Spelling suggestions: "subject:"criticalsize defect"" "subject:"critical.since defect""
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Characterizing the Association Between Mandible Mechanical Properties and Function in the RabbitWhite, Brandon M. 02 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Composites of a Phenylalanine-based Poly(ester urea) Poly(1-PHE-6)Seifert, Gabrielle Victoria 10 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Monitoring the first stages of the regeneration of bone defectsGao, Wenling 06 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The different strategies of tissue engineering for functional reconstruction of critical-size bone defects require a thorough knowledge of physiological mechanisms of bone repair. Bone healing is a complex process affected by various mediators. Several investigations have studied the gene expression 1 to 3 days after an acute or experimental fracture. Little is known about the humoral and cellular in vivo reaction in the early stages of bone healing. In contrast to other methods of molecule sampling and detection, which usually lead to the inhibition of the biological activity following complex sample preparation and quantification, microdialysis is a real-time monitoring technique which can be applied in living tissues providing a strong link between analytical methodology and biochemistry. In this study, the optimal conditions for microdialysis in a critical size rat long bone defect model for both in vivo and in vitro analyses were developed. Mediators and components of the extracellular matrix occurring in the first 24 to 48 hours of bone healing locally and systemically were monitored via microdialysis and blood sampling, respectively. Furthermore, novel proteins and their modulation were explored during this time frame.
In vitro microdialysis was used to optimize the condition for protein recovery. Addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) resulted in an enhanced recovery of interleukin (IL)-6. The maximal relative recovery (RR) was from 15.0% without BSA and 23.6% with BSA, while the maximal RR of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 was 11.2% with BSA and the concentration of TGF-β1 was below the detection limit of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) without BSA. Using in vivo microdialysis, total protein concentrations varied between 0.20±0.12 mg/mL and 0.44±0.18 mg/mL. Among the mediators produced in the fracture hematoma within 24 h after the injury, IL-6 was secreted with the highest concentration of 309.1 pg/mL between 12 and 15 h after creation of the critical size bone defect. Meanwhile, the detectable concentrations of TGF-β1 in microdialysates ranged from 3.6 to 44.0 pg/mL and in blood plasma TGF-β1 was constantly producted ranging from 656.3 to 8398.2 pg/mL for 24 h after bone defct.
Moreover, another constant producted growth factor in blood plasma was PDGF-BB and the concentration ranged from 222.1 to 589.4 pg/mL for 8 h after bone defect. Using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), 36 proteins were identified in the microdialysates over 8 h, and 884 proteins were identified on probes which were implanted into the bone defect over 24 h. Among the proteins identified in the hematoma, only a minority originated from the extracellular space. Protein analysis indicated five pathways associated with bone healing that were overrepresented after creating soft tissue and bone defects, of which FGF signaling was specific for bone defects. Furthermore, C-X-C motif ligands CXCL-1, CXCL-2, CXCL-3, CXCL-4, CXCL-5, CXCL-7, rodent bone protein (RoBo-1), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and chitinase-3-like protein 1 were detected in the fracture hematoma. These proteins are potentially associated to early bone healing. As seen by histological analysis, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and lymphocytes penetrated into the fracture hematoma immediately after surgery and peaked at 24 h.
This study for the first time presents data from both the local and systemic acute response to bone and soft tissue injury in a small animal model. The results of mcrodialysis sampling may serve as a baseline for future investigations on different models and time frames. Several proteins and pathways have been identifeid as potentially important for early bone regeneration warranting in depth analysis in further studies. / Zur Entwicklung neuer Strategien der Geweberegenerierung in kritischen Knochendefekten, die sich durch Selbstheilungsprozesse nicht schließen, ist das Verständnis der beteiligten physiologischen Prozesse essentiell. Der Wiederaufbau von Gewebe, wie etwa während Knochenheilungsprozesse ist komplex reguliert und erfordert das koordinierte Zusammenspiel einer Vielzahl von Zellen und Mediatoren. Obwohl bereits in zahlreichen Studien die Veränderungen in der Genexpression in den ersten 3 Tagen nach einer akuten oder experimentell induzierten Fraktur untersucht wurden, ist noch immer wenig über die zellulären und humoralen Vorgänge in den frühen Phasen der Knochenheilung in vivo bekannt. Gebräuchliche Analysemethoden erfordern komplexe Verfahren zur Probenentnahme und Nachweisreaktionen währenddessen die biologische Aktivität der untersuchten Mediatoren häufig graduell verloren geht. Die Mikrodialyse hingegen kann in Echtzeit am lebenden Objekt und am Ort der Verletzung durchgeführt werden und bildet somit eine erfolgsversprechende Plattform um die Probengewinnung noch enger mit der anschließenden biochemischen Nachweistechnik zu verbinden.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die optimalen Konditionen zur Mikrodialyse erstmals an einem kritischen Defektmodell eines Ratten-Röhrenknochens zur in vivo und in vitro Applikation ermittelt. Dazu wurde das Vorkommen verschiedener Komponenten der extrazellulären Matrix und ausgewählter Mediatoren während der ersten 24 bis 48 Stunden der Knochenheilung überwacht. Neben der durch Mikrodialyse gewonnenen Proben wurden auch Blutproben verarbeitet um sowohl die lokale, als auch systemische Konzentration der untersuchten Proteine zu erfassen. Durch eine Proteomanalyse konnten zudem bislang in diesem Prozess unbekannte Moleküle identifiziert und verfolgt werden.
