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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An examination of the relationship between ego development and parenting styles

Harrell, Cheri R. 01 January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Curso de especialização para enfermeiros do trabalho: avaliação e proposta de reestruturação curricular / Specialization course for occupational health nursing: evaluation and proposal of curricular restructuring

Queiroz, Vilma Machado de 26 February 1987 (has links)
O atual Curr(culo M(nimo do Curso de Especialização para Enfermeiros do Trabalho - CEET, está em vigor desde 1978, sendo seu conteúdo estabelecido pela Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho - FUNDACENTRO. Desde essa época o currículo não foi alterado e se acumulam nos CEETs as insatisfações e preocupações quanto a real adequação da formação às necessidades da prática profissional e da assistência à saúde dos trabalhadores. Diante disso, decidiu-se desenvolver uma pesquisa com a finalidade de avaliar o currículo vigente e de propor alterações curriculares. Esta pesquisa foi realizada entre as categorias diretamente envolvidas no ensino e na assistência de enfermagem do trabalho, a saber: coordenadores, professores e alunos de tris CEETs do Brasil, e enfermeiros do trabalho do Estado de São Paulo no ano de 1984. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: - verificar o ajuizamento e sugestões das categorias supra referidas, sobre o CEET, tomando por base o Currículo Mínimo estabelecido pela FUNDACENTRO para esse Curso, avaliando-o nos aspectos relativos a: filosofia e objetivos, organização curricular, processo ensino-aprendizagem e organização administrativa; - elaborar uma proposta de reestruturação curricular para o CEET, com base na análise crítica dos dados coletados. A coleta de dados se desenvolveu por meio de questionários, onde os participantes expressaram o ajuizamento e sugestões de modificações do currículo em questão. A análise crítica desses dados foi fundamentada em experiências curriculares que estão sendo desenvolvidas em outros países, e na experiência pessoal da autora no desenvolvimento de currículos para diferentes níveis de ensino de enfermagem. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que inexistem no currículo do CEET, a adoção explícita de uma linha filosófica norteadora, e a definição de objetivos para o Curso, sendo tais aspectos considerados necessários por todas as categorias pesquisadas. No que diz respeito a organizaçio curricular, ficou evidenciada a inadequaçio do elenco de disciplinas que compõem o currículo. A carga horária foi considerada insuficiente, e mal distribuída em termos teórico-práticos. O conteúdo curricular foi considerado repetitivo em algumas disciplinas e com falhas em outras; o estágio prático previsto, apresentou-se qualitativa e quantitativamente insuficiente. Foram propostas pelos participantes, diversas alterações nessa organizaçio curricular. Com relação ao processo ensino-aprendizagem, ficou demonstrado que: não existe qualquer definição do modo de condução desse processo nos cursos pesquisados: os métodos de ensino e avaliação adotados nem sempre facilitaram ou avaliaram totalmente a aprendizagem dos alunos; os enfermeiros de campo julgaram que os cursos frequentados supriram parcialmente as necessidades requeridas na prática profissional, sendo que muitos consideraram insuficiente o ensino prático que tiveram em seus cursos. Quanto à organização administrativa dos CEETs, sentiu-se necessidade de se estabelecer requisitos prévios para matrícula dos alunos; a maioria dos pesquisados aponta o profissional enfermeiro do trabalho como aquele que deve assumir a coordenação do CEET, devendo ele ter experiência na área de administração de ensino e prática de campo na área de enfermagem do trabalho. Frente a estes resultados, sentiu-se então necessidade de uma ampla e profunda reestruturação curricular, sendo elaborada uma nova proposta curricular para o CEET. Essa proposta foi sub-dividida em: marco conceitual, onde foram definidas as linhas norteadoras do currículo; marco metodológico, em que se assentaram as diretrizes condutoras do processo ensino-aprendizagem; marco estrutural, onde foram estabelecidas as áreas de ensino, bem como o elenco e o conteúdo das disciplinas e a distribuição horária teórico-prática. Antes da implantação