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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A New Screening Methodology for Mixture Experiments

Weese, Maria 01 May 2010 (has links)
Many materials we use in daily life are comprised of a mixture; plastics, gasoline, food, medicine, etc. Mixture experiments, where factors are proportions of components and the response depends only on the relative proportions of the components, are an integral part of product development and improvement. However, when the number of components is large and there are complex constraints, experimentation can be a daunting task. We study screening methods in a mixture setting using the framework of the Cox mixture model [1]. We exploit the easy interpretation of the parameters in the Cox mixture model and develop methods for screening in a mixture setting. We present specific methods for adding a component, removing a component and a general method for screening a subset of components in mixtures with complex constraints. The variances of our parameter estimates are comparable with the typically used Scheff ́e model variances and our methods provide a reduced run size for screening experiments with mixtures containing a large number of components. We then further extend the new screening methods by using Evolutionary Operation (EVOP) developed by Box and Draper [2]. EVOP methods use small movement in a subset of process parameters and replication to reveal effects out of the process noise. Mixture experiments inherently have small movements (since the proportions can only range from zero to unity) and the effects have large variances. We update the EVOP methods by using sequential testing of effects opposed to the confidence interval method originally proposed by Box and Draper. We show that the sequential testing approach as compared with a fixed sample size reduced the required sample size as much as 50 percent with all other testing parameters held constant. We present two methods for adding a component and a general screening method using a graphical sequential t-test and provide R-code to reproduce the limits for the test.

p63 and potential p63 targets in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck

Boldrup, Linda January 2008 (has links)
Squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck (SCCHN), the 6th most common cancer worldwide, has a low 5-year survival. Disease as well as treatment often causes patients severe functional and aesthetic problems. In order to improve treatment and diagnosis at earlier stages of tumour development it is important to learn more about the molecular mechanisms behind the disease. p63, an important regulator of epithelial formation, has been suggested to play a role in the development of SCCHN. Six different isoforms of p63 have been found and shown to have various functions. The aim of the studies in this thesis was to learn more about the role of p63 and proteins connected to p63 in SCCHN. Expression of p63, Cox-2, EGFR, beta-catenin, PP2A and p53 isoforms was mapped in tumours and normal tumour adjacent tissue from patients with SCCHN using western blot or RT-PCR. Results showed no significant difference between tumours and normal tumour adjacent tissue concerning expression of EGFR and beta-catenin. Cox-2 and PP2A showed significantly higher expression in tumours while p63 was more expressed in normal tumour adjacent tissue. However, expression of all these proteins in normal tumour adjacent tissue differed from tissue from disease-free non-smoking individuals. Smoking in itself did not affect expression of these proteins. The p53 isoforms p53, p53beta, p53gamma, ∆133p53, ∆133p53beta and ∆133p53gamma were expressed at RNA level in samples both from tumours and normal tumour adjacent tissue, though most of them at fairly low levels. The functional properties of the different p63 isoforms have not been fully mapped. By establishing stable cell lines over-expressing the different p63 isoforms we investigated their specific effect on tumour cells from SCCHN. Only the ∆Np63 isoforms could be stably over-expressed, whereas no clones over-expressing TAp63 could be established. Using microarray technique, cell lines stably expressing the ∆Np63 isoforms were studied and CD44, Keratins 4, 6, 14, 19 and Cox-2 were found to be regulated by p63. In conclusion, the present project adds new data to the field of p63 and SCCHN. For example, we have shown that clinically normal tumour adjacent tissue is altered compared to normal oral mucosa in non tumour patients, and that smoking does not change expression of p63, Cox-2, EGFR, beta-catenin or PP2A in oral mucosa. Novel p53 isoforms are expressed in SCCHN, and even though levels are very low they should not be overlooked. Furthermore, CD44, keratins 4, 6, 14, 19 and Cox-2 were identified as p63 targets in SCCHN.

Immobilized lipodisks as model membranes in high-throughput HPLC-MS analysis

Meiby, Elinor, Morin Zetterberg, Malin, Ohlson, Sten, Agmo Hernández, Víctor, Edwards, Katarina January 2013 (has links)
Lipodisks, also referred to as polyethylene glycol (PEG)-stabilized bilayer disks, have previously been demonstrated to hold great potential as model membranes in drug partition studies. In this study, an HPLC-MS system with stably immobilized lipodisks is presented. Functionalized lipodisks were immobilized on two different HPLC support materials either covalently by reductive amination or by streptavidin-biotin binding. An analytical HPLC column with immobilized lipodisks was evaluated by analysis of mixtures containing 15 different drug compounds. The efficiency, reproducibility, and stability of the system were found to be excellent. In situ incorporation of cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) in immobilized lipodisks on a column was also achieved. Specific binding of COX-1 to the immobilized lipodisks was validated by interaction studies with QCM-D. These results, taken together, open up the possibility of studying ligand interactions with membrane proteins by weak affinity chromatography. / <p>De två (2) första författarna delar förstaförfattarskapet.</p>

Effects of ibuprofen on Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following acute and chronic waterborne exposures

