greater social acceptance due to good functional and aesthetic results with increased nasal patency. / Introdução: A reintegração social é o maior desfio para aqueles afetados pela deformidade de nariz em sela devido a hanseníase. A reconstrução nasal torna-se extremamente importante na reabilitação dos doentes desfigurados. Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever a aplicação da técnica de rinoplastia estrutural com enxerto autólogo de cartilagem costal para reconstrução nasal de pacientes com nariz em sela devido à hanseníase e avaliar os resultados estéticos, funcionais e de satisfação do paciente. Casuística e Métodos: Um estudo descritivo foi realizado avaliando-se 10 pacientes com hanseníase virchowiana, que apresentavam nariz em sela, acompanhados no Centro de Referência Nacional em Dermatologia Sanitária e Hanseníase (CREDESH)/HC/UFU, e que foram submetidos a rinoplastia estrutural com enxerto de cartilagem costal, que já haviam recebido alta da poliquimioterapia e estavam há pelo menos um ano sem reação hansênica. Resultados: Os sintomas pré-operatórios mais comuns foram obstrução nasal e queixas estéticas (100%), seguidos por crostas nasais (80%), epistaxe (70%) e sibilos nasais (20%). Após a cirurgia, houve uma melhora da obstrução nasal em 70% dos pacientes, das crostas nasais em 87,5%, e da epistaxe em 85,7% dos pacientes. Correções das disfunções da valva nasal externa foram alcançadas em 100% dos pacientes. Retração columelar e assimetria da ponta nasal foram observados em 80% e 90% dos pacientes. No total, 62,5% e 55,5% dos pacientes mostraram melhora após a cirurgia, respectivamente. O aumento de dorso foi realizado com enxerto em bloco de cartilagem costal e o enxerto de cartilagem picada enrolado em fáscia. A reabsorção e desvio dos enxertos de cartilagem foram mínimos e não resultaram mudanças significantes na satisfação dos pacientes. Conclusão: A rinoplastia estrutural com enxerto de cartilagem costal permitiu que houvesse uma quantidade suficiente de cartilagem para a confecção dos enxertos, permitindo uma estruturação de maneira segura com reconstrução das estruturas do nariz em sela devido à hanseníase. A utilização do enxerto de cartilagem costal picada coberta por fáscia temporal para aumento do dorso nasal nos pacientes com nariz em sela por hanseníase apresentou menor risco de torção da cartilagem e permitiu um aspecto mais natural ao dorso nasal com resultado estético satisfatório. A reconstrução do suporte em L septal foi fundamental para a estruturação do nariz levando a bom resultado funcional, pela melhora da permeabilidade nasal, assim como a diminuição da retração cicatricial no pós operatório.Quanto ao grau de satisfação, os pacientes referiram melhora da qualidade de vida e maior aceitação social devido ao bom resultado estético e funcional com aumento da permeabilidade nasal. / Mestre em Ciências da Saúde

Restauration cartilagineuse. : A propos de l'utilisation d'un greffon ostéo chondral costal : implication dans le resurfaçage articulaire au membre thoracique et conditions anatomiques de son prélèvement / Cartilage restoration. : Use of a ribs osteo-chondral graft : involvement in joint resurfacing upper limb and anatomical condition of its taking.

