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Xenolites éclogitiques cratoniques - Origine et évolution du manteau lithosphérique sous-continental / Cratonic eclogite xenoliths - Formation and evolution of the subcontinental lithospheric mantleRadu, Ioana Bogdana 12 April 2018 (has links)
Cette étude est basée sur la collection la plus complète d'éclogites cratoniques (> 180 nodules), provenant des cratons sibériens et sud-africains.Les éclogites non-métasomatisés de type IIA sont plus magnésiennes, enrichis en LREE, avec des valeurs de δ18O, de 3,7-7,5 ‰, des anomalies positives en Sr et correspondant à une couche à basse pression-température (PT). La composition de la roche totale est un protolithe basaltique. Les éclogites de type IIB sont plus sodiques et alumineux, appauvris en terres rares, avec des valeurs de δ18O de 2,3-3,6 ‰, correspondant à l'équilibre à haute PT. La composition de la roche totale correspond au protolithe pyroxénitique. Les éclogites à coésite, disthène ou corindon ont des clinopyroxènes riches en jadéite, avec des anomalies positives en Eu et Sr et des grenats riches en grossulaire, avec des anomalies positive en Eu et négatives en Sr. Les estimations de PT indiquent que les éclogites à co-ky-cor ont été équilibrées dans la partie la plus basse de la quille cratonique et la composition de la roche totale correspondant à un protolithe gabbroïque très appauvri, cohérente avec la subduction d'une séquence basaltique à websteritique d'une croûte océanique altérée, appauvrie en éléments incompatibles.L'estimation minimum d'eau dans l'omphacite d'Obnazhennaya est de ~930-1410 ppm d'H20 et pour la roche totale de ~310-890 ppm H2O, significativement supérieures aux péridotites environnantes. Ainsi, les éclogites du manteau peuvent être un important réservoir d'eau à la base de la racine cratonique, avec des conséquences majeures pour la longévité de la quille cratonique, la rhéologie du manteau et pour le cycle global de l'eau. / This study is based on the most complete existing collection of cratonic eclogites (> 180 nodules), from the Siberian and South African cratons. Non-metasomatized Type IIA eclogites are typically more magnesian, LREE-enriched, with δ18O values of 3.7-7.5 ‰, positive Sr anomalies and corresponding to a low pressure-temperature (PT) layer. The whole-rock composition is consistent with a basaltic protolith. Type IIB eclogites are morsodic and aluminous, LREE-depleted, with δ18O values of 2.3-3.6‰, corresponding to equilibrium at high-PT. The whole-rock trace element composition is consistent with a pyroxenitic protolith. Coesite, kyanite and corundum-bearing eclogites ypically have jadeite-rich clinopyroxenes witlpositive Eu and Sr anomalies and grossular-rich gamets with corresponding positive Eu and negative Sr anomalies. PT-estimates indicate coe-kycor-bearing eclogites equilibrated in the lowermost part of the cratonic keel and reconstructed whole-rock trace element composition corresponds to a very depleted gabbroic protolith. This is consistent with the subduction of a hydrothermally altered, basaltic to websteritic sequence of an incompatible-element-depleted oceanic crust.Calculated water content of omphacite is a minmum estima te of ~930-1410 ppm by weight H2O and reconstructed estimates for whole-rock watercontent ~310-890 ppm HO) for the Obnazhennaya eclogites are significantly higher than those of the surrounding peridotites. Thus, mantle eclogite may be an important water reservoir at the base of the cratonic root, with major consequences for cratonic keel, longevity mantle rheology and global water cvcle
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Méthodes et applications des ondes des cisaillement : le Craton de l'Europe de l'EstWüestefeld, Andreas 27 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
La mesure du déphasage des ondes de cisaillement offre la possibilité de caractériser l'anisotropie sismique présente dans les différentes couches de la Terre, qui résulte généralement des orientations préférentielles des minéraux anisotropes induites par la déformation. Le nouveau logiciel SplitLab présenté dans cette thèse, simplifie le traitement des données depuis la requête des données jusqu'à la masure de déphasage et l'interprétation des résultats. La comparaison de trois techniques indépendantes pour mesurer ce déphasage permet de quantifier la qualité des résultats et de détecter automatiquement les mesures sans déphasage apparent. Ce critère est appliqué aux mesures de déphasages des ondes SKS enregistrées en 16 stations situées sur le Craton Est Européen. Les résultats indiquent que les directions rapides reflètent les structures anciennes, qui constituent le Craton Est Européen. En outre, les directions rapides dans le Sud-ouest s'alignent avec la bordure du craton et sont en continuité avec la tendance générale définie par les stations éloignées du Craton. Les stations dans les unités externes de l'Oural montrent des directions rapides perpendiculaires à la tendance générale de la chaîne de montagne.
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The physical and geochemical characteristics of diamonds from the Artemisia Kimberlite (Northern Slave Craton, Nunavut, Canada) and the micro-/macro-diamond relationshipJohnson, Catherine N. 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents the results of a study on diamonds from the Artemisia kimberlite, Nunavut, Canada. This study integrates the isotopic, chemical and physical characteristics of the diamonds in an attempt to provide insight into the nature of the micro-/macro-diamond genetic relationship, and its possible implication pertaining to the use of size frequency distributions in modern kimberlite exploration programs.
