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Evolution géodynamique du craton Ouest Africain au nord du Ghana / Geodynamic evolution of the west African craton in northern GhanaBlock, Sylvain 01 April 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'histoire géologique paléoprotérozoique du Craton Ouest Africain au nord du Ghana, pendant l'orogenèse Éburnéenne (2.15-2.07 Ga). La géologie régionale est présentée à l'aide de nouvelles cartes lithologique, métamorphique et structurale, issues de l'interprétation de données géophysiques et de terrain. Le nord du Ghana est constitué de ceintures de roches vertes, de gneisses et de granitoïdes. Ceux-ci ont une affinité calco-alkaline ou sont analogues aux TTG archéens, et se sont formés entre 2.21 et 2.11 Ga. L'isotopie Lu-Hf indique que l'ensemble des magmas est juvénile, avec des temps de résidence crustaux de 2.45-2.30 Ga. Le métamorphisme au nord du Ghana révèle une diversité de régimes thermiques. Des reliques métamorphiques témoignent d'un géotherme apparent froid (BT-HP, 15°C/km). Elles sont sur-imprimées par un épisode métamorphique MP - MT (20°C/km) dans les faciès amphibolite à granulite, à partir de 2145 Ma, puis par une autre phase métamorphique en faciès amphibolite (25-30°C/km) entre 2125 et 2105 Ma. L'évolution métamorphique est interprétée comme la conséquence d'une interaction entre épaississement crustal et fluage gravitaire de la pile orogénique. Il est proposé qu'un événement magmatique produise des fragments d'une croute juvénile précoce, précurseur du Craton Ouest Africain à partir de 2.45 Ga. Le nord du Ghana pourrait représenter une suture entre deux compartiments cratoniques distincts entrés en collision. La géodynamique paléoprotérozoique semble unique dans l'histoire de la Terre et représente un état transitoire de son évolution séculaire, entre un régime " archaïque "' et la tectonique des plaques moderne. / This thesis focuses on the Paleoproterozoic geological evolution of the West African Craton in northern Ghana. New lithological, metamorphic and structural regional maps are built from the interpretation of field and airborne geophysical data. The crust in northern Ghana comprises greenstone belts gneissic terranes, and granitoids. The latter have a calc-alkaline affinity, or are analogue to Archean TTGs, and formed between 2.21 and 2.11 Ga. Lu-Hf isotope analyses show that the magmas are juvenile and derived from a source extracted from the mantle at 2.45-2.30 Ga. The Eburnean metamorphic record of northern Ghana reflects a diversity of thermal regimes. Metamorphic relics record conditions that correspond to a cold apparent geothermal gradient (BT-HP, ~15°C/km). They are overprinted by amphibolite- to high-P granulite-facies metamorphism (MP-MT, 20°C/km) starting at 2145 Ma, followed by another metamorphic phase in the amphibolite facies (25-30°C/km) between 2125 and 2105 Ma. The metamorphic evolution is interpreted to reflect the interplay between crustal thickening and gravitational flow of the orogeny. We suggest that a major magmatic event started at 2.45 Ga and produced fragments of juvenile crust, that formed the protolith of the West African Craton's crust. Northern Ghana may represent a suture zone between two distinct cratonic fragments that collided. Its geological record shares some similarities with modern orogenic belts, although it is not strictly identical. The Paleoproterozoic geodynamic settings may be unique in the history of the Earth, and represent a transitional regime in its secular evolution, between archaic geodynamics and modern plate tectonics.
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Analysis of the structural geology of the high-grade metamorphic rocks in part of the Kakamas terrane of an area adjacent to the Neusspruit shear zone South of the orange river, Northern Cape, South AfricaSonwa, Cyrille Stephane Tsakou January 2021 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The Proterozoic Namaqua-Natal Province comprises highly deformed rocks of medium to high grade metamorphism and is bordering the Archean Kaapvaal Craton to the west, south and east in South Africa. The sector to the west of the Craton, namely the Namaqua Sector, is structurally complex and subdivided from west to east into the Bushmanland Subprovince, the Kakamas and Areachap terranes of the Gordonia Subprovince and the Kheis Subprovince. The prominent Neusberg Mountain Range, with exposures to the north and south of the Orange River in the Kakamas Terrane constitutes evidence of crustal shortening as a result of continental collision of the Namaqua Sector block with the Kaapvaal Craton during the Namaquan Orogeny. The Mesoproterozoic Korannaland Group in the Kakamas Terrane is affected by faulting, folding and shearing.