Lepage, Daniel 11 February 2014 (has links)
L’utilisation de greffon costal en chirurgie reconstructrice est connue et utilisée depuis longtemps et notamment en chirurgie maxillo-faciale. La greffe de cartilage costal fait partie de l’arsenal thérapeutique pour le service de Traumatologie, Orthopédie, Chirurgie Plastique et Reconstructrice du CHU de Besançon. Proposée initialement dans le traitement chirurgical de la rhizarthrose, les opérateurs de ce service, se sont progressivement appropriés cette technique et l’on utilisée pour d’autres indications traumatiques ou dégénératives pour réaliser une restauration cartilagineuse. Ainsi depuis 15 ans, en dehors de son utilisation en routine pour la rhizarthrose, ce greffon a été proposé dans l’arthrose péri-scaphoïdienne ou radio-carpienne mais aussi pour quelques cas de reconstruction post-traumatiques d’articulations digitales, de cals vicieux de radius, dans la maladie de kienböck avancée ou lors d’une perte de substance ostéo-cartilagineuse d’une tête humérale. Dans un premier temps, ce travail rapporte les différentes indications thérapeutiques et résultats cliniques de cette technique originale qui ont fait l’objet de publications scientifiques et notamment dans l’arthrose radio-scaphoïdienne débutante et dans un cas de reconstruction de tête humérale.Cette technique chirurgicale impose pour le prélévement du greffon ostéo-chondral costal, l’abord du thorax au niveau de la 8e côte en général. Les complications pleuro-pulmonaires sont très rares. La technique de prélèvement est simple mais doit être « démystifiée ». Dans ce but, le deuxième temps de ce travail propose de donner les repères topographiques et anatomiques nécessaires au prélèvement de ce greffon. Une étude anatomique complétée par une étude en radio imagerie a permis de situer la 8e jonction ostéo chondrale costale entre les processus épineux de la 11e vertèbre thoracique et la première vertèbre lombaire mais le plus souvent au niveau du processus épineux de la 12e vertèbre thoracique et au 2/3 de l’hémi périmètre thoraco-abdominal en partant du sillon médian du dos, quel que soit la morphologie thoracique, l’âge et le sexe du patient. Cette 8e jonction est de plus toujours située sous un seul muscle, le muscle oblique externe et protégée par un épais périchondre qui la protège des pédicules de l’espace inter costal, du fascia endo thoracique et de la plèvre pariétale.En chirurgie du membre thoracique, les implants de pyrocarbone utilisés dans l’arthrose radio carpienne et la rhizarthrose, avec les mêmes principes que les greffes ostéo chondrales costales, ne semblent pas donner pour le moment de résultats satisfaisants. Les cultures de chondrocytes autologues ou de cellules stromales mésenchymateuses avec des produits déjà commercialisés posent le problème de leur matrice qui doit à la fois contenir les cellules greffées, des facteurs de croissance et se substituer à la perte de substance cartilagineuse le temps de l’intégration. Enfin, au vue des résultats intéressants apportés par cette technique de greffe ostéo chondrale costale en chirurgie orthopédique du membre thoracique, il est envisagé d’éventuelles greffes ostéo cartilagineuses pour restaurer des pertes de substances cartilagineuse au membre pelvien que ce soit en situation d’urgence ou pour des situations dégénératives comme l’ostéo chondrite disséquante de genou ou au niveau de la cheville. Des tests biomécaniques doivent être réalisés pour vérifier la capacité du greffon ostéo chondral costal à supporter une mise en charge sur une articulation portante. / The use of costal graft in reconstructive surgery is known and used for a long time in maxillo-facial surgery. It is the same practice for the service of traumatologic, orthopédic, plastic and reconstructive surgery of the university hospital of Besançon. Firstly proposed in the surgical treatment of trapezo-metacarpal osteoarthritis, the operators of this service gradually appropriated this technique and used it for other traumatic or degenerative indications to restore a cartilage defect. Thus, since 15 years, this surgical technique has been proposed in trapezo-metacarpal osteoarthritis, peri-scaphoid or radio-carpal osteoarthritis, for some cases of post-traumatic fingers joint reconstruction, for malunion of distal radius, for advanced Kienbock disease and defect of osteo-cartilaginous substance of a humeral head. In a first time, this work reports the different therapeutic indications and clinical results of this original technique which have been the subject of scientific publications, especially in radio-scaphoid osteoarthritis and in a case of humeral head reconstruction.To obtain the osteo-chondral costal graft, this technique needs the surgical approach of the thorax and generally of the 8e rib. Pleuro-pulmonary complications are very uncommun. This surgical technique is simple but must be "demystified". Therefore, the second phase of this work proposes giving topographical and anatomical landmark necessary to obtain this graft. An anatomical study supplemented by a radio imaging study helped to situate the 8e osteo-chondral rib junction between the epineus process of the 11e thoracic vertebra and the first lumbar vertebra but more often at the 12e thoracic vertebra. In the thoraco-abdominal hemi perimeter, this junction was locate at the 2/3 starting from the median furrow of the back, whatever the thoracic morphology, age and sex of the patient. This 8e junction is more always located under the obliquus externus abdominis muscle and coated by a thick perichondrium which protects it from the inter costal pedicle, from the endo thoracic fascia and the parietal pleura. In surgery of upper limb, the pyrocarbon implants, used actually in radio carpal osteoarthritis and trapezo metacarpal osteoarthritis, with the same principles as the osteo chondral costal graft, do not appear to give satisfactory results. Autologous transplantation of chondrocytes or mesenchymal stromal cells cultures have problem of their matrix which must contain the grafted cells, growth factors and have to substitute for the cartilaginous defect. Finally, due to this interesting results brought by this costal osteo chondral grafting technique in orthopaedic surgery of the upper limb, we considered eventual cartilaginous transplants to restore articular defect to the lower member following a injury or a degenerative lesion such as dissecans osteo chondritis of knee or ankle. Biomechanical tests should be realised to verify the ability of the costal osteo chondral graft to support a load on a bearing joint.