desta proposta curricular, ela deverá ser validada pelas categorias diretamente envolvidas no ensino e na assistência de enfermagem do trabalho, e ao mesmo tempo, os professores e coordenadores dos CEETs deverão ter acesso a cursos específicos que os capacitem a conduzir o trabalho dentro da nova filosofia curricular. / In 1978 a curriculum for the Specialization Course on Occupational Health for Nurses was established by FUNDACENTRO - Fundaço Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho and has not been changed since then. Throughout the years, it became clear that the present curriculum does not cover adequately all aspects of protection of worker\'s health and, therefore, it was thought advisable to carry out a research aimimg the evaluation of the present curriculuru and its eventual changes. To carry out such research, a questionnaire was answered by all categories of people directly involved with the ministration of such courses: coordinators, teachers and students of three Brazil ian CEET; besides, occupational health nurses of the state of São Paulo also answered a questionnaire. The main objectives of this studw were to verify how the present curriculum was judged by the people involved from the point of view of its: philosophy and objectives; curricular organization; teaching-learning process and administrative organization. The final objective was to propose a curricular restructuration of the courses based on the critical analysis of the points above outlined. Data collection was dane through the use of special questionnaires, different for each group of people, who expressed their opinion on the present curriculum and presented suggestions as to its modification. On the basis of similar courses existing in developed countries, and also on the basis of the author´s experience, an analysis was carried out and it was possible to demonstrated that presently inexists either a philosophic guideline or a definition of objectives, these two points being considerer as essential by all categories of people who participated of this study. Concerning the curricular organization, it became evident the inadequacy of the curricular contents of each discipline which composes the whole curriculum. The number of hours of teaching was considered as insufficient and not well distributed among theoretical and practical teaching. The curricular content was considered repetitive in some disciplines and insufficient in others. In the whole, it was considered that the curriculum is not adequate both in quantity and in quality and several changes were proposed. As to the teaching-learning process, it was evident that there is no definition regarding the way of conducting it. The adopted teaching techniques and methods of evaluation of the students\' learning results, were not considered as satisfactory. The already practicing occupational health nurses informed that the courses attended have only partially supplied the needed knowledge needed for professional practice and many others considered as insufficient the practical learning they had in their courses. Concerning the administrative organization of the courses, it was considered as very important to establish previous requirements for the selection of students. The majority of the people consulted considered that the courses\' coordinators must be occupational health nurses having a good experience in the field of teaching administration and also a very good practice in the occupational health nursing field. Due to these results, it was felt that there is an urgent need of a wide and deep curricular re-structuration and, a new curriculum for the courses is proposed. The proposed curriculum was sub-divided in conceptual framework, in which the curriculum guidelines were defined; methodological framework, in which were founded the directives te conduct the teaching-learning process; structural framework, where were established the areas of teaching, as well as the set and content of disciplines, and the theoretical-practical classes distribution. Before this curricular proposal is implemented, it shall be validated by the categories directly involved with occupational health nursing teaching and assistance, and, at the same time, the teachers and coordinators of the CEET\'s shall have access to specific courses with capacitale them to conduct the work within the new curricular philosophy.

