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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Intraaortální balonková kontrapulzace z pohledu sestry v kardiochirurgické intenzivní péči / Intra Aortic Balloon Counterpulsation from the Perspektive of Nurse in the Intensive Care Unit of Cardiac Surgery

Ebertová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) from the perspective of nurses in the cardiac intensive care. It consists of two parts. Theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part will deal with the intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation, including basic anatomy of the heart and blood vessels, the principle of IABC, its indications, contraindications, technology IABC and specific nursing care of patients with established IABC. The empirical part is treated as quantitative research, which is used for the data collection method anonymous questionnaire. The aim of the thesis is to determine nurses' knowledge of IABC in the cardiac intensive care and subsequent drafting of guidance for postoperative cardiac surgery department KARIM University, Prague. In this section are also included important questions and answers from the perspective of the specified variables obtained from the questionnaire and subsequent actions arising in practice. Key words Counterpulsation, Cardiac cycle, Aorta, Heart, Nursing care

Kliniese bevoegdheid van die kritiekesorg verpleegkundige tydens die verpleging van 'n pasiënt op 'n intra-aortiese ballonpomp (IABP

De Wet, Belinda 10 September 2012 (has links)
M.Cur. / The intra-aortic balloon pump is a volume displacement device that is used to provide partial support to the left ventricle. The IABP is an effective and general used circulatory support device. The nursing of a patient on IABP therapy requires demonstration of specific clinical competence by the critical care nurse. Clinical competence is defined as the ability of the critical care nurse to integrate his/her knowledge, skills and values and to demonstrate it during nursing of a patient on IABP with the aim to promote the patient's health. The aim of this research had been to evaluate the clinical competence of the critical care nurse during the nursing of a patient on IABP, and to make recommendations according to that regarding education, the practice and research. The relationship between the components of clinical competence namely knowledge, skills and values that were set as aim, were also established. A quantitative, contextual, descriptive, correlational research design had been used in the study to compile a self-developed evaluation instrument that had been used to evaluate the clinical competence of the critical care nurse. The evaluation instrument consisted of a questionnaire that evaluated the knowledge of the critical care nurse, a check list that evaluated the skills of the critical care nurse and a semantic differential scale that evaluated the values of the critical care nurse during the nursing of a patient on IABP therapy. After the data was analyzed, it appeared that critical care nurses don't possess the necessary knowledge and skills to nurse patients on IABP, and as such are not clinically competent to nurse patients on IABP. iii Recommendations were made regarding education, the practice and research in order to improve the clinical competence of critical care nurses during the nursing of a patient on IABP therapy

Enhanced External Counterpulsation as a New Treatment Modality for Patients with Erectile Dysfunction

Froschermaier, Stefan E., Werner, Dierk, Leike, Steffen, Schneider, M., Waltenberger, Johannes, Daniel, Werner G., Wirth, Manfred P. January 1998 (has links)
Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) is a noninvasive treatment modality which can increase arterial blood flow in peripheral and coronary arterial disease. Several studies have demonstrated an increase in the flow of the internal iliacal artery and in carotid and renal perfusion during EECP treatment. We investigated the effect of EECP in patients with erectile dysfunction (ED). Thirteen patients were treated with EECP for 20 days, 1 h per day. Patients reported a significant improvement of penile rigidity after completion of the EECP treatment and a significant improvement of penile peak systolic flow was measured by Doppler sonography. No adverse effects were observed. In conclusion, EECP seems to be an effective treatment modality in patients with ED. / Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.


Hernandez, Joseph 01 January 2015 (has links)
In order to address the long-term complications that arise from poor venous return, a hallmark of the Fontan physiology, we assessed the feasibility of a non-invasive, home therapy that will improve the health of the patient during the heart transplant waiting period and ameliorate the quality of life. In order to achieve this goal we tested a device that applies pressure to the lower extremities of the body (legs and abdomen) in a pulsating fashion with the goal of augmenting systemic blood flow to the pulmonary arteries. This treatment will enhance flow from the great veins and through the lungs and serve as adjunctive clinical treatment of single ventricle physiology. The specific aim of this study was to show improvements in cardiorespiratory measurements after applying external pressure as a proxy for improved health in the Fontan patient. Various studies have shown the impaired exercise capacity of post-operative Fontan patients, but very little data exists focusing on a period much later after the surgery. Our results among the two subjects completed so far have shown a moderately beneficial improvement in exercise capacity after the compression therapy. Subjects performed a treadmill exercise stress test at VCU that was followed by six days of applied external pressure treatment and finished with a final post-treatment stress test. Cardiorespiratory data was collected and analyzed for improvements from base level. Overall an improvement in exercise duration time, VO2 peak, ventilatory threshold, and OUES was observed, with only VE / VCO2 slope having mixed results. Both subjects seem to be relatively healthy Fontan patients, as indicated by their VO2 peak, VE/VCO2 slope and OUES. As a result, benefits of treatment may vary among a cohort of Fontan patients with poor health condition; a failing Fontan physiology for instance. The improvement in exercise capacity suggests that this therapy could be very beneficial to Fontan patients. These results warrants follow up studies to explore the extent of the clinical benefits of compression treatment among the Fontan population.

