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Petrologia dos basaltos toleíticos de 2.1 GA do Greenstone Belt Vila Nova, Escudo das Guianas, Amapá, BrasilHoffmann, Itiana Borges January 2017 (has links)
O significado da idade do magmatismo, reconhecimento das séries magmáticas e ambientes tectônicos que controlaram a origem das rochas metavulcânicas do Greenstone Belt da Vila Nova (GBVN), é uma importante ferramenta para entender a evolução do Escudo das Guianas durante o Paleoproterozóico. Este trabalho apresenta novos dados geoquímicos de rochas metavulcânicas e de U/Pb em zircão (LA-MC-ICPMS), que foram suplementados por petrografia, dados estratigráficos e estruturais obtidos através de mapeamento geológico e descrição de furos de sondagem. Na região de Vila Nova, as unidades do GBVN repousam sobre o embasamento Arqueano composto por ortognaisses, metagranitos e anfibolitos do Complexo Tumucumaque. A base do GBVN é composta por metabasaltos e metabasaltos andesíticos, sotoposto por um domínio superior metassedimentar com rochas químico exalativas e metavulcânicas subordinadas. As rochas metavulcânicas incluem anfibolitos e anfibólio xistos, cujos corpos estão alongados segundo a xistosidade regional de direção NW-SE. A geocronologia pelo método U-Pb em zircão mostra uma idade de 2.154 ± 6 Ma para um meta-andesito da porção inferior do GBVN. O evento de metamorfismo orogênico esteve associado a três eventos deformacionais. Os eventos D1 e D2 formaram a xistosidade (S1), preservada como dobras intrafoliais (F2) e a clivagem de crenulação (S2), originadas a partir de movimentos de cavalgamento. O pico metamórfico (M1) está marcado pela assembleia plagioclásio+hornblenda+granada e, plagioclásio+hornblenda+diopsídio, indicando temperaturas entre 450 e 650 °C e pressão entre 4 e 6 kbares. Os metabasitos compreendem Fe-toleítos e Mg-toleítos com afinidade komatitica, composições geoquímicas enriquecidas em LILE e ETR e empobrecidas em HFSE (com anomalias negativas de Nb, Ti e P) e padrões de ETR semelhantes ao MORB. As características observadas indicam um magmatismo toleítico relacionado à bacias de retro-arco e arco de ilhas de 2.15 Ga no Escudo das Guianas. / The significance of the age of magmatism, magma series and tectonic settings that controls the origin of metavolcanic rocks of Vila Nova Greenstone Belt (VNGB) is an important issue in order to understand the evolution of Guiana Shield in Paleoproterozoic times. This work presents new U-Pb LA-ICP-MS geochronological and geochemical analyzes carried out on zircon grains and metavolcanic rocks of the Vila Nova greenstone belt (VNGB) which were supplemented by petrography, and stratigraphic and structural data acquired through description of boreholes and field work. In the Vila Nova region, the VNGB units rest on the Archaean basement composed of orthogneisses of the Tumucumaque Complex. The lower portion of the VNGB is composed of metabasalts and andesitic metabasalts, supported by an upper metasedimentary domain with exhalative chemical rocks and subordinate metavolcanic rocks. The metavolcanic rocks include amphibolites and amphibole schists, whose bodies are elongated according to the regional NW-SE schistosity. U-Pb zircon geochronology data showed an age of 2154 ±6 Ma for a meta-andesite of the lower portion of VNGB. Orogenic metamorphism event followed by three deformation events were recognized. The D1 and D2 events formed the schistosity (S1), preserved as intrafolial folds (F2) and the crenulation cleavage (S2), derived from thrust movements. The assemblages plagioclase + hornblende + garnet and plagioclase + hornblende + diopside define the metamorphic peak (M1-M2) with temperatures from 450-650 °C and lithostatic pressure between 4 and 6 kbars. The metabasites comprise Fe-tholeiites and Mg-tholeiites with komatiitic affinity, geochemical compositions enriched in LILE and REE and depleted in HFSE (with negative Nb, Ti and P anomalies) and MORB-like REE patterns. The observed features indicate an expressive magmatism related to back-arc basins and island arcs at 2.15 Ga in Guiana Shield.
