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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Henriksson, Julia, Martinsson, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Den 1 juli 2018 implementerades den så kallade samtyckeslagen i Sverige, vilket bland annat innebar en revidering i våldtäktsbestämmelsen. Från att vara krav på våld, hot, tvång eller utnyttjande av särskild utsatt situation för straffansvar till dagens rekvisit brist på frivillighet. Debatten kring en samtyckesreglering har pågått under en längre tid i Sverige, där det ej införts tidigare dels på grund av att risken att fokus på målsägande i utredningar och rättegångar skulle bli för stort. Syftet med rapporten är därmed att undersöka hur arbetssättet hos brottsutredarna har förändrats sedan lagändringen, samt vad de upplever för eventuella svårigheter och möjligheter i arbetet. Detta har studerats genom fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med utredare anställda av Polismyndigheten med kravet att de ska ha utrett våldtäktsärenden både innan och efter lagändringen. Genom studiens resultat uppkom fem huvudteman; Bevisning, Rättssäkerhet, Vidareutbildning, Målsägandebiträdets roll och Frozen fright. Kort sammanfattat ansåg informanterna att arbetssättet överlag var oförändrat, dock med andra typer av frågor i förhör med målsägande och misstänkt. De upplevde det nya rekvisitet som tydligt men det gick att antyda att de hade önskat mer utbildning i samband med implementeringen. Ett målsägandebiträde spelar enligt informanterna en stor roll i utredningen och kan vara till stor hjälp i deras arbete. Frozen fright är enligt utredarna ett vanligt förekommande tillstånd bland personer utsatta för våldtäkt och det har undersökts i syfte att det med dagens lagstiftning klassas som en våldtäkt om någon utnyttjar en person som befinner sig i denna utsatta situation. Förhoppningen är att rapportens slutsatser kan användas vid implementering av lagar i Brottsbalken samt bidra med kunskap i det fortsatta brottsutredande arbetet och inom rättsväsendet. / The 1st of July 2018 the consent law was implemented in Sweden, which among other things meant a revision in the Rape Act. From requirements of violence, threat, constraint or exploitation of a particularly vulnerable situation for criminal liability to today's necessary prerequisite lack of free will. The debate on consent regulation has been on for a long time in Sweden, with the main reason for not being introduced earlier is because of the risk that focus on the plaintiff in investigations and trials would be too big. The purpose of this report is hence to investigate how the way of working among the criminal investigators has been altered since the change in the law, and what difficulties and possibilities they experience in their work. This have been studied through five semi-structured interviews with investigators employed by the Swedish police authority with the requirement that they should have been investigating rape cases both before and after the change in the law. Five main themes arose through the study's results; Evidence, Legal certainty, Education, The role of the plaintiff’s counsel and Frozen fright. In short, the investigators considered that their way of working was generally unchanged, but with other types of questions in questioning of the plaintiff and suspect. They perceived the new prerequisite as easy to interpret, however, the implementation could have come with more education. According to the informants, a plaintiff’s counsel plays a major role in the investigation and can be of great help in their work. Frozen fright is according to the investigators a common condition among people exposed to rape, in current jurisdiction, it is classified as rape if someone exploits a person who is in this vulnerable situation, therefore why this is studied. The expectation is that the report’s conclusions can be used in the implementation of laws and contribute with knowledge in the continued criminal investigation and in the judiciary.

刑事警察在職訓練成效評估之研究-以台灣警察專科學校刑事人員講習班第五十四期為例 / The Evaluation of Criminal Investigators' On-the-Job Training Program--Case Study of the 54<sup>th</sup> Term in the Taiwan Police College

