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A Curriculum Based on the Half-Unit Psychology Elective in Texas High SchoolsGreenstone, James Lynn 08 1900 (has links)
This study constructs a curriculum guide to supplement the half-unit elective in Texas high school psychology. The guide is designed to provide a basic course structure to assist the secondary-level psychology teacher. Material already in existence in high school psychology was determined from The Educational Index, Psychological Abstracts, Dissertation Abstracts, and the Education Research Information Center. The Texas Education Agency provided guidelines for teaching secondary psychology and all other state-level information on high school psychology. The American Psychological Association furnished information about their work in secondary psychology, and the fifty state departments of education provided other state-level information. Further, a survey was conducted of the 111 high school psychology teachers in the 85 schools in the State of Texas which offer secondary-level psychology courses. An equal number of counselors within these same schools was also surveyed, as well as an expert panel of six judges. Points of emphasis in high school psychology textbooks were determined from the tables of contents in the eight such texts voluntarily used in the state. Relatively little published information provides guidelines for a high school psychology curriculum. The survey of the fifty state departments of education produced no statewide curriculum guides. The survey of teachers, counselors, and experts confirmed the desirability of five basic course areas recommended by the Texas Education Agency and five recommended by this researcher. The survey of textbook authors also supported these results, and the curriculum guide developed includes all ten areas. Each curriculum area included concepts to be conveyed, content to be taught, and instructional strategies suggested to the classroom teacher. This study recommends that this curriculum guide be piloted in Texas high school psychology classrooms, that it be updated to meet current needs, and that it be revised to improve its effectiveness.
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A study of the effects of communication design of synchronous online graduate courses on level of transactional distance and student satisfactionWisdom, Kendra Lee January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Využití moderních komunikačních technologií ve výuce cizího jazyka / Exploitation of Modern Communication Technologies in the Teaching of a Foreign LanguageHubáčková, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
1 Abstract The thesis attempts to track changes that occur in foreign language teaching due to the onset of new technologies and the related use of new methods and forms of teaching. The author deals with the possibilities of using ICT in teaching German language, development of language skills and listening comprehension, based on many years of experience in designing educational online courses, and their application in the teaching of the German language. The theoretical part of the thesis is devoted to the theoretical foundations of eLearning and description of on-line courses, the empirical part is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of these courses. The aim of this research was to determine how the use of ICT is reflected in the students' results and whether the teaching with the ICT support is more, or at least as effective as face-to- face teaching. The first online German language courses at the Faculty of Informatics and Management, University of Hradec Králové already started in 2002. These online courses have been from the beginning primarily meant as supplementary courses, which should serve to streamline the study and home preparation for lessons and to simplify and improve the preparation of students for credits and exam. Gradually there were developed courses for combined studies and...
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Zur Befähigung von Lehrkräften im Orientierungskurs: Eine FallstudieFrömmig, Linda 13 June 2017 (has links)
Diese wissenschaftliche Arbeit untersucht die Befähigung der Lehrkräfte des Orientierungskurses. Laut Integrationskursverordnung müssen die Lehrkräfte ausreichende fachliche Qualifikationen und Eignung nachweisen, um die Ziele des Orientierungskurses zu erreichen. Anders als bei der Qualifizierung für die Vermittlung der Sprache muss jedoch kein entsprechendes Studium oder Zusatzqualifizierung für den Erhalt der Integrationskurslizenz absolviert worden sein. Die Forschungsfrage wird anhand einer Fallanalyse realisiert, die eine multiperspektivische und qualitative Betrachtung der Situation erlaubt. Im Zentrum der Fallanalyse steht die Erhebung qualitativer Interviews, die mit Orientierungskurslehrkräften und Sprachkurslehrkräften in der Landeshauptstadt Sachsens geführt wurden. Die Interviews wurden aufgenommen, transkribiert und nach Vorgaben der qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring untersucht.
Der Orientierungskurs folgt im Normalfall als siebtes Modul auf die sechsmonatige Phase des Sprachkurses und schließt mit dem Test Leben in Deutschland ab. Die Position als letztes Modul im Orientierungskurs wurde von einigen Orientierungskurslehrkräften als negativer Einfluss auf die Motivation der Teilnehmenden angeführt. Außerdem verstärkt die organisatorische Überschneidung des Orientierungskurses mit der DTZ-Prüfung, die am Ende des Sprachkursteils steht, diesen Effekt.