Zur Optimierung der Mikrodialyse wurden zunächst die Bedingungen hinsichtlich der Proteinrückgewinnung verbessert. Durch den Zusatz von Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) konnte die Rückgewinnung von Interleukin (IL)-6 erhöht werden. Die maximale relative Rückgewinnung (RR) konnte von 15.0% ohne BSA auf 23.6% mit BSA gesteigert werden. Noch dramatischer war dieser Effekt für den transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 von dessen eingesetzter Menge in vitro 11.2% detektiert werden konnte, während in der BSA-freien Dialyselösung kein TGF-β1 nachgewiesen wurde. Die RR blieb stets unter der Detektionsgrenze des verwendeten enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
In vivo-Dialysate enthielten totale Proteinkonzentrationen zwischen 0,20±0,12 mg/mL und 0,44±0,18 mg/mL. Von den innerhalb von 24 h nach Verletzung im Frakturhämatom produzierten Mediatoren wurde IL-6 am stärksten exprimiert. Die höchsten Konzentrationen (309,1pg/mL) konnten hierfür nach 12 bis 15 Stunden nach Einführung des Defekts gemessen werden. Die Konzentrationslevel von TGF-β1 hingegegen betrug nur 3,6 bis 44,0 pg/mL.Mittels high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), konnten 36 Proteine in den über 8 Stunden gewonnenen Mikrodialysaten, und 884 Proteine von Explantaten, die 24 h im Knochendefekt integriert waren, identifiziert werden. Von den im Frakturhämatom identifizierten Proteinen war nur eine Minderheit extrazellulären Ursprungs.
Durch die Proteomanalyse konnten fünf Signalwegskaskaden identifiziert werden. Von diesen trat „FGF (fibroblast growth factor) signaling“ ausschließlich in Knochendefekten, nicht jedoch in den zur Kontrolle mitgeführten reinen Weichgewebedefekten auf. Im Frakturhämatom konnten die, C-X-C motif-Liganden CXCL-1, CXCL-2,CXCL-3, CXCL-4, CXCL-5, CXCL-7, rodent bone protein (RoBo-1), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, und das chitinase-3-like protein 1 nachgewiesen werden. Die identifizierten Proteine könnten von Bedeutung für die Steuerung früher Knochenheilungsprozesse sein.
Histologische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass polymorphkernige Leukozyten (PMNs) und Lymphozyten sofort nach der Operation in das Frakturhämatom einwandern und ihre Anzahl nach etwa 24 h ihr Maximum erreicht. Diese Studie präsentiert erstmals Daten der lokal und systemisch ablaufenden zellulären und humoralen Vorgänge als Antwort auf einen Weichgewebs-bzw. Knochendefekt in einem Nagetier-Kleintiermodell. Die Mikrodialyse-Resultate stellen eine vielversprechende Grundlage für zukünftige Untersuchungen in anderen Modellen dar. Außerdem bilden die hier identifizierten Proteine und Signalwege eine Gruppe potenter Kandidaten für weiterführende Untersuchungen zur Knochenregeration.
