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Avaliação do uso da cela de reação dinâmica em espectrometria de massas com plasma acoplado indutivamente (DRC-ICP-MS) para determinação de elementos químicos em sangue / Evaluation of the use of dynamic reaction cell inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (DRC-ICP-MS) for determination of elements in whole bloodBruno Lemos Batista 30 April 2009 (has links)
A espectrometria de massas com plasma acoplado indutivamente com simples quadrupolo (q-ICP-MS) e cela de reação dinâmica (DRC-ICP-MS) foi avaliada para determinação seqüencial de Al, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Mn, Mo, Pb, Pt, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, Tl, V e Zn em sangue. Para as análises, amostras de sangue (200 µL) foram diluídas 1:50 em uma solução contendo 0,01% v/v Triton® X-100 e 0,5% v/v de ácido nítrico. As calibrações foram realizadas com ajuste de matriz, utilizando sangue ovino. Como gás de reação utilizou-se a NH3. O uso do DRC foi fundamental para a determinação de Cr e V. A escolha da melhor vazão do gás e a otimização do parâmetro de rejeição (RPq) foram estudadas utilizando sangue base ovino ou uma solução de matriz sintética (SMS), de acordo com a concentração do analito no sangue base. Os limites de detecção (3s/coeficiente angular) para determinação de 27Al, 75As, 111Cd, 59Co, 63Cu, 55Mn, 98Mo, 208Pb, 195Pt, 123Sb, 82Se, 120Sn, 130Te, 205Tl e 66Zn em sangue por q-ICP-MS foram 0,223; 0,014; 0,003; 0,011; 0,304; 0,009; 0,009; 0,003; 0,001; 0,005; 0,264; 0,006; 0,010; 0,001; 0,834 µg L-1, respectivamente, e para determinação de 52Cr e 51V em sangue por DRC-ICP-MS utilizando o gás de reação amônia os limites de detecção foram de 0,007 e 0,006 µg L-1. Para a determinação de 27Al, 63Cu, 65Cu, 64Zn e 66Zn em sangue por q-ICP-MS através da calibração com ajuste de matriz com SMS os limites de detecção foram 0,083; 0,090; 0,055; 0,281; 0,306 µg L-1, respectivamente. A validação do método foi realizada por meio da análise de materiais de referência do INSP-Canadá, NYSDOH-EUA e Seronorm-Noruega. / The use of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry with quadrupole (q-ICP-MS) and dynamic reaction cell (DRC-ICP-MS) was evaluated for sequential determination of Al, As, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Mn, Mo, Pb, Pt, Sb, Se, Sn, Te, Tl, V and Zn in whole blood by q-ICP-MS or DRC-ICP-MS methods. Prior to analysis, sample (200 µL) were diluted 1:50 v/v in a solution containing 0.01% v/v Triton® X-100 and 0.5% v/v nitric acid. For all elements, except Cr and V, the instrument was operated in q-ICP-MS mode. The use of DRC was only mandatory for Cr and V. NH3 was evaluated as the reaction gas. Selection of best flow rate of reaction gas and optimization of the quadrupole dynamic bandpass rejection parameter (RPq) were carried out, using base whole blood or synthetic matrix solution (SMS), in according with element base blood concentration. Method detection limits (3s/slope) for 27Al, 75As, 111Cd, 59Co, 63Cu, 55Mn, 98Mo, 208Pb, 195Pt, 123Sb, 82Se, 120Sn, 130Te, 205Tl and 66Zn determination in whole blood by q-ICP-MS against matrix matching calibration (base blood) were 0.223; 0.014; 0.003; 0.011; 0.304; 0.009; 0.009; 0.003; 0.001; 0.005; 0.264; 0.006; 0.010; 0.001; 0.834 µg L-1, respectively, and for 52Cr and 51V determination in whole blood by DRC-ICP-MS the detection limits were 0.007 e 0.006 µg L-1. For 27Al, 63Cu, 65Cu, 64Zn and 66Zn determination by q-ICP-MS through matrix matching calibration with SMS the detection limits were 0.083; 0.090; 0.055; 0.281; 0.306 µg L-1, respectively. Method validation was accomplished by the analysis of reference materials from INSP-Canada, NYSDOH-USA, Seronorm-Norway.
