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Habermas e a crítica da razão instrumental: um estudo sobre a Teoria da Ação Comunicativa / Habermas and the critique of instrumental reason: A study of Theory of Communicative ActionSiqueira, Daniel Valente Pedroso de 20 September 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho é o resultado dos estudos realizados sobre a reconstrução das investigações empreendidas por Habermas acerca da gênese da crítica da razão instrumental, as quais estão contidas no quarto capítulo do primeiro tomo de sua Teoria da Ação Comunicativa. O percurso realizado parte de uma breve apresentação sobre o exercício da racionalidade na modernidade e como as mudanças histórico-sociais implicaram em mudanças teóricas acerca da leitura sobre o exercício da racionalidade. Seguidamente a isto, buscou-se recuperar a conceitualização habermasiana sobre racionalidade, a qual permitiu compreender suas críticas à teoria da racionalização social de Weber; as investigações sobre as teses weberianas ensejam proporcionar a compreensão da análise que Habermas realizou sobre a crítica da razão instrumental a partir da apropriação do marxismo ocidental de Lukács, o qual assumiu a racionalização social como um processo de reificação, visto que, de acordo com Habermas, esta foi a leitura que proporcionou a Horkheimer e Adorno elaborarem uma crítica da razão instrumental que buscou atestar a existência de um mundo totalmente administrado e sem perspectivas de emancipação. O percurso trilhado no presente trabalho recupera a discussão habermasiana de que a perspectiva discursiva assumida pela Teoria Crítica da primeira metade do século XX se enredou em aporias insolúveis por ter assumido que a crise da razão seria resultante do exercício unilateral do modelo cognitivo-instrumental de razão nas modernas sociedades capitalistas. / The current work is the result of the studies undertaken about the preambles of the investigations realized by Habermas about the root of his own critique of instrumental reason, restricted to the fourth chapter of the first volume of his Theory of Communicative Action. The main course taken over here starts with a briefly presentation about rationality and its exercises in Modernity and how the sociological-historical changes boosted into a theoretical change about the development of rationality. After that, the current work aims to recover the Habermasian conceptualization of rationality, which might allow an understanding of his criticism over Webers theory of social rationalization. Habermass investigations on Webers theses aims to provide a further understand of his analysis of his critique of instrumental reason from the Lukacss Western Marxism appropriation of Webers theory, which recognized social rationalization as a reification process. For sure it is close to Habermass thought that this theoretical course allowed Horkheimer and Adornos elaboration of their critique of instrumental reason that sought to attest the existence of an entire administered world with no prospects of emancipation. The path assumed over the current work aims to recover the Habermasian discussion which affirms that the Critical Theory of early XX Century is enclosed into insoluble aporias since it was assumed a crisis of reason in a so large scale, resulted from an unilateral exercise of the cognitive-instrumental reason in modern capitalist societies.
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Habermas e a crítica da razão instrumental: um estudo sobre a Teoria da Ação Comunicativa / Habermas and the critique of instrumental reason: A study of Theory of Communicative ActionDaniel Valente Pedroso de Siqueira 20 September 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho é o resultado dos estudos realizados sobre a reconstrução das investigações empreendidas por Habermas acerca da gênese da crítica da razão instrumental, as quais estão contidas no quarto capítulo do primeiro tomo de sua Teoria da Ação Comunicativa. O percurso realizado parte de uma breve apresentação sobre o exercício da racionalidade na modernidade e como as mudanças histórico-sociais implicaram em mudanças teóricas acerca da leitura sobre o exercício da racionalidade. Seguidamente a isto, buscou-se recuperar a conceitualização habermasiana sobre racionalidade, a qual permitiu compreender suas críticas à teoria da racionalização social de Weber; as investigações sobre as teses weberianas ensejam proporcionar a compreensão da análise que Habermas realizou sobre a crítica da razão instrumental a partir da apropriação do marxismo ocidental de Lukács, o qual assumiu a racionalização social como um processo de reificação, visto que, de acordo com Habermas, esta foi a leitura que proporcionou a Horkheimer e Adorno elaborarem uma crítica da razão instrumental que buscou atestar a existência de um mundo totalmente administrado e sem perspectivas de emancipação. O percurso trilhado no presente trabalho recupera a discussão habermasiana de que a perspectiva discursiva assumida pela Teoria Crítica da primeira metade do século XX se enredou em aporias insolúveis por ter assumido que a crise da razão seria resultante do exercício unilateral do modelo cognitivo-instrumental de razão nas modernas sociedades capitalistas. / The current work is the result of the studies undertaken about the preambles of the investigations realized by Habermas about the root of his own critique of instrumental reason, restricted to the fourth chapter of the first volume of his Theory of Communicative Action. The main course taken over here starts with a briefly presentation about rationality and its exercises in Modernity and how the sociological-historical changes boosted into a theoretical change about the development of rationality. After that, the current work aims to recover the Habermasian conceptualization of rationality, which might allow an understanding of his criticism over Webers theory of social rationalization. Habermass investigations on Webers theses aims to provide a further understand of his analysis of his critique of instrumental reason from the Lukacss Western Marxism appropriation of Webers theory, which recognized social rationalization as a reification process. For sure it is close to Habermass thought that this theoretical course allowed Horkheimer and Adornos elaboration of their critique of instrumental reason that sought to attest the existence of an entire administered world with no prospects of emancipation. The path assumed over the current work aims to recover the Habermasian discussion which affirms that the Critical Theory of early XX Century is enclosed into insoluble aporias since it was assumed a crisis of reason in a so large scale, resulted from an unilateral exercise of the cognitive-instrumental reason in modern capitalist societies.