Die statistischen Daten aus dem Jahr 2016 zeigen, dass in diesem Jahr die höchste Zahl an Asylanträgen seit Bestehen des Bundesamtes für Migration und Flüchtlinge gestellt wurde. Ebenfalls hat sich die Zusammensetzung der Teilnehmenden der Integrationskurse seit 2014 deutlich verändert. Kamen die Teilnehmenden 2014 am häufigsten aus EU-Staaten, stand 2016 mit 50 Prozent der Neukursteilnehmenden Syrien an erster Stelle. Darauf folgte der Irak und Eritrea. Somit besitzt die Mehrheit der Kursteilnehmenden einen ähnlichen kulturellen Hintergrund. Außerdem machten männliche Teilnehmende mit 66 Prozent im Jahr 2016 die Mehrheit im Integrationskurs aus. In Sachsen liegt die Quote mit 72 Prozent über dem bundesweiten Durchschnitt. Entsprechend der bundesweiten Entwicklung stieg auch in Sachsen die Anzahl der Neukursteilnehmenden von 2 auf 4 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr 2015 an. Somit begannen im Jahr 2016 mit 758 Kursen deutlich mehr Integrationskurse als im Vorjahr. Die Lehrkräfte bestätigen die statistische Analyse durch ihre Aussagen. Der hohe Männeranteil wird ebenso angeführt wie die Homogenität der Herkunft. Einige Sprachkurslehrkräfte merken an, dass durch den einheitlichen Hintergrund der Teilnehmenden ein sprachlicher Austausch und somit der Lernprozess gehemmt ist. Weiterhin führen alle Lehrkräfte die Heterogenität der Vorbildung und der Leistungsfähigkeit als die größte Herausforderung an, die sich auch in den Lernerfolgen niederschlagen würde.
Die unter 3.3 und 7.1 ausgeführte hohe Varianz des Sprachniveaus wird von den Orientierungslehrkräften bestätigt und als größte Herausforderung im Kurs benannt. Infolge des variierenden Niveaus sind die Teilnehmenden weniger motiviert, können nicht aktiv am Kurs teilnehmen und verstehen komplexere Themen schlechter. Das Curriculum gibt an, dass der Orientierungskurs auf Sprachniveau A2 ausgerichtet ist. Die Betrachtung der Beschreibung dieser Niveaustufe unter Punkt 7.1 zeigt jedoch eine hohe Diskrepanz zwischen dem Sprachniveau und dem Anspruch des Wortschatzes im Orientierungskurs. Dies bestätigen auch die Aussagen der Lehrkräfte (Punkt. 9.1 Kategorie 8). Außerdem müssen die sprachlichen Fähigkeiten nicht als Voraussetzung für den Orientierungskurs nachgewiesen werden.:Inhaltsverzeichnis
Danksagung 4
Abkürzungsverzeichnis 5
1. Einleitung 6
1.1 Einleitende Gedanken 6
1.2 Aufbau und Forschungsabsicht 7
2. Integrationskurs 9
2.1 Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme 9
2.2 Aufbau 10
3. Teilnehmende und Absolventen 12
3.1 Teilnehmende bundesweit 12
3.2 Teilnehmende in Sachsen 14
3.3 Kursabsolventen 16
4. Lehrkräfte 19
4.1 Zulassungskriterien 19
4.2 Zulassungszahlen 21
4.3 Arbeitsbedingungen 21
5. Orientierungskurs 23
5.1 Vorgaben 23
5.2 Curriculum 24
5.2.1 Änderungen 25
5.2.2 Aufbau 26
5.2.3 Ausrichtung der Themenbereiche 27
5.2.4 Methodik 30
5.2.5 Voraussetzungen der Teilnehmenden 31
5.3 Übergreifende Zielsetzung 32
5.3.1 Übergeordnete Ziele 32
5.3.2 Allgemeine Lernziele 33
6. Test Leben in Deutschland 35
6.1 Entstehung 35
6.2 Aufbau 36
6.3 Teilnehmende und Absolventen 37
6.4 Bewertung 38
7.Materialien 39
7.1 Vorgehensweise und Kriterien 39
7.2 Lehrwerk: 60 Stunden Deutschland 41
7.3 Lehrwerk: miteinander leben 45
7.4 Zusammenfassung 49
8. Methodisches Vorgehen 51
8.1 Auswahl der qualitativen Forschung 51
8.2 Angewandte Interviewtechnik 52
8.2.1 Kurzinterview 52
8.2.2 Tiefeninterview 52
8.3 Erhebung der Interviewdaten 53
8.4 Aufbau und Genese des Interviewleitfadens 54
8.4.1 Kurzinterview 54
8.4.2 Tiefeninterview 55
8.5 Auswertung der Daten 58