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Previous issue date: 2009-02-27 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / in chains of coupled guides. These chains can serve of model for the propagation of solitons optics in directional couplers or micro-structuralized optics fibers. Systems of linearly coupled non linear Schrödinger equations had been used as theoretical model for these chains. The used numerical methods had been the split- step Fourier method and the orthogonal collocation method. The process of transference of energy between guides was characterized by the transmittance in function of the coupling factor, length of the guide and the power of entrance. In the mapping of the transmittance the diverse regions of parameters with its different behaviors had been identified. The threshold of power and the length of coupling had been gotten. The conclusions on the chains had been made on the basis of the analysis of the results in function of the total number of guides, the number of intermediate and peripheral guides and of the arrangement of couplings. For coupling arrangement the changes in the transmittances had the same been significant when the total number of guides varies, therefore it diminished the coupling length and the power threshold increased with the number of guides. Chains with same total number of guides, but with arrangements of distinct couplings had presented transmittances with clear differences in the chains of the type opened in relation to too many. The increase of the number of couplings between the guides led to an increase of the value of the power threshold, while the values of coupling length had not presented significant variations. / ópticos em cadeias de guias acoplados. Essas cadeias podem servir de modelo para a propagação de solitons ópticos em acopladores direcionais ou fibras ópticas micro-estruturadas. Sistemas de equações não lineares de Schrödinger acopladas linearmente foram utilizados como modelo teórico para essas cadeias. Os métodos numéricos utilizados foram o método de Fourier com passo dividido e o método da colocação ortogonal. O processo de transferência de energia entre guias foi caracterizado pela transmitância em função do fator de acoplamento, comprimento do guia e da potência de entrada. No mapeamento da transmitância foram identificadas as diversas regiões de parâmetros com seus diferentes comportamentos. O limiar de potência e o comprimento de acoplamento foram obtidos. As conclusões sobre as cadeias foram feitas com base na análise dos resultados em função do número total de guias, do número de guias intermediários e periféricos e do arranjo de acoplamentos. Para o mesmo arranjo de acoplamento as mudanças nas transmitâncias foram significativas quando o número total de guias varia, pois diminuiu o comprimento de acoplamento e o limiar de potência aumentou com o número de guias. Cadeias com mesmo número total de guias, mas com arranjos de acoplamentos distintos apresentaram transmitâncias com nítidas diferenças nas cadeias do tipo aberta em relação às demais. O aumento do número de acoplamentos entre os guias levou a um aumento do valor do limiar de potência, enquanto os valores de comprimento de acoplamento não apresentaram variações significativas.
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Climatologia de bloqueios atmosféricos no hemisfério Sul: observações, simulações do clima do século XX e cenários futuros de mudanças climáticas / A Climatology of Southern Hemisphere Blockings: Observations, Simulations of the 20th Century and Future Climate Change Scenarios.Flavio Natal Mendes de Oliveira 26 August 2011 (has links)
Este estudo discute uma climatologia de 59 anos (1949-2007) de bloqueios no Hemisfério Sul (SH) usando dados de altura geopotencial em 500-hPa das reanálises do National Center for Environmental Prediction / National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR). A variabilidade espaço-temporal dos eventos de bloqueio e associações com o El Niño/Oscilação do Sul (ENOS) também foram examinadas. Adicionalmente, os bloqueios foram investigados em dois Modelos de Circulação Geral Acoplados Atmosfera-Oceano de clima (MCGAO) do Intergovernamental Painel for Climate Change (IPCC), o ECHAM5/MPI-OM e o MIROC 3.2. Dois cenários simulados foram analisados: O clima do século XX e o cenário de emissão A1B. Os episódios do ENOS foram identificados usando dois métodos. O primeiro foi o Índice Oceânico Mensal do Niño (ONI) do Climate Prediction Center (CPC-NCEP). O segundo método foi baseado em Funções Empíricas Ortogonais (EOF) e foi aplicado nos MCGAOs. Similarmente, também foi examinado a influencia combinada do ENOS e a Oscilação Antártica (AAO) na ocorrência e características dos bloqueios. O índice diário da AAO foi obtido pelo CPC-NCEP. Os índices convencionais de bloqueios detectam principalmente variações longitudinais. Este trabalho propõe um índice de bloqueio que detecta, além de variações longitudinais também as variações latitudinais dos bloqueios. Cinco setores relevantes de bloqueios foram examinados em detalhes: Indico Sudoeste (SB1), Pacífico Sudoeste (SB2), Pacífico Central (SB3), Pacífico Sudeste (SB4) e Atlântico Sudoeste (SB5). Além disso, foram investigados duas grandes regiões do Pacífico Sul: Pacífico Oeste e Pacífico Leste. Foi encontrado que a escala média típica dos eventos de bloqueio varia entre 1,5 e 2,5 dias. Além disso, a duração dos eventos depende da latitude, com eventos de maior duração observados em latitudes mais altas. Diferenças longitudinais estatisticamente significativas na freqüência do escoamento bloqueado foram observadas entre as fases Quente e Neutra do ENOS desde o outono a primavera. Episódios intensos da fase Quente do ENOS (isto é, moderados a fortes) tendem a modificar o local preferencial de bloqueio, mas não a freqüência. Por outro lado, os episódios fracos da fase Quente do ENOS estiveram associados relativamente com alta freqüência. Os