Labai sunkaus širdies nepakankamo kompleksinis gydymas taikant širdies transplantaciją, asistuojančią kraujotaką ir alternatyvius gydymo metodus / Heart Transplantation, Circulatory Support and Alternative Methods of Treatment in Complex Management of End-Stage Heart Failure

Ručinskas, Kęstutis 08 April 2009 (has links)
Habilitacijos procedūrai teikiamoje mokslo darbų apžvalgoje apibendrinama Vilniaus universiteto Širdies ir kraujagyslių ligų klinikoje taikyto sunkaus širdies nepakankamumo gydymo patirtis. Įrodytas intraaortinės kontrapulsacijos balionėliu taikymo tikslingumas pacientams su dekompensuota dilatacine kardiomiopatija. Įvertintas dirbtinių skilvelių, kaip tilto į transplantaciją ar likimo terapiją efektyvumas. Nustatyta, kaip techniniai dirbtinių skilvelių pakeitimai gali daryti įtaką gydymo rezultatams. Ištirtas dirbtinių skilvelių poveikis recipiento imuninei sistemai prieš ir po transplantacijos. Apžvelgti alternatyvūs širdies transplantacijai chirurginiai gydymo metodai. Pasiūlyta originali modifikuotos labirinto operacijos technika, įvertintas jos saugumas, efektyvumas ir galimybė derinti su kitomis širdies operacijomis. Prognozuojamos ateities tendencijos labai sunkiam širdies nepakankamumui gydyti. Šiame darbe remiamasi kartu su bendraautoriais atliktų tyrimų 2001-2009 m. rezultatais. Autorius visuose apžvelgiamuose tyrimuose dalyvavo tiesiogiai, kaip padalinio, kuriame gydomi pacientai su labai sunkiu širdies nepakankamumu, vadovas ir kaip chirurgas. Remiantis publikuota medžiaga buvo daryti pranešimai ir Lietuvoje, ir užsienyje. / The experience of treatment of end-stage heart failure cumulated at Vilnius University Cardiovascular Surgery Clinic is provided for habilitation procedure. The experience of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation for the patients suffering from decompensated dilatative cardiomyopathy has been proven. The efficacy of artificial ventricular assist devices as a bridge to transplantation or destination therapy has been evaluated. The role of technical modifications of ventricular assist devices for the outcomes of treatment has been assessed. The impact of assist devices on the immune status of the patient pre- and post-transplantation has also been evaluated. The alternative methods of treatment instead of heart transplantation are reviewed. The original technique of modified maze procedure is proposed; the safety, efficacy and possibilities of combining this technique with other heart operations are assessed. The future trends for treatment of end-stage heart failure are predicted. This study is based on the investigations performed with co-authors during the period since 2001 to 2009. The author has participated directly in all reviewed investigations as the head of the department where patients suffering from end-stage heart failure are being treated and as well as a surgeon. The reports based on the published material have been presented in Lithuania and abroad.

Identification of early cardiac decompensation and the management of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation weaning

Lewis, Peter Andrew January 2007 (has links)
Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) is the most widely used mechanical support in the assistance of a failing heart.1 Despite extensive research in this field no experimental or clinical studies have been undertaken to evaluate the most effective manner to wean IABP.2 The research reported in this thesis examines early recognition of cardiac decompensation and the management of IABP weaning. Conducted in three phases, the aim of this research programme was to determine the best manner by which to wean IABP. Phase 1 utilised a comparative descriptive design to examine IABP practice at a single cardiothoracic tertiary referral hospital. The majority of data collection was prospective, however, the required sample size saw inclusion of some retrospective data. This single centre data were than compared with an international registry to contrast IABP management and outcome. Phase 2 utilised a questionnaire survey to audit all Australasian intensive care units. Survey results were combined and statistically analysed to describe Australasian IABP management, weaning and outcome. Phase 3 utilised a quasi-experimental, one-group, posttest-only design to clinically validate a tool designed to monitor a patient's cardiac function - the 'cardiac decompensation tool'. Phase 1 saw data collected for 669 IABP insertions over an 11 year period at a single Australian hospital. This cohort was compared against the 38,606 patient dataset of The Benchmark Counterpulsation Outcomes Registry. Australian IABP practice saw later application of the device in a higher acuity patient. Australian practice demonstrated a prejudice toward intraoperative use (34.2% versus 16.6%; p=< 0.0001) and an aversion to catheter laboratory support (10.6% versus 19%; p=< 0.0001). Australian mortality while slightly higher, remained comparable (22% versus 20.8%; p=ns). Phase 2 response rate was 60%. The most common Australasian method of IABP support withdrawal was ratio reduction only (61%). Units with a documented weaning policy were less likely to require balloon reinsertion or pharmacologic escalation following IABP removal (p=0.06). Indicators most likely to demonstrate a patient's readiness for IABP weaning were blood pressure (92%), heart rate (76%) and wedge pressure (59%). Phase 3 revealed cardiac decompensation tool scores to increase immediately prior to a treatment escalation (p=0.022) and decrease immediately following this escalation in therapy (p=0.0096). There was also some indication of decreasing scores prior to treatment minimisation (p=0.005). Tool scores demonstrated a corresponding treatment fluctuation up to three hours prior to the treatment intervention. With Phase 1 and 2 revealing many aspects of IABP practice to vary, the need for some direction regarding weaning is evident. Timely recognition of cardiac decompensation during IABP weaning allows an opportunity for the earlier escalation of treatment and consequent provision of increased cardiac support. Application of the Phase 3 cardiac decompensation tool can only assist in ensuring the best manner by which to support IABP weaning.