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Petrologia e geocronologia do complexo máfico-ultramáfico trincheira, sudoeste do cráton amazônico: implicações tectônicas do mesoproterozóicoRizzotto, Gilmar Jose January 2012 (has links)
A ambiência geotectônica das rochas máfico-ultramáficas do sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico é, de uma maneira geral, pouco conhecida. A maioria dos trabalhos desta porção cratônica está enfocada nos estudos geocronológicos em granitóides, de modo que pouco se sabe sobre a origem e significado tectônico destas rochas. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa buscou contribuir para o conhecimento da evolução geotectônica do sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico, através da caracterização de um complexo ofiolítico Mesoproterozóico, correspondente ao Complexo Trincheira, de idade Calimiana. Desta forma, uma nova proposta de modelo tectônico é aqui apresentada, a qual explica muitas das características anteriormente enigmáticas da história Pré-cambriana desta área-chave e possibilita outras alternativas para a reconstrução do supercontinente Columbia. O ofiolito Trincheira é composto de rochas extrusivas (anfibolitos derivados de basaltos maciços e almofadados), intrusivas máfico-ultramáficas, chert, formação ferrífera bandada, pelitos, psamitos e pequena proporção de rochas cálcio-silicáticas. A composição geoquímica das rochas extrusivas e intrusivas máfico-ultramáficas mostra semelhanças com os basaltos toleiíticos modernos, as quais possuem moderado a forte fracionamento de elementos terras-raras leves, padrão quase horizontal dos elementos terras-raras pesados e moderada a forte anomalia negativa dos elementos de alto campo de força (especialmente Nb), uma assinatura geoquímica típica de zona de subducção. As unidades basais do ofiolito Trincheira são quimicamente similares aos modernos basaltos de cadeia meso-oceânica (MORB). Esse comportamento químico muda para as unidades de topo as quais apresentam uma assinatura similar aos toleiítos de arco-de- ilha (IAT). Portanto, o ofiolito Trincheira deve ter sido originado em um ambiente intra-oceânico de supra-subducção composto de um sistema de arco/retro-arco. Os dados isotópicos de Sm, Nd e Sr para essas rochas indicam valores iniciais de Nd de moderados a altamente positivos (+2.6 a +8.8) e muito baixa razão inicial de 87Sr/86Sr (0,7013 – 0,7033), sugerindo que esses magmas foram originados a partir de uma fonte mantélica empobrecida e nada ou fracamente contaminados por componentes de subducção. O complexo ofiolítico foi deformado, metassomatizado e metamorfisado durante o desenvolvimento da Faixa Móvel Guaporé, um orógeno acrescionário-colisional Mesoproterozóico (1,47-1,35 Ba), constituído pela zona de sutura Guaporé, a qual une o Cráton Amazônico com o Bloco Paraguá. A fase colisional que marca o encaixe final dessas duas massas continentais ocorreu por volta de 1,35 Ba, onde o metamorfismo atingiu temperaturas entre 780 a 853°C nos granulitos máficos e 680 a 720°C nos anfibolitos, com pressão média de 6,8 kbar. A sutura Guaporé foi reativada no final do Mesoproterozóico e evoluiu para a abertura de um rift intracontinental, com a sedimentação das rochas dos Grupos Nova Brasilândia e Aguapeí, o qual marca a fragmentação final do supercontinente Columbia, por volta de 1,3-1,2 Ba. Granulitos máficos, anfibolitos e trondhjemitos da porção meridional do Cinturão Nova Brasilândia, representativos da última fase compressional que afetou o sudoeste do Cráton Amazônico, forneceram idades U-Pb de 1110 Ma, as quais datam o metamorfismo de alto grau e o fechamento do rift, processo resultante da acresção do microcontinente Arequipa-Antofalla ao Cráton Amazônico. Portanto, a