Eventos de bloqueio durante o ENOS+ duram, em média, mais um dia relativamente aos episódios Neutros. Em contraste, a fase Fria do ENOS (ENOS-) caracterizou-se pela redução dos eventos de bloqueio sobre o setor do Pacífico Central, exceto durante os meses do verão austral. Entretanto, nenhuma diferença estatisticamente significativa foi detectada na duração dos eventos. Composições de anomalias de vento em 200-hPa indicam que o enfraquecimento (fortalecimento) do jato polar em torno de 60ºS durante a AAO negativa (positiva) em ambas as fases do ENOS tem uma importância significativa no aumento (redução) dos eventos de bloqueio. Um significativo aumento estatístico dos eventos sobre o setor do Pacífico Sudeste foi observado durante a AAO negativa em ambas as fases do ENOS. Ainda, um aumento (redução) dos eventos foi observado sobre a região do Pacífico Oeste na fase negativa (positiva) da AAO durante o ENOS-. Em contraste, durante o ENOS+ não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas na distribuição longitudinal dos eventos separado de acordo com as fases opostas da AAO, embora haja um aumento (redução) dos eventos da região do Pacífico Oeste para o Pacífico Leste durante a fase negativa (positiva) da AAO. Os MCGAOs simularam corretamente a amplitude do ciclo anual observado. Também, ambos os MCGAOs simularam melhor a duração e o local preferencial do que freqüência. Nenhum MCGAO simulou adequadamente a freqüência durante a fase Neutra do ENOS. O ECHAM5/MPI-OM (rodada 2) mostra um erro sistemático que levam a uma superestimativa na freqüência de eventos sobre o Pacífico Leste durante as fases Neutra e Fria do ENOS. As diferenças entre as duas versões do MIROC 3.2 indicam que a alta resolução nos modelos melhora o desempenho em simular a freqüência de bloqueios. / This study discusses 59-yr climatology (1949-2007) of Southern Hemisphere (SH) blockings using daily 500-hPa geopotential height data from National Center for Environmental Prediction / National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR reanalysis. The spatiotemporal variability of blocking events and associations with El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) are examined. Additionally, blockings were examined in two Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) Coupled General Circulation Models (CGCM), ECHAM5/MPI-OM and MIROC 3.2. Two sets of simulations were examined: the climate of the 20th century and the A1B emission scenario. ENSO episodes were identified using two methods. The first method was the Monthly Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) from the Climate Prediction Center (CPC-NCEP). The second method was based on Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) and was applied to identify ENSO episodes in the CGCMs. Similarly, the combined influence of ENSO and the Antarctic Oscillation (AAO) on the occurrence and characteristics of blockings was also examined. The daily AAO index was obtained from CPC/NCEP. Most conventional blocking indices detect longitudinal variations of blockings. In this study we propose a new blocking index that detects longitudinal and latitudinal variations of blockings. The following relevant sectors of blocking occurrence were identified and examined in detail: Southeast Indian (SB1), Southwest Pacific (SB2), Central Pacific (SB3), Southeast Pacific (SB4) and Southwest Atlantic (SB5) oceans. In addition, we investigated two large regions of South Pacific: West Pacific and East Pacific. We found that the typical timescale of a blocking event is about ~1.5 2.5 days. Nonetheless, the duration of events depends on the latitude, with larger durations observed at higher latitudes. Statistically significant differences in the longitude of blockings are observed between Warm (ENSO+) and Neutral ENSO phases from the Austral fall to spring. Moderate to strong Warm ENSO episodes modulate the preferred locations of blockings but do not play a significant role for variations in their frequency. On the other hand, weak ENOS+ episodes were associated with relatively high frequency of blockings. Blocking events during ENSO+ last on average one more day compared to events that occur during Neutral episodes. In contrast, Cold (ENOS-) ENSO episodes are characterized by a decrease of blockings over the Central Pacific sector, except during the Austral summer months. However, no statistically significant differences are detected in the duration. Composites of 200-hPa zonal wind anomalies indicate that the weakening (strengthening) of the polar jet around 60oS during negative (positive) AAO phases in both ENSO phases plays a major role for the relative increase (decrease) of blocking events. A statistically significant increase of events over Southeast Pacific is observed during negative AAO phases in both ENSO phases. Moreover, an increase (decrease) of events is observed over West Pacific region when negative (positive) AAO phases occur during ENSO-. In contrast, during ENSO+ there is no statistically significant difference in the longitudinal distribution of events separated according to opposite AAO phases, although there is an increase (decrease) in the events from West Pacific region to East Pacific during negative (positive) AAO phase. The CGCMs investigated in this study correctly simulated the amplitude of observed annual cycle of geopotential height in the extratropics. Also, both CGCMs show a better performance in simulating the duration and preferred locations of blockings than their frequency. None of these CGCMs simulated well the frequency during Neutral ENSO phase. The ECHAM5/MPI-OM (run2) shows systematic biases in some regions. For instance, this model overestimates the frequency of blockings over East Pacific region during Cold and Neutral ENSO phases. The differences between the two versions of MIROC 3.2 indicate that the increase in resolution improves the performance of the model in simulating the frequency of blockings.
