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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Osvojování francouzštiny v zájmových kursech Francouzsko-českého klubu v Kladně. / Acquisition of French in language courses in French-Czech club in Kladno.

Pacovská, Anna January 2015 (has links)
The main theme of the thesis is the acquisition of French language in language courses in French-Czech club in Kladno. The thesis is divided into three principal parts. In the initial one we present the institution of French-Czech club in Kladno. In addition we mention also the partnership between Kladno city and Vitry-sur-Seine in France. The main aim of the thesis are the French language courses organized by the French- Czech club in Kladno. We deal with every single course in the club, we mention the visitors of this courses and also the motivation of these students. But the thesis concern the most the caracteristics of textbooks and workbooks used in the process of teaching French in French- Czech club in Kladno. In the courses, there are two types of textbook used in the French language courses - Czech-written and French-written textbooks. Between Czech-written textbooks, we mention ON Y VA! 1. (J. Taišlová; 2007), that is based on the structural-notional compromise combined with the situational principle. Between French-written textbooks used in French language courses in French-Czech club in Kladno, we characterize the first volume of Alter Ego (C. Hugot; V.M. Kizirian; M. Waendendries; A. Berthet; E. Daill; 2012). Alter Ego textbook employs the principles of the Common European Framework of...

Vnitřní umělé lezecké stěny v Praze / Indoor climbing walls in Prague

Schwarzová, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
This work presents the indoor climbing walls in climbing centers for the public in Prague. It creates an overview of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of indoor climbing walls in Prague. Thesis allowing ordinary users and the general public interested in climbing easier selection of the appropriate climbing wall according on their level, the safety requirements, background, but also the place of residence.

Výuka lyžování dětí předškolního věku zábavnou formou / Teaching pre-school children to ski in an entertaining way

Fenclová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
This thesis suggests a method of how teaching pre-school children to ski. Project "how to teach children skiing with fun" was developed and based on age group characteristics and needs of the child. It also underlines that it is not important to teach the child skiing in a short period of time but to make a firm foundation for all kinds of physical movements that will be needed later for skiing and to create a positive attitude to skiing which in this age group works the best by playing games and having fun. This hypothesis was confirmed by results I gained during verifying my method in practise. Based on the test we can state that this method works very well in practise and the children engoyed it while having lots of fun. Generally,the purpose of this work was fulfilled and the obtained results should be a big asset in a theory of skiing and also in practise.

Celoživotní vzdělávání osob s mentálním postižením / Lifelong education of persons with mental disabilities

Kolomazníková, Hana January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the specifics of the lifelong education of persons with mental disabilities. The work consists of theoretical and practical parts. Thesis is mainly based on professional literature, laws and regulations Czech Republic and Internet resources. The first chapter deals with the explaning of the concept of mental retardation, its classification, etiology, and psychological traits of these people. The second chapter describes the system of education people with mental disability in the Czech Republic and activities of special education centers and of early care centers. The next chapter is devoted to lifelong learning, Chapter describes general lifelong learning and lifelong learning of people with mental disability, brief history of lifelong education of persons with mental disabilities in the Czech Republic and didactic principles of education for this group and example of this education are also describe in this chapter. Fourth part deals with empirical research. Research is about learning opportunities of adults with mental disabilities in the regional capital Liberec.

Identifikace vzdělávacích potřeb ředitelek mateřských škol / Identification of the Educational Needs of Kindergarten Directors

Vašíčková, Miroslava January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the educational needs of educators in leadership positions on whom increasingly higher demands are placed, resulting from changes in society, which are reflected in the transformations of schools. It points out the urgent need to identify the current educational needs of kindergarten directors, to adapt the range of education available to their needs and thus create the basis for systematic, life-long education. The work is based on theoretical knowledge, professional literature, legal requirements, competences and other fields and activities which form the basis for educational needs of directors. It explains terminology used in education and identifies the current state in the continuing education of school directors. It offers various methods and forms of continuing education. The thesis also contains a research section focusing on kindergarten directors. It provides information on their approach to continuing education, their specific educational needs, identifies gaps in currently available range of offered courses and looks into their motivation to further self-education. This work is a recommendation and a proposal for possible options in the continuing education of kindergarten directors and is based on their needs as well on the needs of potential candidates...