Efeito de efluentes sobre o sistema biofilme-herbívoros em costões rochosos subtropicais / Sewage effects on the biofilm-grazers system in subtropical rocky shores

Gallo, Deborah Gallego 03 February 2016 (has links)
Os ecossistemas costeiros sofrem impactos antrópicos de fontes diversas, entre eles os despejos de efluentes, que podem potencializar o desenvolvimento de produtores primários em costões rochosos resultante do enriquecimento por nutrientes. Ao mesmo tempo, o crescimento dos produtores pode ser controlado pela presença dos herbívoros. No presente estudo buscamos descrever o efeito dos despejos de efluentes sobre o acúmulo de biofilme em costões rochosos, sob diferentes níveis de despejos de efluentes em uma área subtropical (São Paulo, Brasil), bem como o efeito dos efluentes sobre as lapas. Estimamos a biomassa do biofilme in situ, por medidas indiretas de NDVI e por análises taxonômicas de amostras fixadas. A estrutura populacional de lapas foi descrita por contagem e medição do comprimento da concha. Um experimento em campo foi realizado sob presença e ausência de efluentes, bem como presença e ausência de lapas. Observamos que o efeito de efluentes potencializa o acúmulo de biofilme, entretanto não observamos um consumo significativo das lapas sobre o biofilme. O tamanho e densidade de lapas não foram alteradas pelo gradiente de efluentes. Em geral, foi observada uma predominância de diatomáceas em relação às cianobactérias, o que pode diferir da tendência de dominância de cianobactérias verificada em outras regiões. É importante ressaltar a importância de outros pastadores sobre o desenvolvimento de biofilme, não considerados neste estudo, além da alta variabilidade temporal e espacial que as comunidades de biofilme apresentam. Ressaltamos a importância da aplicação de organismos bentônicos como indicadores da qualidade do ambiente. / Coastal ecosystems suffer anthropogenic impacts from many sources such as sewage disposal, which may potencialize de primary productors growth in rocky shores. In the same time, this growth amy be controlled by grazers. In this study we aimed to investigate the biofilm accumulation in rocky shores under different level of sewage disposal in a subtropical area (São Paulo State, Brazil), and its influence on the grazers. The biofilm biomass was estimated in situ indirectly by NDVI measures and taxonomic analysis of fixed samples. The size structure of limpets was described through counting and measurement of the shell length. We also performed a field experiment under presence and ausence of sewage, as presence and ausence of limpets. We observed a sewage effect improve the biofilm accumulation, but the limpets did not have a clear control on the biofilm growth. No clear effect of sewage disposal was verified on the size and density of limpets. In general, we observed a domination of diatoms relative to cianobacterias, which could differ of the trend observed in another sites. It is noteworthy that the possible effects of other grazers on the biofilm were not quantified and the high temporal and spatial variability of biofilm communities. We emphasize the importance of studies that use benthic organisms as environmental quality indicators.

Efeito de efluentes sobre o sistema biofilme-herbívoros em costões rochosos subtropicais / Sewage effects on the biofilm-grazers system in subtropical rocky shores

Deborah Gallego Gallo 03 February 2016 (has links)
Os ecossistemas costeiros sofrem impactos antrópicos de fontes diversas, entre eles os despejos de efluentes, que podem potencializar o desenvolvimento de produtores primários em costões rochosos resultante do enriquecimento por nutrientes. Ao mesmo tempo, o crescimento dos produtores pode ser controlado pela presença dos herbívoros. No presente estudo buscamos descrever o efeito dos despejos de efluentes sobre o acúmulo de biofilme em costões rochosos, sob diferentes níveis de despejos de efluentes em uma área subtropical (São Paulo, Brasil), bem como o efeito dos efluentes sobre as lapas. Estimamos a biomassa do biofilme in situ, por medidas indiretas de NDVI e por análises taxonômicas de amostras fixadas. A estrutura populacional de lapas foi descrita por contagem e medição do comprimento da concha. Um experimento em campo foi realizado sob presença e ausência de efluentes, bem como presença e ausência de lapas. Observamos que o efeito de efluentes potencializa o acúmulo de biofilme, entretanto não observamos um consumo significativo das lapas sobre o biofilme. O tamanho e densidade de lapas não foram alteradas pelo gradiente de efluentes. Em geral, foi observada uma predominância de diatomáceas em relação às cianobactérias, o que pode diferir da tendência de dominância de cianobactérias verificada em outras regiões. É importante ressaltar a importância de outros pastadores sobre o desenvolvimento de biofilme, não considerados neste estudo, além da alta variabilidade temporal e espacial que as comunidades de biofilme apresentam. Ressaltamos a importância da aplicação de organismos bentônicos como indicadores da qualidade do ambiente. / Coastal ecosystems suffer anthropogenic impacts from many sources such as sewage disposal, which may potencialize de primary productors growth in rocky shores. In the same time, this growth amy be controlled by grazers. In this study we aimed to investigate the biofilm accumulation in rocky shores under different level of sewage disposal in a subtropical area (São Paulo State, Brazil), and its influence on the grazers. The biofilm biomass was estimated in situ indirectly by NDVI measures and taxonomic analysis of fixed samples. The size structure of limpets was described through counting and measurement of the shell length. We also performed a field experiment under presence and ausence of sewage, as presence and ausence of limpets. We observed a sewage effect improve the biofilm accumulation, but the limpets did not have a clear control on the biofilm growth. No clear effect of sewage disposal was verified on the size and density of limpets. In general, we observed a domination of diatoms relative to cianobacterias, which could differ of the trend observed in another sites. It is noteworthy that the possible effects of other grazers on the biofilm were not quantified and the high temporal and spatial variability of biofilm communities. We emphasize the importance of studies that use benthic organisms as environmental quality indicators.