Despite geochemical commonalities of the Artemisia micro- and macro-diamonds, distinct signatures are observed, particularly in regards to enriched and depleted carbon isotopic compositions, the abundance of nitrogen and hydrogen impurities and different resorption histories. This implies that, despite an observed lognormal size frequency distribution for Artemisia diamonds, micro- and macro-diamonds do not represent a single population at this locality.
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The physical and geochemical characteristics of diamonds from the Artemisia Kimberlite (Northern Slave Craton, Nunavut, Canada) and the micro-/macro-diamond relationshipJohnson, Catherine N. Unknown Date
No description available.
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An Isotopic, Geochemical and Petrological Investigation of Organic Matter-rich Archaean Metasediments from the North Pilbara Terrane, Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: In Search of Early Life.Lawrence Duck Unknown Date (has links)
Various organic compounds, including graphitic carbon, can be formed abiotically in hydrothermal systems, such that evidence for early life must necessarily combine geological, morphological and geochemical data to be compelling. Carbonaceous materials (CM) have been isolated from three rock packages of mid to early Archaean age from the Pilbara Craton of Western Australia. This CM has been subjected to a multidisciplinary approach utilising a variety of analytical and observational techniques, in an attempt to establish the occurrence, associations, mineral affinities, historical environments of growth, and the metamorphic/thermal history experienced by what may be some of the earliest, relatively pristine record of 3500 million year old life on this planet. CM isolated from drillcore obtained from the first of these localities, the 3.24 Ga Sulphur Springs volcanic hosted massive sulphide (VHMS) deposit, occurs as isotopically light (δ13C values of −34.0 ‰ to −26.8 δ13C) finely striated, lenticular to banded material emplaced parallel to original sedimentary bedding planes within the fine-grained silicified epiclastic hanging wall sediments. Petrological and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations have revealed well-preserved bundles of filamentous and tubular structured microbial remains closely resembling both modern-day and more ancient microbial forms documented from sea floor hydrothermal environments. Total organic carbon (TOC) has a range of <1.0 to 2.3 %, while the thermal maturity (%Ro) of the filamentous bundles points to maximum temperatures since deposition of around 90–100 °C, a factor that has enabled the preservation of their morphology. These results are suggestive of a well-developed Archaean sediment-hosted microbial community, situated within a basinal environment associated with an active centre of seafloor hydrothermal activity. The majority of the CM isolated from drillcore samples of the second locality, the 3.46 Ga Salgash Subgroup, a lower member of the Apex Basalt, also appears as in situ, bedding parallel bands intercalated with foliated altered argillaceous sandstone beds. TOC of the samples ranges from 1.25 to 11.48 %, while carbon content varies from 2.05 to 32.17 %. δ13C results are relatively heavy, varying from -30.4 to -22.5 ‰. Thermal maturity indicators of 10-13 %Ro suggest the CM having been subjected to temperatures greater than normally obtained from processes associated with burial. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) results showed this CM in a highly ordered graphitic state. Optically, the graphite lacks the typical pronounced anisotropy characterising graphites in metamorphic terranes. Graphitisation therefore, is likely the result of rapid heating at very high temperature. HRTEM of this material revealed an extremely high level of molecular ordering contemporaneous with the presence of the C60 fullerene molecules within carbon nanotubes. These forms are a key to the distinction between biologically and abiotically synthesized CM, both by their small size and their resistance to thermal degradation. The occurrence of these carbon forms in terrestrial deposits is rare, and usually associated with wildfires, lighting strike or meteoritic impact. In the case of the Salgash CM, the formation of these molecules and the isotropic graphitised state of the CM is interpreted as a result of emplacement under pressure of very high temperature (komatiitic/ peridotite) lavas. The thermal overprint of the CM by such a high temperature process resulted in the volatilisation of the organic material, destruction of any primary biological morphology and the subsequent reorganisation of the residual CM, resulting in increased molecular ordering. In the third part of the study, CM isolated from drillcore samples of the ca. 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation bedded black chert-barite units, occurs in both dispersed and layered forms, interlayered with fine-grained silica. The intimate association of the CM and silica strongly resembles silicified microbial colonies from active hydrothermal systems, which have been previously proposed as analogues of Archaean hydrothermal sites. Isotopically light δ13C values from -38.2 to -32.1 ‰, and the association of C, H, and N, are highly indicative of a biological origin for the material. Palaeotemperatures calculated from δ18O isotope analysis of quartz chips indicate a depositional temperature for the hydrothermal veins ranging from ~120 °C to ~200 °C. 207Pb-206Pb isotope analyses conducted on pyrites extracted from the interbedded barite units reveal a dual MORB and Erosion mix source for the Pb, which gives an average 207Pb/206Pb age of 3531±42 Ma for the deposit. Ro measurements reveal four distinct CM populations, defined as ACM, A1CM, BCM, and CCM, which represent temperatures ranging from 170 °C to potentially >400 °C. TEM and HRTEM observations of the lower temperature CM population show morphological entities strongly suggestive of microbial remains, including possible cell wall remnants. Higher Ro rank CM commonly fills or coats mineral grains and lacks distinguishable structures, which is consistent with an increased thermal degradation /hydrothermal overprint. The geological setting and mineralogy of the Dresser Formation endorse its formational history as a silica-barite dominated seafloor hydrothermal deposit, most likely analogous to modern “white smokers”. The occurrence of the predominant CM (type ACM) in more or less continuous bands and laminae within the sedimentary rocks suggest an in situ, syndepositional source for the majority of this material, whereas the dispersed nature of type BCM particles indicates a recycled nature. The occurrence of type CCM within fluid inclusions gives an insight into the primary morphology of the non-degraded original microbial cells that may have existed at that time. These observations, combined with the carbon isotopic heterogeneity and fractionations are suggestive of chemosynthetic microbes occupying a seafloor hydrothermal system where rapid silicification at relatively low temperature preserved the CM. Finally, in an effort to further understand the CM structures observed in the rocks of the Dresser Formation in the context of present day microbial colonies in similar environments, a comparative morphological study was conducted using a potential modern analogue derived from an active seafloor hydrothermal environment. Such methodology utilises the standard classification used in biological species identification, which is initially based on visual identification of specific features, whether by the naked eye, light microscopy or electron microscopy. The extant hyperthermophilic microbe Methanocaldococcus jannaschii was cultured under conditions similar to the Archaean seafloor, simulating an increased thermal maturity by artificially induced autoclaving at 100 °C (1 atm) and 132 °C (2 atm). A striking resemblance to the early Archaean forms observed in the Dresser CM was evident in both wall structure and thermal degradation mode of the cultured microbe. Cell disintegration of the cultures occurred at 100 °C marking the limits of life, whereas complete disintegration, deformation and shrinkage of the cells occurred at 132 °C. These comparative observations present as a feasible way of understanding the structural features in CM identified in Archaean sedimentary packages.
