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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Perceptions and Experiences of General Education Teachers Toward Cotaught Inclusion Classes

Feustel, Beth Milhoan 01 January 2015 (has links)
This project study addressed the low rate of general education teachers volunteering to coteach inclusion classes at a large urban high school in southeastern Georgia. This low volunteer rate caused administrators at this school to assign general education teachers, who did not opt in, to coteach inclusion classes. Teachers' efficacy was negatively impacted when they were required to teach classes that they did not volunteer to teach. The model of cooperative teaching advanced by Bauwens, Hourcade, and Friend's work served as the conceptual framework for this intrinsic case study. The purpose of the study was to examine how general education teachers described coteaching inclusion classes, and how they demonstrated effectiveness of cotaught classes. Qualitative data consisted of personal interviews with and classroom observations of 10 general education teachers, as well as lesson plans received from 2 of the participants. The typological analysis revealed that general education teachers perceived a need for training regarding coteaching, increased use of coteaching models in the classroom, development of coteaching partnerships, and administrative support. Based on the results of this study, a coteaching professional development was created that focuses on coteaching methods, strategies, and models for general education teachers involved in coteaching. The recommended professional development may contribute to positive social change by improving teachers' coteaching performance and increasing teachers' efficacy to impact the academic environment of students in cotaught inclusion classes.

Elementary Teachers' Understanding, Knowledge, and Perceptions of Inclusion Best Practices

Liggins, Jason 01 January 2016 (has links)
Recent legislative actions requiring schools in the local school system to increase the percentage of students served in the inclusion classroom has led to teachers having difficulty in implementing inclusion best practices. Using Vygotsky's social theory, the purpose of this case study was to examine teachers' understanding, knowledge, and perceptions of inclusive teaching strategies. The research questions were used to explore the teachers' understanding of inclusion, perceived effectiveness of strategies, and the resources that teachers feel are necessary to implement inclusion strategies. A purposeful sample of 10 teachers currently teaching in an inclusion setting were interviewed face-to-face using semistructured questions. The interview transcripts were coded for common themes. Some of the themes included a lack of training and a need for a better understanding of coteaching roles. Findings indicate that the teachers believe inclusion to be worthwhile, but challenging. The findings also indicate a need for more professional development and training on inclusion strategies. Using the findings, a 3-day professional course was designed to address the teachers' needs. This study will provide administrators with a greater understanding of the professional learning needs of the teachers. It has the potential to bring about positive social change in many ways, including better-prepared teachers, leading to more effective teaching practices and greater self-efficacy. Also, this project has the potential to reap many benefits for the county's students with disabilities population, by providing them with more suitable educational opportunities.

A Qualitative Case Studying Collaboration Use to Improve Listening Instruction in Taiwanese Secondary Schools

Chang, Pearl 01 January 2018 (has links)
Taiwan English teachers in secondary schools are facing a new challenge of having to teach listening comprehension skills to their students. Many instructors are not equipped to deliver adequate listening instruction although listening comprehension has become a benchmark for senior high students aspiring to enter a tertiary institution and earn a college degree. Instructors, students, parents, administrators, and members of the Ministry of Education agree that there is a need to meet the demands of the National English Curriculum Standards. Weimar's approach of learner-centered teaching served as the conceptual foundation for this study since the focus was on ways teachers could work collaboratively to learn evidence-based strategies for teaching listening comprehension skills. Guided by 4 research questions, the study investigated the perspectives of 4 teacher-participants at a Northern District Senior High regarding the process of teaching listening comprehension. In this qualitative study, an inductive analysis was used to define themes and concepts to discern any patterns and relationships connected with the data collected: interviews, classroom observation and unobtrusive measures. The findings showed that teacher-led peer coaching, via collegial collaboration, led to the building of teaching communities and more effective use of evidence-based strategies for improving the teaching of listening comprehension. This improved teacher pedagogy may lead to a positive social change whereby teachers have skills for teaching listening comprehension and students are better prepared for further schooling. Components of the project also can be used by other school districts and educational organizations where the administration can use the model to further advance similar workforce capacity in teaching L2 learners listening instruction.

