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[pt] Atualmente, a preocupação com segurança vem crescendo dia
após dia.
Vários trabalhos abordando o desenvolvimento de sistemas
de supervisão já
foram realizados. Esta dissertação propõe um método
automático capaz de
determinar o número de pessoas em uma área monitorada por
uma câmera de
vídeo, assim como detectar mudanças na imagem
potencialmente causadas por
atitudes ilícitas. Uma aplicação típica seria a segurança
de galpões durante a
noite, em finais de semana ou em qualquer momento onde o
acesso de pessoas
é permitido, mas o movimento de cargas não. Mais
precisamente, a intenção é
detectar se uma pessoa que está passando pelo ambiente
carrega consigo um
objeto pertencente ao local ou deixa um objeto no local,
quando apenas o
movimento de pessoas é admitido na área. Além disto, o
sistema determina o
número de pessoas na cena. O método consiste na aplicação
de quatro etapas
em seqüências de vídeo: a) separação de fundo / primeiro
plano, b) atualização
dinâmica da estimativa de fundo, c) localização / contagem
de pessoas, e d)
detecção de atitudes suspeitas. Os algoritmos de separação
de fundo / primeiro
plano e de estimativa de fundo toleram variações pequenas
de iluminação e
efeitos de sombra. Já a contagem / localização de pessoas
explora informações
de cor e coerência de movimento. Soluções para atender
estes aspectos são
encontradas na literatura, porém nenhuma delas atende
todos eles juntos. O
método foi avaliado por experimentos realizados através de
um protótipo e
apresentou resultados encorajadores. / [en] There is worldwide an increasing concern about security
issues. A great
deal of efforts have been undertaken in order to provide
surveillance systems.
This work proposes an automatic method to determine the
number of people
moving in an area monitored by a video camera, as well as
to detect image
changes, which are potentially due to illicit attitudes. A
typical application is the
security of warehouses during the night, on weekends or at
any time when
people access is allowed but no load movement is
admissible. Specifically it
focuses on detecting when a person passing by the
environment carries any
object belonging to the background away or leaves any
object in the background,
while only people movement is allowed in the area. Besides
it estimates the
number of people on scene. The method consists of
performing four main tasks
on video sequences: a) background and foreground
separation, b) background
estimative dynamic update, c) people location and
counting, and d) suspicious
attitudes detection. The proposed background and
foreground separation and
background estimative update algorithms deal with
illumination fluctuation and
shade effects. People location and counting explores
colour information and
motion coherence. Solutions meeting these requirements are
proposed in the
literature, but no one deals with all of them together.
The method has been
validated by experiments carried out on a prototype and
produced encouraging results.
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The impact of design complexity on software cost and qualityDuc, Anh Nguyen January 2010 (has links)
Context: Early prediction of software cost and quality is important for better software planning and controlling. In early development phases, design complexity metrics are considered as useful indicators of software testing effort and some quality attributes. Although many studies investigate the relationship between design complexity and cost and quality, it is unclear what we have learned from these studies, because no systematic synthesis exists to date. Aim: The research presented in this thesis is intended to contribute for the body of knowledge about cost and quality prediction. A major part of this thesis presents the systematic review that provides detail discussion about state of the art of research on relationship between software design metric and cost and software quality. Method: This thesis starts with a literature review to identify the important complexity dimensions and potential predictors for predicting external software quality attributes are identified. Second, we aggregated Spearman correlation coefficients and estimated odds ratios from univariate logistic regression models from 59 different data sets from 57 primary studies by a tailored meta-analysis approach. At last, it is an attempt to evaluate and explain for disagreement among selected studies. Result: There are not enough studies for quantitatively summarizing relationship between design complexity and development cost. Fault proneness and maintainability is the main focused characteristics that consume 75% total number of studies. Within fault proneness and maintainability studies, coupling and scale are two complexity dimensions that are most frequently used. Vote counting shows evidence about positive impact of some design metrics on these two quality attributes. Meta analysis shows the aggregated effect size of Line of code (LOC) is stronger than those of WMC, RFC and CBO. The aggregated effect sizes of LCOM, DIT and NOC are at trivial to small level. In subgroup analysis, defect collections phase explains more than 50% of observed variation in five out of seven investigated metrics. Conclusions: Coupling and scale metrics are stronger correlated to fault proneness than cohesion and inheritance metrics. No design metrics are stronger single predictors than LOC. We found that there is a strong disagreement between the individual studies, and that defect collection phase is able to partially explain the differences between studies.