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Capacidade de regeneração óssea de biomateriais em defeito crítico de calvária: análise histológica e microtomografia computadorizada / Bone regeneration in critical-size defects using hydroxyapatite, mineralized bovine tendon and Bio Oss: a three-dimensional micro-computed tomographic and histological studyAmaral, Mauricio Bordini do 01 March 2013 (has links)
O elevado número de cirurgias de enxertia óssea impulsiona o desenvolvimento de novos biomateriais de preenchimento. Materiais a base de hidroxiapatita sintética e tendão bovino mineralizado foram preparados para servirem de arcabouço para regeneração óssea. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a osteocondutibilidade desses materiais, comparando-os ao Bio-Oss/Geistlich. Foram criados defeitos de tamanho crítico (circular / 8 mm) na calvária de ratos Wistar, preenchidos com os biomateriais e, após 30 dias, ocorreu o sacrifício, análise não invasiva por microtomografia computadorizada (micro-CT/ microtomógrafo SkyScan 100kV - 100\'mü\'A) com reconstituição de imagem em três dimensões (3D) e análise histológica convencional para avaliar a neoformação óssea e comparar os métodos. Os resultados da micro-CT mostraram que o Bio-Oss apresentou maior volume, densidade e porcentagem de tecido ósseo que os demais grupos. Nas imagens reconstituídas em 3D notou-se no grupo Bio-Oss as menores taxas de reabsorção, permanecendo em maior quantidade no interior do defeito aos trinta dias. No grupo da hidroxiapatita sintética notou-se uma intensa reabsorção do material e uma leve neoformação óssea nas margens do defeito, deixando-o com um contorno irregular. O grupo do tendão bovino mineralizado apresentou discretíssima neoformação óssea e o material foi totalmente reabsorvido. Já na avaliação da presença do material, de vasos sanguíneos e das células osteoblásticas no interior do defeito obtidos através da análise histológica, os grupos Bio-Oss e hidroxiapatita sintética obtiveram resultados semelhantes e maiores que o tendão bovino mineralizado. Constatou-se através da análise histológica que a hidroxiapatita sintética mostrou-se presente no interior do defeito exibindo propriedades osteocondutoras semelhantes a marca comercial Bio-Oss. Já o tendão bovino mineralizado não teve boa osteocondução, sendo contra-indicado na manutenção do espaço ósseo. Na comparação dos dois métodos, constatou-se que a micro-CT apresenta baixa especificidade, ou seja, não foi capaz de distinguir o tecido ósseo do Bio-Oss e alta sensibilidade, pois quantifica de uma forma muito precisa os valores com alta resolução. Já a análise histológica consegue distinguir com precisão os materiais e o tecido adjacente, porém não consegue quantificá-los de maneira fácil e precisa. Portanto, conclui-se que a hidroxiapatita sintética tem grande potencial de ser utilizada no preenchimento de defeitos ósseos, diferentemente do tendão bovino mineralizado. Quanto aos métodos de avaliação, eles são complementares e novos aprimoramentos devem ser feitos na técnica de micro-CT para melhorar sua capacidade de distinguir diferentes materiais. / Biodegradable bone grafts have been widely employed on bone regeneration. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the osteoconductive potential of hydroxyapatite, mineralized bovine tendon and Bio-Oss/Geistlich in a rat critical-size calvaria defect model through non-destructive three-dimensional (3D) micro-tomographic (\'mü\'CT) imaging and histological evaluation. Two experimental biomaterials were developed: synthetic hydroxyapatite (particles size < 0,2 mm) and mineralized bovine tendon. Bio-Oss/Geistlich was employed as a control group. A critical size defect (8 mm) was created in the skull of Wistar rats (weight 200 - 300 g) and treated with the biomaterials and one group was left untreated in the control group (n = 5). After 30 days, the animals were killed and the calvaria removed for \'mü\'CT and histological analysis. No adverse reactions were noted. No bone repair was observed in untreated surgical defects. The results of micro-CT showed that BioOss showed higher volume, density and percentage of bone tissue than the other groups. In the images reconstructed in 3-D was noted in the group Bio-Oss the lowest rates of resorption, staying in larger quantities within thirty days of the defect. In the group of synthetic hydroxyapatite noticed an intense resorption of the material and a slight bone formation at the margins of the defect, leaving him with an irregular contour. The bovine tendon mineralized group presented discreet bone formation and the material was completely resorbed. In the evaluation of the presence of the material, blood vessels and osteoblastic cells within the defect obtained by histological analysis, the groups Bio-Oss and synthetic hydroxyapatite showed similar results and larger than the mineralized bovine tendon. We verified by histological analysis that the synthetic hydroxyapatite is present within the defect displaying osteoconductive properties similar to trademark BioOss. Already the mineralized bovine tendon, again, did not have good osteoconduction and is contraindicated in maintaining the bone. When comparing the two methods observed that the micro-CT has low specificity, ie, was not able to distinguish the bone tissue to Bio-Oss and high sensitivity, as quantified in a very accurate values with high resolution. Already histological analysis can accurately distinguish materials and tissues, but can not quantify them easily and accurately. Therefore, we conclude that the synthetic hydroxyapatite has great potential to be used to fill bone defects, unlike mineralized bovine tendon. When comparing the methods, we found that still are complementary and new enhancements must be made in micro-CT technique to improve their ability to distinguish different materials.