Estrutura da comunidade fitoplanctônica como alternativa para avaliação da sustentabilidade biológica de áreas com potencialidade aqüícola estabelecida pelo zoneamento costeiro do Estado do Maranhão / PHYTOPLANKTONIC COMMUNITY STRUCTURE AS ALTERNATIVE FOR EVALUATION OF BIOLOGICAL SUSTAINABILITY OF THE AQÜACULTURAL POTENTIALITY AREAS ESTABLISHED BY THE COSTAL ZONING OF MARANHÃO STATE (BRAZIL)

RODRIGUES, Eliesé Idalino 28 November 2006 (has links)
Submitted by Rosivalda Pereira (mrs.pereira@ufma.br) on 2017-09-05T19:29:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ElieseRodrigues.PDF: 3280942 bytes, checksum: 8e37c85b5568169b8e38c1788f206aa6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-05T19:29:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElieseRodrigues.PDF: 3280942 bytes, checksum: 8e37c85b5568169b8e38c1788f206aa6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-11-28 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico do Maranhão / The estuarine areas in São José de Ribamar, Cedral and Cajapió counties, Maranhão State (Brazil), are between 2° e 3° S and 44° e 45° W. Six superficial collections at high tide in morning time were carried out during the period from May/2005 to April/2006 for each sample station to know the phytoplanktonic biomass, ecology and flora composition, seasonal variations and the hydrological and climatic variables. These stations were defined according to the Costal Zoning of Maranhão State, which considered them as medium and high potentiality for aquatical organisms cultures which are economically important. Two seasonal periods were considered: the wet weather (from January to June) and the dry one (from July to December). Climatological data were taken at meteorological stations at São Luís, Alcântara and Pinheiro counties. In situ data about local depth, temperature, water transparency were registered and, concomitantly, water samples were collected for biological and hydrological variables analysis. Microphytoplankton samples were obtained through superficial horizontal drags, with a dragnet of 1 m length, 30 cm ring and 45 mm mesh size, during 5 minutes. The phytoplanktonic biomass (total and sizefractionated) was measured through chlorophyll a concentrations. A number of 124 taxa had been identified, mainly diatoms, composing 87,1 % of the total taxa. In relation to occurrence frequency, the most important were the diatoms Cyclotella stylorum, Ditylum brightwellii, Thalassionema frauenfeldii and Thalassiosira subtilis, with 94 % of occurrence in the collections and Actinoptychus annulatus, Coscinodiscus centralis, Odontella aurita, O. mobiliensis and Triceratium favus, frequents in 89 % of the samples. The dinoflagellates constituted the second flora group, followed by Chlorophyceae, Cyanophyceae and Euglenophyceae. Shannon’s diversity index (H’) characterizes the environments with medium and high specific diversity degrees. The water transparency varied from 12 cm to 130 cm; the water temperature (from 27,8 to 38,5 °C); salinity (from 10,7 to 33,0) varied from mesohalyne to euhalyne environment; saturation rate of dissolved oxygen (from 61,44 to 160,55 %); pH keep alkaline, varying from 7,40 to 8,68; nitrate (from 1,39 to 24,43 mM), phosphate (from 0,15 to 1,72 mM) and silicate (from 3,25 to 65,03 mM); algal biomass varied from 2,40 to 16,56 mgClorofila.m-3, showing a light seasonality with shorter concentrations during the wet weather and generally with high indices, characterizing the area as an eutrophic environment. In that areas there are serious biological and chemical limitations for aquaculture. In São José de Ribamar and Cajapió, the low phytoplanktonic biomass can be named as inappropriate in some periods of the year, while in São José de Ribamar and Cedral