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Structures et déformations associées au fonctionnement d'une zone de cisaillement majeure : étude multi-échelle de la bordure Est du craton Néoarchéen-Paléoprotérozoïque de Terre Adélie (Mertz shear zone, Antarctique de l'Est) / Structures and deformations correlated to the activation of a major shear zone : multi-scale study of the Eastern boundary of the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic Terre Adélie craton (Mertz shear zone, East Antarctica)Lamarque, Gaëlle 26 November 2015 (has links)
L'étude du fonctionnement et de la structure des grandes zones de cisaillement, ainsi que de leur évolution dans l'espace et dans le temps est primordiale car elles accommodent la majeure partie de la déformation dans la croûte intermédiaire, la croûte inférieure et également dans le manteau supérieur. La zone de cisaillement du Mertz (MSZ ; longitude 145°Est, Antarctique) s’est révélée être un objet clé pour étudier la localisation de la déformation. La MSZ se situe sur la bordure Est du craton néoarchéen-paléoprotérozoïque de Terre Adélie (TAC) et le sépare d'un domaine granitique Paléozoïque à l'Est. Les études précédentes suggèrent que cette structure décrochante représente la continuité de la zone de cisaillement de Kalinjala (KSZ, Sud de l'Australie) avant l'ouverture de l'océan Austral. Les roches à l'affleurement indiquent que cette structure a été formée dans la croûte intermédiaire en contexte transpressif dextre à 1.7 Ga. La structure de la MSZ a été étudiée depuis l'échelle du terrain jusqu'à l'échelle du micromètre. L'analyse des structures de terrain indique que la déformation paléoprotérozoïque est principalement accommodée par des zones de cisaillement localisées qui sont extrêmement anastomosées au niveau de la MSZ et qui deviennent plus éparses au sein du TAC. Les microstructures et les orientations préférentielles de réseau (OPR) des minéraux (quartz, feldspaths, biotite, amphibole et orthopyroxène) de la MSZ montrent des caractéristiques communes interprétables en terme de conditions, de cinématique et de régime de la déformation qui se distinguent de celles observées dans les boudins tectonique du TAC. Ces derniers montrent, quant à eux, des microstructures et OPR qui révèlent une variété de mécanismes de déformation développés lors de leur formation à 2.5 Ga.L'étude sismologique (fonctions récepteurs et anisotropie des ondes SKS) permet d'apporter de nouvelles données pour la cartographie des structures profondes de la MSZ, du TAC et du domine paléozoïque. Les résultats des fonctions récepteurs indiquent que la croûte est épaisse d'environ 40 à 44 km sous le TAC, 36 km à l'aplomb de la MSZ et 28 km dans le domaine paléozoïque à l'Est. L'analyse de l'anisotropie des ondes SKS suggère que la structuration du manteau sous le craton (ϕ≈N90°E, δt=0,8-1,6s) est différente de celle sous le domaine paléozoïque (ϕ≈N60°E, δt=0,6s). Ainsi, la MSZ constitue la frontière entre ces deux lithosphères ayant des épaisseurs crustales et une structuration du manteau différentes. Enfin, l'étude géochronologique (U-Pb sur zircons et monazites) révèle que le socle du domaine à l'Est de la MSZ présente des âges et une histoire géodynamique différents du TAC. Les âges hérités archéens et paléoprotérozoïques sont similaires à ceux des terrains situés à l'Est de la KSZ au Sud de l'Australie, confirmant ainsi la connexion entre les zones de cisaillement du Mertz et de Kalinjala. De plus, les âges paléozoïques des zircons hérités et métamorphiques et la position géographique des affleurements à l'ouest de la chaîne Transantarctique suggèrent que les échantillons étudiés sont issus d'une marge passive anté-Gondwana formée au sein d'un bassin arrière arc ouvert dans la croûte continentale juste avant la collision de Ross à ≈514-505 Ma.Ainsi, cette étude permet de préciser l'évolution géodynamique à l'Est de la MSZ, et d'apporter de nouveaux éléments pour la connexion avec les terrains du Sud de l'Australie. Par ailleurs, cette thèse souligne l'importance de l'héritage tectonique dans le développement des zones de cisaillement avec, dans le cas de la MSZ, la présence de structures héritées archéennes, ainsi que des processus de localisation de la déformation au sein des lithosphères cratoniques au moins depuis le Paléoprotérozoïque / The study of the behavior and the structure of large shear zones, as well as their evolution in space and times is essential because shear zones accommodate the main deformation in intermediate and deep crust as well as in the mantle.The Mertz shear zone (MSZ; longitude 145°East, Antarctica) is a key target for the study of the deformation localization. The MSZ is located on the eastern boundary of the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic Terre Adélie craton (TAC) and it separates the TAC from a Paleozoic granitic domain to the east. Previous studies suggest that this strike slip structure was probably continuous with the Kalinjala shear zone (KSZ, South Australia) before the opening of the Southern Ocean. Outcrops indicate that the MSZ was formed in the intermediate crust during a transpressive event at 1.7 Ga. The structure of the MSZ was studied from terrain to micrometric scales. The field structural study shows that the Paleoproterozoic deformation is mainly accommodated by localized shear zones that are extremely anastomosed at the MSZ and become more scattered elsewhere in the TAC. Microstructures and crystallographic preferred orientation (CPO) of minerals (quartz, feldspaths, biotite, amphibole and orthopyroxene) of the MSZ indicate similar characteristics that can be interpreted in terms of conditions, cinematic and rate of deformation, which are distinct from those of the the tectonic boudins