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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effect of water maldistribution on cooling tower fill performance evaluation

Bertrand, Timothy Paul 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A 1.5 x 1.5 m2 counter-flow fill performance test facility is described in detail. Instrumentation was selected and installed in the cooling tower fill test facility and calibrated to ensure measurement accuracy. A facility control program was written to simplify the operation of the test facility via a user interface. The program calculates automatically the Merkel number and loss coefficients as measures of fill thermal and flow performance respectively. A spray frame was designed and manufactured to ensure uniform water distribution to the fill. The water distribution through different fills with varying fill heights and different water flow rates was measured. The water attached to the walls of the test facility was examined. Film, trickle and splash fills are tested in the upgraded test facility. The film and trickle fill performance determined during testing is deemed acceptable as these fills have minimal migration effects. Fills with poor distribution effects and large migration of water towards the walls of the test facility, like the splash fill tested, cannot to be tested accurately in a 1.5 x 1.5 m2 test section as the results do not represent the performance of the fill in a relatively large cooling tower. Other aspects examined were: • air flow uniformity • air fill bypass effects • location of water inlet and outlet temperature measurement points • location of pressure measurement probes. It was determined that, in the current test facility: • air uniformity is suitable for performance testing • air bypass effects can be ignored for open fills and can be minimised for dense fills by packing sponge between the fill and walls • water inlet and outlet temperatures should be measured in the pipe-work, resulting in a measurement method that is not influenced by the relative weightings of each thermocouple • pressure difference over the fill height measured by the pressure measurement tap is independent of its location on the fill outlet plane provided the pressure measurement points are perpendicular to the air stream and are not against the walls. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n 1.5 x 1.5 m² Teenvloei pakking werkverrigting toetsfasiliteit word in detail beskryf. Instrumentasie is gekies en geïnstalleer in die koeltoring pakking toetsfasiliteit en gekalibreer om akkuraatheid te verseker. 'n Fasiliteit beheer program is geskryf om die gebruik van die toetsfasiliteit te vereenvoudig. Die program het ‘n vriendelike gebruikers intervalk. Die program bereken outomaties die Merkel-getal en verlies koëffisiënte as mate van pakking termiese- en vloeiwerksverrigting. 'n Sproeiraam is ontwerp en vervaardig om uniforme water verspreiding aan die pakking te verseker. Die water verspreiding deur verskillende pakkings met verskillende pakking hoogtes en water vloei snelhede is gemeet. Die water aangeheg aan die mure van die toetsfasiliteit is ook ondersoek. Film, druppel en spat pakkings word in die opgegradeerde toetsfasiliteit getoets. Die film- en druppelpakking werksverrigting bepaal tydens die toetse is aanvaarbaar, aangesien hierdie pakkings minimale migrasie effekte het. Pakking met swak verspreiding effekte en 'n groot migrasie van water na die wande van die toetsfasiliteit, soos gevind met die spatpakking toetse, kan nie met akkuraatheid in 'n 1.5 x 1.5 m² toets seksie getoets word nie omdat die resultate nie die werkverrigting van die pakking verteenwoordig in 'n relatief groot koeltoring. Ander aspekte wat ondersoek was: • lugvloei uniformiteit • lug omleiding effeckte • die posisie van water in- en uitlaat temperatuur meetpunte • posisie van die drukmeetapparaat. Dit is vasgestel dat, in die huidige toetsfasiliteit • lugvloei eenvormigheid geskik is vir prestasietoetsing • lug omleiding effekte kan geïgnoreer word vir oop pakkings en kan verklein word vir digte pakkings deur spons tussen die pakking en mure te pak • water inlaat- en uitlaattemperature behoort gemeet te word in die pypwerk en lei tot 'n metings metode wat nie beïnvloed word deur die relatiewe gewigte van elke thermokoppel nie • die druk verskil gemeet deur die drupmeetpunte oor die pakkinghoogte is onafhanklik van hul posisie op die pakkinguitlaatvlak op voorwaarde dat die drukmeetpunte loodreg is teen die lugstroom en nie teen die mure nie.