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Medidas das distribuições das barreiras de fusão para os sistemas 16,18O + 58,60Ni / Measurements of the fusion barrier distributions for the systems 16,18 O+56,58 NiRone Flávio Simões 06 November 2002 (has links)
Funções de excitação para o espalhamento quase-elástico foram medidas com alta precisão e em passos de energia de 500 keV para os sistemas 16,18O + 56,60Ni. Dessas funções de excitação foram extraídas as distribuições de barreiras de fusão. Cálculos de canais acolplados foram realizados com o objetivo de evidenciar os canais responsáveis pelas estruturas observadas nas distribuições. Foram usados dois códigos computacionais, o CCFULL e o FRESCO, e os resultados foram similares. Comparamos Dfus com Dqe fornecidas pelo programa FRESCO para todos os sistemas e verificamos que são praticamente idênticas, confirmando que a aproximação Dfus = Dqe deve ser válida para esta região de massa. O que podemos concluir com o CCFULL é que o stripping de alfa para o sistema 16O + 58Ni é o canal de transferência mais importante em energias acima da barreira. Embora o cálculo com o FRESCO tenha mostrado que a importância desse canal é pequena. Para o sistema 16O + 60Ni, o canal de acoplamento mais forte é o pickup de alfa. Para os dois outros sistemas, 18O + 58,60Ni, foi verificado que o canal de transferência stripping de um nêutron tem forte influência sobre a forma das distribuições da barreira. Além dos canais de transferência, em todos os sistemas verificamos que a excitação do alvo é um canal de reação importante nos acoplamentos que originam as distribuições de barreiras obtidas experimentalmente. / Excitation functions for quasi-elastic scattering were measured with high precision with energy steps of 500 keV for the 16,18O + 56,60Ni systems. Fusion barrier distributions were extracted from the excitation functions. Coupled channel calculations were used in order to determine which channels are responsible for the structures observed in the experimental distributions. Two computation codes were used: CCFULL and FRESCO. Their results are similar. We compared Dfus with Dqe obtained with FRESCO and we have concluded that they are practically identical for all systems. This is a confirmation that the approximation Dfus = Dqe is reasonable in this mass region. The first conclusion with CCFULL code is that alpha stripping for the 16O + 58Ni system is the channel transfer most important at above barrier energies. However, the calculation with FRESCO showed that it has only minor importance. For the 16O + 60Ni system, the more expressive transfer channel is alpha pick-up. In the two other systems, 18O + 58,60Ni, we observed that one-neutron stripping has Strong influence on the barrier distributions. Beside the transfer channels, the target inelastic excitation is a very important reaction channel in all systems.
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Planejamento dinâmico da expansão de sistemas de transmissão de energia elétricaPoubel, Raphael Paulo Braga 04 July 2016 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2016-07-04 / O presente trabalho propõe um modelo não linear inteiro misto para o planejamento dinâmico da expansão da transmissão. Para a representação do modelo, se fez uso do fluxo de carga CC. As equações básicas do fluxo CC foram modificadas e expandidas de forma a incluir as variáveis de decisão e o acoplamento temporal entre os investimentos. Para a solução do modelo, de forma a mitigar as dificuldades inerentes à programação inteira, foram propostas técnicas de solução passo a passo. Em cada uma das técnicas as variáveis inteiras foram substituídas por uma função contínua de forma a se obter tempos computacionaisviáveis. Adiscretizaçãodasvariáveisinteirassedácomoauxíliodeíndices de sensibilidade apropriados, calculados a partir do modelo acoplado. O trabalho também investiga metodologias para o planejamento dinâmico de linhas de transmissão, buscando um equilíbrio entre a economia e a confiabilidade no processo de decisão dos investimentos. O critério determinístico N-1 foi escolhido para garantir maior confiabilidade ao sistema. / This work proposes a non-linear mixed integer model for dynamic transmission lines expansion planning. The DC load flow was used to represent the model. The basic equationsoftheDCloadflowweremodifiedandexpandedtoincludethedecisionvariables and the temporal coupling between investments. For the model solution, in order to mitigate the difficulties inherent of integer programming, step-by-step processes were proposed. In each of the techniques the integer variables have been replaced with a continuous function to obtain viable computational time. The discretization of the integer variables is made with the aid of appropriate sensitivity indexes, calculated from the coupled model. The work also suggests methods for dynamic transmission planning, seeking a balance between the economy and reliability in the investment decision process. The N-1 deterministic criteria was chosen to ensure system reliability.