from the TAC. These tectonic boudins reveal microstructures and CPO including a large variety of mechanisms of deformation developed during their formation at 2.5 Ga. The seismological study (receiver functions and SKS-waves anisotropy) permits the characterization of the deep structure on the MSZ area. Receiver functions results show that crustal thickness is about 40 to 44km in the TAC, 36km above the MSZ and 28km in the Paleozoic domain to the east. Analysis of SKS-waves anisotropy suggests that the mantle structures below the craton (ϕ≈N90°E, δt=0,8-1,6s) are different from the ones below the Paleozoic domain (ϕ≈N60°E, δt=0,6s). Thus, the MSZ constitutes the boundary between two lithospheres with distinct crustal thicknesses and mantle structures. The geochronological study (U-Pb dating on zircon and monazite) reveals that the basement of the domain located to the east of the MSZ has a different age and geodynamical story than the TAC. Inherited Archean and Paleoproterozoic ages are similar to those of the terrains located to the east of the KSZ in South Australia that confirms the connection between the Mertz and Kalinjala shear zones. Moreover, the inherited and metamorphic Paleozoic zircon ages as well as the geographic location of the outcrops west of the Transantarctic mountains suggest that studied samples are derived from a pre-Gondwana passive margin formed in a back-arc basin opened in the continental crust just before the Ross orogeny at ≈514-505Ma.This multi-scale approach thus permits precise the geodynamic evolution of the region located east of the MSZ and provide new elements for Australia-Antarctica connection. Moreover, this thesis highlights the importance of tectonic inheritance in the development of shear zones (with the presence of archean inherited structures in the case of the MSZ), as well as localization processes in cratonic lithospheres from at least the Paleoproterozoic times
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The anatectic history of Archaean metasedimentary granulites from the Ancient Gneiss Complex, SwazilandTaylor, Jeanne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is an investigation of the anatectic history of high-grade paragneisses from the Ancient
Gneiss Complex (AGC) in Swaziland. The work involved an integrated field, metamorphic,
geochemical, geochronological and structural study of metasedimentary granulites from three
separate, but spatially related areas of outcrop in south-central Swaziland, which were subjected to
multiple high-grade partial melting events throughout the Meso- to Neoarchaean. The project has
aimed to constrain the age(s) and conditions of metamorphism, so as to contribute to the
understanding of geodynamic processes in the Barberton and AGC granite-greenstone terranes, as
well as to investigate certain physical and chemical aspects of anatexis in the migmatites. The
metamorphic record retained in these rocks, constrained by phase equilibria modelling as well as
zircon and monazite SHRIMP and LA-ICP-MS geochronology, informs on the state of the mid- to
lower-crust of the southeastern Kaapvaal Craton during key events associated with early lithosphere
assembly and crustal differentiation. It also suggests that the region is comprised of more than one
high-grade terrane. Two of the areas investigated experienced high-temperature metamorphism at
ca. 3.23-3.21 Ga, in addition to a major 830-875º C, 6.5-7.6 kbar anatectic event at ca. 3.11-3.07
Ga. Intermediate and younger high-temperature events are recorded at ca. 3.18 Ga, ca. 3.16 Ga and
2.99 Ga. The timing of these metamorphic events coincided with the amalgamation of the eastern
domain of the proto-Craton via subduction and accretion of micro-continental fragments at ca. 3.23
Ga, including the Barberton Greenstone Belt (BGB) and AGC terranes, as well as discrete episodes
of crustal differentiation and potassic granitic magmatism between ca. 3.23 and 3.10 Ga. The third
area investigated holds no record of Mesoarchaean metamorphism, but instead experienced a 830-
855 ºC, 4.4-6.4 kbar partial melting episode at ca. 2.73 Ga. This broadly coincided with the
formation of a large continental flood basalt province, the ca. 2.71 Ga Ventersdorp LIP, and
widespread intracratonic granitic magmatism on the Craton towards the end of the Neoarchaean. An
explanation for the contrast in metamorphic record in the two terranes may be that the 2.71 Ga
granulites represent a much younger sedimentary succession, and that granulites from the older
terrane were left too restitic, after substantial partial melting during the Mesoarchaean, to record
subsequent high-grade events. Finally, this study documents the details of S-type granitic magma
production and extraction from a typical metapelitic source. Using the 2.73 Ga granulites from the
AGC as a natural field laboratory, a case is made for the selective entrainment of peritectic garnet to
the magma as a mechanism for generating relatively mafic, peraluminous S-type granite
compositions. The work demonstrates the evolution of entrained peritectic garnet in such magmas,
and is in strong support of a ‘peritectic phase entrainment’ process by which relatively mafic granite
magmas are produced from melts which, in theory, should be highly leucocratic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die anatektiese geskiedenis van hoëgraadse metasedimentêre gneise uit die
Ancient Gneiss Complex (AGC) in Swaziland. Die werk behels 'n geïntegreerde veld,
metamorfiese, geochemiese, geochronologiese en strukturele studie van metasedimentêre granuliete
van drie afsonderlike, maar ruimtelik verwante gebiede in suid-sentraal Swaziland, wat aan verskeie
hoëgraadse anatektiese gebeure onderworpe was gedurende die Meso-tot Neoargeïese tydsperiode.