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Avaliação in vivo de matrizes tridimensionais de quitosana para a bioengenharia tecidual ósseaCarvalho, Flávio Augusto Aquino January 2008 (has links)
Submitted by Suelen Reis (suziy.ellen@gmail.com) on 2013-04-23T17:27:20Z
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Dissertacao - Flavio de Carvalho.pdf: 5659909 bytes, checksum: d5f85d5e5192dc307c143bf509b82aac (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Meirelles(rodrigomei@ufba.br) on 2013-05-08T12:05:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao - Flavio de Carvalho.pdf: 5659909 bytes, checksum: d5f85d5e5192dc307c143bf509b82aac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-05-08T12:05:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertacao - Flavio de Carvalho.pdf: 5659909 bytes, checksum: d5f85d5e5192dc307c143bf509b82aac (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2008 / Este estudo avaliou o comportamento histomorfológico in vivo de matrizes tridimensionais de quitosana com 4% e 15% de graus de acetilação, em um defeito crítico de 9mm de diâmetro criado em calvária de rato. Sessenta ratos Wistar albinus, dispostos em três grupos, foram avaliados. No grupo GI (grupo controle) o defeito foi preenchido apenas com coágulo sanguíneo; no grupo GII, o defeito foi preenchido com uma biomatriz de quitosana de 4% de grau de acetilação; no grupo GIII o defeito foi preenchido com uma matriz de quitosana de 15% de grau de acetilação, avaliados nos pontos biológicos de 7, 15, 45 e 120 dias. Os resultados demonstraram não haver diferenças significantes entre os grupos avaliados, quanto ao reparo ósseo, que se manteve limitado às bordas ósseas do defeito, de forma reparativa. Os grupos GII e GIII apresentaram uma reação inflamatória predominantemente granulomatosa, com deposição de tecido fibroso entre os biomateriais implantados. Concluiu-se que ambos os biomateriais foram biocompatíveis, entretanto não houve neoformação óssea associada à sua implantação. / Salvador
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Capacidade de regeneração óssea de biomateriais em defeito crítico de calvária: análise histológica e microtomografia computadorizada / Bone regeneration in critical-size defects using hydroxyapatite, mineralized bovine tendon and Bio Oss: a three-dimensional micro-computed tomographic and histological studyMauricio Bordini do Amaral 01 March 2013 (has links)
O elevado número de cirurgias de enxertia óssea impulsiona o desenvolvimento de novos biomateriais de preenchimento. Materiais a base de hidroxiapatita sintética e tendão bovino mineralizado foram preparados para servirem de arcabouço para regeneração óssea. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a osteocondutibilidade desses materiais, comparando-os ao Bio-Oss/Geistlich. Foram criados defeitos de tamanho crítico (circular / 8 mm) na calvária de ratos Wistar, preenchidos com os biomateriais e, após 30 dias, ocorreu o sacrifício, análise não invasiva por microtomografia computadorizada (micro-CT/ microtomógrafo SkyScan 100kV - 100\'mü\'A) com reconstituição de imagem em três dimensões (3D) e análise histológica convencional para avaliar a neoformação óssea e comparar os métodos. Os resultados da micro-CT mostraram que o Bio-Oss apresentou maior volume, densidade e porcentagem de tecido ósseo que os demais grupos. Nas imagens reconstituídas em 3D notou-se no grupo Bio-Oss as menores taxas de reabsorção, permanecendo em maior quantidade no interior do defeito aos trinta dias. No grupo da hidroxiapatita sintética notou-se uma intensa reabsorção do material e uma leve neoformação óssea nas margens do defeito, deixando-o com um contorno irregular. O grupo do tendão bovino mineralizado apresentou discretíssima neoformação óssea e o material foi totalmente reabsorvido. Já na avaliação da presença do material, de vasos sanguíneos e das células osteoblásticas no interior do defeito obtidos através da análise histológica, os grupos Bio-Oss e hidroxiapatita sintética obtiveram resultados semelhantes e maiores que o tendão bovino mineralizado. Constatou-se através da análise histológica que a hidroxiapatita sintética mostrou-se presente no interior do defeito exibindo propriedades osteocondutoras semelhantes a marca comercial Bio-Oss. Já o tendão bovino mineralizado não teve boa osteocondução, sendo contra-indicado na manutenção do espaço ósseo. Na comparação dos dois métodos, constatou-se que a micro-CT apresenta baixa especificidade, ou seja, não foi capaz de distinguir o tecido ósseo do Bio-Oss e alta sensibilidade, pois quantifica de uma forma muito precisa os valores com alta resolução. Já a análise histológica consegue distinguir com precisão os materiais e o tecido adjacente, porém não consegue quantificá-los de maneira fácil e precisa. Portanto, conclui-se que a hidroxiapatita sintética tem grande potencial de ser utilizada no preenchimento de defeitos ósseos, diferentemente do tendão bovino mineralizado. Quanto aos métodos de avaliação, eles são complementares e novos aprimoramentos devem ser feitos na técnica de micro-CT para melhorar sua capacidade de distinguir diferentes materiais. / Biodegradable bone grafts have been widely employed on bone regeneration. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the osteoconductive potential of hydroxyapatite, mineralized bovine tendon and Bio-Oss/Geistlich in a rat critical-size calvaria defect model through non-destructive three-dimensional (3D) micro-tomographic (\'mü\'CT) imaging and histological evaluation. Two experimental biomaterials were developed: synthetic hydroxyapatite (particles size < 0,2 mm) and mineralized bovine tendon. Bio-Oss/Geistlich was employed as a control group. A critical size defect (8 mm) was created in the skull of Wistar rats (weight 200 - 300 g) and treated with the biomaterials and one group was left untreated in the control group (n = 5). After 30 days, the animals were killed and the calvaria removed for \'mü\'CT and histological analysis. No adverse reactions were noted. No bone repair was observed in untreated surgical defects. The results of micro-CT showed that BioOss showed higher volume, density and percentage of bone tissue than the other groups. In the images reconstructed in 3-D was noted in the group Bio-Oss the lowest rates of resorption, staying in larger quantities within thirty days of the defect. In the group of synthetic hydroxyapatite noticed an intense resorption of the material and a slight bone formation at the margins of the defect, leaving him with an irregular contour. The bovine tendon mineralized group presented discreet bone formation and the material was completely resorbed. In the evaluation of the presence of the material, blood vessels and osteoblastic cells within the defect obtained by histological analysis, the groups Bio-Oss and synthetic hydroxyapatite showed similar results and larger than the mineralized bovine tendon. We verified by histological analysis that the synthetic hydroxyapatite is present within the defect displaying osteoconductive properties similar to trademark BioOss. Already the mineralized bovine tendon, again, did not have good osteoconduction and is contraindicated in maintaining the bone. When comparing the two methods observed that the micro-CT has low specificity, ie, was not able to distinguish the bone tissue to Bio-Oss and high sensitivity, as quantified in a very accurate values with high resolution. Already histological analysis can accurately distinguish materials and tissues, but can not quantify them easily and accurately. Therefore, we conclude that the synthetic hydroxyapatite has great potential to be used to fill bone defects, unlike mineralized bovine tendon. When comparing the methods, we found that still are complementary and new enhancements must be made in micro-CT technique to improve their ability to distinguish different materials.
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Etude de la réparation osseuse en présence de produits d'ingénierie tissulaire construits in situ par bioimpression assistée par laser / Study of osseous repair in presence of products of tissular engineering built in situ by laser assi s ted bioprintingKeriquel, Virginie 08 December 2014 (has links)
Le développement des Interventions Médicales Assistées par ordinateur (CAMI) est le résultat d'évolutions convergeantes dans les domaines de la médecine, physique, biomatériaux, électronique, informatique et robotique. CAMI visent à fournir les outils qui permettent au clinicien d'utiliser des données multi-modales de manière rationnelle et quantitative pour planifier, simuler et exécuter des interventions médicales mini-invasives avec précision et sans risque. Parallèlement, les avancées technologiques dans les domaines de l’automatisation, la miniaturisation, la conception assistée par ordinateur et l'usinage ont aussi mené au développement des technologies telles que la bioimpression assistée par ordinateur permettant une impression couche par couche de biomatériaux avec une géométrie contrôlée dans l’espace. Ces résultats ouvrent la voie pour l’utilisation des technologies de bioimpression pour des Interventions Médicales Assistées par ordinateur plus précises et sans risque. Dans ce travail, nous montrons que des constructions tissulaires 3D peuvent être imprimées in vivo et in situ et adaptées à la morphologie d’un défaut. Les résultats ont montré que l'impression de cellules in situ avec une résolution à l’échelle cellulaire a tendance à orienter la réparation tissulaire. / The development of Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions (CAMI) results from converging evolutions in medicine, physics, materials, electronics, informatics and robotics. CAMI aim at providing tools that allow the clinician to use multi-modal data in a rational and quantitative way in order to plan, simulate and execute mini-invasive medical interventions accurately and safely. In parallel, technological advances in the fields of automation, miniaturization and computer aided design and machining have also led to the development of bioprinting technologies which could be defined as the computer-aided, layer-by-layer deposition, transfer and patterning of biologically relevant materials. These results pave the way of using bioprinting technologies for Computer-Assisted Medical Interventions. More precisely, we show that 3D tissue constructs can be printed in vivo and in situ in relation with defect morphology. Interestingly, we demonstrate that printing cells in situ with a cell-level resolution tends to orientate tissue repair.