Robichaud, Monique 01 August 2011 (has links)
Pharmaceuticals and personal care products are a growing concern in the aquatic environment. Compounds from the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are commonly detected in surface waters and have the potential to negatively affect aquatic organisms. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the acute and chronic effects of ibuprofen on rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Cyclooxygenase (COX) activity, vitellogenin (VTG) concentration and ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity were evaluated following waterborne ibuprofen exposure of trout to 1 and 10 mg/L in the acute exposure and 1, 32 and 1000 μg/L in the chronic exposure, along with an experimental control, E2 control of 1000 μg/L and an E2-ibuprofen mixed treatment. Ibuprofen did not inhibit COX enzyme activity in either gill or kidney tissue. To evaluate the estrogenic effects of ibuprofen, VTG concentrations were measured; by the end of the 56 day chronic exposure VTG concentrations significantly increased in all of the ibuprofen treatments relative to the controls. EROD activity may have been inhibited by ibuprofen but definitive conclusions could not be made. These findings indicate that more research needs to be done studying ibuprofen in aquatic systems. / UOIT

Cyclooxegenase-2, Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, 9, 11 and CK19 Expression in Intraductal and Invasive Salivary Duct Carcinoma

Perschbacher, Kristina 16 February 2010 (has links)
Salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) is an uncommon neoplasm showing extensive local invasion and metastasis. Histologically it exhibits ductal differentiation without myoepithelial participation and resembles intraductal and invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. This study investigates the incidence of intraductal disease within invasive SDC and characterizes the expression of CK19, COX-2, MMP-2, 9 and 11 in intraductal and invasive SDC. 21 conventional SDC, 8 SDC arising as carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma (CaExPA), 2 pure low-grade intraductal SDC, 1 pure high-grade intraductal SDC and 1 intraductal SDC with de-differentiation were studied. The presence of intraductal tumor in SDC is relatively common (52.4%) but is not a prominent component. SDC tumor cells were strongly positive for CK19 and COX-2. MMP-2 and 9 expression showed no significant pattern. MMP-11 was expressed by fibroblasts surrounding invasive tumor and was significantly associated with lymph node positivity (p=0.02).

Cyclooxegenase-2, Matrix Metalloproteinase-2, 9, 11 and CK19 Expression in Intraductal and Invasive Salivary Duct Carcinoma

Perschbacher, Kristina 16 February 2010 (has links)
Salivary duct carcinoma (SDC) is an uncommon neoplasm showing extensive local invasion and metastasis. Histologically it exhibits ductal differentiation without myoepithelial participation and resembles intraductal and invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast. This study investigates the incidence of intraductal disease within invasive SDC and characterizes the expression of CK19, COX-2, MMP-2, 9 and 11 in intraductal and invasive SDC. 21 conventional SDC, 8 SDC arising as carcinoma ex-pleomorphic adenoma (CaExPA), 2 pure low-grade intraductal SDC, 1 pure high-grade intraductal SDC and 1 intraductal SDC with de-differentiation were studied. The presence of intraductal tumor in SDC is relatively common (52.4%) but is not a prominent component. SDC tumor cells were strongly positive for CK19 and COX-2. MMP-2 and 9 expression showed no significant pattern. MMP-11 was expressed by fibroblasts surrounding invasive tumor and was significantly associated with lymph node positivity (p=0.02).

Noves aportacions al coneixement i la prevenció de la inflamació i la resistència a la insulina induïdes per àcids grassos en cèl.lules esquelètiques