Die studie is daarop gemik om die ouderdomme en die kondisies van metamorfose vas te stel, om
sodoende by te dra tot die begrip van die geodinamiese prosesse in die Barberton en AGC granietgroensteen
terrein, asook om sekere fisiese en chemiese aspekte van die anatektiese proses te
ondersoek. Die metamorfe rekord, bepaal deur mineraal ewewigsmodellering sowel as sirkoon en
monasiet SHRIMP en LA-ICP-MS geochronologie, belig die toestand van die middel-tot laer-kors
van die suidoostelike Kaapvaal Kraton tydens vroeë litosfeer samesmelting en differensiasie. Dit
stel ook voor dat die streek uit meer as een hoëgraadse terrein bestaan. Twee van die gebiede het
hoë-temperatuur metamorfose by 3.23-3.21 Ga ervaar, asook 'n hoof 830-875 ° C, 6.5-7.6 kbar
anatektiese gebeurtenis by 3.11-3.07 Ga. Intermediêre en jonger hoë-temperatuur gebeure was ook
by 3.18 Ga, 3.16 Ga en 2.99 Ga geregistreer. Die metamorfose van die gebied stem ooreen met die
samesmelting van die oos Kaapvaal Kraton domein deur subduksie en aanwas van mikro-kontinente
by 3.23 Ga, insluitend die Barberton en AGC terreine, asook diskrete episodes van kors
differensiasie en kalium-ryke graniet magmatisme tussen 3.23 en 3.10 Ga. Die derde gebied hou
geen rekord van Mesoargeïkum metamorfose nie. In plaas daarvan het dit 'n 830-855 ° C, 4.4-6.4
kbar anatektiese episode by 2.73 Ga ervaar, wat ooreenstem met die vorming van 'n groot
kontinentale vloedbasalt provinsie, die 2.71 Ga Ventersdorp Supergroep, en wydverspreide
intrakratoniese graniet magmatisme teen die einde van die Neoargeïkum. 'n Moontlike
verduideliking vir die kontras in metamorfe rekord in die twee terreine mag wees dat die 2.71 Ga
granuliete 'n jonger sedimentêre afsetting verteenwoordig, en dat granuliete van die ouer terrein te
restieties gelaat was na aansienlike anateksis in die Mesoargeïkum, om daaropvolgende hoëgraadse
gebeure te registreer. Ten slotte, hierdie studie dokumenteer die besonderhede van S-tipe graniet
magma produksie en ontginning van 'n tipiese metasedimentêre bron. Die 2.73 Ga granuliete word
gebruik as 'n natuurlike veld laboratorium om die selektiewe optel-en-meevoering van peritektiese
granaat tot die magma te ondersoek. Die werk toon die evolusie van peritektiese granate in sulke
magmas aan, en ondersteun lewering van relatiewe mafiese graniet magmas deur 'n ‘peritektiese
fase optel-en-meevoerings’ proses.