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P-wave velocity model for the southwest of the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia and its relation to the local geology and seismicity /Galybin, Konstantin A. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Australia, 2007.
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Estudo do manto superior sob o Brasil utilizando tomografia sísmica de tempo de percurso com ondas PAzevedo, Paulo Araújo de 28 August 2017 (has links)
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, Pós-Graduação em Geociências Aplicadas, 2017. / Submitted by Raquel Almeida (raquel.df13@gmail.com) on 2017-12-04T16:56:20Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-01-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). / Neste trabalho, apresentamos os resultados de tomografia sísmica de tempo de percurso utilizando ondas P no Brasil. O objetivo foi estudar a estrutura tectônica do manto superior no Brasil e algumas regiões adjacentes a partir das variações de velocidades obtidas pelo método de forma a caracterizar sismicamente algumas regiões e propor limites em subsuperfície para alguns blocos cratônicos. Foram realizadas inversões para dados registrados durante o período de 1992-2015 por 264 estações. Esses dados foram incluídos no banco de dados utilizado por Schimmel et al. (2003), Rocha et al. (2011) Azevedo et al. (2015) e Rocha et al. (2016). Anomalias anteriormente observadas puderam ser mais bem definidas e novas regiões foram amostradas com a instalação de novas estações. No Brasil central, anomalias tomográficas de baixa velocidade indicam uma região de afinamento litosférico, favorecendo atividades sísmicas nesta região. A sismicidade na bacia do Pantanal coincide com as anomalias de baixa velocidade com epicentros seguindo a tendência da zona sísmica Goiás-Tocantins (GTSZ). A faixa sísmica ao longo das anomalias de baixa velocidade observadas na província Mantiqueira e a ausência de sismicidade na faixa Araçuaí, indicam diferenças na estrutura sísmica da litosfera ao longo da margem continental brasileira. O bloco paleocontinental São Francisco é maior, em profundidades litosféricas, do que os limites de superfície propostos para o cráton do São Francisco se estendendo para leste, oeste e nordeste deste Cráton. Testes sintéticos sugerem que a raiz do cráton do São Francisco alcança cerca de 250 km de profundidade. Anomalias de alta velocidade observadas sob a bacia do Parnaíba indicam a presença do bloco do Parnaíba. Anomalias de alta velocidade na porção norte da bacia do Parnaíba podem estar relacionadas ao cráton São Luís. Intensas anomalias de alta velocidade sob o cráton Amazônico sugerem a presença da quilha deste Cráton. As anomalias de baixa velocidade observadas no cráton Amazônico podem estar relacionadas aos limites em subsuperfície das províncias geocronológicas definidas por Tassinari e Macambira (2004). / In this work, we present the results of travel time seismic tomography using P-waves in Brazil. The objective was to study the tectonic structure of the upper mantle in Brazil and some adjacent regions from the velocity variations obtained by the method in order to characterize seismically some regions and propose limits in subsurface for some cratonic blocks. Inversions were performed for data recorded during the period 1992-2015 by 264 stations. These data were included in the database used by Schimmel et al. (2003), Rocha et al. (2011), Azevedo et al. (2015) e Rocha et al. (2016). Previously observed anomalies were better defined and new regions were sampled with the installation of new stations. In central Brazil, low-velocity tomographic anomalies indicate a region of thinning lithospheric, favoring seismic activity in this region. Seismicity in the Pantanal basin coincides with low-velocity anomalies with epicenters following the trend of the Goiás-Tocantins seismic zone (GTSZ). The seismic range along the low-velocity anomalies observed in Mantiqueira province and the absence of seismicity in the Araçuaí belt, indicates differences in the seismic structure of the lithosphere along the brazilian continental margin. The São Francisco paleocontinental block is larger, in lithospheric depths, than the surface boundaries proposed for the San Francisco craton extending to the east, west and northeast of this craton. Synthetic tests suggest that the root of the San Francisco craton reaches about 250 km depth. High-velocity anomalies observed beneath the Parnaiba basin indicate the presence of the Parnaiba block. High-velocity anomalies in the northern portion of the Parnaiba basin may be related to the São Luis craton. Intense high-velocity anomalies beneath the Amazonian craton suggest the presence of the keel of this Craton. The low-velocity anomalies observed in the Amazonian craton may be related to the subsurface boundaries of the geochronological provinces defined by Tassinari & Macambira (2004).