Proposta de uma matriz curricular para o curso de ciências contábeis na grande Florianópolis / Proposal of a undergraduate program in Accounting for the region of Florianópolis

Dutra, Onei Tadeu 11 December 2003 (has links)
A proposta deste trabalho é apresentar uma matriz curricular para o Curso de Ciências Contábeis. Para fundamentar a proposta discorreu-se sobre “conhecimento", já que este é a base na construção do projeto pedagógico. E esse projeto abarca as dimensões administrativa e pedagógica da escola. Administrativa com relação à estrutura burocrática e pedagógica com relação à estrutura educacional (contemplando o aspecto político do projeto). Para esta construção, do projeto, são analisadas duas metodologias distintas: uma com enfoque em um curso genérico e outra com enfoque em um curso superior. A partir da definição do projeto é definido o currículo, propriamente dito, que é a escolarização dos conhecimentos possuídos pela sociedade e que tem como objetivo a construção do conhecimento, pelo educando. Como o objetivo da pesquisa é apresentar uma matriz curricular a base teórica da proposta foi a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação e os perfis, competências, habilidades, diretrizes e sugestões emanados do Ministério da Educação, para o Curso em foco, e também as contribuições de Entidades e autores. Mas a contribuição maior na construção da matriz proposta foi a pesquisa empreendida junto a alguns Contadores. A entrevista contou com onze perguntas abertas, onde se perscrutou a opinião dos Contadores sobre alguns tópicos específicos que devem embasar um currículo para o Curso de Ciências Contábeis na região da Grande Florianópolis. / The main purpose of this dissertation is to present a model for Accounting program course. First we describe the concept of ‘knowledge’, for it is the basis of the modeling of a course program. It is important to notice that this work involves both the administrative and pedagogical aspects of the College. The first deals with the bureaucratic structure and the latter concerns the educational structure (which discusses the political aspect of the project). So, we analyze tow methodologies. One that focuses on a general course and other that focuses on a higher degree course. After the project is defined, we develop the program of the course, that aims to build knowledge, by the student. The theoretical foundations of this dissertation is the “Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação" and the profile, competence, skills for the Accounting course suggestec by the Ministry of Education. But the most important contribution for this work is the research made with some accounting professionals. The interview had eleven questions, where we argued these professionals about the most important things for the basis of the Accounting Course in the city of Florianópolis.