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Redox - pressure - temperature conditions in the continental upper mantle in relation to C-O-H fluid speciation / Conditions redox – pression – température dans le manteau supérieur en domaine continental en relation avec la nature des fluides C-O-HGoncharov, Aleksey 08 March 2012 (has links)
La thèse est basée sur une étude pétrologique et géochimique de xénolites mantelliques provenant du centre du craton sibérien et de l’Asie centrale entre le lac Baïkal et la Mongolie. Le but est d’établir l'état redox du manteau lithosphérique continental dans ces deux domaines géodynamiques distincts (ancien craton, ceinture mobile phanérozoïque) et mettre la fugacité d’oxygène en relation avec le régime thermique et la spéciation des fluides C-O-H. Les fugacités d’oxygène sont calculées sur la base des rapports Fe2+/Fe3+ dans les minéraux (spinelles et grenats) de péridotites, obtenus par spectrométrie Mössbauer. En détail, l’étude porte sur : (i) les microstructures et la composition minéralogique et chimique des xénolites ; (ii) les rapports Fe2+/Fe3+ dans les minéraux par spectrométrie Mössbauer; (iii) les températures et pressions d’équilibration des xénolites; (iv) la fugacité d’oxygène à partir des compositions des minéraux; (v) la spéciation des fluides C-O-H coexistant avec les roches mantelliques. Les résultats supportent les trois conclusions majeures. (1) La fugacité d’oxygène dans le manteau Iithosphérique au centre du craton sibérien décroît de +1 à -4 ΔlogʄO2 (FMQ) entre 70 et 220 km, accompagnée de variations latérales significatives. (2) L’état redox du manteau lithosphérique en Asie centrale est très hétérogène avec une décroissance importante lors de la transition spinelle-grenat de +0 à -3 ΔlogʄO2 (FMQ) à 50-90 km. (3) La spéciation des fluides C-O-H évolue avec la profondeur depuis H2O-CO2 en haut du manteau vers H2O-CH4 à la limite lithosphère-asthénosphère, indépendamment du profil thermique et de l’épaisseur de la lithosphère / The thesis is based on a petrologic and geochemical study of mantle xenoliths from the central Siberian craton and the Baikal-Mongolia region of central Asia. Its goal is to establish the redox regime of the lithospheric mantle in these two domains with distinct tectonic settings and age and relate it to thermal regime and the speciation of C-0-H fluids. Oxygen fugacity is calculated based on Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios in spinel and garnet of mantle peridotites obtained by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The study deals with the following topics: (i) microstructures, chemical and mineralogical composition of the xenoliths; (ii) Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios in minerals by Mössbauer spectroscopy; (iii) equilibration temperatures and pressures using mineral thermo-barometry; (iv) oxygen fugacity from mineral compositions using oxybarometry; (v) proportions of molecular components in C-0-H fluids coexisting with the studied rocks. The three main conclusions of this study are: (1) Oxygen fugacity in the lithospheric mantle in the central Siberian craton decreases from +1 to -4 ΔlogʄO2 (FMQ) at depths from 70 to 220 km and shows significant lateral variations. (2) The lithospheric mantle beneath the Baikal-Mongolia region shows important redox heterogeneities, with a sharp decrease in oxygen fugacity (from +0 to -3 AlogfO2 (FMQ)) during the transition from the spine! to garnet facies peridotites at 50 to 90 km. (3) The speciation of C-O-H fluids changes with depth from essentially H2O-CO2 in the shallow lithospheric mantle to H2O-CH4 at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary regardless of the thermal state and the thickness of the lithosphere
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Interpretação de dados gravimétricos e eletromagnéticos do sul do cráton São Francisco: novos modelos crustais e litosféricos / Interpretation of gravimetric data from southern São Francisco craton: new crustal and lithospheric modelsLuiz Gustavo Rodrigues Pinto 27 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram abordados dois temas geofísicos visando o avanço no conhecimento da litosfera do sul do cráton São Francisco. O primeiro tema teve como objetivo a proposição de um método alternativo para a definição de bordas de placas litosféricas, utilizando dados gravimétricos. Utilizou-se o mapa da primeira derivada vertical da anomalia gravimétrica Bouguer continuada para cima à altura de 100 km. Resultados crustais, ao longo de um perfil de sísmica de refração profunda, localizado no estado de Goiás e a modelagem gravimétrica 2-D de um perfil localizado entre os estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais foram utilizados para calibrar os resultados da derivada vertical. Recentes dados geoquímicos, petrológicos e de tomografia sísmica reforçam o resultado de que, nas bordas sul e oeste, a placa São Franciscana estende-se sob a Faixa Brasília e parte da bacia do Paraná. O segundo tema foi a interpretação de uma anomalia gravimétrica Bouguer positiva, aproximadamente circular com amplitude da ordem de 25 mGal. Nesta mesma região existe uma anomalia positiva do geóide, também circular, com raio de aproximadamente 250 km e uma amplitude de +7 m. O método sísmico da função do receptor não mostra a existência de afinamento crustal, eliminando assim, uma das possíveis causas da anomalia gravimétrica. Perfis magnetotelúricos radiais à anomalia gravimétrica indicam a presença de uma região no manto com resistividade elétrica mais baixa (< 100 .m), com origem a 200 km de profundidade e estendendo até a crosta inferior. Os resultados da inversão gravimétrica 3-D do alto gravimétrico indicam que a crosta inferior mais densa atinge uma espessura de 12 km, se assumirmos um contraste de densidade de +50 kg/m3. Coincidentemente com a região de crosta inferior mais densa, as sondagens magnetotelúricas indicam uma crosta eletricamente mais condutora, reforçando a existência de um underplating magmático. A impregnação de material derivado do manto, na base da crosta, é evidenciado em superfície, pela presença de diversos diques de basaltos toleíticos de composição similar aos basaltos da parte norte da Bacia do Paraná (alto TiO2) de idades do Cretáceo Inferior. Os diques toleíticos estão distribuídos por toda região sul do cráton. O manto litosférico com menor resistividade elétrica estende-se até profundidade de 200 km, sugerindo que o manto litosférico do sul do cráton São Francisco sofreu um rejuvenescimento composicional e leve aumento de