8.5.1 Transkription 58
8.5.2 Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse nach Mayring und Kategoriensystem 59
8.6 Untersuchungsgegenstand 61
9. Analyse der empirischen Untersuchung 63
9.1 Auswertung der Kategorien 63
9.2 Zusammenfassung 84
10. Fazit und Ausblick 87
10.1 Fazit 87
10.2 Grenzen und Ausblick 92
11. Literaturverzeichnis 94
12. Anhang 100
Zulassungskriterien für Lehrkräfte in Integrationskursen (§ 15 Abs. 1 und 2 IntV) I
Auskunft BAMF II
Liste der Lehrwerke für den Integrationskurs III
Interviewleitfaden Kurzinterview VI
Interviewleitfaden Tiefeninterview VII
Verzeichnis des Datenträgers VIII
Selbstständigkeitserklärung IX
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Genetics Lecture and Laboratory Syllabus for a Junior-Level CourseHarper, Kasey 08 1900 (has links)
The following is a complete syllabus for a college level genetics course. The syllabus contains lecture outlines and notes for each chapter, along with a list of transparencies needed. The quizzes and exams are prepared and placed at the beginning of the syllabus. The beginning of the course will consist of a lecture to introduce the students to the basics of genetics, followed by many applications of genetics. The process of cell division will be mastered by the students, as well as Mendelian genetics, quantitative genetics, chromosome mapping, and inheritance. The replication, synthesis, and organization of DNA are also discussed within the lectures. The final topics that will be covered using this syllabus are genetics of cancer and immunology and population genetics. These topics are essential for a detailed genetics course. The syllabus is written in great detail, and will require a full semester to be completed. The book used in association with this syllabus is Essentials of Genetics by William S. Klug and Michael R. Cummings.
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Chicken Soup for the PortfolioDwyer, Edward J., Disque, J. Graham 01 January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Výuka angličtiny žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami na 2. stupni základní školy / Teaching English to Learners with Special Educational Needs at Higher Elementary SchoolsHubáčková, Iva January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the knowledge, opinions and teaching strategies of Czech higher elementary school teachers in relation to learners who have special educational needs (SEN); more specifically to students with ADHD and specific learning difficulties (SpLD). The data were drawn from interviews with two less experienced and two experienced teachers, and an anonymous online survey. The interviews were coded, emergent themes for each teacher were identified and broad thematic categories were developed; the categories were then further refined. Next, the themes for the two pairs of teachers - experienced and less experienced - were compared and contrasted in order to find shared patterns. Lastly, the four teachers were analysed jointly to find out whether the themes for the younger and the more experienced teachers differed. As for the survey, the data were analysed using qualitative, as well as quantitative methods. The qualitative methods included coding of the responses to the open- ended questions. The quantitative analysis was performed using several statistical tests. The findings show that most teachers seem to possess at least some degree of knowledge about the problems SEN students experience, and the strategies they can use to facilitate the learning process for them. Especially teachers...