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Style tectonique et contexte géodynamique au Paléoprotérozoïque.<br />Exemple du Craton de Chine du NordTrap, Pierre 07 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse est essentiellement consacré à l'étude du style tectonique et de l'évolution géodynamique de la "Trans-North China Belt", chaîne de collision marquant la fermeture du Craton de Chine du Nord au Paléoprotérozoïque. Cinq principaux massifs ont fait l'objet d'une étude de terrain détaillée, mettant l'accent sur la géométrie des structures et leur cinématique et permettant de distinguer plusieurs unités lithotectoniques aux caractères métamorphiques distincts. Les contraintes temporelles du magmatisme, du métamorphisme et de la déformation ont été obtenues par la datation U-Th-Pb sur monazite à la microsonde électronique, la datation 40Ar/39Ar sur monograins d'amphibole, de biotite et de muscovite et la datation U-Pb LA-ICP-MS sur zircon. Deux domaines sont distingués. Le premier est caractérisé par une tectonique tangentielle. L'unité "LGMU" (Low-Grade Mafic Unit) est interprétée comme une nappe ophiolitique qui s'enracine le long de la "Trans-North China Suture", située dans la partie ouest de la chaîne. Cette nappe chevauche vers le SE l'unité "OVU" (Orthogneiss-and-Volcanites Unit), composée d'une série volcano-sédimentaire et d'orthogneiss métamorphisés dans le faciès des amphibolites. Ces roches, dont les protolithes sont datés vers 2.5 Ga et 2.1 Ga, sont impliquées dans l'orogenèse de collision caractérisée par une histoire polyphasée entre 1900 Ma et 1800 Ma. En complément des résultats des datations U-Th-Pb et U-Pb, une étude thermobarométrique réalisée sur un micaschiste à disthène et staurotide conduit à la construction d'un chemin Pression-Température-Déformation-temps prograde qui vient confirmer l'âge de la mise en place des nappes et de l'épaississement crustal vers 1880 Ma. Le second domaine, constitue le para-autochtone sur lequel l'unité "OVU" est charriée. Ce domaine est caractérisé par une structure en "dôme-et-bassin", interprétée comme le résultat d'un diapirisme dans un champ de déformation défini par un étirement E-W et un raccourcissement N-S. Cette tectonique "archaïque" est datée vers 2.1 Ga. Enfin, l'étude préliminaire du massif de Zanhuang, situé à l'est du para-autochtone permet de mettre en évidence une seconde zone de suture où s'empilent, selon une vergence Est, des écailles de roches ophiolitiques et de marge passive continentale. La synthèse de l'ensemble des résultats conduit à la reconstruction de la structure globale du segment de chaîne considéré, depuis les zones internes jusqu'aux zones externes. En outre, nous proposons un modèle géodynamique qui implique trois blocs néoarchéens, le Bloc de l'Ouest, le Bloc de Fuping et le Bloc de l'Est, séparés par deux océans, l'Océan de Lüliang et l'Océan de Taihang. L'ouverture des domaines océaniques s'opère vers 2175 Ma. La collision à ~1880 Ma, en réponse à leur fermeture, est responsable de la structuration principale de la "Trans-North China Belt". Ce travail témoigne qu'au Paléoprotérozoïque, une chaîne de collision de type moderne peut se former, avec notamment le développement de chevauchements de type Alpin, suggérant une lithosphère continentale au comportement rhéologique proche de l'actuel.
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Quimioestratigrafia isotópica (C, O, Sr) e geocronologia (U-Pb, Sm-Nd) das rochas da Formação Sete Lagoas, Grupo BambuíSantos, Gustavo Macedo de Paula 14 March 2013 (has links)
Idades radiométricas absolutas recentemente publicadas levantaram questões sobre a evolução deposicional da Formação Sete Lagoas (FSL). Esta unidade é composta predominantemente por carbonatos com rochas siliciclásticas subordinadas e constitui a unidade basal do Grupo Bambuí, sobreposta aos depósitos glaciogênicos da Formação Jequitaí no Cráton São Francisco (CSF). Este estudo combina quimioestratigrafia isotópica (C, O e Sr) e geocronologia (U-Pb e Hf em zircão detrítico e Sm-Nd em rocha total) em amostras de cinco seções da FSL na região de Lagoa Santa, MG, sul do CSF, com a finalidade de responder a tais questionamentos. As seções Vespasiano (VS) e Ana Paula (AP) são constituídas por calcários cinzas e dolomitos beges, com altos teores de sedimentos terrígenos e pobres em matéria orgânica. Os valores de \'delta\'\'POT.13C\' mais representativos do ambiente deposicional oscilam em uma estreita faixa ao redor de 0%o. Estes dados permitem posicionar estas seções na primeira sequência deposicional da FSL, acima dos carbonatos de capa Sturtianos (~740 Ma) da base desta unidade. As seções Bairro da Lapinha (BL), Pedra do Baú (BAU) e