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A Framework for How to Make Use of an Automatic Passenger Counting SystemFihn, John, Finndahl, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Most of the modern cities are today facing tremendous traffic congestions, which is a consequence of an increasing usage of private motor vehicles in the cities. Public transport plays a crucial role to reduce this traffic, but to be an attractive alternative to the use of private motor vehicles the public transport needs to provide services that suit the citizens requirements for travelling. A system that can provide transit agencies with rapid feedback about the usage of their transport network is the Automatic Passenger Counting (APC) system, a system that registers the number of passengers boarding and alighting a vehicle. Knowledge about the passengers travel behaviour can be used by transit agencies to adapt and improve their services to satisfy the requirements, but to achieve this knowledge transit agencies needs to know how to use an APC system. This thesis investigates how a transit agency can make use of an APC system. The research has taken place in Melbourne where Yarra Trams, operator of the tram network, now are putting effort in how to utilise the APC system. A theoretical framework based on theories about Knowledge Discovery from Data, System Development, and Human Computer Interaction, is built, tested, and evaluated in a case study at Yarra Trams. The case study resulted in a software system that can process and model Yarra Tram's APC data. The result of the research is a proposal of a framework consistingof different steps and events that can be used as a guide for a transit agency that wants to make use of an APC system.
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Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta open-source para a classificação e contagem de partículas em óleos industriaisBruno César Caixeta Leme 01 July 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta open-source para a classificação e contagem automática de partículas em óleos industriais. As análises são realizadas através da filtragem do óleo por membranas onde as imagens são obtidas por uma câmera ligada a um microscópio óptico conforme a norma
ISO4407:2002. Para a codificação dos resultados, foi utilizada a norma ISO4406:1999 que descreve o método utilizado para sua nomenclatura. O framework foi elaborado em torno do software ImageJ que possui vasta literatura na área e possibilita a extensão futura da ferramenta para outras áreas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram o potencial da ferramenta para a contagem de partículas de forma rápida e eficaz fornecendo, ao especialista, informações importantes sobre as características do particulado analisado. / This work presents the development of an open-source tool for automatic classification and counting of particles in industrial oils. Analyses are performed by filtering the oil through a membrane where the images are obtained by a camera connected to an optical microscope according to the standard ISO4407: 2002. For
coding the results, the standard ISO4406 was used and describes the method used to its nomenclature. The framework was developed around the software ImageJ which has vast literature in the field and enables the tool for further extension to other areas. The results demonstrate the potential of the tool for quickly and effectively count particles, giving to the specialist important information about the analyzed particulate characteristics.
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Sporttester s rozhraním Bluetooth LE / Sporttester with Bluetooth LEBlažek, Vojtěch January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of a sporttester, which is a device capable of calculating the cadence of the taken steps and monitoring the impact force of foot on the ground while running. Exposure to long-term strong impacts while running can cause serious fatigue fractures of the hip, calf bone or the foot area. The purpose of the sporttester is to monitor and signal strong impacts to the runner, thus helping to prevent fatigue fractures. The aforementioned features are evaluated based on the change in acceleration measured by the accelerometer. The calculated values of step cadence, running speed and impact force are sent via Bluetooth Low Energy to a compatible mobile application.
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Nástroje pro počítání a monitorování osob / People counting and monitor toolsTill, Přemysl January 2021 (has links)
The paper details the usage of mmWave radars to track people and monitor their movement through predefined zones of interest. The theoretical part describes the physical nature of the technology and then describes algorithms which can be used to monitor using it to monitor the movement of people. In the practical part, I have developed a concrete algorithm which can be used to monitor customer queues and cash registers in shops and inform the cashiers when their presence is needed, as well as gather impersonal GDPR-compliant data about the customer's habits. Afterwards, I have developed a visualization for the Windows platform, which can be used to communicate with the radar, manage its configuration, visualize the events in real time and perform further analysis of the measured data.
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Detekce automobilů v obraze / Vehicle detection in imagesPálka, Zbyněk January 2011 (has links)
This thesis dissert on traffic monitoring. There are couple of different methods of background extraction and four methods vehicle detection described here. Furthermore there is one method that describes vehicle counting. All of these methods was realized in Matlab where was created graphical user interface. One whole chapter is dedicated to process of practical realization. All methods are compared by set of testing videos. These videos are resulting in statistics which diagnoses about efficiency of single one method.