Multiple-Frequency Load Flow Model and Power Flow Tracing in Deregulated Market

Zhan, Tung-Sheng 19 January 2006 (has links)
With the deregulation of power industry and the market competition, reliable power supply and secured system operation are major concerns of the independent system operator (ISO). Power system operation under deregulated environment is very complicated with various possibilities of decisions involved. A robust and fast network analysis tool is one of important functions of conventional EMS, and this function will be reserved for the on-line analysis to deal with varied behaviors of the new deregulated environment. Firstly, a multiple-frequency three-phase load flow model was developed in this dissertation. There are two new sub-models including the fundamental power flow (FPF) and harmonic frequency power flow (HPF) model. In FPF, models of electrical elements and injected power on buses were treated in the form of current injections in a transmission system. The standard Fourier analysis was used to deal with the harmonic loads to get injection currents. With harmonic currents as equivalent current sources, the HPF can be derived. Besides, the fast assumptive model and decoupled model of FPF and HPF, called AFPF, DFPF and DHPF, were also proposed to improve execution time of the load flow programs. Test results show that the proposed general-purpose methods are better performers than conventional power flow solutions and are very robust. Secondly, the novel method, Upstream Tracing Model (UTM) and Downstream Tracing Model (DTM), to trace the power flow in transmission systems based on the converged AC power flow solution was proposed. The method is formulated by using the transmission network structure, the equivalent current-injection and load-admittances from the engineering viewpoint. Four steps are used to trace the linear relationship between each line flow and generator injection power without any assumption and the counter flow can be traced out, then the power consumption on each load can be represented as generators¡¦ contribution. According to the result of tracing, the loss of each line can be allocated to each generator by using a fair line usage concept. This tracing algorithm can calculate each generator¡¦s contribution quickly and fairly, and can be integrated into the existent tariffs of charging for transmission losses and services.

Electrokinetic focusing of charged species at bipolar electrode in a microfluidic device

Perdue, Robbyn K. 14 February 2012 (has links)
The development and characterization of bipolar electrode (BPE) focusing is described. BPE focusing is an electrokinetic equilibrium technique in which charged analytes are focused and locally enriched on an electric field gradient in the presence of a counter-flow. This electric field gradient is formed at the boundary of an ion depletion zone – the direct result of faradaic reactions occurring at the BPE in the presence of an externally applied electric field. Direct measurement of the electric field strength in the ion depletion region shows that the electric field is enhanced in this region and takes on a gradient shape, confirming the results of numerical simulations. Transient electric field measurements with simultaneous monitoring of a focused fluorescent tracer reveal that the field gradient forms rapidly upon application of the external field and remains stable over time with the tracer focused at a local field strength predicted by simple electrokinetic equations. These transient electric field measurements probe the effect of individual experimental parameters on the electric field gradient and the focused band. The results of these studies indicate that a steeper field gradient leads to enhanced concentration enrichment of the analyte. The slope of the gradient is increased with higher concentration of the running buffer and higher applied field strength. The addition of pressure driven flow across the microchannel moves the location of the field gradient and the position of the focused band. Further enhancement of enrichment is achieved through the suppression of Taylor dispersion after coating the microchannel with a non-ionic surfactant. The findings of these studies have motivated the transition of BPE focusing to smaller microchannels. A decrease in microchannel size not only decreases Taylor dispersion, but also provides access to higher buffer concentration and higher applied field strength, both of which enhance enrichment. The result is a three-order-of-magnitude increase in total analyte enrichment at a much higher enrichment rate. Furthermore, a dual channel configuration for BPE focusing is introduced which provides greater control over focusing conditions. Finally, the formation of ion depletion and enrichment zones at a BPE in a microchannel is shown to mimic ion concentration polarization (ICP) at micro-/nano-channel junctions. This is significant because this faradaic ICP provides a model to which traditional ICP can be compared and is achieved in a more easily fabricated device. In summary, the fundamental principles of BPE focusing are described. A greater understanding of the effect of experimental parameters on the focusing process leads to an unprecedented magnitude and rate of enrichment in a simple device architecture. / text

Ordenamento e destilação em um modelo estocástico de partículas interagentes sob contrafluxo