densidade (50 a 70 kg/m3), responsável pelo alto do geóide. A diminuição de resistividade elétrica no manto, abaixo de profundidade de 100 km, é mais facilmente explicada pela presença de fundidos carbonatíticos no manto superior, provenientes de partes mais profundas do manto e resultantes de um menor grau de fusão. O magmatismo carbonatítico foi anterior ao magmatismo toleítico, uma vez que dados petrológicos e geoquímicos mostram que os diques toleíticos do Cretáceo Inferior na região do Espinhaço apresentam de 5% a 10% de carbonatitos em sua composição. A forma semi-circular do limite sul erosional do Grupo Bambuí deve ser resultado da erosão dos sedimentos mais antigos, devido ao soerguimento da litosfera, durante o magmatismo carbonatítico. / This thesis comprises of two parts in which two geophysical studies are described improving the knowledge of the lithosphere of the south São Francisco craton. In the first part, we propose an alternative method for defining the limits of lithosphere plate using gravity data. We used the first vertical derivative of Bouguer anomaly upwarded to 100 km height. Crustal results along a deep refraction seismic profile in the Goiás state together with a 2-D gravity model along a profile between Minas Gerais and São Paulo states were used to calibrate the vertical derivative results. Recent geochemical, petrological data and seismic topography data reinforce the gravity results that the southern and western parts of the São Francisco plate extends under parts the Brasília Belt and parts of the Paraná basin. In the second part, the interpretation of a positive Bouguer gravity anomaly, circular shaped and + 25 mGal amplitude gravity anomaly is presented. This gravity anomaly coincides with a positive, circular shaped, 7 m amplitude geoid anomaly with 250 km of radius. Receiver function results do not show a crustal thinning, excluding this possibility as the cause of gravity high. Deep magnetotelluric soundings along two profiles radial to gravity anomaly indicate a region in the mantle with lower electrical resistivity (< 100 .m) from the depth of 200 km and extending upward and reaching the lower crust. The residual Bouguer anomalies are inverted using a 3-D algorithm and indicate that the denser lower crust reaches 12 km of thickness for + 50 kg/m3 of density contrast. Coincident with a denser lower crust, magnetotelluric soundings reveal a low electrical resistivity crust, reinforcing the presence of magmatic underplating. At the surface, the contamination of magmatic material in the lower crust is supported by the presence of basaltic tholeiitic dike swarms similar, in composition, to the basalts of northern Paraná basin (high TiO2) of Early Cretaceous age. Tholeiitic dikes swarms are distributed throughout the southern region of the craton. Lithospheric mantle with lower electrical resistivity reaches 200 km of depth, indicating that the lithospheric mantle in the southern São Francisco craton underwent compositional rejuvenation accompanied by a mild increase in density (+ 50 to + 70 kg/m3) responsible for the positive geoid anomaly. The decrease of electrical resistivity in the mantle at depths beyond 100 km is easier explained by the presence of carbonatitic melts in the upper mantle, derived from a low degree of partial melt of a metasomatized deeper mantle. The carbonatitic magmatism was prior to tholeiitic magmatism since petrological and geochemical data show that the Early Cretaceous Espinhaço tholeiitic dikes contain 5 to 10% of carbonatites in their composition. The circular shaped erosional limit of the Bambui Group may have been produced by lithosphere uplift at the time of carbonatitic magmatism.
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Interpretação de dados gravimétricos e eletromagnéticos do sul do cráton São Francisco: novos modelos crustais e litosféricos / Interpretation of gravimetric data from southern São Francisco craton: new crustal and lithospheric modelsPinto, Luiz Gustavo Rodrigues 27 March 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram abordados dois temas geofísicos visando o avanço no conhecimento da litosfera do sul do cráton São Francisco. O primeiro tema teve como objetivo a proposição de um método alternativo para a definição de bordas de placas litosféricas, utilizando dados gravimétricos. Utilizou-se o mapa da primeira derivada vertical da anomalia gravimétrica Bouguer continuada para cima à altura de 100 km. Resultados crustais, ao longo de um perfil de sísmica de refração profunda, localizado no estado de Goiás e a modelagem gravimétrica 2-D de um perfil localizado entre os estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais foram utilizados para calibrar os resultados da derivada vertical. Recentes dados geoquímicos, petrológicos e de tomografia sísmica reforçam o resultado de que, nas bordas sul e oeste, a placa São Franciscana estende-se sob a Faixa Brasília e parte da bacia do Paraná. O segundo tema foi a interpretação de uma anomalia gravimétrica Bouguer positiva, aproximadamente circular com amplitude da ordem de 25 mGal. Nesta mesma região existe uma anomalia positiva do geóide, também circular, com raio de aproximadamente 250 km e uma amplitude de +7 m. O método sísmico da função do receptor não mostra a existência de afinamento crustal, eliminando assim, uma das possíveis causas da anomalia gravimétrica. Perfis magnetotelúricos radiais à anomalia gravimétrica indicam a presença de uma região no manto com resistividade elétrica mais baixa (< 100 .m), com origem a 200 km de profundidade e estendendo até a crosta inferior. Os resultados da inversão gravimétrica 3-D do alto gravimétrico indicam que a crosta inferior mais densa atinge uma espessura de 12 km, se assumirmos um contraste de densidade de +50 kg/m3. Coincidentemente com a região de crosta inferior mais densa, as sondagens magnetotelúricas indicam uma crosta eletricamente mais condutora, reforçando a existência de um underplating magmático. A impregnação de material derivado do manto, na base da crosta, é evidenciado em superfície, pela presença de diversos diques de basaltos toleíticos de composição similar aos basaltos da parte norte da Bacia do Paraná (alto TiO2) de idades do Cretáceo Inferior. Os diques toleíticos estão distribuídos por toda região sul do cráton. O manto litosférico com menor resistividade elétrica estende-se até profundidade de 200 km, sugerindo que o manto litosférico do sul do cráton São Francisco sofreu um rejuvenescimento composicional e leve aumento de densidade (50 a 70 kg/m3), responsável pelo alto do geóide. A