some species with toxic potentiality are presents, as two genera of diatoms (Nitzschia and Pseudo-nitzschia), dinoflagelates of the genera Protoperidinium and cyanobateria of the genera Oscillatoria, Such species can be developed by the consequent environment enrichment with nitrate and phosphate deriving from aquacultural activities. / ESTRUTURA DA COMUNIDADE FITOPLANCTÔNICA COMO ALTERNATIVA PARA AVALIAÇÃO DA SUSTENTABILIDADE BIOLÓGICA DE ÁREAS COM POTENCIALIDADE AQÜÍCOLA ESTABELECIDA PELO ZONEAMENTO COSTEIRO DO ESTADO DO MARANHÃO. As áreas estuarinas dos municípios de São José de Ribamar, Cedral e Cajapió, estado do Maranhão, estão situadas entre as latitudes 2° e 3° S e as longitudes 44° e 45° W. Com o intuito de conhecer a biomassa, a ecologia e a composição da flora fitoplanctônica, as variações sazonais e influência das variáveis climáticas e hidrológicas, seis coletas superficiais entre os meses de maio/2005 a abril/2006 foram realizadas para cada uma das três estações amostrais, durante a preamar, período da manhã. Tais estações foram definidas dentro de módulos do Zoneamento Costeiro do Estado do Maranhão considerados como de médio ou muito alto potencial para o cultivo de organismos aquáticos de interesse econômico, considerando os períodos chuvoso (janeiro a junho) e de estiagem (julho a dezembro). Os dados climatológicos foram procedentes das estações meteorológicas localizadas nos municípios de São Luís, Alcântara e Pinheiro. Foram registrados in situ dados sobre a profundidade local, a temperatura, a transparência da água e, concomitantemente, coletadas amostras d’água para a análise das variáveis hidrológicas e biológicas. As amostras do microfitoplâncton foram obtidas através de arrastos horizontais superficiais, com rede de comprimento de 1 m, aro de 30 cm e 45 mm de abertura de malha, durante 5 minutos. A biomassa fitoplanctônica (total e fracionada) foi medida através das concentrações de clorofila a. Foram identificados 124 táxons, sobressaindo as diatomáceas, com 87,1 % do total de táxons. Destacaram-se, em relação à freqüência de ocorrência, as diatomáceas Cyclotella stylorum, Ditylum brightwellii, Thalassionema frauenfeldii e Thalassiosira subtilis, com 94% de ocorrência nas coletas e Actinoptychus annulatus, Coscinodiscus centralis, Odontella aurita, O. mobiliensis e Triceratium favus, freqüentes em 89 % das amostras. Os dinoflagelados constituíram o segundo grupo da flora, seguido pelas clorofíceas, cianobactérias e euglenofíceas. O índice de diversidade de Shannon (H’) caracterizou os ambientes com graus de média a alta diversidade específica. A transparência da água variou de 12 cm a 130 cm; a temperatura da água (27,8 a 38,5 °C); a salinidade (10,7 a 33,0) variou de ambiente mesoalino a eualino; taxa de saturação do oxigênio dissolvido (61,44 a 160,55 %); o pH manteve-se sempre alcalino, variando de 7,40 a 8,68; nitrato (1,39 a 24,43 mM), fosfato (0,15 a 1,72 mM) e silicato (3,25 a 65,03 mM); biomassa algal de 2,40 a 16,56 mgClorofila.m-3, apresentando uma leve sazonalidade com menores concentrações durante o período chuvoso e geralmente com índices elevados, caracterizando o ambiente como eutrófico. Nessas áreas, há sérias limitações químicas e biológicas para a aqüicultura; em São José de Ribamar e Cajapió, a baixa biomassa fitoplanctônica pode ser colocada como inapropriada em determinados períodos do ano, enquanto que, em São José de Ribamar e Cedral, estão presentes algumas espécies com potencialidade tóxica, tais como dois gêneros de diatomáceas (Nitzschia e Pseudo-nitzschia), os dinoflagelados do gênero Protoperidinium e as cianobactérias do gênero Oscillatoria. Tais espécies podem se desenvolver com o conseqüente enriquecimento do ambiente com nitrato e fosfato oriundos de atividades aqüícolas.