Stock, Eduardo Velasco January 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos uma dinâmica estocástica de partículas de duas espécies baseada em células. Basicamente, incorporamos algumas inovações em um modelo unidimensional proposto e resolvido por R. da Silva et al. (Physica A, 2015), que considera que em um célula, na ausência de partículas da espécie contrária, a partícula vai pra frente com uma probabilidade p, que representaria um campo na direção longitudinal de um corredor e fica na própria célula com q=1-p. Contudo, essa probabilidade p é reduzida de acordo com a concentração de partículas contrárias. Nosso trabalho não apenas estendeu o problema pra duas dimensões como também incluiu aspectos relativos a colisão e o espalhamento para células vizinhas. Nossos resultados são divididos em duas situações: a) Espécie contrária permanece imóvel funcionando como obstáculos b) Espécie contrária em movimento. Na primeira situação podemos ver uma interessante transição na distribuição dos tempos de travessia em função das concentrações dos obstáculos, por monitorar a curtose da distribuição. Quando a espécie contrária se movimenta, vemos que o tempo de destilação entre as partículas (tempo para que as espécies estejam geograficamente separadas no corredor) depende do parâmetro ligado ao espalhamento transversal das partículas, parâmetro este, que não influencia no caso das partículas paradas. Finalmente nós colocamos as partículas em um sistema com condições periódicas de contorno. Neste caso, podemos observar o aparecimento de padrões de bandas longitudinais ao campo, exatamente como ocorrem em problemas de coloides carregados sob a ação de campos longitudinais e em modelos de pedestres em corredores. Mostramos como o sistema relaxa para tal tipo de estado estacionário utilizando um adequado parâmetro de ordem ligado a segregação das partículas. Nosso modelo, diferentemente dos modelos para pedestres, não se baseia em equações tipo Langevin. Nossa abordagem é totalmente estocástica e por esse ponto de vista ainda mais fundamental e geral, podendo ser estendida para mais modelos de partículas em fluxos contrários. Nossa solução vem tanto através de simulações Monte Carlo bem como soluções das equações diferenciais parciais que descrevem o sistema e que são oriundas das recorrências estabelecidas para os caminhantes aleatórios. As simulações Monte Carlo e soluções via EDP mostram boa concordância em todos os aspectos analisados, tanto qualitativa quanto quantitativamente. / In this work we study a stochastic dynamic of particles of two types based on cells. Basically we incorporate some innovations on a one-dimensional model proposed and solved by R. da Silva et al. (Physica A, 2015) which considers that in the absence of particles of the opposite species in the cell a particle goes toward the next cell with probability p and returns to the previous cell with probability q = 1 p. However this motion probability linearly decreases with the relative density of the contrary species. Our work not only expands the problem for two dimensions but also includes collision aspects by adding scattering to the neighbouring cells. Our results are divided into two di erent categories: a) One of the species remain xed in their places which means that such particles will work as obstacles; b) Both species can move in the environment. In the rst situation we can observe, by monitoring the kurtosis, that an interesting transition of the crossing time distribution arises as the concentration of the obstacles increases. When both species can move we can observe that the distillation time (spent time for the complete geographical separation of the species in the corridor) depends on the parameter related to the perpendicular scattering of the particles. This same parameter has shown no in uence over the time distributions in the rst situation. Finally we implement periodic boundary conditions in the eld's direction. In this case we are able to observe the arising of band patterns parallel to the eld's direction exactly as it does with oppositely charged colloids under the in uence of a uniform electric eld or pedestrian dynamics in corridors. We also show how the system relax to such stationary state by using a suitable order parameter related to the particles segregation. Di erently from other pedestrian dynamics models, our model is not based on a Langevin-type equation. Our approach is totally stochastic and from this point of view, more fundamental and general to be extended to more types of models considering particles under counter ow. Our solution is obtained by both Monte Carlo simulations and numerical integration of partial di erential equations (PDE) from recurrence relation of the directed random walkers. The Monte Carlo simulations and the solutions of the PDE show a good agreement in all aspects analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Investigations On Film Cooling At Hypersonic Mach Number Using Forward Facing Injection From Micro-Jet Array