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Modeling and simulation in nonlinear stochastic dynamic of coupled systems and impact / Modélisation et simulation en dynamique stochastique non linéaire de systèmes couplés et phénomènes d’impactDe Queiroz Lima, Roberta 13 May 2015 (has links)
Dans cette Thèse, la conception robuste avec un modèle incertain d'un système électromécanique avec vibro-impact est fait. Le système électromécanique est constitué d'un chariot, dont le mouvement est excité par un moteur à courant continu et un marteau embarqué dans ce chariot. Le marteau est relié au chariot par un ressort non linéaire et par un amortisseur linéaire, de façon qu'un mouvement relatif existe entre eux. Une barrière flexible linéaire, placé à l'extérieur du chariot limite les mouvements de marteau. En raison du mouvement relatif entre le marteau et la barrière, impacts peuvent se produire entre ces deux éléments. Le modèle du système développé prend en compte l'influence du courant continu moteur dans le comportement dynamique du système. Certains paramètres du système sont incertains, tels comme les coefficients de rigidité et d'amortissement de la barrière flexible. L'objectif de la Thèse est de réaliser une optimisation de ce système électromécanique par rapport aux paramètres de conception afin de maximiser l'impact puissance sous la contrainte que la puissance électrique consommée par le moteur à courant continu est inférieure à une valeur maximale. Pour choisir les paramètres de conception dans le problème d'optimisation, une analyse de sensibilité a été réalisée afin de définir les paramètres du système les plus sensibles. L'optimisation est formulée dans le cadre de la conception robuste en raison de la présence d'incertitudes dans le modèle. Les lois de probabilités liées aux variables aléatoires du problème sont construites en utilisant le Principe du Maximum l'Entropie et les statistiques de la réponse stochastique du système sont calculées en utilisant la méthode de Monte Carlo. L'ensemble d'équations non linéaires sont présentés, et un solveur temporel adapté est développé. Le problème d'optimisation non linéaire stochastique est résolu pour différents niveaux d'incertitudes, et aussi pour le cas déterministe. Les résultats sont différents, ce qui montre l'importance de la modélisation stochastique / In this Thesis, the robust design with an uncertain model of a vibro-impact electromechanical system is done. The electromechanical system is composed of a cart, whose motion is excited by a DC motor (motor with continuous current), and an embarked hammer into this cart. The hammer is connected to the cart by a nonlinear spring component and by a linear damper, so that a relative motion exists between them. A linear flexible barrier, placed outside of the cart, constrains the hammer movements. Due to the relative movement between the hammer and the barrier, impacts can occur between these two elements. The developed model of the system takes into account the influence of the DC motor in the dynamic behavior of the system. Some system parameters are uncertain, such as the stiffness and the damping coefficients of the flexible barrier. The objective of the Thesis is to perform an optimization of this electromechanical system with respect to design parameters in order to maximize the impact power under the constraint that the electric power consumed by the DC motor is lower than a maximum value. To chose the design parameters in the optimization problem, an sensitivity analysis was performed in order to define the most sensitive system parameters. The optimization is formulated in the framework of robust design due to the presence of uncertainties in the model. The probability distributions of random variables are constructed using the Maximum Entropy Principle and statistics of the stochastic response of the system are computed using the Monte Carlo method. The set of nonlinear equations are presented, and an adapted time domain solver is developed. The stochastic nonlinear constrained design optimization problem is solved for different levels of uncertainties, and also for the deterministic case. The results are different and this show the importance of the stochastic modeling
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Two Dimensional PIC/MCC Simulations of RF CCPs with a Dielectric Side Wall / Simulations bidimensionnelles PIC/MCC de CCP RF avec un mur latéral diélectriqueLiu, Yue 20 November 2017 (has links)
Un code de simulation de plasma à deux dimensions électrostatique à coordonnées cartésiennes Particle-in-cell/ Monte Carlo Collision (PIC/MCC) est présenté, incluant un nouveau traitement de l'équilibre des charges aux limites diélectriques. Il est utilisé pour simuler un plasma dans le gaz Ar dans un réacteur à plaques parallèles à couplage capacitif à radiofréquence a géométrie symétrique avec une paroi latérale diélectrique épaisse. La paroi latérale diélectrique protège efficacement le plasma du champ électrique augmenté au niveau de la jonction entre l'électrode alimentée et l'électrode à la masse, dont on a montré précédemment qu'elle produisait une augmentation localise de la densité de plasma. Néanmoins, un réchauffement accru des électrons est observé dans une région adjacente à la limite diélectrique, conduisant à des maxima de le taux d'ionisation, de la densité