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Evolução tectônica do Craton Amazonas na região Sudeste do estado do Amazonas: um estudo em múltiplas escalas com base na integração de dados geológico–estruturais e geofísicosOliveira, Antonio Charles da Silva 07 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Sáboia Nágila (nagila.saboia01@gmail.com) on 2016-07-29T14:37:42Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-04-07 / Não informada / In the SW Amazonas State the plutonic-volcanic and sedimentary rocks were grouped
in different petrotectonic associations: Juruena Basement (JBA), Juruena Supracrustal
Suquence (JSSA), Post-Juruena Volcano-plutonism (PJVPA) and Post-Juruena Sedimentary
Sequence (PJSSA). The JBA and JSSA (1.81–1.74 Ga), are arc magmatic-related, whereas
the PJVPA (1.64–1.53 Ga) and PJSSA (1.74–1.08 Ga) define the main post-orogenetic events
in this region. Magnetic data analysis show at least three patterns, named in relative
chronologic, as deep linear anomalies with ENE-WSW trend (L0); linear shallow anomalies
with NW-SE (L1) and NE-SW (L2) trends. The relationship of superposition suggests that L1
cross-cut L0, and both are transposed by L2 pattern. Geological-structural studies point out
three structural styles, two them belongs to a NW-SE deformational belt: 1) D1 – banding
folded structures from gneisses (upper amphibolite, 1.52 Ga); and 2) D2 – mylonitic foliation
and schistosity structures in temperature of ~350ºC (greenschist, 1.48-1.46 Ga). The third
structural style (D3) has ENE-WSW and NE-SW trends, well-defined cataclastic zones
generated under temperature <350ºC (lower greenschist, 1.32 Ga). These structural styles
have a correlation with main crustal reworking events of Rondônia-Juruena Provínce: a) L0
magnetic anomalies and S1 polydeformational lineaments - generated in the collisional event
(1.64 Ga) responsible by Juruena magmatic arc and Tapajós-Parima continent amalgamation;
b) L1 magnetic anomalies and S2 lineaments - related to the another collisional event (1.52
Ga), responsible by Tapajós-Parima and Juruena-Jamari terranes collage; c) L2 magnetic
anomalies and S3 lineaments - related to Sunsás Orogenic Cycle, represented by Candeias
Orogeny (1.37–1.32 Ga). / No sudeste do estado do Amazonas afloram rochas plutono-vulcânicas e sedimentares
(Província Rondônia-Juruena, 1,81–1,51 Ga), agrupadas em associações petrotectônicas:
Embasamento Juruena (APEJ), Sequência Supracrustais Juruena (APSSJ), Vulcano-
Plutonismo Pós-Juruena (APVPJ) e Sequência Sedimentar Pós-Juruena (APSPJ). As APEJ
e APSSJ marcam a geração de arcos magmáticos (1,81–1,74 Ga), enquanto as APVPJ (1,64–
1,53 Ga) e APSPJ (1,74–1,08 Ga) definem eventos pós-orogênicos. Dados aeromagnéticos
identificaram o arcabouço estrutural regional definido por três padrões: L0 – anomalias
profundas lineares (ENE-WSW), L1 e L2 – anomalias rasas lineares respectivamente com
direções NW-SE e NE-SW. As relações de superposição mostram L1 truncando L0 e ambos
são interceptados por L2. Estudo geológico-estrutural definiu três estilos estruturais, sendo
dois deles com direção NW-SE: 1) D1 - bandamento gnáissico dobrado (anfibolito superior,
1,52 Ga) e 2) D2 - foliação milonítica e xistosidade geradas sob temperaturas de
aproximadamente 350ºC (xisto verde, 1,48-1,46 Ga). O terceiro estilo estrutural D3 (ENEWSW
a NE-SW) apresenta zonas cataclásticas geradas em temperaturas inferiores a 350ºC
(baixo xisto verde, 1,32 Ga). Esses estilos deformacionais apresentam relação com os
eventos de retrabalhamento da crosta Rondônia-Juruena: a) anomalias magnéticas L0 e
estruturação D1 - geradas em evento colisional (1,64 Ga) relacionado à colagem do arco
Juruena com a crosta Tapajós-Parima; b) anomalias magnéticas L1 e estruturação D2 -
associadas a evento deformacional (1,52 Ga) atribuído a colisão entre os terrenos Tapajós-
Parima e Juruena-Jamari; c) anomalias magnéticas L2 e evento deformacional D3 -
correlacionadas ao Ciclo Orogênico Sunsás, representado na região pela Orogenia Candeias
(1,37–1,32 Ga).
