1301 |
Development of Coupled Thermal-Hydraulic-Mechanical-Chemical Models for Predicting Rock Permeability Change / 岩盤の透水性変化を予測する熱・水・応力・化学連成モデルの開発Ogata, Sho 24 September 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第22051号 / 工博第4632号 / 新制||工||1722(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市社会工学専攻 / (主査)教授 岸田 潔, 教授 木村 亮, 教授 小池 克明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering) / Kyoto University / DFAM
1302 |
Silniční most / Road bridgeMezera, David January 2019 (has links)
The content of the thesis is to solve the relocation of railroad and bicycle path. I tis a bridge with five field. 2 studies were designed, one of which was elaborated within the Framework of this thesis. Was selected option no. 1 concrete prefabricated T-beams with coupled concrete slab The static model was created in Scia Engineer 18.1. and reports were processed manually, according to EC. The effects of wind, snow, acceleration and braking forces have been neglected.
1303 |
Numerická simulace porušování keramických pěn při mechanickém zatížení / Numerical simulation of failure of ceramic foams upon mechanical loadingHanák, Jiří January 2019 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with a numerical simulation of failure of ceramic foams with open-cell structure and with understanding of conditions required for the failure of the structure under various mechanical loading conditions. To this purpose, the so-called stress-energy coupled criterion was utilized. The motivation for this thesis was to create a model able of the most accurate prediction of the ceramic foam strength in comparison with experimental observations. First part of the thesis is focused on the theoretical background required for solving the problem. More specifically there are mentioned methods of the foam material modelling, Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanic (LEFM) and coupled stress-energy criterion used for definition of the crack initiation. In the second part of the thesis, numerical Finite Element Analyses (FEA) whose main purpose was to determine critical conditions necessary for the initiation of strut failure within the foam structure, were performed. These pieces of knowledge were then used for creation of the numerical simulation algorithm of the mechanical test of foam material with regular cell pattern. Outputs of numerical simulations were at the end of this work compared with experimental results (of the compression test) made on the real Al_2 O_3 foams prepared by 3D printing technology and provided by the Institute of Physics of Materials Czech Academy of Science. It can be concluded that a good agreement between results of both approaches was reached and the prediction of the ceramic foam mechanical strength using the developed model is in the meanwhile the most accurate estimation from recently published approaches.
1304 |
Depozice bioaktivních keramických vrstev pomocí technologie RF-ICP / RF-ICP deposition of bioactive hydroxylapatite coatingsDukovský, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou plazmového nanášení bioaktivních keramických povlaků hydroxylapatitu s využitím technologie radio-frekvenčně buzeného indukčně vázaného plazmatu. Cílem bylo optimalizovat proces a nanést kompaktní hydroxylapatitové povlaky na substráty z titanové slitiny Ti6Al4V. Nanesené vzorky byly následně podrobeny analýzám povrchové drsnosti, mikrostruktury a fázového složení. Ze získaných výsledků byly vyvozeny závěry, které byly srovnány s dalšími odbornými pracemi zabývajícími se příbuznou problematikou.
1305 |
Stanovení toxických a esenciálních prvků v rostlinných materiálech / Determination of toxic and essential elements in plantsFilipčíková, Marcela January 2009 (has links)
The aim of diploma thesis is occurrence of toxic and essential elements in vegetables and fruit, especially in fruity baby food. The diploma thesis also dedicates processing of vegetables and fruit for production of baby food. Attention is direct to monitoring of baby food quality in the analytical aspects and also to legislative that is in this area. Samples for analysis are prepared using microwave mineralization and ICP-MS for detection. This is described in the experimental part of the diploma thesis.
1306 |
Stanovení kovů ve vinné révě pěstované různými způsoby / Determination of selected metals in grapes cultivated by different techniquesKubicová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this study is to determine the content of selected metals (As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Sn, Sr, Pb, V, Zn) in samples of leaves and grapes produced by ecologic agriculture and compare to results with leaves and grapes produced by integrated agriculture. The measured results used to assess the impact of agricultural technology on the quality of vines and grapes. The amount of elements was analysed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry after previous digestion of sapmles using microwaves. Concentrations of elements in leaves and grapes from organic and integrated farming did not differ significantly only in the case of copper concentrations were measured higher concentrations in samples from organic farming. This difference is probably caused by different doses of authorized protective equipment based on copper in the organic and integrated farming.
1307 |
Model komory reaktoru pro mikrovlnný ohřev / Model of the reactor chamber for microwave heatingKříž, Tomáš January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the concept of a high-frequency chamber which serves for desiccation of emulsion consisted of oil and water where the contents of water is over 30% of the emulsion capacity. The high-frequency chamber works on frequency 2,45 GHz. The task was to design a numerical model in which a high-frequency thermic conjugated problem is solved. The design of a high-frequency chamber is made up considering the heat distribution in inhomogeneous environment as well as chemical and physical changes. The proportions of the high-frequency chamber can guarantee the biggest output transmitted from the source to the chamber with the emulsion desiccated and uniform layout of electromagnetic field. These criteria are necessary for smooth heating of the emulsion desiccated. In this diploma thesis, there were several numerical models with various proportions made up. Finally, the one with the shortest time of heating the emulsion in reference to emulsion capacity was chosen.
1308 |
Alternativní návrh železničního mostu v km 19,459 tratě Děčín - Oldřichov přes dálnici D8 / Alternative design of structure of railway bridge in km 19,459 railway track Děčín – Oldřichov over the highway D8Bilík, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis contents alternative design of three spans single-railed steel bridge and its main bearing structures. The bridge is located in km 19,459 on the track Děčín - Oldřichov. Crossing barrier is highway D8. The span is 28,38 m + 41,28 m + 28,38 m. The main bearing structure consists of solid steel beams with variable height of 2,3 m ~ 3,8 m, which are in the axial distance of 6 meters and reinforced with lengthwise and transverse stiffeners. The lower bridge deck with a continuous ballast bed consists of reinforced concrete bath, which is coupled with steel cross beams. All elements of the structure are made out of steel S 355. For design of the following standards have been used: ČSN EN 1991-2, ČSN EN 1993, ČSN EN 1994 – 2.
1309 |
Most přes řeku Svratku / Bridge over the Svratka riverHyrš, Martin January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with design pre-stressed road bridge over the river Svratka. There are designed 3 studies, from which variation of bridge from pre-stressed girders and coupled plate. Thesis solves construction process and static calculation includes time analysis. It is elaborated a detailed structural analysis and bridge is considered a proposal to limit states for temporary and permanent design situations according to European standards - Eurocodes. It is developed drawings and visualization of the bridge.
1310 |
Vázané modelování asynchronního motoru metodou fyzikálního modelování / Constrained modeling of induction motor using physical modelingToman, Marek January 2015 (has links)
This paper deals with interaction of different physical phenomena in asynchronous motor. The first part of this work is devoted to computing of electrical ratios in asynchronous motor. By using the equivalent circuit in the shape of Gamma-circuit the equation for computing of currents, performances and losses of asynchronous motor are derived. The second part describes calculating of electromagnetic circuit and iron-core losses. In the next part there is the first part of associated model created which respects electric and electromagnetic ratios in the asynchronous motor. This model can be used for example to pursuance of variation of flux density caused by resizing load. In this model the unconventional way of computing the magnetizating inductance and resistance coresponding to iron-core losses is used. The next part deals with calculation of machine warming using the thermal network. In the last part there is a complete coupled model assembed which respects the interaction of electrical, electromagnetical and thermal ratios of induction machine.
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