Colaboração da educação especial em sala de aula: formação nas práticas pedagógicas do coensino

Vilaronga, Carla Ariela Rios 24 November 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:44:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6410.pdf: 2821172 bytes, checksum: d07699e7f29cfb0828f5940b27cb7cd3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-24 / So that a sort of education can meet the needs of all students, it is necessary to think of strategies that seek success in learning. Among the supports for the Educational Target is the proposal of collaborative learning, which is when the regular class teacher works in collaboration with the teacher of the special education in the planning, implementation and evaluation of students teaching. In this sense, the general objective of the study presented here was to build proposals for collaboration in teaching practices of the Special Education teacher in the regular school classroom, which already had an ongoing co-teaching deployment initiative. Specifically, the study aimed to: (a) identify collaborative evidence from the teacher of Special Education and the ordinary classroom one; (b) develop and conduct a teacher training program for performance in co-teaching; (c) assess their training performed with Special Education Teachers (d) provide training spaces on the proposal for co-teaching to discuss and strengthen such support. In this sense, the present study is based on the type of collaborative action research, a kind of research that has been widely used in education, meeting the growing demand so that the academic research is more useful and practical. The development of the study involved four nonlinear steps, which were differentiated in this work to elucidate the journey made during the investigation: (a) Preliminary Step: ethical procedures implementations; (b) Step I: Initial Information Search; (c) Step II: Development and Implementation of the Training Programme and (e) Step III: Training program evaluation and training of subjects as mediators. The direct research participants were six teachers of Special Education. The context illustrates the beginning of a Special Education Teacher job in co-teaching perspective, however, it points out that it happens experimentally. The municipality has experienced this model of collaborating teaching, from its relationship with the university and the rich results that have been brought by this action for the students who are target of the Special Education. For activities with the regular class teacher, it is understood that another function should be performed; one that is differentiated from single previous models proposed with the activities in the resource multifunctional room, necessitating of a specific training for this initial contact and for the learning of the collaboration proposal, from the perspective of the research subjects. Thus, this support to the proposed co-teaching is characterized by being adaptive, therefore it requires time to contextual changes. Such a proposal must be intentionally cultivated or developed and must also be considered in the training processes, both initial and continuing through the professional practice which allows the practice and reflection on it. The fact that these proposals have been adopted by the municipal public policies of São Carlos facilitated the process of co-teaching and made the city to become one of the pioneers in the exercise of coteaching as a public policy in Brazil. To conclude this work, it is stated as a thesis that collaborative learning is one of the necessary supports to strengthen the proposed school inclusion, arguing that the student who is a Special Education Target has the right to education specialist support within the regular classroom, and the collaboration between the Special Education professional with the regular teacher is essential to build this inclusive space, taking into account the specificities of each professional and the formative character of these everyday exchanges. / Para uma educação que atenda às demandas de todos os alunos, é necessário pensar em estratégias que busquem o sucesso na aprendizagem. Entre os apoios para o Público Alvo da Educação Especial está a proposta de ensino colaborativo, que é quando o professor da sala comum trabalha em colaboração com o docente de educação especial no planejamento, realização e avaliação do ensino dos alunos. Nesse sentido, o objetivo geral do estudo que aqui apresento foi o de construir propostas de colaboração nas práticas pedagógicas do professor da Educação Especial, na sala de aula comum da escola regular, que já tinha uma iniciativa de implantação do coensino em curso. Especificamente, o estudo se propôs a: (a) Identificar indícios de colaboração entre o professor de Educação Especial e o da sala de aula comum; (b) Elaborar e realizar um programa de formação de professores para atuação no coensino; (c) Avaliar essa formação realizada com professores de Educação Especial (d) Proporcionar espaços formativos sobre a proposta de coensino visando discutir e fortalecer esse tipo de apoio. Nessa direção, o presente estudo é baseado na modalidade de pesquisaação colaborativa, um tipo de pesquisa que vem sendo muito utilizado no âmbito da educação, atendendo à demanda crescente para que a pesquisa acadêmica seja mais útil e prática. O desenvolvimento do estudo envolveu quatro etapas não lineares, que foram diferenciadas no trabalho para elucidar o caminho realizado durante a investigação: (a) Etapa Preliminar: Condução dos procedimentos éticos; (b) Etapa I: Busca de Informações Iniciais; (c) Etapa II: Desenvolvimento e Implementação do Programa de Formação e (e) Etapa III: Avaliação do programa de formação e formação dos sujeitos como mediadores. Os participantes diretos da pesquisa foram seis professores de Educação Especial. O contexto ilustra o início de um trabalho do professor de Educação Especial na perspectiva do coensino, porém, aponta que acontece ainda de maneira experimental. O município tem vivenciado a experiência, partindo de sua relação com a universidade e dos ricos frutos que essa atuação tem trazido para o aprendizado dos alunos Público Alvo da Educação Especial. Para as atividades com o professor de sala comum, entende-se que deve ser realizada outra função, diferenciada do modelo único anterior proposto com as atividades na sala de recurso multifuncional, necessitando-se de uma formação específica para esse contato inicial e para o aprendizado da proposta de colaboração, segundo a perspectiva dos sujeitos da pesquisa. Sendo assim, esse apoio, a proposta de coensino, tem como característica ser adaptativa, portanto requer tempo para mudanças contextuais. Deve ser intencionalmente cultivada ou desenvolvida e também ser considerada nos processos de formação, tanto inicial quanto continuada, por meio da atuação profissional a qual permite a prática e a reflexão sobre ela. O fato de as propostas terem adentrado as políticas públicas municipais de São Carlos facilitou o processo de coensino e fez com que o município se tornasse um dos pioneiros no exercício do coensino como política pública no Brasil. Em título de conclusão de trabalho, afirma-se como tese que o ensino colaborativo é um dos apoios necessários para se fortalecer a proposta de inclusão escolar, defendendo que o aluno Público Alvo da Educação Especial tem o direito de ensino com apoio especializado no espaço da sala comum, sendo a colaboração entre o profissional da Educação Especial com o da sala comum essencial para construção desse espaço inclusivo, levando em consideração as especificidades de cada profissional e o caráter formativo dessas trocas cotidianas.