Microbial weathering of shale rock in natural and historic industrial environments

Samuels, Toby Stephen January 2018 (has links)
The weathering of shales is a globally important process affecting both natural and built environments. Shales form roughly 70 % of worldwide sedimentary rock deposits and therefore the weathering of these rocks has substantial effects on the geochemical cycling of elements such as carbon, iron and sulfur. Microbes have been shown to play a key role in weathering shales, primarily through the oxidation of the iron and sulfur of embedded pyrite and the resultant production of sulfuric acid. Despite significant interest in the microbial weathering of shales within industrial sectors such as biohydrometallurgy and civil engineering, comparatively few studies have investigated microbial shale weathering in natural environments. Furthermore, the role of microbes in natural shale weathering processes beyond iron oxidation has largely remained unexplored. In this thesis, the weathering capabilities of microbial communities from natural weathered shale was investigated. The North Yorkshire coastline was used as a study location, due to the abundance and diversity of natural cliffs and historic, disused industrial sites. Cliff erosion and recession on the North Yorkshire coastline is a major concern for local authorities and is the focus of current research. The aim of this work has been to evaluate microbial shale weathering processes within these environments, and hypothesise the possible contribution they may have to erosive processes. Phenotypic plate assays inoculated with weathered shale material were used to obtain rock weathering bacterial isolates that tested positive for a specific weathering phenotype, such as iron oxidation or siderophore production. Subsequent 16S rRNA sequencing enabled genera level identification, revealing 15 genera with rock weathering capabilities with several being associated with multiple weathering phenotypes including Aeromonas sp., Pseudomonas sp. and Streptomyces sp. Shale enrichment liquid cultures were incubated with shale rock chips to simulate natural biological weathering conditions, and the concentration of rock-leached elements in the fluid measured. No evidence of microbially-enhanced leaching was found consistently for any element, however the significant reduction in leachate iron concentration under biological conditions indicates that iron precipitation occurred via microbial iron oxidation. Enrichment cultures inoculated with weathered shale and containing organic matter (OM) rich rocks in water or M9 medium, both liquids lacking an organic carbon source, were grown over several months. The cultures yielded microbial isolates that could utilise rock bound OM sources and one bacterial isolate, Variovorax paradoxus, was taken forward for ecophysiological study. The shale rock that the organism was isolated from, along with other OM rich rocks (mudstones and coals), elicited complex responses from V. paradoxus including enhanced growth and motility. Finally, mineral microcosms in vitro and mesocosms in situ investigated microbial colonization and weathering of shale-comprising minerals (albite, calcite, muscovite, pyrite and quartz). Microcosms were established using iron oxidizing enrichment cultures, as based on the results of the simulated rock weathering experiments, while the in situ mesocosms were buried within weathered shale scree within a disused mine level. Levels of colonization significantly varied between minerals within the microcosms (pyrite > albite, muscovite > quartz > calcite). Although differences in mineral colonization were seen in the mesocosms, they did not match those in the microcosms and were not statistically significant. Pyrite incubated in the microcosms became significantly weathered, with extensive pit formation across the mineral surface that is consistent with microbial iron oxidation. In the mesocosms, pit formation was not identified on pyrite surfaces but dark etchings into the pyrite surface were found underneath fungi hyphal growth. The results of this thesis highlights that a range of microbial rock weathering mechanisms are abundant across weathered shale environments. Microbial iron oxidizing activity was a dominant biogeochemical process that altered rock-fluid geochemistry and weathered pyrite surfaces. However, the impact on rock or mineral weathering of other microbial mechanisms was not elucidated by this work. Given the known capabilities of these mechanisms, the conditions under which they are active may not have been met within the experimental setup used. Microbial iron oxidation in shale and shale-derived materials has previously been demonstrated to weaken rock structure through acid production and secondary mineral formation. From the results of this thesis, it is clear that microbial iron oxidation is an active process within some of the weathered shale environments studied, including cliff surfaces. Therefore, it can be hypothesised that microbial activity could play a role in structurally weakening shale rock within cliffs and accelerate their erosion. Future work should attempt to quantify the rate and extent of microbial iron oxidizing activity within shale cliff environments and investigate its contribution to erosive processes.

O licenciamento ambiental e a atuação do poder público na realização do aterro hidráulico da Praia de Iracema / The environmental licensing and the performance of the public power in the accomplishment of it Praia de Iracema hidraulic embankment