diminuição de resistividade elétrica no manto, abaixo de profundidade de 100 km, é mais facilmente explicada pela presença de fundidos carbonatíticos no manto superior, provenientes de partes mais profundas do manto e resultantes de um menor grau de fusão. O magmatismo carbonatítico foi anterior ao magmatismo toleítico, uma vez que dados petrológicos e geoquímicos mostram que os diques toleíticos do Cretáceo Inferior na região do Espinhaço apresentam de 5% a 10% de carbonatitos em sua composição. A forma semi-circular do limite sul erosional do Grupo Bambuí deve ser resultado da erosão dos sedimentos mais antigos, devido ao soerguimento da litosfera, durante o magmatismo carbonatítico. / This thesis comprises of two parts in which two geophysical studies are described improving the knowledge of the lithosphere of the south São Francisco craton. In the first part, we propose an alternative method for defining the limits of lithosphere plate using gravity data. We used the first vertical derivative of Bouguer anomaly upwarded to 100 km height. Crustal results along a deep refraction seismic profile in the Goiás state together with a 2-D gravity model along a profile between Minas Gerais and São Paulo states were used to calibrate the vertical derivative results. Recent geochemical, petrological data and seismic topography data reinforce the gravity results that the southern and western parts of the São Francisco plate extends under parts the Brasília Belt and parts of the Paraná basin. In the second part, the interpretation of a positive Bouguer gravity anomaly, circular shaped and + 25 mGal amplitude gravity anomaly is presented. This gravity anomaly coincides with a positive, circular shaped, 7 m amplitude geoid anomaly with 250 km of radius. Receiver function results do not show a crustal thinning, excluding this possibility as the cause of gravity high. Deep magnetotelluric soundings along two profiles radial to gravity anomaly indicate a region in the mantle with lower electrical resistivity (< 100 .m) from the depth of 200 km and extending upward and reaching the lower crust. The residual Bouguer anomalies are inverted using a 3-D algorithm and indicate that the denser lower crust reaches 12 km of thickness for + 50 kg/m3 of density contrast. Coincident with a denser lower crust, magnetotelluric soundings reveal a low electrical resistivity crust, reinforcing the presence of magmatic underplating. At the surface, the contamination of magmatic material in the lower crust is supported by the presence of basaltic tholeiitic dike swarms similar, in composition, to the basalts of northern Paraná basin (high TiO2) of Early Cretaceous age. Tholeiitic dikes swarms are distributed throughout the southern region of the craton. Lithospheric mantle with lower electrical resistivity reaches 200 km of depth, indicating that the lithospheric mantle in the southern São Francisco craton underwent compositional rejuvenation accompanied by a mild increase in density (+ 50 to + 70 kg/m3) responsible for the positive geoid anomaly. The decrease of electrical resistivity in the mantle at depths beyond 100 km is easier explained by the presence of carbonatitic melts in the upper mantle, derived from a low degree of partial melt of a metasomatized deeper mantle. The carbonatitic magmatism was prior to tholeiitic magmatism since petrological and geochemical data show that the Early Cretaceous Espinhaço tholeiitic dikes contain 5 to 10% of carbonatites in their composition. The circular shaped erosional limit of the Bambui Group may have been produced by lithosphere uplift at the time of carbonatitic magmatism.
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Etude métallogénique du district aurifère de Syama (Mali) : analyse comparative de gisements situés sur une même structure lithosphérique éburnéenne / Metallogenic synthesis of the Syama gold district (Mali) : comparative study of several gold deposits, located in the N-S trending Bagoé greenstone belt of MaliTraoré, Yollande 23 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse correspond à une étude comparative détaillée de trois gisements aurifères birimiens (~ 2 Ga) du craton ouest africain (Syama, Tabakoroni et Tellem), situés sur la ceinture de Bagoé au Mali. La minéralisation se concentre dans les roches où les structures de déformation fragile sont les plus développées (basaltes et métasédiments bréchifiés, microgranite à Tellem) et se développe préférentiellement en bordure des veines. Les sulfures majeurs (pyrite à Syama et pyrite + arsénopyrite à Tabakoroni et Tellem) sont zonés avec : i) un cœur arsénifère riche en inclusions d'albite, d'ankérite et de rutile (accessoirement pyrrhotite); ii) une bordure limpide, globalement moins arsénifère que le coeur mais présentant une fine zonation avec des alternances de zones riches en As et de zones pauvres en As. L'or se présente sous forme d'or invisible inclus dans le réseau cristallin des sulfures, de petits grains individualisés en inclusion dans les sulfures, souvent accompagnés de sulfoantimoniures, notamment la tétraédrite et la chalcostibite, et d'or libre associé au quartz. Les pyrites arsénifères et les arsénopyrites des gisements de la ceinture de Bagoé sont parmi les plus riches en or invisible de tous les gisements d'or de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et tout à fait comparables à ceux de la ceinture d'Ashanti au Ghana. / This thesis presents a comparative study of the Syama, Tabakoroni and Tellem gold deposits, located in the N-S trending Bagoé greenstone belt of Mali. Mineralization is found preferentially along the edges of millimetre- to centimetre-sized quartz, quartz-albite, quartz-ankerite, dolomite-quartz veins developed in tension gaps that formed during brittle deformation. Gold mineralization is mostly associated with pyrite in the three deposits, and also with arsenopyrite at Tabakoroni and Tellem. These sulphides are zoned with (i) an arsenic-rich core containing several albite, ankerite and rutile inclusions (less commonly, pyrrhotite) and (ii) a clear border of finely alternating As-rich and As-poor bands. Gold occurs in the form of i) invisible gold included in their crystal lattices, ii) small individual grains bound to these sulphides, frequently accompanied by sulphoantimonides, mainly tetrahedrite and chalcostibite and iii) free gold associated with quartz. The arseniferous pyrites and arsenopyrites of the Bagoé belt deposits are among the richest in invisible gold in all gold deposits in West Africa and are quite comparable to those of the Ashanti Belt in Ghana.