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Paleomagnetism and petrogenesis of Paleoproterozoic units from the Uatumã event in the northern Amazonian Craton / Paleomagnetismo e petrogênese de unidades Paleoproterozóicas do evento Uatumã no norte do Craton AmazônicoPaul Yves Jean Antonio 16 February 2017 (has links)
An anorogenic magmatism covered a large part (1.500.000 km2) of the Amazonian craton at ca. 1880 Ma and defined a Silicic Large Igneous Province (SLIP) called the Uatumã event. The aim of this work is to study the paleomagnetism and petrology of these rocks to define the space-time framework of the Uatumã event and to try to elucidate the Amazonian craton evolution during the Columbia supercontinent amalgamation. Two regions were selected in the southwestern Amazonian craton (Pará) for sampling: (1) The Tucumã area where 16 felsic dikes, 7 mafic dikes, a gabbroic dike and 3 sites of the Archean basement were collected, and (2) the São Felix do Xingu area where, 7 sites of rhyolitic lava flows, 2 sites of ignimbrites, a felsic dike and a volcanic breccia belonging to the Santa Rosa Formation were sampled, and also 6 sites of the Sobreiro Formation (volcanoclastic rocks, andesitic) and one felsic dike of the Velho Guilherme Suite were collected. Petrology of the felsic dikes of Tucumã (1880.9 ± 6.7 Ma U-Pb zrn) showed that they represent the dike swarm associated with the Santa Rosa volcanic Formation. The remanent magnetization of the felsic dikes is carried by PSD magnetite and hematite. This hematite is syn- to post magmatic derived from hydrothermal fluids. Magnetic mineralogy can be used as a proxy to quantify the hydrothermal alteration. AF, thermal, LTD + AF and LTD + thermal demagnetizations show a northwest direction with a positive inclination (component A), whose site mean directions gives a paleomagnetic pole located at 52.9°S, 76.4°E, A95= 10.4 °, K= 13.52). However, this component seems to represent a remagnetization, probabily occurred at Neoproterozoic times. Another magnetic component (named component B) was also isolated for these rocks, and it was associated to a Mesozoic regional remagnetization related to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP). Yet, a third southwestern direction with low positive inclination (component C) was also isolated for some sites. This component was interpreted to be related with the ca. 1760 Ma Velho Guilherme magmatic intrusion. The best paleomagnetic results were obtained in the São Felix do Xingu area. Two new primary paleomagnetic poles have been determined: (i) SF1 pole (319.7°E, 24.7°S, N= 10; A95= 16.9 °) was obtained for andesites and rhyolites dated to 1877.4 ± 4.3 Ma (U-Pb zrn, LA-ICPMS), and its primary origin is confirmed by an inverse baked contact test (> 1853 Ma). Petrography shows that the magnetic mineralogy of this component is hematite formed by hydrothermal fluids syn- to post magmatic. (Ii) SF2 pole (220.1°E, 31.1°N, N= 15 ° A95= 9.7 °) was determined by the remanent magnetization of the felsic dike of the Velho Guilherme Suite but also as secondary magnetizations in samples of the Santa Rosa and Sobreiro Formations. An age of 1853.7 ± 6.2 Ma (U-Pb zrn, LA-ICPMS) is calculated for the felsic dike carrying SF2, whose primary origin is confirmed by a positive baked contact test. The SF1 and SF2 poles have a significant difference in angular distance, for a time interval of only ~25 Ma. Similar coeval paleomagnetic discrepancies were observed for other cratons (India, Superior (Laurentia), Slave (Laurentia), Kalahari, Baltica and Siberia), which can be explained by a True Polar Wander (TPW) event at ca. 1880 1860 Ma. This period is marked by a high mantle activity, which results in the amalgamation of the Columbia supercontinent, formed at ca. 1850 1800 Ma. Amalgamation of supercontinent may cause the formation of superplume and thermal insulation which can disturb mass distribution in mantle and alter the inertial gravity tensor of the Earth. A True Polar Wander (TPW) event may thus have taken place, which will move the cratons and the superplumes towards the equator. These conditions may be related to a reorganization of the whole mantle following a global magmatic quiescence between 2400 and 2200 Ma. / Um grande magmatismo intraplaca cobriu várias áreas (1.500.000 km2) do Cráton Amazônico há 1880 Ma, o qual define uma grande província ígnea (SLIP) chamada coletivamente de \"evento Uatumã\". O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o paleomagnetismo e a petrologia dessas rochas para definir o contexto espaço-temporal do evento Uatumã e a posição do cráton Amazônico dentro do Supercontinente Columbia. Duas áreas de estudo foram escolhidas para a amostragem, localizadas no sudoeste do cráton Amazônico (Pará): (1) A região de Tucumã, onde 16 diques félsicos, 7 diques máficos, um dique de gabro e 3 sítios da granodioritos do embasamento Arqueano foram coletadas. (2) A região de São Felix do Xingu, onde 7 sitios de lavas riolíticas, 2 sitios de ignimbritos, um dique felsico e um de brechas vulcânicas da Formação Santa Rosa foram amostrados. Seis sitios da Formação Sobreiro (rochas vulcanoclásticas andesíticas) e um dique felsico da Suite Velho Guilherme foram também coletados. O estudo petrológico em amostras dos diques felsicos de Tucumã (1880.9 ± 6.7 Ma U-Pb