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Monitoring the first stages of the regeneration of bone defectsGao, Wenling 19 October 2015 (has links)
The different strategies of tissue engineering for functional reconstruction of critical-size bone defects require a thorough knowledge of physiological mechanisms of bone repair. Bone healing is a complex process affected by various mediators. Several investigations have studied the gene expression 1 to 3 days after an acute or experimental fracture. Little is known about the humoral and cellular in vivo reaction in the early stages of bone healing. In contrast to other methods of molecule sampling and detection, which usually lead to the inhibition of the biological activity following complex sample preparation and quantification, microdialysis is a real-time monitoring technique which can be applied in living tissues providing a strong link between analytical methodology and biochemistry. In this study, the optimal conditions for microdialysis in a critical size rat long bone defect model for both in vivo and in vitro analyses were developed. Mediators and components of the extracellular matrix occurring in the first 24 to 48 hours of bone healing locally and systemically were monitored via microdialysis and blood sampling, respectively. Furthermore, novel proteins and their modulation were explored during this time frame.
In vitro microdialysis was used to optimize the condition for protein recovery. Addition of bovine serum albumin (BSA) resulted in an enhanced recovery of interleukin (IL)-6. The maximal relative recovery (RR) was from 15.0% without BSA and 23.6% with BSA, while the maximal RR of transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 was 11.2% with BSA and the concentration of TGF-β1 was below the detection limit of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) without BSA. Using in vivo microdialysis, total protein concentrations varied between 0.20±0.12 mg/mL and 0.44±0.18 mg/mL. Among the mediators produced in the fracture hematoma within 24 h after the injury, IL-6 was secreted with the highest concentration of 309.1 pg/mL between 12 and 15 h after creation of the critical size bone defect. Meanwhile, the detectable concentrations of TGF-β1 in microdialysates ranged from 3.6 to 44.0 pg/mL and in blood plasma TGF-β1 was constantly producted ranging from 656.3 to 8398.2 pg/mL for 24 h after bone defct.
Moreover, another constant producted growth factor in blood plasma was PDGF-BB and the concentration ranged from 222.1 to 589.4 pg/mL for 8 h after bone defect. Using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), 36 proteins were identified in the microdialysates over 8 h, and 884 proteins were identified on probes which were implanted into the bone defect over 24 h. Among the proteins identified in the hematoma, only a minority originated from the extracellular space. Protein analysis indicated five pathways associated with bone healing that were overrepresented after creating soft tissue and bone defects, of which FGF signaling was specific for bone defects. Furthermore, C-X-C motif ligands CXCL-1, CXCL-2, CXCL-3, CXCL-4, CXCL-5, CXCL-7, rodent bone protein (RoBo-1), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and chitinase-3-like protein 1 were detected in the fracture hematoma. These proteins are potentially associated to early bone healing. As seen by histological analysis, polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) and lymphocytes penetrated into the fracture hematoma immediately after surgery and peaked at 24 h.
This study for the first time presents data from both the local and systemic acute response to bone and soft tissue injury in a small animal model. The results of mcrodialysis sampling may serve as a baseline for future investigations on different models and time frames. Several proteins and pathways have been identifeid as potentially important for early bone regeneration warranting in depth analysis in further studies.:I. Table of content
II. List of abbreviations
1 Summary
2 Introduction
2.1 The process of bone healing
2.1.1 Stages of fracture healing
2.1.2 Early stage of inflammation
2.2 Clinical challenges
2.3 Microdialysis
2.3.1 The principle of Microdialysis
2.3.2 Parameters influencing the recovery
2.4 Aim of this study
3 Materials
3.1 Materials, devices and animals
3.2 Chemicals
3.3 Buffers and solutions
4 Methods
4.1 Background
4.2 In vitro microdialysis
4.2.1 Preparation of the protein solution
4.2.2 Microdialysis sampling procedure
4.3 In vivo microdialysis
4.3.1 Surgical procedure
4.3.2 Sample collection
4.4 Plasma samples
4.5 Determination of the fluid recovery
4.6 Determination of the relative recovery
4.7 Total protein measurement
4.8 Cytokine and growth factor analysis
4.8.1 IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and PDGF-BB ELISA
4.8.3 TGF-β1 ELISA