Sriram, R 01 August 2008 (has links)
A body in a hypersonic flow field will experience very high heating especially during re-entry. Conventionally this problem is tackled to some extent by the use of large angle blunt cones. At the cost of increased drag, the heat transfer rate is lower over most parts of the blunt body, except in a region around the stagnation point. Thus even with blunt cones, management of heat transfer rates and drag on bodies at hypersonic speeds continues to be an interesting research area. Various thermal protection systems have been proposed in the past, like heat sink cooling, ablation cooling and aerospikes. The ablative cooling system becomes extremely costly when reusability is the major concern. Also the shape change due to ablation can lead to issues with the vehicle control. The aerospikes themselves may become hot and ablate at hypersonic speeds. Hence an alternate form of cooling system is necessary for hypersonic flows, which is more feasible, cost effective and efficient than the conventional cooling systems. Injection of a mass of cold fluid into the boundary layer through the surface is one of the potential cooling techniques in the hypersonic flight corridors. These kinds of thermal protection systems are called mass transfer cooling systems. The injection of the mass may be through discrete slots or through a porous media. When the coolant is injected through a porous media over the entire surface, the coolant comes out as a continuous mass. Such a cooling system is also referred as “transpiration cooling system”. When the fluid is injected through discrete slots, the system is called as “film cooling system”. In either case, the coolant absorbs the incoming heat through its rise in enthalpy and thus modifies the boundary layer characteristics in such a way that the heat flow rate to the surface is less. Injection of a forward facing jet (opposite to the freestream direction) from the stagnation point of a blunt body can be used for mitigating both the aerodynamic drag and heat transfer rates at hypersonic Mach numbers. If the jet has enough momentum it can push the bow shock forward, resulting in reduced drag. This will also reduce heat transfer rate over most part of the body except around the jet re-attachment region. A reattachment shock impinging on the blunt body invariably increases the local heat flux. At lower momentum fluxes the forward facing jet cannot push the bow shock ahead of the blunt body and spreads easily over the boundary layer, resulting in reduced heat transfer rates. While the film cooling performance improves with mass flow rate of the jet, higher momentum flow rates can lead to a stronger reattachment leading to higher heat transfer rate at the reattachment zone. If we are able to reduce the momentum flux of the coolant for the same mass flow rate, the gas coming out can easily spread over the boundary layer and it is possible to improve the film cooling performance. In all the reported literature, the mass flow rate and the momentum flux are not varied independently. This means, if the mass flow rate is increased, there is a corresponding increase in the momentum flux. This is because the injection (from a particular orifice and for a particular coolant gas) is controlled only by the total pressure of injection and free stream conditions. The present investigation is mainly aimed at demonstrating the effect of reduction in momentum of the coolant (injected opposing a hypersonic freestream from the stagnation point of a blunt cone), keeping the mass flow rate the same, on the film cooling performance. This is achieved by splitting a single jet into a number of smaller jets of same injection area (for same injection total pressure and same free stream conditions). To the best of our knowledge there is no report on the use of forward facing micro-jet array for film cooling at hypersonic Mach numbers. In this backdrop the main objectives of the present study are: • To experimentally demonstrate the effect of splitting a single jet into an array of closely spaced smaller micro-jets of same effective area of injection (injected opposite to a hypersonic freestream from the stagnation zone), on the reduction in surface heat transfer rates on a large angle blunt cone. · Identifying various parameters that affect the flow phenomenon and doing a systematic investigation of the effect of the different parameters on the surface heat transfer rates and drag. Experimental investigations are carried out in the IISc hypersonic shock tunnel on the film cooling effectiveness. Coolant gas (nitrogen and helium) is injected opposing hypersonic freestream as a single jet (diameter 2 mm and 0.9 mm), and as an array of iv micro jets (diameter 300 micron each) of same effective area (corresponding to the respective single jet). The coolant gas is injected from the stagnation zone of a blunt cone model (58o apex angle and nose radius of 35 mm). Experiments are performed at a flow freestream Mach number of 5.9 at 0o angle of attack, with a stagnation enthalpy of 1.84 MJ/Kg, with and without injections. The ratios of the jet stagnation pressure to the pitot pressure (stagnation pressure ratio) used in the present study are 1.2 and 1.45. Surface convective heat transfer measurements using platinum thin film sensors, time resolved schlieren flow visualization and aerodynamic drag measurements using accelerometer force balance are used as flow diagnostics in the present study. The theoretical stagnation point heat transfer rate without injection for the given freestream conditions for the test model is 79 W/cm2 and the corresponding aerodynamic drag from Newtonian theory is 143 N. The measured drag value without injection (125 N) shows a reasonable match with theory. As the injection is from stagnation zone it is not possible to measure the surface heat transfer rates at the stagnation point. The sensors thus are placed from the nearest possible location from the stagnation point (from 16 mm from stagnation point on the surface). The sensors near the stagnation point measures a heat transfer rate of 65 W/cm2 on an average without any injection. Some of the important conclusions from the study are: • Up to 40% reduction in surface heat transfer rate has been measured near the stagnation point with the array of micro jets, nitrogen being the coolant, while the corresponding reduction was up to 30% for helium injection. Considering the single jet injection, near the stagnation point there is either no reduction in heat transfer rate or a slight increase up to 10%. · Far away from stagnation point the reduction in heat transfer with array of micro-jets is only slightly higher than corresponding single jet for the same pressure ratio. Thus the cooling performance of the array of closely spaced micro jets is better than the corresponding single jet almost over the entire surface. • The time resolved flow visualization studies show no major change in the shock standoff distance with the low momentum gas injection, indicating no major changes in other aerodynamic aspects such as drag. · The drag measurements also indicate that there is virtually no change in the overall aerodynamic drag with gas injection from the micro-orifice array. · The spreading of the jets injected from the closely spaced micro-orifice array over the surface is also seen in the visualization, indicating the absence of a region of strong reattachment. · The reduction in momentum flux of the injected mass due to the interaction between individual jets in the case of closely spaced micro-jet array appears to be the main reason for better performance when compared to a single jet. The thesis is organized in six chapters. The importance of film cooling at hypersonic speeds and the objectives of the investigation are concisely presented in Chapter 1. From the knowledge of the flow field with counter-flow injection obtained from the literature, the important variables governing the flow phenomena are organized as non-dimensional parameters using dimensional analysis in Chapter 2. The description of the shock tunnel facility, diagnostics and the test model used in the present study is given in Chapter 3. Chapter 4 describes the results of drag measurements and flow visualization studies. The heat transfer measurements and the observed trends in heat transfer rates with and without coolant injection are then discussed in detail in Chapter 5. Based on the obtained results the possible physical picture of the flow field is discussed in Chapter 6, followed by the important conclusions of the investigation.