fragmentação do supercontinente Columbia foi seguida rapidamente pela aglomeração de outras massas continentais, formando o supercontinente Rodínia, por volta de 1100 Ma. / The tectonic framework of the ultramafic-mafic rocks of the southwestern Amazon Craton is generally little known. Most of work this cratonic portion is focused on the geochronological studies of granitoids, so that little is known about the origin and tectonic significance of these rocks. In this context, this study contributes to the knowledge of the tectonic evolution of the southwestern Amazon Craton, through the characterization of a Mesoproterozoic ophiolitic complex, corresponding to the Trincheira Complex of Calymmian age, and propose a tectonic model that explains many previously enigmatic features of the Precambrian history of this key craton, and discuss its role in the reconstruction of the Columbia supercontinent. The complex comprises extrusive rocks (fine-grained amphibolites derived from massive and pillowed basalts), mafic-ultramafic intrusive rocks, chert, banded iron formation, pelites, psammitic and a smaller proportion of calc-silicate rocks. The geochemical composition of the extrusive and intrusive rocks indicates that all noncumulus mafic-ultramafic rocks are tholeiitic basalts. These rocks display moderately to strongly fractionation of light rare earth elements (LREE), near-flat heavy rare earth elements (HREE) patterns and moderate to strong negative high field strength elements (HFSE) anomalies (especially Nb), a geochemical signature typical of subduction zones. The lowest units of the Trincheira ophiolite are similar to the modern mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB). This behavior changes to an island arc tholeiites (IAT) signature in the upper units of the Trincheira ophiolite. Therefore, the Trincheira ophiolite appears to have originated in an intraoceanic supra-subduction setting composed of an arc-back-arc system. Mafic-ultramafic rocks of the Trincheira ophiolites display moderate to highly positive initial Nd values of +2.6 to +8.8 and very low values for the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio (0.7013 - 0.7033). It is suggested that these magmas originated from a depleted mantle source, which experienced low degree of contamination by variable subduction components. The ophiolitic sequence was deformed, metasomatized and metamorphosed during the development of the Alto Guaporé Belt, a Mesoproterozoic accretionary-collisional orogen that represents the Guaporé suture zone. Metamorphism was pervasive and reached temperatures of 780-853°C in mafic granulites and 680-720°C in amphibolites under an overall pressure of 6.8 kbar. The Guaporé suture zone is defined by the ESE–WNW trending mafic-ultramafic belt formed during a Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.47-1.43 Ga) accretionary phase, and overprinted by upper amphibolite-granulite facies metamorphism during collisional phase in the Ectasian (~1.35 Ga), which mark the docking final of the Amazon craton and Paraguá Block. This suture was reactivated and evolved from the development of an intracontinental rift environment, represented by Nova Brasilândia and Aguapeí Groups, which mark the final breakup of the supercontinent Columbia in the late Mesoproterozoic (ca. 1.3-1.2 Ga). Mafic granulites, amphibolites and trondhjemites in the northernmost portion of the Nova Brasilândia belt yield U-Pb zircon ages ca. 1110 Ma, which dates the high-grade metamorphism and the closure of the rift, due to the accretion of the Arequipa-Antofalla basement to the Amazon craton. Therefore, the breakup of supercontinent Columbia was followed in short sequence by the assembly of supercontinent Rodinia at ca. 1100 Ma.