du plasma et du flux ionique vers les électrodes dans cette région. Les différents composants du chauffage électronique sont dérivés des simulations PIC/MCC et montrent que cette augmentation du chauffage électronique provient d'un chauffage ohmique accru dans la direction axiale lorsque la densité électronique diminue vers la paroi latérale. Nous avons étudié la validité de différentes formules analytiques pour estimer le chauffage ohmique en les comparant aux résultats PIC. Le chauffage des électrons à composantes x a proximité des coins a été observé aux fréquences d'excitation plus élevées, provenant d'un champ RF oscillant important dans la direction x. / A Cartesian-coordinate two-dimensional electrostatic Particle-in-cell/Monte-Carlo Collision (PIC/MCC) plasma simulation code is presented, including a new treatment of charge balance at dielectric boundaries. It is used to simulate an Ar plasma in a symmetric radiofrequency capacitively-coupled parallel-plate reactor with a thick dielectric side-wall. The dielectric side-wall effectively shields the plasma from the enhanced electric field at the powered-grounded electrode junction, which has previously been shown to produce locally enhanced plasma density. Nevertheless, enhanced electron heating is observed in a region adjacent to the dielectric boundary, leading to maxima in ionization rate, plasma density and ion flux to the electrodes in this region. The electron heating components are derived from the PIC/MCC simulations and show that this enhanced electron heating results from increased Ohmic heating in the axial direction as the electron density decreases towards the side-wall. We investigated the validity of different analytical formulas to estimate the Ohmic heating by comparing them to the PIC results. The x component electron heating near the corners was observed at higher driving frequency, which is caused by a significant RF oscillating field in the x direction.
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Modélisation de la propagation d'ondes guidées, générées et détectées par transducteurs ultrasonores à couplage air : Application au CND de structures aéronautiques composites. / Modelling of the propagation of guided waves generated and detected by air-coupled ultrasonic transducers. : Application to NDT of composite aircraft structuresMasmoudi, Mohamed 15 February 2012 (has links)
Le contrôle non destructif par ondes guidées générées et détectées par des transducteurs ultrasonores à couplage par air, présente deux avantages majeurs. Le premier réside dans la capacité des ondes guidées à transporter l’information sur la qualité du milieu sur une grande distance. De plus, l’absence d’un milieu de couplage liquide entre les capteurs et le milieu à tester, rend le contrôle plus commode. Ce travail consiste d’abord à développer un procédé de simulation numérique qui prend en considération de nombreux paramètres du système de contrôle. Dans une optique de réduire le nombre de degrés de liberté, un modèle hybride a été développé qui consiste en une combinaison entre un modèle analytique basé sur l’intégrale de Kirchhoff pour la propagation des ultrasons dans l’air et un modèle éléments finis de la propagation des ondes guidées dans le matériau. La mesure des caractéristiques du transducteur à couplage par air (efficacité de l’émetteur et sensibilité du récepteur) permet, d’une part, de calculer la valeur exacte de la pression dans l’air et les valeurs exactes des champs de contraintes et de déplacements dans la structure, pour une tension et une fréquence d’excitation, et d’autre part, de remonter à la tension électrique aux bornes de ce récepteur pour une pression rayonnée par le matériau. Par suite, cette caractérisation rend possible la comparaison entre les prédictions numériques de la réponse (en niveau de tension) du système et les mesures expérimentales correspondantes. A la lumière du modèle numérique développé, une optimisation des paramètres du système de contrôle (angle, fréquence,diamètre, direction de propagation, champ proche et champ lointain) a été effectuée pour améliorer la pureté des modes guidés par le matériau. Une manipulation expérimentale, basée sur un transducteur à couplage par air pour l’émission et une sonde laser pour la réception, a été alors mise en place pour valider quelques prédictions numériques. Ensuite, on a étudié l’interaction des ondes guidées ultrasonores avec des défauts de type délaminage enfouis dans une plaque composite à symétrie quadratique. Pour cela, on a analysé la sensibilité des deux modes fondamentaux A0 et S0 au délaminage en terme de détectabilité. En parallèle, on a traité un problème inverse qui consiste à dimensionner un délaminage par le calcul du spectre fréquentiel du coefficient de réflexion. Enfin, on a mis en évidence le potentiel des transducteurs à couplage par air à ausculter des pièces aéronautiques impactées. / Non-destructive testing (NDT) using guided waves generated and detected by air-coupled ultrasonic transducers have two main advantages. First, this non-contact technique without coupled medium allows obvious convenience of use. Moreover, the ability of guided waves to carry information about medium quality over long distance. In this context, a numerical model has been developed, which takes into account many parameters of the control system. In order to reduce