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Evolution géodynamique et tectonique de la ceinture de roches vertes paléoprotérozoïque de Sefwi, craton Ouest-africain (Ghana) / The geodynamic and tectonic evolution of the paleoproterozoic Sefwi Greenstone belt, West African CratonMcfarlane, Helen 20 March 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s'intéresse à un segment de croûte d'âge Paléoprotérozoïque du craton ouest-africain. Les roches de la zone d'étude comprennent des roches volcaniques et volcanoclastiques mafiques à felsiques, des paragneiss de haut grade métamorphique et des ensembles volcano-sédimentaires faiblement métamorphisés. De nouvelles cartes lithologiques, métamorphiques et structurales sont construites à l'aide d'une approche intégrée, couplant cartographie de terrain et interprétation des données géophysiques aéroportées à l'échelle régionale. L'analyse des données géochimiques et géochronologiques des suites magmatiques de la ceinture de roches vertes de Sefwi révèle une affinité marquée avec le magmatisme calco- alcalin, produit des arcs volcaniques modernes et avec les TTGs d'âge Néoarchéen, impliquant une certaine diversité des sources et des processus pétrogénétiques. Des coeurs de zircons hérités, présents au sein de la suite magmatique livrent des âges autour de ca. 2250 à 2270 Ma. Leurs couronnes révèlent des âges de mise en place compris entre ca. 2189 et 2081 Ma. L'analyses Lu-Hf sur zircon livre des valeurs eHf positives et des âges modèles pour la croûtes situés entre 2650 et 2250 Ma. Ces valeurs indiquent l'existence d'une proto-croûte à tendance radiogènique et des temps de séjour limités pour ces magmas évoluant au sein de cette proto-croûte. L'évolution des magmas montre qu'ils ont été générés de façon concomitante, vers 2155 Ma, certains dérivants de la fusion d'une source mafique faiblement enrichit en potassium et formant des magmas sodiques, riches en silice, de type TTGs, d'autres de composition plus dioritiques, générés à partir de la fusion du manteau métasomatisé et enrichit en LILE. La mise en place plus tard vers ca. 2136 Ma de monzonites, présentant de teneurs élevées en potassium, soutient l'hypothèse d'une interaction avec des magmas de refusion de TTG existants au sein de la croûte. Le dernier stade du magmatisme est caractérisé par la mise en place de granites à deux micas et de leucogranites, le long de la marge nord-ouest de la ceinture de roches vertes vers ca. 2092 et 2081 Ma, marquant le stade de la collision au sein de l'orogène Eburnéenne. L'évènement tectono-métamorphique d'âge Eburnéen est caractérisé par un métamorphisme initialement de faciès amphibolite de haute pression, associé à un gradient géothermique assez froid (HP-MT, ~ 15-17 ° C / km). Le raccourcissement D1, orienté NNO-SSE, a généré une foliation pénétrative (S1), parallèle au litage des roches et des plans de chevauchement à tendance décrochant, orienté E-W. Cette tectonique précoce a provoquée l'enfouissement de roches supra-crustales (sédiments, roches volcaniques) et un épaississement de la croûte. Cet évènement métamorphique précoce évolue dans le temps et l'espace vers le facies amphibolite-granulite et l'anatexie. Les données SHRIMP U-Pb in-situ sur monazite livré des âges autour de ca. 2073 Ma. Ces monazites sont présentes au sein de paragénèses métamorphiques (D2) soulignant la foliation S2. Ces âges sont interprétés comme marquant le début de l'exhumation et du refroidissement de la croûte inférieure. Des détachements normaux, orientés NNE-SSO et des structures constrictives se sont formés conjointement au sein d'un régime de déformation D2 globalement transtensif, à jeux sénestre. Un régime compressif plus tardif (D3) a ensuite causé une réactivation en mouvement dextre de ces structures cisaillantes orientées NE-SO avec une rétrogression en schistes verts. Nous proposons que les segments de croute juvénile ont été générés en contexte d'arc intra-océanique, associé à un magmatisme intense et varié, issus des processus de subduction qui prendront fin lors des stades d'accrétion et de