Sportovní kurzy v přírodě na druhém stupni základních škol v Libereckém kraji / Outdoor Sport Courses for the 2nd Grade of Basic Schools in Liberec Region

Ledvinová, Zuzana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis describes Outdoor Sports Courses for the 2nd Grade of Basic Schools in Liberec Region. The theoretical part discusses the close topics such as activities and education at elementary schools or summer and winter outdoor sports courses. The goal of the thesis is to obtain information about outdoor sports courses for the 2nd Grade of chosen basic schools in Liberec Region, and to recommend instructions for the optimal course education. Two methods of interrogation were applied: a controlled interview with school principals and questionnaire for students in 9th grade of elementary schools. Based on the above-mentioned interrogation methods, the diversity of sports courses in nature was investigated. In addition, the issue of the course capacity or material issues and staffing at schools were investigated. The research also concentrates on the participation of students in the courses and the reasons of their non-participation as well as students' satisfaction with the selection of available courses. Based on the students' responses, the ranking of the most popular courses was created. The results of the investigation were incorporated into the overall statistics which provide a comprehensive assessment of the course education in chosen basic schools in the Liberec district. Key words:...

L'"immigré-e travailleur-se". : La construction et les usages sociaux des catégories de l'action publique en France et en Italie / The Working Immigrant : the Construction and Social Use of Public Action Categories in France and Italy

Lendaro, Annalisa 23 November 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse questionne la catégorie d’ « immigré-e », dont la signification ne se réduit pas à une définition juridique incontestable : il s’agit de montrer qu’elle fait l’objet d’interprétations, de redéfinitions et d’usages sociaux diversifiés de la part des acteurs en charge de la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques et/ou intervenant sur le marché du travail. La thèse examine la construction et les usages des catégories de l’immigration à différents niveaux (européen, national, régional et local) en effectuant une comparaison entre : deux pays, la France et l’Italie ; deux régions, la région Provence Alpes Côte-d’Azur et la Ligurie ; et deux secteurs d’activité, le bâtiment et l’aide à domicile. La thèse questionne notamment les décalages entre catégories ‘officielles’ et catégories ‘indigènes’, à travers d'une part le cas des intermédiaires de l’emploi, et d'autre part la reconstruction des parcours de vie des travailleur-se-s immigré-e-s. / This dissertation questions the category of « immigrant » whose meaning cannot be reduced to an incontestable juridical definition. The category is interpreted, redefined, used in different ways and contexts by actors who are responsible for the implementation of public policies and /or contribute to regulate the labour market. This study analyses the constuction and social usage of categories related to immigration phenomena at multiple levels of analysis (European, national, regional and local) through a comparison of two countries (France and Italy), two regions (Provence Alpes Côte-d’Azur and Liguria) and two sectors (construction and care services). I explicate how and why some discrepancies appear between the ‘official’ and ‘informal’ categories by studying the case of employment gatekeepers during the selection process and by reconstructing the life courses of a sample of immigrant workers.

Aktivizační metody jako kritérium k efektivnímu ovládnutí gramatiky ve výuce dospělých / Activating Teaching Methods as an Effective Aspect of Teaching Grammar to Adult Students

Mašková, Anna January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the use of the activating teaching approaches and their effectiveness for understanding and mastering the grammatical phenomena of adult students, mainly in the corporate courses for German language. The students of the corporate courses have their specific set of learning aspects, particularly in the field of their learning biography, motivation, and the learning process that distinguishes them from the school-age students. These students, usually at the language level from A1 to B1 (CEFR), require the acquisition of grammatical features to improve their language production. Grammatical phenomena are taught in this method of teaching using classical, complex and activating approaches. The empirical research of this thesis deals specifically with the activating teaching approaches in the corporate courses. It contains the observations of the individual corporate lessons using activating approaches as well as questionnaires filled in by participating students. The thesis concludes und evaluates the contribution of activating teaching approaches to the motivation during the lesson, the effect that they have on the understanding and acquisition of the given grammatical phenomena for the target group of adult students. For the thesis conclusion, there have been formulated five...