Parque da Gruta da Lapinha (PGL) são compostas por calcários de coloração cinza escura a negra, pobres em sedimentos detríticos e ricos em matéria orgânica. São caracterizados por valores de \'delta\'\'POT.13\' C bastante positivos (> 6%o) e razões \'87 ANTPOT.Sr\'/\'86 ANTPOT.Sr\' próximas de 0,7075. Estas seções estão posicionadas na segunda sequência deposicional da FSL. Zircões detríticos foram separados de três amostras de marga das seções VS, AP e PGL e datados pelo método U-Pb. Os resultados indicam que os sedimentos siliciclásticos da FSL na área de estudo provêm de fontes de longa residência crustal do Orógeno Araçuaí-Oeste Congo. A população expressiva mais jovem tem 557 Ma e determina a idade máxima de deposição para a segunda sequência da unidade e para a maior parte do Grupo Bambuí. Além disso, grãos de zircão concordantes mais jovens com idades de 537 ± 4 Ma e 506 ± 7 Ma para a primeira e segunda sequência, respectivamente, refutam a existência de um hiato deposicional expressivo entre as duas sequências, como recentemente proposto, e endossam uma idade deposicional do limite Ediacarano/Cambriano para a FSL. Se existe uma discordância, esta está posicionada entre os carbonatos de capa Sturtianos e as seções com valores de \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C\' ao redor de 0%o. Estas idades indicam que grande parte do Grupo Bambuí foi depositada em uma bacia de foreland, após o fechamento do Oceano Adamastor que culminou com a edificação da Faixa Araçuaí a leste do CSF. As razões \'87 ANTPOT.Sr\'/\'86 ANTPOT.Sr\' obtidas nos carbonatos da FSL contrastam com as recentes curvas de evolução de Sr para os oceanos, especialmente no Cambriano, quando razões maiores que 0,7085 são esperadas. É provável que esta unidade tenha sido depositada em um mar epicontinental restrito e a correlação global por meio de isótopos de Sr não é confiável nestes casos. / Recently published geochronological data has arisen questions on the Sete Lagoas Formation (SLF) depositional evolution. This unit is mainly composed by carbonate rocks with subordinated pelitic intercalations and represents the basal unit of the Bambuí Group, which overlies the glacial deposits of the Jequitaí Formation in the São Francisco Craton (SFC). This study combines isotope chemostratigraphy (C, O, Sr) and geochronology (U -Pb and Hf on detrital zircons and Sm-Nd on whole rock samples) in five sections of the SLF in the Lagoa Santa (MG) region, southern part of SFC, in order to answer such questions. Vespasiano (VS) and Ana Paula (AP) sections are composed by gray limestones and beige dolostones, with high contents of detrital sediments and poor in organic matter. The most representative \'delta\'\'POT.13C\' values obtained oscillate within a narrow range around 0%o. These data allow positioning these sections in the first depositional sequence of the SLF, above the basal Sturtian cap carbonates (~740 Ma) of this unit. Bairro da Lapinha (BL), Pedra do Baú (BAU) and Parque da Gruta da Lapinha (PGL) sections comprises dark gray to black limestones, with low detrital sediments contents and rich in organic matter. They are characterized by very positive \'delta\'\'POT.13\'C values (> 6%o) and \'87 ANTPOT.Sr\'/ \'86 ANTPOT.Sr\' ratios close to 0.7075. These sections belong to the second sequence of the SLF. Detrital zircons were retrieved from three marl samples from sections VS, AP and PGL and dated by the U-Pb method. The results indicate that the siliciclastic sediments of the SLF come from sources of long crustal residence time located in the Araçuaí-West Congo Orogen. The youngest population is 557 Ma aged and sets the maximum depositional age for the second sequence of SLF and most of the Bambuí Group. Furthermore, younger concordant zircon grains with ages of 537 ± 4 Ma and 506 ± 7 Ma for the first and second sequence, respectively, refute the hypothesis of a major sedimentation gap between the sequences, as recently proposed, and endorse an Ediacaran/Cambrian age for the SLF. If such gap does exist, it lies between the Sturtian cap carbonates and the sections with \'delta\'\'POT.13\' C around 0%o. These ages also indicate that the deposition of most of the Bambuí Group took place in a foreland basin, after the closure of the Adamastor Ocean which led to the edification of the Araçuaí Belt to the east of the SFC. The \'87 ANTPOT.Sr\'/ \'86 ANTPOT.Sr\' ratios obtained on the SLF carbonates contrast with the recently proposed Sr evolution curves, especially for the Cambrian, from where ratios higher than 0.7085 would be expected. It is possible that the SLF was deposited on a restricted eipiric sea and global correlations based on Sr isotopes are not reliable in such cases.