A formação de professores de física na perspectiva da teoria da atividade: análise de uma disciplina de práticas em ensino e suas implicações para a codocência / Physics teacher education on the Activity Theory perspective: the analysis of Teaching Practice course and implications to coteaching

Glauco dos Santos Ferreira da Silva 11 April 2013 (has links)
Os trabalhos sobre formação de professores sempre estiverem presentes na área de pesquisa em Ensino de Ciências, especialmente, as investigações sobre os cursos de licenciatura. Estudos sobre a formação dos professores de ciências no Brasil apontam três elementos centrais que estiveram constantemente presente: os gestores públicos, a universidade e a escola, cujas ações são movidas por necessidades distintas, provocando uma tensão na formação docente. Contudo, investigações que abordem o problema da articulação desses elementos são menos frequentes. O presente trabalho, então, trata de algumas questões relativas a articulação entre a universidade e escola, no contexto de uma disciplina do curso de Licenciatura em Física do Instituto de Física da USP- Práticas em Ensino de Física- em que os licenciandos tinham que cumprir parte do estágio supervisionado na Escola de Educação Básica. O objetivo da pesquisa é caracterizar o processo de tornar-se professor, circunscrito ao contexto dessa disciplina, que ao focalizar as mudanças dos licenciandos aborda alguns aspectos da relação Universidade - Escola. A nossa hipótese básica está na ideia de que a formação inicial do professor ocorre na universidade e na escola e que ser professor se constitui historicamente na trama de relações sociais, especialmente, entre essas duas instituições, por meio da apropriação e objetivação da prática docente vivenciado pelo sujeito no processo da atividade do tornar-se professor. A nossa metodologia é baseada nos procedimentos da pesquisa qualitativa. Os dados foram coletados por meio de vídeo-gravação das aulas e das oficinas de preparação do estágio, ambas na universidade; e por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas realizadas com alguns licenciandos ao final daquele ano. A Teoria da Atividade constitui o nosso referencial teórico, a partir do qual conduzimos a análise dos dados seguindo uma heurística de multi níveis: (i) macro, evidenciando os aspectos mais gerais da disciplina e as relações com a instituição; (ii) meso, focalizando as aulas da disciplina ao longo do ano e as mudanças dos objetos da atividade dos licenciandos como indicativo de mudança de estudante para professor; (iii) micro, indicando as relações entre a professora da disciplina e os licenciandos, considerando o papel das contradições no processo de tornar-se professor. Em especial, no nível micro, a nossa atenção se volta para contradição entre a iniciativa e limitação vivenciada pelos licenciandos no desenvolvimento da atividade de confeccionar o roteiro. Ao final, vamos mostrar como a rotina da disciplina de ir e vir entre a universidade e a escola teria provocado uma mudança nos licenciandos de estudante para professor. Concluímos este trabalho destacando que é preciso haver um momento durante o estágio que tenha um caráter intermediário e organizador do processo, no qual a escola deixa ser o local de mera aplicação do estágio e passa a ser o local de ensinoaprendizagem; e que a codocência, enquanto uma prática de ensino de Física, pode se constituir em um aspecto importante para construir pontes entre a universidade e a escola. / Situated among investigations on Teacher Education in Brazil, which has been taking part in research agenda on Science Education for many years, the purpose of this study is to present our findings about a research focused on the pre-service physics teacher program, in which undergrad students had to take their practicum in the High School. The methodology is based on the qualitative research methods and data were gathered by videotaping classes at university involving about 75 people and 70 hours of video. In addition, in the very beginning the students were invited to respond to a questionnaire about their perspectives about the High School reality and the work that would be held throughout the internship. The research takes place in course termed Practices on Physics Teaching, addressed to third-year undergraduate physics students (pre-service physics teachers) at a Brazilian public university. Classes were taken as our object of research, in which students and professor gathered every fifteen days to discuss different sort of topics. Using Cultural Historical Activity Theory and Multi-level analysis we will reveal a process of becoming teacher and will highlight changes that happened within the activity system, especially, modifications of objects and instruments. To extend the possible we will present two situations in which (I) in the very beginning undergrad students were asked to sketch one lesson based on a set of low-cost hands-on experiment and (II) in the opposite way, in the second semester they were asked to discuss how these experiments worked regarded to concepts of physics. As a result students failed in both tasks. We will argue in terms of the changes of objects of activity, that is, whereas in the first moment it was contents of physics, in the third, the object was how physics could be taught at High School. It seems High School was an important element in this process because schoolchildren became part of pre-service activity. Indeed different objects indicate that changes have happened between human subjects relations embedded in certain activity. In this particular case, new instruments were required when undergraduate students went to the High School. Therefore, by the third moment a new type of relationship arises, that is, the prospective-teacher and High School student, absent at the first part of the classes. Thus, that new relationship, that requires new instruments, works as a guide to the future teachers, making them shift from student\'s perspective to teacher\'s. In conclusion, we argue both University and High School are the appropriate places where physics teacher education should be held, and coteaching seems to be an important action to bridge both University and High School.