A construção social do ensino de sociologia em São Paulo entre 2009-2018 / The social construction of sociology teaching in São Paulo between 2009-2018

Silva, Josefa Alexandrina da 09 November 2018 (has links)
A presente pesquisa buscou compreender e analisar a constituição da Sociologia como disciplina escolar em face de sua entrada no currículo durante a vigência da Lei nº 11.684/08. Analisou as diferentes representações sociais e as disputas curriculares criadas em torno do seu significado na educação básica. A hipótese levantada foi a de que, entre os professores de Sociologia, ainda não havia se formado um conjunto de argumentos mais coesos sobre o valor formativo da disciplina e de sua finalidade na formação escolar. O estudo se inseriu no campo da história das disciplinas escolares e buscou conciliar as abordagens sócio histórica de Goodson e cultural de Chervel, articuladas com as categorias de análise propostas por Viñao Frago. A constituição da disciplina escolar foi concebida como uma construção social em que se buscou compreender as representações que os professores constroem sobre o seu ensino, constituindo, assim, o currículo real. Este estudo teve como base empírica a análise documental do currículo, bem como as entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com professores de Sociologia concursados na rede pública estadual que trabalham em escolas da região metropolitana da Grande São Paulo. O texto encontra-se estruturado em três partes, quais sejam: a primeira, apoiada na revisão bibliográfica de pesquisas sobre o ensino de Sociologia, buscou compreender e analisar os impasses da construção da sociologia como disciplina escolar a partir da análise dos dilemas dos processos de formação de professores, as representações criadas sobre o significado do seu ensino, como também as representações criadas sobre o trabalho docente; a segunda, que visou compreender a constituição do código disciplinar da Sociologia a partir de suas singularidades. Para isso partiu da análise de aspectos epistemológicos do conhecimento sociológico para discutir as relações entre o conhecimento acadêmico e a disciplina escolar. Também foi analisado as representações que os professores constroem em torno do conhecimento sociológico e seu ensino na educação básica. Ademais, examinou a condição peculiar da disciplina Sociologia no currículo do Estado de São Paulo, elaborado em torno de uma perspectiva de compreensão cognitivo-científica da realidade social e inserido em uma estrutura pautada no desenvolvimento de competências e de habilidades; e a terceira e última parte, na qual foram examinadas as relações entre o campo disciplinar da Sociologia a partir de seus docentes, a fim de compreender a forma como o ensino é construído. Analisou as trajetórias sociais dos professores entrevistados e suas formas de inserção na cultura escolar. Além disso, perscrutou as maneiras como os professores se apropriam e transcendem as prescrições curriculares, como também investigou suas formas de resistência coletiva. Assim, a pesquisa concluiu que, na construção social do ensino, os professores ressignificam a disciplina tomando como referência suas trajetórias de formação e a cultura escolar. Em que pese a existência de um currículo prescrito, o ensino da Sociologia se constituiu de maneira heterogênea, incorporando múltiplas leituras da realidade social. / The present research aimed to comprehend and analyze the constitution of Sociology as a school course due to their entrance in the curriculum from the Law 11.684/08. It has analyzed the different representations that have been created about its meaning on the basic education as well as the disputes around its teaching purposes. The raised hypothesis is that among Sociology teachers there still has not been formed a range of more cohesive arguments about the formative value of the course and about its purpose on the school formation. The study is inserted in the domain of the history of school courses and it aimed to conciliate the approaches of Goodson and Chervel, both of them articulated with the analysis categories proposed by Viñao Frago. The constitution of the school course has been conceived as a social construction in which it has aimed to identify the meanings that the teachers have assigned to their teaching, which represent, therefore, the real curriculum. This study had as its empirical basis the documental analysis of the curriculum as well as the semi structured interviews realized with full Sociology teachers of the public state system who work on schools in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo. The text has been structured in three parts. The first one, which has been underpinned in the literature review of researches about Sociology teaching, aimed to comprehend and analyze the impasses of the construction of Sociology as a school course from the analysis of the dilemmas of the teachers formation processes, the representations which have been built about the meaning of their teaching, as well as the representations built about the faculty work. The second one aimed to comprehend the constitution of the Sociology disciplinary code from its singularities. For that, it has come from the analysis of epistemological aspects of the sociological knowledge to discuss the relations between the school course and the academic knowledge. It has also been analyzed the representations that the teachers build around the sociological knowledge and its teaching on the basic education. Furthermore, it has analyzed the peculiar condition of Sociology in the São Paulo States curriculum, elaborated around a perspective of a scientific cognitive comprehension of social reality and inserted in a structure based on the development of competencies and abilities. In the third and last part it has been analyzed the relations between the course domain of Sociology from its teachers, aiming to comprehend the way in which the teaching is built. It has analyzed the social trajectories of the interviewed teachers and the way they insert theirselves on the school culture. Moreover, it has peered the ways which the teachers appropriate theirselves and transcend the curriculum prescriptions, as well as investigated their forms of collective resistance. Therefore, the research has stated that, in the social construction of the act of teaching, the teachers give a new meaning to the school course, taking as reference their formation trajectories and the school culture. Although the existence of a prescript curriculum, the teaching of Sociology has been constituted in a heterogeneous manner, incorporating many readings of the social reality.