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Landscape changes in East Berlin after 1989 / a comprehensive grounded theory analysis through three case studiesDellenbaugh, Mary Hartshorn 07 July 2014 (has links)
Die Arbeit behandelt eine Reihe zusammenhängender Veränderungen, die nach dem Fall der Mauer im Ostteil von Berlin stattfanden. In drei Aufsätzen wird die Geschichte des unmittelbaren Wandels der Diskurse über Raumtypologien dargestellt, die symbolische Aneignung beschrieben, die in den Aushandlungsprozessen um die Schaffung einer vereinten Berliner Innenstadt stattfand und die Auswirkungen der Veränderungen in der diskursiven und symbolischen Neuausrichtung am Beispiel der Entwicklung zweier Berliner Bezirke veranschaulicht. Die Ergebnisse entstammen dabei einem Methoden-Mix aus verschiedenen Ansätzen der semiotischen Analyse und Diskursanalyse sowie der Auswertung demographischer Daten. Das Projekt gliedert sich in fünf Leithypothesen: H1: Semiotik ist eine effektive analytische Methode für die Untersuchung von Kulturlandschaften. H2: Die symbolische Landschaft Ostberlins nach 1990 wurde von einem „westlichen“ kulturellen Mythos beherrscht, der sich im symbolischen Kapital und im Architekturstil der neuen/alten Hauptstadt niederschlug. H3: Der Wandel der symbolischen Landschaft Ostberlins nach 1990 ist Ausdruck eines auf die Zeit vor dem zweiten Weltkrieg verengten historischen Narrativs. H4: Die diskursive Übertragung hatte konkrete Auswirkungen auf die räumliche und demographische Entwicklung der Ost-Berliner Bezirke. H5: Die Ursache für die Stigmatisierung Berlin-Marzahns direkt nach der deutschen Wiedervereinigung lag primär in dieser diskursiven Übertragung. Die fünf Hypothesen werden in dem Projekt erfolgreich überprüft und bestätigt. Der Methoden-Mix erweist sich als gut geeignet für die strukturelle Analyse von Kulturlandschaften. Sowohl diese Analyse als auch die daraus entwickelte Theorie, dass die Symbole der herrschenden ökonomischen, politischen oder kolonialen Macht, die in die Kulturlandschaft eingebettet sind, „gelesen“ werden können, weisen vielversprechende Anknüpfungspunkte für weitere Forschungskontexte auf. / This dissertation describes a range of connected changes that took place in the eastern half of Berlin after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The three articles tell the story of immediate changes to discourses about built spaces and built space forms (article 1), symbolic appropriations in the negotiations surrounding the creation of a new unified Berliner inner-city (article 2), and the effect of the changes in discursive and symbolic restructurings in the subsequent development of two Berlin districts with different built space types (article 3). Under the framework of grounded theory, this project operationalized several semiotic analysis techniques for the study of the cultural landscape and combined these with discourse analysis and demographic data to derive the results presented in the three articles described above. The project was guided by five hypotheses: H1: Semiotics is an effective analytical method for the analysis of cultural landscapes. H2: The symbolic landscape of East Berlin after 1990 was dominated by a western cultural mythos which pervaded the symbolic capital and architectural style of the new/old capital city. H3: The changes to the symbolic landscape of East Berlin after 1990 reflected a very specific and narrow pre-WWI historical narrative. H4: This discursive transference had tangible material effects on the material and demographic development of the Eastern districts. H5: The stigmatization of Berlin-Marzahn directly after German reunification was primarily due to this discursive transference. All five hypotheses could be successfully tested and validated from the empirical research. The mix of methods presented in this project proved well-suited to the structural analysis of cultural landscapes. Both it and the theory developed, namely that the narrative of the dominant power, economic, political, or colonial, can be “read” by examining the symbols embedded in the cultural landscape, would benefit from further research in other contexts.
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