4.8.4 BMP-2 ELISA
4.8.5 Proteome profilerTM array
4.9 Proteomic analysis
4.10 Histological analysis
4.11 Statistical analysis
5 Results
5.1 Protein selection
5.2 Determination of fluid recovery in vitro and in vivo
5.3 Determination of relative recovery (RR) in vitro
5.4 Determination of total protein concentration in vivo
5.5 Determination of cytokine and growth factor concentration in the microdialysate in vivo
5.5.1 IL-6 concentration
5.5.2 TGF-β1 concentration
5.5.3 IL-1β concentration
5.5.4 TNF-α concentration
5.5.5 PDGF-BB, BMP-2 and VEGF concentration
5.6 Determination of further cytokines and chemokines in the microdialysate in vivo
5.7 Protein determination using HPLC-MS/MS analysis
5.7.1 Proteins in the microdialysate
5.7.2 Proteins on the surface of the probe
5.8 Protein annotation
5.9 Determination of cytokines and growth factors in the blood plasma
5.9.1 Determination of IL-6 in the blood plasma
5.9.2 Determination of TGF-β1 in the blood plasma
5.9.3 Determination of PDGF-BB in the blood plasma
5.10 Histological analysis of the hematoma
6 Discussion
6.1 Fluid recovery
6.2 Influence of the crystalloid perfusate on relative recovery
6.3 Relative recovery of cytokines and growth factors in vitro
6.4 In vivo microdialysis
6.4.1 Total protein concentration
6.4.2 Annotation of proteins in hematoma identified by HPLC-MS/MS
6.4.3 Identification of cytokines and bone related proteins
6.5 The humoral inflammatory response
6.6 Cellular response
7 Conclusions
8 References
9 Appendix
9.1 Figure index
9.2 Table index
III. Eidesstattliche Erklärung
IV. Selbständigkeitserklärung
V. Acknowledgements / Zur Entwicklung neuer Strategien der Geweberegenerierung in kritischen Knochendefekten, die sich durch Selbstheilungsprozesse nicht schließen, ist das Verständnis der beteiligten physiologischen Prozesse essentiell. Der Wiederaufbau von Gewebe, wie etwa während Knochenheilungsprozesse ist komplex reguliert und erfordert das koordinierte Zusammenspiel einer Vielzahl von Zellen und Mediatoren. Obwohl bereits in zahlreichen Studien die Veränderungen in der Genexpression in den ersten 3 Tagen nach einer akuten oder experimentell induzierten Fraktur untersucht wurden, ist noch immer wenig über die zellulären und humoralen Vorgänge in den frühen Phasen der Knochenheilung in vivo bekannt. Gebräuchliche Analysemethoden erfordern komplexe Verfahren zur Probenentnahme und Nachweisreaktionen währenddessen die biologische Aktivität der untersuchten Mediatoren häufig graduell verloren geht. Die Mikrodialyse hingegen kann in Echtzeit am lebenden Objekt und am Ort der Verletzung durchgeführt werden und bildet somit eine erfolgsversprechende Plattform um die Probengewinnung noch enger mit der anschließenden biochemischen Nachweistechnik zu verbinden.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die optimalen Konditionen zur Mikrodialyse erstmals an einem kritischen Defektmodell eines Ratten-Röhrenknochens zur in vivo und in vitro Applikation ermittelt. Dazu wurde das Vorkommen verschiedener Komponenten der extrazellulären Matrix und ausgewählter Mediatoren während der ersten 24 bis 48 Stunden der Knochenheilung überwacht. Neben der durch Mikrodialyse gewonnenen Proben wurden auch Blutproben verarbeitet um sowohl die lokale, als auch systemische Konzentration der untersuchten Proteine zu erfassen. Durch eine Proteomanalyse konnten zudem bislang in diesem Prozess unbekannte Moleküle identifiziert und verfolgt werden.
Zur Optimierung der Mikrodialyse wurden zunächst die Bedingungen hinsichtlich der Proteinrückgewinnung verbessert. Durch den Zusatz von Rinderserumalbumin (BSA) konnte die Rückgewinnung von Interleukin (IL)-6 erhöht werden. Die maximale relative Rückgewinnung (RR) konnte von 15.0% ohne BSA auf 23.6% mit BSA gesteigert werden. Noch dramatischer war dieser Effekt für den transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 von dessen eingesetzter Menge in vitro 11.2% detektiert werden konnte, während in der BSA-freien Dialyselösung kein TGF-β1 nachgewiesen wurde. Die RR blieb stets unter der Detektionsgrenze des verwendeten enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
In vivo-Dialysate enthielten totale Proteinkonzentrationen zwischen 0,20±0,12 mg/mL und 0,44±0,18 mg/mL. Von den innerhalb von 24 h nach Verletzung im Frakturhämatom produzierten Mediatoren wurde IL-6 am stärksten exprimiert. Die höchsten Konzentrationen (309,1pg/mL) konnten hierfür nach 12 bis 15 Stunden nach Einführung des Defekts gemessen werden. Die Konzentrationslevel von TGF-β1 hingegegen betrug nur 3,6 bis 44,0 pg/mL.Mittels high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), konnten 36 Proteine in den über 8 Stunden gewonnenen Mikrodialysaten, und 884 Proteine von Explantaten, die 24 h im Knochendefekt integriert waren, identifiziert werden. Von den im Frakturhämatom identifizierten Proteinen war nur eine Minderheit extrazellulären Ursprungs.