Avaliação do reaproveitamento de areia de fundição residual em camadas de pavimentos / Evaluation of the waste foundry sand reuse in pavement structural layers

Gutiérrez Klinsky, Luis Miguel 27 March 2013 (has links)
O crescimento do setor industrial brasileiro, na última década, tem demandado a fabricação de maior volume de máquinas e peças metálicas. Como resultado, a produção de fundidos metálicos aumentou e foi acompanhada da geração de maiores volumes de resíduos. O processo de fundição mais comum emprega areia natural, misturada com ligantes orgânicos e inorgânicos, para conformar os moldes que dão forma às peças metálicas. Após certo número de ciclos de fundição, a areia não apresenta mais as características apropriadas para seu emprego nessas indústrias e passa a ser o principal resíduo das siderúrgicas. Assim, a areia de fundição residual (AFR) deve ser descartada em aterros sanitários licenciados a elevados custos. Por tal motivo, pesquisadores e engenheiros têm procurado alternativas que permitam reaproveitar esse resíduo em atividades da construção civil. A construção de estradas consume elevados volumes de recursos naturais, portanto, fornece a oportunidade de reutilizar o resíduo em quantidades significativas. Nesse sentido, nesta pesquisa, o objetivo principal foi avaliar a possibilidade de reaproveitar a areia de fundição residual na construção de camadas de bases e sub-bases de pavimentos de baixo volume de tráfego. A areia de fundição residual utilizada foi coletada no município de Piracicaba/SP, que apresenta elevada concentração de siderúrgicas. Esse resíduo foi utilizado na composição de misturas do tipo solo areia, solo areia cal e areia asfalto usinada a quente (AAUQ). Essas misturas foram avaliadas à luz das propriedades de interesse à engenharia rodoviária para determinar a viabilidade de seus empregos em camadas estruturais de pavimentos. Os resultados obtidos nos ensaios mecânicos mostram que composições de solo areia e solo areia cal com AFR de 20% a 60% poderiam ser utilizadas em bases e sub-bases de pavimentos, assim como as misturas de AAUQ, que consumiriam quantidades consideráveis de areia residual, também poderiam ser utilizadas em bases de pavimentos. Ensaios ambientais também foram executados na AFR e em algumas misturas para determinar o risco de poluição do meio ambiente. Os resultados mostraram que a AFR atende aos requisitos exigidos para seu reuso; contudo algumas misturas apresentaram concentração de poluentes superior aos valores máximos permitidos. Portanto, concluiu-se que a areia de fundição residual apresenta características para ser reaproveitada nas atividades de construção de pavimentos de baixo volume de tráfego, mas recomenda-se a construção de trechos experimentais para monitoramento por longos períodos de tempo para garantir que o resíduo não comprometa a segurança ambiental. / The Brazilian industry grew up considerably last decade, increasing the needing of machinery and metal production. As a result, the metal casting production raised and also the amount of the residues. The most common foundry system uses natural sand mixed with organic and inorganic binders, to produce the cores of the metal products. After a certain number of foundry cycles, the sand losses its properties and remain as the main residue of the foundry industry. Thereby, the waste foundry sand (WFS) must be discarded in licensed landfills at high costs. Hence, researchers and engineers have researched for alternative solutions to reuse this residue in civil construction activities. Pavement construction uses high volumes of natural resources, thus, provides an opportunity to reuse significant amounts of WFS. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the possibility of use the waste foundry sand as construction material of pavement bases and sub-bases courses with low volume traffic. The waste foundry sand used here was collected close to the city of Piracicaba/SP, region which has a high concentration of foundry industries. The residue was used to compose soil-sand, soil-sand-lime and sand-asphalt mixtures. Tests commonly used in pavement research were used to evaluate the mixtures containing waste foundry sand and determine their potential as road construction material. The results showed that mixtures of soil-sand and soil-sand-lime containing 20% to 60% of WFS could be used as pavement bases and sub-bases courses. On the other hand, sand-asphalt-hot-mix could consume higher volumes of the residue and also could be used as bases courses. The waste foundry sand and some mixtures were also analyzed through environmental tests. The results showed that the WFS has suitable characteristics to be reused in alternative activities. However, some metals were detected in the mixtures at higher concentrations than the allowed by specifications. Therefore, it is concluded that the waste foundry sand has characteristics that encourage its reuse in low volume traffic pavements, but, it is recommended the construction of experimental pavement sections using WFS to assess the environmental impact of the residue in long term periods.