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Rainbow Colorings in GraphsKischnick, Sara 05 April 2019 (has links)
In this thesis, we deal with rainbow colorings of graphs. We engage not with the
rainbow connection number but with counting of rainbow colorings in graphs with k
colors. We introduce the rainbow polynomial and prove some results for some special graph classes. Furthermore, we obtain bounds for the rainbow polynomial.
In addition, we define some edge colorings related to the rainbow coloring, like the
s-rainbow coloring and the 2-rainbow coloring. For this edge colorings, polynomials
are defined and we prove some basic properties for this polynomials and present some formulas for the calculation in special graph classes. In addition, we consider in this thesis counting problems related to the rainbow coloring like rainbow pairs and rainbow dependent sets. We introduce polynomials for this counting problems and present some general properties and formulas for special graph classes.
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Optical Detector for MicrofluidicsGómez Jiménez, Carlos, Gómez Jiménez, Jaime January 2022 (has links)
This project arose from the need to filter the sampled data and eliminate non-useful information in Serial Crystallography in Microfluidic Device (MFD)by using a portable optical detector placed around the channel. By testing sixteen different configurations, always using an LED as a source and a photodiode as a light sensor, changes in the channel due to the passage of air bubbles were detected. These changes corresponded to a 13,25% in relation to the changes due to light switching, with a gain factor of 10,11V/V. However, it was not sensitive enough to detect when a microcrystal passed through it, although it can detect bubbles and opens the door to design such sensors for these applications in the future.
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Contrast agent imaging using an optimized table-top x-ray fluorescence and photon-counting computed tomography imaging systemDunning, Chelsea Amanda Saffron 04 November 2020 (has links)
Contrast agents are often crucial in medical imaging for disease diagnosis. Novel
contrast agents, such as gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and lanthanides, are being ex-
plored for a variety of clinical applications. Preclinical testing of these contrast agents
is necessary before being approved for use in humans, which requires the use of small
animal imaging techniques. Small animal imaging demands the detection of these contrast agents in trace amounts at acceptable imaging time and radiation dose. Two
such imaging techniques include x-ray fluorescence computed tomography (XFCT)
and photon-counting CT (PCCT). XFCT combines the principles of CT with x-ray
fluorescence by detecting fluorescent x-rays from contrast agents at various projections to reconstruct contrast agent maps. XFCT can image trace amounts of AuNPs
but is limited to small animal imaging due to fluorescent x-ray attenuation and scatter. PCCT uses photon-counting detectors that separate the CT data into energy
bins. This enables contrast agent detection by recognizing the energy dependence of
x-ray attenuation in different materials, independent of AuNP depth, and can provide
anatomical information that XFCT cannot. To achieve the best of both worlds, we
modeled and built a table-top x-ray imaging system capable of simultaneous XFCT
and PCCT imaging.
We used Monte Carlo simulation software for the following work in XFCT imaging of AuNPs. We simulated XFCT induced by x-ray, electron, and proton beams
scanning a small animal-sized object (phantom) containing AuNPs with Monte Carlo
techniques. XFCT induced by x-rays resulted in the best image quality of AuNPs,
however high-energy electron and medium-energy proton XFCT may be feasible for
on-board x-ray fluorescence techniques during radiation therapy. We then simulated
a scan of a phantom containing AuNPs on a table-top system to optimize the detector
arrangement, size, and data acquisition strategy based on the resulting XFCT image
quality and available detector equipment. To enable faster XFCT data acquisition,
we separately simulated another AuNP phantom and determined the best collimator
geometry for Au fluorescent x-ray detection.
We also performed experiments on our table-top x-ray imaging system in the lab.
Phantoms containing multiples of three lanthanide contrast agents were scanned on
our tabletop x-ray imaging system using a photon-counting detector capable of sustaining high x-ray fluxes that enabled PCCT. We used a novel subtraction algorithm
for reconstructing separate contrast agent maps; all lanthanides were distinct at low
concentrations including gadolinium and holmium that are close in atomic number.
Finally, we performed the first simultaneous XFCT and PCCT scan of a phantom
and mice containing both gadolinium and gold based on the optimized parameters
from our simulations.
This dissertation outlines the development of our tabletop x-ray imaging system
and the optimization of the complex parameters necessary to obtain XFCT and PCCT
images of multiple contrast agents at biologically-relevant concentrations. / Graduate
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