the number of degrees of freedom, a hybrid model has been developed which consists of a combination between an analytical model, based on the Kirchhoff integral for the propagation of ultrasound in air and a finite element model for the propagation of guided waves in the material. The measured characteristics (efficiency and sensitivity) of two air-coupled transducers allow the prediction of the accurate values of the pressure of bulk waves generated in air and the measurement of the pressure of the radiated field in air by guided waves propagating in a structure. This process enables the comparison between predicted and measured guided waves modes. Based on the hybrid model, an optimization of the parameters of the control system (angle, frequency, diameter, direction of propagation, near and far field) was performed to improve the purity of guided modes along the material plate. To validate some numerical predictions, an aircoupled ultrasonic transducer is used and oriented at a specific angle chosen for generating one specific Lambmode guided along a composite plate sample, and a laser probe measures the normal velocity at different locations on the surface of the plate. Then, the interaction of ultrasonic guided waves with delamination in acomposite plate was studied. In particular, the sensitivity of the two fundamental modes A0 and S0 was analyzed in order to predict the detectability of the defect. In parallel, the inverse problem is solved and the defect size is quantified by calculating the spectrum of the reflection coefficient. Finally, the potential of air-coupled transducers to examine an aircraft structure, has been demonstrated.
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Diagenèse et reconstruction de variables environnementales à partir de la géochimie du corail Porites sp. (Nouvelle-Calédonie, Pacifique Sud-Ouest ) / Diagenesis and the reconstruction of environmental variables from the chemical content of Porites sp. corals (New Caledonia, South West Pacific)Lelabousse, Clement 16 October 2012 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans une démarche visant à quantifier l'impact de la diagenèse sur les ratios élémentaires Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca et U/Ca caractéristiques de l'exosquelette (aragonite biogénique) de coraux Porites sp. Ces ratios élémentaires sont très utilisés comme paléo thermomètres en paléo climatologie tropicale pour reconstruire les paléo variables environnementales comme la température de surface de l'océan. On considère dans un premier temps un corail moderne prélevé in vivo et un corail fossile daté au 14C de l'Holocène Moyen (5445 ans BP). Les deux coraux ne présentent aucune trace d'altération diagénétique. On mesure Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca, U/Ca dans l'exosquelette par spectrométrie de masse couplée à un plasma inductif et à la microsonde de Castaing pour Sr/Ca. Les températures de l'océan du temps du vivant des coraux sont alors reconstruites à partir de la géochimie des échantillons et validées. L'approche est ensuite étendue à des coraux pléistocènes (~125000 ans BP) altérés par la diagénèse e.g., apparition de calcite au détriment de l'aragonite initiale sous l'action de l'eau douce percolant dans les récifs. Cette calcitisation affecte les ratios Sr/Ca et Mg/Ca originels et est susceptible d'entacher les reconstructions d'un biais qu'il est important de bien connaître. En s'appuyant sur la spectrométrie Raman et la microanalyse X, on confirme les tendances qualitatives rapportées dans la littérature sur l'impact de la calcite sur les proxies du climat : la présence de calcite diminue (resp. rehausse) le ratio Sr/Ca (resp. Mg/Ca) créant donc des artéfacts chauds dans les températures reconstruites. / This work is part of an approach aimed at quantifying the impact of diagenesis upon the Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca and U/Ca elemental ratios that typify the exoskeleton (biogenic aragonite) of Porites sp corals. These elemental ratios are indeed routinely used as paleothermometers in tropical paleoclimatology in order to reconstruct environmental paleovariables such as the Sea Surface Temperature (SST). In a first step, we analyze a modern coral collected in vivo and a fossil coral dated by 14C to mid-Holocene (5545 year BP). Both corals are in pristine state. The Sr/Ca, Mg/Ca and U/Ca ratios are measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and with a Castaing microprobe for Sr/Ca. The SSTs at the time when the corals were alive are reconstructed from the geochemistry of the samples and validated against in situ measurements / previous work in the same area. Next, the approach is extended to Pleistocene fossil corals (~125000 year BP) that have been altered by diagenesis e.g., calcitization of the samples to the detriment of the original aragonite due to the fresh water that percolates through the coral reefs. Calcitization alters the original Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca. The reconstructed SSTs can therefore include nontrivial biases whose magnitude must be evaluated. Relying on Raman spectrometry, we confirm published qualitative trends on the impact of calcite upon the climate proxies : calcite lowers (resp. increases) the Sr/Ca (resp. Mg/Ca) ratio leading therefore to warm artifacts in the reconstructed SSTs.