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Early Archaean crustal evolution: evidence from ~3.5million year old greenstone successions in the Pilgangoora Belt, Pilbara Craton, AustraliaGreen, Michael Godfrey January 2001 (has links)
In the Pilgangoora Belt of the Pilbara Craton, Australia, the 3517 Ma Coonterunah Group and 3484-3468 Ma Carlindi granitoids underlie the 3458 Ma Warrawoona Group beneath an erosional unconformity, thus providing evidence for ancient emergent continental crust. The basalts either side of the unconformity are remarkably similar, with N-MORB-normalised enrichment factors for LILE, Th, U and LREE greater than those for Ta, Nb, P, Zr, Ti, Y and M-HREE, and initial e(Nd, Hf) compositions which systematically vary with Sm/Nd, Nb/U and Nb/La ratios. Geological and geochemical evidence shows that the Warrawoona Group was erupted onto continental basement, and that these basalts assimilated small amounts of Carlindi granitoid. As the Coonterunah basalts have similar compositions, they probably formed likewise, although they were deposited >60 myr before. Indeed, such a model may be applicable to most other early Pilbara greenstone successions, and so an older continental basement was probably critical for early Pilbara evolution. The geochemical, geological and geophysical characteristics of the Pilbara greenstone successions can be best explained as flood basalt successions deposited onto thin, submerged continental basement. This magmatism was induced by thermal upwelling in the mantle, although the basalts themselves do not have compositions which reflect derivation from an anomalously hot mantle. The Carlindi granitoids probably formed by fusion of young garnet-hornblende-rich sialic crust induced by basaltic volcanism. Early Archaean rocks have Nd-Hf isotope compositions which indicate that the young mantle had differentiated into distinct isotopic domains before 4.0 Ga. Such ancient depletion was associated with an increase of mantle Nb/U ratios to modern values, and hence this event probably reflects the extraction of an amount of continental crust equivalent to its modern mass from the primitive mantle before 3.5 Ga. Thus, a steady-state model of crustal growth is favoured whereby post ~4.0 Ga continental additions have been balanced by recycling back into the mantle, with no net global flux of continental crust at modern subduction zones. It is also proposed that the decoupling of initial e(Nd) and e(Hf) from its typical covariant behaviour was related to the formation of continental crust, perhaps by widespread formation of TTG magmas.
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Modelling and inversion of magnetotelluric data for 2-D and 3-D lithospheric structure, with application to obducted and subducted terranes.Thiel, Stephan January 2008 (has links)
The thesis presents the application of the magnetotelluric (MT) sounding method to image Earth’s crust in Oman and South Australia. The aim of these MT surveys is to provide constraints on the geological interpretation of emplacement scenarios and the tectonic evolution of the geological domain. The thesis concentrates on the methodological aspects of the MT technique, e.g. the data analysis and modelling of electromagnetic fields. The phase tensor approach by Caldwell et al. (2004) is applied to the data and provides insights into the dimensionality of the MT data in even complex and electrically distorted terranes. Modelling and inversion of the MT data is performed with various 2-D and 3-D codes to show how the interpretation of the data can benefit from multiple modelling approaches. Data collected in a 2-D survey across the Oman ophiolite mountains show complex behaviour and 2-D inversion and 3-D forward modelling resolve ambiguities in the emplacement scenario of the Oman ophiolite. It is believed that initial underthrusting of the Jurassic-Cretaceous oceanic lithosphere was followed by exhumation. Further oceanic thrusting subsequently led to rising of lower-plate eclogites and eventually gravitational collapse of the ophiolite onto the margin (Gray et al., 2000). The 3-D inversion code by (Siripunvaraporn et al., 2005a) was expanded to incorporate static shift corrections and inversion model misfits have therefore improved significantly compared to inversion models without static shift correction. 2-D and 3-D surveys across the South Australian Gawler Craton reveal deep crustal conductors which are connected to near surface mineralisation systems of the IOCG Olympic Dam deposit in the north-eastern part of the craton and the Au-dominated central Gawler Craton provinces. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 2008
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Chemical, Isotopic, and Textural Characteristics of Diamond Crystals and Their Mineral Inclusions from A154 South (Northwest Territories), Lynx (Quebec), and Kelsey Lake (Colorado): Implications for Growth Histories and Different Mantle EnvironmentsVan Rythoven, Adrian David 31 August 2012 (has links)
Parcels of diamond crystals from the A154 South kimberlite diatreme, Northwest Territories (n=281), and the Lynx kimberlite dyke, Quebec (n=6598) were examined in terms of colour, size, morphology, and UV fluorescence (A154 South samples only). A subset of stones from each parcel (A154 South: n=60, Lynx: n=20) were cut and polished to expose internal zonation and mineral inclusions. Exposed primary mineral inclusions were quantitatively analyzed for major elements by EMPA.
Diamond crystals from the Kelsey Lake kimberlite diatreme, Colorado (n=20), were cut into plates and analyzed for nitrogen aggregation states by FTIR. Twelve of these stones were then analyzed with further subsets from A154 South (n=18) and Lynx (n=16) for carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen abundances by SIMS. Every diamond crystal cut and polished had its internal zonation imaged with CL.