Formação continuada de professores de química: uma análise sobre o entendimento e aceitação das atividades propostas em cursos de curta duração / Continuing teacher education chemistry: a review of the understanding and acceptance of the proposed activities on short courses

Silveira Neto, Ticiane 30 September 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho é resultado de uma pesquisa realizada com professores de Química do ensino médio de escolas públicas e particulares participantes de dois cursos de formação continuada realizados por uma Universidade de São Paulo, o primeiro curso ocorreu em julho 2011 e o segundo em janeiro de 2012. Sendo assim, nosso campo de pesquisa é a formação continuada de professores de Química, mais especificamente, cursos de curta duração, como, por exemplo, os cursos estudados nessa pesquisa que ocorreram no período de aproximadamente uma semana. O nosso foco principal foi pesquisar como os professores estão entendendo e aceitando as atividades que lhes são propostas nesses cursos com a possibilidade de serem aproveitadas no cotidiano da escola. Foram instrumentos dessa pesquisa entrevistas, gravações de áudio e matérias produzidos pelos professores. O tratamento dos dados se constituiu através da observação, análise e criação de categorias de análise a posteriori. Trabalhamos nesse sentido a fim de construir um instrumento de análise que nos permitisse extrair de maneira mais coesa e estruturada as intenções contidas nos dados coletados tanto sobre professores, como sobre os formadores e o contexto vivido por ambos. Os resultados nos mostram que para que as atividades dos cursos sejam utilizadas em sala de aula é preciso que o professor primeiro as entenda, ou seja, que se sintam seguros quanto ao domínio do conteúdo que as envolve; depois que as aceite, pois o sujeito poderá entende a atividade, mas não aceita-la no sentido de acreditar que seu uso poderá resolver alguns dos seus problemas de ensino e aprendizagem. Os cursos de curta duração parecem não oferecem tempo suficiente para que os processos de entendimento e aceitação se concretizem, mas são importantes à medida que apresentam alternativas, motivam, mostram caminhos de como, porque, onde e quando usar determinada atividade. Caberá a esse professor, caso se interesse pelo assunto, se aprofundar através de estudos individuais ou buscar outros cursos mais longos e específicos. / This work is the result of a survey taken with Chemistry teachers of high school participants from two public and private schools continuing education courses conducted by a UNIVERSITY of São Paulo, the first course took place in July 2011 and the second in January 2012. Thus, our research field is the continuing education of Chemistry teachersof chemistry, more specifically, short courses, for example courses studied here occurred in the period of approximately one week. Our main focus was to investigate how teachers are understanding and accepting the activities presented to them in these courses with the possibility of being exploited in the school routine. The instruments of this study were interviews, audio recordings and other materials produced by teachers. Data treatment consisted of observation, analysis, and creation of empirical categories retrospectively. We worked towards this direction in order to build an analytical tool that would allow us to extract in a more cohesive and structured manner the intentions contained in the collected data both on teachers and on those trainers and the context experienced by both. Results show that so the activities of the courses are used in the classroom, it is necessary that the teacher first understand them, or make them feel safe about their domain over the content involved; after accepting them, the subject can understand the activity, but not accept it in the sense of believing that their use might solve some of their teaching and learning problems. Short courses do not seem to offer enough time so that the processes of understanding and acceptance materialize, but are important as they present alternatives, motivate, show ways of how, why, where and when to use some particular activity. It\'s up to this teacher, if they are interested in the subject, delving through individual study or pursue other longer and specific courses.

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