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Caractérisation des émanations de dihydrogène naturel en contexte intracratonique : exemple d'une interaction gaz/eau/roche au Kansas / Characterization of natural H2 in intra-cratonic context : an example of gas/water/rock interactions in KansasGuélard, Julia 15 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le cadre de la recherche de nouvelles sources d'énergie propres et durables, nous étudions les mécanismes de formation du dihydrogène (H2) dans les environnements intra-cratoniques. Des émanations naturelles de H2 ont précédemment été décrites à proximité des dorsales médio-océaniques et des ceintures ophiolitiques. Cette production naturelle de gaz, telle que documentée dans la littérature, est étroitement liée au métasomatisme de roches ultrabasiques d'origine mantellique, riches en minéraux ferromagnésiens, à travers les réactions de serpentinisation. Au Kansas (USA), des émanations de H2 intra-cratonique ont été révélées dès les années 80 par l'étude de puits riches en H2. Nos travaux s'appuient sur un nouveau forage, D#2 (Kansas, USA), ainsi que deux forages existants depuis les années 80, Heins#1 et Scott#1 (Kansas, USA). Le puits D#2 permet d'accéder à un aquifère modérément profond (~300 m) chargé en H2. Le gaz est composé également de N2 et de CH4 tout comme le gaz issu des contextes ophiolitiques. Du He est présent en quantité substantielle -comparé aux contextes précédents- dans ces forages. Afin de comprendre les processus engendrant la production de H2 dans ce contexte géologique, de quantifier le gaz ainsi généré, et de déterminer la relation du H2 avec les autres espèces gazeuses une étude multidisciplinaire gaz/eau/roche a été réalisée. Les résultats obtenus lors de l'étude de ces fluides mis en parallèle avec le contexte géologique régional et les lithologies observées ont permis (1) de proposer différents scénarios pour expliquer les associations de gaz observées et (2) de discuter de l'origine et des processus de production du H2, de l'He, et du N2. / As part of the search for new sources of clean and sustainable energy, the mechanisms for the formation of dihydrogen (H2) in intracratonic environments were studied. Natural emissions of H2 have been described in the vicinity of mid-ocean ridges and ophiolite belts. This natural gas production, as documented in the literature, is closely related to the metasomatism of mantle rocks which are rich in mafic minerals, through the serpentinization reaction. In Kansas (USA), intracratonic H2 seepages were revealed in the 80’s by studies of H2-rich wells. Our work is based on a new borehole D#2 (Kansas, USA), and two boreholes previously studied in the 80s, Heins#1 and Scott#1 (Kansas, USA). The D#2 well provides access to a moderately deep aquifer (~ 300 m) loaded with H2. The gas is also composed of N2 and CH4 similarly to the gases issued from ophiolitic contexts. Helium is present in substantial quantities -compared to preceding contexts- in these boreholes. A multidisciplinary gas/water/rock study was carried out to understand the processes generating the production of H2 in this geological setting, to quantify the gas so generated, and to determine the relationship of H2 with other gaseous species. The results of these studies in parallel with the regional geological setting and observed lithology allowed (1) to propose several scenarios to explain the observed associations of gas and (2) to discuss the origin and production process of H2, He and N2.
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Styles of hydrothermal alteration in archaean rocks of the Northern Kaapvaal craton, South Africa, with implications for gold mineralizationSieber, Thomas 13 February 2014 (has links)
Ph.D. (Geology) / Shear zone controlled hydrothermal alteration zones in the northern Kaapvaal craton (NKC) are developed in host rocks of vastly different chemical composition and metamorphic grade. Some carry appreciable Au and base metals and some are barren. Alteration zones in three different distinctive crustal zones were examined in detail to determine the controls of these two types of alteration. 1. The Matok Complex is situated in the southern marginal zone (SMZ) of the Limpopo Belt (LB), close to the zone of rehydration. Two major stages of hydrothermal alteration could be identified in local shear zones, a pervasive propylitization and a subsequent vein controlled quartzalbite alteration. The two-stage alteration occurred sometimes between the emplacement of the Matok Complex (2670 Ma) and the intrusion of unaltered mafic dykes (1900 Ma). Calculated isotopic compositions of the hydrothermal fluids indicate that magmatic ± meteoric waters as well as juvenile C02 were responsible for the establishment of the alteration zones. The fluids most probably were late magmatic fluids associated with the Matok magmatism. The propylitic alteration was accompanied by introduction of small amounts of CU + Au and represents an alteration type identical to that developed in porphyry copper deposits. The subsequent quartz-albite alteration was caused by extremely saline fluids which depleted the rocks of all the major and trace elements with exception of Si, Al, Na and Zr. 2. This chemical alteration pattern' contrasts with those developed in two alteration zones associated with economic gold mineralization in greenstone belts of the NKC (Sutherland and Pietersburg belts). At the Birthday and Eersteling gold mines, a biotite-calcite-quartz alteration is developed. The chemical pattern of the alteration is...