Durch die Proteomanalyse konnten fünf Signalwegskaskaden identifiziert werden. Von diesen trat „FGF (fibroblast growth factor) signaling“ ausschließlich in Knochendefekten, nicht jedoch in den zur Kontrolle mitgeführten reinen Weichgewebedefekten auf. Im Frakturhämatom konnten die, C-X-C motif-Liganden CXCL-1, CXCL-2,CXCL-3, CXCL-4, CXCL-5, CXCL-7, rodent bone protein (RoBo-1), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, und das chitinase-3-like protein 1 nachgewiesen werden. Die identifizierten Proteine könnten von Bedeutung für die Steuerung früher Knochenheilungsprozesse sein.
Histologische Untersuchungen zeigten, dass polymorphkernige Leukozyten (PMNs) und Lymphozyten sofort nach der Operation in das Frakturhämatom einwandern und ihre Anzahl nach etwa 24 h ihr Maximum erreicht. Diese Studie präsentiert erstmals Daten der lokal und systemisch ablaufenden zellulären und humoralen Vorgänge als Antwort auf einen Weichgewebs-bzw. Knochendefekt in einem Nagetier-Kleintiermodell. Die Mikrodialyse-Resultate stellen eine vielversprechende Grundlage für zukünftige Untersuchungen in anderen Modellen dar. Außerdem bilden die hier identifizierten Proteine und Signalwege eine Gruppe potenter Kandidaten für weiterführende Untersuchungen zur Knochenregeration.:I. Table of content
II. List of abbreviations
1 Summary
2 Introduction
2.1 The process of bone healing
2.1.1 Stages of fracture healing
2.1.2 Early stage of inflammation
2.2 Clinical challenges
2.3 Microdialysis
2.3.1 The principle of Microdialysis
2.3.2 Parameters influencing the recovery
2.4 Aim of this study
3 Materials
3.1 Materials, devices and animals
3.2 Chemicals
3.3 Buffers and solutions
4 Methods
4.1 Background
4.2 In vitro microdialysis
4.2.1 Preparation of the protein solution
4.2.2 Microdialysis sampling procedure
4.3 In vivo microdialysis
4.3.1 Surgical procedure
4.3.2 Sample collection
4.4 Plasma samples
4.5 Determination of the fluid recovery
4.6 Determination of the relative recovery
4.7 Total protein measurement
4.8 Cytokine and growth factor analysis
4.8.1 IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and PDGF-BB ELISA
4.8.3 TGF-β1 ELISA
4.8.4 BMP-2 ELISA
4.8.5 Proteome profilerTM array
4.9 Proteomic analysis
4.10 Histological analysis
4.11 Statistical analysis
5 Results
5.1 Protein selection
5.2 Determination of fluid recovery in vitro and in vivo
5.3 Determination of relative recovery (RR) in vitro
5.4 Determination of total protein concentration in vivo
5.5 Determination of cytokine and growth factor concentration in the microdialysate in vivo
5.5.1 IL-6 concentration
5.5.2 TGF-β1 concentration
5.5.3 IL-1β concentration
5.5.4 TNF-α concentration
5.5.5 PDGF-BB, BMP-2 and VEGF concentration
5.6 Determination of further cytokines and chemokines in the microdialysate in vivo
5.7 Protein determination using HPLC-MS/MS analysis
5.7.1 Proteins in the microdialysate
5.7.2 Proteins on the surface of the probe
5.8 Protein annotation
5.9 Determination of cytokines and growth factors in the blood plasma
5.9.1 Determination of IL-6 in the blood plasma
5.9.2 Determination of TGF-β1 in the blood plasma
5.9.3 Determination of PDGF-BB in the blood plasma
5.10 Histological analysis of the hematoma
6 Discussion
6.1 Fluid recovery
6.2 Influence of the crystalloid perfusate on relative recovery
6.3 Relative recovery of cytokines and growth factors in vitro
6.4 In vivo microdialysis
6.4.1 Total protein concentration
6.4.2 Annotation of proteins in hematoma identified by HPLC-MS/MS
6.4.3 Identification of cytokines and bone related proteins
6.5 The humoral inflammatory response
6.6 Cellular response
7 Conclusions
8 References
9 Appendix
9.1 Figure index
9.2 Table index
III. Eidesstattliche Erklärung
IV. Selbständigkeitserklärung
V. Acknowledgements
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The efficacy of BM-MSC in reconstructing large craniofacial defects and the immune response at local defect sitesTee, Boon Ching January 2018 (has links)
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