Ordenamento e destilação em um modelo estocástico de partículas interagentes sob contrafluxo

Stock, Eduardo Velasco January 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos uma dinâmica estocástica de partículas de duas espécies baseada em células. Basicamente, incorporamos algumas inovações em um modelo unidimensional proposto e resolvido por R. da Silva et al. (Physica A, 2015), que considera que em um célula, na ausência de partículas da espécie contrária, a partícula vai pra frente com uma probabilidade p, que representaria um campo na direção longitudinal de um corredor e fica na própria célula com q=1-p. Contudo, essa probabilidade p é reduzida de acordo com a concentração de partículas contrárias. Nosso trabalho não apenas estendeu o problema pra duas dimensões como também incluiu aspectos relativos a colisão e o espalhamento para células vizinhas. Nossos resultados são divididos em duas situações: a) Espécie contrária permanece imóvel funcionando como obstáculos b) Espécie contrária em movimento. Na primeira situação podemos ver uma interessante transição na distribuição dos tempos de travessia em função das concentrações dos obstáculos, por monitorar a curtose da distribuição. Quando a espécie contrária se movimenta, vemos que o tempo de destilação entre as partículas (tempo para que as espécies estejam geograficamente separadas no corredor) depende do parâmetro ligado ao espalhamento transversal das partículas, parâmetro este, que não influencia no caso das partículas paradas. Finalmente nós colocamos as partículas em um sistema com condições periódicas de contorno. Neste caso, podemos observar o aparecimento de padrões de bandas longitudinais ao campo, exatamente como ocorrem em problemas de coloides carregados sob a ação de campos longitudinais e em modelos de pedestres em corredores. Mostramos como o sistema relaxa para tal tipo de estado estacionário utilizando um adequado parâmetro de ordem ligado a segregação das partículas. Nosso modelo, diferentemente dos modelos para pedestres, não se baseia em equações tipo Langevin. Nossa abordagem é totalmente estocástica e por esse ponto de vista ainda mais fundamental e geral, podendo ser estendida para mais modelos de partículas em fluxos contrários. Nossa solução vem tanto através de simulações Monte Carlo bem como soluções das equações diferenciais parciais que descrevem o sistema e que são oriundas das recorrências estabelecidas para os caminhantes aleatórios. As simulações Monte Carlo e soluções via EDP mostram boa concordância em todos os aspectos analisados, tanto qualitativa quanto quantitativamente. / In this work we study a stochastic dynamic of particles of two types based on cells. Basically we incorporate some innovations on a one-dimensional model proposed and solved by R. da Silva et al. (Physica A, 2015) which considers that in the absence of particles of the opposite species in the cell a particle goes toward the next cell with probability p and returns to the previous cell with probability q = 1 p. However this motion probability linearly decreases with the relative density of the contrary species. Our work not only expands the problem for two dimensions but also includes collision aspects by adding scattering to the neighbouring cells. Our results are divided into two di erent categories: a) One of the species remain xed in their places which means that such particles will work as obstacles; b) Both species can move in the environment. In the rst situation we can observe, by monitoring the kurtosis, that an interesting transition of the crossing time distribution arises as the concentration of the obstacles increases. When both species can move we can observe that the distillation time (spent time for the complete geographical separation of the species in the corridor) depends on the parameter related to the perpendicular scattering of the particles. This same parameter has shown no in uence over the time distributions in the rst situation. Finally we implement periodic boundary conditions in the eld's direction. In this case we are able to observe the arising of band patterns parallel to the eld's direction exactly as it does with oppositely charged colloids under the in uence of a uniform electric eld or pedestrian dynamics in corridors. We also show how the system relax to such stationary state by using a suitable order parameter related to the particles segregation. Di erently from other pedestrian dynamics models, our model is not based on a Langevin-type equation. Our approach is totally stochastic and from this point of view, more fundamental and general to be extended to more types of models considering particles under counter ow. Our solution is obtained by both Monte Carlo simulations and numerical integration of partial di erential equations (PDE) from recurrence relation of the directed random walkers. The Monte Carlo simulations and the solutions of the PDE show a good agreement in all aspects analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Ordenamento e destilação em um modelo estocástico de partículas interagentes sob contrafluxo