collision de ces segments d'autres terranes birimiens. La marge nord-ouest de la ceinture de roches vertes de Sefwi est interprétée comme une zone de suture entre des segments d'arc originellement séparés. / This thesis investigates the Palaeoproterozoic crust of the West African Craton in southwest Ghana, providing insight into its controversial geodynamic and tectonic evolution. Rocks of the study area comprise greenschist- to amphibolite facies, mafic to felsic volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks, high-grade paragneisses and low-grade volcano-sedimentary packages, all of which are extensively intruded by multiple generations of granitoids. New lithological, metamorphic and structural maps are constructed using integrated field mapping and interpretation of regional airborne geophysical datasets. This approach is used to constrain the deformation history of the sparsely exposed rocks of the NE- to NNE-striking Sefwi Greenstone Belt and the adjacent volcano-sedimentary domains deformed during the Eburnean Orogeny (2150-2070 Ma). Combined geochemical and geochronological analysis of the magmatic suites of the Sefwi Greenstone Belt reveal calc-alkaline, volcanic arc affinities, as well as a striking similarity to Neoarchean TTGs that require diverse magma sources and petrogenetic processes. Rare inherited zircon cores from the Palaeoproterozoic magmatic suite yield ages of ca. 2250 to 2270 Ma, with granitoid emplacement ages ranging between ca. 2189 and 2081 Ma. Zircon Lu-Hf analysis reveals consistently positive eHf(t) values and two-stage crustal model ages between 2650 and 2250 Ma, indicative of a radiogenic proto-crust and short crustal residence times. The magmatic evolution reveals the coeval generation of sodic, high-silica TTGs derived from partial melting of low-K mafic sources and dioritic magmas generated in a metasomatised, LILE-enriched mantle wedge at ca. 2155 Ma. Subsequent emplacement of high-K quartz monzonites at ca. 2136 Ma supports the interaction of mantle-derived magmas and remelting of existing TTGs. The final stage of magmatism is characterised by the emplacement of two-mica-granites and leucogranites along the NW margin of the Sefwi Greenstone Belt between ca. 2092 and 2081 Ma, interpreted as a terminal collisional event during the Eburnean Orogeny. Eburnean metamorphism and deformation is characterised in the study area by initial high-pressure amphibolite facies metamorphism corresponding with low apparent geothermal gradients (HP-MT, ~15-17°C/km). D1 NNW-SSE shortening generated a ubiquitous bedding-parallel foliation (S1) and ~E-W striking thrust faults, resulting in the burial of supracrustal rocks and crustal thickening. In the high-grade terrane, subsequent amphibolite-granulite facies metamorphism is associated with anatexis. In-situ SHRIMP U-Pb monazite ages at ca. 2073 Ma, hosted within, D2 mineral assemblages, are interpreted as the initial timing of cooling and exhumation, significantly later than paroxysmal metamorphism in NW Ghana and central Ivory Coast (2150-2130 Ma). NNE-striking normal detachments and constrictional deformation structures formed during sinistral ENW-WSW transtension (D2), during which segments of the middle- and lower crust were juxtaposed with low-grade domains. Subsequent E-W directed shortening (D3) caused the dextral re- activation of NE-SW striking shear zones, associated with a localised greenschist facies metamorphic overprint. We propose that the juvenile crust of southwest Ghana was generated in an intra-oceanic arc setting, associated with diverse and intense subduction-related magmatism until subsequent terrane accretion and collision. The north-western margin of the Sefwi Greenstone Belt in interpreted as a suture between the separate arc terranes, diachronously accreted during the Eburnean Orogeny. The Palaeoproterozoic crust of the southern portion of the West African Craton represents a juvenile crustal growth event, recording the unique geodynamic and orogenic processes associated with nascent subduction-related plate tectonics in the early Earth.