Elementary Teachers' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Coteaching

Kadakia, Geeta Gupta 01 January 2017 (has links)
In response to the low passing rate of its students with disabilities, administrators at a small urban elementary school in south Texas implemented coteaching. Guided by Nonaka and Takeuchi's collaborative learning framework, this qualitative instrumental case study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of collaborative teaching in the elementary education setting. Data collection consisted of a group interview and classroom observations with a purposeful sample of 4 general education teachers and 2 special education teachers of Grades 3-5 math and language arts who were coteaching at the time of the study. Teachers' perceptions regarding the effects of their professional relationship on collaboration efforts and of the effectiveness of coteaching in meeting the needs of students with disabilities were examined. Emergent themes were identified from the data through open coding and verified through NVivo and a peer reviewer. The findings showed that participants perceived coteaching to be an effective teaching strategy for working with students with disabilities. They suggested the following areas for improvement in their school's current coteaching program: parity among teachers, administrative support, shared planning time, relevancy of training, collaboration, and follow through regarding the roles and responsibilities of teachers. Based on the results, a professional development workshop was developed to improve the overall effectiveness of the coteaching program and better meet the needs of students with various disabilities in general education classrooms. The provision of training through the workshop may positively affect teachers' perceptions and implementation of coteaching. An improved academic environment in cotaught classrooms may benefit students with disabilities.

College Instructors' Perceptions on Coteaching

Da Costa, Theresa 01 January 2018 (has links)
Coteaching is a teaching strategy that requires 2-teachers to collaborate in developing a course syllabus, selecting materials, and assessing students' work. The research problem, addressed in this study, was an appeal to educate the diverse adult population whose needs could not be addressed through traditional instructions at Rex College. Because of a high number of enrolled adult students, coteaching at Rex College was used to improve student success for academically underprepared students in a Set for Success program. The purpose of this study was to examine the coteaching strategies used at Rex College so that teaching guides and/or professional training development workshops could be implemented to provide consistency in the program. The conceptual framework of this study was based on the constructivist theory that knowledge is constructed and internalized by an individual in a social setting. The research question for the qualitative study was designed to focus on the experiences of the faculty members at Rex College. A purposeful sampling method was used, and 15 participants, who provided first-hand information, were selected for interviews and field observations. The interview data was analyzed by creating a matrix grid to code key words or phrases from each participant's responses and linked to the interview questions. The findings were interpreted and used as themes for the narrative. The results indicated the effectiveness in teacher collaboration and planning as compared to traditional classroom approach. A positive social change may result as (a) students demonstrate success in completing studies and develop job skills; (b) instructors find collegiality in their relationship and develop new teaching skills; and (c) attrition is decreased at Rex College.

Secondary Student Perspectives Of The Inclusive Classroom With Co-Teachers

Ruscheinski, Alexis 23 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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