Mineral inclusion data from A154 South and Lynx show that the mantle keel of the Slave craton is slightly less depleted than that of the Superior craton, and both are less depleted than those of the Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons. Equilibration conditions plot on hotter geothermal gradients (surface heat flows ~42 mW/m2) than for those of typical Archean cratons (≤40 mW/m2). Equilibration temperatures (~1150-1250°C) are ~100-200°C hotter than previously reported from Kelsey Lake (~1020°C).
Kelsey Lake and A154 South samples have carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen contents typical of most diamond populations worldwide. Diamond crystals from Lynx are entirely different, consisting of mostly Type II diamond with δ13C (vs. PDB) values from approximately -3.6 ‰ to +1.7 ‰. These 13C-enriched samples are suggested to be the result of extreme Rayleigh fractionation of diamond from a carbonate fluid and possibly input of carbon sourced from subducted abiotic oceanic crust. Also notable is that growth trends (δ13C-[NT]) for most of the samples studied show little or no consistency with published fractionation models.
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Chemical, Isotopic, and Textural Characteristics of Diamond Crystals and Their Mineral Inclusions from A154 South (Northwest Territories), Lynx (Quebec), and Kelsey Lake (Colorado): Implications for Growth Histories and Different Mantle EnvironmentsVan Rythoven, Adrian David 31 August 2012 (has links)
Parcels of diamond crystals from the A154 South kimberlite diatreme, Northwest Territories (n=281), and the Lynx kimberlite dyke, Quebec (n=6598) were examined in terms of colour, size, morphology, and UV fluorescence (A154 South samples only). A subset of stones from each parcel (A154 South: n=60, Lynx: n=20) were cut and polished to expose internal zonation and mineral inclusions. Exposed primary mineral inclusions were quantitatively analyzed for major elements by EMPA.
Diamond crystals from the Kelsey Lake kimberlite diatreme, Colorado (n=20), were cut into plates and analyzed for nitrogen aggregation states by FTIR. Twelve of these stones were then analyzed with further subsets from A154 South (n=18) and Lynx (n=16) for carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen abundances by SIMS. Every diamond crystal cut and polished had its internal zonation imaged with CL.
Mineral inclusion data from A154 South and Lynx show that the mantle keel of the Slave craton is slightly less depleted than that of the Superior craton, and both are less depleted than those of the Kaapvaal and Siberian cratons. Equilibration conditions plot on hotter geothermal gradients (surface heat flows ~42 mW/m2) than for those of typical Archean cratons (≤40 mW/m2). Equilibration temperatures (~1150-1250°C) are ~100-200°C hotter than previously reported from Kelsey Lake (~1020°C).
Kelsey Lake and A154 South samples have carbon isotope ratios and nitrogen contents typical of most diamond populations worldwide. Diamond crystals from Lynx are entirely different, consisting of mostly Type II diamond with δ13C (vs. PDB) values from approximately -3.6 ‰ to +1.7 ‰. These 13C-enriched samples are suggested to be the result of extreme Rayleigh fractionation of diamond from a carbonate fluid and possibly input of carbon sourced from subducted abiotic oceanic crust. Also notable is that growth trends (δ13C-[NT]) for most of the samples studied show little or no consistency with published fractionation models.
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Redox - pressure - temperature conditions in the continental upper mantle in relation to C-O-H fluid speciationGoncharov, Aleksey 08 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis is based on a petrologic and geochemical study of mantle xenoliths from the central Siberian craton and the Baikal-Mongolia region of central Asia. Its goal is to establish the redox regime of the lithospheric mantle in these two domains with distinct tectonic settings and age and relate it to thermal regime and the speciation of C-0-H fluids. Oxygen fugacity is calculated based on Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios in spinel and garnet of mantle peridotites obtained by Mössbauer spectroscopy. The study deals with the following topics: (i) microstructures, chemical and mineralogical composition of the xenoliths; (ii) Fe2+/Fe3+ ratios in minerals by Mössbauer spectroscopy; (iii) equilibration temperatures and pressures using mineral thermo-barometry; (iv) oxygen fugacity from mineral compositions using oxybarometry; (v) proportions of molecular components in C-0-H fluids coexisting with the studied rocks. The three main conclusions of this study are: (1) Oxygen fugacity in the lithospheric mantle in the central Siberian craton decreases from +1 to -4 ΔlogʄO2 (FMQ) at depths from 70 to 220 km and shows significant lateral variations. (2) The lithospheric mantle beneath the Baikal-Mongolia region shows important redox heterogeneities, with a sharp decrease in oxygen fugacity (from +0 to -3 AlogfO2 (FMQ)) during the transition from the spine! to garnet facies peridotites at 50 to 90 km. (3) The speciation of C-O-H fluids changes with depth from essentially H2O-CO2 in the shallow lithospheric mantle to H2O-CH4 at the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary regardless of the thermal state and the thickness of the lithosphere