Coll Iglesias, Teresa 08 October 2009 (has links)
La Diabetis Mellitus tipus 2 (DM2) és una malaltia metabòlica complexa que afecta entre un 4 i un 5% de la població en les societats industrialitzades. Aquesta patologia es caracteritza per la presència, en la seva fase inicial, de resistència a la insulina (RI). Freqüentment, una de les primeres alteracions que s´observen en els individus amb predisposició a patir RI/DM2 és l´acumulació de grassa intraabdominal. De fet, la relació epidemiològica entre l´obesitat i la RI és molt sòlida. A més, en l´última dècada nombroses evidències han posat de manifest l´existència d´una estreta relació entre un estat d´inflamació crònic de baixa intensitat i la presència d´obesitat-RI-DM2. De tota manera, tot i que el vincle entre l´increment d´àcids grassos lliures en plasma i la diabetis està ben acceptat, els mecanismes implicats en l´aparició de RI i DM2 induïdes per aquests àcids grassos no són ben coneguts. Per aquest motiu, l´objectiu d´aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat aprofundir en els mecanismes implicats en l´aparició de RI induïda per l´àcid gras saturat palmitat i estudiar la funció de l´enzim COX-2 en aquestes condicions, així com també determinar la capacitat de l´àcid gras monoinsaturat oleat i de l´agonista PPARdelta GW501516 per a prevenir la inflamació i la RI induïdes pel palmitat en miotubs de ratolí C2C12.Els estudis realitzats indiquen que la presència elevada de l´àcid gras saturat palmitat provoca una disminució de PGC-1alfa(coactivador que controla l´expressió de gens mitocondrials) a través de l´activació de la via ERK-MAPK-NF-kB, així com també l´acumulació de diacilglicerol intramiocel·lular, fent que apareguin estats d´inflamació i RI. A més, s´ha observat que un augment agut de determinats marcadors inflamatoris, com la COX-2, contribueixen a resoldre aquest procés inflamatori generat per l´acumulació de lípids, tot i que la seva presència de manera crònica accentua l´estat inflamatori. Segons hem pogut constatar amb el nostre model in vitro de RI, l´àcid gras monoinsaturat oleat i el GW501516 podrien ser dues noves possibilitats terapèutiques per evitar la inflamació induïda per àcids grassos i millorar la sensibilitat a la insulina, ja que tenen la capacitat d´incrementar la beta-oxidació mitocondrial impedint així que s´acumulin metabolits lipotòxics com el diacilglicerol. / Insulin resistance (IR) is a major characteristic of type 2 diabetes mellitus and is also associated with obesity. Impairment of glucose utilization and insulin sensitivity has been related to the presence of high free fatty acids in plasma and a low-grade chronic systemic inflammation. However, the mechanisms by which free fatty results in inflammation and IR are not well understood. After exposing C2C12 cells (mouse myotubes) to the saturated fatty acid palmitate, we observed, on the one hand, a reduction in PGC-1-alpha gene expression through the activation of ERK-MAPK-NF-kB pathway, and on the other hand, an increase in diacylglycerol accumulation. Moreover, we observed that the presence of palmitate increased COX-2 expression, which seems to contribute to resolve the acute, but not chronic, inflammation. Our in vitro model of IR also showed that the monounsaturated fatty acid oleate and the PPAR-delta agonist GW501516, could avoid the development of inflammation and IR induced by fatty acids through an increase in mitochondrial beta-oxidation, thus preventing the accumulation of lipotoxic metabolites, such as dicylglycerol.

Perspectives on Perspectivism: Nietzsche and His Commentators

Hudgens, Jennifer L 03 August 2007 (has links)
There is little consensus among scholars as to what Nietzsche’s “perspectivism” is or what it entails. I will focus on a limited number of Nietzsche’s commentators, describing and commenting upon the writings of Brian Leiter, R. Lanier Anderson, Maudemarie Clark, Christoph Cox, and John Wilcox. Each commentator provides insight into the problems generated by the interpretations previous commentators have given, while simultaneously generating different problems within these newer interpretations. I hope to draw together the salvageable elements of each of these five interpretations in order to alleviate some general interpretive problems. My own interpretation is as follows: perspectivism entails the two positions ‘knowledge coherentism’ and ‘truth constructivism.’ ‘Knowledge coherentism’ is the need for coherence within a system of knowledge. This position saves perspectivism from relativism. ‘Truth constructivism’ is the claim that we humans intersubjectively create truth; this entails a rejection of the dichotomy of the real and the apparent.

Effect of Risk and Prognosis Factors on Breast Cancer Survival: Study of a Large Dataset with a Long Term Follow-up

Wang, Hongwei 28 July 2012 (has links)
The main goal of this study is to seek the effects of some risk and prognostic factors contributing to survival of female invasive breast cancer in United States. The study presents the survival analysis for the adult female invasive breast cancer based on the datasets chosen from the Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) program of National Cancer Institute (NCI). In this study, the Cox proportional hazard regression model and logistic regression model were employed for statistical analysis. The odds ratios (OR), hazard ratios (HR) and confidence interval (C.I.) were obtained for the risk and prognosis factors. The study results showed that some risk and prognosis factors, such as the demographic factors (race and age), social and family factor (marital status), biomedical factors (tumor size, disease stage, tumor markers and tumor cell differentiation level etc.) and type of treatment patients received had significant effects on survival of the female invasive breast cancer patients.

Mechanical Stretch and Electrical Stimulation in Mouse Skeletal Muscle in Vivo: Initiation of Hypertrophic Signaling

Brathwaite, Ricky Christopher 12 July 2004 (has links)
Skeletal muscle has an integral role in many activities. Although mechanical stretch and active force generation are known to be required for the maintenance of healthy muscle function, the mechanism by which those signals mediate muscle growth is unknown. This project was based on the hypothesis that stretch and force generation activate the Calcineurin/NFAT pathway and induce Cox-2 expression and initiate muscle hypertrophy. The specific aims of this study were to 1) develop a minimally invasive system capable of initiating hypertrophic signaling in mice, 2) characterize the effects of isometric activation, passive lengthening, and active lengthening on signaling cascades, and 3) determine the involvement of the Calcineurin/NFAT pathway and activation of COX-2 gene expression. We propose a pathway in which stimuli increase intracellular calcium, which activates the phosphatase calcineurin. Calcineurin dephosphorylates NFAT, which is translocated into the nucleus and initiates transcription of the COX-2 gene. COX-2 mediated synthesis of PGG2 is the rate-limiting step in bioactive prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins then stimulate known hypertrophic signals including the PI-3 Kinase and MAP Kinase signaling cascades.

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