zrn) mostra que eles representam um sistema de siques associado à Formação vulcânica Santa Rosa. A magnetização remanente dos diques felsicos é portada por magnetita PSD e hematita. A hematita é sin- a pós-magmática e a mineralogia magnética pode ser usada para quantificar esta alteração hidrothermal. Desmagnetizações AF, térmica, LTD + AF e LTD + térmica mostram uma componente característica com direção noroeste e inclinação positiva (Componente A) para amostras de 16 sítios, cuja direção média é Dm= 330.5, Im= 27.9 (N= 16, 95= 11.4, R= 14.7, k= 11.47). O pólo paleomagnético calculado com a média dos PGVs está localizado em 52.9°S, 76.4°E (A95= 10.4°, K= 13.52). Entretanto, esta componente parece ser decorrente de uma remagnetização, provavelmente ocorrida durante o final do Neoproterozoico. Outra componente (chamada de Componente B) foi também isolada para estas rochas, a qual foi associada a uma remagnetização regional ocorrida durante a formação da Província Magmática do Atlântico Central (PMAC). Ainda, uma Terceira componente (C), representada por direções sudoeste e inclinações positivas baixas foi isolada para amostras de alguns sítios. Esta componente foi interpretada como sendo relacionada ao evento magmático da Suíte Intrusiva Velho Guilherme com idade de ~1860 Ma. Os melhores resultados, entretanto, foram obtidos para a região de São Felix do Xingu. Dois novos polos paleomagnéticos, considerados de origem primária, foram encontrados para o Craton Amazônico: O polo SF1 (319.7°E; 24.7°S; N= 10; A95= 16.9°) foi obtido para rochas félsicas e andesíticas, as quais foram datadas em 1877.4 ± 4.3 Ma (U-Pb zrn, LA-ICP-MS), sendo que sua origem primária é embasada em um teste de contato cozido inverso. A investigação petrográfica mostra que o portador magnético desta componente é atribuído à hematita, formada por processos hidrotermais tardi- a pós-magmáticos. O polo SF2 (220.1°E; 31.1°S; N= 15; A95= 9.7°) foi determinado para a componente de magnetização revelada para o dique da Suíte Velho Guilherme, Esta componente é também encontrada como componente secundária em amostras das formações Santa Rosa e Sobreiro, além de algumas amostras de sítios coletados na região de Tucumã (Componente C). Uma idade de 1853.7 ± 6.2 Ma (U-Pb zrn, LA-ICP-MS) foi atribuída à componente SF2 e sua origem primária é confirmada pelo teste de contato cozido positivo realizado para este dique. Os polos SF1 e SF2 são bem discrepantes, embora a diferença de idade destes polos seja de apenas 25 Ma. Resultados similares têm sido obtidos para polos de mesma idade de outros blocos cratônicos (India, Superior (Laurentia), Slave (Laurentia), Kalahari, Baltica e Sibéria), os quais podem ser explicados por um evento de deriva polar verdadeira (DPV) ocorrido nesta época, em decorrência de uma reorganização do Manto. Esta época (1880 Ma) é marcada por uma alta atividade do Manto, a qual culminou com a formação do Supercontinente Columbia, por volta de 1850 1800 Ma. A formação de superplumas e o isolamento térmico causado pela consequente formação do Columbia podem ter sido causas de perturbações de densidades que alteraram o tensor inercial da Terra e, consequentemente, um evento de DPV pode ter deslocado os continente e as superplumas para a região do equador. Estas condições podem estar ligadas a uma inteira reorganização mantélica que seguiu um período de pouca atividade magmática, ocorrido entre 2400 e 2200 Ma.
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Geologia e Geoquímica das sequências vulcânicas paleoproterozóicas do Grupo Uatumã na região de São Félix do Xingu (PA), cráton amazônicoBruno Lagler 12 December 2011 (has links)
A região de São Félix do Xingu, localizada no centro-sul do estado do Pará e, geologicamente, no contexto da Província Amazônia Central do Cráton Amazônico. Apresenta em seus arredores um registro extremamente preservado das atividades vulcâno-plutônicas ocorridas durante o final do Paleoproterozóico (1870 - 1880 Ma), agrupadas no Grupo Uatumã, que é dividido na região nas formações Sobreiro e Santa Rosa. Estas rochas foram depositadas sobre o embasamento arqueano, representado pelo Terreno Granito-Greenstone do Sul do Pará e pelo Cinturão de Cisalhamento Itacaiúnas, e unidades paleoproterozóicas, tal como o Granito Parauari. Por fim, estas rochas foram invadidas em ~1860 Ma pelos granitos do tipo A da Suíte Intrusiva Velho Guilherme e recobertas pelas rochas sedimentares da Formação Triunfo. A Formação Sobreiro é a unidade basal. Suas rochas tem filiação cálcio-alcalina e são representadas por vulcânicas e piroclásticas predominantemente intermediárias, com componentes ácidos no topo da sequência. Em estudos de campo são reconhecidas ao menos duas sequências de derrames vulcânicos que variam de andesitos basálticos com fenocristais de augita e magnésio-hastingsita nos derrames basais, para andesito e latito com fenocristais de magnésio-hastingsita e de andesina a labradorita e, por fim, quartzo-latito e riolito com fenocristais de plagioclásio sódico e de feldspato potássio, além de quartzo ocasional. Intercalados nestes derames de lava ocorrem corpos de rochas piroclásticas representadas principalmente por tufos máficos de cristais, lapilli-tufo máfico e tufos máficos laminados de cristais. De modo geral essas, são rochas hipocristalinas, maciças, formadas por