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P-wave velocity model for the southwest of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia and its relation to the local geology and seismicityGalybin, Konstantin A January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] A number of controlled and natural seismic sources are utilised to model the Pwave velocity structure of the southwest of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia. The Yilgarn Craton is one of the largest pieces of Archaean crust in the world and is known for its gold and nickel deposits in the east and intraplate seismicity in the west. The aim of the project is to link 2D and 3D models of variations in seismic velocity with the local seismicity and geology. A new set of seismic refraction data, acquired in 25 overlapping deployments between 2002 and 2005, has been processed, picked and analysed using forward modelling. The data comprise two perpendicular traverses of three-component recordings of various delay-fired blasts from local commercial quarries. The data were processed using a variety of techniques. Tests were carried out on a number of data enhancement and picking procedures in order to determine the best method for enhancement of delay-fired data. A new method for automatic phase recognition is presented, where the maximum of the derivative of the rectilinearity of a trace is taken as the first break. Complete shot gathers with first break picks for each seismic source are compiled from the overlapping deployments. ... The starting 3D model was based on the models produced by 2D forward modelling. 14 iterations were carried out and the best-fit 3D model was achieved at the 10th iteration. It is 35% better then the current model used to locate earthquakes in this region. The resultant velocity block model was used to iii construct a density block model. A relative gravity map of the southwest of Yilgarn Craton was made. The results of 2D forward modelling, 3D tomography and forward gravity modelling have been compared and it was found that the HVZ is present in all models. Such a zone has been previously seen on a single seismic refraction profile, but it is the first time, this zone has been mapped in 3D. The gravity high produced by the zone coincides with the gravity high observed in reality. There is strong evidence that suggests that the HVZ forms part of the Archaean terrane boundary within the Yilgarn Craton. The distribution of the local seismicity was then discussed in the framework of the new 3D velocity model. A hypothesis, that the primary control on the seismicity in the study area is rotation of the major horizontal stress orientation, is presented. It is also argued that the secondary control on seismicity in the SWSZ is accommodation of movements along major faults.
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Geochemistry of the Neoarchean mafic volcanic and intrusive rocks in the Kalgoorlie Terrane, eastern Yilgarn, Western Australia : implications for geodynamic settingSaid, Nuru January 2009 (has links)
[Truncated abstract] The Neoarchean (2800 to 2600 Ma) Eastern Goldfields Superterrane (EGST) comprises elongated belts of deformed and metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks intruded by granitoids. The Superterrane is made up of five distinct tectonostratigraphic terranes. From west to east these are the Kalgoorlie, Gindalbie, Kurnalpi, Laverton and Duketon Terranes. The Kalgoorlie Terrane is characterised by 2720 to 2680 Ma marine mafic-ultramafic volcanic successions interlayered with, and overlain by, 2710 to 2660 Ma dominantly trondhjemite-tonalite-dacite (TTD) dacititic volcaniclastic rocks (Black Flag Group). The adjacent Gindalbie and Kurnalpi terranes are characterised by 2720 to 2680 Ma calc-alkaline volcanic successions representing oceanic island arcs. To the west of the EGST, the Youanmi Terrane is characterised by older, dominantly 3000 to 2900 Ma greenstone rocks and complex granitoid batholiths derived from older crustal sources. The southern Kalgoorlie Terrane comprises five elongate NNW-trending tectono-stratigraphic domains. Three principal marine komatiitic to basaltic suites, collectively referred to as the Kambalda Sequence, are present, including the wellpreserved massive to pillowed Lower and Upper Basalt Sequences, separated by the Komatiite Unit, as well as numerous dyke suites. The Lower Basalt Sequence comprises the Woolyeenyer Formation, Lunnon, Wongi, Scotia, Missouri Basalts and Burbanks and Penneshaw Formations, whereas the Upper Basalt Sequence contains the Paringa, Coolgardie, Big Dick, Devon Consols, Bent Tree, and Victorious basalts. ... Instead, the data suggest that discrete PGE-bearing phase (s) fractionated from the basaltic magmas. Such phases could be platinum group minerals (PGM; e.g. laurite) and/or alloys, or discrete PGE-rich nuggets. In summary, data on the three magmatic sequences record decompression melting of three distinct mantle sources: (1) long-term depleted asthenosphere for prevalent depleted tholeiitic and komatiitic basalts, and komatiites; (2) long-term enriched asthenosphere for Paringa Basalts and similarly enriched rocks; and (3) shortterm enriched continental lithospheric mantle (CLM) for HREE and Al-depleted dykes. Some of these rocks were contaminated by TTD-type melts. Taken with the existing geophysical and xenocrystic zircon data, the most straightforward interpretation is eruption of a zoned mantle plume at the margin of rifted continental lithosphere. The Kalgoorlie Terrane extensional basin was subsequently tectonically juxtaposed with the adjacent arc-like Gindalbie and Kurnalpi Terranes at approximately 2660 Ma at the start of orogeny in a Cordilleran-style orogen to form the EGST. Collectively, uncontaminated basalts have Nb/Th of 8-16, compared to 8-12 reported for the Lunnon basalts in a previous study. To a first approximation these asthenosphere melts are complementary to average Archean upper continental crust with Nb/Th =2, consistent with early growth of large volumes of continental crust rather than models of steady progressive growth.