Stock, Eduardo Velasco January 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos uma dinâmica estocástica de partículas de duas espécies baseada em células. Basicamente, incorporamos algumas inovações em um modelo unidimensional proposto e resolvido por R. da Silva et al. (Physica A, 2015), que considera que em um célula, na ausência de partículas da espécie contrária, a partícula vai pra frente com uma probabilidade p, que representaria um campo na direção longitudinal de um corredor e fica na própria célula com q=1-p. Contudo, essa probabilidade p é reduzida de acordo com a concentração de partículas contrárias. Nosso trabalho não apenas estendeu o problema pra duas dimensões como também incluiu aspectos relativos a colisão e o espalhamento para células vizinhas. Nossos resultados são divididos em duas situações: a) Espécie contrária permanece imóvel funcionando como obstáculos b) Espécie contrária em movimento. Na primeira situação podemos ver uma interessante transição na distribuição dos tempos de travessia em função das concentrações dos obstáculos, por monitorar a curtose da distribuição. Quando a espécie contrária se movimenta, vemos que o tempo de destilação entre as partículas (tempo para que as espécies estejam geograficamente separadas no corredor) depende do parâmetro ligado ao espalhamento transversal das partículas, parâmetro este, que não influencia no caso das partículas paradas. Finalmente nós colocamos as partículas em um sistema com condições periódicas de contorno. Neste caso, podemos observar o aparecimento de padrões de bandas longitudinais ao campo, exatamente como ocorrem em problemas de coloides carregados sob a ação de campos longitudinais e em modelos de pedestres em corredores. Mostramos como o sistema relaxa para tal tipo de estado estacionário utilizando um adequado parâmetro de ordem ligado a segregação das partículas. Nosso modelo, diferentemente dos modelos para pedestres, não se baseia em equações tipo Langevin. Nossa abordagem é totalmente estocástica e por esse ponto de vista ainda mais fundamental e geral, podendo ser estendida para mais modelos de partículas em fluxos contrários. Nossa solução vem tanto através de simulações Monte Carlo bem como soluções das equações diferenciais parciais que descrevem o sistema e que são oriundas das recorrências estabelecidas para os caminhantes aleatórios. As simulações Monte Carlo e soluções via EDP mostram boa concordância em todos os aspectos analisados, tanto qualitativa quanto quantitativamente. / In this work we study a stochastic dynamic of particles of two types based on cells. Basically we incorporate some innovations on a one-dimensional model proposed and solved by R. da Silva et al. (Physica A, 2015) which considers that in the absence of particles of the opposite species in the cell a particle goes toward the next cell with probability p and returns to the previous cell with probability q = 1 p. However this motion probability linearly decreases with the relative density of the contrary species. Our work not only expands the problem for two dimensions but also includes collision aspects by adding scattering to the neighbouring cells. Our results are divided into two di erent categories: a) One of the species remain xed in their places which means that such particles will work as obstacles; b) Both species can move in the environment. In the rst situation we can observe, by monitoring the kurtosis, that an interesting transition of the crossing time distribution arises as the concentration of the obstacles increases. When both species can move we can observe that the distillation time (spent time for the complete geographical separation of the species in the corridor) depends on the parameter related to the perpendicular scattering of the particles. This same parameter has shown no in uence over the time distributions in the rst situation. Finally we implement periodic boundary conditions in the eld's direction. In this case we are able to observe the arising of band patterns parallel to the eld's direction exactly as it does with oppositely charged colloids under the in uence of a uniform electric eld or pedestrian dynamics in corridors. We also show how the system relax to such stationary state by using a suitable order parameter related to the particles segregation. Di erently from other pedestrian dynamics models, our model is not based on a Langevin-type equation. Our approach is totally stochastic and from this point of view, more fundamental and general to be extended to more types of models considering particles under counter ow. Our solution is obtained by both Monte Carlo simulations and numerical integration of partial di erential equations (PDE) from recurrence relation of the directed random walkers. The Monte Carlo simulations and the solutions of the PDE show a good agreement in all aspects analysed both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Utvärdering av avfrostning med ackumulatortank för motströmsvärmeväxlare : En teoretisk forskningsstudie med fokus på effektiviserad avfrostning för motströmsvärmeväxlare i ventilationsaggregat