Melo, Juliana Barroso de January 2005 (has links)
MELO, Juliana Barroso de. O licenciamento ambiental e a atuação do poder público na realização do aterro hidráulico da Praia de Iracema. 2005. 139 f. : Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa Regional de Pós-Graduação em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente-Prodema, Fortaleza-CE, 2005. / Submitted by guaracy araujo (guaraa3355@gmail.com) on 2016-04-29T17:27:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2005_dis_jbmelo.pdf: 1875715 bytes, checksum: aca50422c5eaab571ad1010726d7d44c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by guaracy araujo (guaraa3355@gmail.com) on 2016-04-29T17:43:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2005_dis_jbmelo.pdf: 1875715 bytes, checksum: aca50422c5eaab571ad1010726d7d44c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T17:43:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005_dis_jbmelo.pdf: 1875715 bytes, checksum: aca50422c5eaab571ad1010726d7d44c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005 / The occupation of the costal area in Fortaleza along the last two decades has had touristic trade as the main segment. As a consequence there has been the fast occupation of this area by enterprise buildings besides other construction work aiming to make the coastal area more suitable for the demands of the touristic trade. As an example we mention the praia de Iracema hydraulic embankment (aterro hidráulico) that has caused negative impact on the coastal ecosystem such as interference on the dynamic of the tides as well as damage on the characteristics of the coastal landscape. According to the title “Environmental licensing and interventions of the Public Power on the coastal area of Fortaleza – Ceará: considerations on the praia de Iracema hydraulic embankment” this research work aims to show the importance of environmental licensing as a means to control the accomplishment of public as well as private construction work and consequently the better occupation of the coastal area along Fortaleza. The lack of an adequate ordering in the use and occupation of the coastal urban area along Fortaleza tends to maximize the problem of its exaggerated use thus causing damage to the environmental resources. It is crucial the development of preventive public policies aiming a better ordering and planning of the use of the coastal urban space allowing the preservation of natural resources and giving more guarantee to the sustainability of the economical activities, mainly tourism. For all these reasons and having in mind the ideal of sustainability of the coastal areas of the cities it is fundamental that the Public Power take good care of the established law and make use of preventive instruments such as the previous study of environmental impactand environmental licensing where all parts be effectively integrated and aiming the maintenance of good living conditions. / A ocupação do litoral de Fortaleza, ao longo das duas últimas décadas, apresentou como principal vetor o turismo. Como conseqüência houve acelerada ocupação dessas áreas, com a edificação de empreendimentos, além da realização de obras com o objetivo de melhor adequar o litoral para as demandas do setor turístico, como exemplo o aterro hidráulico da praia de Iracema, causando impactos negativos no ecossistema costeiro, como a interferência na dinâmica das marés e a descaracterização da paisagem costeira. Pelo título “O licenciamento ambiental e as intervenções do Poder Público na zona costeira de Fortaleza-CE: considerações sobre o aterro hidráulico da praia de Iracema”, a presente pesquisa tem como finalidade demonstrar a importância do instrumento de licenciamento ambiental para realização de obras públicas, além das privadas, e, conseqüentemente, a obtenção de um melhor uso e ocupação da orla marítima de Fortaleza. A ausência de uma adequada ordenação do uso e ocupação do solo urbano-litorâneo tende a maximizar o problema da utilização exacerbada – e, conseqüentemente, danos - dos recursos ambientais. Por essa razão, orientando-se pelo ideal da sustentabilidade nas zonas costeiras das cidades, é fundamental que o Poder Público zele pelas normas vigentes e faça uso de instrumentos preventivos, como a realização de estudos prévios de impactos ambientais e o licenciamento ambiental, onde todos estejam efetivamente integrados e voltados para a manutenção da qualidade de vida.

Conservação versus conflitos socioambientais (Comunidade Jatobá) no futuro Parque Estadual das Dunas : Barra dos Coqueiros, Sergipe