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Petrografia, geoquímica e geocronologia Sm/Nd das rochas do complexo máfico - ultramáficos trincheira : divisa Mato Grosso-Rondônia, Sw do Cráton AmazônicoOliveira, Regiane Ferreira de 21 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Souza (simonecgsouza@hotmail.com) on 2017-11-06T16:06:43Z
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DISS_2014_ Regiane Ferreira de Oliveira.pdf: 6027017 bytes, checksum: f165c49fb24857b10d67f0c0b49ba85f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014-03-21 / Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de estudos geológicos e petrográficos realizados na região do Distrito de Noroagro – município de Comodoro no Estado de Mato Grosso com enfoque na geoquímica e geocronologia Sm e Nd de diques e “plugs máficos”, intrudidos nas rochas do Granito Rio Piolho e do Complexo Rio Galera. Os diques estudados situam-se no sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico na província Rondoniana San – Ignacio, especificamente nos domínios da Faixa Alto Guaporé. Petrograficamente, as rochas apresentam como aspectos macroscópicos feições estruturais características de rochas maciças de granulação fina a media variando de máficas a ultramáficas e cor cinza- esverdeada a preta. Apresentam texturas inequigranulares e composição gabroica ou peridotítica, constituídas, essencialmente, por minerais máficas (piroxênios e anfibólios) e plagioclásio por vezes alterados por processos de saussuritização. Opticamente, são rochas holocristalinas, textura ofítica a cumulática (peridotitos) onde os piroxênios representam à fase cumulus e os plagioclásios a fase inter-cumulus. Dados geoquímicos enfatizam que o magmatismo é do tipo toleítico, de natureza subalcalina, estando a totalidade das rochas no campo dos Basaltos de Fundo Oceânico – OFB (Ocean Floor Basalts), sendo que duas amostras apresentam assinatura de arco de ilhas. Datações de Sm- Nd indicaram idades de 1,24 , 1,27 e 1,57 (Ga) e apresentam ɛ Nd (t)a entre +6,27e + 6,50 para os gabros +5,80 para metapiroxênito. Os valores positivos de ɛ Nd (t)a juntamente com a razão 87Sr/86Sr de 0,704 para litotipo metagabro confirma que as rochas máficas –ultramáficas da região da Fazendas Maringá e Imaculada são derivadas de manto empobrecido / This works presents the results of Geological studies and petrographics realized in the Noroagro District, Comodoro municipality of Mato Grosso State focused on Geochemistry and Sm/Nd geochronology of dykes and maphic plugs emplaced in Rio Piolho Granite and Rio Galera Complex. The studied dykes is located in southwest of Amazonian Craton, Rondonian-San Ignácio Province, specifically in the Alto Guaporé Belt. Petrographically the rocks exhibit macroscopic strutural feature characteristics of massiveslightelly oriented rocks, fine to médium grain ranging of mafic to utramafic composition and greenhish – gray to black color. They presets inequigranular textures and gabbroic or peridotite composition, consisting essentially of mafic minerals (pyroxene and amphibole) and sometimes altered plagioclase and its partial saussuritization process. Optically Show holocrystalline granular rocks, with cumulate and ophitic texture ( peridotites) where pyroxene representes the cumulus crystal phase and the plagioclase inter-cumulus phase. Geochemical data emphasize that the magmatism is tholeiitic with sub-alkaline nature, being all of the rocks in the field of Ocean Floor Basalts (OFB) and two samples representes signatures island arc.
Geochoronological Sm-Nd data indicated ages of 1,24 ,1,27 and 1,57 (Ga) and Show ɛ Nd (t)a between + 6,27 and +6,50 for gabbro and +5,80 for pyroxenite. The positive ɛ Nd (t)a values together with razão 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0,704 for metagabbro suggests for the mafic- ultramafic rocks of region of Maringa and Imaculada Farm are derived of depleted mantle.
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Structure sismique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest par tomographie d'ondes de surface / Seismic structure of West Africa by surface wave tomographyOuattara, Yacouba 01 July 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse nous a permis de produire des cartes de vitesse de groupe du mode fondamental des ondes de Rayleigh, en utilisant les séismes et les corrélations du bruit sismique ambiant. En plus de la méthode moindres carrées amortis, nous avons adapté la nouvelle méthode d’inversion, SOLA-Backus-Gilbert dans un contexte régional. À courte période, les cartes de vitesse de groupe présentent des vitesses rapides pour la croûte océanique et des vitesses lentes pour la croûte continentale. Pour les périodes intermédiaires, le bassin de Taoudeni se caractérise par de faibles vitesses par rapport au reste du craton ouest africain en raison de l’épaisseur de la couche sédimentaire. A longue périodes, les racines des dorsales Man-Leo et Reguibat sont caractérisées par des vitesses rapides, montrant une lithosphère froide et épaisse sous le craton, tandis que nous avons trouvé des vitesses de groupe lentes sous les zones de ceinture mobile panafricaine indiquant une lithosphère mince. / This thesis allowed us to produce group velocity maps of the fundamental mode of Rayleigh waves, using both earthquakes and seismic ambient noise correlation. In this study, in addition to the damped least squares method, we adapted for the very first time a new inversion method, called SOLA-Backus-Gilbert in regional context. At short periods, the group velocities maps exhibit fast velocities for the oceanic crust and slow velocities for the continental crust. For the intermediate periods, the Taoudeni Basin is characterized by low velocities compared to the rest of the west african craton due to the thickness of the sedimentary layer. Over long periods, the roots of the Man-Leo and Reguibat shields are characterized by fast velocities, showing a cold and thick lithosphere under the craton, while we found slow group velocities under the Pan-African orogenic belts zones indicating a thin lithosphere.