Hedman, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The energy consumption in the world continues to increase, which makes energy saving measures important. In Sweden, where buildings account for a large part of total energy use, heat exchangers in ventilation are important to reduce energy consumption. However, Sweden's winters are often cold over large parts of the country, causing frost in the heat exchanger and high and uneven heating power requirements for ventilation units. The heating system in the building is required to manage the biggest power demand that may arise. From the ventilation unit, the greatest heating power requirement is arise in the event of frost conditions, as the power requirement from the heating coil increases during defrosting. By installing an accumulator tank together with the ventilation unit, the power requirement can be evened out. Power requirement for three different scenarios where the storage tank is used has been calculated. By using thermodynamic equations and measurements from Swegon counter flow heat exchanger results were accomplished. Optimal defrosting cycle times were evaluated by theory and equations. Other defrosting methods have been calculated to be compared to the solution with the accumulator tank. In a case with 600 litres per seconds supply and exhaust air flow, outdoor temperature at -10 ° C, the power requirement to the unit could be reduced by 67 % using an accumulator tank. An accumulator tank with a volume of 73 litres was required. By using an accumulator tank with the ventilation unit, investment costs could decrease by approximately 18 000 SEK when district heating is used as energy source. However, the solution with the storage tank will not be able to reduce district heating costs more than reduced flow cost for the district heating. If a heat pump I used approximately 95 000 SEK in investment cost could be saved when using an accumulator tank. Electricity cost could also be reduced but not much. Compared to other defrosting methods, the solution with accumulator tank will require the lowest power requirement for the ventilation unit, heat recover  most energy in the heat exchanger and at the same time create an even heat power requirement at frost conditions. / Energianvändningen i världen fortsätter öka vilket gör energisparåtgärder viktiga. I Sverige där byggnader står för en stor del av den totala energianvändningen är värmeväxlare inom ventilation viktiga för att minska energiförbrukningen. Dock är Sveriges vintrar ofta kalla över stora delar av landet vilket orsakar frostproblem i värmeväxlaren och högt och ojämnt värmeeffektbehov till ventilationsaggregat. Byggnadens värmesystem måste dimensioneras efter det största effektbehov som kan uppstå. Från ventilationsaggregatet sker det största värmeeffektbehovet vid frostförhållanden eftersom effektbehovet från värmebatteriet ökar vid avfrostning. Genom att installera en ackumulatortank tillsammans med ventilationsaggregatet skulle effektbehovet kunna jämnas ut. Effektbehov för tre olika scenarion där ackumulatortank används har beräknats. Det skedde genom användande av termodynamiska ekvationer och mätningar från Swegons motströmsvärmeväxlare. Tiden för hur lång avfrostningscykel som är optimal har utvärderas genom teori och ekvationer. Andra avfrostnings metoder har beräknats för att kunna jämföras med lösningen med ackumulatortank. I ett fall med till-och frånluftflöde på 600 l/s och dimensionerande utomhustemperatur på -10 °C kunde effektbehovet fram till aggregatet minskas med 67% genom att använda en ackumulatortank. En ackumulatortank med volymen 73 liter krävdes. Genom att använda en ackumulatortank tillsammans med ventilationsaggregatet kunde investeringskostnaden kunna minskamed cirka 18000 kr när fjärrvärme används som energikälla. Lösningen med ackumulatortank kommer dock inte kunna minska fjärrvärmekostnaden mer än att minska eventuell flödeskostnad för fjärrvärmen. Vid användande av bergvärmepump skulle cirka 95000 kr i investeringskostnad kunna sparas vid användande av ackumulatortank. Eleffektkostnaden kunde även minskas men relativt lite. Jämfört med andra avfrostningsmetoder kommer en lösning med ackumulatortank kräva lägst effektbehov till ventilationsaggregatet, återvinna mest energi i värmeväxlaren och samtidigt skapa ett jämt värmeeffektbehov under frostförhållanden.