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Surface-Wave Tomography of Western Canada Using a Two-station ApproachZaporozan, Taras 05 January 2017 (has links)
Seismic data from 106 station pair-paths, from the CNSN (Canadian National Seismic Network) and POLARIS (Portable Observatories for Lithospheric Analysis and Research Investigating Seismicity) seismic networks, were used to measure surface waves from earthquake events. Fundamental-mode Rayleigh-wave dispersion curves were generated and inverted to obtain dispersion maps and S-velocity cross-sections.
Results show a clear distinction between the Cordilleran and cratonic lithospheres. The Cordilleran lithopshere shows a low-velocity perturbation with values ranging from -2% to -5%, while the cratonic lithosphere shows a high-velocity perturbation with values ranging from 3% to 9%. The large range in perturbation between the Cordilleran and cratonic lithospheres resolves the Cordilleran/craton boundary, showing that the boundary is present down to 200 km in depth and dips under the cratonic lithosphere. A high-velocity anomaly within the already high velocity cratonic lithosphere is present under Great Slave Lake and is interpreted as preserved Precambrian slab material. Many small high-velocity perturbations, reaching about 4%, are present at depths of 300+ km throughout the survey, and interpreted as being remnants of the Kula or Farallon plates. / February 2017
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Provenance ages and timing of sedimentation of selected Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic successions on the Kaapvaal Craton27 January 2009 (has links)
M.Sc. / Please refer to full text to view abstract
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Thermal history and fluid circulation in deformational structures associated with the Bambuí Group at the fold-and-thrust zone, western margin of the São Francisco Craton / not availableEsteves, Melina Cristina Borges 11 May 2018 (has links)
As condições de pressão e temperatura existentes no evento tectônico que atuou na zona de fold-and-thrust da margem oeste do Cráton do São Francisco foram estimadas com base em estudos estruturais, microestruturais, petrográficos e de inclusões fluidas de veios sintectônicos. A presença de veios de diferentes gerações na zona de fold-and-thrust é evidenciada por fluidos atuando em diferentes cenários de paleoestresse ao longo da história deformacional da área. A área é composta por rochas do Grupo Bambuí fracamente deformadas que registram condições de metamorfismo que variam de diagênese a fácies subxisto verde. Dois eventos tectônicos foram identificados através da disposição geométrica dos veios e da superfície dobrada: (i) uma compressão principal NE-SW (D1) com \'sigma\'1 subhorizontal de orientação SW e \'sigma\'3 sub-vertical, relacionado à formação de veios sintectônicos sub-horizontais de orientação NW formados em condições que atingiram pelo menos 140- 160°C e pressões em torno de 200-363 MPa; (ii) uma compressão posterior NW-SE (D2) com \'sigma\'1 sub-horizontal de orientação NW e \'sigma\'3 também sub-horizontal de orientação NE. Estão relacionados à D2 a formação de veios sintectônicos sub-verticais paralelos à clivagem, formados nas mesmas condições mínimas de temperatura de 140-160°C e pressões entre 181- 295 MPa. A indicação de flutuações na pressão durante esses eventos desempenhou um papel crucial, pois os fluidos influenciam significativamente os processos mecânicos, os mecanismos de deformação e as reações químicas que operam em cinturões de fold-andthrust. Os fluidos apresentam composição formada por H2O-NaCl-CaCl2, onde o processo de mistura de diferentes fontes de fluidos (metamórficas e meteóricas) é evidenciado pela tendência evolutiva de temperaturas de homogeneização e salinidades, resultando em alguma variação na salinidade (12 contra 4% em peso equivalente de NaCl para os veios subhorizontais e para os paralelos à clivagem, respectivamente). Este trabalho confirma que a combinação entre a reconstrução do paleoestresse e o estudo de inclusões fluidas podem fornecer informações fundamentais sobre a relação entre o fluxo de fluidos e a tectônica de terrenos orogênicos, contribuindo para o conhecimento científico sobre a evolução