ŠMERÁKOVÁ, Věra January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the issues linked with providing highly specialized care to critically ill patients with intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) in intensive care units. IABP helps these patients overcome period of acute phase of heart failure or overcome period of time necessary before definitive intervention or surgical solution. A nurse has an irreplaceable role from the very beginning of patient's preparation before insertion of mechanical support (psychological as well as physical), assumes the assistance and instrumentation during insertion of heart support, observation during counterpulsation to psychological support of the patient leading to disconnection (weaning). This thesis is divided into two parts. Theoretical part is organized in several theme units focused on description and method principles, main indications, contraindications, and complications occuring with counterpulsation. The next part is dedicated to nurse's role in the problematics of saturation of bio-psycho-social needs of IABP patients. And the last part characterizes the specifics of intensive care. The core of practical part was qualitative research as per defined goals. The main objective was to map demand for quality nursing care in connection with IABP. This aim was reached through definition of four sub-aims and five research questions. The research questions were focused firstly on knowledge preconditions of nurses and problematic areas of care for IABP patients. Secondly, research effort was focused on the area of insufficient needs of patients in the bio-psycho-social area and on quality of information provided to patients. Imaginary centerpiece of research investigation consists of analysis of case studies of patiens, graphic visualisation of their thought map was used to survey the specifics of nursing care. For the evaluation of needs and mapping of patient's awareness the technique of individual half-structured interview with open questions was used. Same was used with nurses for mapping of problematic areas of nursing care. At the same time casuistry was formed as classical method of description followed by analysis of nursing case. Its meaning was to clarify optimization of means, processes and nursing interventions, i.e. mapping the specifics of nursing care of IABP patients. Research group consisted of patients selected intentionally with regards to the research problematics. For a complex conseption of the research the group for qualitative investigation consisted of four patients of cardio-surgery unit and one patient of coronary unit. Research investigation was realized in coronary intensive care units in České Budějovice hospital and Faculty hospital Plzeň and in Cardio-surgery unit of FN Plzeň. Research group for investigation of nursing problematic was formed by nurses of coronary units and cardio-surgery units of above mentioned hospitals. Eight nurses participated in the interviews. The selection of nurses was finalized only after the research topics were developed in detail. At that time sample selection was not bringing any new information any more, hence theoretical saturation of factual reality was reached. Based on analysis of research results within the goal defined and focused on the level of nurses' theoretical knowledge of nursing patients during IABP therapy it was observed that even though nurse's knowledge is sufficient, it is also significantly inconsistent. Relatively vast reserves were found especially in the area of communication with patients, hence in complex care for patient's psychological state.

Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) counterpulsation improves cerebral perfusion in patients with decreased left ventricular function

Pfluecke, C., Christoph, M., Kolschmann, S., Tarnowski, D., Forkmann, M., Jellinghaus, S., Poitz, D. M., Wunderlich, C., Strasser, R. H., Schoen, S., Ibrahim, K. 17 September 2019 (has links)
Background: The current goal of treatment after acute ischemic stroke is the increase of cerebral blood flow (CBF) in ischemic brain tissue. Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) counterpulsation in the setting of cardiogenic shock is able to reduce left ventricular afterload and increase coronary blood flow. The effects of an IABP on CBF have not been sufficiently examined. We hypothesize that the use of an IABP especially enhances cerebral blood flow in patients with pre-existing heart failure. Methods: In this pilot study, 36 subjects were examined to investigate the effect of an IABP on middle cerebral artery (MCA) transcranial Doppler (TCD) flow velocity change and relative CBF augmentation by determining velocity time integral changes (ΔVTI) in a constant caliber of the MCA compared to a baseline measurement without an IABP. Subjects were divided into two groups according to their left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF): Group 1 LVEF >30% and Group 2 LVEF ≤30%. Results: Both groups showed an increase in CBF using an IABP. Patients with a LVEF ≤30% showed a significantly higher increase of ΔVTI in the MCA under IABP augmentation compared to patients with a LVEF >30% (20.9% ± 3.9% Group 2 vs.10.5% ± 2.2% Group 1, p<0,05). The mean arterial pressure (MAP) increased only marginally in both groups under IABP augmentation. Conclusions: IABP improves cerebral blood flow, particularly in patients with pre-existing heart failure and highly impaired LVEF. Hence, an IABP might be a treatment option to improve cerebral perfusion in selected patients with cerebral misperfusion and simultaneously existing severe heart failure.

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