Santos, Sindiany Suelen Caduda dos 13 December 2011 (has links)
The conservation of the biodiversity of the dunes hás raised social interest and as a measure already politicized in the State, the environmental institutions have positioned themselves in defense of the creation in the future of the Parque Estadual das Dunas. There are two issues around the creation of a Unity of Whole Protection in the area: the first one refers to the limited area in which will be created the Unidade de Conservação (UC), and the second, refers to possible loss risks of survival objects due to traditional communities of the region. The empiric snippet of the research corresponds to the cogitated area for the creation of the future Parque Estadual das Dunas and its future zone of dampening, in Jatobá Village, city of Barra dos Coqueiros, Sergipe. The research aimed to analyse the implications of the creation and implemention of the future park in the city of Barra dos Coqueiros related to the existing social-environmental conflicts and the necessity to create this UC for the traditional communities in Jatobá. In a specific way, the research sought to: to indicate the occurence of endemic species of dunes in the área of influence of the future Parque Estadual das Dunas, through the moulding of maximum entropy (MAXENT); to evaluate the fito indicator potential of the endemic species moulded from the utilization of conservation criteria; analyse the perception of the traditional communities in Jatobá about the importance of the creation and institucionalization of a Conservation Unity of Whole Protection; discuss the viability of the creation and institucionalization of the park related to the existing social-environmental conflicts resulting from the creation of the future UC. The methodology was based on the quantitative and qualitative research, through the deductive method and exploratory research of the analysis of content. The quantitative fase was investigated through the utilization of moulding of and ecological niche applied by the software MAXENT. The qualitative approach was investigated by the analysis of the senses of the conservation given by the traditional communities of Jatobá village and mapping of the social actors taking part in the social-environmental conflicts of the area. The restricted endemic species analysed in the modeling were: Alternanthera littoralis var. maritima (Mart.) Pedersen (Amaranthaceae); Blutaparon portulacoides (St. Hil) Mears (Amaranthaceae); Canavalia rosea (Sw.) D.C. (Fabaceae); Cyperus maritimus Poir. (Cyperaceae); Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Grisebach. (Convolvulaceae); Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) Roth (Convolvulaceae) and Remirea maritima Albl. (Cyperaceae). From the highest values in the dispersion patterns got in the modeling, the R. maritima is the decesive species for phytoindication of dunal environments. On the other hand, the l. imperati was the predicted species less indicated for phytoindication of conservation of dunal areas. The senses of conservation given by the traditional communities reveal that the elaboration of strategies for environmental planning turned to the sustainable development is fundamental to reduce the antropic pression over the ecosystems of the dunes from the region, where 66% of traditional communities acknowledge negative environmental impacts. The research shows that new initiatives need to be taken towards the conservation of biodiversity. Suggestions are made aiming the conservation of biological diversity and for the non-expansion of latent social-environmental conflicts in the area. Moreover, the research provides the ultimate scientific and social contribution by proposing the Extractive Reserve as the most appropriate UC category for the Jatobá village. / A conservação da biodiversidade das dunas tem despertado interesse social e como medida já politizada no estado, os órgãos ambientais têm se posicionado em defesa da criação do futuro Parque Estadual das Dunas. Existem duas problemáticas em torno da criação de uma Unidade de Proteção Integral na área: a primeira, diz respeito à limitada faixa em que será criada a Unidade de Conservação (UC) e a segunda, refere-se aos possíveis riscos de perda de objetos de sobrevivência pelas comunidades tradicionais da região. O recorte empírico da pesquisa corresponde à área cogitada para criação do futuro Parque Estadual das Dunas e sua futura zona de amortecimento, no povoado Jatobá, município de Barra dos Coqueiros, Sergipe. A pesquisa objetivou analisar as implicações da criação e implementação do futuro Parque no município de Barra dos Coqueiros face aos conflitos socioambientais existentes e necessidade de criação desta UC para as comunidades tradicionais de Jatobá. De maneira específica, o trabalho buscou: indicar a ocorrência de espécies endêmicas de dunas na área de influência do futuro Parque Estadual das Dunas, através da modelagem de máxima entropia (MAXENT); avaliar o potencial fitoindicador das espécies endêmicas modeladas a partir da utilização de critérios de conservação; analisar a percepção das comunidades tradicionais de Jatobá a respeito da importância de criação e institucionalização de uma Unidade de Conservação de Proteção Integral; discutir a viabilidade da criação e institucionalização do Parque face aos conflitos socioambientais existentes e resultantes da criação da futura UC. A metodologia baseou-se na pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa, através do método dedutivo e da pesquisa exploratória de análise de conteúdo. A etapa quantitativa foi investigada através da utilização da modelagem de nicho ecológico aplicada pelo software MAXENT. A abordagem qualitativa foi investigada pela análise dos sentidos da conservação dados pelas comunidades tradicionais do povoado Jatobá e mapeamento dos atores sociais participantes de conflitos socioambientais da área. As espécies endêmicas restritas analisadas na modelagem foram: Alternanthera littoralis var. maritima (Mart.) Pedersen (Amaranthaceae); Blutaparon portulacoides (St. Hil) Mears (Amaranthaceae); Canavalia rosea (Sw.) D.C. (Fabaceae); Cyperus maritimus Poir. (Cyperaceae); Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Grisebach. (Convolvulaceae); Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) Roth (Convolvulaceae) e Remirea maritima Albl. (Cyperaceae). Pelos maiores valores nos padrões de dispersão obtidos pela modelagem, a R. maritima é a espécie decisiva para fitoindicação de ambientes dunares. Por outro lado, a I. imperati foi a espécie predita menos indicada para os processos de fitoindicação de conservação de áreas dunares. Os sentidos da conservação dados pelas comunidades tradicionais revelaram que a elaboração de estratégias de planejamento ambiental voltadas para o desenvolvimento sustentável é fundamental para reduzir as pressões antrópicas sobre os ecossistemas dunares da região, onde 66% das comunidades tradicionais reconhecem impactos ambientais negativos. A pesquisa aponta que novas iniciativas precisam ser tomadas rumo à conservação da biodiversidade. São feitas sugestões dirigidas para a conservação da diversidade biológica e para a não ampliação de conflitos socioambientais latentes na área. Ademais, a pesquisa traz a derradeira contribuição científica e social ao propor a Reserva Extrativista como categoria de UC mais adequada para o povoado Jatobá.

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