deformacional/metamórfica do Grupo Bambuí e, consequentemente, da zona de fold-andthrust da margem ocidental do Cráton do São Francisco. / P-T conditions existing at the tectonic event that acted at the fold-and-thrust zone of the western margin of the São Francisco Craton were estimated on the basis of structural, microstructural, petrographic and fluid inclusion study of syntectonic veins. The presence of veins of different generations in the fold-and-thrust zone is evidenced by fluids operating at different scenarios of paleostress throughout the deformation history. The area are composed of weakly deformed rocks of the Bambuí Group recording a metamorphism with conditions ranging from diagenetic to sub-greenschist facies. Two tectonic events were identified by vein geometric arrangement and folded surface, a major early NE-SW compression (D1 - \'sigma\'1 subhorizontal SW-trending and \'sigma\'3 subvertical), related with subhorizontal NW-trending syntectonic veins formed at conditions that have reached at least 140°C and pressures around 200-363 MPa; and later NW-SE compression (D2 - \'sigma\'1 subhorizontal NW-trending and \'sigma\'3 subhorizontal NE-trending), related with subvertical syntectonic cleavage-parallel veins formed at the same range of temperature and pressures between 181-295 MPa. Indication of fluctuations in pressure during these events played a crucial role as fluids significantly influence the mechanical processes, deformation mechanisms and chemical reactions that operate in fold-thrust belts. Fluids show H2O-NaCl-CaCl2 composition where mixing process of different fluids sources (metamorphic and meteoric) are evidenced by evolutive trending of homogenization temperatures and salinities resulting in some variation in salinity (12 against 4 wt.% NaCl eq. for subhorizontal and cleavage-parallel veins respectively). This research confirms that combine the reconstruction of the paleostress states and fluid inclusion studies can provide fundamental information of relationship between fluid flow and tectonic of orogenic terrains contributing to the scientific knowledge about the deformational/metamorphic evolution of the Bambuí Group and the fold-and-thrust zone of the western margin of the São Francisco Craton.
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Constraints on shear velocity in the cratonic upper mantle from Rayleigh wave phase velocityHirsch, Aaron C. 12 March 2016 (has links)
The standard model of the thermal and chemical structure of cratons has been scrutinized in recent years as additional data have been collected. Recent seismological and petrological studies indicate that the notion of cratonic lithosphere as a thick thermal boundary layer with a very depleted and dehydrated composition may be too simplistic and does not fully explain all aspects of the seismological and petrological observations. We hypothesized that the cratonic lithosphere may be more complicated and designed an experiment to investigate its thermal, chemical, and mineralogical properties using a global database of fundamental mode Rayleigh surface waves. To test this hypothesis, the phase velocities of Rayleigh wave that travel paths primarily over cratons were selected. A 1-D global craton phase velocity profile was generated from these observations and compared to predicted phase-velocity curves using two different forward modeling techniques. With the first approach, profiles of shear velocity were generated based on educated guesses of upper mantle temperatures using geotherms. With the second approach, profiles of shear velocity were generated using random permutations about 1-D global model STW105. In total 5,625 geotherm and 80,000 random 1-D forward models were generated for comparison. Each shear velocity model was converted to phase velocity and compared to the observed range of cratonic phase velocities, defined as within one standard deviation of the mean. This method was able to constrain shear velocity in cratons relatively well though the 1-D profiles deviate at depths shallower than 100 km. Shear velocity is faster than PREM/STW105 to depths greater than 200 km with constantly increasing velocity with depth in the random model and a low velocity layer at 100-150 km.
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