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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The design of HACCP plan for a small-scale cheese plant

Zhao, Mengyu. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis--PlanB (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references.

Improved pellet quality following the implementation of a HACCP system in a commercial animal feed plant

Van Rooyen, R. S. January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (MSc.(Animal Science))--University of Pretoria, 2003. / Includes bibliographical references.

Application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) in improving the global competitiveness of the fish industry with special reference to the Nile Perch (Tanzania)

Mlolwa, Mwanaidi Ramadhani 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhilAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Not only have non-trade barriers been applied in Europe and the US to agricultural products from developing countries, but protective policy is also likely to continue. Owing to the omission of fish from the discussions in the final round of agreement at Uruguay, where tariffs were significantly reduced for other agricultural products, the fish industry has not had any non tarriff barier relief in recent years. The failure of the November 1999 World Trade Organisation Meeting at Seattle to reach any agreement, has again shattered hopes of international relief for fishery products. The main assumption underlying the study was that the production of fish in Tanzania could improve significantly if the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) principles were applied rigorously. It was believed that neither the prerequisite programmes, nor HACCP principles were probably applied as stringently as international standards require. The aim of the study was to review the literature on HACCP, programmes that are prerequisite for HACCP and factors that_ determine competitiveness in business and to examine the Tanzanian Nile perch industry against this background. The overall goal was to determine how the industry could become more internationally competitive. This was achieved by comparing the socio-economic reality of Tanzania with factors that are considered in the literature to affect competitiveness in general and in the fish industry specifically. To achieve the first of these aims, Tanzania's socioeconomic position as a developing country was examined. To achieve the latter, the commitment of fish processing factories to the application of HACCP principles and their compliance with prerequisite programmes were evaluated in a field study. The literature study confirms that HACCP has received international recognition in the fish industry as a factor to prevent hazards and gain competitiveness in the global fish market. However, conditions in Tanzania were shown to be insufficient to support the fisheries sector in attempting to gain such a competitive advantage. Although, Tanzania has the comparative advantage of a fishery resource base, a favourable trade policy and foreign technology and management, the macro-factors that include the infrastructure, human resource capital, foreign policy environment and the supporting industries are not supportive. For the time being, therefore, improvement can only come from the government and from the industry itself. There are several factors to which the government needs to pay attention in order to support this industry - and others - in achieving international success. These include the provision of infrastructure and facilities, the improvement of the transportation network, technological capabilities, human resource capital and the provision of safe water and electric power. However, the fish industry cannot rely on the government alone. The improvement of their product is also dependent on their own efforts. According to the findings of this study, the industry needs to comply with the basic sanitation factors and provide the necessary training to the employees and fish suppliers. Having examined the situation more closely, the assumption is proved to be correct. The fish industry in Tanzania does indeed appear to have the potential to become internationally competitive. Such success, however, will be heavily dependent on cooperation between the government and the industry / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Handelsbeperkinge op landbouproduckte vanaf ontwinkkelende in Europa en die Verenigde State toegepas. Daarbenewens sal beskermende beleidsriglyne waarskynlik in stand gehou word. Bespreking van sake met betrekking to vissery is nie by die finale rondte van ooreenstemming te Uruquay, waar tariewe vir ander landbouproduckte betekenisvol verlaag is, ingesluit nie, en daardeur is daar gedurende die laaste aantal jare geen belastingverligting vir die visindustrie gebied nie. By die World Trase Organisation se vergadering om internasionale verligting vir visproducte te verkry, weereens beskaam. Die hoofveronderstelling wat hierdie studie ondersteun, is dat visproduksie III Tanzanie betekenisvol verbeter kan word indien die can HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) streng toegepas word. Dit is veronderstel dat nóg die voorvereiste programme, nóg die HACCP-beginsels wat ten opsigte van internasionale standaarde vereis word, streng volgens voorskriftoegepas word. Die doel van die studie was om 'n oorsig van die literatuur oor HACCP, programme wat as HACCP-voorvereistes geld en faktore wat mededingendheid in die besigheidswereld bepaal, te verkry en om die Tanzaniese Nyl-baarsbedryf teen hierdie agterground te ondersoek. Die oorkoepelende doel was om vas te stel hoe die bedryf internasionaal meer mededingend kan word. Dit is gedoen deur middel van vergelyking tussen die sosio-ekonomiese werklikheid van Tanzanië en die faktore wat mededingendheid in die algemeen, volgens die literatuur, en die visbedryf in besonder, affekteer. Om die eeste van hiedie doelstellings te bereik, is die sosio-ekonomies posisie van Tanzanie as 'n ontwikkelende land ondersoek Om die tweede te bereik, is 'n veldstudie uitgevoer om die mate waartoe fabrieke wat vis verwerk daarop ingestel is om HACCP-beginsels toe te pas en hul gewilligheid om die programme wat as voorvereistes dien, na te kom, te evalueer. Die literatuurstudie het bevestig dat HACCP internasionale erkenning geniet as 'n faktor om risikO in de visbedryf uit te skakel en mededingendheid op die wereldmark vir vis te verwerf. Daar is egter bewys dat toetstande in Tanzanie ontoereikend is om die visserysektor in die verwewing van'n mededingende voorsprong te ondersteun. Alhoewel Tanzanië oor die relatiewe voordele van vissery as 'n hulpbron, gunstige handelsbeleid en buitelandse tegnologie en bestuur bestik, bied die makrofaktore soos infrastruktuur, kapitaal III die vorm van menslike hulpbronne, die buitelandse beleidsomgewing en die ondersteunende bedrywe nie genoeg ondersteuning nie. Vir die hede, kan ontwikkeling dus slegs deur die regering en die bedryf self bewekstelling word. Daar is verskeie faktore waaraan die regering aandag moet skenk om hierdie bedryf-en ander bedrywe-in die verkryging van internasionale sukses te ondersteun. Sulke faktore omvat die daarstelling van infrastruktuur en fasiliteite, die verbetering van die vervoernetwerk, tegnologiese vermoens en menslike hulpbronkapitaal, en voorsiening van onbesmette water en elektriese krag. Die visbedryf kan egter nie net op die regering steun nie. Die verbetering van die product is van die bedryf self afhanklik. Die bevindings van hierdie studie dui daarop dat die bedryf die basiese faktore betreffende sanitêre beginsels moet onderhoue en die vereiste opleiding aan diensnemers moet verskaf. By die nadere ondersoek van die situasie is die oorspronklike veronderstelling korrek bewys. Die visbedryf in Tanzanië beskik oor die potensiaal om internasionaal medengend te word. Sodanige sukses sal egter uiters afhanklik wees van samewerking tussen die regering en die bedryf.