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Unga Örnar i NorrbottenHaking Junggren, Jack January 2020 (has links)
In this paper, the aim has been to describe the Young Eagles in Norrbotten and the organization during the period 1955-1970. It was a knowledge on research on Young Eagles in Norrbotten in the previous research There is research on Young Eagles around outdoor life and citizenship. There is also research on the Workers' Education Association and IOGT, which were other organizations related to the Young Eagle's National Association. Through my addition to writing about Young Eagles in Norrbotten, the picture of the Young Eagles National Association's activities is widening. The questions were How was the organization of Young Eagles in Norrbotten 1955-1970? and What was the main purpose of their organization? There was a district board and local departments that were part of the Young Eagles National Association which stood for the values of democracy solidarity and cooperation. The organization was conducted through activities of various kinds. These were summer camps, activities for teens, study circles, leadership education outdoor courses and courses for the board in the departments. The first main purpose of the Young Eagles in Norrbotten from 1955 to 1970 was to attract teens to the activities within the district and to the local associations through forum groups and study circles. The other main purpose was to educate young people into the ideas and values of the Young Eagles National Association through leadership training and activities of various kinds. The third main purpose was to encourage leaders in the Young Eagles in Norrbotten. The source material has been handled with a qualitative text analysis aimed at idea and ideology analysis. / I denna uppsats har syftet varit att beskriva Unga Örnar i Norrbottens verksamhet under perioden 1955–1970. Det finns en kunskapslucka kring Unga Örnar i Norrbotten i den tidigare forskningen. Det finns forskning om Unga Örnar kring friluftsliv och medborgarskap. Det finns även forskning om Arbetarnas bildningsförbund och IOGT som var andra organisationer med koppling till Unga Örnars Riksförbund. Genom mitt bidrag att skriva om Unga Örnar i Norrbotten breddas bilden av Unga Örnars Riksförbunds verksamhet. Frågeställningarna var Hur bedrevs verksamheten inom Unga Örnar i Norrbotten 1955–1970? och Vad var huvudsyftet med deras verksamhet 1955–1970? Det fanns en distriktsstyrelse och lokalavdelningar som var en del av Unga Örnars Riksförbund som stod för värderingarna demokrati solidaritet och samarbete. Verksamheten bedrevs genom aktiviteter av olika slag. Dessa var sommarläger, tonårsinriktade aktiviteter, studiecirklar, ledarutbildningar, friluftskurser och kurser för styrelsearbete. Det första huvudsyftet med verksamheten 1955–1970 var att locka tonåringar till aktiviteterna inom distriktet och de lokala föreningarna genom forum grupper och studiecirklar. Det andra huvudsyftet var att fostra ungdomar in i Unga Örnars Riksförbunds idéer och värderingar genom ledarutbildningar och aktiviteter av olika slag. Det tredje huvudsyftet var att fostra ledare inom Unga Örnar i Norrbotten. Källmaterialet har hanterats med en kvalitativ textanalys inriktad mot idé och ideologianalys.
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The Association Between Core Science Course Timing and Completion of an Associate Degree Nursing ProgramPfeiffer, Patricia Ann 01 January 2015 (has links)
The aging population in the United States has led to an increased demand for registered nurses. Nursing program administrators must examine ways to increase nursing program completion, which will increase the supply registered nurses. The purpose of this study was to determine the associations among length of time between core science course completion and nursing program admission, on-time completion, and National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN) success for students at a southeastern community college. A convenience sample of 288 community students admitted to an associate degree level nursing (ADN) program between 2007 and 2012 was selected. The guiding research questions examined if the length of time from completion of core science courses, Anatomy and Physiology, and admission to a selective admission nursing program was associated with on-time completion as well as passing the NCLEX-RN examination on first attempt. Using Karen's gatekeeping theory as the theoretical foundation, this nonexperimental, nonparametric, quantitative design tested for statistical significance. A Pearson chi square with phi coefficient was utilized for data analysis. The results indicated a statistically significant association between on-time completion and completion of core science courses (X2 (4, N = 288) = 19.730, p = .001, ɸ .262); however, passing the NCLEX-RN on the first attempt was not significant (X2 (4, n = 178) = 4.182, p = .382). The study contributes to positive social change by providing research-based findings on the association between core science course timing and program completion. This knowledge may impact course scheduling and increase the number of registered nurses, which will have a positive impact on meeting the healthcare needs of society.
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University Professors' and Department Directors' Perceptions Regarding Support for Freshman Academic PerformanceSauer, Karen 01 January 2017 (has links)
In Chile, 50% of students who enroll in Chilean colleges do not graduate, negatively impacting their families' economic situations as well as national development. The purpose of this qualitative bounded case study was to gain a deeper understanding of the perceptions held by math, English, and general education professors regarding the support provided to freshman students in a program at 1 campus of a private Chilean university. Deci and Ryan's self-determination theory emphasizing internal and external motivations and social constructivism theory emphasizing development as a process comprised the conceptual framework. Both theories provide meaningful understanding of the drivers that support students in their learning process. The research questions focused on understanding the support that math, English, and general education professors and directors might provide to freshman students. A purposeful homogeneous sampling was used to identify 9 professors and 3 directors. Data collection involved semistructured interviews, peer debriefing, and member checks to triangulate the data. The findings revealed that the university could benefit from implementing a seminar program to acclimate conditionally admitted students to university studies. A 1-week seminar was developed. This study may contribute to positive social change by influencing professors' and directors' perceptions regarding possibilities for supporting students in improving their academic performance, thereby raising student passing and graduation rates to positively impact national development in Chile.
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