楊家誠 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係針對五十四期刑事警察在職訓練作成效評估,為求評估的準確,將訓練有關之利害關係人(stakeholder)都納入作為研究調查的對象,包含訓練承辦機關刑事警察局、訓練實際執行機關台灣警察專科學校教務處暨學生總隊人員、參訓學員、學員服務機關的長官與同事、授課教師等。而蒐集資料方法係以量化問卷及質化訪談兩者相輔並行,若研究對象超過三十人以上則採問卷調查,其他則以訪談深入探求對訓練辦理的意見;為因應不同對象的需求,各設計出甲、乙、丙三種問卷及訪談表,其主要目的係能兼取量化調查能迅速蒐集大量的資料,而質化的訪談研究能深入探求研究對象的意見等兩種調查方法的優點。   研究架構乃經探討相關文獻後,以訓練之規劃、執行、影響三階段之設計作為本研究之評估流程,除瞭解訓練承辦,以及實際執行機關於規劃、執行該訓練時的決策內容外,對第三階段的影響評估亦採用Kirkpatrick所提出的「訓練方案評估技術」,其中最負盛名且運用最廣的是四層次評估理論,分別是反應(Reaction)、學習(Learning)、行為(Behavior)及結果(Result)。本研究嘗試以Kirkpatrick訓練評估四層次理論作基礎,由接受基層刑事警察訓練的刑警人員從事「自我追蹤評估」,及受訓學員長官、同事的「他人追蹤評估」,來瞭解學員受訓後是否能將訓練所學確實移轉到工作情境之中。而依據Wart等學者認為,受訓者個人特質(trainee characteristics)、原機關任職工作環境(work environment)皆會影響訓練成效。因此本文將此兩因素作為控制變數,以探討具有不同個人特質及工作環境的學員,其訓練成效是否會有差異存在。為證明各變數間是否有關聯或差異存在,因此以虛無假設(null hypothesis)方式提出,期望研究結果能拒絕虛無假設,進而接受對立假設。   研究結果如下:   一、受訓學員於訓練規劃、執行的過程中,對課程編排、教師授課情形、訓練機關的設備、教材及環境等整體訓練安排的「滿意度」良好(反應層次顯著)。   二、受訓學員於參加「訓練」前後,對專業講習「知識學習」的程度有明顯差異存在(學習層次顯著)。   三、受訓學員回到原服務機關後,其長官、同事覺得其參加「訓練」前後的「行為改變程度」明顯(行為層次顯著)。   四、受訓學員回到原服務機關後,其長官、同事覺得其參加「訓練」前後,對「組織貢獻程度」明顯(結果層次顯著)。   五、受訓學員對參加訓練「滿意度」的高低,與訓練後回原機關的「行為改變程度」多、寡之間有關係存在(反應層次會影響行為改變層次)。   六、受訓學員於參加訓練期間及訓練後,其工作環境中「長官、同事的環境支持程度」高低,與訓練後回原機關的「行為改變程度」大、小有關係存在(工作環境支持程度會影響行為改變層次)。   七、受訓學員於結訓回原機關後,其工作「行為改變程度」大、小,與其對「組織貢獻程度」多、寡有關係(行為改變層次會影響組織貢獻層次)。   八、受訓學員的「工作環境」差異(其長官、同事對本訓練的支持程度)與其「訓練成效」間有顯著差異存在。   九、受訓學員參加本「訓練」前後,其所表現的「整體訓練成效」顯著。   十、不同「人口統計變項」的受訓學員,個人資料中「服務機關」、「工作性質」、「年齡」、「刑警年資」等變數,其與「訓練成效」間有顯著差異存在。   綜上運用規劃、執行、影響(包括Kirkpatrick訓練評估四層次理論)三階段評估,驗證本訓練成效良好,且證明不同「人口統計變項」及「工作環境」的受訓學員,其「訓練成效」間有顯著差異存在。而質化訪談內容除驗證上述結果外,並於調查規劃、執行過程時,發現訓練制度的改進方向,在結論時提出現階段可行及未來改進的具體建議,使訓練評估結果完整且具可行性。 / This research is the effect evaluation of the on-the-job training of the 54th criminal investigators who were trained in Taiwan Police College. In order to make sure of the accuracy of the estimating, the stakeholders who are related to this on-the-job training are all involved in survey, including course staffs, students who were trained, students' colleagues, professors in this program and trainers who work at Criminal Investigation Bureau and Taiwan Police College. Quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interview are both adopted in this research. The former was used, and the latter was used for the population less than 30. Different questionnaires are designed according to the different populations.   Framework is based on literature review, which was used as the planning estimation, implementing estimation, and effect estimation of training. In addition to understand the content of training planning and implementing decision, the third stage-- effect estimation is based on Kirkpatrick Four-level evaluation theory with reaction, learning, behavior and result that is used. The application of Kirkpatrick Four-level evaluation theory in this research includes “self-estimation” by detectives under training and “others-estimation” by the trainees and colleagues to realize that transformation from training to work. And according to Wart's viewpoint, trainee characteristics and work environment have effect upon training. Whereas the controlled factors, trainee characteristic and work environment are provided for difference on training effects. In order to prove the relation or the difference exist on the aforementioned factors, the hypothesis comes up in the follow. The finding expected negation from the null hypothesis or the alternative hypothesis will stands.   After by planning, implementing and effect three process evaluation(Including Kirkpatrick Four-level evaluation theory), the result is nice to the 54th criminal investigators training. And have found the difference on these trainees under the trainee characteristics and work environment. The result was be proved by the content of qualitative interview and find the improvement of training. The feasible suggestion of the present and the future improvement came up in the conclusion. The result of the training evaluation is success and feasible.