Developing a generic hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system for the wheat milling industry.

Gillion, Lauren January 2005 (has links)
In South Africa there is a need within the milling industry for controlling food safety especially due to customer's demands and government's regulations. The best way to ensure food safety is with the implementation of a HACCP based food safety system. Therefore, the principal aim of this study was to develop a generic HACCP model for the flour milling industry. Afterwards this generic model can then be adapted for each specific mill and its needs.

Challenges and procedures relative to food safety in school foodservice

Giampaoli, Joan 16 April 2001 (has links)
The purpose of this two phased study was to determine the challenges to implementing food safety and hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) in school foodservice and the adherence to food safety procedures in 15 schools. In phase one, food safety and HACCP procedures were studied utilizing a focus group and a national mailing of a three part survey instrument to school foodservice directors. The instrument examined the challenges and attitudes of directors toward the use of HACCP programs and food safety practices in their operations. Phase two examined the food safety procedures used in school kitchens. The researcher and two trained observers audited 15 middle school kitchens using an audit form developed by the researcher. Practices audited included temperature monitoring, personal hygiene, cold storage procedures, cleanliness of facility and other observable food safety practices. The survey yielded a response rate of 58% and the challenge and attitude statements were tested for reliability and analyzed using factor analysis and multiple regression. The responses indicated that the school foodservice directors did not perceive the same challenges to food safety as those revealed by the focus group participants. In general, the directors were positive about the use of HACCP programs and food safety practices. However, they did perceive the time and money necessary to maintain these programs to be a challenge. Results from the food safety audits revealed that food safety practices could be improved among the audited operations. Poor food safety practices were observed in the areas of hand washing, temperature monitoring, hair restraints, and sanitizing of equipment. This study suggests that school foodservice directors need to be committed to food safety programs if they are to be effective. Directors need to continually train and monitor employees and maintain a positive attitude about the necessity of food safety in order to assure safe food handling practices. / Graduation date: 2002

Survey of Pathogen Interventions and Best Practices Used by Beef Harvesters and Processors

Langley, Scott P. 2010 August 1900 (has links)
A survey was developed and sent out to each sector of the beef industry (slaughter, non-intact processing and grinding) by using the FSIS Meat, Poultry and Egg Product Inspection Directory. Survey questions were specific to processes and interventions being applied, and the use and familiarity with Industry Best Practices documents for beef processing. Returned completed surveys. A total of 469 beef processing operations responded and of survey respondents, 119 establishments were called and asked additional questions. Critical Control Points (CCPs) and testing for E. coli O157:H7 were common discussion point during phone calls. Plant visits were made to confirm the answers that were provided in the written survey. Plants that further processed beef were found to need to reassess their HACCP plan based on their response to the question, "Is E. coli O157:H7 a reasonably likely to occur food safety hazard?" E. coli O157:H7 is considered an adulterant in the products that they produced if they answered yes to this question. Based on survey responses, slaughter establishments were using available technologies to reduce or eliminate possible microbiological contamination. Further process operations, especially those plants that produced intact steaks and roasts, marinated/enhanced steaks and roasts, and plants that produced needle/blade tenderized steaks and roasts, used documentation such as supplier purchasing specifications instead of using processes to control, reduce, or eliminated microbiological food safety hazards. Industry Best Practices were being utilized most frequently by slaughter and ground beef operations. Plants that further process beef still need to implement the use of the Industry Best Practices specific to them. Plants used testing for E. coli O157:H7 throughout the beef industry regardless of plant size or type.