Snížení paměťové náročnosti stavového zpracování síťového provozu / Memory Reduction of Stateful Network Traffic Processing

Hlaváček, Martin January 2012 (has links)
This master thesis deals with the problems of memory reduction in the stateful network traffic processing. Its goal is to explore new possibilities of memory reduction during network processing. As an introduction this thesis provides motivation and reasons for need to search new method for the memory reduction. In the following part there are theoretical analyses of NetFlow technology and two basic methods which can in principle reduce memory demands of stateful processing. Later on, there is described the design and implementation of solution which contains the application of these two methods to NetFlow architecture. The final part of this work summarizes the main properties of this solution during interaction with real data.

Counter-flow Ion Mobility Analysis: Design, Instrumentation, and Characterization

Agbonkonkon, Nosa 14 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The quest to achieve high resolution in ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) has continued to challenge scientist and engineers in the field of separation science. The low resolution presently attainable in IMS has continued to negatively impact its utility and acceptance. Until now, efforts to improve the resolution have mainly focused on better instrumentation and detection methods. However, since the resolution of IMS is diffusion limited, it makes sense to address this limitation in order to attain high resolution. This dissertation presents a new IMS technique, which utilizes a high electric field and opposing high gas flow velocity with the aim to improve resolution. This approach essentially reduces the residence time of ions in the analyzer. This new technique is called "counter-flow ion mobility analysis" (CIMA). Theoretical modeling of this new technique predicted that a resolution of over 1000 is possible, which is over one order of magnitude better than that of conventional IMS techniques currently used. A wind tunnel was designed and constructed to produce a plug gas flow profile that is needed for CIMA. The test region of the wind tunnel was used as the CIMA analyzer region and was constructed from power circuit boards, PCBs, (top and bottom walls) and conductive plastic side walls. An inclined electric field was created by applying suitable voltages to multiple electrode traces on the PCBs. This inclined field, when resolved into its x- and y-components, was used to oppose the counter-gas flow and transport the ions to the detector, respectively. The results obtained did not show an improvement over conventional IMS techniques because of a limitation in the voltage that could be applied to the analyzer region. However, the results predict that high resolution is possible if (1) the ratio of the electric fields in the horizontal (x direction) to the vertical (y direction) is within the range of 2--0.5, (2) very high electric field and high gas flow velocities are applied, and (3) wall effects in the counter-flow gas profile are eliminated. While the resolution obtained using the present instrumentation is far from what was predicted, the foundation for ultimately achieving high resolution has been laid. The use of a wind tunnel has made the instrumentation possible. As far as the author knows, this is the first time a wind tunnel has been used in chemical measurement instrumentation. Chapter 5 of this dissertation, reports a method developed for predicting the reduced mobility constants, of chemical compounds. This method uses a purely statistical regression analysis for a wide range of compounds which is different from similar methods that use a neural network. The calculated value for this method was 87.4% when calculated values were plotted against experimental K0 values, which was close to the value for the neural network method (i.e., 88.7%).

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