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Les changements géodynamiques à la transition Archéen-Protérozoïque : étude des granitoïdes de la marge Nord du craton du Kaapvaal (Afrique du Sud) / Geodynamic changes at the Archaean-Proterozoic transition : study of the granitoids from the northern part of the Kaapvaal craton (South Africa)Laurent, Oscar 10 December 2012 (has links)
La composition chimique de la croûte continentale a significativement évolué à la transition Archéen-Protérozoïque (3000–2500 Ma), témoignant de changements géodynamiques majeurs à cette époque. Afin d’étudier l’expression et les origines de ces changements, qui sont encore mal contraints, j’ai étudié une diversité de granitoïdes qui se sont mis en place dans cette gamme d’âges à la marge Nord du craton du Kaapvaal, en Afrique du Sud. Ce travail a permis de préciser la typologie et l’origine des granitoïdes tardi-archéens ; ceux-ci peuvent être classés dans trois grands groupes : (1) Les sanukitoïdes, représentés en Afrique du Sud par le pluton de Bulai, sont des magmas dérivant de l’interaction entre une péridotite mantellique et un composant riche en éléments incompatibles (TTG, liquide issu de la fusion de sédiments, et, plus rarement, fluide aqueux). Les sanukitoïdes peuvent être classés en deux groupes distincts, selon les mécanismes de cette hybridation : les low-Ti sanukitoids proviennent d’une simple hybridation du liquide silicaté avec la péridotite, alors que les high-Ti sanukitoids sont issus de la fusion d’un assemblage métasomatique à amphibole et phlogopite, résultant de ces interactions. Enfin, les mécanismes de différenciation des suites sanukitoïdes au niveau de la croûte sont contrôlées par des mécanismes de cristallisation fractionnée ou (moins vraisemblablement) de fusion partielle. (2) Les sanukitoïdes « marginaux », représentés dans le craton du Kaapvaal par les plutons de Mashashane, Matlala, Matok et Moletsi, sont des granitoïdes résultant de l’interaction entre des sanukitoïdes et des magmas provenant de la fusion de croûte préexistante. Etant donné la large gamme de sources possibles (TTG, métasédiments, roches mafiques) d’un craton à l’autre, ce groupe est extrêmement diversifié. Leurs mécanismes de différenciation sont contrôlés par la cristallisation fractionnée. (3) Certains granites, tels que le batholite de Turfloop en Afrique du Sud, sont directement issus de la fusion de lithologies crustales (TTG, métasédiments et amphibolites). Au sein du craton du Kaapvaal, l’évolution spatio-temporelle du magmatisme tardi-archéen suit un schéma très caractéristique : les TTG se mettent en place entre ~3300 et ~2800 Ma, puis laissent la place à la genèse de l’ensemble des granitoïdes présentés ci-dessus, qui se déroule entre 2780 et 2590 Ma. Cette séquence d’évènements est reproduite au sein de tous les cratons du monde à la fin de l’Archéen. Elle témoigne de l’avènement des processus de recyclage crustal, puisque, par opposition aux TTG archéennes qui dérivent de métabasaltes juvéniles, les magmas tardi-archéens sont issus à la fois de la différenciation intracrustale et de l’interaction entre une péridotite et du matériel continental introduit dans le manteau. Cette dualité de processus pétrogénétiques est aussi très typique des épisodes magmatiques qui ont lieu à la fin des cycles de subduction-collision post-archéens. Ainsi, l’évolution de la composition des granitoïdes entre 3000 et 2500 Ma traduit vraisemblablement l’initiation d’une forme de tectonique des plaques proche du régime actuel. Celle-ci serait liée au refroidissement planétaire global, qui a probablement entraîné un « effet de seuil » dans l’évolution de l’épaisseur de la croûte océanique ainsi que la rhéologie et le volume de la croûte continentale, permettant ainsi à la subduction et à la collision de ne devenir thermo-mécaniquement stables qu’à partir de la fin de l’Archéen. / The chemical composition of continental crust significantly evolved though time, in particular at the Archaean-Proterozoic transition (3000–2500 Ma), which witnesses major geodynamic changes at that time. The nature and origin of these changes are poorly constrained so far. To better constrain them, I studied a range of granitoid emplaced at that time at the northern margin of the Kaapvaal Craton, in South Africa. In the light of my work, the typology and origin of this magmatism has been reappraised; in particular, the late-archaean granitoids can be split in three different groups : (1) Sanukitoids are represented in South Africa by the Bulai pluton. They are hybrid magmas derived from interaction between mantle peridotite and a component rich in incompatible elements (generally a melt derived from either metabasalts or metasediments). They can be separated in two groups, depending on the hybridation process: low-Ti sanukitoids derive from one-step interaction of silicate melt with peridotite, while high-Ti sanukitoids result from melting of a metasomatic, amphibole- and phlogopite-bearing assemblage equilibrated during the interactions. Finally, the differentiation mechanisms of sanukitoid suites at crustal levels are mainly controlled by fractional crystallization or, less likely, partial melting. (2) « Marginal » sanukitoids, as represented in the Kaapvaal craton by Mashashane, Matlala, Matok and Moletsi plutons, are produced by interactions between sanukitoids and crust-derived melts. Because the source of the latter can be very different from a craton to another, this group of granitoids is extremely diverse. Their magmatic evolution is mostly controlled by fractional crystallization, such as sanukitoids. (3) Some granites, such as those from the Turfloop batholith in South Africa, directly derive from melting of older crustallithologies (TTGs, metasediments, mafic rocks). The evolution of late-archaean magmatism in the Kaapvaal craton follows a very typical sequence: genesis of TTG took place between ~3300 and ~2800 Ma, and give way to the emplacement of all granitoid types presented above, which occurs in a short time span between 2780 and 2590 Ma. This succession of events is identical within every craton worldwide at the end of the Archaean. It witnesses the advent of crust recycling processes, as late-archaean magmas derive from both intracrustal differentiation and interactions between peridotite and continental material introduced within the mantle. This sharply contrasts with the genesis of TTG through melting of juvenile metabasalts only. This duality of petrogenetic processes is also typical of magmatic events in late- to post-orogenic settings, at the end of present-day subduction-collision cycles. As a result, the evolution of the crust composition between 3000 and 2500 Ma likely reflects the initiation of modernstyle plate tectonics. This would be the consequence of global cooling of Earth, which has induced a threshold effect in parameters such as (1) the thickness of oceanic crust and (2) the rheology and volume of continental crust. Indeed, these parameters exert a primary control on the thermo-mechanical stability of subduction and collision, and both became possible at the end of the Archaean only.
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