Curso de especialização para enfermeiros do trabalho: avaliação e proposta de reestruturação curricular / Specialization course for occupational health nursing: evaluation and proposal of curricular restructuring

Vilma Machado de Queiroz 26 February 1987 (has links)
O atual Curr(culo M(nimo do Curso de Especialização para Enfermeiros do Trabalho - CEET, está em vigor desde 1978, sendo seu conteúdo estabelecido pela Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho - FUNDACENTRO. Desde essa época o currículo não foi alterado e se acumulam nos CEETs as insatisfações e preocupações quanto a real adequação da formação às necessidades da prática profissional e da assistência à saúde dos trabalhadores. Diante disso, decidiu-se desenvolver uma pesquisa com a finalidade de avaliar o currículo vigente e de propor alterações curriculares. Esta pesquisa foi realizada entre as categorias diretamente envolvidas no ensino e na assistência de enfermagem do trabalho, a saber: coordenadores, professores e alunos de tris CEETs do Brasil, e enfermeiros do trabalho do Estado de São Paulo no ano de 1984. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: - verificar o ajuizamento e sugestões das categorias supra referidas, sobre o CEET, tomando por base o Currículo Mínimo estabelecido pela FUNDACENTRO para esse Curso, avaliando-o nos aspectos relativos a: filosofia e objetivos, organização curricular, processo ensino-aprendizagem e organização administrativa; - elaborar uma proposta de reestruturação curricular para o CEET, com base na análise crítica dos dados coletados. A coleta de dados se desenvolveu por meio de questionários, onde os participantes expressaram o ajuizamento e sugestões de modificações do currículo em questão. A análise crítica desses dados foi fundamentada em experiências curriculares que estão sendo desenvolvidas em outros países, e na experiência pessoal da autora no desenvolvimento de currículos para diferentes níveis de ensino de enfermagem. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que inexistem no currículo do CEET, a adoção explícita de uma linha filosófica norteadora, e a definição de objetivos para o Curso, sendo tais aspectos considerados necessários por todas as categorias pesquisadas. No que diz respeito a organizaçio curricular, ficou evidenciada a inadequaçio do elenco de disciplinas que compõem o currículo. A carga horária foi considerada insuficiente, e mal distribuída em termos teórico-práticos. O conteúdo curricular foi considerado repetitivo em algumas disciplinas e com falhas em outras; o estágio prático previsto, apresentou-se qualitativa e quantitativamente insuficiente. Foram propostas pelos participantes, diversas alterações nessa organizaçio curricular. Com relação ao processo ensino-aprendizagem, ficou demonstrado que: não existe qualquer definição do modo de condução desse processo nos cursos pesquisados: os métodos de ensino e avaliação adotados nem sempre facilitaram ou avaliaram totalmente a aprendizagem dos alunos; os enfermeiros de campo julgaram que os cursos frequentados supriram parcialmente as necessidades requeridas na prática profissional, sendo que muitos consideraram insuficiente o ensino prático que tiveram em seus cursos. Quanto à organização administrativa dos CEETs, sentiu-se necessidade de se estabelecer requisitos prévios para matrícula dos alunos; a maioria dos pesquisados aponta o profissional enfermeiro do trabalho como aquele que deve assumir a coordenação do CEET, devendo ele ter experiência na área de administração de ensino e prática de campo na área de enfermagem do trabalho. Frente a estes resultados, sentiu-se então necessidade de uma ampla e profunda reestruturação curricular, sendo elaborada uma nova proposta curricular para o CEET. Essa proposta foi sub-dividida em: marco conceitual, onde foram definidas as linhas norteadoras do currículo; marco metodológico, em que se assentaram as diretrizes condutoras do processo ensino-aprendizagem; marco estrutural, onde foram estabelecidas as áreas de ensino, bem como o elenco e o conteúdo das disciplinas e a distribuição horária teórico-prática. Antes da implantação desta proposta curricular, ela deverá ser validada pelas categorias diretamente envolvidas no ensino e na assistência de enfermagem do trabalho, e ao mesmo tempo, os professores e coordenadores dos CEETs deverão ter acesso a cursos específicos que os capacitem a conduzir o trabalho dentro da nova filosofia curricular. / In 1978 a curriculum for the Specialization Course on Occupational Health for Nurses was established by FUNDACENTRO - Fundaço Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho and has not been changed since then. Throughout the years, it became clear that the present curriculum does not cover adequately all aspects of protection of worker\'s health and, therefore, it was thought advisable to carry out a research aimimg the evaluation of the present curriculuru and its eventual changes. To carry out such research, a questionnaire was answered by all categories of people directly involved with the ministration of such courses: coordinators, teachers and students of three Brazil ian CEET; besides, occupational health nurses of the state of São Paulo also answered a questionnaire. The main objectives of this studw were to verify how the present curriculum was judged by the people involved from the point of view of its: philosophy and objectives; curricular organization; teaching-learning process and administrative organization. The final objective was to propose a curricular restructuration of the courses based on the critical analysis of the points above outlined. Data collection was dane through the use of special questionnaires, different for each group of people, who expressed their opinion on the present curriculum and presented suggestions as to its modification. On the basis of similar courses existing in developed countries, and also on the basis of the author´s experience, an analysis was carried out and it was possible to demonstrated that presently inexists either a philosophic guideline or a definition of objectives, these two points being considerer as essential by all categories of people who participated of this study. Concerning the curricular organization, it became evident the inadequacy of the curricular contents of each discipline which composes the whole curriculum. The number of hours of teaching was considered as insufficient and not well distributed among theoretical and practical teaching. The curricular content was considered repetitive in some disciplines and insufficient in others. In the whole, it was considered that the curriculum is not adequate both in quantity and in quality and several changes were proposed. As to the teaching-learning process, it was evident that there is no definition regarding the way of conducting it. The adopted teaching techniques and methods of evaluation of the students\' learning results, were not considered as satisfactory. The already practicing occupational health nurses informed that the courses attended have only partially supplied the needed knowledge needed for professional practice and many others considered as insufficient the practical learning they had in their courses. Concerning the administrative organization of the courses, it was considered as very important to establish previous requirements for the selection of students. The majority of the people consulted considered that the courses\' coordinators must be occupational health nurses having a good experience in the field of teaching administration and also a very good practice in the occupational health nursing field. Due to these results, it was felt that there is an urgent need of a wide and deep curricular re-structuration and, a new curriculum for the courses is proposed. The proposed curriculum was sub-divided in conceptual framework, in which the curriculum guidelines were defined; methodological framework, in which were founded the directives te conduct the teaching-learning process; structural framework, where were established the areas of teaching, as well as the set and content of disciplines, and the theoretical-practical classes distribution. Before this curricular proposal is implemented, it shall be validated by the categories directly involved with occupational health nursing teaching and assistance, and, at the same time, the teachers and coordinators of the CEET\'s shall have access to specific courses with capacitale them to conduct the work within the new curricular philosophy.