cristais e fragmentos de cristais líticos e vítreos. Os tufos de cristais máficos laminados apresentam melhor seleção granulométrica, estrutura laminada e arcabouço constituído porcristais e fragmentos de cristais e líticos. A Formação Santa Rosa, como descrita atualmente na literatura, é a unidade superior e representa um vulcanismo intraplaca do tipo A. É composta por rochas vulcânicas, subvulcânicas e piroclásticas com alto teor de \'SiO IND.2\' (> 70% na maioria das amostras). Ao menos três fácies são reconhecidas: a) pórfiros graníticos e riolitos com megacristais de anfibólio, plagioclásio sódico, feldspato potássico e quartzo; riolitos com fenocristais de feldspato potássico e plagioclásio sódico com eventuais megacristais de quartzo; b) álcaliriolitos e pórfiros álcali-riolíticos com fenocristais de feldspato potássico (ortoclásio) e quartzo; c) tufo félsico de cristais hiprocristalino, tufo félsico de cristais levemente soldado com fiamme, tufo soldado laminado, lapilli-tufo acrescionário e tufo vítreo com glass shards. A assembleia de alteração hidrotermal da Formação Sobreiro é composta por epídoto + clorita + clinozoisíta + pirita + quartzo + carbonato + albita + sericita na alteração propilítica; sericita + clorita + quartzo \'+OU-\' pirita \'+OU-\' fluorita \'+OU-\' barita \'+OU-\' alloclasita \'+OU-\' esfalerita na alteração sericítica; e sericita + hematita + quartzo + argilo-minerais \'+OU-\' galena \'+OU-\' ouro na alteração argílica. Indícios de alunita sugerem que a Formação Sobreiro pode hospedar em suas rochas sistemas epitermais do tipo low-e high-sulfidation. Já na Formação Santa Rosa, a assembleia mineral de alteração hidrotermal é composta por feldspato potássico + biotita + quartzo + sericita na alteração potássica; e sericita + quartzo + pirita + clorita \'+OU-\' fluorita \'+OU-\' carbonato na alteração sericítica. Tais assembleias podem hospedar nas rochas da Formação Santa Rosa mineralizações do tipo Intrusion Related Gold Systems. Estudos litoquímicos revelam a naturezacálcio-alcalina de alto potássio da Formação Sobreiro, com enriquecimento em elementos litófilos como K, Ba, Sr, Rb, e baixa concentração de elementos de alto potencial iônico como Nb e Ta. Esta unidade mostra rochas enriquecidas em elementos terras raras leves em relação a terras raras pesados, indicada pela razão \'(La/Yb) IND.N\' ~ 12, sem anomalias de Eu nas rochas menos evoluídas e com anomalias levemente negativas nas rochas mais evoluídas. Tais características são típicas de andesitos orogênicos e estudos comparativos revelam que as rochas da Formação Sobreiro são bastante semelhantes às de alguns arcos magmáticos mais jovens, como o Arco Eólio na região da Sicília. Isto corrobora a hipótese de que a Formação Sobreiro é relacionada a um vulcanismo associado a um evento de subducção. A Formação Santa Rosa mostra resultados mais heterogêneos. Algumas das amostras analisadas apresentam afinidade cálcio-alcalina metaluminosa, com enriquecimento em Ba, Rb e Sr semelhantes às rochas evoluídas da Formação Sobreiro. Nestas amostras são observadas anomalias negativas de nióbio e tântalo em diagramas normalizados de elementos traços, além de suaves anomalias negativas de Eu em diagramas de elementos terras raras, com enriquecimento em terras raras leves em relação aos pesados similar à Formação Sobreiro. Estas características, junto às razões de Ba/Ta > 450 e Rb/Nb > 7, mostram mais semelhanças com as rochas cálcio-alcalinas da Formação Sobreiro do que com as rochas do tipo A da Formação Santa Rosa. O outro grupo de amostras da Formação Santa Rosa apresenta um comportamento completamente diferente, sendo caracterizado por rochas alcalinas, peraluminosas, com enriquecimento em elementos de alto potencial iônico (principalmente Nb e Ta) e fortes anomalias negativas para elementos litófilos (principalmente Ba e Sr, além de CaO, P e Ti) emdiagramas normalizados de elementos traços. Em relação aos elementos terras raras, este grupo apresenta enriquecimento muito mais discreto em elementos terras raras leves em relação aos pesados, evidenciado pela razão \'(La/Yb) IND.N\' ~ 4, com forte anomalia negativa de Eu. As razões Rb/Nb < 7 indicam que estas amostras atendem a maioria dos critérios classificatórios para rochas subalcalinas do tipo A e, portanto devem ser classificadas como pertencentes à Formação Santa Rosa. Por fim, os resultados sugerem que embora agrupados somente na Formação Santa Rosa nos trabalhos anteriores, ao menos uma parte dos riolitos mostra características que apresentam associação ao vulcanismo cálcio-alcalino da Formação Sobreiro / The São Felix do Xingu region, located in the center-south region of the state of Pará - Brazil, under the Central Amazonian province of theAmazonian Craton context, presents in its surroundings extremely well preserved volcano-plutonic activities occurred during the Paleoproterozoic (1870 - 1880 Ma), where units are grouped into the Uatumã Group which is therefore divided into formations Sobreiro e Santa Rosa. These rocks are intrusive in units of the Archean basement represented by the South Pará Granite-Greenstone Terrain and by the Itacaiúnas Shear-belt; and rocks of Paleoproterozoic such as the Parauari Granite. Thus, these rocks are intruded in ~1860 Ma by A-type granites of the Velho Guilherme Intrusive Suite and covered by