Crime scenes in Virtual Reality : A user centered study / Brottsplatser i Virtuell Verklighet : En användarcentrerad studie

Dath, Catrin January 2017 (has links)
A crime scene is a vital part of an investigation. There are however, depending on the situation and crime, issues connected to physically being at the scene; risk of contamination, destruction of evidence or other issues can hinder the criminal investigators to stay, visit or revisit the scene. It is therefore important to visually capture the crime scene and any possible evidence in order to aid the investigation. This thesis aims to, with an initial research question, map out the main visual documentation needs, wishes and challenges that criminal investigators face during an investigation. In addition, with a second research question, it aims to address these in a Virtual Reality (VR) design and, with a third research question, explore however other professions in the investigation process could benefit from it. This was conducted through a literature review, interviews, workshops and iterations with the approach of the Double Diamond Model of Design. The results from the interviews were thematically analyzed and ultimately summarized into five key themes. These, together with various design criteria and principals, acted as design guidelines when creating a high fidelity VR design. The first two research questions were presented through the key themes and the VR design. The results of the third research question indicated that, besides criminal investigators, both prosecutors and criminal scene investigators may benefit from a VR design, although in different ways. A VR design can, in conclusion, address the needs, wishes and challenges of criminal investigators by being developed as a compiled visualization and collaboration tool. / En brottsplats är en vital del av en brottsundersökning. Det finns emellertid, beroende på situation och brott, problem som är kopplade till att fysiskt befinna sig på brottsplatsen. Risk för kontamination, förstörelse av bevis eller andra problem kan hindra brottsutredarna att stanna, besöka eller återvända till brottsplatsen. Det är därför viktigt att visuellt dokumentara brottsplatsen och eventuella bevis för att bistå utredningen. Detta masterarbete ämnar att, med en första forskningsfråga, kartlägga de viktigaste behoven, önskemålen och utmaningarna gällande visuell dokumentation, som brottsutredare möter under en utredning. Vidare ämnar projektet att, med en andra forskningsfråga, möta dessa i en Virtuell Verklighet (VR) -design och, med en tredje forskningsfråga, undersöka hur andra yrkesgrupper i en utredningsprocess skulle kunna dra nytta av den. Detta genomfördes genom en litteraturstudie, intervjuer, workshops och iterationer grundat i tillvägagångssättet Double Diamond Model of Design. Resultaten från intervjuerna analyserades tematiskt och sammanfattades i fem huvudteman. Dessa teman, tillsammans med olika designkriterier och principer, agerade designriktlinjer vid skapandet av en high-fidelity VR-design. De två första frågorna presenterades genom nyckeltemana och VR-designen. Resultaten gällande den tredje forskningsfrågan visar att, utöver brottsutredare, både åklagare och kriminaltekniker kan dra nytta av en VR-design, även om på olika vis. Sammanfattningsvis kan en VRdesign möta utredarnas behov, önskemål och utmaningar gällande visuell dokumentation genom att utvecklas som ett kompilerat visualiserings- och samarbetsverktyg.

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