Narrativas da bagaceira: um estudo sobre consumo de drogas e transição para a vida adulta / Narratives of bagaceira: a study on drug consumption and transition to adulthood

Garcia, Eduardo da Silva 12 December 2013 (has links)
O tema dessa pesquisa é o consumo de substâncias psicoativas em contextos urbanos. O trabalho de campo foi realizado em situações de lazer e sociabilidade de três redes de amigos, que se cruzam em alguns pontos. Essas pessoas são provenientes da classe média, residem na cidade de São Paulo, a maior parte delas possui formação superior, todas estão inseridas no mercado de trabalho e suas idades variam entre 27 e 35 anos. Com base nas entrevistas e na observação participante dos encontros em que os psicoativos eram consumidos, o objetivo é apresentar as mudanças e as continuidades no modo como a rede de psicoativos é mobilizada e problematizada ao longo das carreiras dessas pessoas como consumidoras de drogas (Becker, 1973) as quais correspondem, em média, aos últimos dez anos de suas vidas. O material é analisado a partir da noção de curso da vida, mais especificamente, no caso, de transição para a vida adulta, com as quais olhamos para as categorias de loucura e estragação, que são utilizadas para descrever os efeitos dos psicoativos sobre os corpos. Nesse sentido, atenta-se para o modo como a atuação dessas substâncias nos corpos e nas redes de amizade possibilita a elaboração e a regulação de normas referentes à idade, o que, neste contexto, articula-se à elaboração do estilo que aqui denomino bagaceira; essas normas se articulam também a outros marcadores da diferença como classe, gênero e sexualidade e, ainda, a ideais sobre laços de parentesco, de amizade e de conjugalidade. Em poucas palavras, a hipótese com que trabalho é que, por meio dessas práticas e de suas narrativas, essas pessoas se apresentam umas perante as outras, delimitam laços sociais e refletem sobre eles. / The theme of this research is the consumption of psychoactive substances in urban contexts. The field work was conducted during situations of leisure and sociability of a network of friends, that interconnect with one another in some points. They are middle class people and inhabit the city of São Paulo, most of them have higher education qualifications, all of them are inserted in the labor market and their age range between 27 and 35 years. Based on interviews and participant observation in meetings in which psychoactive drugs were consumed, the goal is to present the changes and continuities in the way the network of psychoactive substances is mobilized and channeled along the careers of these people as drug users (Becker, 1973) - which correspond, on average, to the last ten years of their lives. The data is analyzed based on the notion of the course of life, more specifically, in the case, of transition to adulthood, through which we look at the categories of loucura and estragação, which are used to describe the effects of psychoactive drugs on bodies. Accordingly, we describe how these substances act upon bodies and friendship networks enabling the development and regulation of standards regarding age, which, in this context, articulates to the development of the style here named bagaceira; these norms are also articulated to other markers of difference such as class, gender and sexuality, and also to the ideals of kinship, friendship, and conjugal ties. In short my hypotheses is that through these practices and their narratives these people present themselves to one another, draw social bonds and reflect about themselves.