Maisto saugos valdymas Širvintų rajono viešojo maitinimo įmonėse / Food safety management in Sirvintos catering industry

Jurkevičienė, Jolanta 28 June 2011 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: įvertinti maisto saugos valdymą Širvintų rajono viešojo maitinimo įmonėse. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti viešojo maitinimo įmonėse vykdomą rizikos veiksnių analizės ir svarbiųjų valdymo taškų (RVASVT) sistemą. 2. Įvertinti maisto saugos ir kokybės reikalavimų vykdymą viešojo maitinimo įmonėse. 3. Išanalizuoti viešojo maitinimo įmonių vadovų ir darbuotojų informuotumą, bendradarbiavi-mą su kontroliuojančiomis institucijomis siekiant užtikrinti maisto saugos valdymą. Tyrimo metodika: Analizuoti 2009-2010 m. duomenys apie maisto saugos užtikrinimą taikant rizikos veiksnių analizės ir svarbiųjų valdymo taškų sistemą bei nustatytus pažeidimus Širvintų rajone esančiose viešojo maitinimo įmonėse. Anketinis tyrimas atliktas 2010 m. rugsėjo – gruodžio mėnesiais. Tiriamąją grupę sudarė visų Širvintų rajone esančių viešojo maitinimo įmonių atstovai. Išdalintos 154 anketos, atsako dažnis 100 proc. Tyrime dalyvavo 40 viešojo maitinimo įmonių, iš kurių 65 atstovai dirba kavinėse, baruose, restoranuose, 66 - bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose, 23 - ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose. Į anketą atsakė 40 vadovų, 64 virėjos, 20 barmenų- padavėjų, 30 virtuvės darbuotojų. Maisto tvarkymo subjektų anketiniai duomenys buvo apdoroti ir analizuojami naudojant statistinį duomenų analizės paketą SPSS 13.0. Rezultatai: 2009-2010 m.vykdant valstybinės kontrolę nustatyta, kad viešojo maitinimo įmonėse dominuoja savikontrolės ir bendri higienos pažeidimai. Įmonėse nepilnai funkcionuoja savikontrolės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim: to assess the food safety management in Sirvintos catering industry. Objectives: 1. To evaluate the catering establishment according to hazard analysis and critical control point HACCP system. 2. To assess food safety and quality requirements of the catering industry. 3. To analyze the catering managers and staff awareness, cooperation with authorities responsible for monitoring to ensure food safety management. Methods. The data of the period 2009-2010 was analyzed on food safety assurance by the hazard analysis and critical control point system and the violations in the catering industry. The questionnaire survey was conducted in 2010 September - December. The studied group consisted of all workers at catering industry. There were 154 questionnaires distributed with 100 % response rate. The study included 40 public catering companies, 65 representatives who work in cafes, bars, restaurants, 66 secondary schools and 23 pre-school educational institutions. The 40 managers, 64 cooks, 20 bartenders, 30 kitchen staff replied to the questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using the statistical data analysis SPSS 13.0. Results. According to 2009-2010 review, there are many violations in self-control and general hygiene in the catering industry. Some executives (12.5 %) do not understand the HACCP system. The 81.2 % employees are aware of, the 14.3 % has heard and the 4.5 % is familiar with the GHPT catering businesses. Only 27.5 % of the managers are organizing... [to full text]

Developing a generic hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system for the wheat milling industry.

Gillion, Lauren January 2005 (has links)
In South Africa there is a need within the milling industry for controlling food safety especially due to customer's demands and government's regulations. The best way to ensure food safety is with the implementation of a HACCP based food safety system. Therefore, the principal aim of this study was to develop a generic HACCP model for the flour milling industry. Afterwards this generic model can then be adapted for each specific mill and its needs.

Implementing a hazard analysis critical control points plan (HACCP)

Mathew, Bijoy. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis PlanB (M.S.)--University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references.

Developing a generic hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system for the wheat milling industry

Gillion, Lauren January 2005 (has links)
Magister Scientiae - MSc / In South Africa there is a need within the milling industry for controlling food safety especially due to customer's demands and government's regulations. The best way to ensure food safety is with the implementation of a HACCP based food safety system. Therefore, the principal aim of this study was to develop a generic HACCP model for the flour milling industry. Afterwards this generic model can then be adapted for each specific mill and its needs. / South Africa

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