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Modélisations des systèmes d'assistance à la réverbération régénératifs / Modelling of regenerative reverberation enhancement systemsRouch, Jérémy 03 July 2013 (has links)
Les systèmes d’assistance à la réverbération sont des dispositifs électroacoustiques installés dans les salles de spectacle pour moduler leur acoustique en fonction du type de représentation qui s’y déroule. Afin de pouvoir dimensionner ces systèmes en amont de leur installation, ce travail s’intéresse au développement, à la mise en œuvre et à la mise à l’épreuve de modèles prévisionnels de l’effet de ses systèmes sur les caractéristiques acoustiques d’une salle, en se concentrant sur les systèmes dits régénératifs diagonaux. Le premier modèle présenté est basé sur une approche systémique exacte et sur l’utilisation de simulations numériques. Il s’agit d’un modèle dont le principe est déjà décrit dans la littérature spécialisée, mais auquel est intégré ici un algorithme de détermination automatique des paramètres de réglage d’un système d’assistance à la réverbération reproduisant la méthode manuelle. Parce que l’utilisation de simulations numériques impose une modélisation détaillée de la salle et un important temps de calcul, ce modèle n’est pas compatible avec la réactivité demandée lors d’une phase d’avant-projet. Dans cette optique, deux autres modèles bases sur les hypothèses de champ diffus et, par là même, plus rapides d’exécution, sont développés. L’un repose aussi sur une approche systémique exacte, mais utilise la théorie stochastique de l’acoustique géométrique des salles plutôt que des simulations numériques. L’autre repose sur une approche énergétique simple. Les confrontations de ces deux modèles avec celui reposant sur des simulations numériques sont exposées pour cinq salles, en considérant la prévision d’évolution de six indices acoustiques courants due à l’introduction d’un système d’assistance à la réverbération. Il en ressort que ces deux modèles aboutissent à des erreurs prévisionnelles comparables et que celles-ci sont équivalentes à celles des formules de Sabine ou d’Eyring ou de la théorie révisée des champs diffus de Barron et Lee appliquées dans une salle sans système. Parallèlement, l’étude et la prévision de l’effet d’un système d’assistance à la réverbération régénératif en augmentation du couplage de deux espaces mal couples au sein d’une même salle sont présentées. Il est montré que ce type d’utilisation permet effectivement une augmentation du couplage et que celle-ci peut être correctement abordée à partir d’un modèle énergétique développé ici. Il est aussi montré à partir de simulations numériques, que cette utilisation permet d’homogénéiser les caractéristiques acoustiques entre les deux espaces couplés. / Reverberation enhancement systems (RES) are electro-acoustic devices installed in auditoria to adapt the listening conditions according to the performances. In order to design these systems before their installation, this work deals with the development, the implementation and the testing of prediction tools of the effect of these systems on the acoustic characteristics of a room, by focusing on diagonal regenerative RES. The first proposed tool is based on a systemic approach and numerical simulations. This tool, whose principle is already described in the literature, is here enhanced by the use of an algorithm that automatically fine-tunes the system parameters. As numerical simulations require detailed 3D models of rooms and high computation times, this tool is not compatible with the responsiveness needed for a preliminary design stage. With this in mind, two other models based on the diffuse field assumptions are also developed to predict the action of a RES. One of them is also based on a systemic approach but it uses the stochastic geometric theory of room acoustics instead of numerical simulations. The other model is based on a simple energetic approach. The confrontation of the results given by these two models with the results given by the model based on numerical simulations has been carried out in five rooms considering the effect of a RES on six common room acoustic criteria. It appeared that these two models lead to prediction errors similar to those obtained with the Sabine or Eyring’s formula, or the Barron and Lee’s revised theory applied in a room without RES. In the same time, the study of the effect of a RES used to enhance the coupling between two poor coupled room is presented. It is shown that this particular use of a RES actually increases the coupling effect, and that this effect can be correctly described and predicted by an energetic model developed here. It is also shown by numerical simulations that this system can balance the listening conditions between two coupled rooms.
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