Divorce adjustment: Anxiety, self-esteem, and locus-of-control

Hadeed, Grace John 01 January 1993 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine personality factors related to adult divorce adjustment with a particular focus on anxiety, self esteem and locus of control.;Bowen Theory, with particular emphasis on the concept of differentiation of self, provided the theoretical rationale for this study. While Bowen related his concepts to marital and family functioning, the theory did not address the process of divorce. The present study attempted to fill a gap in the divorce literature by expanding Bowen Theory, with a primary investigative focus on adult post divorce adjustment and level of differentiation.;All 62 research subjects completed instrument packets which included a consent form, a demographic questionnaire, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Tennessee Self Concept Scale, the Rotter Internal-External Scale, The Blair Divorce Adjustment Inventory (modified version), and the Haber Level of Differentiation of Self Scale.;Data from the participants included a sample of 26 men and 36 women. A large percentage of the subjects were 20-39 years of age (67.5%), of middle class status (59%), had marriages which tended to last a duration of less than 10 years (66%), and had children under the age of 18 (46.7%). The results from the instruments indicated a sample who were internally directed, had a moderate level of self concept, and a low level of both State and Trait anxiety. When the variables of divorce adjustment and level of differentiation were computed, the results indicated that the sample exhibited high levels of differentiation and moderate to strong levels of divorce adjustment.;The Tennessee Self Concept Scale exhibited the strongest correlation coefficient when measured with both the Blair Divorce Adjustment Inventory (58%) and the Haber Level of Differentiation of Self Scale (51%). Step-wise analysis indicated that both the Tennessee with a t-ratio of 2.220 and a p-value of.030, and the Trait level of anxiety, with a t-value of {dollar}-{dollar}2.156 and a p-value of.035 resulted in high predictive values with the Blair. When the personality variables were computed with the Level of Differentiation Scale, the results were similar to the Blair analysis. The Tennessee obtained the strongest predictive value. as with divorce adjustment, self concept was the strongest predictor of level of differentiation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

Baby Boomers and the Vietnam War: A life Course Approach to Aging Vietnam Veterans

Marsala, Miles Steven 01 June 2015 (has links)
The sheer size of the baby boomer cohort has prompted a great deal of research on life outcomes and potential social strain or benefit of such a large cohort. A major contingency for the baby boomers was the experience of the Vietnam War. Many young men had their life course trajectories interrupted when they were drafted to military service or enrolled in college in an effort to evade the draft. This study uses the Life Family Legacies data to investigate how the Vietnam War may have affected later-life health outcomes of this cohort. Comparing physical health as captured by activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs), this study found that baby boomer veterans' outcomes are similar to those of their nonveteran peers. When comparing mental health outcomes by prevalence of PTSD, findings show that those veterans who served in combat or combat support units are much more likely to show persistent signs of PTSD. Findings from this study suggest that the effects of combat are a crucial distinction when comparing outcomes between veterans and nonveterans.

Evaluating a Chinese Adult Attachment Questionnaire Using a Taiwanese Sample

Chiu, Hsin-Yao 01 August 2017 (has links)
Researchers have taken the adult attachment instruments established in the western countries into other cultural settings. Taiwan is one of the many countries to which cross-cultural adult attachment research has been extended to, and where translated attachment survey instruments were applied. The problem with these translated measurements in Taiwan, however, is that the commonly-used instruments were not peer-reviewed, and often no reliability tests were even done, and the cultural appropriateness of these translated measurements was not evaluated. The usage and results of these instruments may therefore be questionable. The purpose of this current study is to present a Mandarin Chinese version of the Adult Attachment Questionnaire (AAQ) that was translated following common protocols, administered to 320 native Taiwanese participants, and evaluated for measurement invariance. Various statistical analyses (including reliability test, confirmatory factor analysis, , and measurement invariance test) were conducted, and results from the Taiwanese college students who responded to the Chinese AAQ were compared with the results of the same instrument written and administered in its original English format and delivered to 330 participants in the United States. CFA revealed that a revision of the original AAQ was necessary. Measurement invariance test further indicated that while configural invariance was established, the findings on metric invariance were mixed, and the scalar invariance was partially established. These findings suggested a potential lack of equivalence between the Chinese and English adult attachment measurement. Specifically, some items of the scales were less invariant than others, indicating specific possible cultural differences between the two ethnic groups.

Preservice Teachers Perceptions of Literature: A Study in a University Spanish Literature Class for Future Spanish Teachers

Harrison, Stephanie Chantall 01 July 2018 (has links)
This qualitative study gave insight on the benefits that a university literature course for future Spanish teachers could contribute to preservice teachers as part of their preparation program. Nine university students participated in this study as they were the ones enrolled in this first-time offered university literature course for Spanish teachers. Data were collected from pre- and post-questionnaires, journals, and course observations. The findings suggested that the preservice teachers grew in pedagogical content knowledge, literary content, resources and strategies, and felt an overall sense of preparedness to use literary sources in their future classrooms

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