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Origine et évolution du manteau cratonique de SibérieDoucet, Luc Serge 18 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les cratons sont de vastes portions de lithosphère continentale formés d'une croûte continentale type TTG et d'un manteau lithosphérique épaissi (>200km), froid (40 mW/m²) et composé majoritairement par des péridotites fortement réfractaires (Mg#WR>0.92, Al2O3-CaO <1%), échantillonnées sous forme de xénolites lors des éruptions kimberlitiques. Il est admis que les péridotites cratoniques ont été formées par de hauts degrés de fusion partielle, cependant, les fortes teneurs en SiO2 de certaines xénolites impliquent des mécanismes de fusion très particuliers. De plus, les fortes teneurs en FeO, TiO2, REE, en cpx et en grenats d'un grand nombre d'échantillons ne sont pas cohérentes avec une origine résiduelle. En effet la majorité des péridotites cratoniques a subi des transformations qui masquent actuellement leur composition initiale. C'est pourquoi les conditions de la fusion et les processus post-formation qui affectent le manteau cratonique demeurent très mal contraints. Udachnaya est la seule kimberlite du craton Sibérien qui fournit des xénolites de péridotite de tailles suffisantes pour les études géochimiques et isotopiques (>>100g). Cette thèse se base sur une grande collection de xénolites de péridotites (>50) particulièrement fraîches i.e. les olivines et les autres minéraux sont préservés de l'altération et les pertes au feu des roches totales (LOI) sont <2%. Les péridotites sont des harzburgites et des lherzolites, généralement pauvres en cpx (<6%) du faciès à spinelle et à grenat, avec des microstructures aussi bien grenues que déformées. Cette collection est représentative de l'ensemble du profil lithosphérique (du Moho jusqu'à 220km). La majorité des péridotites à spinelle est pauvre en opx (<20%). Les péridotites riches en silice sont moins courantes dans le manteau cratonique sibérien que ce que l'étude de Boyd et al. (1997) a montré. Seul ¼ des péridotites à spinelle de notre collection a des compositions en opx >30%. Les péridotites à spinelle, pauvres en opx ont des compositions en éléments majeurs proches d'un résidu de fusion. Contrairement aux autres études, leurs compositions en Al2O3, FeO et Mg#WR définissent des trends qui, comparés aux études expérimentales, indiquent une origine par 38% d'une fusion fractionnée par décompression entre 7-4 GPa et ≤1-2 GPa ; ce qui est en accord avec les modélisations des éléments en trace. L'origine des péridotites riches en silice est incertaine, et l'hypothèse d'une interaction avec des liquides de subduction est peu probable : leurs compositions en SiO2 et FeO diffèrent des péridotites d'arc, et leur δ18OWR ~5.3 ± 0.2‰ est proche de la valeur référence pour le manteau (5.5‰). 1/3 des péridotites à grenat grenues a des compositions similaires aux péridotites à spinelle et indiquent donc des conditions de formation similaires. Le grenat, dans la majorité de ces péridotites, est d'origine résiduelle, contrairement au cpx qui lui est clairement d'origine métasomatique. La majorité des péridotites à grenat forme des séquences d'enrichissement en FeO, TiO2 et REE par rapport aux péridotites résiduelles. Cela traduit un métasomatisme modal (précipitation de cpx et de grenat), et ce par interaction entre le protolite des péridotites avec un magma riche en Si, Al, Fe (Ti, REE). Les cpx sont en équilibre avec un liquide de composition kimberlitique. Les kimberlites sont des magmas pauvres en Si, Al, Fe et ne peuvent pas être responsables du métasomatisme modal, mais un magma parent peut avoir interagi avec la roche peu de temps avant l'éruption. 1/3 des péridotites à grenat grenues a des compositions similaires aux péridotites à spinelle et indiquent donc des conditions de formation similaires. Le grenat, dans la majorité de ces péridotites, est d'origine résiduelle, contrairement au cpx qui lui est clairement d'origine métasomatique. La majorité des péridotites à grenat forme des séquences d'enrichissement en FeO, TiO2 et REE par rapport aux péridotites résiduelles. Cela traduit un métasomatisme modal (précipitation de cpx et de grenat), et ce par interaction entre le protolite des péridotites avec un magma riche en Si, Al, Fe (Ti, REE). Les cpx sont en équilibre avec un liquide de composition kimberlitique. Les kimberlites sont des magmas pauvres en Si, Al, Fe et ne peuvent pas être responsables du métasomatisme modal, mais un magma parent peut avoir interagi avec la roche peu de temps avant l'éruption.
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