sedimentary rocks of the Triunfo Formation. The Sobreiro Formation is the basal unity. It is calc-alkaline, composed of volcanic and pyroclastic rocks of mainly intermediate composition, with acid components on the top of the sequence. In field study, at least two sequences of volcanic flows which vary from andesi-basalts with phenocrysts of augite and magnesium-hastginsite in the basal flows, to andesites and latites with phenocrysts of magnesium-hastginsite and plagioclase (andesine to labradorite) and finally, quartz-latites and rhyolites with phenocrysts of sodic plagioclase and potash feldspar, besides occasional quartz, are recognized. Interspersed with these lava flow rocks, pyroclastic rocks represented by mafic crystal tuffs, mafic crystal lapilli-tuffs and laminated mafic crystal tuffs occur. The Santa Rosa Formation, as described in literature nowadays, is the superior unit and represents an A-type intraplate volcanism. It is composed by volcanic, subvolcanic and pyroclastic rocks with high \'SiO IND.2\' content (>70% in most of the samples). At least three facies are identified, the first consisting of granitic porphyry and rhyolite with megacrysts of amphibole, sodic plagioclase, potash feldspar and quartz; the second of rhyolites with phenocrysts of potash feldspar and sodic plagioclase with occasional quartz; and the last of alkali-rhyolites and alkali-rhyolitic porphyries with phenocrysts of potash feldspar (orthoclase) and quartz. Hipocrystalline felsic crystal tuff, lightly welded crystal tuff with fiamme, laminated welded tuff, accretionary lapilli-tuff and vitreous tuff with glass shards represent the pyroclastic rocks associated with Santa Rosa Formation. The hydrothermal alteration mineral assemblage of the Sobreiro Formation is composed of epidote + chlorite + clinozoisite + pyrite + quartz + carbonate + albite + sericite in the propylitic alteration; sericite + chlorite +quartz + carbonate ± pyrite ± fluorite ± barite ± alloclasite ± sphalerite in the sericitic alteration; and sericite + hematite + quartz + clay minerals ± galena ± gold in the argillic alteration. In addition to evidences of alunite, the vii Sobreiro Formation may host low and high-sulfidation epithermal systems in its rocks. The Santa Rosa Formation, on the other hand, presents ahydrothermal alteration mineral assemblage composed of potash feldspar + biotite + quartz + sericite in the potassic alteration; and sericite + quartz + pyrite + sericite ± fluorite ± carbonate in the sericitic alteration. Such assemblages may host Intrusion Related Gold Systemsmineralization type into the rocks of the Santa Rosa Formation. Lithochemistry studies reveal the high potassium calc-alkaline nature for the Sobreiro Formation, with enrichment in lithophile elements such as K, Ba, Sr, Rb and low concentration of high field strength elements such as Nb and Ta. This unit shows rocks enriched in light rare earth elements in relation to heavy rare earth elements indicated by the \'(La/Yb) IND. N\' ~ 12 ratio, with absence of Eu anomalies in the less evolved and lightly negative anomalies in the most evolved rocks. Such characteristics are typical of orogenic andesites and comparative studies reveal that the Sobreiro Formation chemical characteristics are rather similar to some younger magmatic arcs, like the Aeolian Arc in the Sicily\'s region. This data corroborates with the hypothesis that the Sobreiro Formation is related to a calc-alkaline volcanism related to a subduction regime. The Santa Rosa Formation shows more heterogeneous results. Some of the analyzed samples present calc-alkaline affinity, metaluminous, with enrichment in Ba, Rb and Sr similar to the evolved rocks of the Sobreiro Formation. Such samples also present negative Nb and Ta anomalies in normalized trace elements diagrams, besides presenting light negative anomalies in normalized rare earth elements diagrams with enrichment in light rare earth elements in relation to heavy rare earth elements similar to the Sobreiro Formation. These characteristics, allied to Ba/Ta > 450 and Rb/Nb > 7 ratios, show much more similarities to the calc-alkaline rocks of the Sobreiro Formation than to the A-type rocks of the Santa Rosa Formation. The other group of samples of this unity shows a completely different behavior, being characterized by alkaline rocks, peraluminous, withenrichment in high field strength elements (mainly Nb and Ta) and strong negative anomalies for lithophile elements (mainly Ba and Sr, besides CaO, P and Ti) in normalized trace elements diagrams. In relation to rare earth elements, the Santa Rosa Formation presents much more discrete enrichment in light rare earth elements in relation to heavy rare earth elements, highlighted by the \'(La/Yb) IND.N ~ 4 ratio, with strong negative anomalies of europium. The Rb/Nb < 7 ratio indicate that these samples attend to the most of the classificatory criteria for sub-alkaline type-A rocks and, therefore must be classified as belonging to the Santa Rosa Formation. viii All things considered, the results suggest that besides grouped exclusively in the Santa Rosa Formation in the previous works, at least somepart of the rhyolites shows characteristics which presents association to the calc-alkaline volcanism of the Sobreiro Formation.
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